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Summary The behaviour ofCataglyphis cursor workers towards queens at 15 days, one month or two months after worker emergence was tested. Workers reared entirely with their own maternal queen were tested with this queen or with an unfamiliar alien queen. Workers transferred within 48 h of emerging to a new definitive nest with an alien queen were tested with this queen or with the original maternal queen. The degree of attraction to each of these queens and the workers' behavioural repertoire were measured and analysed. The results showed the following: 1) The attractiveness of queens and the workers' queen recognition behaviour were linked. 2) Although unfamiliar alien queens hardly attract workers, familiar alien queens were as attractive as maternal queens, and induced the same strongly marked and unique worker response, indicating that workers learn queen attractant cues in the days immediately after emergence. 3) Agonistic reactions were observed, but workers continued to be attracted to their maternal queen even after developing an attraction response to an alien queen with which they had been reared. These results agree with the proposal that queens produce two kinds of pheromones, those that attract workers and those that mediate recognition of queens by workers. These results show the ability of workers to discriminate between queens. Workers are attracted to any queen, but recognize as nestmates only maternal or alien queens with which they have been maintained. 4) The differential in worker attraction and recognition from 15 days to 2 months and its modifications by post-imaginal experience illustrate worker behavioural ontogeny, which is a basis of social discrimination.  相似文献   

The predatory efficiency of African weaver ants Oecophylla longinoda and their utilisation in protein production is a function of ant abundance. Reliable control of insect pests in tropical crops is achieved when ant populations are constantly high. Transplanted populations of weaver ant colonies containing egg-laying queens are more stable than those without. Achieving such stability through collection of colonies established in the wild is usually difficult because of uncertainty in locating the nest containing the egg-laying queen. In this study, we investigated four methods that may be used to collect mated queens that subsequently can be used to stock ant nurseries. The catch efficiencies of (1) leaf traps, (2) paper traps (both types providing a refuge for founding queens), (3) random search for queens and (4) light trapping were compared. Light trapping was the most efficient way to collect queens followed by leaf traps, random search and, last, paper traps. Light trapping and random search, though, required the presence of a person throughout the ant's mating season (several months), whereas this was not required when using leaf and paper traps.  相似文献   

Summary For the first time for a Neotropical ant and for Myrmicinae, the searching behavior and specialized predation of spirobolid millipede eggs byStegomyrmex vizottoi Diniz will be described. The relationship between morphology and habits is studied, as are nest architecture and distribution of the ant population in the nest chambers. We also report on some observations of behavior in the field and laboratory.We dedicate this paper to William L. Brown Junior, on the occasion of his 70th birthday.  相似文献   

Abstract. To study the reproductive potential of workers in the stingless bee Trigona (Tetragonisca) angustula Illiger (Apidae, Meliponinae), we examined the morphological quality of their eggs. Worker-eggs were all placed on the inside of the upper wall of brood cells. Normally, such eggs are consumed by the queen and are therefore referred to as trophic. The provisioning and oviposition processes in queenright colonies are characterized by the occurrence of circular aggregations of workers, 'rosettes', around the broodcell opening immediately after the release of a worker-egg. The ovaries of 35% of these rosette workers contained mature, chorionated eggs. In a single worker ovary, always only one mature egg was found. Some of the eggs, dissected from the ovarioles, showed a reticulate chorion pattern. Worker-eggs which lacked this pattern were significantly bigger than patterned eggs. Scanning electron micrographs revealed that the patterned worker-eggs are similar in appearance to queen-eggs.
After a worker-egg had been removed experimentally from a broodcell, the same cell could be oviposited by a worker again. Light microscopic analysis revealed that all these worker-eggs lacked the reticulate chorion pattern and were very similar in their morphology. In a colony without a laying queen workers laid eggs which had a reticulate pattern on the chorion. Since these eggs developed into males, we assume that the pattern on the chorion is characteristic for reproductive eggs. We also assume that the queen prevents the release of reproductive eggs by the workers. However, she does not inhibit the development of this type of egg.  相似文献   

Summary Colony composition and behavior of queens in the ponerine antOdontomachus rixosus were investigated in Bogor (West Java) and Ulu Gombak (Penisular Malaysia). The colonies had multiple dealate queens, with a maximum of 82 queens per colony. Majority of queens (92.4%) were inseminated and laid eggs, however, the degree of ovarian development slightly varied among individual queens. Queen behavior was observed for one colony in laboratory. Reproductive condition of individual queens was related with behavioral profiles. Virgin queens and mated queens having less developed ovaries engaged in foraging, larval care and grooming workers while fertile mated queens performed egg care and grooming queens. Aggressive interactions among coexisting queens were not observed.  相似文献   

Here we examine dispersal, metrosis, and claustrality in the seed-harvester ant Pogonomyrmex salinus at an unusually large mating aggregation. We found that mode of queen dispersal from the mating aggregation is not a function of queen mass and that wing damage among queens was relatively rare. P. salinus is haplometrotic in the field and foundress queens placed together in forced associations eventually fight to the death. While queens of Pogonomyrmex salinus can survive claustrally, producing a single minim from their body reserves in the laboratory, fed queens produce up to four significantly larger minims along with concurrent larvae and pupae during the same period. Since queens forage in the field, we interpret claustrality as a secondary reserve strategy when foraging fails, and suggest that foraging is obligate for P. salinus queens in an overdispersed and temperate environment. Thus, nest founding strategies employed by P. salinus may be environmentally determined and represent a continuum between fully claustral and obligate foraging. We discuss our results with reference to theories of pleometrosis and claustral colony founding. Received 12 November 2004; revised 12 April 2004; accepted 29 July 2005.  相似文献   

A. Gotoh  F. Ito 《Insectes Sociaux》2008,55(1):98-104
Investigation of reproductive strategies of ants in the subfamily Ponerinae is important for understanding of the evolution of social structure and of the significance of caste dimorphisms. The biology of species with mated and egg-laying workers (gamergates) has been studied for many species, however, little attention has been paid to species that reproduce via alate queens only. We investigated the seasonal cycle of changes in the colony structure of Pachycondyla chinensis reproduced by alate queens in western Japan, and found the following novel biological characteristics of this species. P. chinensis showed a remarkable caste dimorphism in ovariole numbers: workers had no ovaries while queens had 18 to 36 ovarioles in their ovaries. The nesting system seemed to be polydomous: 266 of 400 nests collected were queenless. The number of queenless nests increased during the reproductive season. Among the 134 queenright nests, 38 had several mated-queens without significant differences in ovary activation and the remaining 96 nests were monogynous. During winter to early spring, most nests were polygynous. After alate production, most of the old queens seemed to die or be expelled and replaced by new queens. Virgin dealated queens were often found and they seemed to have laid eggs. Received 3 August 2007; revised 19 December 2007; accepted 20 December 2007  相似文献   

Summary Phylogenetic analysis based on sequence data of the mitochondrial COI gene confirms the species status of the recently described Lasius austriacus. The five haplotypes of L. austriacus do not cluster according to their geographic origin, indicating a recent gene flow among the populations. The molecular data corroborate the morphology based hypothesis that L. austriacus belongs to the Lasius (Lasius s.str.) brunneus group. The invasive species Lasius neglectus forms a sister taxon with L. turcicus, both next related to L. austriacus. Other phylogenetic relationships within the genus Lasius are in accordance with morphological data.First data on the bionomics of L. austriacus are discussed in context with its phylogenetic position. Based on gyne and male morphology, excavations of nests, pitfall trapping and observations in formicaries, we hypothesize that L. austriacus is a mainly hypogaeic, monogynous species with nuptial flight. These are characters of the Lasius brunneus group in general, except the polygynous-polycalic, intranidally copulating L. neglectus. Aggression tests, however, revealed non-aggressive behaviour (antennation) between separated L. austriacus populations, but pronounced interspecific aggression against L. neglectus. This confirms the species status of L. austriacus and indicates a reduced level of intraspecific aggression, similar to L. neglectus.The status of L. austriacus as a native species in Central Europe is confirmed.Received 10 February 2003; revised 24 June 2003; accepted 23 July 2003.  相似文献   

Summary The colony structure of the bamboo-inhabiting SE-Asian pseudomyrmecine antTetraponera sp. PSW-80 nearattenuata F. Smith was investigated at the Ulu Gombak Field Studies Centre, Selangor, West-Malaysia. Based on the dissection of 54 stem internodes from 12 different culms of the large bambooGigantochloa scortechinii Gamble and on the mapping of three colonies, the following demographic characteristics emerge. The colonies are monogynous but highly polydomous (at least up to 36 internodes and up to 9 stems occupied) and very populous for a pseudomyrmecine not involved in an ant-plant mutualism. One completely censused colony had 6953 adult workers and 2079 alates (adults plus pupae). The single queen suppresses gyne development in her own nest and, to a lesser extent, in other nests within the same stem. The overall numerical sex ratio was 0.961 (females:males), the investment sex ratio, 2.931, i.e., almost exactly the 31 ratio expected for a monogynous outbred hymenopteran in which the colony queen also produces all the male offspring. Brood is distributed to all other nest chambers from the queenright chamber. The symbiotic pseudococcids (Kermicus wroughtoni Newstead) are present in all inhabited internodes, with small early instar individuals prevailing numerically by far over the larger stages. The rieht well secluded honeydew supply within the internode and the efficient architectural protection provided by the internode wall (access usually only through a 2 × 3 mm-hole) allowT. sp. PSW-80 to reach an unusually large colony size without being an aggressive and protective plant mutualist like other members of its subfamily with similar demographic features.  相似文献   

Ants (Formicidae) perform two distinct search behaviors for resources: on the ground they use irregular, almost random alternating looping, and on branches and leaves they resort to outline-tracing (arboreal systematic search), whereby the individual systematically turns to one side at bifurcations and to the opposite side when turning about at end points. Experiments with searching Formica pallidefulva and Crematogaster cerasion artificial stick mazes under seminatural conditions demonstrated that bifurcations and end points only trigger turn decisions, whereas an intrinsic mechanism specifies the handedness of such turns. Arboreal homing differs from arboreal searching by a much stronger tendency to rectify paths by counterturning. The theory is advanced that searching on branches by outline-tracing is evolutionarily derived from ranging search by superposing a sustained intrinsic turn bias and by suppressing random turns.  相似文献   

Females of the primitively eusocial wasp Ropalidia marginata can be classified into three behavioral groups: Sitters, Fighters, and Foragers. It has been speculated that both Sitters and Fighters may be hopeful queens and that the Foragers may have little or no opportunities for direct reproduction. Here we show that in 9 of 12 queen-removal experiments where such a behavioral differentiation could be discerned, the individual that became a queen (the potential queen) was a Sitter in 6 cases, a Fighter in 2 cases, and a Forager in only 1 case. Although potential queens spent significantly more time absent from the nest and showed significantly higher rates of dominance behavior compared to the mean values for nonqueens in their colonies, they were intermediate with respect to all behaviors and age when compared to the range of values for nonqueens in their colonies. Potential queens were not necessarily the highest-ranking individuals among the nonqueens. The pattern of queen succession in this species appears to be quite different from the temperate pattern, where an old and active forager of high dominance rank is the potential queen. Although somewhat similar to the tropical pattern of a relatively younger female that has performed relatively little foraging being the potential queen, it is perhaps more accurate to describe the potential queens of R. marginata as unspecialized intermediates.  相似文献   

Investigations were conducted on oviposition by laboratory-reared oblique-banded leafrollers, Choristoneura rosaceana Harris. In paperbag oviposition chambers, females deposited their egg masses in a significantly nonrandom, uniform manner in 16 of 20 replicates. Inpetri dish oviposition chambers, gravid females were exposed to egg masses recently deposited by other females. As determined by the magnitude of the mean direction vector of the second egg mass in relation to the first, females detected and avoided egg masses laid by other females. In addition, they avoided waxed paper from which a recently oviposited egg mass had been removed. This phenomenon is most likely due to a pheromone laid down with each egg mass.  相似文献   

Summary Labial gland disease causes swelling of the labial glands in the pupal stage inFormica species. The resulting adults have enlarged thoraces and are called secretergates (Wasmann's pseudogynes). They infect the younger larvae, probably during feeding. The agent of the disease is unknown. It soon becomes non-infectious outside the labial glands. Diseased females were not seen to feed larvae. Yet their offspring contained secretergates. The discrepancy remains unexplained.  相似文献   

Summary Nests ofTapinoma minutum were collected and mapped from a wet sclerophyll forest in New South Wales during the spring, summer, and fall seasons. Queen number was variable, indicating the population is both facultatively polygynous and polydomous. Electrophoretic data from three polymorphic enzymes revealed that relatedness among workers conformed to the Hamiltonian expectation of 0.75. Colony boundaries were inferred from electrophoretic data synthesized with nest spatial locations. For this species colonies were composed of at most three nests; this simple pattern of polydomy suggests it has a recent origin in this population. The pattern of facultative polygyny may be linked to an apparent high rate of colony orphaning.  相似文献   

Summary. In central Mexico, the ant Brachymyrmex obscurior Forel feeds on nectar produced by extrafloral nectaries of Acacia pennatula (Schlecht. & Cham.) Benth. However, no studies have determined whether the ants visitation is related to plant nectar availability and whether ants protect A. pennatula from herbivory. The objectives of this 2-yr study (2000–2001) were to assess whether seasonal changes in ant visitation coincide with extrafloral nectar productivity in A. pennatula and to determine whether ants protect the plant. At the end of the dry season (April–June) B. obscurior was the only ant species on A. pennatula and extrafloral nectar production is limited to this period. Exclusion experiments, performed at the end of the dry season showed that A. pennatula did not receive a protective benefit when visited by ants. Branches with ants and branches where ants are excluded had similar numbers of the nonmyrmecophile leafhopper Sibovia sp. which was the only herbivore observed under natural conditions.Received 24 March 2004; revised 4 September 2004; accepted 8 September 2004.  相似文献   

A potentially important and understudied biological control agent in US agroecosystems is the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren. Red imported fire ants may be particularly important biological control agents because we can manipulate their abundance with changes in habitat complexity. The effect of habitat complexity on biological control by fire ants was determined using plots of collards intercropped with white clover (complex habitat) and simple collard monocrops. The most economically significant pests of collards are larvae of the diamondback moth (DBM), Plutella xylostella (L.). Predation of DBM larvae by fire ants was more rapid and efficient in the intercrop than the monocrop. Red imported fire ants were 23% less abundant in the intercrop than the monocrop, however, suggesting that fire ants had a greater per capita effect on DBM survival in the complex habitat. Red imported fire ant predation of DBM larvae was significantly affected by larval density. Red imported fire ants also reduced the survival of leaf beetles, another economically significant pest taxa, by 45%. Furthermore, collard leaf damage tended to be inversely related to fire ant density and fire ants were more effective at reducing crop damage in the complex intercrop. Our study indicates the ability of red imported fire ants to be effective biological control agents and suggests that increasing habitat complexity can enhance red imported fire ant efficacy and herbivore control.  相似文献   

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