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Using a redox-inert methyl acceptor, we show that betaine-homocysteine S-methyltransferase (BHMT) requires a thiol reducing agent for activity. Short-term exposure of BHMT to reducing agent-free buffer inactivates the enzyme without causing any loss of its catalytic zinc. Activity can be completely restored by the re-addition of a thiol reducing agent. The catalytic zinc of BHMT is bound by three thiolates and one hydroxyl group. Thiol modification experiments indicate that a disulfide bond is formed between two of the three zinc-binding ligands when BHMT is inactive in a reducing agent-free buffer, and that this disulfide can be readily reduced with the concomitant restoration of activity by re-establishing reducing conditions. Long-term exposure of BHMT to reducing agent-free buffer results in the slow, irreversible loss of its catalytic Zn and a corresponding loss of activity. Experiments using the glutamate-cysteine ligase modifier subunit knockout mice Gclm(−/−), which are severely impaired in glutathione synthesis, show that BHMT activity is reduced about 75% in Gclm(−/−) compared to Gclm(+/+) mice.  相似文献   

Finite difference solutions of the Poisson-Boltzmann equation are used to calculate the pKa values of the functionally important ionizable groups in bacteriorhodopsin. There are strong charge-charge interactions between the residues in the binding site leading to the possibility of complex titration behavior. Structured water molecules, if they exist in the binding site, can have significant effects on the calculated pKa by strongly stabilizing ionized species. The ionization states of the Schiff base and Asp-85 are found to be strongly coupled. Small environmental changes, which might occur as a consequence of trans-cis isomerization, are capable of causing large shifts in the relative pKa values of these two groups. This provides an explanation for the protonation of Asp-85 and the deprotonation of the Schiff base in the M state of bacteriorhodopsin. The different behavior of Asp-85 and Asp-212 is discussed in this regard.  相似文献   

In Staphylococcus aureus thioredoxin (Trx) it has been shown that mutation of the conserved active site tryptophan residue (Trp28) has a large effect on the protein stability, on the pKa of the nucleophilic cysteine and on the redox potential. Since these effects can either be due to the partially unfolding of the Trp28Ala mutant or to the absence of the indole side chain of Trp28 as possible interaction partner for the active site cysteines, the origin of the experimentally observed effects is not known and is beyond experimental approach. With theoretical pKa and density functional theory reactivity analysis on model systems where Trp28 has been replaced by an alanine within the structural environment of Trx it is shown that Trp28 does not affect the redox parameters of Trx. As such, the experimentally observed redox effects of the Trx W28A mutant might be due to structural changes induced by partial unfolding.  相似文献   

The MYST protein lysine acetyltransferases are evolutionarily conserved throughout eukaryotes and acetylate proteins to regulate diverse biological processes including gene regulation, DNA repair, cell-cycle regulation, stem cell homeostasis and development. Here, we demonstrate that MYST protein acetyltransferase activity requires active site lysine autoacetylation. The X-ray crystal structures of yeast Esa1 (yEsa1/KAT5) bound to a bisubstrate H4K16CoA inhibitor and human MOF (hMOF/KAT8/MYST1) reveal that they are autoacetylated at a strictly conserved lysine residue in MYST proteins (yEsa1-K262 and hMOF-K274) in the enzyme active site. The structure of hMOF also shows partial occupancy of K274 in the unacetylated form, revealing that the side chain reorients to a position that engages the catalytic glutamate residue and would block cognate protein substrate binding. Consistent with the structural findings, we present mass spectrometry data and biochemical experiments to demonstrate that this lysine autoacetylation on yEsa1, hMOF and its yeast orthologue, ySas2 (KAT8) occurs in solution and is required for acetylation and protein substrate binding in vitro. We also show that this autoacetylation occurs in vivo and is required for the cellular functions of these MYST proteins. These findings provide an avenue for the autoposttranslational regulation of MYST proteins that is distinct from other acetyltransferases but draws similarities to the phosphoregulation of protein kinases.  相似文献   

Protein interactions play a vital part in the function of a cell. As experimental techniques for detection and validation of protein interactions are time consuming, there is a need for computational methods for this task. Protein interactions appear to form a network with a relatively high degree of local clustering. In this paper we exploit this clustering by suggesting a score based on triplets of observed protein interactions. The score utilises both protein characteristics and network properties. Our score based on triplets is shown to complement existing techniques for predicting protein interactions, outperforming them on data sets which display a high degree of clustering. The predicted interactions score highly against test measures for accuracy. Compared to a similar score derived from pairwise interactions only, the triplet score displays higher sensitivity and specificity. By looking at specific examples, we show how an experimental set of interactions can be enriched and validated. As part of this work we also examine the effect of different prior databases upon the accuracy of prediction and find that the interactions from the same kingdom give better results than from across kingdoms, suggesting that there may be fundamental differences between the networks. These results all emphasize that network structure is important and helps in the accurate prediction of protein interactions. The protein interaction data set and the program used in our analysis, and a list of predictions and validations, are available at http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/bioinfo/resources/PredictingInteractions.  相似文献   


Rapid advances in redox systems biology are creating new opportunities to understand complexities of human disease and contributions of environmental exposures. New understanding of thiol–disulfide systems have occurred during the past decade as a consequence of the discoveries that thiol and disulfide systems are maintained in kinetically controlled steady states displaced from thermodynamic equilibrium, that a widely distributed family of NADPH oxidases produces oxidants that function in cell signaling and that a family of peroxiredoxins utilize thioredoxin as a reductant to complement the well-studied glutathione antioxidant system for peroxide elimination and redox regulation. This review focuses on thiol/disulfide redox state in biologic systems and the knowledge base available to support development of integrated redox systems biology models to better understand the function and dysfunction of thiol–disulfide redox systems. In particular, central principles have emerged concerning redox compartmentalization and utility of thiol/disulfide redox measures as indicators of physiologic function. Advances in redox proteomics show that, in addition to functioning in protein active sites and cell signaling, cysteine residues also serve as redox sensors to integrate biologic functions. These advances provide a framework for translation of redox systems biology concepts to practical use in understanding and treating human disease. Biological responses to cadmium, a widespread environmental agent, are used to illustrate the utility of these advances to the understanding of complex pleiotropic toxicities.  相似文献   

R C Wohl 《Biochemistry》1984,23(17):3799-3804
We have recently observed slow, non-Michaelis-Menten kinetics of activation of native cat plasminogen by catalytic concentrations of streptokinase. In order to understand the reasons for this phenomenon, we undertook to study the formation of the plasminogen-streptokinase activator complex under the same plasminogen activation conditions. The results obtained in this study show that the potential active site in both cat and human plasminogen is capable of binding strongly the specific substrates (S) p-nitrophenyl p-guanidinobenzoate (NPGB) and H-D-valyl-L-leucyl-L-lysyl-p-nitroanilide, through the active site is incapable of hydrolyzing these substrates. Binding studies support these and the following conclusions. Streptokinase binds to this zymogen-substrate complex to create the ternary plasminogen-S-streptokinase complex, which then slowly converts to an acylated plasminogen-streptokinase form. This acylation reaction is 550 times slower than acylation of the preformed plasminogen-streptokinase complex by NPGB. The same reaction also occurs with human plasminogen, though the acylation reaction is 10 times faster than when the cat zymogen is used. NPGB binds specifically to plasminogen but not to streptokinase. These studies proved that inhibition of cat plasminogen activation by streptokinase occurs at the level of activator complex formation. We conclude from our studies that streptokinase binding to both cat and human plasminogen occurs at the potential active site of the zymogen. Consequently, it is probable that plasminogen activation in vivo is inhibited by binding of active site specific inhibitors to plasminogen.  相似文献   

The binding of p53 to its DNA consensus sequence is modulated by the redox state of the protein in vitro. We have shown previously that reduced wild-type p53 binds strongly to supercoiled DNA (scDNA) regardless of the presence or absence of p53CON. Here we compare the effects of oxidation of p53 by azodicarboxylic acid bis[dimethylamide] (diamide) and other agents on p53 binding to p53CON and to scDNA. Oxidation decreases the binding of p53 to scDNA; however, under conditions where binding to p53CON in a DNA fragment is completely abolished, some residual binding to scDNA is still observed. Increasing the concentration of oxidized p53 confers minimal changes in p53 binding to both scDNA and p53CON. Reduction of the oxidized protein by dithiothreitol neither restores its binding to DNA nor to p53CON in DNA fragments. In the presence of excess zinc ions, oxidation of p53 is, however, reversible. We conclude that the irreversibility of p53 oxidation is due, at least in part, to the removal of intrinsic zinc from its position in the DNA binding domain accompanied by a conformational change of the p53 molecule after oxidation of the three cysteines to which the zinc ion is coordinated in the reduced protein.  相似文献   

Integrin adhesion receptors contain an on/off switch that regulates ligand binding affinity and cell adhesion. The switch from "off" to "on" is commonly referred to as integrin activation. The objective of this study was to gain insight into the nature of the on/off switch in platelet integrin alpha(IIb)beta(3). Here, we show that a select group of the cysteines, located within the extracellular cysteine-rich domain of the beta subunit, remain unpaired. These unpaired cysteine residues exhibit the properties of a redox site involved in integrin activation. Alterations to the redox site prevent the inter-conversion between resting and active integrin. Altogether, the study establishes integrin as a direct target for redox modulation, revealing an unappreciated link between cell adhesion and redox biology.  相似文献   

Highly probable active site of the sweet protein monellin.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The sweet protein monellin consists of two noncovalently associated polypeptide chains, the A chain of 44 amino acid residues and the B chain of 50 residues. Synthetic monellin is 4000 times as sweet as sucrose on a weight basis, and the native conformation is essential for the sweet taste. Knowledge of the active site of monellin will provide important information on the mode of interaction between sweeteners and their receptors. If the replacement of a certain amino acid residue in monellin removes the sweet taste, while the native conformation is retained, it may be concluded that the position replaced is the active site. Our previous replacement studies on Asp residues in the A chain did not remove the sweet taste. The B chain contains two Asp residues at positions 7 and 21, which were replaced by Asn. [AsnB21]Monellin and [AsnB7]monellin were 7000 and 20 times sweeter than sucrose, respectively. The low potency of the [AsnB7]monellin indicates that AspB7 participates in binding with the receptor. AspB7 was then replaced by Abu. [AbuB7]Monellin was devoid of sweetness, and retained the native conformation. AspB7 is located at the surface of the molecule (Ogata et al.). These results suggest that Asp7 in the B chain is the highly probable active site of monellin.  相似文献   

A central conserved arginine, first identified as a clinical mutation leading to sulfite oxidase deficiency, is essential for catalytic competency of sulfite oxidizing molybdoenzymes, but the molecular basis for its effects on turnover and substrate affinity have not been fully elucidated.We have used a bacterial sulfite dehydrogenase, SorT, which lacks an internal heme group, but transfers electrons to an external, electron accepting cytochrome, SorU, to investigate the molecular functions of this arginine residue (Arg78). Assay of the SorT Mo centre catalytic competency in the absence of SorU showed that substitutions in the central arginine (R78Q, R78K and R78M mutations) only moderately altered SorT catalytic properties, except for R78M which caused significant reduction in SorT activity. The substitutions also altered the Mo-centre redox potentials (MoVI/V potential lowered by ca. 60–80 mV). However, all Arg78 mutations significantly impaired the ability of SorT to transfer electrons to SorU, where activities were reduced 17 to 46-fold compared to SorTWT, precluding determination of kinetic parameters. This was accompanied by the observation of conformational changes in both the introduced Gln and Lys residues in the crystal structure of the enzymes. Taking into account data collected by others on related SOE mutations we propose that the formation and maintenance of an electron transfer complex between the Mo centre and electron accepting heme groups is the main function of the central arginine, and that the reduced turnover and increases in KMsulfite are caused by the inefficient operation of the oxidative half reaction of the catalytic cycle in enzymes carrying these mutations.  相似文献   

Crowley PB  Carrondo MA 《Proteins》2004,55(3):603-612
Interprotein electron transfer is characterized by protein interactions on the millisecond time scale. Such transient encounters are ensured by extremely high rates of complex dissociation. Computational analysis of the available crystal structures of redox protein complexes reveals features of the binding site that favor fast dissociation. In particular, the complex interface is shown to have low geometric complementarity and poor packing. These features are consistent with the necessity for fast dissociation since the absence of close packing facilitates solvation of the interface and disruption of the complex.  相似文献   

The tetracysteine metal coordination site of the rubredoxins from Clostridium pasteurianum (Cp) and Pyrococcus furiosus (Pf) are shown to stably bind the inorganic Ge(IV) ion. This is the first characterized coordination complex of tetravalent germanium with a biological macromolecule. Zn(II), Ga(III) and Ge(IV) substitution yields differential NMR chemical shifts for the 1H and 15N amide resonances throughout much of the protein structure. The differential shifts for the six backbone amides that hydrogen bond to the metal-coordinated sulfurs indicate that the pseudo 2-fold symmetry of the active site is more closely maintained in the hyperthermophile Pf rubredoxin than in its mesophile Cp homolog. These three metal substitutions form an isoelectronic series of small diamagnetic proteins for which reference structures are known to 1A resolution. These series provide a promising system to analyze theoretical predictions of the effects of differential charge distribution on chemical shifts from both proximal and long range interactions.  相似文献   

A protein containing a heme-binding PAS (PAS is from the protein names in which imperfect repeat sequences were first recognized: PER, ARNT, and SIM) domain from Escherichia coli has been implied a direct oxygen sensor (Ec DOS) enzyme. In the present study, we isolated cDNA for the Ec DOS full-length protein, expressed it in E. coli, and examined its structure-function relationships for the first time. Ec DOS was found to be tetrameric and was obtained as a 6-coordinate low spin ferric heme complex. Its alpha-helix content was calculated as 53% by CD spectroscopy. The redox potential of the heme was found to be +67 mV versus SHE. Mutation of His-77 of the isolated PAS domain abolished heme binding, whereas mutation of His-83 did not, suggesting that His-77 is one of the heme axial ligands. Ferrous, but not ferric, Ec DOS had phosphodiesterase (PDE) activity of nearly 0.15 min(-1) with cAMP, which was optimal at pH 8.5 in the presence of Mg(2+) and was strongly inhibited by CO, NO, and etazolate, a selective cAMP PDE inhibitor. Absorption spectral changes indicated tight CO and NO bindings to the ferrous heme. Therefore, the present study unequivocally indicates for the first time that Ec DOS exhibits PDE activity with cAMP and that this is regulated by the heme redox state.  相似文献   

Oxalate oxidase (EC catalyzes the oxidative cleavage of oxalate to carbon dioxide and hydrogen peroxide. In this study, unusual nonstoichiometric burst kinetics of the steady state reaction were observed and analyzed in detail, revealing that a reversible inactivation process occurs during turnover, associated with a slow isomerization of the substrate complex. We have investigated the underlying molecular mechanism of this kinetic behavior by preparing recombinant barley oxalate oxidase in three distinct oxidation states (Mn(II), Mn(III), and Mn(IV)) and producing a nonglycosylated variant for detailed biochemical and spectroscopic characterization. Surprisingly, the fully reduced Mn(II) form, which represents the majority of the as-isolated native enzyme, lacks oxalate oxidase activity, but the activity is restored by oxidation of the metal center to either Mn(III) or Mn(IV) forms. All three oxidation states appear to interconvert under turnover conditions, and the steady state activity of the enzyme is determined by a balance between activation and inactivation processes. In O(2)-saturated buffer, a turnover-based redox modification of the enzyme forms a novel superoxidized mononuclear Mn(IV) biological complex. An oxalate activation role for the catalytic metal ion is proposed based on these results.  相似文献   

Abstract pT181 is a Staphylococcus aureus rolling circle replicating plasmid whose copy number is controlled by regulating the synthesis and activity of the initiator protein, RepC. The RepC dimer is modified during pT181 replication by the addition of an oligodeoxynucleotide, giving rise to a new form, RepC*. To purify RepC*, RepC was expressed in S. aureus as a fusion protein with a polyhistidine tail. The histidine-tagged RepC retains its initiation and topoisomerase activities in vitro. Histagged RepC/RepC and RepC/RepC* were purified in a two-step procedure. Peptide mapping, mass spectrometric analysis and protein sequencing of purified RepC and RepC* were carried out, and both proteins appeared identical, except that the peptide containing the RepC active site tyrosine used in nicking activity was absent when the purified RepC* sample was analyzed. The absence of the active site in RepC* suggests that this site was modified during replication. The results provide the first direct biochemical evidence that RepC* is a modified form of RepC, and support a model in which RepC replication of pT181 leaves RepC with an oligonucleotide blocking the active site of one of its subunits.  相似文献   

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