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中国葱属单生组4种植物的核型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对葱属单生组Allium sect.Haplostemon Boiss.的4种8个地方居群的核型进行了研究,其中3个种的核型属首次报道。研究结果表明:除在棱叶韭内同时具二倍体、三倍体和四倍体居群外,所研究的其余种的居群均为二倍体。以本研究为基础,结合国内外对该组已有的细胞学研究,得出以下结论:(1)单生组的染色体基数为8,在组内存在1A和2A两种核型类型;(2)组内随体染体类型丰富,在该组物种的生存适应方面可能起重要作用;(3)有些种(如薤白A.macrostemohn,棱叶韭A.caeruleum等)表明出现明显的种内核型分化,有的种甚至在外部形态上也有分化;(4)高度不育的三倍体(棱杏韭)和和五倍体(薤白)居群靠小鳞茎和珠芽进行无性繁殖,以此保持群的稳定和扩大。另外,从生境、繁育制度、多倍化以及这三者之间的关系等方面分析,认为 在单生组中不同的生境有利于诱发染色体的结构作数目变异。多倍化和兼性无融合生殖繁殖制度并存,则有利于克服染色色体变异所带来的育性降低这一繁育障碍,同时使居群中所发生的染色体变异得以保存,因此,多倍化和普性无融合生殖繁育制度并存是该组中多倍体类群进化的重要机制之一。  相似文献   

The genus Reynoutria is represented by four taxa in the Czech Republic: Reynoutria japonica var. japonica, R. japonica var. compacta, R. sachalinensis and R. xbohemica. By using flow cytometry, cytological variability within the genus is described based on 257 Reynoutria samples. The varieties of R. japonica are cytologically uniform, var. japonica is exclusively octoploid (2n = 8x = 88) and var. compacta occurs only as a tetraploid (2n = 4x = 44), but R. sachalinensis and R. xbohemica exhibit some variation in chromosome numbers. Reynoutria sachalinensis is predominantly tetraploid (2n = 4 x = 44), but also occurs occasionally as hexaploid and octoploid cytotypes. The most common ploidy level in R. xbohemica is hexaploid (2n = 6x = 66), but tetraploid and octoploid clones were also found. The four taxa occurring in the Czech Republic are described briefly and the possible origins of the cytotypes discussed.  相似文献   

铁线莲属威灵仙组修订   总被引:21,自引:11,他引:10  
对铁线莲属铁线莲亚属 Clematis subgen. Clematis 中的欧洲铁线莲 C. vitalba L.演化干的原始群威灵仙组sect. Clematis 进行了全面修订,确定此组共含有73种和45变种。写出了威灵仙组的分类学简史及地理分布;对威灵仙组中各亚组的亲缘和主要区别特征以及铁线莲亚属欧洲铁线莲演化干中各群的亲缘关系进行了讨论。将威灵仙组分为5个亚组,写出了分亚组检索表和各亚组的分种检索表,以及各种植物的形态描述、地理分布、生长环境等,并附有多幅插图。在5亚组中,欧洲铁线莲亚组(钝萼铁线莲亚组) subsect. Clematis 为此组的原始群,其主要特征:藤本;小叶通常草质或纸质,通常边缘具齿,有时全缘;萼片4,外面的毛长1 mm以下;花药长圆形、椭圆形或狭长圆形,稀条形,药隔顶端不突起,稀稍突起。此亚组的瘦果两侧扁压,但多数不扁平,不具边缘,只在短毛铁线莲 C. puberula Hook. f. &; Thoms.强烈扁压,扁平,周围具宽边缘。在铁线莲属中,除短毛铁线莲外,特产朝鲜的 C. brachyura Maxim. (sect. Pterocarpa Tamura)也具有近似这种进化类型的瘦果。铁线莲组的其他4个亚组各含有较进化的特征,可能均自欧洲铁线莲亚组演化而出:单种的厚叶铁线莲亚组subsect. Crassifoliae (Tamura) Tamura为藤本;小叶革质,全缘,很像威灵仙亚组的小叶;雄蕊花丝皱缩,花药宽长圆形或长圆形。单种的长毛铁线莲亚组subsect. Baominianae (W. T. Wang) W. T. Wang为藤本;小叶纸质,具齿;花大,具6枚萼片;萼片外面的毛长1.6-3 mm; 花药长圆形。棉团铁线莲亚组subsect. Angustifoliae 的主要特征:茎直立;花常具5-6枚萼片。威灵仙亚组subsect. Rectae Prantl的主要特征:藤本,稀茎直立;小叶常革质,全缘,稀具齿;萼片通常4枚,稀较多,外面的毛长在1 mm以下;花药条形,有时狭长圆形,药隔顶端常突起。此亚组的威灵仙系ser. Rectae Prantl具有进化类型的瘦果,其瘦果强烈扁压,扁平,有膨胀的框状边缘。主要分类学处理为:(1)披针叶铁线莲 C. lancifolia Bur. &; Franch.、准噶尔铁线莲 C. songarica Bunge、 C. ispahanica Boiss.、银叶铁线莲 C. delavayi Franch.和 C. phlebantha Williams 5种过去被Tamura和其他学者与灌木铁线莲 C. fruticosa Turcz.等同置于灌木铁线莲组sect. Fruticella Tamura中,但这5种的花构造(萼片水平方向开展,白色,边缘不展宽;花丝条形或狭条形)与灌木铁线莲(萼片斜上方开展,黄色,在花开放后边缘展宽成狭翅;花丝较宽,条状披针形)不同,而与棉团铁线莲 C. hexapetala Pall.的花构造相似。据此,本修订将此5种从灌木铁线莲组移到威灵仙组的棉团铁线莲亚组subsect. Angustifoliae Tamura中。(2)在欧洲铁线莲群 C. vitalba group与威灵仙群C. flammula group之间有不少过渡类型,因此,这两个群不易区分。根据这种情况,本修订将这两个群作为亚组处理,同置于威灵仙组sect. Clematis 中,而未采用Tamura和Grey_Wilson将这两个群分别置于两个亚属中,以及Johnson将这两个群分别置于两个组中的分类学处理。描述了2新系、6新种和1新变种;建立了5个新等级。  相似文献   

Nineteen populations of fifteen species ofGentiana sect.Chondrophyllae from China were observed cytologically.Gentiana alsinoides, G. anisostemon, G. asterocalyx, G. exigua, G. heterostemon, G. intricata, G. praticola, G. pseudoaquatica, G. spathulifolia, andG. subintricata all had the same chromosome number of 2n = 20 (or n = 10), whereasG. piasezkii had 2n = 36,G. squarrosa 2n = 38,G. prattii 2n = 18,G. aristata 2n = 14 (n = 7), andG. heleonastes 2n = 12. All these chromosome numbers are documented here for the first time, except forG. squarrosa, where it is a new number report. The basic numbers of x = 6, x = 7 and x = 19 are new for the section. Karyotype analyses of some species revealed that, except for a few cases, the species examined mainly had metacentric chromosomes. 2n = 20 = 2m(SAT) + 18m was found to be the main type of karyotype for the species with 2n = 20. Chromosomal evolution and its mechanism in this section are also discussed.  相似文献   

中国芋属植物染色体数目及5个种的核型报道   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
对中国 8种 (包括 1变种 )芋属 (ColocasiaSchott)植物的体细胞染色体数目和其中 5个种的核型进行了报道。结果分别为 :异色芋C heterochromaH .LietZ .X .Wei,2n =2x =2 8=1 8m 1 0sm ;龚氏芋C gongiiC .L .LongetH .Li,2n =2x =2 8=1 8m (4SAT ) 1 0sm(4SAT) ;贡山芋C gaoligongensisH .LietC .L .Long ,2n =2x =2 8=2 4m 4sm ;李氏香芋C lihengiaeC .L .LongetK .M .Liu ,2n =2x =2 8=1 8m (1SAT ) 6sm 4st;花叶芋C bicolorC .L .LongetL .M .Cao 2n =2 8;紫杆芋C lihengiaeC .L .LongetK .M .Liuvar.nigraC .L .Long 2n =3x =4 2 ;大野芋C gigantea (Bmume)Hookf.,2n =2x =2 8=2 2m 4sm 2st;山芋C konishiiHayata 2n =2 8。除李氏香芋、龚氏芋、大野芋和山芋外 ,其余染色体数目均为首次报道。在核型方面 ,异色芋、龚氏芋、李氏香芋、贡山芋的核型均为首次报道  相似文献   

王臣  路芳  关旸  张贵一 《植物研究》2001,21(2):215-221,T001,T002,T003
报道东北蒿属艾组12种植物的染色体数及核型资料,结果如下:宽叶山蒿(Artemisia stolonifera (Maixm.)Komar.)2n=4x=36=28m 4sm(4SAT) 4st(4SAT);野艾蒿(A.lavandulaefolia DC)2n=2x=50=40m 4sm 6st(6SAT); 矮蒿(A.lancea Van.)2n=2x=16=10m 4sm 2st;蒙古蒿(A.mongolica (fisch.ex Bess.)Nakai]2n=2x=16=14m 2st;红足蒿(A.rubripes Nakai)2n=2x=16=14m 2st;歧茎蒿(A.igniaria Maixm.)2n=2x=34=28m 2sm 4st(4SAT);柳叶蒿(A.integrifolia Linn.)2n=4x=36=20m 12sm 4st;线叶蒿(A.subula 4st(4SAT);柳叶蒿(A.integrifolia Linn.)2n=4x=36=20m 12sm 4st;线叶蒿(A.subulata Nakai)2n=2x=16=14m 2st;高岭蒿(A.brachyphylla Kitam.)2n=2x=18=14m 2sm 2st;林文稿[A.uiridissima(Komar.)Pamp.]2n=2x=18=14m 4sm;奄癌(A.keiskeana Miq.)2n=2x=18=16m 2sm;阴地蒿(A.sylvatica Maxim.)2n=2x=16=14m 2sm,核型对称性野艾蒿(A.lavandulaefolia)为2B型,其余均为2A型,依据核型资料对个别种的演化 分类进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

The chromosome numbers of seven species ofPelargonium sect.Eumorpha have been determined from material of known wild origin, and karyotypic comparisons have been made. Within the section there is variation in basic chromosome number (x = 4, 8, 9, 11), variation in chromosome size, and two species have polyploid races. The three species with chromosome numbers based on x = 11 have the smallest chromosomes (1.0–1.5 µm); chromosomes are larger (1.0–3.0 µm) in the other species.P. elongatum has the lowest chromosome number in the genus (2n = 8).P. alchemilloides is exceptional in that it has four cytotypes, 2n = 16, 18, 34 and 36, and the form with 2n = 36 has large chromosomes (2.0–5.0 µm). Evidence from a synthesized hybrid suggests thatP. alchemilloides with 2n = 16 may be of polyploid origin. The three species based on x = 11 appear to be more closely related to species from other sections ofPelargonium that have the same basic chromosome number and small chromosome size, rather than to other species of sect.Eumorpha.  相似文献   

醉鱼草属四个种的核型分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了醉鱼草属(Btuldleja)4个种的染色体核型。云南醉鱼草(B.yunnanensis)的核型公式为2n=2x=38=22m+16sm,皱叶醉鱼草(B.crispa)为2n=2x=38=26m+10sm+2st,密蒙花(B.officinalis)为2n=2x=38=20m+16sm+2st,口本醉鱼草(B.japonica)为2n=2x=38=20m+16sm+2st。日本醉鱼草的核型为2B型,其它3个种的核型为2A型。根据核型分析结果,结合形态学特征和已有的细胞学资料,初步讨论了醉鱼草组(Sect.Neemda)两个系(Series)可能的演化关系。  相似文献   

The chromosome numbers and karyotypes of the 4 species in genus Buddleja were reported. The karyotype formulas are 2n= 2x= 38= 22m+ 16sm ( B1 yunnanensis) , 2n= 2x= 38= 26m+ 10sm+ 2st ( B1 crispa) , 2n= 2x= 38= 20m+ 16sm + 2st ( B1 off icinalis ) , and 2n= 2x= 38= 20m+ 16sm+ 2st ( B1japonica) . Karyotype of B1japonica belongs to Stebbins. s 2B type and other 3 species belong to Stebbins. s 2A type. Based on the cytological data ( karyotypes and the recorded chromosome numbers) and the species morphologies, the evolution trend of the two series in Sect1Neemda was briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The genus Clintonia has four species in North America and one in eastern Asia (Fig.1).In this paper,the karyotypes and the intraspecific morphological and cytogeographic differentiations of ten populations of C.udensis from China are analysed,and the probable origin area of the genus is also discussed.The conclusions are as follows: (1)Based On the chromosome numbers 2n=28 from the North American species,the Japanese and Himalayan groups,the earlier investigators established x=14 as the basic chromosome number of Clintonia,and they thought that there was polyploid in this genus except for aneuploid only in C.borealis (Utech,1975;Utech and Suda,1975),but a few authors(Sen,1975;Wang et al,1993)pointed out the x=7 basic number of this genus based on 2n=14 in C.udensis from Primorskiy Kray of Russia(Skolovskaya,1966)and Yunlong,Yunnan Province of China(Wang et al,1993)respectively.Our result along with there reports by previous authors(see table 1)shows that at least two ploid levels exist in C.udensis,i.e.2n=14 and 2n=28.The diploids are widely distributed from northwest Yunnan of China to Primorskiy Kray of Russia,while the tetraploids are located in northwest Yunnan,Himalayas,Japan,and a narrow area in Mt.Hualongshan of southern Shaanxi(07 population)(Fig.2).Therefore,the basic chromosome number of Clintonia certainly is x=7 ratherthan x=14,while 2n=28 in North America,Japan and Himalayan area are tetraploid, not diploid, According to the previous data,so far no diploid taxa of Clintonia has been found in North America and Himalayas.So we consider that the primitive type of Clintonia is in eastern Asia,and the secondary diversity center and the present distribution center of this genus are in North America. (2)C.udensis is widely distributed in eastern Asia(Fig.2);it has two cytotypes.The karyotypes for all the diploid populations are remarkablely similar. Taken together, they can be roughly repersented by the formula:K(2n)=14=2V+6J+2v+4j(2NOR+2j). The chromosomes range in length 25.55~12.78 μm, with the ratio of the longest to the shortest 2.0. The karyotype belongs to Stebbins (1971)2A(→2B). For the tetraploid taxa, except for 07 population, karyotypes are also identical and may be roughly symbolized as: K (2n)=28=4V + 12J + 4v+8j ( 2NOR + 6j ). The length of chomosomes is from 27.87 to 13.93 μm, with the ratio of the longest to the shortest 2.0, and thus the karyotype belongs to 2A(→2B). The karyotype of 07 population is similar to those of above tetraploid taxa but also has some differences, especially in the position of satellites and the morphology of 10th and 14th pairs of chromosomes. Its formula is K(2n)=28=4V+12J(2NOR+10J)+4v+ 8j(2n=28=10m+16sm(2SAT)+2st). The ratio of the longest (23.72μm)to the shortest(12.97μm) chromosomes is 1.83. The Karyotype belongs to 2A. And the distribution range of this population is very narrow. We think that it is probably a recent evolutionary event in C. udensis. (3)Wether Clintonia in eastern Asia has 1 sp. or 2 spp. or 1 spp. and 1 var. has been debated for a long period. According to our observation, within C. udensis, only the size of seeds is related to its ploidy level, i.e. diploid individuals have smaller seeds and tetraploid ones have larger ones; the colour of seeds is related to its geographic distribution, i.e. the materials from the Himalayas through Yunnan, Sichuan to eastern Qinling Range have pale brown seeds, while those from Mt. Lüliang, Shanxi Province via Hebei, Liaoning, Jilin to Siberia and Japan have dark brown seeds. Some other morphological characters, such as the size of leaves and fruits, inflorescence type and flower numbers between individuals in one locality, even within one populaion have evident variation. Therefore, we consider that evidence(see Table 4 )for separating C. alpina or C. udensis var. alpina from C. udensis is notsufficient.  相似文献   

The largest section of the genus Saxifraga (Saxifragaceae), sect. Ciliatae, consists of 175 morphologically diverse species. This section is mainly distributed in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and adjacent regions of southwest China and more than 80% of the total number of species are endemic to this region. It remains unknown whether this section is monophyletic and up to now no study has been conducted on the infra-sectional phylogeny. In this study, ITS sequences of the nuclear ribosomal DNA were firstly determined for 33 species mainly from this section and related sections. We further downloaded the corresponding sequences of the same DNA region for the other 22 species of Saxifraga and Mitella from GenBank. All sequences were together used to construct the phy-logenetic trees. The main implications of the phylogenetic analyses include: (1) sect. Ciliatae, as traditionally defined, constitutes as a monophyletic clade and its sister group is a well supported clade that includes species from 8 sections such as sect. Porphyrion, sect. Saxifraga and sect. Mesogyne; (2) three morphological subsections, i.e., subsect. Gemmiparae, subsect. Hirculoideae and subsect. Rosulares were tentatively recovered despite the relatively low statistic bootstrap support for the last one; however, subsect. Flagellares and subsect. Hemi-sphaericae were not recognized as separate entities, and nested within subsect. Gemmiparae; (3) subsect. Hircu-loideae and subsect. Rosulares clustered together as sister subclades while subsect. Gemmiparae diverged early. In addition, our results suggest that the paired variation of ITS sequences in sect. Ciliatae is relatively low between the sampled species in spite of their diverse morphology. It is suggested that such a scenario may mirror rapid speciation in this section that probably trigged by the uplifts of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and the extensive selection pressure under the alpine environments.  相似文献   

铁线莲属单性铁线莲组修订   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
对毛茛科铁线莲属Clematis L.的单性铁线莲组sect. Aspidanthera Spach s.l.进行了全面修订,确定此组共含72种和15变种,这些被归类于6个亚组中,其中包括首次描述的1系、5种和2变种,以及做出的2新等级。对单性铁线莲组的分类学简史和地理分布做了介绍。写出了组、亚组、系的形态特征和地理分布,分亚组检索表及各亚组的分种检索表;以及各种植物的形态描述、地理分布、生长环境等,并附有多幅插图。在研究了此组全部种类的标本之后,观察到此组几个重要形态特征的演化趋势:(1)萼片在数目上由  相似文献   

1 BrieftaxonomichistoryInthefirstrevisionofthegenusClematisL .madebydeCandolle (1818) ,some 17unisexualspecieswererecognizedandallputinthelargeheterogeneoussectionFlammulaDC .,andtogetherwithotherbisexualspecieswereclassifiedintofivegroups:C .peruvianaDC .andC .caracasanaH .B .K .(=C .guadeloupaePers.)with 14speciesofsect.Clematis,sect.Brachiatae ,sect.Meclatis,andsect.Viornasubsect.Connataewereplacedintothefirstgroup ,whichwasdiag nosedas“Floribuspaniculatis,foliispinnatimbipinnatim…  相似文献   

B R Lu  R Bothmer 《Génome》1993,36(5):863-876
The objectives of this study were to determine the genomic constitution and to explore the genomic variation within four Chinese endemic Elymus species, i.e., E. brevipes (Keng) L?ve (2n = 4x = 28) and E. yangii B.R. Lu (2n = 4x = 28), E. anthosachnoides (Keng) L?ve (2n = 4x = 28), and E. altissimus (Keng) L?ve (2n = 4x = 28). Intraspecific crosses between different populations of the four Elymus species, as well as interspecific hybridizations among the four target species, and with six analyzer species containing well-known genomes, i.e., E. caninus (L.) L. (2n = 4x = 28, SH), E. sibiricus L. (2n = 4x = 28, SH), E. semicostatus (Lees ex Steud.) Melderis (2n = 4x = 28, SY), E. parviglumis (Keng) L?ve (2n = 4x = 28, SY), E. tsukushiensis Honda (2n = 6x = 42, SHY), and E. himalayanus (Nevski) Tzvelev (2n = 6x = 42, SHY), were achieved through the aid of embryo rescue. Chromosome pairing behaviors were studied in the parental species and their hybrids. Numerical analysis on chromosome pairing was made on the interspecific hybrids. With one exception, each meiotic configuration at metaphase I in the hybrids involving the target taxa and the analyzer species containing the "SH" genomes fit a 2:1:1 model with x-values ranging between 0.91 and 1.00; chromosome pairing in the hybrids involving analyzer parents with the "SY" genomes match a 2:2 model, with x-values between 0.97 and 0.99. All pentaploid hybrids with a genomic formula "SSYYH," except for two crosses having unexpected low c-values, had pairing patterns fitting the 2:2:1 model with x-values varying between 0.96 and 1.00. It is concluded based on hybridization, fertility, and chromosome pairing data that (i) the four target Elymus species are strictly allotetraploid taxa, (ii) they are closely related species, all comprised of the "SY" genomes, (iii) minor genomic structural rearrangements have occurred within the four Elymus species, and (iv) meiotic pairing regulator(s) exists in some of the Elymus taxa studied.  相似文献   

小麦族鹅观草属三种植物的生物系统学研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
本文研究了禾本科小麦族鹅观草属的3个种:缘毛鹅观草(Roegneria pendulina Neuski 2n=4x=28),纤毛鹅观草(R. ciliaris (Trin.) Nevski 2n=4x=28)和鹅观草(R. kamoji Ohwi 2n=6x=42)及其种间杂种的形态变异和染色体配对行为。各杂种F_1的减数分裂染色体配对数较高,但杂种高度不育。在杂种减数分裂中还观察到一定频率的多价体形成。以上结果充分表明该3种植物享有两个共同的基本染色体组,在S和Y染色体组之间发生过染色体相互易位,缘毛鹅观草的染色体组可拟定为S~PY~P。  相似文献   

对毛茛科Ranunculaceae铁线莲属Clematis的菝葜叶铁线莲组sect. Naraveliopsis进行了全面修订, 确定此组共含21种1亚种和1变种; 写出此组的分类学简史和地理分布, 并讨论了此组在铁线莲属中的系统位置; 将此组划分为3亚组, 写出分亚组、分种检索表, 以及各种植物的形态描述、地理分布、生长环境等, 并附有多数种的墨线图。根据对此组植物形态特征的分析, 观察到以下重要演化趋势: (1)叶从单叶演变到二回羽状复叶或二回三出复叶; (2)花从两性到单性, 从无退化雄蕊到有退化雄蕊; (3)雄蕊从无毛到有毛; (4)药隔突起从短(0.5-0.7 mm)到长(8.5-10 mm)。根据上述演化趋势,花两性、雄蕊被毛、退化雄蕊存在的荔波铁线莲亚组subsect. Liboenses(1种,特产贵州荔波)和花由两性变为单性的亚组subsect. Macgregorianae(2种,特产菲律宾)被认为是菝葜叶铁线莲组的进化群。在原始的菝葜叶铁线莲亚组subsect. Smilacifoliae(花两性,雄蕊无毛; 18种,广布亚洲热带地区)中,具单叶,花无退化雄蕊,药隔突起较短的菝葜叶铁线莲C. smilacifolia和滇南铁线莲C. fulvicoma被认为是较原始的种,而具三出复叶和退化雄蕊的C. vietnamensis和丝铁线莲C. loureiriana,以及具羽状复叶和长药隔突起(长达10 mm)的C. papillosa等3种则被认为是此亚组的进化种。自中南半岛北部山地向西经云贵高原南部至喜马拉雅东部山区集中分布有菝葜叶铁线莲组的13种植物,这一山区地带被认为是此组的分布中心。在此山区地带中,菝葜叶铁线莲的分布区和滇南铁线莲的分布区重叠部分的山区可能是此组的起源中心。  相似文献   

We have found two chromosome levels (n = 10 and n = 20) in Spanish species ofReseda sect.Leucoreseda, four species on the first (R. undata, R. paui, R. suffruticosa, R. barrelieri), only one on the second level (R. alba). As already the species with n = 10 apparently behave as polyploids, we propose x = 5 as the original basic chromosome number for this section. The seed protein profile ofR. alba (2n = 40) reveals close relationships withR. undata (2n = 20), while the esterase isozymes suggest affinities withR. paui (2n = 20). Thus,R. alba can be regarded either as an autopolyploid fromR. paui or more likely as an allopolyploid fromR. paui andR. undata. Finally, the DNA values suggest a diploidization process inR. alba since its origin.  相似文献   

Pelargonium otaviense Knuth andP. spinosum Willd. are excluded from sect.Glaucophyllum, whileP. grandiflorum (Andr.)Willd.,P. patulum Jacq. andP. tabulare (Burm. f.)L'Hérit. of sect.Eumorpha are included. Sect.Glaucophyllum is characterized by green to glaucous vegetative organs and zygomorphic white to pink corolla with five narrow petals. All the species have an identical pollen and chromosome morphology, the same basic chromosome number (x = 11) and similar flavonoid patterns. A close relationship between sect.Glaucophyllum and sect.Pelargonium is indicated by the occurrence of natural hybrids and concordant characters. Isorhamnetin and luteolin have been detected in the genus for the first time.  相似文献   

新疆多年生小麦族植物染色体数的观察   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
孙根楼  颜济  杨俊良   《广西植物》1990,10(2):143-148
本文对1987年采集于新疆的多年生小麦族(Triticeae Dum. )属种进行了细胞学观察。该地区多年生小麦族各属种的染色体数目变化范围是从2n=14到2n=84,前者主要存在于大麦属(Hordeum)、新麦草属(Psathyrostachys),而后者全部集中于赖草属(Leymus).其中染色体数目为2n=28和2n=42的频率最高,主要存在于鹅冠草属(Roegneria)和披碱草属(Elymus)。Roegneria gobicola, Roegneria kuqaensis, Roegneria tahelacona, Roegneria zhoasuensis的染色体数为首次报道。  相似文献   

报道了黄山地区18种木本植物的染色体数,分属于15个科中的18个属,其中14种和2个属为首次报道;同时对Aphananthe,Fortunearia,Loropetalum,Holboellia,Platycarya属的染色体数及其在分类上的意义作了简单讨论。  相似文献   

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