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We analyze evolution of individual flowering phenologies by combining an ecological model of pollinator behavior with a genetic model of inbreeding depression for plant viability. The flowering phenology of a plant genotype determines its expected daily floral display which, together with pollinator behavior, governs the population rate of geitonogamous selfing (fertilization among flowers on the same plant). Pollinators select plant phenologies in two ways: they are more likely to visit plants displaying more flowers per day, and they influence geitonogamous selfing and consequent inbreeding depression via their abundance, foraging behavior, and pollen carry‐over among flowers on a plant. Our model predicts two types of equilibria at stable intermediate selfing rates for a wide range of pollinator behaviors and pollen transfer parameters. Edge equilibria occur at maximal or minimal selfing rates and are constrained by pollinators. Internal equilibria occur between edge equilibria and are determined by a trade‐off between pollinator attraction to large floral displays and avoidance of inbreeding depression due to selfing. We conclude that unavoidable geitonogamous selfing generated by pollinator behavior can contribute to the common occurrence of stable mixed mating in plants.  相似文献   

We examined the significance of retaining color-changed flowers in pollination success of Weigela middendorffiana through a single visit of bumble bees. Inner parts of flowers changed color with age from yellow to red. In an investigation of the mating system, duration of each color phase, reproductive ability of each of the color-phase flowers, and the effects of color-changed flowers on bumble bee behavior (1) flowers of this species were self-incompatible, (2) color-changed flowers provided little reward to pollinators and little residual reproductive ability, (3) the timing of floral color change was delayed with the progress of flowering season within individual plants, while the duration of the red phase shortened with the progress of flowering season, and (4) red-phase flowers did not attract bumble bees at a distance but did contribute to reducing the number of successive flower visits during a single stay within the plants. Red-phase flowers seemed to indicate the low reward level of old flowers and functioned as a cue to discourage pollinators from staying longer on the same plant. Our results predict that the retention of color-changed flowers without sexual function can enhance the pollination success of a whole plant through male function by reducing successive flower visits during a single stay of pollinators, i.e., geitonogamous pollination.  相似文献   

Floral colour change in Pedicularis monbeigiana (Orobanchaceae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We examined the effects of the retention of colour-changed flowers on long- and short-distance attractiveness of bumblebees and the likelihood of successive flower visits by bumblebees in Pedicularis monbeigiana. The lower lip changed colour with age from white to purple. Hand geitonogamous pollination significantly reduced seed production. No pollen limitation occurred in this species. Purple-phase flowers contributed minimally to pollinator attractiveness at long distance. The combination of less reproductive flowers with a lower amount of reward and floral colour change enabled plants to direct pollinators to reproductive, highly rewarding white flowers at close range. A high percentage of purple-phase flowers in an inflorescence was associated with a marked reduction in the frequency of successive flower visits to individual plants. We suggest floral colour change in P. monbeigiana may serve as a mechanism for enhancing inter-individual pollen transfer and reducing intra-individual pollen transfer.  相似文献   

Failures in the process of pollen transfer among conspecific plants can severely impact female reproductive success. Thus, pollen limitation can cause selection on plant mating systems and floral traits. The relationships between pollen limitation and floral traits might be partly mediated by the quantity and identity of pollinator visits. However, very little is known about the relationship between pollinator visits and pollen limitation. We examined the relationships between pollen limitation and floral traits at the community level to connect them to community ecology processes. We used 48 plant species from two contrasting communities: one species‐rich lowland community and one species‐poor alpine community. In addition, we calculated visitation rates and ecological pollination generalization for 38 of the species to examine the relationship between pollinator visitation and pollen limitation at the community level. We found low overall levels of pollen limitation that did not differ significantly between the alpine and the lowland community. In both communities, species with evolutionary specialized flowers were more pollen limited than species with unspecialized flowers. Species’ visitation rates and selfing capability were negatively related to pollen limitation in the alpine community, where pollinators are scarcer. However, flower size/number, ecological generalization of plants and flowering onset had greater effects on pollen limitation levels at the lowland community, indicating that the identity of the visitors and plant‐plant competitive interactions are more decisive for plant reproduction in this species‐rich community. There, pollen limitation increased with flower size and flowering onset, and decreased with ecological generalization, but only in species with evolutionary specialized flowers. Our study suggests that selection on plant mating system and floral traits may be idiosyncratic to each particular community and highlights the benefits of conducting community‐level studies for a better understanding of the processes underlying evolutionary responses to pollen limitation.  相似文献   

Despite the strong influence of pollination ecology on the evolution of selfing, we have little information on how distinct groups of insect pollinators influence outcrossing rate. However, differences in behavior between pollinator groups could easily influence how each group affects outcrossing rate. We examined the influence of distinct insect pollinator groups on outcrossing rate in the rocky mountain columbine, Aquilegia coerulea. The impact of population size, plant density, size of floral display, and herkogamy (spatial separation between anthers and stigmas) on outcrossing rate was also considered as these variables were previously found to affect outcrossing rate in some plant species. We quantified correlations between all independent variables and used simple and two-factor regressions to determine direct and indirect impact of each independent variable on outcrossing rate. Outcrossing rate increased significantly with hawkmoth abundance but not with the abundance of any of the other groups of floral visitors, which included bumblebees, solitary bees, syrphid flies, and muscidae. Outcrossing rate was also significantly affected by floral display size and together, hawkmoth abundance and floral display size explained 87% of the variation in outcrossing rate. None of the other independent variables directly affected the outcrossing rate. This is the first report of a significant impact of pollinator type on outcrossing rate. Hawkmoths did not visit fewer flowers per plant relative to other pollinator groups but preferred visiting female-phase flowers first on a plant. Both the behavior of pollinators and floral display size affected outcrossing rate via their impact on the level of geitonogamous (among flower) selfing. Given that geitonogamous selfing is never advantageous, the variation in outcrossing rate and maintenance of mixed mating systems in populations of A. coerulea may not require an adaptive explanation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Chiropterophillous and ornithophillous characteristics can form part of a single reproductive strategy in plants that have flowers with diurnal and nocturnal anthesis. This broader pollination strategy can ensure seed set when pollinators are scarce or unpredictable. This appears to be true of hummingbirds, which presumably pollinate Marginatocereus marginatus, a columnar cactus with red nocturnal and diurnal flowers growing as part of dense bat-pollinated columnar cacti forests in arid regions of central Mexico. The aim of this study was to study the floral biology of M. marginatus, and evaluate the effectiveness of nocturnal vs. diurnal pollinators and the contribution of each pollinator group to overall plant fitness. METHODS: Individual flower buds were marked and followed to evaluate flower phenology and anthesis time. Flowers and nectar production were measured. An exclusion experiment was conducted to measure the relative contribution of nocturnal and diurnal pollinators to seed set. KEY RESULTS: Marginatocereus marginatus has red hermaphroditic flowers with nocturnal and diurnal anthesis. The plant cannot produce seeds by selfing and was pollinated during the day by hummingbirds and during the night by bats, demonstrating that both pollinator groups were important for plant reproduction. Strong pollen limitation was found in the absence of one of the pollinator guilds. CONCLUSIONS: Marginatocereus marginatus has an open pollination system in which both diurnal and nocturnal pollinators are needed to set seeds. This represents a fail-safe pollination system that can ensure both pollination, in a situation of low abundance of one of the pollinator groups (hummingbirds), and high competition for nocturnal pollinators with other columnar cacti that bloom synchronously with M. marginatus in the Tehuacan Valley, Mexico.  相似文献   

A continuous 15 month study of the floral ecology of four syntopic understorey palm species of Genoma was conducted in Amazonian Peru lowland rainforest. The spicate inflorescences of G. macrostachys, G. acaulis and G. gracilis are strictly protandrous and the plants are functionally dioecious. Data suggest that in G. macrostachys and G. acaulis pollination is based on a mimicry system, the pistillate flowers mimicking the staminate ones in colour, shape and scent. Pollen-collecting meliponine bees (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Meliponinae) and pollen-feeding syrphid flies (Diptera, Syrphidae) which visit inflorescences during both sexual stages are the pollinators of G. macrostachys. Geonoma acaulis is pollinated by small pollen-feeding weevils (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Derelomini) that visit male and female spikes. Additionally, in G. macrostachys another pollinator type, viz. euglossine bees (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Euglossinae), which are attracted and rewarded by both types of flowers may account for long-distance pollination. The palm G. gracilis shows a very distinct pollination system. Although opportunistic insect visitors are attracted to the inflorescences of this species it seems to be mainly anemophilous because pollen becomes powdery during an thesis. The branched inflorescences of G. interrupta are also protandrous, but unlike the other species of Geonoma observed, staminate and pistillate anthesis of individual flowers are, for the most, overlapping. A broad spectrum of visitors is attracted (bees, wasps, flies, and beetles), which all may act as pollinators. Outcrossing is especially encouraged during the purely female phase at the end of the flowering cycle when there are no more staminate flowers in the inflorescence. Effects on the reproductive biology and population structure of different pollination systems and breeding system are discussed.  相似文献   

Floral orientation may affect pollinator attraction and pollination effectiveness, and its influences may differ among pollinator species. We, therefore, hypothesized that, for plant species with a generalized pollination system, changes in floral orientation would affect the composition of pollinators and their relative contribution to pollination. Geranium refractum, an alpine plant with downward floral orientation was used in this study. We created upward-facing flowers by altering the flower angle. We compared the pollinator diversity, pollination effectiveness, and pollinator importance, as well as female reproductive success between flowers with downward- and upward-facing orientation. Results indicated that the upward-facing flowers were visited by a wider spectrum of pollinators (classified into functional groups), with higher pollinator diversity than natural flowers. Moreover, due to influences on visitation number and pollen removal, the pollinator importance exhibited by the main pollinator groups differed between flower types. Compared with natural flowers, the pollination contribution of principal pollinators (i.e., bumblebees) decreased in upward-facing flowers and other infrequent pollinators, such as solitary bees and muscoid flies, removed more pollen. Consequently, stigmatic pollen loads were lower in upward- than in downward-facing flowers. These findings reveal that floral orientation may affect the level of generalization of a pollination system and the relative importance of diverse pollinators. In this species, the natural downward-facing floral orientation may increase pollen transfer by effective pollinators and reduce interference by inferior pollinators.  相似文献   

The sequence of floral events during anthesis was examined in Streptanthus tortuosus to determine the relationship between the male and female floral phases. The flowers are strongly protandrous. In the staminate phase, the anthers mature sequentially over a 3–4-day period. Because pollinators quickly remove pollen from the anthers, sequential anther maturation prolongs the male phase relative to what it would be if anthers did not mature sequentially. Pollen applied to the stigma during the staminate phase does not adhere readily and does not germinate. The length of the pistillate phase depends on pollinator activity, as pollination accelerates the abscission of floral parts. Unpollinated flowers remain pistillate for 3–4 days, during which time stigmatic receptivity declines gradually. In the field, 72% to 80% of flowers are staminate at any time, indicating that the staminate phase is three times longer than the pistillate phase when pollinators have access to the flowers. The consequences of the relative length of the floral phases and the schedule of stigmatic receptivity are discussed in terms of outcrossing mechanism, floral longevity, and sexual selection models.  相似文献   

The floral longevity of unpollinated, hand self-, and hand cross-pollinated flowers was compared in two varieties of Impatiens hypophylla, which contrasts with their mating systems. When flowers were emasculated and hand-pollinated every day after anthesis, their longevity was reduced. In the absence of emasculation and hand pollination, the staminate phase of the flowers of both varieties was 1 d longer. After the staminate phase, flowers of the outcrossing variety dropped their androecium, exposing the stigma and initiating the pistillate phase, which lasted for ~2 d. In contrast, flowers of the mixed-mating variety self-pollinated autonomously and then terminated their flowering. Under great seasonal variation in the pollinator visitation rate, which was observed in their natural populations, the outcrossing variety should maximize expected outcross success through the phenology of floral sex phases, whereas the mixed-mating variety self-pollinated ovules that were not outcrossed within the staminate phase. Based on these results, I suggest that the autonomous self-pollination in I. hypophylla induced differences both in the selfing coefficient and in floral longevity between the varieties.  相似文献   

Flowers of Weigela middendorffiana change the color from yellow to red. The previous study revealed that red-phase flowers no longer have sexual function and nectar, and bumblebees selectively visit yellow-phase flowers. The present study examined how retaining color-changed flowers can regulate the foraging behavior of bumblebees and pollen transport among flowers within (geitonogamous pollination) and between (outcrossing pollination) plants and how the behavior is influenced by display size (i.e., number of functional flowers) and visitation frequency. The visitation frequencies of bumblebees to plants and successive flower probes within plants were observed in the field using plants whose flower number and composition of the two color-phase flowers had been manipulated. To evaluate pollination efficiency over multiple pollinator visits, a pollen transport model was constructed based on the observed bumblebee behavior. In the simulation, three flowering patterns associated with display size and existence of color-changed flowers were postulated as follows: Type 1, large display (100 functional flowers) and no retention of color-changed flowers; Type 2, small display (50 functional flowers) and retention of color-changed flowers (50 old flowers), and; Type 3, large display (100 functional flowers) and retention of color-changed flowers (100 old flowers). Color-changed flowers did not contribute to increasing bumblebee attraction at a distance but reduced the number of successive flower probes within plants. Comparisons of pollen transfer between Types 1 and 3 revealed that the retention of color-changed flowers did not influence the total amount of pollen exported when pollinator visits were abundant (>100 visits) but decreased geitonogamous pollination. Comparisons between Types 2 and 3 revealed that the discouragement effect of floral color change on successive probes accelerated in plants with a large display size. Overall, the floral color change strategy contributed to reduce geitonogamous pollination, but its effectiveness was highly sensitive to display size and pollinator frequency.  相似文献   

The combined occurrence of both herkogamy and dichogamy in a hermaphrodite species has been considered to strongly favour outcrossing. In this study, we investigated in detail the reproductive ecology of Gentiana straminea Maxim. (Gentianaceae), a hermaphrodite perennial endemic to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. In a series of observations and experiments over four consecutive years, we examined whether the combination of dichogamy and herkogamy in individual flowers completely prevents geitonogamous pollen transfer in this species. The mode of floral development clearly indicates that autonomous self-pollination is completely avoided through herkogamy and dichogamy in individual flowers. This implication was confirmed by the breeding experiments, since no seed was produced when flowers were isolated. However, this gentian proved to be highly self-compatible when geitonogamous selfing was artificially induced. Many flowers opened simultaneously on individual plants, the ratio of male to female phase flowers was close to 2:1 in each inflorescence at the full anthesis phase, and they were randomly distributed amongst the upper, middle and lower parts of each stem's inflorescence. On average, Bombus sushikini Skorikov, the most frequent visitor and only legitimate pollinator of G. straminea, visited nearly two flowers per inflorescence, and four flowers per plant. Among the pollinators' foraging bouts, the proportions of geitonogamous visits to inflorescences or flowers within an individual plant were 29% and 37%, respectively. Therefore, despite the strict dichogamous and herkogamous characteristics of the individual flowers, geitonogamous selfing might still prevail in G. straminea because of the size of its floral displays and the continuous visiting behavior of B. sushkini.  相似文献   

Pollination-related and time-dependent floral morphological changes occur in a diverse set of angiosperm taxa and appear to be particularly common in species occupying resource-limited environments. In deer weed (Lotus scoparius), such floral modifications include a color change from yellow to orange and a folding of the banner petal down over the keel. These changes are rapidly induced by pollination, but will also occur much more slowly without pollination. Orange flowers typically lack nectar and pollen. We examined the reproductive success of these plants to test the hypothesis that retention of orange flowers increases pollinator visitation rate and fruit set while reducing costs to the pollinators. All of the common species of bee pollinators that visited deer weed easily distinguished between yellow and orange flowers at close range and preferentially probed yellow flowers. Retention of orange flowers by these plants resulted in a higher frequency of pollinator visits and a higher fruit set per flower than plants that lacked orange flowers. The number of flowers visited by each pollinator was lower on plants with a mixture of yellow and orange flowers, suggesting that the presence of orange flowers may reduce selfing. The possible selective pressures involved in the evolution of these mechanisms and their relation to stressful environments are also discussed.  相似文献   

  • Analyses of resource presentation, floral morphology and pollinator behaviour are essential for understanding specialised plant‐pollinator systems. We investigated whether foraging by individual bee pollinators fits the floral morphology and functioning of Blumenbachia insignis, whose flowers are characterised by a nectar scale‐staminode complex and pollen release by thigmonastic stamen movements.
  • We described pollen and nectar presentation, analysed the breeding system and the foraging strategy of bee pollinators. We determined the nectar production pattern and documented variations in the longevity of floral phases and stigmatic pollen loads of pollinator‐visited and unvisited flowers.
  • Bicolletes indigoticus (Colletidae) was the sole pollinator with females revisiting flowers in staminate and pistillate phases at short intervals, guaranteeing cross‐pollen flow. Nectar stored in the nectar scale‐staminode complex had a high sugar concentration and was produced continuously in minute amounts (~0.09 μl·h?1). Pushing the scales outward, bees took up nectar, triggering stamen movements and accelerating pollen presentation. Experimental simulation of this nectar uptake increased the number of moved stamens per hour by a factor of four. Flowers visited by pollinators received six‐fold more pollen on the stigma than unvisited flowers, had shortened staminate and pistillate phases and increased fruit and seed set.
  • Flower handling and foraging by Bicolletes indigoticus were consonant with the complex flower morphology and functioning of Blumenbachia insignis. Continuous nectar production in minute quantities but at high sugar concentration influences the pollen foraging of the bees. Partitioning of resources lead to absolute flower fidelity and stereotyped foraging behaviour by the sole effective oligolectic bee pollinator.

Variation in flowering plant density can have conflicting effects on pollination and seed production. Dense flower patches may attract more pollinators, but flowers in those patches may also compete for pollinator visits and abiotic resources. We examined how natural and experimental conspecific flowering plant density affected pollen receipt and seed production in a protandrous, bumble bee-pollinated wildflower, Delphinium barbeyi (Ranunculaceae). We also compared floral sex ratios, pollinator visitation rates, and pollen limitation of seed set from early to late in the season to determine whether these factors mirrored seasonal changes in pollen receipt and seed production. Pollen receipt increased with natural flowering plant density, while seed production increased across lower densities and decreased across higher flower densities. Experimental manipulation of flowering plant density did not affect pollinator visitation rate, pollen receipt, or seed production. Although pollinator visitation rate increased 10-fold from early to late in the season, pollen receipt and seed set decreased over the season. Seed set was never pollen-limited. Thus, despite widespread effects of flowering plant density on plant reproduction in other species, the effects of conspecific flowering plant density on D. barbeyi pollination and seed production are minor.  相似文献   

田昊  廖万金 《生物多样性》2018,26(5):468-185
克隆植物与其传粉者的相互作用是植物繁殖生态学的重要研究领域之一。植物克隆生长与有性繁殖通常相伴进行, 往往产生较大的花展示与复杂的克隆空间结构, 通过传粉过程对有性繁殖过程产生影响, 共同决定植物的适合度。本文回顾了克隆生长对被子植物传粉过程影响的国内外研究进展, 从植物克隆大小、花资源空间配置、克隆构型与种群遗传结构四个方面讨论了克隆生长对传粉过程的影响及其生态学与进化生物学意义。早期研究预期, 随着克隆增大, 同株异花授粉水平增加, 因而通过增大自交率或花粉阻塞效应降低植物的适合度。但是, 后来的一些模拟与野外实验研究发现, 传粉者在同一克隆内访问的花数量并不会随克隆增大而一直增加, 访花行为也主要发生在分株内; 而且分子标记的自交率组分分析也表明自交主要发生在分株内。另一方面, 人工模型模拟以及传粉者访问行为研究表明, 当花朵数量相同时, 与所有花集中生长在同一分株上相比, 将花朵分散在多个分株上的克隆生长方式不会增加, 反而降低了同株异花授粉的发生水平。如果花序内花雌雄同熟, 花朵同时提供与接收花粉, 克隆生长会使植物接收到更高比例的异交花粉, 在提高后代质量的同时不增加同株异花授粉概率。这是从传粉生物学角度对植物克隆生长习性进化的一个全新的解释。今后, 克隆植物传粉生物学研究需要针对传粉者与克隆生长之间的相互作用建立理论模型, 探究克隆大小、克隆构型、花资源空间配置模式对传粉者访问频率和行为、花粉散布、交配格局的影响。同时, 需要在自然种群中, 尤其是克隆与非克隆的近缘类群、同一物种克隆与非克隆种群开展比较研究, 利用更高效的分子标记来研究克隆生长的生态与进化意义。  相似文献   

Summary The neotropical shrub Pentagonia macrophylla Benth. (Rubiaceae) has protandrous two-day flowers. Synchronous development among flowers on a single individual results in sequential phenotypic unisexuality: the entire plant alternates gender from day to day. Pistillate flowers produce more nectar than staminate flowers at comparable hours, but this difference does not result in different paterns of visitation to male and female flowers by hummingbird pollinators. Rare periods of bisexuality occur due to asynchronous floral development within or between inflorescences and are always followed by return to a synchronized pattern of alternation of gender. Reestablishment of synchrony usually involves a timeframe shift in the pattern of flowering (i.e., a plant produces staminate flowers on days when it previously would have been pistillate). It is suggested that timeframe shifts occur in response to inadequate pollination and serve to either desynchronize the plant from neighboring conspecifics or to temporarily allow self-pollination.  相似文献   

青藏高原晚期开花植物线叶龙胆的传粉生态学   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
线叶龙胆(Gentiana lawrencei var. farreri)主要分布在青藏高原, 在晚秋和早冬开花。为了探明线叶龙胆繁育系统特点, 探讨其对环境的繁殖适应特征, 对其传粉生态学过程进行了连续3年的观察。线叶龙胆自然状态下的结籽率很低, 存在严重的花粉限制。雌雄异位和不完全雌雄异熟的花特征表明其结实必须依赖昆虫传粉。繁育系统实验表明, 部分套袋花也能结实, 这可能主要是由蓟马(Thripidae spp.)和蚂蚁(Formica spp.)等小昆虫协助自交所致。克什米尔熊蜂(Bombus kashmirensis)和苏氏熊蜂(B. sushikini)是线叶龙胆的有效传粉昆虫, 但其访花频率非常低, 分别为0.006和0.005 time·flower-1·h-1。线叶龙胆花持续期和柱头可授能力都长于其他已报道的龙胆类植物, 从而在温度低、传粉昆虫少的情况下提供了更多传粉机会。线叶龙胆同时具有协助自交和杂交的繁殖现象, 以及较长的花持续期和柱头持续能力, 这可能是其在青藏高原地区赖以存活和延续的一个重要原因。  相似文献   

This study measured the quantities of effective pollen vectors and their pollen loads arriving at the canopies of dioecious tropical rain forest trees in north-east Queensland. Population flowering synchrony, effective pollinator populations and pollen loads transferred between staminate and pistillate trees were compared among three insect-pollinated tree species. All three were visited by a wide range of insects, 75% of which (mostly 3–6 mm long) carried conspecific pollen. Fewer than 8% of individual insects were found to be carrying single-species pollen exclusively and none could be described as specialist pollen foragers. The introduced honeybee carried greater quantities of pollen than any native species but was not necessarily a reliable pollinator. The brief flowering periods in Neolitsea dealbata (3–4 weeks) and Litsea leefeana (4–5 weeks) populations were synchronized among individuals. Flowering in the Diospyros pentamera population extended over 15 weeks and most individuals were in flower for most of this period. Staminate trees began flowering earlier, produced more flowers and attracted relatively more insects than did pistillate trees, suggesting a density-dependent response of pollinators to flowering performance. Pollen was trapped in greater quantities on insects at staminate trees than at pistillate trees. Insect numbers increased at peak flowering periods and Diptera were the most abundant flower visitors. Anthophilous Coleoptera were more numerous at staminate than at pistillate trees in all three tree species populations. Larger quantities of pollen were mobilized during peak flowering times although the greatest quantities were transferred to pistillate canopies towards the end of the population flowering periods. Diptera carried pollen more often to pistillate N. dealbata and L. leefeana trees than did other groups whereas Coleoptera carried pollen more often to pistillate D. pentamera trees. The two contrasting flowering performances in the three tree species are discussed with reference to mechanisms that facilitate pollen transfer between staminate and pistillate trees.  相似文献   

The generalization–specialization continuum exhibited in pollination interactions currently receives much attention. It is well-known that the pollinator assemblage of particular species varies temporally and spatially, and therefore the ecological generalization on pollinators may be a contextual attribute. However, the factors causing such variation and its ecological and evolutionary consequences are still poorly understood. This variation can be caused by spatial or temporal variation in the pollinator community, but also by variation in the plant community. Here, we examined how the floral neighbourhood influenced the generalization on pollinators and the composition of pollinators of six plant species differing in generalization levels and main pollinators. The diversity, identity and density of floral species affected both the level of generalization on pollinators and the composition of visitors of particular plant species. Although the relationships to floral neighbourhood varied considerably among species, generalization level and visitation by uncommon pollinators generally increased with floral diversity and richness. The generalization level of the neighbourhood was negatively related to the generalization level of the focal species in two species. The number of flowers of the pollinator-sharing species and the number of flowers of the focal species had different effects on the composition of visits in different species; attributable to differences in facilitation/competition for pollinator attraction. We propose that an important ecological implication of our results is that variation in species interactions caused by the pollination context may result in increased community stability. The main evolutionary implication of our results is that selection on flower and pollinator traits may depend, to an unknown extent, on the composition of the co-flowering plant community.  相似文献   

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