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T. P. Liu 《Mycopathologia》1987,100(3):155-158
The fine morphology of the sporocysts of Ascosphaera apis (Maassen ex Claussen) Olive & Spiltoir, an entomopathogenic fungus of the immature honey bee has been studied using the scanning electron microscope. During the third day of mycelial growth in the culture medium, numerous short, branched hyphae were formed. The tip of the branch-hypha gradually expanded to form immature sporocysts. The immature sporocysts contained a large number of globules of varying sizes. The walls of the immature sporocysts were finely wrinkled, becoming smooth as the sporocyst matured. Both exterior and interior surfaces of the sporocyst wall possessed numerous papillae. Some globules in the developing sporocyst began to form immature spores which aggregated to form spore balls. The fully formed spore balls were not enveloped by a membrane.  相似文献   

T. P. Liu 《Mycopathologia》1991,116(1):23-28
In Ascosphaera apis, after 8 days growth in darkness at 28° C, numerous sporocysts were observed, within which mature spores were seen aggregated into a spore ball. The mature spore of A. apis had a thick spore wall with an electron-opaque outer layer, a spore membrane with many depressions, and sporoplasm containing numerous ribosomes and mitochondria. In the cytoplasm of the mycelium, mitochondria with well-defined cristae and numerous ribosomes were observed. At a concentration of 1 g/ml of culture medium, benomyl appeared to inhibit colony growth of A. apis, but some sporocysts containing deformed spores were found. Deformed spores possessed a thick spore wall with a grainy matrix, and depressions were no longer detected in the spore membrane. Ribosomes were lacking in the sporoplasm and mitochondria appeared degenerate. The mycelium from the treated culture contained mitochondria with an electron-lucid matrix and no well defined cristae, while ribosomes were completely depleted. The significance of these observations in relation to the use of benomyl to control chalkbrood disease in the honey bee is discussed.  相似文献   

The antifungal agent 15-azasterol A25822B was examined for effects on the growth and development of Ascosphaera apis. The minimum inhibition concentration (MIC) of azasterol against A. apis was 1 m. Growth and development of A. apis was completely controlled at this concentration. At a concentration of 0.01 m growth of A. apis was retarded and although sporocysts were formed developing spores were not be able to reach maturation. A major effect of azasterol at this low concentration was the accumulation of lipid in the hyphae, sporocysts and immature spores. In addition it caused a conformational change in mitochondria and damage to the spore membrane structure. On the basis of these results, further investigations of azasterol for the treatment of chalkbrood disease in the honey bee are warranted.Work was performed during sabbatical leave at the University of California, Davis.  相似文献   

Survival rates of Ascosphaera aggregata and Ascosphaera apis over the course of a year were tested using different storage treatments. For spores, the storage methods tested were freeze-drying and ultra-low temperatures, and for hyphae, freeze-drying, agar slants, and two methods of ultra-low temperatures. Spores of A. aggregata and A. apis stored well at −80 °C and after freeze-drying. A. aggregata hyphae did not store well under any of the methods tested while A. apis hyphae survived well using cryopreservation. Spores produced from cryopreserved A. apis hyphae were infective. Long-term storage of these two important fungal bee diseases is thus possible.  相似文献   

Young workers of the honeybee Apis mellifera carnica were individually inoculated with Nosema apis spores subjected to carbon dioxide (CO(2)) treatment. The spores were kept in a CO(2) atmosphere for 30, 35 and 40 h. The course of the infection was evaluated on the basis of the survival rate of bee workers and the number of N. apis spores in their digestive tracts. CO(2) treatment of N. apis spores resulted in faster proliferation of the parasite as well as higher mortality among workers infected with spores kept in CO(2) for 30 and 35 h.  相似文献   

Electron microscopy of negatively stained isolated restriction enzyme EcoRI revealed particle projections with triangular or square outlines, indicating that the enzyme, in its tetrameric state, is tetrahedron-like. The two dimers making up the tetramer appear to be arranged in two planes orthogonal to each other. Complexes formed by EcoRI with the plasmids pBR322 or pGW10 were investigated by electron microscopic spreading techniques. In the presence of Mg2+, EcoRI was bound to the DNA molecules to form pearl necklace-like aggregates. The number of bound EcoRI particles was much higher as the sum of EcoRI-and 5..AATT..3 sites (with exceptions, the 5..AATT..3 sites may function as one type of EcoRI* sites) along the DNAs, indicating unspecific binding. In the absence of Mg2+, EcoRI was bound to the DNA only at the recognition site for EcoRI and the sites where the tetranucleotide sequence 5..AATT..3 was present. A direct correlation of the local concentrations of the bases A and T within the flanking sequences of the binding sites with the frequency of EcoRI to the DNA was observed. Dimers and tetramers of the enzyme was found to bind to the DNA. Tetramers occasionally exhibited two binding sites for DNA as indicated by the observation of DNA loops originating at the sites of bound tetrameric EcoRI particles.Abbreviations BAC Benzyldimethylalkylammoniumchloride - bp base pairs - Kb kilobases - SDS sodium dodecylsulfate Enzymes (EC Restrictionendonuclease EcoRI - (EC Restrictionendonuclease HindIII - (EC Restrictionendonuclease SalGI Dedicated Professor H. G. Schlegel on occasion of this 60th birthday  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments have been carried out to determine the susceptibility of Gezira Biomphalaria pfeifferi snails to S. mansoni miracidia and the relationship between miracidia and daughter sporocyst production at the 10–17 day development stage. The relationship between snail numbers, miracidia numbers and water volume has also been studied. Two non susceptible snails, Bulinus truncatus and Cleopatra bulimoides, both of which occur naturally in Gezira canals, were tested to see if they act as decoys for S. mansoni miracidia.The results showed that the B. pfeifferi are 100% susceptible to S. mansoni invasion, at least to the daughter sporocyst development stage. The more miracidia that penetrated the more daughter sporocysts were produced, however individual variation and overlap were great. When one miracidium was released to find one snail it succeeded in low water volumes (5 m, 50 ml), but failed in 5 litres. When 100 miracidia were released mortality of snails was high suggesting superinfection particularly when only one or five snails were available. Among survivors daughter sporocyst counts were very high. Cleopatra and Bulinus snails do have a decoy effect when present in large numbers. In their presence the number of infected snails was marginally reduced and the number of daughter sporocysts greatly reduced. However, if superinfection is reduced by decoy effect, it is conceivable that Biomphalaria may be protected by decoy snails in circumstances where miracidia counts are high.  相似文献   

Gills of bluegill sunfish, Lepomis macrochirus, exhibited varied degrees of structural damage following a 24-h exposure to sublethal concentrations (15 μg/l, 30 μg/l, 45 μg/l, 60 μg/l and 75 μg/l) of Diazinon [O,O-diethyl-O-(2-isopropyl-6-methyl-4 pyrimidinyl ester or phosphorothioate]. Exposure to 15 μg/l and 30 μg/l resulted in exocytosis of some material to the cell surface and perforations of the microridges. At higher doses (above 45 μg/l), the extrusion was reduced and the cells were swollen. Compared to control values, the thickness of the microridge on the gill arch and on the gill filament generally increased with exposure to Diazinon. Also, the distance between microridges decreased with increased exposure concentrations. At 60 μg/l, gill arch microridges fused and some ridges of gill filaments disappeared. At 75 μg/l exposure, epithelial cells of the gill arch became obscured with severe cellular extrusions and the lamellar surfaces swelled. The mucus extrusion, lamellar swelling and reduced microridges may be related to a defence mechanism which reduces the water surface around the gill and increases the barrier distance for diffusion of toxicants from outside to the blood capillaries. Although this mechanism protects the fish from toxicants, it also reduces the oxygen supply which leads to suffocation of the fish.  相似文献   

Summary Glucuronoxylans (GXs), the main hemicellulosic component of hardwoods, are localized exclusively in the secondary wall of Japanese beech and gradually increase during the course of fiber differentiation. To reveal where GXs deposit within secondary wall and how they affect cell wall ultrastructure, immuno-scanning electron microscopy using anti-GXs antiserum was applied in this study. In fibers forming the outer layer of the secondary wall (S1), cellulose fibrils were small in diameter and deposited sparsely on the inner surface of the cell wall. Fine fibrils with approximately 5 nm width aggregated and formed thick fibrils with 12 nm width. Some of these thick fibrils further aggregated to form bundles which labelled positively for GXs. In fibers forming the middle layer of the secondary wall (S2), fibrils were thicker than those found in S1 forming fibers and were densely deposited. The S2 layer labelled intensely for GXs with no preferential distribution recognized. Compared with newly formed secondary walls, previously formed secondary walls were composed of thick and highly packed microfibrils. Labels against GXs were much more prevalent on mature secondary walls than on newly deposited secondary walls. This result implies that the deposition of GXs into the cell wall may occur continuously after cellulose microfibril deposition and may be responsible for the increase in diameter of the microfibrils.Abbreviations GXs glucuronoxylans - PBS phosphate-buffered saline - RFDE rapid-freeze and deep-etching technique - FE-SEM field emission scanning electron microscope - TEM transmission electron microscope  相似文献   

Scanning electron microscopy has been used to investigate the morphological changes occurring during the development of alfalfa somatic embryos. Embryos were initiated from callus, transferred to suspension culture and matured on solid agar medium. This developmental pattern was compared to that of zygotic embryos developing in ovulo. Somatic embryos begin as distinct pro-embryos within the callus tissue pieces placed in suspension culture. They become globular and heart-shaped while on solid agar medium and then undergo cotyledon elongation and maturation. Somatic embryos develop comparatively slower at early stages of development and faster at the later stages than zygotic embryos. They lack a well-defined suspensor and have a very rough, poorly-differentiated epidermis, the first layer of which is lost after pro-embryo formation. The cotyledons of somatic embryos are multiple and poorlydeveloped; there appears to be a correlation between the amount of surface roughness of the developing embryo and the extent to which polycotyledony occurs.  相似文献   

Summary The present work reports the results obtained from in vivo studies on the distribution and behavior of nuclei of two arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi growing in symbiosis with tomato root organ cultures (AM monoxenic cultures). Upon staining with 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole and two-photon microscopy (2PM) observations, symbiotic thick runner hyphae appeared mostly opaque to 2PM and did not reveal nuclei within them; thin runner hyphae showed dimly stained nuclei along them, whereas nuclei were clearly visible within the branches of the so-called branched absorbing structures. When visible, nuclei appeared anchored laterally at regular intervals along the symbiotic AM extraradical hyphae. Other nuclei migrate through the hyphal central core; this migration occurs in pulses. Simultaneous observations on different areas of extraradical AM mycelium revealed the existence of lysed compartments along the fungal hyphae, containing nuclei remnants and/or chromatin masses. All these results give new insights in (i) the differential permeability of AM hyphae in the symbiotic versus the asymbiotic state; (ii) the behavior and distribution of nuclei along the symbiotic extraradical mycelium; (iii) the occurrence of ageing events within the AM fungal colony; and (iv) the existence of “healing” mechanisms aiming to restrict the damage induced by such ageing or lytic events. An AM fungal strategy for hyphal survival under adverse conditions is also suggested.  相似文献   

T. Kanbe  K. Tanaka 《Protoplasma》1985,129(2-3):198-213
Summary Mitosis in the dermatophyteMicrosporum canis was studied by freeze substitution and electron microscopy, and analyzed by three dimensional reconstruction from serial sections of the mitotic nuclei. The interphase nucleus has associated nucleus-associated organelle (NAO) on a portion of the outer surface of the nuclear envelope, subjacent to which there was dense intranuclear material. The NAO divided and separated on the envelope, and a spindle was formed. The spindle was composed mostly of microtubules extended between opposite NAOs. Pairing of kinetochores was observed in the spindle from an early stage of development, when chromosomes were not so condensed, and remained unchanged while chromosome condensation proceeded until metaphase. Before the completion of nuclear division, daughter nuclei were connected by a narrow spindle channel, and then the nucleolus, whose structure underwent minimal change during mitosis, was eliminated into the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Summary Sections several m thick of single fibres from the crayfish muscle were examined by means of a high voltage electron microscope to find out the geometry of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). A sufficient contrast of the SR was achieved by lead acetate histochemical method for calcium. Longitudinally oriented files of SR vesicles at the level of A bands and interruptions in otherwise continuous SR net are the most conspicuous features.  相似文献   

Summary The walls of mature teliospores and the development of ornamentation, as seen by transmission electron microscopy, are described for 37 genera of smut fungi, based on observations of ca. 120 species and on literature. Structural diversity of mature teliospore walls is due to differences in spore wall layers forming the spore wall (endosporium, middle layer, exosporium, ornamentation) and to different elements forming the ornamentation (exosporium, ornaments, sheath, hyphal wall, adjacent fungal cells, material of the host). During teliosporogenesis the outer layers are usually deposited first. At the beginning of the formation of the ornamentation the plasma membrane may be smooth or undulated carrying the developing ornaments on its tips or in its depressions. The ornamentation of some genera appears similar when seen by scanning electron microscopy, but can be the product of different developmental patterns (e.g., warts of species ofFarysia, Tilletia, andUstilago), however, warty and reticulate ornamentation can both be produced by similar developmental processes (shown, e.g., for species ofCintractia andTilletia). Typical structures of the mature teliospore wall and developmental patterns based on homologous similarities are described for the following groups of genera or species:Macalpinomyces, Melanopsichium, Sporisorium, andUstilago infecting members of the family Poaceae;Kuntzeomyces, Testicularia, andTrichocintractia; Anthracoidea, Cintractia, Heterotolyposporium piluliforme, andTolyposporium junci; Glomosporium, Sorosporium, andThecaphora; Conidiosporomyces, Erratomyces, Ingoldiomyces, Neovossia, Oberwinkleria, andTilletia; Entyloma, and genera of the Doassansia group;Liroa, Microbotryum, Sphacelotheca, Ustilago infecting dicotyledons, andZundeliomyces; Aurantiosporium, Fulvisporium, andUstilentyloma. Special characteristics of the teliospore wall were observed for the generaDermatosorus, Doassinga, Entorrhha, Farysia, Mycosyrinx, Rhamphospora, and some species ofTolyposporium.Part 165 in the series Studies in Heterobasidiomycetes from the Botanical Institute, University of Tübingen  相似文献   

谭莎  查钱慧  黄永芳  洪文泓  薛克娜 《广西植物》2016,36(12):1422-1425
金花茶分类系统尚未完善,金花茶又极具观赏价值,潜在价值极高,该研究应用扫描电镜观察三种金花茶花粉形态,即平果金花茶、直脉金花茶、金花茶,并运用数理统计和图片分析的方法对其花粉形态进行了探讨.结果表明:三种金花茶花粉均属于大花粉粒,花粉平均极轴在50μm以上,花粉极面观为钝凹三角形,萌发孔为三孔沟,即N3P4C5类型.平果金花茶与直脉金花茶花粉外壁纹饰为拟网状纹饰,平果金花茶网眼较密,网脊稍不平,直脉金花茶网脊稍隆起;金花茶为蠕虫状纹饰,短条状突起.花粉形态对其分类有重要意义,通过花粉外壁纹饰的类型可知金花茶与其二者亲缘关系较远,花粉形态各指标具有种间变异性,种内具有保守性,而平果金花茶和直脉金花茶花粉外壁纹饰相同但具体分类还需进一步研究.该研究结果为金花茶种质资源分类和利用提供了参考,在一定程度上促进了金花茶资源的开发和利用.  相似文献   

Summary The cortical cell membranes of maize and marrow roots grown at normal, or chilling, temperatures have been studied by freeze-fracture electron microscopy. Using computer-assisted methods to analyse intramembraneous particle (IMP) frequencies, diameters and distribution, no significant trends in differences between normal and chilled roots were found. While this result does not correspond with the findings from similar experiments on microorganisms, it is compatible with contemporary ideas concerning temperature-induced phase transitions in the lipids of higher plant cell membranes. The cortical cell membranes of barley roots that had been subjected to cold osmotic shock also showed no differences from untreated roots as demonstrable in freeze-fracture replicas.IMPs were found to cluster around plasmodesmata after chilling but the physiological significance of this, if any, remains to be investigated further.While these negative results only indirectly help towards understanding how cell membranes react to chilling, the techniques described open the way for more detailed analyses of IMP characteristics in plant cell membranes.  相似文献   

【目的】蜜蜂球囊菌(Ascosphaera apis)是一种专性侵染蜜蜂幼虫的致死性真菌病原。本研究旨在利用PacBio单分子实时(singlemoleculereal-time,SMRT)测序技术对蜜蜂球囊菌孢子(AaS)中基因的可变剪切(alternative splicing,AS)和可变多聚腺苷酸化(alternative polyadenylation,APA)以及长链非编码RNA (long non-coding RNA,lncRNA)进行鉴定和分析,进而揭示蜜蜂球囊菌孢子中转录组的复杂性。【方法】采用Suppa软件对蜜蜂球囊菌孢子中基因的AS事件进行鉴定。通过RT-PCR对不同类型的AS事件进行验证。采用TAPIS pipeline对蜜蜂球囊菌孢子基因的APA位点进行鉴定。利用MEME软件分析孢子全长转录本的poly(A)剪接位点上游50bp的序列特征并鉴定motif。联用CPC和CNCI软件和比对Swiss-prot数据库的方法预测lncRNA,取三者的交集作为高可信度的lncRNA集合。进一步比较lncRNA和mRNA的转录本长度,外显子数量与长度,内含子长度,GC含...  相似文献   

Bacterial strains from mycorrhizal roots (three belonging to Comamonadaceae and one to Oxalobacteraceae) and from non-mycorrhizal roots (two belonging to Comamonadaceae) of Medicago truncatula and two reference strains (Collimonas fungivorans Ter331 and Pseudomonas fluorescens C7R12) were tested for their effect on the in vitro saprophytic growth of Glomus mosseae BEG12 and on its colonization of M. truncatula roots. Only the Oxalobacteraceae strain, isolated from barrel medic mycorrhizal roots, and the reference strain P. fluorescens C7R12 promoted both the saprophytic growth and root colonization of G. mosseae BEG12, indicating that they acted as mycorrhiza helper bacteria. Greatest effects were achieved by P. fluorescens C7R12 and its influence on the saprophytic growth of G. mosseae was compared to that on Gigaspora rosea BEG9 to determine if the bacterial stimulation was fungal specific. This fungal specificity, together with plant specificity, was finally evaluated by comparing bacterial effects on arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis when each of the fungal species was inoculated to two different plant species (M. truncatula and Lycopersicon esculentum). The results obtained showed that promotion of saprophytic growth by P. fluorescens C7R12 was expressed in vitro towards G. mosseae but not towards G. rosea. Bacterial promotion of mycorhization was also expressed towards G. mosseae, but not G. rosea, in roots of M. truncatula and L. esculentum. Taken together, results indicated that enhancement of arbuscular mycorrhiza development was only induced by a limited number of bacteria, promotion by the most efficient bacterial strain being fungal and not plant specific.  相似文献   

A portable trap was designed to capture honey bees recruited to the field by dancers. An infrared phototransistor placed in the entrance tunnel of the trap sensed an incoming bee and turned on a talking clock, which in turn activated a voice-actuated audio tape recorder that recorded the time. We tested the effectiveness of traps for capturing bees recruited by four dancer bees (1) during two seasons when local flower densities differed, (2) with or without a group of bees pretrained to enter traps for food, and (3) when the scent used in traps and at the dancers' feeding station was changed just prior to recruitment trials or was not changed. One trap was put out at each of four distances (50, 100, 150, and 200 m) from the hive, while dancers fed on concentrated sucrose at the feeding station located at 150 m in the same direction. Recruited bees that approached the traps but did not enter were counted by observers. More bees were recruited and captured in traps when the local flora was sparse (fall) than when flowers were abundant (summer), when bees were pretrained versus not pretrained, and when the scent was not changed just prior to recruitment trials versus changed. The distributions of number of bees counted at the four distances at scented recruit stations and trapped were similar only when bees were pretrained and the scent was not changed during recruitment trials. However, the highest proportion of bees trapped in a trial at 150 m (distance to dancers' feeding station) was when bees were pretrained and the scent was changed.  相似文献   

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