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Summary The uptake and pathway of different markers and ligands for fluid-phase, adsorptive and receptor mediated endocytosis were analyzed in the epithelial cells lining the rete testis after their infusion into the lumen of these anastomotic channels. At 2 min after injection, diferric transferrin bound to colloidal gold was seen attached to the apical plasma membrane and to the membrane of endocytic coated and uncoated pits and vesicles. The injection of transferrin-gold in the presence of a 100-fold excess of unconjugated diferric transferrin revealed no binding or internalization of transferrin-gold. Similarly, apotransferrin-gold was neither bound to the apical plasma membrane nor internalized by these cells. These results thus indicate the presence of specific binding sites for diferric transferrin. At 5 min, internalized diferric transferrin-gold reached endosomes. At 15 and 30 min, the endosomes were still labeled but at these time intervals the transferrin-gold also appeared in tubular elements connected to or associated with these bodies or seen in close proximity to the apical plasma membrane. At 60 and 90 min, most of the transferrin-gold was no longer present in these organelles and was seen only exceptionally in secondary lysosomes. These results thus suggest that the tubular elements may be involved in the recycling of transferrin back to the lumen of the rete testis. The coinjection of transferrin-gold and the fluid-phase marker native ferritin revealed that both proteins were often internalized in the same endocytic pit and vesicle and shared the same endosome. However, unlike transferrin, native ferritin at the late time intervals appeared in dense multivesicular bodies and secondary lysosomes. When the adsorptive marker cationic ferritin and the fluid-phase marker albumin-gold were coinjected, again both proteins often shared the same endocytic pit and vesicle, endosome, pale and dense multivesicular body and secondary lysosomes. However, several endocytic vesicles labeled only with cationic ferritin appeared to bypass the endosomal and lysosomal compartments and to reach the lateral intercellular space and areas of the basement membrane. The rete epithelial cells, therefore, appear to be internalizing proteins and ligands by receptor-mediated and non-specific endocytosis which, after having shared the same endocytic vesicle and endosome, appear to be capable of being segregated and routed to different destinations.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of the normal human rete testis was analyzed. The rete testis cavities are irregularly shaped and contain virtually no spermatozoa. Smooth muscle cells often surround the cavities.In the epithelial lining, two cell types are distinguishable. Flat, dark cells exhibit numerous slender microvilli, and numerous apical and basal microvesicles. Prismatic, lighter cells have more cell organelles, mostly polarized towards a supranuclear position. Both cell types contain variable amounts of glycogen and fat, and an occasional cilium. All cells display intricate lateral cell surfaces that possess different cell-to-cell attachment devices. Intermediate cell types are frequently found.On a morphological basis, the epithelial cells seem to be involved in the release of substances into the lumen and probably also in transport towards the base.Connective tissue elements are found subjacent to the epithelium. Scattered among the fibrocytes are typical smooth muscle cells. Expansions of some smooth muscle cells are connected to the epithelial basement membrane by a network of microfibrillar material. The smooth muscle cells may be involved in changing the shape of the rete testis channels, thus promoting the flux of the rete testis fluid.Different types of nerve fibre bundles are distinguished in the connective tissue of the rete testis which may correspond to autonomic and sensory nerves or sensory receptors.Presented in part at the 31st Annual Meeting of the American Fertility Society, Los Angeles, April 1975Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung, on leave of absence from Depto. de Biologia Celular y Genética Sede Norte, Universidad de Chile, Santiago. Supported by travel aid from the Hamburgische Wissenschaftliche StiftungSupported by Grants from the Deutsche ForschungsgemeinschaftDedicated to Prof. Dr. Drs. h.c. Wolfgang Bargmann on the occasion of his 70th birthday  相似文献   

An expressional lack of fibroblast growth factor 9 (FGF9) would cause male-to-female sex reversal in the mouse, implying the essential role of FGF9 in testicular organogenesis and maturation. However, the temporal expression of FGF9 and its receptors during testicular development remains elusive. In this study, immunohistochemistry was used to identify the localization of FGF9 and its receptors at different embryonic and postnatal stages in mice testes. Results showed that FGF9 continuously expressed in the testis during development. FGF9 had highest expression in the interstitial region at 17–18 d post coitum (dpc) and in the spermatocytes, spermatids and Leydig cell on postnatal days (pnd) 35–65. Regarding receptor expression, FGFR1 and FGFR4 were evenly expressed in the whole testis during the embryonic and postnatal stages. However, FGFR2 and FGFR3 were widely expressed during the embryonic testis development with higher FGFR2 expression in seminiferous tubules at 16–18 dpc and higher FGFR3 expression in interstitial region at 17–18 dpc. In postnatal stage, FGFR2 extensively expressed with higher expression at spermatids and Leydig cells on 35–65 pnd and FGFR3 widely expressed in the whole testis. Taken together, these results strongly suggest that FGF9 is correlated with the temporal expression profiles of FGFR2 and FGFR3 and possibly associated with testis development.  相似文献   

Ultrastructure of germ cell development in the human fetal testis   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Summary Electron-microscopic examination of the human fetal testis between 10 and 20 weeks gestation reveals the presence of two distinct cell types within the tubules: Sertoli cells and germ cells. The latter are distinguished by their spherical shape, smooth nuclear membranes, globular mitochondria and paucity of cytoplasmic organelles. The gonocytes, or primitive germ cells, occur as single cells in the central portions of the tubules. Their chromatin is finely granular and evenly dispersed. Nucleoli are centrally placed and of uniform electron density. Various stages in the migration of gonocytes to the tubular periphery are indicated by the extension of cytoplasmic processes toward the basal lamina. Bands of microtubules are present within the processes. Spermatogonia are arranged in pairs and groups at the tubular periphery. They lack the nucleolar and mitochondrial characteristics of adult spermatogonia. Except for slight changes in chromatin density and nucleolar structure, the fetal spermatogonia retain the ultrastructural characteristics of gonocytes. Intercellular bridges connect adjacent spermatogonia. Degeneration affecting large numbers of germ cells, but primarily gonocytes, begins with nuclear infolding and chromatin condensation and eventually involves both nuclear and cytoplasmic structures. The degenerated cells are removed by phagocytosis by adjacent Sertoli cells. Large phagosomes are present in the cytoplasm of many of the Sertoli cells.Supported by a grant from the Ford Foundation and by General Research Support Grant RR055511 from the National Institutes of Health. Technical assistance was provided by Mrs. Lucy A. Conner.  相似文献   

The localization of albumin and transferrin was examined immunohistochemically in germ cells and Sertoli cells during rat gonadal morphogenesis and postnatal development of the testis. These proteins appeared as early as the 13th day of gestation in migrating primordial germ cells before Sertoli cell differentiation. In the fetal testis, strong immunoreactivity was only detected in the gonocytes. In the prepubertal testis, spermatogonia, primary spermatocytes, and some Sertoli cells accumulate albumin and transferrin. At puberty, different patterns of immunostaining of the germ cells were observed at the various stages of the cycle of the seminiferous epithelium. Diplotene spermatocytes at stage XIII, spermatocytes in division at stage XIV, and round spermatids at stages IV–VIII showed maximal staining. Labeling was evident in the cytoplasm of adult Sertoli cells. Albumin and transferrin staining patterns paralleled each other during ontogenesis.  相似文献   

To study the mechanism of spermatogenesis during the premeiotic phase, a hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody (mAb) specific for early stages of spermatogenic cells was obtained. In immunohistochemical staining of adult testis, this mAb, designated as EE2, was able to react with type A to B spermatogonia and early meiotic cells, but not with Sertoli cells, Leydig cells, and other somatic tissues. Precursor cells of type A spermatogonia (gonocytes) were also positive for EE2 in perinatal mouse testis. The antigenic molecule recognized by mAb EE2 was a novel glycoprotein with molecular weight of 114 kDa, which had affinity with Con A and WGA lectins, and was susceptible to N-glycanase, suggesting the presence of asparagine-linked sugar chains. Furthermore, EE2 antigen was found to localize on the germ cell surface. The specific expression of this antigenic molecule suggests that it may play an important role in early spermatogenesis, of which only a little information is available at present. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary An electron microscopic examination of human fetal ovaries reveals the presence of intercellular bridges between developing germ cells. The bridges are characterized by a band of electron-dense material beneath the lateral limiting membrane, and cell organelles are seen within the confines of these connections. Their general morphology is similar to that described in ovaries of other species. The possible functional significance of these connections is discussed.This work was supported by grants from the Edward G. Schlieder Educational Foundation, New Orleans, Louisiana State University and HD-03288 from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development.The authors would like to thank Miss Cathy Chase for her technical assistance.  相似文献   

Chymotrypsin inhibitor isolated from Ascaris suum (ACHI) was tested for the induction of dominant lethal mutations in male mice. Dominant lethal effects of ACHI for the main stages of germ cell development were analyzed by mating at specific time points after dosing. Two groups of adult BALB/c males received 24 or 40 mg per kilogram body weight (BW) per day intraperitoneal (IP) injection of ACHI in sterile phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) for five consecutive days (subacute exposure). Males from a third group were administered single IP injections of ACHI—60 mg/kg BW (acute exposure). The control group received concurrent injections of PBS for five successive days. After the last dose, each male was mated with two untreated females. For fractionated examination with regard to successive germ cell stages (spermatozoa, spermatids, spermatocytes, spermatogonia), every second week, two other untreated virgin females were placed with each male for mating. The uteri of the females were inspected on the 15th day of gestation, and preimplantation loss and postimplantation loss determined from dominant lethal parameters. Exposure of mice germ cells to ACHI did not impair mating activity of males. Fertility index was reduced (P < 0.05) only for females mated at the third week with males exposed to the highest dose of ACHI. In the females bred to ACHI-treated males, significant (P < 0.05) increase in preimplantation loss was observed at postinjection weeks 1 (reflecting exposure to spermatozoa after single treatment and to spermatozoa or late spermatids after subacute dosing) and 3 (reflecting exposure to mid and early spermatids for acute dosing and to mid and early spermatids or late spermatocytes following acute treatment), regardless of dose and length of exposure to the inhibitor. At the 60-mg/kg-BW group, a significant increase of this parameter was also noted at week 5 (reflecting exposure to early spermatocytes). During mating days 15–21, a significant (P < 0.05) increase in postimplantation loss and dominant lethal effects were observed for all doses of ACHI. Acute ACHI exposure 5 weeks prior to mating resulted in dominant lethal effects in early spermatocytes. These preliminary data suggest that ACHI induces dominant lethal mutations at postmeiotic and meiotic stages of spermatogenesis, but spermatids are the most sensitive cell stage to the effect of ACHI. These results show that ACHI may be one of the factors causing disturbances in spermatogenesis leading to a reduction of host reproductive success.  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signaling has been shown to regulate lung epithelial development but its influence on mesenchymal differentiation has been poorly investigated. To study the role of mesenchymal FGF signaling in the differentiation of the mesenchyme and its impact on epithelial morphogenesis, we took advantage of Fgfr2c(+/Delta) mice, which due to a splicing switch express Fgfr2b in mesenchymal tissues and manifest Apert syndrome-like phenotypes. Using a set of in vivo and in vitro studies, we show that an autocrine FGF10-FGFR2b signaling loop is established in the mutant lung mesenchyme, which has several consequences. It prevents the entry of the smooth muscle progenitors into the smooth muscle cell (SMC) lineage and results in reduced fibronectin and elastin deposition. Levels of Fgf10 expression are raised within the mutant mesenchyme itself. Epithelial branching as well as epithelial levels of FGF and canonical Wnt signaling is dramatically reduced. These defects result in arrested development of terminal airways and an "emphysema like" phenotype in postnatal lungs. Our work unravels part of the complex interactions that govern normal lung development and may be pertinent to understanding the basis of respiratory defects in Apert syndrome.  相似文献   

Summary The rete testis of the bull is situated within an axial mediastinum and consists of approximately 30 longitudinally arranged, anastomosing rete channels. At the cranial testicular pole all rete channels empty into a common space, the area confluens reds, which is subdivided by small septa and narrow chordae retis. The area confluens always contains numerous spermatozoa and is connected with the bulbous initial portions of the efferent ductules by short, often tortuous rete tubules. Since the connection between rete and efferent ductules is situated within the tunica albuginea, the bovine excurrent duct system is not provided with an extratesticular rete as in many other mammals.Straight testicular tubules merge from all directions to connect with superficial rete channels, but the inlets are not evenly distributed. In the periphery each straight tubule begins with a cup-like structure followed by a narrow stalk region and a heavily folded portion opening either immediately into a rete channel or into a tube-like lateral rete extension.In close contiguity to the rete testis lie extremely coiled arterial portions connecting the centripetal and the centrifugal branches of the testicular artery. Since intrinsic musculature is scarcely developed in the mediastinum, and transport of rete content relies primarily on massage due to external pressure changes, the pulsatile blood flow through these coiled arteries may influence conveyance processes within the rete testis.An intimate spatial association between area confluens reds and adjacent large, thin-walled lymph vessels may facilitate a transfer of androgens into the fluid of the rete testis.Supported by the Stiftung zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung an der Universität Bern  相似文献   

Germ cells' proliferation during testicular organogenesis in Wistar rat embryos and neonates [14.5, 18.5, 20.5 days post conception (dpc), birth (day 0), 1, 3, 5, 7 days post partum (dpp)] was evaluated via immunohistochemistry, using the PCNA and Ki-67 nuclear antibodies. Estimation of the reactive/total cell ratio, per visual field [labeIing index (LI)] was achieved using the Image Pro Plus Software. Immunostaining of the fetal testis, with both antibodies, revealed increasing germ cells' numbers between 14.5 dpc and birth. From birth onwards, a sharp decline of germ cells' population was observed in the first 3 days of postnatal life. Then, a transient increase of the LI, between 3 and 5 dpp, was noted. Afterwards, proliferation of germ cells ceased. These results indicate that, during fetal and neonatal life, two peaks of proliferative activity of germ cells are noticed. Following estimation of the LI for both PCNA and Ki-67, a prominent labeling for the first antibody was observed throughout the examined period. Ki-67 staining follows a similar pattern, showing, however, significant fluctuation in the obtained values, in comparison to PCNA. The significant differences observed don't seem to be simply a result of the different half lives of the two markers, but rather a consequence of additional underlying cellular activity associated with PCNA, such as DNA repair.  相似文献   

Cell-cell interactions between Sertoli cells and germ cells are crucial for the maturation of germ cells in spermatogenesis but the structural and functional aspects of the interactions remain to be fully elucidated. Densin is a junction protein suggested to play a role in establishment of specific cell-cell contacts in the post-synaptic densities of the brain and the slit diaphragm of the kidney podocyte. In the present study, densin was discovered to be expressed in the testis of the man and the mouse. Expression of densin at the gene and the protein level was studied by using RT-PCR and Western blotting analyses, and the localization of densin was explored with immunofluorescence staining. RT-PCR and Western blotting analyses showed that densin is expressed at the gene and the protein levels. Immunofluorescence staining localized the expression of densin to the cell membranes of Sertoli cells suggesting that densin may be an adherens junction protein between Sertoli cells and developing germ cells. Densin is a novel testicular protein expressed in the cell membranes of Sertoli cells. Its functional role remains to be assessed.  相似文献   

Progression of germ cells through meiosis is regulated by phosphorylation events. We previously showed the key role of cyclin dependent kinases in meiotic divisions of rat spermatocytes co-cultured with Sertoli cells (SC). In the present study, we used the same culture system to address the role of mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) in meiotic progression. Phosphorylated ERK1/2 were detected in vivo and in freshly isolated SC and in pachytene spermatocytes (PS) as early as 3 h after seeding on SC. The yield of the two meiotic divisions and the percentage of highly MPM-2-labeled pachytene and secondary spermatocytes (SII) were decreased in co-cultures treated with U0126, an inhibitor of the ERK-activating kinases, MEK1/2. Pre-incubation of PS with U0126 resulted in a reduced number of in vitro formed round spermatids without modifying the number of SII or the MPM-2 labeling of PS or SII. Conversely, pre-treatment of SC with U0126 led to a decrease in the percentage of highly MPM-2-labeled PS associated with a decreased number of SII and round spermatids. These results show that meiotic progression of spermatocytes is dependent on SC-activated MAPKs. In addition, high MPM-2 labeling was not acquired by PS cultured alone in Sertoli cell conditioned media, indicating a specific need for cell-cell contact between germ cells and SC.  相似文献   

Pluripotent stem cells, termed embryonic germ (EG) cells, have been generated from both human and mouse primordial germ cells (PGCs). Like embryonic stem (ES) cells, EG cells have the potential to differentiate into all germ layer derivatives and may also be important for any future clinical applications. The development of PGCs in vivo is accompanied by major epigenetic changes including DNA demethylation and imprint erasure. We have investigated the DNA methylation pattern of several imprinted genes and repetitive elements in mouse EG cell lines before and after differentiation. Analysed cell lines were derived soon after PGC specification, “early”, in comparison with EG cells derived after PGC colonisation of the genital ridge, “late” and embryonic stem (ES) cell lines, derived from the inner cell mass (ICM). Early EG cell lines showed strikingly heterogeneous DNA methylation patterns, in contrast to the uniformity of methylation pattern seen in somatic cells (control), late EG cell and ES cell lines. We also observed that all analysed XX cell lines exhibited less methylation than XY. We suggest that this heterogeneity may reflect the changes in DNA methylation taking place in the germ cell lineage soon after specification.  相似文献   

Mammalian germ cells are powerful cells, the only ones that transmit information to the next generation ensuring the continuation of the species. But “with great power, comes great responsibility”, meaning that germ cells are only a few steps away from turning carcinogenic. Despite recent advances little is known about germ cell formation in mammals, predominantly because of the inaccessibility of these cells. Moreover, it is difficult to pin down what in essence is characteristic of a germ cell, as germ cells keep changing place, morphology, expression markers and epigenetic identity. Formation of (primordial) germ cells in primate ES cell cultures would therefore be helpful to identify molecular signalling pathways associated with germ cell differentiation and to study epigenetic changes in germ cells. In addition, the in vitro derivation of functional germ cells from ES cells could be used in combination with therapeutic cloning to generate patient-specific ES cell lines, and can have applications in animal breeding. In this review we present the state-of-the-art on how mouse and human germ cells are formed in vivo (the good), we discuss the link between germ cells, pluripotency and germ cell tumours (the bad) and show that despite continuous progress in trying to differentiate germ cells in vitro (the ugly) the generation of functional germ cells is still a real challenge.  相似文献   

肾脏发育是一个复杂的过程,需要在输尿管芽细胞和基质细胞相互诱导下,引起细胞生长、增殖、分化,从而产生肾单位及各种管状结构,最终发育为成熟的肾脏。在肾脏发育过程中,GDNF/Ret、Wnt、BMP等一系列信号通路参与了发育的调控过程。这些信号通路在肾脏发育的不同阶段或不同位置发挥着重要的调控作用,并且通路之间存在相互的调控,从而形成了一个复杂而精细的调控网络,保证了肾脏的正常发育。文章概括了肾脏发育的过程,总结了肾脏发育过程中相关信号通路对肾脏发育的调控作用以及信号通路之间的相互调控。  相似文献   

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