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Peptides released from sea urchin eggs bind to and activate receptors in the sperm plasma membrane. The activated receptors cause multiple physiological changes in the sperm cell, including increased synthesis of cyclic GMP, that result in kinetic and directional changes in motility. Egg peptides appear to activate spermatozoa only from sea urchins in the same taxonomic order. The amino acid sequences of two different apparent receptors for the peptides reveal that one is a receptor/guanylyl cyclase. The mechanism by which the other putative receptor signals, if in fact it signals, is not known. Mammalian receptors homologous to both types of sperm-activating peptide receptors have been found in somatic cells. Thus, proteins that carry out communication between gametes of ancient invertebrates may be considered prototypes for the evolution of signaling molecules in animals that are morphologically more complex.  相似文献   

Components of the sea urchin outer egg jelly layer such as speract drastically change second messenger levels and membrane permeability in sperm. Ion channels are deeply involved in the sperm-egg dialogue in sea urchin and other species. Yet, due to the small size of sperm, studies of ion channels and their modulation by second messengers in sperm are scarce. In this report we offer the first direct evidence that cation-selective channels upwardly regulated by cAMP operate in sea urchin sperm. Due to their poor selectivity among monovalent cations, channel activation in seawater could contribute to sperm membrane repolarization during the speract response.  相似文献   

Sulfated O-linked oligosaccharides from the sea urchin egg receptorhave been shown to bind to acrosome-reacted sperm and to inhibitfertilization in a competitive bioassay. However, the inhibitoryactivity of these isolated chains was much lower than that ofa recombinant protein representing a portion of the extracellulardomain of the receptor. Because the isolated oligosaccharideslacked the potential polyvalency that they might have when linkedto the polypeptide backbone, in the current study we asked iftheir inhibitory activity could be increased by chemically couplingthem to a protein to form a neoglycoprotein. Using a recombinantfragment of the receptor we could not detect an oligosaccharidedependent increase in inhibitory activity with this neoglycoprotein,probably because of the much higher inhibitory activity of thepolypeptide backbone. Therefore, we examined the activity ofthe oligosaccharides coupled to a protein lacking the abilityto inhibit fertilization, namely, bovine serum albumin. A markedincrease in the inhibitory activity of the oligosaccharideswas observed with this neoglycoprotein. Finally, because inhibitionby the oligosaccharides and the polypeptide was measured inan end point assay, namely, inhibition of fertilization, wesought a more direct, kinetically sensitive way to measure theirproperties. Accordingly, an assay was devised (R.L.Stears andW.J.Lennarz, unpublished observations) involving measurementof sperm binding to beads that was dependent on the presenceof the receptor or its components. This assay revealed thatsperm binding to beads via the recombinant protein peaked at10 sec and then declined. In contrast, binding mediated by neoglycosylatedrecombinant protein reached a plateau. Thus, binding of spermto the oligosaccharides resulted in a more stable interactionthan that observed in binding to the polypeptide backbone. sperm binding sea urchin egg sperm binding oligosaccharide  相似文献   

Sea urchin sperm contain two isozymes of creatine kinase (CrK) in the sperm head and tail, as termini of a phosphocreatine shuttle to transport energy. The head isozyme is located at the mitochondrion. By using an antibody prepared against denatured flagellar CrK, we now show that the tail isozyme exists along the entire flagellum. This unusual CrK isozyme, of Mr 145 kDa, is a component of the flagellar axoneme as indicated by electron microscopic immunolocalization and cell fractionation. Flagellar CrK specifically reassociated with extracted sperm axonemes as well as with in vitro polymerized sea urchin egg microtubules. Neither sperm mitochondrial CrK nor mammalian muscle CrK bound to axonemes under similar conditions. Thus, although the two sperm isozymes have similar kinetic properties, they differ in affinity for microtubules, a characteristic that may determine the regional differentiation needed for establishing a phosphocreatine shuttle.  相似文献   

Chromatin from mature sea urchin spermatozoa is highly compacted and composed almost entirely of DNA and the five histones, although sperm H1, H2A, and H2b histones differ from those found in embryo or somatic cell nuclei. Release of acid-soluble DNA during pancreatic DNase I digestion is 20-fold slower from sperm nuclei than from embryonic nuclei. Following DNase I digestion, most sperm nuclear DNA remains at high molecular weight, although there appears to be some release of 10 base oligomer fragments. Size analysis of the higher molecular weight DNA reveals a series of fragments that indicate a cutting periodicity of approximately 500 base pairs. This pattern remains when electrophoretic separation is carried out under denaturing conditions. The 500 base pair cleavage pattern was not detected in digestions of embryonic nuclei. Nucleosomes reconstituted with fractionated core histones from sperm gave, upon digestion, a characteristic 10 base “ladder,” with no resistant high molecular weight DNA. Micrococcal nuclease and DNase II digested sperm nuclei to produce DNA fragments with a calculated repeat length of 248 ± 3 and 246 ± 6 base pairs, respectively. The structural basis for the 500 base pair cutting periodicity in sperm nuclei may reside in the unique sperm H1 histone.  相似文献   

Genetic linkage between the actin genes of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus was investigated by observing the segregation of restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs). Specific RFLPs of actin gene pairs CyI/CyIIa and CyIIIa/CyIIIb always cosegregated, confirming the linkage groups CyI-CyIIa-CyIIb previously previously determined by molecular cloning. In contrast, RFLPs of actin genes CyI/CyIIa, CyIIIa/CyIIIb, and M all segregated at random with respect to one another. This demonstrates that the known actin gene clusters CyI-CyIIa-CyIIb, CyIIIa-CyIIIb, and the M actin gene are not closely linked.  相似文献   

The Lubrol-dispersed guanylate cyclase from sea urchin sperm was purified and isolated essentially free of detergent by GTP affinity chromatography, DEAE-Sephadex chromatography, and gel filtration. After removal of the detergent, the enzyme remained in solution in the presence of 20% glycerol. The specific activity of the purified enzyme was about 12 mumol of guanosine 3':5'-monophosphate (cyclic GMP) formed - min-1 - mg of protein-1 at 30 degrees, an activity about 4600 times that of a soluble guanylate cyclase purified recently from Escherichia coli (Macchia V., Varrone, S., Weissbach, H., Miller, D.L., and Pastan, I. (1975) J. Biol. Chem. 250, 6214-6217). The cyclic GMP phosphodiesterase activity was negligible and adenosine 3':5'-monophosphate (cyclic AMP) phosphodiesterase was not detectable in the purified preparation. Cyclic AMP formation from ATP occurred at a rate of 0.002% of that of guanylate cyclase. In the absence of phosphodiesterase or guanosine triphosphatase inhibitors, 100% of the added GTP was converted to cyclic GMP. The purified enzyme required Mn2+ for maximum activity, the relative rates in the presence of Mg2+ or Ca2+ being less than 0.6% of the rates with Mn2+. The purified enzyme displayed classical Michaelis-Menten kinetics with respect to MnGTP (apparent Km is approximately equal to 170 muM) in contrast to the positively cooperative kinetic behavior displayed by the unpurified, detergent-dispersed, or particulate guanylate cyclase. The molecular weight of the purified enzyme was approximately 182,000 as estimated on Bio-Gel A-0.5m columns equilibrated in the presence or absence of 0.1 M NaCl. The unpurified, detergent-dispersed enzyme also migrated with an apparent molecular weight of 182,000 on columns equilibrated with 0.5% Lubrol WX and 0.1 M NaCl, but it migrated as a large aggregate (molecular weight is greater than 5 X 10(5)) on columns equilibrated in the absence of either the detergent of NaCl. After gel filtration, the unpurified, dispersed enzyme still yielded positive cooperative kinetic patterns as a function of MnGTP. Na dodecyl-SO4 gel electrophoresis of the enzyme after the DEAE-Sephadex or the gel filtration steps resulted in two major protein bands with estimated molecular weights of 118,000 and 75,000. Whether or not these protein bands represent the subunit molecular weights of guanylate cyclase is unknown at present.  相似文献   

The recombinant bacteriophages with the genomes containing the DNA fragments of bacteria Erwinia chrysanthemi, including the pectatelyase gene, were constructed on the base of Pseudomonas aeruginosa temperate bacteriophage SM. The gene transferred into Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 cells by transfection is expressed in the new bacterial host. The restriction maps of the recombinant bacteriophages are constructed and the position of an insert is defined. Bacteriophage SM was found to be capable of reproducing in Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 cells when its DNA was shortened to 88% or increased to 111% of the normal genome length. Except for bacteriophage SM, the recombinant bacteriophage SM-2 with an unique restriction endonuclease site for XbaI can also be used as a vector for cloning. Bacteriophage SM capacity in cloning of heterological DNA at HindIII sites is not less than 8 Md, capacity of bacteriophage SM-2 is not less than 5 and 8 Md at XbaI and HindIII sites respectively.  相似文献   

The presence of gamma-carboxyglutamate-containing proteins in human placenta and kidney has been examined. For the detection of these proteins gamma-carboxyglutamate content of alkaline hydrolysates of tissue homogenates has been determined. gamma-Carboxyglutamic acid was identified by amino acid analysis of alkaline and acid hydrolysates. In kidney a gamma-carboxyglutamate content of 4 nmol/mg of protein has been found, however in placenta this amino acid was undetectable (less than 0.1 nmol/mg of protein).  相似文献   

Sea urchin sperm contain a phenylhydrazine-sensitive peroxidase that is believed to use hydrogen peroxide produced by the fertilized egg to reduce sperm fertility and thereby assist in the prevention of polyspermy. Strongylocentrotus purpuratus sperm were treated initially with hypotonic phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) to remove catalase and then extracted with 0.5% Triton X-100 in 0.5 M acetate buffer (pH 5.0). Peroxidase activity in this detergent extract was assayed using 3,3',5,5'-tetramethyl benzidine (TMB) as oxidizable substrate. Kinetic studies showed that the Km for TMB is 250 microM. Benzohydroxamic acid and phenylhydrazine are known to be competitive inhibitors of a variety of plant and animal peroxidases. These substances were found to competitively inhibit the sea urchin sperm peroxidase: for benzohydroxamic acid, Ki = 51.2 microM, mean inhibitory dose (ID50) = 146.7 microM; for phenylhydrazine, Ki = 201 nM, ID50 = 303 nM. These findings indicate that the biochemical properties of the sea urchin sperm peroxidase resembles those of peroxidases found in somatic tissues where oxygen radicals are produced by phagocytes to kill bacteria and support our hypothesis that the sperm peroxidase has a functional role in the prevention of polyspermy during fertilization.  相似文献   

Incorporation of genetic material into the bilayer lipid vesicles (liposomes) and the subsequent transfer of liposomal content into cells or protoplasts appear to be a promising technique for transfer of genetic information. The following three methods are most frequently used to incorporate DNA into liposomes lipid microinjection into aqueous phase, multistep treatment of the lipid suspension by ultrasonication, Ca2+ ions and EDTA, reverse phase evaporation. Viral particles, chromosomes, nuclei, viral nucleic acids, plasmids and chromosomal DNA can be successfully transferred into animal and plant protoplasts by the described technique. Successful transformation of a number of microorganisms (Neurospora, E. coli, B. subtilis, Streptomyces, Mycoplasma) with the liposome incorporated DNA has also been reported. Transformation frequency can be considerably increased by optimizing the conditions of liposome formation or of liposome-protoplasts interaction.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic mobility, amino acid composition and salt dissociation of histones isolated from sperm of sea urchin Strongylocentrotus intermedius and calf thymus cells were studied. The special arginine-rich histone fraction (I) has been observed in sea urchin sperm chromatin, this fraction being absent in calf thymus chromatin. Dissociation of lysine-containing histone fractions from sea urchin chromatin occured in the range of 0.7 to 1.0 M NaCl concentrations. H1 of calf thymus chromatin was totally extracted with 0.6 M NaCl. In the course of a further increase of salt concentrations (up to 1.5 M NaCl) a practically total extraction of histones from sperm chromatin was observed, while about 20% of proteins remained bound to DNA in thymus chromatin after extraction with 2.0 M NaCl. The template activity of non-extracted DNP preparations from urchin sperm was equal to 2-3% of that of totally deproteinized DNA. The template activity of DNP gradually increased at protein extraction from DNP preparations. The hybridization capacity of RNA transcribed on partially dehistonized DNP templates in vitro also increased.  相似文献   

Theiler's virus as a vector for foreign gene delivery.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
L Zhang  S Sato  J I Kim    R P Roos 《Journal of virology》1995,69(5):3171-3175
DA strain and other strains of the TO subgroup of Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis viruses are members of the Cardiovirus genus of picornaviruses and produce a persistent demyelinating disease in mice. A recent study from our laboratory (W.-P. Kong, G. D. Ghadge, and R. P. Roos, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91:1796-1800, 1994) demonstrated that the leader, which is encoded at the N terminus of the Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus polyprotein, can be partially replaced by foreign sequences as well as completely deleted, with no loss of infectivity in BHK-21 cells. In this study, we have inserted up to 724 nucleotides into the leader coding region of an infectious DA clone. Recombinant viruses were produced, and the inserts were shown to be stable for at least three passages in BHK-21 cells.  相似文献   

After the repeated injection of sea urchin sperm guanylate cyclase into rabbits, antibodies to the enzyme were formed. These antibodies inhibited the particulate or the Triton-dispersed forms of the sperm enzyme by greater than 97%. The sperm adenylate cyclase, cyclic GMP phosphodiesterase, adenosine triphosphatase, guanosine triphosphatase, and 5'-nucleotidase enzymes were not affected by the antiserum. The antiserum inhibited the Triton-dispersed guanylate cyclase from rat heart, liver, lung, spleen, and kidney but did not inhibit the soluble form of the enzyme from any of these tissues. The inhibition of the Triton-dispersed enzyme in these tissues was partial, however, ranging from 30% (liver) to 70% (heart). These results provide evidence that adenylate cyclase is antigenically different from guanylate cyclase, and that the soluble form of guanylate cyclase is antigenically different from a particulate form of the enzyme in various rat tissues.  相似文献   

In eukaryotes, chromatin is essential for heredity. Chromatin architecture is sometimes "epistatic" over the DNA and imparts a different heritable state to the same DNA sequence or the same functional state to unrelated DNA sequences. This has been documented recently in a wide variety of studies focused on regulation of the yeast mating type, the function of Polycomb and trithorax group proteins, the specification of eukaryotic centromeres and neocentromeres, and genomic imprinting.  相似文献   

Movement of sea urchin sperm flagella   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The motion of the sea urchin sperm flagellum was analyzed from high-speed cinemicrographs. At all locations on the flagellum the transversal motion and the curvature were found to vary sinusoidally in time. The curvatures of the flagella increase strongly near the proximal junction. Two sperm are described in transient from rest to normal motion. The full wave motion developed in both sperm within 40 ms.  相似文献   

A new method has been developed for introduction of foreign genes into fish eggs. The procedure is based on the incubation of fish sperm cells suspended in dilute citrate solution with plasmid DNA, followed by application of high-field-strength electrical pulses (electroporation) to increase DNA binding., uptake, or both. Tissue homogenates and genomic DNA extracts of free swimming fry developed from eggs fertilized with treated sperm was tested to evaluate the efficiency of gene transfer. Dot blot hybridization and gene expression assay demonstrated the presence and expression of the reporter genes introduced in 2.6 to 4.2% of several hundreds of tested larvae of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.), African catfish (Clarias gariepinus), and tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). No transgene has been found in the fry resulting from parallel experiments without sperm electroporation. This is the first report on successful application of electroporated sperm cells for production of transgenic fish.  相似文献   

The sea urchin sperm nucleus rapidly loses its conoid morphology and becomes more voluminous and spherical upon its entry into the egg cytoplasm during fertilization. This investigation has attempted to determine what are the structural constraints placed upon the sperm nucleus, so that further investigations might determine the egg cytoplasmic factors that are responsible for modifying nuclear morphology. Isolated sperm nuclei were subjected to various extraction procedures in order to remove the majority of the proteins (histones) and also the DNA; subsequently, the residual structures were processed for and examined by electron microscopy. The data presented in this investigation demonstrate the removal of the sperm nuclear histones plus other nonhistone proteins has no effect on the conoid morphology of the sperm nucleus, yet this protein removal has a profound effect on the structure of the nuclear chromatin. It is also shown that removal of the majority of the nuclear DNA has no effect on the shape of the sperm nucleus. These results indicate that there are other components (possibly a nuclear matrix) associated with the sperm nucleus that are responsible for maintaining its conoid morphology.  相似文献   

The cytochrome system of sea urchin sperm   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

It is well known that sea urchin embryos are able to activate different defense strategies against stress. We previously demonstrated that cadmium treatment triggers the accumulation of metal in embryonic cells and the activation of defense systems depending on concentration and exposure time, through the synthesis of heat shock proteins and/or the initiation of apoptosis. Here we show that Paracentrotus lividus embryos exposed to Cd adopt autophagy as an additional stratagem to safeguard the developmental program. At present, there are no data focusing on the role of this process in embryo development of marine organisms.  相似文献   

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