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We previously reported that glucose can be released from GLUT2-null hepatocytes through a membrane traffic-based pathway issued from the endoplasmic reticulum. Here, we further characterized this glucose release mechanism using biosynthetic labeling protocols. In continuous pulse-labeling experiments, we determined that glucose secretion proceeded linearly and with the same kinetics in control and GLUT2-null hepatocytes. In GLUT2-deficient hepatocytes, however, a fraction of newly synthesized glucose accumulated intracellularly. The linear accumulation of glucose in the medium was inhibited in mutant, but not in control, hepatocytes by progesterone and low temperature, as previously reported, but, importantly, also by microtubule disruption. The intracellular pool of glucose was shown to be present in the cytosol, and, in pulse-chase experiments, it was shown to be released at a relatively slow rate. Release was not inhibited by S-4048 (an inhibitor of glucose-6-phosphate translocase), cytochalasin B, or progesterone. It was inhibited by phloretin, carbonyl cyanide p-(trifluoromethoxy)phenylhydrazone, and low temperature. We conclude that the major release pathway segregates glucose away from the cytosol by use of a membrane traffic-based, microtubule-dependent mechanism and that the release of the cytosolic pool of newly synthesized glucose, through an as yet unidentified plasma membrane transport system, cannot account for the bulk of glucose release.  相似文献   

The muscle isozyme of glycogen phosphorylase is potently activated by the allosteric ligand AMP, whereas the liver isozyme is not. In this study we have investigated the metabolic impact of expression of muscle phosphorylase in liver cells. To this end, we constructed a replication-defective, recombinant adenovirus containing the muscle glycogen phosphorylase cDNA (termed AdCMV-MGP) and used this system to infect hepatocytes in culture. AMP-activatable glycogen phosphorylase activity was increased 46-fold 6 days after infection of primary liver cells with AdCMV-MGP. Despite large increases in phosphorylase activity, glycogen levels were only slightly reduced in AdCMV-MGP-infected liver cells compared to uninfected cells or cells infected with wild-type adenovirus. The lack of correlation of phosphorylase activity and glycogen content suggests that the liver cell environment can inhibit the muscle phosphorylase isozyme. This inhibition can be overcome, however, by addition of carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP), which increases AMP levels by 30-fold and causes a much larger decrease in glycogen levels in AdCMV-MGP-infected cells than in uninfected or wild-type adenovirus-infected controls. CCCP treatment also caused a preferential decrease in glycogen content relative to glucagon treatment in AdCMV-MGP-infected hepatocytes (74% versus 11%, respectively), even though the two drugs caused equal increases in phosphorylase a activity. Introduction of muscle phosphorylase into hepatocytes therefore confers a capacity for glycogenolytic response to effectors that is not provided by the endogenous liver phosphorylase isozyme. The remarkable efficiency of adenovirus-mediated gene transfer into primary hepatocytes and the demonstration of altered regulation of glycogen metabolism as a consequence of expression of a non-cognate phosphorylase isozyme may have implications for gene therapy of glycogen storage diseases.  相似文献   

Endogenous glucose release and glycogen metabolism were investigated in isolated hepatocytes from rainbow trout acclimated to 10 and 20 degrees C. Thermal acclimation did not significantly affect hepatocyte glycogen contents and the rates of glucose release during substrate-free incubations. In both acclimation groups glucose production and glycogen metabolism exhibited clearly different dependencies on assay temperature. It was concluded, that there are different sources of glucose release in the lower and upper temperature range--gluconeogenesis from endogenous precursors at low temperatures and glycogenolysis at high temperatures. This conclusion was supported by experiments with 3-mercaptopicolinic acid, which stimulated glycogen breakdown especially in the low temperature range.  相似文献   

Glycogen synthase preparations from Saccharomyces cerevisiae contained two polypeptides of molecular weights 85,000 and 77,000. Oligonucleotides based on protein sequence were utilized to clone a S. cerevisiae glycogen synthase gene, GSY1. The gene would encode a protein of 707 residues, molecular mass 80,501 daltons, with 50% overall identity to mammalian muscle glycogen synthases. The amino-terminal sequence obtained from the 85,000-dalton species matched the NH2 terminus predicted by the GSY1 sequence. Disruption of the GSY1 gene resulted in a viable haploid with glycogen synthase activity, and purification of glycogen synthase from this mutant strain resulted in an enzyme that contained the 77,000-dalton polypeptide. Southern hybridization of genomic DNA using the GSY1 coding sequence as a probe revealed a second weakly hybridizing fragment, present also in the strain with the GSY1 gene disrupted. However, the sequences of several tryptic peptides derived from the 77,000-dalton polypeptide were identical or similar to the sequence predicted by the GSY1 gene. The data are explained if S. cerevisiae has two glycogen synthase genes encoding proteins with significant sequence similarity The protein sequence predicted by the GSY1 gene lacks the extreme NH2-terminal phosphorylation sites of the mammalian enzymes. The COOH-terminal phosphorylated region of the mammalian enzyme over-all displayed low identity to the yeast COOH terminus, but there was homology in the region of the mammalian phosphorylation sites 3 and 4. Three potential cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase sites are located in this region of the yeast enzyme. The region of glycogen synthase likely to be involved in covalent regulation are thus more variable than the catalytic center of the molecule.  相似文献   

Mixtures of (14)C-labelled glucose plus pyruvate were incubated either with rat diaphragm or slices of rat liver. Incorporation of glucose carbon into glycogen was compared with its incorporation into glucose 6-phosphate relative to the incorporation of pyruvate carbon into these metabolic products. There was no preferential incorporation of glucose carbon relative to pyruvate carbon into glycogen compared with glucose 6-phosphate in the liver slices, but there was in diaphragm. On the assumption that glucose 6-phosphate is a necessary intermediate in the conversion of pyruvate carbon into glycogen, this is evidence for the existence in muscle, but not in liver, of more than one pool of glucose 6-phosphate or of a pathway from glucose to glycogen without glucose 6-phosphate as an intermediate. Galactose carbon, relative to pyruvate carbon, was preferentially incorporated into liver glycogen, so that a substrate converted in liver into glycogen without glucose 6-phosphate as an intermediate could be detected by this approach.  相似文献   

A rat islet tumor subclone, RIN-5AH-T2-B, was cultured with 2 mmol/liter of the proliferation-arresting compound sodium butyrate (NaB). Insulin gene expression and glucose-stimulated insulin release were analyzed and compared with logarithmically proliferating and confluent control cells cultured without NaB. Logarithmically proliferating control cells revealed high insulin gene expression. In the presence of amino acids, these cells showed a dose-dependent insulin response to glucose with a half-maximal and maximal 6.5-fold stimulation by 0.8 and 5.6 mmol/liter D-glucose, respectively. However, as the control cells approached growth arrest, insulin gene expression subsided to below detectability, an occurrence that is associated with decreased insulin release and accumulation of cells in the G1 phase of the cell cycle. In contrast, NaB-arrested cells showed continuous insulin gene expression throughout the experiment. Despite this, insulin release in response to glucose was lost. NaB revealed a biphasic effect on the cell-cycle: after an initial leaky G1 arrest during the first 24 h, the 5AH-B cells were arrested in G2 during the following 3 days. These data suggest that insulin gene expression and glucose-stimulated insulin release are affected by the cell cycle. These glucose-sensitive RIN-5AH-T2-B cells may be useful in studies of insulin secretion and gene regulation.  相似文献   

To study the molecular basis of tissue-specific expression of the GLUT4/muscle-fat facilitative glucose transporter gene, we generated lines of transgenic mice carrying 2.4 kilobases of the 5'-flanking region of the human GLUT4 gene fused to a chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) reporter gene (hGLUT4[2.4]-CAT). This reporter gene construct was specifically expressed in tissues that normally express GLUT4 mRNA, which include both brown and white adipose tissues as well as cardiac, skeletal, and smooth muscle. In contrast, CAT reporter activity was not detected in brain or liver, two tissues that do not express the GLUT4 gene. In addition, the relative levels of CAT mRNA driven by the human GLUT4 promoter in various tissues of these transgenic animals mirrored those of the endogenous mouse GLUT4 mRNA. Since previous studies have observed alterations in GLUT4 mRNA levels induced by fasting and refeeding (Sivitz, W. I., DeSautel, S. L., Kayano, T., Bell, G. I., and Pessin, J. E. (1989) Nature 340, 72-74), the regulated expression the hGLUT4[2.4]-CAT transgene was also assessed in these animals. Fasting was observed to decrease CAT activity in white adipose tissue which was super-induced upon refeeding. These alterations in CAT expression occurred in parallel to the changes in endogenous mouse GLUT4 mRNA levels. Although CAT expression in skeletal muscle and brown adipose tissue was unaffected, the endogenous mouse GLUT4 mRNA was also refractory to the effects of fasting/refeeding in these tissues. These data demonstrate that 2.4 kilobases of the 5'-flanking region of the human GLUT4 gene contain all the necessary sequence elements to confer tissue-specific expression and at least some of the sequence elements controlling the hormonal/metabolic regulation of this gene.  相似文献   

2-Allyl-2-isopropylacetamide (AIA) causes a depletion of liver glutathione in rats only if the animals have been pretreated with phenobarbitone. Phenobarbitone stimulates the excretion in bile of a component derived from AIA and glutathione which is apparently not the same as the conjugate formed by reaction of the two components in simple solutions. The significance of these findings are considered in relation to the suggestion that AIA is metabolised to an epoxide by the microsomal enzyme system; in addition several differences between AIA and the non-porphyrogenic compound, acrylamide, are discussed.  相似文献   

Interleukin-6 (IL-6) relays an important signal to hepatocytes during the early stages of an acute inflammatory response, causing an alteration in the expression of several major defense proteins. Additional regulation of this signal could occur either by altering the number of IL-6 receptors (IL-6-R) or of the signal transducing protein, gp130. We employed ribonuclease protection assays to measure the expression of IL-6-R and gp130 mRNA in primary rat hepatocytes in response to IL-6, interleukin-1, dexamethasone, and combinations thereof. Dexamethasone increases receptor mRNA levels 2.7-fold above controls but has no detectable effect on that of gp130. Such treatment increased surface expression of IL-6-R from 600 receptors per cell to greater than 6000, without a change in Kd (2.5-4.6 x 10(-10) M). In contrast to the stimulatory effect of the steroid signal, the inflammatory cytokines, individually and together, down-modulated both the mRNA and the cell surface expression of IL-6-R. These findings demonstrate for the first time that a sensitive control system exists between inflammatory mediators and IL-6-R.  相似文献   

The size distribution of chromatin fragments released by micrococcal nuclease digestion of liver chromatin at various ionic strengths was examined. Below 20 mM ionic strength, gradient profiles with a peak centered at 6 nucleosomes are generated, whereas between 20 and 50 mM the peak is always centered on 12 nucleosomes, and above 50 mM ionic strength the 30-nm fiber becomes less accessible to the nuclease and there is a corresponding increase in the size distribution of fragments in the gradients. However, extensive digestions always give profiles with a peak of 12 nucleosomes as nuclease-resistant dodecamers accumulate. All of these observations are consistent with the winding of the 10-nm polynucleosome chain into a helical coil commencing at about 20 mM ionic strength. The helical turns are stabilized by histone H1 interactions between 20 and 50 mM ionic strength producing stable dodecamers. Above 50 mM ionic strength the coil condenses longitudinally and the profiles are consistent with a random attack of this fiber by the nuclease. Consequently it is not necessary to invoke the existence of a subunit bead to explain the profiles. We further define the conditions at which specific structural transitions take place and provide methodology for the preparation of chromatin at various levels of condensation.  相似文献   

We have examined by Northern blot analysis the expression of two members of the glucose transporter family of genes (GLUT-1 and GLUT-2) in regenerating liver and in hepatocytes cultured under various conditions. GLUT-1, although thought to be a growth-associated gene, is not expressed in normal or regenerating liver, whereas GLUT-2, a liver-specific gene, is abundant in normal liver and gradually up-regulated during liver regeneration. Conversely, in hepatocytes cultured conventionally on dried rat tail collagen (RTC) in the presence of EGF and insulin, which potentiate proliferation, GLUT-1 mRNA is rapidly and abundantly expressed, whereas GLUT-2 is depressed. To investigate the causes of this "switch" in glucose transporter expression seen when hepatocytes are removed from the liver and cultured under the conventional proliferative conditions, we examined the effects of specific growth factors and extracellular matrices on cultured hepatocytes. EGF, a potent liver mitogen, although causing a threefold induction of GLUT-1, was found to have no effect on GLUT-2 expression, suggesting that the increase in GLUT-2 seen in regenerating liver is not due to EGF. Inhibition of protein synthesis by cycloheximide in cultured hepatocytes does not prevent the induction of GLUT-1 mRNA. In addition, treatment of cells with cycloheximide appears to stabilize the GLUT-2 mRNA, preventing the usual down-regulation of this gene in cultured hepatocytes. The expression of the two glucose transporter mRNAs also differed when the hepatocytes were adherent to particular cell matrices. Culture of hepatocytes on a reconstituted basement membrane gel matrix (EHS) is known to restrain their growth and mediate high levels of differentiated hepatocytic functions that are lost under conventional culture conditions. Unlike cells on RTC, hepatocytes on EHS expressed low levels of GLUT-1 mRNA, and decreased GLUT-2 mRNA. TGF-beta, an attenuator of DNA synthesis, when added to cultures on RTC, substantially down-regulated GLUT-2 but had no effect on GLUT-1. We propose that the effectors, EGF, TGF-beta and basement membrane components, play a significant role in the regulation of expression of GLUT-1 and GLUT-2 in hepatocytes.  相似文献   

The insulin effect on glucose uptake is not sufficiently explained by a simple glucose-carrier translocation model. Recent studies rather suggest a two-step model of carrier translocation and carrier activation. We used several pharmacological tools to characterize the proposed model further. We found that inositol phosphate (IP)-oligosaccharides isolated from the drug Actovegin, as well as the alkaloid vinblastine, show a partial insulin-like effect on glucose-transport activity of fat-cells (3-O-methylglucose uptake, expressed as % of equilibrium value per 4 s: basal 5.8%, insulin 59%, IP-oligosaccharides 30%, vinblastine 29%) without inducing carrier translocation. On the other hand, two newly developed anti-diabetic compounds (alpha-activated carbonic acids, BM 130795 and BM 13907) induced carrier translocation to the same extent as insulin and phorbol esters [cytochalasin-B-binding sites in plasma membranes: basal 5 pmol/mg of protein, insulin 13 pmol/mg of protein, TPA (12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate) 11.8 pmol/mg of protein, BM 130795 10.8 pmol/mg of protein], but produce also only 40-50% of the insulin effect on glucose-transport activity (basal 5.8%, insulin 59%, TPA 23%, BM 130795 35%). Almost the full insulin effect was mimicked by a combination of phorbol esters and IP-oligosaccharides (basal 7%, insulin 50%, IP-oligosaccharides 30%, TPA 23%, IP-oligosaccharides + TPA 45%). None of these substances stimulated insulin-receptor kinase in vitro or in vivo, suggesting a post-kinase site of action. The data confirm the following aspects of the proposed model: (1) carrier translocation and carrier activation are two independently regulated processes; (2) the full insulin effect is mimicked only by a simultaneous stimulation of carrier translocation and intrinsic carrier activity, suggesting that insulin acts through a synergism of both mechanisms; (3) IP-oligosaccharides might be involved in the transmission of a stimulatory signal on carrier activity.  相似文献   

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