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四种鹤的胸骨和肩带骨比较   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文对国家一类保护动物丹顶鹤、白枕鹤、白头鹤、白鹤的胸骨与肩带骨进行了比较,阐明白鹤与鹤属的3种鹤在骨胳特征上的重要差别,进一步论证把白鹤从鹤属分离出来与肉垂鹤合为一个属是正确的。本文首次就胸骨和肩带骨特征提出4种鹤的检索表。文中附有胸骨和肩带骨的量度和12幅鹤的胸骨图。  相似文献   

团头鲂骨骼系统的发育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对团头鲂骨骼系统的发育进行了研究,观察了刚孵化的仔鱼到已具成鱼特征的幼鱼的骨骼发育过程,对脑颅、咽颅、韦伯氏器和脊椎骨、肩带和胸鳍支鳍骨、腰带和腹鳍支鳍骨以及奇鳍支鳍骨在不同生长阶段的形态特征进行了描述。讨论了韦伯氏器、复合神经骨及第二神经板等的发生过程;并根据团头鲂骨骼发育情况,讨论了头骨各骨片的性质。  相似文献   

在前两篇论文(1978,1979)中,作者对分布于中国的平鳍鳅科鱼类进行了系统的分类整理,共记载了15属49种和亚种。本文基于对其中的12属16种的颅骨、肩带骨、腹鳍鳍基骨、鳔囊和韦氏器官的结构等有关性状的比较观察,并参考了Ramaswami(1952)对另一部分平鳍鳅类颅骨的描述,着重讨论了平鳍鳅科的分类系统位置、亚科划分及其系  相似文献   

变色树蜥骨骼系统的解剖   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用透明骨骼标本染色法制作变色树蜥的骨骼标本,并对其骨骼系统进行了全面的描述.其骨骼可分为中轴骨骼(包括头骨、脊柱、胸骨、肋骨)和附肢骨骼(包括肩带、腰带、前肢骨、后肢骨).其头骨呈梨形,眼眶完整.颈椎8枚,胸椎4枚,腰椎11枚,荐椎2枚,尾椎多于34枚.有颈肋4对,胸肋4对,腰肋11对.表现出了一系列进化特征,如前颌骨愈合成1块,额骨也愈合成1块,颧骨消失,鳞骨变小,犁骨薄弱,下颌夹板骨与齿骨、冠状骨及隅骨之间的骨缝不明显,愈合程度较高.  相似文献   

河北丰宁早期鲟类化石一新属   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
发现于河北丰宁晚侏罗或早白垩世义县组的燕鲟以其很长的背鳍、长条形的方颧骨、骨化程度较高的中轴骨骼和支鳍骨、鳍条上残留有硬鳞质、无轴上鳍条等,有别于鲟形目所有已知属。燕鲟的吻部骨骼退化为管状小骨片,下鳃盖骨前方明显呈舌状突出,后部裂成锯齿状,尾鳍上硬鳞退化,与列鳍鱼和北票鲟最为相近,暂可归入北票鲟科;北票鲟科的鳃条骨数目少于7根,尾鳍上硬鳞无关节突和凹,可视为鲟亚目(鲟科+匙吻鲟科)的近祖姊妹群。热河群义县组和九佛堂组应为同期异相沉积,且沉积速度很快。  相似文献   

为了解西伯利亚鲟(Acipenser baeri)骨骼系统的形态特征, 采用传统的解剖法和透明骨法对西伯利亚鲟幼鱼进行解剖观察, 为西伯利亚鲟在形态学和分类学的研究提供基础资料。结果表明: 西伯利亚鲟幼鱼骨骼系统由主轴骨骼和附肢骨骼两部分构成, 主轴骨骼包括头骨、脊柱和肋骨, 附肢骨骼由鳍条、支鳍骨骼和带骨构成。对比分析发现, 西伯利亚鲟和施氏鲟骨骼系统的组成与构造较为相似, 其原因可能是其对高纬度低水温环境长期适应的结果。  相似文献   

C部分:附肢骨的比较研究脊椎动物在从水生向陆生、以及从陆生向空中演化的过程中,对四肢系统的构造和重构产生了重要影响。附肢骨骼包括成对的鳍,或者附肢及肢带骨(girdles,或称环带骨,也可以理解为关节窝骨)。下边给出了代表附肢排列的示意图(图8和图9)。  相似文献   

大口黑鲈和尖吻鲈骨骼系统的比较研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对大口黑鲈和尖吻鲈的骨骼系统进行了比较研究。结果表明 :从整体看 ,大口黑鲈的脑颅较宽 ,吻短钝 ,眼后头部短 ;尖吻鲈的脑颅狭窄 ,吻部尖长而突出 ,眼后头部较长。各部分的骨骼特征 :大口黑鲈脑颅的中筛骨、侧筛骨、额骨、上枕骨、上耳骨、翼耳骨和围眶骨等与尖吻鲈有明显的区别 ;大口黑鲈咽颅中的前颌骨、齿骨、中翼骨、鳃盖骨骼、角舌骨、尾舌骨、下咽骨等与尖吻鲈又有显著的差异 ;大口黑鲈附属骨骼中的肩带骨、腰带骨、脊椎骨等有很大的不同。这些差异和不同可作为科间或属间分类依据。  相似文献   

对分布于我国的3种姬蛙:饰纹姬蛙Microhyla ornata、粗皮姬蛙M. butleri和小弧斑姬蛙M. heymonsi的骨骼系统进行了比较研究.研究发现这3种蛙的第8椎体皆为双凹型,属参差型椎体;左、右上喙软骨在中线处愈合,属典型的固胸型肩带;3种姬蛙的前喙骨、锁骨以及前胸骨都不同程度地退化甚至缺失;后胸骨保留较为完整,并且3种姬蛙的后胸骨有较为明显的差异.对姬蛙科中相关的成员进行了简单比较.  相似文献   

鲱形类属于硬骨鱼类,在世界渔业产量上占最重要的地位。欧洲鱼类学者称之为软鳍类(Malacopterygii),美洲鱼类学者称之为等椎类(Isospondyli),最近苏联鱼类学家贝尔格名之为鲱形类(Clupeiformes)。重要特性为上颌有1块或2块辅上颌骨(supramaxillary),肩带大都有中鸟喙骨(mesocoracoid),脊索长成后消失,腹  相似文献   

S ummary: :
In the young of Chipea sprattus, C. harengus , and C. pilchardus about 20 to 30 mm. in length, the right:Ind left coracoid regions fuse to a solid cartilnginous ventral bar, which becomes bent and again subdivided in later stages. This fusion is probably a specialisattion to strengthen the support of the pectoral fins before the complete developinent of the dermal bones of the pectoral girdle.  相似文献   

The configuration of the pectoral girdle bones and muscles of numerous catfishes was studied in detail and compared with that of other siluriforms, as well as of other teleosts, described in the literature. The pectoral girdle of catfishes is composed of only three bones, which probably correspond to the posttemporo-supracleithrum (posttemporal + supracleithrum), scapulo-coracoid (scapula + coracoid), and cleithrum of other teleosts. These latter two bones constitute the place of origin of the pectoral girdle muscles. Two of these muscles are related to the movements of the pectoral fin. These two muscles correspond, very likely, to the abductor superficialis and to the adductor superficialis of other teleostean fishes. In relation to the pectoral spine (thickened first pectoral fin ray), it is usually moved by three well-developed muscles, which are probably homologous with the arrector ventralis, arrector dorsalis, and abductor profundus of nonsiluriform teleosts. The morphological diversity and the plesiomorphic configuration of these muscles, as well as of the other catfish pectoral girdle structures, are discussed.  相似文献   

This article describes the growth of the anuran pectoral girdle of Rana pipiens and compares skeletal development of the shoulder to that of long bones. The pectoral girdle chondrifies as two halves, each adjacent to a developing humerus. In each, the scapula and coracoid form as single foci of condensed chondrocytes that fuse, creating a cartilaginous glenoid bridge articulating with the humerus. Based on histological sections, both the dermal clavicle and cleithrum begin to ossify at approximately the same time as the periosteum forms around the endochondral bones. The dermal and endochondral bones of the girdle form immobile joints with neighboring girdle elements; however, the cellular organization and growth pattern of the scapula and coracoid closely resemble those of a long bone. Similar to a long bone epiphysis, distal margins of both endochondral elements have zones of hyaline, stratified, and hypertrophic cartilages. As a result, fused elements of the girdle can grow without altering the glenoid articulation with the humerus. Comparisons of anuran long bone and pectoral girdle growth suggest that different bones can have similar histology and development regardless of adult morphology.  相似文献   

The latest works on iniopterygians question their monophyly when considering only the neurocranium of the two families (Sibyrhynchidae and Iniopterygidae), which have different conditions of preservation. Some of the synapomorphies of the Iniopterygia concern the pectoral girdle and fins. However, the anatomy of these different elements is still poorly known in this taxon. Here we describe in details three dimensionally preserved cartilages of the pectoral girdle and fins of the sibyrhynchid Iniopera sp. These structures have been extracted virtually from phosphatised nodules thanks to conventional and synchrotron microtomography, using absorption and phase contrast based techniques in the later case. The pectoral girdle of Iniopera sp. consists of three elements, which are, from dorsal to ventral, a paired suprascapular cartilage, a pair of robust scapulocoracoids and an unpaired intercoracoid cartilage. The scapular part of the scapulocoracoids is extremely reduced and the suprascapular cartilages link the scapulcoracoids to the rear of the neurocranium. These characters may be iniopterygian synapomorphies. Iniopterygians, stem and crown-holocephalans share a basipterygium that articulates with the pectoral girdle and bears an enlarged first pectoral fin radial. Posteriorly, the basipterygium articulates with either a well-defined metapterygium (in crown-holocephalans) or a metapterygial axis (in stem-holocephalans).  相似文献   

Chondrogenesis and ossification of the lissamphibian pectoral girdle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Knowledge of amphibian shoulder development is requisite for further understanding of gnathostome pectoral girdle evolution. Fish and amniotes share few pectoral girdle elements, but modern amphibians exhibit a unique combination of traits that bridge the morphological gap between these two groups. I analyzed patterns of chondrogenesis, ossification, and bone histology of the pectoral girdles of two anuran species (Xenopus laevis and Bombina orientalis) and two urodele species (Ambystoma mexicanum and Desmognathus aeneus) to provide new insight into the evolution of the tetrapod pectoral girdle. Comparisons reveal the following: 1) variation in the pattern of chondrogenesis among the anuran species analyzed correlates to variation in adult pectoral girdle morphology; 2) morphologically similar pectoral skeletons do not necessarily have similar patterns of bone histology; and 3) the urodele and anuran pectoral girdles included herein share a common morphology despite differences in patterns of chondrogenesis.  相似文献   

The muscles and bones of the pectoral fin of Serrasalmus nattereri, the piranha, resemble those of generalized, lower teleosts with specializations related to a body shape adapted for high-speed carnivory; the pectoral fins being highly mobile with strong ligaments to the rays. The presence of two occipital nerves appears primitive, while the emergence of the subclavian artery within the branchial cavity, as in Gasteropelecus sternicla, appears specialized. The muscles and bones of the latter fish, a fresh-water flying fish, are specialized for self-propelled, aerial flight in the fusion of the right and left girdles greatly expanded for insertions of complex appendicular (flight) muscles, and in the consolidation of the rays and radials into one functional unit moving vertically in flight through contraction of vertical, massive ventral flight muscles. The bony pectoral anatomy of Electrophorus electricus, the electric eel, is specialized in having a mobile joint between the primary girdle and the cleithrum, the former being suspended vertically from the cleithrum by ligaments. The proximal radials and rays are very numerous and vertically aligned. The cleithrum is shaped to accommodate the extensive sternohyoid and pharyngocleithral muscles. The sheet-like appendicular muscles extend beyond the special joint and control its movement. The deeper muscles do not cross this joint. The arterial system is specialized in lacking a deep brachial artery.  相似文献   

The pectoral fins of Acipenseriformes possess endoskeletons with elements homologous to both the fin radials of teleosts and the limb bones of tetrapods. Here we present a study of pectoral fin development in the North American paddlefish, Polyodon spathula, and the white sturgeon, Acipenser transmontanus, which reveals that aspects of both teleost and tetrapod endoskeletal patterning mechanisms are present in Acipenseriformes. Those elements considered homologous to teleost radials, the propterygium and the mesopterygial radials, form via subdivision of an initially chondrogenic plate of mesenchymal cells called the endoskeletal disc. In Acipenseriformes, elements homologous to the sarcopterygian metapterygium develop separately from the endoskeletal disc as an outgrowth of the endoskeletal shoulder girdle that extends into the posterior margin of the finbud. As in tetrapods, the elongating metapterygium and the metapterygial radials form in a proximal to distal order as discrete condensations from initially nonchondrogenic mesenchyme. Patterns of variation seen in the Acipenseriform fin also correlate with putative homology: all variants from the "normal" fin bauplan involved the metapterygium and the metapterygial radials alone. The primary factor distinguishing Polyodon and Acipenser fin development from each other is the composition of the endoskeletal extracellular matrix. Proteoglycans (visualized with Alcian Blue) and Type II collagen (visualized by immunohistochemistry) are secreted in different places within the mesenchymal anlage of the fin elements and girdle and at different developmental times. Acipenseriform pectoral fins differ from the fins of teleosts in the relative contribution of the endoskeleton and dermal rays. The fins of Polyodon and Acipenser possess elaborate endoskeletons overlapped along their distal margins by dermal lepidotrichia. In contrast, teleost fins generally possess relatively small endoskeletal radials that articulate with the dermal fin skeleton terminally, with little or no proximodistal overlap.  相似文献   

The pectoral myology and osteology of the cyprinoids Notemigonus crysoleucas, the golden shiner, and Catostomus commersonnii, the common white sucker, resemble those of generalized, lower teleosts in structure and function, except in features related to the manipulation of the massive fifth ceratobranchial of cyprinoids by muscles attaching on the girdle. Catostomus is more specialized in having unique intercostal muscles to the girdle, complex subclavian arteries and lack of a superficial trapezius muscle. The bony pectoral anatomy of the siluriform, Ictalurus nebulosus, the brown bullhead, is highly specialized in relation to the presence and locking of the massive pectoral spine which is formed of fused dorsal and ventral propterygial rays; there is consolidation of the girdle through fusion of bones, presence of unique stabilizing bony structures, firm symphyseal union of bilateral girdles and the presence of friction-surfaces of girdle and spine for locking. The movements of the spine are specialized in the greater guidance offered by the girdle. Myological specializations are related mainly to ventral appendicular muscles which lock the spine. The nervous and arterial systems are generalized.  相似文献   

Abstract:  A new species of Gyracanthides from the mid-Viséan Ducabrook Formation of Middle Paddock site, near Springsure in the Drummond Basin, central Queensland, is based on isolated three-dimensionally preserved elements. The specimens comprise paired and unpaired spines and pectoral girdle elements, procoracoids and scapulocoracoids, and include growth series. The morphology, especially of the shoulder girdle bones and the form and tubercular ornamentation of the paired fin spines, is used to distinguish the new taxon. These characters also help differentiate the numerous described gyracanthid species. Aspects of palaeobiology including possible sexual dimorphism are explored. A hypothetical reconstruction of the fish is based on our interpretation of the articulation of isolated elements combined with examination of wear patterns on fin spines. Gyracanthides hawkinsi sp. nov. is compared with other Australian taxa as well as with gyracanthids from North America, Europe, Russia, Iran, Africa and Antarctica, some of which are tentatively reassigned here to the Gondwanan genus Gyracanthides .  相似文献   

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