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We have developed a system which facilitates the rapid modification of yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) insert DNA. Specific modifications, such as deletions, insertions and point mutations, can be generated by a two-step allele replacement method using the yeast translational suppressor, SUP4-o, as both a positive and negative selection. The introduction of the SUP4-o gene was successful in 4 out of 24 selected transformant colonies, while the subsequent homologous elimination occurred in 2 out of 30 colonies. The use of a simple, short-range PCR assay rapidly identified the correct events among the genetically selected isolates and should be generally applicable to YAC modifications.  相似文献   

PCR-based mutagenesis is a cornerstone of molecular biology and protein engineering studies. Herein we describe a rapid and highly efficient mutagenesis method using type IIs restriction enzymes. A template gene is amplified into two separate PCR fragments using two pairs of anchor and mutagenic primers. Mutated sequences are located near the recognition site of a type IIs restriction enzyme. After digestion of two fragments with a type IIs enzyme, exposed cohesive ends that are complementary to each other are then ligated together to generate a mutated gene. We applied this method to introduce multiple site-directed mutations in EGFP and Bcl-2 family genes and observed perfect mutagenesis efficiency at the desired sites. This efficient and cost-effective mutagenesis method can be applied to a wide variety of structural and functional studies in cell physiology. Type IIs restriction enzyme; enhanced green fluorescent protein; Bcl-2  相似文献   



The combined use of restriction enzymes with PCR has revolutionized molecular cloning, but is inherently restricted by the content of the manipulated DNA sequences. Uracil-excision based cloning is ligase and sequence independent and allows seamless fusion of multiple DNA sequences in simple one-tube reactions, with higher accuracy than overlapping PCR.  相似文献   

A novel simple and rapid PCR-based site-directed mutagenesis method   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Site-directed mutagenesis (SDM) is a powerful tool for exploring protein structure and function, and several procedures adjusted to specific purposes are still being developed. Herein we describe a straightforward and efficient method with versatile applications for introducing site-specific alterations in any deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) sequence cloned in a plasmidic expression vector. In this polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based SDM method, forward and reverse primers are used to amplify the plasmid containing the sequence of interest. The primers are designed so that the desired modifications are introduced at the 5′ end of one of the primers, whereas the other primer starts with the nucleotide at position (−1) of the one to be modified. The PCR is carried out using Pfu DNA polymerase. The blunt-ended PCR-generated DNA fragment is self-ligated and used to transform Escherichia coli. Mutant clones are screened by colony hybridization using the mutagenic primer as probe and the presence of the mutation is confirmed by direct DNA sequencing. This procedure was used efficiently to introduce substitutions, deletions, and insertions in the DNA sequences coding for a recombinant form (scFv) of antibody 107 specific of the human CR3 molecule, the rat α integrin CD11b A-domain and the human CD8β cloned in pPICZαB, pGEX-2T, and CDM8 expression vectors, respectively.  相似文献   

The single-stranded viral DNA of an M13 phage recombinant containing the early promoter region of SV40 was hybridized with linear, double-stranded replicative form DNA of a related M13 phage containing a short deletion in the cloned SV40 sequence. The heteroduplexes formed between these DNA molecules contained a short, defined single-stranded region in an otherwise duplex molecule. These heteroduplexes were treated with sodium bisulphite to deaminate exposed unpaired cytosines to uracil residues. The single-stranded region was filled in with DNA polymerase I, which incorporates adenine opposite the mutated uracils, and the DNA then transfected into the M13 host JM103 . Viral DNA from the resultant plaques was used for the rapid dideoxy-DNA sequencing procedure; all of the plaques studied contained point mutations within the desired area. This method allows the very rapid and efficient generation of region-directed point mutants which can be quickly sequenced.  相似文献   

Ligation-Mediated Polymerase Chain Reaction (LMPCR) is the most sensitive sequencing technique available to map single-stranded DNA breaks at the nucleotide level of resolution using genomic DNA. LMPCR has been adapted to map DNA damage and reveal DNA–protein interactions inside living cells. However, the sequence context (GC content), the global break frequency and the current combination of DNA polymerases used in LMPCR affect the quality of the results. In this study, we developed and optimized an LMPCR protocol adapted for Pyrococcus furiosus exo DNA polymerase (Pfu exo). The relative efficiency of Pfu exo was compared to T7-modified DNA polymerase (Sequenase 2.0) at the primer extension step and to Thermus aquaticus DNA polymerase (Taq) at the PCR amplification step of LMPCR. At all break frequencies tested, Pfu exo proved to be more efficient than Sequenase 2.0. During both primer extension and PCR amplification steps, the ratio of DNA molecules per unit of DNA polymerase was the main determinant of the efficiency of Pfu exo, while the efficiency of Taq was less affected by this ratio. Substitution of NaCl for KCl in the PCR reaction buffer of Taq strikingly improved the efficiency of the DNA polymerase. Pfu exo was clearly more efficient than Taq to specifically amplify extremely GC-rich genomic DNA sequences. Our results show that a combination of Pfu exo at the primer extension step and Taq at the PCR amplification step is ideal for in vivo DNA analysis and DNA damage mapping using LMPCR.  相似文献   

A rapid method is described to efficiently perform site-directed mutagenesis based on overlap extension polymerase chain reaction (OE-PCR). Two template DNA molecules in different orientations relative to only one universal primer were amplified in parallel. By choosing a high dilution of mutagenic primers it was possible to run an overlap extension PCR in only one reaction without purification of intermediate products. This method which we have named one-step overlap extension PCR (OOE-PCR) can in principle be applied to every DNA fragment which can be cloned into a multiple cloning site of any common cloning vector.  相似文献   

Ligation-Mediated Polymerase Chain Reaction (LMPCR) is the most sensitive sequencing technique available to map single-stranded DNA breaks at the nucleotide level of resolution using genomic DNA. LMPCR has been adapted to map DNA damage and reveal DNA-protein interactions inside living cells. However, the sequence context (GC content), the global break frequency and the current combination of DNA polymerases used in LMPCR affect the quality of the results. In this study, we developed and optimized an LMPCR protocol adapted for Pyrococcus furiosus exo(-) DNA polymerase (Pfu exo(-)). The relative efficiency of Pfu exo(-) was compared to T7-modified DNA polymerase (Sequenase 2.0) at the primer extension step and to Thermus aquaticus DNA polymerase (Taq) at the PCR amplification step of LMPCR. At all break frequencies tested, Pfu exo(-) proved to be more efficient than Sequenase 2.0. During both primer extension and PCR amplification steps, the ratio of DNA molecules per unit of DNA polymerase was the main determinant of the efficiency of Pfu exo(-), while the efficiency of Taq was less affected by this ratio. Substitution of NaCl for KCl in the PCR reaction buffer of Taq strikingly improved the efficiency of the DNA polymerase. Pfu exo(-) was clearly more efficient than Taq to specifically amplify extremely GC-rich genomic DNA sequences. Our results show that a combination of Pfu exo(-) at the primer extension step and Taq at the PCR amplification step is ideal for in vivo DNA analysis and DNA damage mapping using LMPCR.  相似文献   

We have developed a novel polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method that permits the rapid generation of site-specific mutants and recombinant DNA constructs with a minimum number of steps and primers. DNA segments are modified by using amplifying primers that add homologous ends to the polymerase chain reaction product(s). These homologous ends undergo recombination in vivo following transformation of recA-E. coli strains used routinely in cloning. In vivo circularization of PCR products containing plasmid sequences with a selective marker permits the rapid cloning of the desired mutant or recombinant. In the mutagenesis protocol, 7 of the 12 clones contained the product of interest, and 6 of these clones had no detected error (50% of the clones without detected errors). In each of several recombination protocols, at least 50% of the clones tested contained the insert of interest without detected errors.  相似文献   

Random mutagenesis of a cloned gene remains a central method to understand many aspects of the gene products' function and structure. Having the ability to introduce a limited number of changes within a gene in a controlled fashion allows one to evaluate single changes and study the effect these variants have on the gene of interest. The in vivo random mutagenesis strategy described in this article, using anE. coli host, is a convenient method to introduce a limited number of mutations in a controlled manner.  相似文献   

This report describes a new method for labeling PCR-generated short length (60-120 bp) double-stranded DNA fragments for use as hybridization probes. The method utilizes gene-specific primers identical to those for PCR generation of non-radioactive DNA fragments. Radioactive probes are synthesized by Taq DNA polymerase without using PCR. Single-stranded (sense or antisense) and double-stranded probes can be individually prepared by selection of the appropriate primers. The labeling reaction reached maximum incorporation within 30 min with mean specific activities of 1.05 x 10(9) dpm/microgram (antisense single-stranded), and 1.62 x 10(9) dpm/microgram (double-stranded) were obtained using templates 69-117 of nucleotides. This method offers a simple and rapid means of generating antisense probes for Northern blot analyses and double-stranded probes for Southern blot analyses that provide highly intense signals with low background.  相似文献   

A simple and efficient method for chemical mutagenesis of DNA.   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
A simple and efficient procedure for the generation of random GC to AT transition mutations in a specific DNA segment is described. A restriction fragment is inserted in each orientation into an M13 vector, single-stranded virion DNA from each recombinant phage is treated with methoxylamine, and, after reannealing of the mutagenized strands, a double-stranded restriction fragment is obtained. This methoxylamine-derivatized DNA segment is then joined with linearized M13 RF DNA, competent E. coli is transfected, and mutations are directly identified by sequencing of the phage DNA. Using this technique, single and double nucleotide substitutions were generated at a frequency greater than 50% in a 56-base pair segment of the signal codons of the TEM beta-lactamase.  相似文献   

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