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Assaying the number of functional PSII complexes by the oxygen yield from leaf tissue per saturating, single-turnover flash, assuming that each functional PSII evolves one oxygen molecule after four flashes, is one of the most direct methods but time-consuming. The ratio of variable to maximum Chl fluorescence yield (Fv/Fm) in leaves can be correlated with the oxygen yield per flash during a progressive loss of PSII activity associated with high-light stress and is rapid and non-intrusive, but suffers from being representative of chloroplasts near the measured leaf surface; consequently, the exact correlation depends on the internal leaf structure and on which leaf surface is being measured. Our results show that the average Fv/Fm of the adaxial and abaxial surfaces has a reasonable linear correlation with the oxygen yield per flash after varied extents of photoinactivation of PSII. However, we obtained an even better linear correlation between (1) the integrated, transient electron flow (Σ) to P700+, the dimeric Chl cation in PSI, after superimposing a single-turnover flash on steady background far-red light and (2) the relative oxygen yield per flash. Leaves of C3 and C4 plants, woody and herbaceous species, wild-type and a Chl- b -less mutant, and monocot and dicot plants gave a single straight line, which seems to be a universal relation for predicting the relative oxygen yield per flash from Σ. Measurement of Σ is non-intrusive, representative of the whole leaf tissue, rapid and applicable to attached leaves; it may even be applicable in the field.  相似文献   

The rate coefficient of repair of photosystem II after photoinactivation   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
During photosynthesis, photoinactivation and repair of photosystem II (PSII) occur simultaneously, resulting in a net loss of functional PSII under a given irradiance. This study determines the rate coefficients for the partial processes, allowing the calculation of the partial rates at any concentration of functional/non-functional PSII. The rate coefficient of photoinactivation was obtained from the onset of photoinactivation of PSII in leaf segments of Capsicum annuum L. in the absence of repair, and was in turn used to obtain the rate coefficient ( k r) of repair of PSII when repair was occurring. The value of k r was found to be near maximum at an irradiance as low as 29 µmol photons m−2 s−1 and peaked at or somewhat above the growth irradiance; however, it declined on further increasing the irradiance, possibly due to oxidative stress. The value of k r was considerably decreased by elevating the CO2 to about 1%, particularly at low irradiance, probably due to acidification of the stroma to a pH outside the range that is optimal for protein synthesis. The method of determining k r is convenient to apply, not relying on radiolabelling and pulse-chase experiments.  相似文献   

The photoinactivation (also termed photoinhibition or photodamage) of Photosystem II (PSII) and the counteracting repair reactions are fundamental elements of the metabolism and ecophysiology of oxygenic photoautotrophs. Differences in the quantification, parameterization and terminology of Photosystem II photoinactivation and repair can erect barriers to understanding, and particular parameterizations are sometimes incorrectly associated with particular mechanistic models. These issues lead to problems for ecophysiologists seeking robust methods to include photoinhibition in ecological models. We present a comparative analysis of terms and parameterizations applied to photoinactivation and repair of Photosystem II. In particular, we show that the target size and quantum yield approaches are interconvertible generalizations of the rate constant of photoinactivation across a range of incident light levels. Our particular emphasis is on phytoplankton, although we draw upon the literature from vascular plants. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Photosystem II.  相似文献   

An electrometrical technique was used to investigate flash-induced electron transfer reactions between Mn-depleted spinach photosystem II core particles incorporated into liposomes and redox mediators. Besides the fast increase in the transmembrane electric potential difference associated with electron transfer between the redox active tyrosine (YZ) and the primary quinone acceptor QA, an additional electrogenic phase was observed in the presence of N,N,NN′-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine and 2,6-dichlorophenol-indophenol. The latter phase is attributed to vectorial electron transfer from the redox dye(s) to the protein-embedded YZ. The data obtained suggest an electrically isolated location of the YZ from the external water phase.  相似文献   

We sought a rapid, non‐intrusive, whole‐tissue measure of the functional photosystem II (PS II) content in leaves. Summation of electrons, delivered by a single‐turnover flash to P700+ (oxidized PS I primary donor) in continuous background far‐red light, gave a parameter S in absorbance units after taking into account an experimentally determined basal electron flux that affects P700 redox kinetics. S was linearly correlated with the functional PS II content measured by the O2 yield per single‐turnover repetitive flash in Arabidopsis thaliana expressing an antisense construct to the PsbO (manganese‐stabilizing protein in PS II) proteins of PS II (PsbO mutants). The ratio of S to zmax (total PS I content in absorbance units) was comparable to the PS II/PS I reaction‐center ratio in wild‐type A. thaliana and in control Spinacea oleracea. Both S and S/zmax decreased in photoinhibited spinach leaf discs. The whole‐tissue functional PS II content and the PS II/photosystem I (PS I) ratio can be non‐intrusively monitored by S and S/zmax, respectively, using a quick P700 absorbance protocol compatible with modern P700 instruments.  相似文献   

Divalent cations such as Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions increase the rate of the dark recovery of P700+ in the P700-chlorophyll a protein of Shiozawa et al. (J. A. Shiozawa, R. S. Alberte, and J. P. Thornber, 1974, Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 165, 388–397). Half-maximal increases were observed at 1.5 mm concentrations of Mg2+ and Ca2+ ions. This correlates very well with the concentrations required to cause conformational changes in the P700-chlorophyll a protein. Na+ and K+ ions were also effective but 16–22 mm concentrations were required for half-maximal effects. Addition of Triton X-100 at concentrations greater than 0.02% also increased the rate of the dark recovery of P700+. The increases in the rate of P700 recovery are caused by a structural change involving the disaggregation of the protein. Mg2+ ions increase the rate of recovery of P700+ when both negatively (ascorbate and dichlorophenol indophenol) and positively (tetramethyl phenylenediamine) charged electron donors are used. This rules out the possibility that cations simply change the net charge on the protein to increase the binding of negatively charged electron donors. Moreover, it appears that Mg2+ ions affect the electron transport step rather than the binding of the donors to the complex. In addition, Mg2+ ions affect only the linear electron transport process from donor to O2, not the recombination of P700+ with the primary electron acceptor.  相似文献   

Absorbance changes ΔA 810 were measured in pea (Pisum sativum L., cv. Premium) leaves to track redox transients of chlorophyll P700 during and after irradiation with far red (FR) light under various preillumination conditions in the absence and presence of inhibitors and protonophorous uncoupler of photosynthetic electron transport. It was shown that cyclic electron transport (CET) in chloroplasts of pea leaves operates at its highest rate after preillumination of leaves with white light and is strongly suppressed after preillumination with FR light. The FR light-induced suppression was partly released during prolonged dark adaptation. Upon FR illumination of dark-adapted leaves, the induction of CET was observed, during which CET activity increased to the peak from the low level and then decreased gradually. The kinetics of P700 oxidation induced by FR light of various intensities in leaves preilluminated with white light were fit to empirical sigmoid curves containing two variables. In leaves treated with a protonophore FCCP, the amplitude of FR light-induced changes ΔA 810 was strongly suppressed, indicating that the rate of CET is controlled by the pH gradient across the thylakoid membrane.  相似文献   

Isolated photosystem I (PSI) reaction center/core antenna complexes (PSI-40) were platinized by reduction of [PtCl6]2- at 20 degrees C and neutral pH. PSI particles were visualized directly on a gold surface by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) before and after platinization. STM results showed that PSI particles were monomeric and roughly ellipsoidal with major and minor axes of 6 and 5 nm, respectively. Platinization deposited approximately 1000 platinum atoms on each PSI particle and made the average size significantly larger (9 x 7 nm). In addition to direct STM visualization, the presence of metallic platinum on the PSI complexes was detected by its effect of actinic shading and electrostatic shielding on P700 photooxidation and P700+ reduction. The reaction centers (P700) in both platinized and nonplatinized PSI-40 were photooxidized by light and reduced by ascorbate repeatedly, although at somewhat slower rates in platinized PSI because of the presence of platinum. The effect of platinization on excitation transfer and trapping dynamics was examined by measuring picosecond fluorescence decay kinetics in PSI-40. The fluorescence decay kinetics in both platinized and control samples can be described as a sum of three exponential components. The dominant (amplitude 0.98) and photochemically limited excitation lifetime remained the same (16 ps) before and after platinization. The excitation transfer and trapping in platinized PSI-40 was essentially as efficient as that in the control (without platinization) PSI. The platinization also did not affect the intermediate-lifetime (400-600 ps) and long-lifetime (> 2500 ps) components, which likely are related to intrinsic electron transport and to functionally uncoupled chlorophylls, respectively.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Bundle sheath chloroplasts of NADP-malic enzyme (NADP-ME) type C4 species have a high demand for ATP, while being deficient in linear electron flow and oxidation of water by photosystem II (PSII). To evaluate electron donors to photosystem I (PSI) and possible pathways of cyclic electron flow (CEF1) in isolated bundle sheath strands of maize (Zea mays L.), an NADP-ME species, light-induced redox kinetics of the reaction center chlorophyll of PSI (P700) were followed under aerobic conditions. Donors of electrons to CEF1 are needed to compensate for electrons lost from the cycle. When stromal electron donors to CEF1 are generated during pre-illumination with actinic light (AL), they retard the subsequent rate of oxidation of P700 by far-red light. Ascorbate was more effective than malate in generating stromal electron donors by AL. The generation of stromal donors by ascorbate was inhibited by DCMU, showing ascorbate donates electrons to the oxidizing side of PSII. The inhibitors of NADPH dehydrogenase (NDH), amytal and rotenone, accelerated the oxidation rate of P700 by far-red light after AL, indicating donation of electrons to the intersystem from stromal donors via NDH. These inhibitors, however, did not affect the steady-state level of P700+ under AL, which represents a balance of input and output of electrons in P700. In contrast, antimycin A, the inhibitor of the ferredoxin-plastoquinone reductase-dependent CEF1, substantially lowered the level of P700+ under AL. Thus, the primary pathway of ATP generation by CEF1 may be through ferredoxin-plastoquinone, while function of CEF1 via NDH may be restricted by low levels of ferredoxin-NADP reductase. NDH may contribute to redox poising of CEF1, or function to generate ATP in linear electron flow to O2 via PSI, utilizing NADPH generated from malate by chloroplastic NADP-ME.  相似文献   

Pre-illumination of cucumber leaf discs at a chilling temperature in low-irradiance white light resulted in accelerated re-reduction of P700(+) [the special Chl pair in the photosystem I (PSI) reaction centre] when the far-red measuring light was turned off. Measurements (in +/- methyl viologen or +/- DCMU conditions) of the re-reduction half time suggest that accelerated re-reduction of P700(+) appeared to be predominantly due to charge recombination and only partly due to reductants sustained by previous cyclic electron flow around PSI. Apparently, charge recombination in PSI was greatly enhanced by inhibition of forward, linear electron flow. Inhibition of PSII electron transport was observed to occur to a lesser extent than that of PSI, but only if the measurement of PSII functionality was free from complications due to downstream accumulation of electrons in pools. We suggest that promotion of controlled charge recombination and cyclic electron flow round PSI during chilling of leaves in the light may partly prevent further damage to both photosystems.  相似文献   

Redox transients of chlorophyll P700, monitored as absorbance changes ΔA810, were measured during and after exclusive PSI excitation with far-red (FR) light in pea (Pisum sativum, cv. Premium) leaves under various pre-excitation conditions. Prolonged adaptation in the dark terminated by a short PSII + PSI− exciting light pulse guarantees pre-conditions in which the initial photochemical events in PSI RCs are carried out by cyclic electron transfer (CET). Pre-excitation with one or more 10 s FR pulses creates conditions for induction of linear electron transport (LET). These converse conditions give rise to totally different, but reproducible responses of P700 oxidation. System analyses of these responses were made based on quantitative solutions of the rate equations dictated by the associated reaction scheme for each of the relevant conditions. These provide the mathematical elements of the P700 induction algorithm (PIA) with which the distinguishable components of the P700+ response can be resolved and interpreted. It enables amongst others the interpretation and understanding of the characteristic kinetic profile of the P700+ response in intact leaves upon 10 s illumination with far-red light under the promotive condition for CET. The system analysis provides evidence that this unique kinetic pattern with a non-responsive delay followed by a steep S-shaped signal increase is caused by a photoelectrochemically controlled suppression of the electron transport from Fd to the PQ-reducing Qr site of the cytb6f complex in the cyclic pathway. The photoelectrochemical control is exerted by the PSI-powered proton pump associated with CET. It shows strong similarities with the photoelectrochemical control of LET at the acceptor side of PSII which is reflected by release of photoelectrochemical quenching of chlorophyll a fluorescence.  相似文献   

Photosystem I of cyanobacteria contains different spectral pools of chlorophylls called red or long-wavelength chlorophylls that absorb at longer wavelengths than the primary electron donor P700. We measured the fluorescence spectra at the ensemble and the single-molecule level at low temperatures in the presence of oxidized and reduced P700. In accordance with the literature, it was observed that the fluorescence is quenched by P700(+). However, the efficiency of the fluorescence quenching by oxidized P700(+) was found to be extremely different for the various red states in PS I from different cyanobacteria. The emission of the longest-wavelength absorbing antenna state in PS I trimers from Thermosynechococcus elongatus (absorption maximum at 5K: ≈ 719nm; emission maximum at 5K: ≈ 740nm) was found to be strongly quenched by P700(+) similar to the reddest state in PS I trimers from Arthrospira platensis emitting at 760nm at 5K. The fluorescence of these red states is diminished by more than a factor of 10 in the presence of oxidized P700. For the first time, the emission of the reddest states in A. platensis and T. elongatus has been monitored using single-molecule fluorescence techniques.  相似文献   

Photoinactivation of PSII is thought to be caused by the excessive light energy that is neither used for photosynthetic electron transport nor dissipated as heat. However, the relationship between the photoinactivation rate and excess energy has not been quantitatively evaluated. Chenopodium album L. plants grown under high-light and high-nitrogen (HL-HN) conditions show higher tolerance to photoinactivation and have higher photosynthetic capacity than the high-light and low-nitrogen (HL-LN)- and low-light and high-nitrogen (LL-HN)-grown plants. The rate of photoinactivation in the LL-HN plants was faster than that in the HL-LN, which was similar to that in the HL-HN plants, while the LL-HN and HL-LN plants had similar photosynthetic capacities [Kato et al. (2002b) Funct. Plant Biol. 29: 787]. We quantified partitioning of light energy between the electron transport and heat dissipation at the light intensities ranging from 300 to 1,800 micromol m(-2) s(-1). The maximum electron transport rate was highest in the HL-HN plants, heat dissipation was greatest in the HL-LN plants, and the excess energy, which was neither consumed for electron transport nor dissipated as heat, was greatest in the LL-HN plants. The first-order rate constant of the PSII photoinactivation was proportional to the magnitude of excess energy, with a single proportional constant for all the plants, irrespective of their growth conditions. Thus the excess energy primarily determines the rate of PSII photoinactivation. A large photosynthetic capacity in the HL-HN plants and a large heat dissipation capacity in the HL-LN plants both contribute to the protection of PSII against photoinactivation.  相似文献   

Room temperature, light induced (P700(+)-P700) Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) difference spectra have been obtained using photosystem I (PS I) particles from Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 that are unlabeled, uniformly (2)H labeled, and uniformly (15)N labeled. Spectra were also obtained for PS I particles that had been extensively washed and incubated in D(2)O. Previously, we have found that extensive washing and incubation of PS I samples in D(2)O does not alter the (P700(+)-P700) FTIR difference spectrum, even with approximately 50% proton exchange. This indicates that the P700 binding site is inaccessible to solvent water. Upon uniform (2)H labeling of PS I, however, the (P700(+)-P700) FTIR difference spectra are considerably altered. From spectra obtained using PS I particles grown in D(2)O and H(2)O, a ((1)H-(2)H) isotope edited double difference spectrum was constructed, and it is shown that all difference bands associated with ester/keto carbonyl modes of the chlorophylls of P700 and P700(+) downshift 4-5/1-3 cm(-1) upon (2)H labeling, respectively. It is also shown that the ester and keto carbonyl modes of the chlorophylls of P700 need not be heterogeneously distributed in frequency. Finally, we find no evidence for the presence of a cysteine mode in our difference spectra. The spectrum obtained using (2)H labeled PS I particles indicates that a negative difference band at 1698 cm(-1) is associated with at least two species. The observed (15)N and (2)H induced band shifts strongly support the idea that the two species are the 13(1) keto carbonyl modes of both chlorophylls of P700. We also show that a negative difference band at approximately 1639 cm(-1) is somewhat modified in intensity, but unaltered in frequency, upon (2)H labeling. This indicates that this band is not associated with a strongly hydrogen bonded keto carbonyl mode of one of the chlorophylls of P700.  相似文献   

The fast fluorescence decay kinetics of two photosynthetic mutants of corn (Zea mays) have been compared with those of normal corn. The fluorescence of normal corn can be resolved into three exponential decay components of lifetime 900–1500 ps (slow), 300–500 ps (middle) and 50–120 ps (fast), the yields of which are affected by light intensity and Mg2+ levels. The Photosystem II-(PS II)-defective mutant hcf-3 has similar decay lifetimes (approx. 1200, 450 and 100 ps) but is not affected by light intensity, reflecting the absence of PS II charge recombination. However, yields do respond to Mg2+ in a fashion typical of normal corn, which may be correlated with the presence of normal levels of light-harvesting chlorophyll a + b complex (LHCP). The PS I mutant hcf-50 also shows three-component decay kinetics. In conjunction with the results on the LHCP-deficient mutant of barley presented in a recent paper (Karukstis, K.K. and Sauer, K. (1984) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 766, 148–155), these data suggest that the slow component of normal chloroplasts is kinetically controlled by the decay processes of the LHCP and that the energy comes from one of two sources: (a) charge recombination in the reaction centre or (b) energy transferred within or between LHCP units only. The fast component appears to originate from both PS I and PS II. The complex response of the middle component to cations and light intensity, and its presence in all of the mutants, suggests that it also may have multiple origins.  相似文献   



Photosystem II (PSII) is the light-driven water:plastoquinone oxidoreductase of oxygenic photosynthesis and is found in the thylakoid membrane of chloroplasts and cyanobacteria. Considerable attention is focused on how PSII is assembled in vivo and how it is repaired following irreversible damage by visible light (so-called photoinhibition). Understanding these processes might lead to the development of plants with improved growth characteristics especially under conditions of abiotic stress.


Here we summarize recent results on the assembly and repair of PSII in cyanobacteria, which are excellent model organisms to study higher plant photosynthesis.


Assembly of PSII is highly co-ordinated and proceeds through a number of distinct assembly intermediates. Associated with these assembly complexes are proteins that are not found in the final functional PSII complex. Structural information and possible functions are beginning to emerge for several of these ‘assembly’ factors, notably Ycf48/Hcf136, Psb27 and Psb28. A number of other auxiliary proteins have been identified that appear to have evolved since the divergence of chloroplasts and cyanobacteria. The repair of PSII involves partial disassembly of the damaged complex, the selective replacement of the damaged sub-unit (predominantly the D1 sub-unit) by a newly synthesized copy, and reassembly. It is likely that chlorophyll released during the repair process is temporarily stored by small CAB-like proteins (SCPs). A model is proposed in which damaged D1 is removed in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 by a hetero-oligomeric complex composed of two different types of FtsH sub-unit (FtsH2 and FtsH3), with degradation proceeding from the N-terminus of D1 in a highly processive reaction. It is postulated that a similar mechanism of D1 degradation also operates in chloroplasts. Deg proteases are not required for D1 degradation in Synechocystis 6803 but members of this protease family might play a supplementary role in D1 degradation in chloroplasts under extreme conditions.  相似文献   

J Breton  E Nabedryk  W Leibl 《Biochemistry》1999,38(36):11585-11592
The effect of global (15)N or (2)H labeling on the light-induced P700(+)/P700 FTIR difference spectra has been investigated in photosystem I samples from Synechocystis at 90 K. The small isotope-induced frequency shifts of the carbonyl modes observed in the P700(+)/P700 spectra are compared to those of isolated chlorophyll a. This comparison shows that bands at 1749 and 1733 cm(-)(1) and at 1697 and 1637 cm(-)(1), which upshift upon formation of P700(+), are candidates for the 10a-ester and 9-keto C=O groups of P700, respectively. A broad and relatively weak band peaking at 3300 cm(-)(1), which does not shift upon global labeling or (1)H-(2)H exchange, is ascribed to an electronic transition of P700(+), indicating that at least two chlorophyll a molecules (denoted P(1) and P(2)) participate in P700(+). Comparisons of the (3)P700/P700 FTIR difference spectrum at 90 K with spectra of triplet formation in isolated chlorophyll a or in RCs from photosystem II or purple bacteria identify the bands at 1733 and 1637 cm(-)(1), which downshift upon formation of (3)P700, as the 10a-ester and 9-keto C=O modes, respectively, of the half of P700 that bears the triplet (P(1)). Thus, while the P(2) carbonyls are free from interaction, both the 10a-ester and the 9-keto C=O of P(1) are hydrogen bonded and the latter group is drastically perturbed compared to chlorophyll a in solution. The Mg atoms of P(1) and P(2) appear to be five-coordinated. No localization of the triplet on the P(2) half of P700 is observed in the temperature range of 90-200 K. Upon P700 photooxidation, the 9-keto C=O bands of P(1) and P(2) upshift by almost the same amount, giving rise to the 1656(+)/1637(-) and 1717(+)/1697(-) cm(-)(1) differential signals, respectively. The relative amplitudes of these differential signals, as well as of those of the 10a-ester C=O modes, appear to be slightly dependent on sample orientation and temperature and on the organism used to generate the P700(+)/P700 spectrum. If it is assumed that the charge density on ring V of chlorophyll a, as measured by the perturbation of the 10a-ester or 9-keto C=O IR vibrations, mainly reflects the spin density on the two halves of the oxidized P700 special pair, a charge distribution ranging from 1:1 to 2:1 (in favor of P(2)) is deduced from the measurements presented here. The extreme downshift of the 9-keto C=O group of P(1), indicative of an unusually strong hydrogen bond, is discussed in relation with the models previously proposed for the PSI special pair.  相似文献   

1. Chloroplasts have been preilluminated by a sequence of n short saturating flashes immediately before alkalinization to pH 9.3, and brought back 2 min later to pH 7.8. The assay of Photosystem II activity through dichlorophenolindophenol photoreduction, oxygen evolution, fluorescence induction, shows that part of the centers is inactivated and that this part depends on the number of preilluminating flashes (maximum inhibition after one flash) in a way which suggests identification of state S2 as the target for alkaline inactivation. 2. As shown by Reimer and Trebst ((1975) Biochem. Physiol. Pflanz. 168, 225-232) the inactivation necessitates the presence of gramicidin, which shows that the sensitive site is on the internal side of the thylakoid membrane. 3. The electron flow through inactivated Photosystem II is restored by artificial donor addition (diphenylcarbazide or hydroxylamine); this suggests that the water-splitting enzyme itself is blocked. The inactivation is accompanied by a solubilization of bound Mn2+ and by the occurence of EPR Signal II "fast". 4. Glutaraldehyde fixation before the treatment does not prevent the inactivation which thus does not seem to involve a protein structural change.  相似文献   

Treatment of spinach photosystem I particles with 2 or 4 M urea containing 5 mM ferricyanide produces a time-dependent conversion of labile sulfide to zero-valence sulfur in the membrane-bound iron-sulfur proteins. The integrity of the primary electron donor, P700, remains intact when measured as a chemical oxidized-minus-reduced difference spectrum. The effect on the light-induced oxidation of P700 is complex; the extent of the normally-fast P700 photooxidation correlates directly with the amount of labile sulfide remaining in the particle but a slow phase of photooxidation only becomes evident in increasingly depleted particles and shows no relationship with the amount of remaining labile sulfide. The data is taken as evidence for the participation of an iron-sulfur protein in the primary photochemistry of photosystem I in green plants.  相似文献   

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