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Summary A new computerized mechanical cell stimulator device for tissue cultured cells is described which maintains the cells in a horizontal position during mechanical stretching of up to 400% in substratum length. Mechanical stimulation of myogenic cells in this device initiates several aspects of in vivo skeletal muscle organogenesis not seen in normal static tissue culture environments. Embryonic skeletal muscle cells from avian m. pectoralis are grown in the device attached to the collagen-coated elastic substratum. Dynamic stretching of the substratum in one direction for 3 d at a rate (0.35 mm/h) that simulates in vivo bone elongation during development causes the myoblasts to fuse into parallel arrays of myotubes which are 2 to 4 times longer than myotubes grown under static culture conditions. This longitudinal myotube growth is accompanied by increased rates of cell proliferation and myoblast fusion. Prestretching the collagen-coated substratum before cell plating also results in increased cell proliferation, myotube orientation, and longitudinal myotube growth. The effects of substratum stretching on myogenesis in this model system thus occur by alterations in the cell’s extracellular matrix and not by acting directly on the cells. This work was supported by grant AR36266 from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, and research grnat NAG2-414 from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington, DC. Parts of this work have appeard in abstract form, J. Cell. Biochem. 12C:360; 1988.  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle fiber construction for tissue-engineered grafts requires assembly of unidirectionally aligned juxtaposed myotubes. To construct such a tissue, a polymer microchip with linearly aligned microgrooves was fabricated that could direct myoblast adaptation under stringent conditions. The closely spaced microgrooves fabricated by a modified replica molding process guided linear cellular alignment. Examination of the myoblasts by immunofluorescence microscopy demonstrated that the microgrooves with subcellular widths and appropriate height-to-width ratios were required for practically complete linear alignment of myoblasts. The topology-dependent cell alignment encouraged differentiation of myoblasts into multinucleate, myosin heavy chain positive myotubes. The monolayer of myotubes formed on the microstructured chips allowed attachment, growth and differentiation of subsequent layers of linearly arranged myoblasts, parallel to the primary monolayer of myotubes. The consequent deposition of additional myoblasts on the previous layer of myotubes resulted in three-dimensional multi-layered structures of myotubes, typical of differentiated skeletal muscle tissue. The findings demonstrate that the on-chip device holds promise for providing an efficient means for guided muscle tissue construction.  相似文献   

The differentiation of skeletal muscle is characterized by recognition, alignment, and subsequent fusion of myoblast cells at their surfaces to form large, multinucleated myotubes. Monoclonal antibodies were used to investigate anti-genie changes in the cell surface membrane specific for various stages of myogenesis. Chick embryonic skeletal muscle cells were cultured in vitro to the desired stage of differentiation and then injected into BALB/c mice. Spleen cells from the immunized mice were hybridized with NS-1 or P3 8653 mouse myeloma cells. Hybrid cell clones were selected in HAT medium and screened using an indirect radioimmunoassay for the production of monoclonal antibodies specific to myogenic cell surfaces. Target cells for the radioimmunoassay included three stages of myogenesis (myoblasts, midfusion myoblasts, and myotubes) and chick lung cells as a control for polymorphic antigens. Sixty-one clones were obtained which produced antibodies specific for myogenic cells. Thirty-five of these clones were generated from mice immunized with midfusion myoblast stages of myogenesis and 26 were obtained from mice immunized with the later myotube stage of myogenesis. Quantitative measurements by RIA of myogenic determinants per cell surface area on each target cell type revealed that most of the determinants decrease during myogenesis when midfusion myoblasts are used as the immunogen. When myotube stages are used as the immunogen, more determinants increase with cell differentiation. Therefore, the most common pattern of determinant change is for them to be present at all stages of myogenesis but to vary quantitively through development. There are determinants unique to each stage of myogenesis and marked quantitative differences within a cell stage for each determinant.  相似文献   

During chick embryogenesis, massive alterations occur in the migrating cell's substratum, or extracellular matrix. The possibility that some of the components of this milieu play a regulatory role in cell differentiation was explored in a cell-culture system derived from embryonic chick skeletal muscle tissue. In particular, the effects of collagen and the glycosaminoglycans were studied. Collagen is required for muscle cell attachment and spreading onto plastic and glass tissue-culture dishes. A major constituent of the early embryonic extracellular space, hyaluronate (HA), while having no significant effect on collagen-stimulated cell attachment and spreading, was found to inhibit myogenesis. The muscle-specific M subunit of creatine kinase was preferentially inhibited. Control experiments indicated that the inhibition was specifically caused by HA and not by other glycosaminoglycans. A general metabolic inhibition of the cultures was not observed. Muscle cells could bind to HA-coated beads at all stages of differentiation but were inhibited only when HA was added within the first 24 h of culture. Endogenous GAG in the culture is normally degraded during the first 24 h after plating as well; this may parallel the massive degradation of HA that occurs in the early embryo in vivo. These findings suggest a regulatory role for HA in modulating skeletal muscle differentiation, with degradation of an inhibitory component of the cell substratum a requirement for myogenesis.  相似文献   

Tissue Engineering of skeletal muscle tissue still remains a major challenge. Every neo-tissue construct of clinically relevant dimensions is highly dependent on an intrinsic vascularisation overcoming the limitations of diffusion conditioned survival. Approaches incorporating the arteriovenous-loop model might bring further advances to the generation of vascularised skeletal muscle tissue. In this study 12 syngeneic rats received transplantaion of carboxy-fluorescine diacetate-succinimidyl ester (CFDA)-labelled, expanded primary myoblasts into a previously vascularised fibrin matrix, containing a microsurgically created AV loop. As control cells were injected into fibrin-matrices without AV-loops. Intra-arterial ink injection followed by explantation was performed 2, 4 and 8 weeks after cell implantation. Specimens were evaluated for CFDA, MyoD and DAPI staining, as well as for mRNA expression of muscle specific genes. Results showed enhanced fibrin resorption in dependence of AV loop presence. Transplanted myoblasts could be detected in the AV loop group even after 8 weeks by CFDA-fluorescence, still showing positive MyoD staining. RT-PCR revealed gene expression of MEF-2 and desmin after 4 weeks on the AVloop side, whereas expression analysis of myogenin and MHC(embryo) was negative. So far myoblast injection in the microsurgical rat AV loop model enhances survival of the cells, keeping their myogenic phenotype, within pre-vascularised fibrin matrices. Probably due to the lack of potent myogenic stimuli and additionally the rapid resorption of the fibrin matrix, no formation of skeletal muscle-like tissue could be observed. Thus further studies focussing on long term stability of the matrix and the incorporation of neural stimuli will be necessary for generation of vascularised skeletal muscle tissue.  相似文献   

Both volumetric muscle loss (VML) and muscle degenerative diseases lead to an important decrease in skeletal muscle mass, condition that nowadays lacks an optimal treatment. This issue has driven towards an increasing interest in new strategies in tissue engineering, an emerging field that can offer very promising approaches. In addition, the discovery of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) has completely revolutionized the actual view of personalized medicine, and their utilization in skeletal muscle tissue engineering could, undoubtedly, add myriad benefits. In this review, we want to provide a general vision of the basic aspects to consider when engineering skeletal muscle tissue using iPSCs. Specifically, we will focus on the three main pillars of tissue engineering: the scaffold designing, the selection of the ideal cell source and the addition of factors that can enhance the resemblance with the native tissue.  相似文献   

Summary Our purpose was to engineer three-dimensional skeletal muscle tissue constructs from primary cultures of adult rat myogenic precursor cells, and to measure their excitability and isometric contractile properties. The constructs, termed myooids, were muscle-like in appearance, excitability, and contractile function. The myooids were 12 mm long and ranged in diameter from 0.1 to 1 mm. The myooids were engineered with synthetic tendons at each end to permit the measurement of isometric contractile properties. Within each myooid the myotubes and fibroblasts were supported by an extracellular matrix generated by the cells themselves, and did not require a preexisting scaffold to define the size, shape, and general mechanical properties of the resulting structure. Once formed, the myooids contracted spontaneously at approximately 1 Hz, with peak-to-peak force amplitudes ranging from 3 to 30 μN. When stimulated electrically the myooids contracted to produce force. The myooids (n=14) had the following mean values: diameter of 0.49 mm, rheobase of 1.0 V/mm, chronaxie of 0.45 ms, twitch force of 215 μN, maximum isometric force of 440 μN, resting baseline force of 181 μN, and specific force of 2.9kN/m2. The mean specific force was approximately 1% of the specific force generated by control adult rat muscle. Based on the functional data, the myotubes in the myooids appear to remain arrested in an early developmental state due to the absence of signals to promote expression of adult myosin isoforms.  相似文献   

Summary A method is described for the culture of normal and diseased human muscle cells. Cell outgrowth was obtained from 63/63 biopsies, and cells differentiated to form myotubes in 57/63 biopsies. The culture technique used readily permitted the growth of both normal and diseased human muscle cells. This work was supported by grants from the Muscular Dystrophy Group of Great Britain and the Medical Research Council.  相似文献   

瘦肉率对生猪产业来说是一个极其重要的经济指标,而这一指标完全取决于骨骼肌的生长发育。因此,猪骨骼肌生长发育机理的研究是十分必要的。然而,在早期由于各种因素的限制,猪骨骼肌单个基因的研究一直进展缓慢;相反,以小鼠为模型,其骨骼肌单基因的功能研究却取得了较大进展。在这一时期,影响肌决定和肌分化的基因,如MRFs家族和MEF2家族相继被发现,这些基因在猪的肌肉发育中也发挥着同样的作用。然而,这些结果并不能很好地揭示骨骼肌发育过程中复杂的基因间互作关系。随着近年来芯片和测序技术的不断发展,更多人试图从整个转录谱的水平来阐述猪肌肉发育的分子机理,并且也取得了较大的进展。为了对猪骨骼肌生长发育有一个更为清晰的认识,该文将以目前猪骨骼肌生长发育研究结果为基础,同时结合模式动物小鼠骨骼肌单基因的研究成果,对猪的骨骼肌生长发育分子调控机理进行详细的阐述。  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle tissue engineering   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The reconstruction of skeletal muscle tissue either lost by traumatic injury or tumor ablation or functional damage due to myopathies is hampered by the lack of availability of functional substitution of this native tissue. Until now, only few alternatives exist to provide functional restoration of damaged muscle tissues. Loss of muscle mass and their function can surgically managed in part using a variety of muscle transplantation or transposition techniques. These techniques represent a limited degree of success in attempts to restore the normal functioning, however they are not perfect solutions. A new alternative approach to addressing difficult tissue reconstruction is to engineer new tissues. Although those tissue engineering techniques attempting regeneration of human tissues and organs have recently entered into clinical practice, the engineering of skeletal muscle tissue ist still a scientific challenge. This article reviews some of the recent findings resulting from tissue engineering science related to the attempt of creation and regeneration of functional skeletal muscle tissue.  相似文献   

骨骼肌是动物机体最重要的器官之一,研究骨骼肌发育调控机制对于肌肉相关疾病的诊断以及家畜肉质的改善都有着重要意义。骨骼肌发育调控是一个复杂的过程,受到大量肌肉分泌因子和信号通路的调节。此外,为了维持体内代谢稳态并最大限度地利用能量,机体协调多个组织器官形成了复杂而又精密的代谢调控网络,对于调控骨骼肌发育也发挥着重要的作用。随着组学技术的发展,人们对于组织器官通讯的潜在机制进行了深入研究。本文综述了脂肪组织、神经组织、肠道等组织器官通讯对于骨骼肌发育的影响,以期为靶向调控骨骼肌发育提供理论基础。  相似文献   

本试验用高、低浓度虾红素日粮饲喂昆白系小鼠和处理原代培养小鼠骨骼肌细胞,提取总RNA,检测各时段UCP3、LXRα基因mRNA表达量,探讨虾红素对小鼠个体发育、肌肉能量代谢相关基因表达变化规律的影响。结果表明:高浓度组与对照组相比,小鼠体重增长明显减慢,肌肉组织第10天、30天以及骨骼肌细胞作用24h时UCP3mRNA表达量均显著下降(P<0.05),LXRα基因mRNA表达量均显著上升(P<0.05),72h达到极显著水平(P<0.01)。低浓度组与对照组相比,肌肉组织中UCP3、LXRα基因mRNA表达差异均不显著(P>0.05);虾红素作用骨骼肌细胞24hUCP3基因mRNA表达量显著下降(P<0.05),LXRα基因mRNA表达量显著上升(P<0.05)。结果提示虾红素对小鼠肌肉的能量利用有一定的调控作用。  相似文献   

Summary Cerebral endothelium is being studied rather extensively in tissue culture, but no reports are available describing the tissue culture of cerebral microvascular smooth muscle. The present paper describes for the first time the isolation and culture of non-neoplastic mouse cerebral vascular smooth muscle. Microvessels from a dounce homogenate of mouse brain are plated onto plastic culture dishes in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle media plus 20% fetal bovine serum and treated briefly with collagenase. Cells migrate from vessels and proliferate sufficiently to be transferred out of primary culture in 2 to 3 wk. Light microscopy reveals generally broad, polygonal cells that grow collectively in a “hill and valley” pattern. By transmission electron microscopy the cells possess many characteristics of smooth muscle: basal laminas, clusters of pinocytotic vesicles, and bundles of thin filaments. Several ill-defined cell-to-cell junctions are also present. Isoelectric focusing and sodium dodecyl sulfate-electrophoresis of cellular proteins on polyacrylamide gels after pulse labeling cultures with [S-35]methionine demonstrate that these cells actively synthesize a smooth-muscle-specific isoactin, α-actin. The identity of α-actin is confirmed by analysis of NH2-terminal peptides after actin digestion with trypsin and subsequent peptide cleavage with thermolysin. Both their morphology and active synthesis of α-actin strongly suggest that these cells are of smooth-muscle origin. Future studies of their metabolism and interactions with endothelium and astrocytes should provide a better understanding of the cerebral microcirculation. This work was supported by Veteran’s Administration Research Funds, National Institutes of Health Grant HL 14230 (Arteriosclerosis Specialized Center of Research, sponsored by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute), and Cardiovascular Research Program Project Grant from the National Institutes of Health to the University of Iowa (HL-14388). A. R. S. is a postdoctoral fellow of the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (GM-09020). P. A. R. is an established investigator of the American Heart Association.  相似文献   

N6-methyladenosine (m6A) is one of the most widespread and highly conserved chemical modifications in cellular RNAs of eukaryotic genomes. Owing to the development of high-throughput m6A sequencing, the functions and mechanisms of m6A modification in development and diseases have been revealed. Recent studies have shown that RNA m6A methylation plays a critical role in skeletal muscle development, which regulates myoblast proliferation and differentiation, and muscle regeneration. Exploration of the functions of m6A modification and its regulators provides a deeper understanding of the regulatory mechanisms underlying skeletal muscle development. In the present review, we aim to summarize recent breakthroughs concerning the global landscape of m6A modification in mammals and examine the biological functions and mechanisms of enzymes regulating m6A RNA methylation. We describe the interplay between m6A and other epigenetic modifications and highlight the regulatory roles of m6A in development, especially that of skeletal muscle. m6A and its regulators are expected to be targets for the treatment of human muscle-related diseases and novel epigenetic markers for animal breeding in meat production.  相似文献   

We describe a rapid and reproducible technique for establishing primary cultures of skeletal muscle cells from mouse origin. This method was aimed at avoiding extensive enzymatic proteolysis which is commonly used for preparation of primary skeletal muscle cultures. It relies on a Stomacher® blender that allows a rapid and regular mechanical dissociation of muscle samples by repeated shocks. Cultures have been compared to those obtained by a modification of the method of Yaffé (1993) based on tryptic dissociation of rat muscle thighs. The time of preparation was reduced to 1 h and 15 min as compared to 4 h with the technique of Yaffé. Both cultures displayed similar morphologies and exhibited comparable myogenesis processes. Cellular yield, rate of myotube formation and myotube numbers were similar. The expression of myogenesis markers were identical as assessed by determination of acetylcholine receptor number, creatine kinase activity and level of myosin light chain.Abbreviations AChR Acetylcholine receptor - CK creatine kinase (EC - PBS Phosphate buffered saline-free of Ca2+ and Mg2+  相似文献   

Myogenesis, the process of skeletal muscle formation, is a highly coordinated multistep biological process. Accumulating evidence suggests that long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) are emerging as a gatekeeper in myogenesis. Up to now, most studies on muscle development-related lncRNAs are mainly focussed on humans and mice. In this study, a novel muscle highly expressed lncRNA, named lnc23, localized in nucleus, was found differentially expressed in different stages of embryonic development and myogenic differentiation. The knockdown and over-expression experiments showed that lnc23 positively regulated the myogenic differentiation of bovine skeletal muscle satellite cells. Then, TMT 10-plex labelling quantitative proteomics was performed to screen the potentially regulatory proteins of lnc23. Results indicated that lnc23 was involved in the key processes of myogenic differentiation such as cell fusion, further demonstrated that down-regulation of lnc23 may inhibit myogenic differentiation by reducing signal transduction and cell fusion among cells. Furthermore, RNA pulldown/LC-MS and RIP experiment illustrated that PFN1 was a binding protein of lnc23. Further, we also found that lnc23 positively regulated the protein expression of RhoA and Rac1, and PFN1 may negatively regulate myogenic differentiation and the expression of its interacting proteins RhoA and Rac1. Hence, we support that lnc23 may reduce the inhibiting effect of PFN1 on RhoA and Rac1 by binding to PFN1, thereby promoting myogenic differentiation. In short, the novel identified lnc23 promotes myogenesis of bovine skeletal muscle satellite cells via PFN1-RhoA/Rac1.  相似文献   

Insulin-independent glucose metabolism, including anaerobic glycolysis that is promoted in resistance training, plays critical roles in glucose disposal and systemic metabolic regulation. However, the underlying mechanisms are not completely understood. In this study, through genetically manipulating the glycolytic process by overexpressing human glucose transporter 1 (GLUT1), hexokinase 2 (HK2) and 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase-fructose-2,6-biphosphatase 3 (PFKFB3) in mouse skeletal muscle, we examined the impact of enhanced glycolysis in metabolic homeostasis. Enhanced glycolysis in skeletal muscle promoted accelerated glucose disposal, a lean phenotype and a high metabolic rate in mice despite attenuated lipid metabolism in muscle, even under High-Fat diet (HFD). Further study revealed that the glucose metabolite sensor carbohydrate-response element-binding protein (ChREBP) was activated in the highly glycolytic muscle and stimulated the elevation of plasma fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21), possibly mediating enhanced lipid oxidation in adipose tissue and contributing to a systemic effect. PFKFB3 was critically involved in promoting the glucose-sensing mechanism in myocytes. Thus, a high level of glycolysis in skeletal muscle may be intrinsically coupled to distal lipid metabolism through intracellular glucose sensing. This study provides novel insights for the benefit of resistance training and for manipulating insulin-independent glucose metabolism.  相似文献   

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