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Summary: EPIMHC is a relational database of MHC-binding peptidesand T cell epitopes that are observed in real proteins. Currently,the database contains 4867 distinct peptide sequences from varioussources, including 84 tumor-associated antigens. The EPIMHCdatabase is accessible through a web server that has been designedto facilitate research in computational vaccinology. Importantly,peptides resulting from a query can be selected to derive specificmotif-matrices. Subsequently, these motif-matrices can be usedin combination with a dynamic algorithm for predicting MHC-bindingpeptides from user-provided protein queries. Availability: The EPIMHC database server is hosted by the Dana-FarberCancer Institute at the site http://immunax.dfci.harvard.edu/bioinformatics/epimhc/ Contact: reche{at}research.dfci.harvard.edu  相似文献   

Contact: nagarajanradhakrish{at}uams.edu Associate Editor: Martin Bishop  相似文献   

Contact: ihh{at}berkeley.edu Associate Editor: Alex Bateman  相似文献   

Summary: BLISS 2.0 is a web-based application for identifyingconserved regulatory modules in distantly related orthologoussequences. Unlike existing approaches, it performs the cross-genomecomparison at the binding site level. Experimental results onsimulated and real world data indicate that BLISS 2.0 can identifyconserved regulatory modules from sequences with little overallsimilarity at the DNA sequence level. Availability: http://www.blisstool.org/ Contact: leizhou{at}ufl.edu Associate Editor: Olga Troyanskaya  相似文献   

Summary: Three dimensional structures of proteins contain errorswhich often originate from limitations of the experimental techniquesemployed. Such errors frequently result in unfavorable atomicinteractions. Here we present a new web service, called InteractionViewer, for the visualization and correction of such errors.We show how the Interaction Viewer is used in combination withthe NQ-Flipper service to spot strained asparagine and glutaminerotamers and we emphasize the convenience of this service incorrecting such errors. Availability: The web service is integrated with the NQ-Flipperservice and accessible at http://flipper.services.came.sbg.ac.at Contact: sippl{at}came.sbg.ac.at Associate Editor: Anna Tramontano  相似文献   

Summary: Malaria, one of the world's most common diseases, iscaused by the intracellular protozoan parasite known as Plasmodium.Recently, with the arrival of several malaria parasite genomes,we established an integrated system named PlasmoGF for comparativegenomics and phylogenetic analysis of Plasmodium gene families.Gene families were clustered using the Markov Cluster algorithmimplemented in TribeMCL program and could be searched usingkeywords, gene-family information, domain composition, GeneOntology and BLAST. Moreover, a number of useful bioinformaticstools were implemented to facilitate the analysis of these putativePlasmodium gene families, including gene retrieval, annotation,sequence alignment, phylogeny construction and visualization.In the current version, PlasmoGF contained 8980 sets of genefamilies derived from six malaria parasite genomes: Plasmodium.falciparum, P. berghei, P. knowlesi, P. chabaudi, P. vivax andP. yoelii. The availability of such a highly integrated systemwould be of great interest for the community of researchersworking on malaria parasite phylogenomics. Availability: PlasmoGF is freely available at http://bioinformatics.zj.cn/pgf/ Contact: xiaokunli{at}163.net; baoqy{at}genomics.org.cn; fuz3{at}psu.edu Associate Editor: Jonathan Wren The authors wish it to be known that, in their opinion, thefirst two authors should be regarded as joint First Authors.  相似文献   

Summary: ROBIN is a web server for analyzing genome rearrangementof block-interchanges between two chromosomal genomes. It takestwo or more linear/circular chromosomes as its input, and computesthe number of minimum block-interchange rearrangements betweenany two input chromosomes for transforming one chromosome intoanother and also determines an optimal scenario taking thisnumber of rearrangements. The input can be either bacterial-sizesequence data or landmark-order data. If the input is sequencedata, ROBIN will automatically search for the identical landmarksthat are the homologous/conserved regions shared by all theinput sequences. Availability: ROBIN is freely accessed at http://genome.life.nctu.edu.tw/ROBIN Contact: cllu{at}mail.nctu.edu.tw  相似文献   

Summary: We implemented a software tool called GENESIS for threedifferent genome rearrangement problems: Sorting a unichromosomalgenome by weighted reversals and transpositions (SwRT), sortinga multichromosomal genome by reversals, translocations, fusionsand fissions (SRTl), and sorting a multichromosomal genome byweighted reversals, translocations, fusions, fissions and transpositions(SwRTTl). Availability: Source code can be obtained by the authors, oruse the web interface http://www.uni-ulm.de/in/theo/research/genesis.html Contact: simon.gog{at}uni-ulm.de Associate Editor: Chris Stoeckert  相似文献   

Summary: Accurate estimation of DNA copy numbers from arraycomparative genomic hybridization (CGH) data is important forcharacterizing the cancer genome. An important part of thisprocess is the segmentation of the log-ratios between the sampleand control DNA along the chromosome into regions of differentcopy numbers. However, multiple algorithms are available inthe literature for this procedure and the results can vary substantiallyamong these. Thus, a visualization tool that can display thesegmented profiles from a number of methods can be helpful tothe biologist or the clinician to ascertain that a feature ofinterest did not arise as an artifact of the algorithm. Sucha tool also allows the methodologist to easily contrast hismethod against others. We developed a web-based tool that applies a number of popularalgorithms to a single array CGH profile entered by the user.It generates a heatmap panel of the segmented profiles for eachmethod as well as a consensus profile. The clickable heatmapcan be moved along the chromosome and zoomed in or out. It alsodisplays the time that each algorithm took and provides numericalvalues of the segmented profiles for download. The web interfacecalls algorithms written in the statistical language R. We encouragedevelopers of new algorithms to submit their routines to beincorporated into the website. Availability: http://compbio.med.harvard.edu/CGHweb Contact: peter_park{at}harvard.edu Associate Editor: Keith Crandall  相似文献   

Summary: The Summary Tree Explorer (STE) is a Java applicationfor interactively exploring sets of phylogenetic trees usingtwo coupled representations: a node-and-link diagram and a textuallist of common clades. Selection, pruning, filtering or re-rootingin one representation is immediately reflected in the other.While summary trees are more effective at showing the relationshipamong clades, they can only show a consistent subset of thosethat appear in the textual list. Working with both representationsmitigates the disadvantages of having to choose just one. Availability: STE, along with several sample datasets, is availableat http://cityscape.inf.cs.cmu.edu/phylogeny/ Contact: mad{at}cs.cmu.edu Associate Editor: Martin Bishop  相似文献   

Summary: We present In silico Biochemical Reaction Network Analysis(IBRENA), a software package which facilitates multiple functionsincluding cellular reaction network simulation and sensitivityanalysis (both forward and adjoint methods), coupled with principalcomponent analysis, singular-value decomposition and model reduction.The software features a graphical user interface that aids simulationand plotting of in silico results. While the primary focus isto aid formulation, testing and reduction of theoretical biochemicalreaction networks, the program can also be used for analysisof high-throughput genomic and proteomic data. Availability: The software package, manual and examples areavailable at http://www.eng.buffalo.edu/~neel/ibrena Contact: neel{at}eng.buffalo.edu Associate Editor: Limsoon Wong  相似文献   

Contact: anne.kupczok{at}univie.ac.at Associate Editor: Martin Bishop  相似文献   

Motivation: Genomes contain biologically significant informationthat extends beyond that encoded in genes. Some of this informationrelates to various short dispersed repeats distributed throughoutthe genome. The goal of this work was to combine tools for detectionof statistically significant dispersed repeats in DNA sequenceswith tools to aid development of hypotheses regarding theirpossible physiological functions in an easy-to-use web-basedenvironment. Results: Ab Initio Motif Identification Environment (AIMIE)was designed to facilitate investigations of dispersed sequencemotifs in prokaryotic genomes. We used AIMIE to analyze theEscherichia coli and Haemophilus influenzae genomes in orderto demonstrate the utility of the new environment. AIMIE detectedrepeated extragenic palindrome (REP) elements, CRISPR repeats,uptake signal sequences, intergenic dyad sequences and severalother over-represented sequence motifs. Distributional patternsof these motifs were analyzed using the tools included in AIMIE. Availability: AIMIE and the related software can be accessedat our web site http://www.cmbl.uga.edu/software.html. Contact: mrazek{at}uga.edu Associate Editor: Alex Bateman  相似文献   

MAGIC Tool: integrated microarray data analysis   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
Summary: Several programs are now available for analyzing thelarge datasets arising from cDNA microarray experiments. Mostprograms are expensive commercial packages or require expensivethird party software. Some are freely available to academicresearchers, but are limited to one operating system. MicroArrayGenome Imaging and Clustering Tool (MAGIC Tool) is an open sourceprogram that works on all major platforms, and takes users ‘fromtiff to gif’. Several unique features of MAGIC Tool areparticularly useful for research and teaching. Availability: http://www.bio.davidson.edu/MAGIC Contact: laheyer{at}davidson.edu  相似文献   

Motivation: As the use of microarrays in human studies continuesto increase, stringent quality assurance is necessary to ensureaccurate experimental interpretation. We present a formal approachfor microarray quality assessment that is based on dimensionreduction of established measures of signal and noise componentsof expression followed by parametric multivariate outlier testing. Results: We applied our approach to several data resources.First, as a negative control, we found that the Affymetrix andIllumina contributions to MAQC data were free from outliersat a nominal outlier flagging rate of =0.01. Second, we createda tunable framework for artificially corrupting intensity datafrom the Affymetrix Latin Square spike-in experiment to allowinvestigation of sensitivity and specificity of quality assurance(QA) criteria. Third, we applied the procedure to 507 Affymetrixmicroarray GeneChips processed with RNA from human peripheralblood samples. We show that exclusion of arrays by this approachsubstantially increases inferential power, or the ability todetect differential expression, in large clinical studies. Availability: http://bioconductor.org/packages/2.3/bioc/html/arrayMvout.htmland http://bioconductor.org/packages/2.3/bioc/html/affyContam.htmlaffyContam (credentials: readonly/readonly) Contact: aasare{at}immunetolerance.org; stvjc{at}channing.harvard.edu The authors wish it to be known that, in their opinion, thefirst two authors should be regarded as joint First Authors. Associate Editor: Trey Ideker  相似文献   

GENOME: a rapid coalescent-based whole genome simulator   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary: GENOME proposes a rapid coalescent-based approach tosimulate whole genome data. In addition to features of standardcoalescent simulators, the program allows for recombinationrates to vary along the genome and for flexible population histories.Within small regions, we have evaluated samples simulated byGENOME to verify that GENOME provides the expected LD patternsand frequency spectra. The program can be used to study thesampling properties of any statistic for a whole genome study. Availability: The program and C++ source code are availableonline at http://www.sph.umich.edu/csg/liang/genome/ Contact: lianglim{at}umich.edu Supplementary information: Supplementary data are availableat Bioinformatics online. Associate Editor: Martin Bishop  相似文献   

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