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Testis mediated gene transfer (TMGT) is a potential tool for making transgenic mice having more than 90% success rate. However, this method needs further standardization before it can be adapted in other species including livestock. In order to standardize the TMGT in goat, buck testes (n = 20) collected from the slaughter house were injected with a vector driving green fluorescent protein (GFP) expression under a cytomegalovirus (CMV) promoter. Then, the testes were subjected to electroporation with predetermined voltage, pulse length, pulse interval and number of pulses. Seminiferous tubules were isolated from the electroporated testis and cultured in-vitro. The expression was checked at regular intervals. Green fluorescence was observed on different days in different samples. It suggests transient integration of the plasmid into the seminiferous tubules. This in-vitro transfection of seminiferous tubule using electroporation will provide valuable baseline information.  相似文献   

利用DIG末端标记技术和免疫组化技术分析了小鼠精子体外结合内化外源DNA的效率。试验结果表明,不同小鼠个体的精子结合外源DNA的阳性率有明显差异(P<0.01),平均为13%。利用考马斯亮蓝染色评价了小鼠精子顶体反应发生的情况,筛选出TYH培养液为较合适的体外受精液。利用小鼠体外受精技术,将体外转染GFP基因并获能的小鼠精子与成熟卵母细胞进行体外受精,受精卵进行体外培养,表达GFP胚胎的阳性率为4.7%。验证了精子介导制备转基因小鼠胚胎的可行性,并建立了利用精子载体法制备转基因小鼠胚胎的平台。  相似文献   

以精子为载体的体外转基因猪胚胎研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
去精清精子与外源DNA共孵育,使其携带外源DNA,再与成熟卵母细胞进行体外受精,生产转基因猪胚胎,为通过胚胎移植生产转基因猪奠定基础。结果:通过PCR从不同时期胚胎中检测出携带外源DNA的阳性胚,说明精子与外源DNA共孵育能使精子携带外源DNA,并通过体外受精技术使外源DNA进入早期胚胎。  相似文献   


Previous attempts in using recombinant viral vectors to transfer genes into bone marrow cells have resulted in expression frequencies of 2‐15% (8,9,12,13,14,24). These vectors, however, require complex gene vector constructions and culture methods and have been difficult to utilize. We therefore have used electroporation to establish a less complicated and equally efficient technique for gene transfer. Conditions yielding high gene transfer into bone marrow precursor cells by electroporation were determined using a mutant dihydrofolate reductase gene and/or murine MHC class II genes. Successful transfer and expression of these genes were assessed by (1) fluorescence staining using monoclonal antibodies, (2) acquired resistance to the anti‐folate drug methotrexate and (3) Southern blot analysis. Stable integration of the newly acquired mutant dihydrofolate reductase gene was observed in > 25% of murine hematopoietic progenitor cells (CFU‐M). Electroporation of class II genes in conjunction with the mutant dihydrofolate reductase and subsequent selection with methotrexate resulted in expression of transfected la molecules in 12‐15% of bone marrow derived macrophages. Integration of the transferred major histocompatibility genes was verified by Southern blot analysis of high molecular weight cellular DNA following electroporation and methotrexate selection. The frequencies of gene transfer and expression achieved in this study suggest that electroporation is a viable option for monitoring gene expression in bone marrow derived cells.  相似文献   

Reproductive efficiency using somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) technology remains suboptimal. Of the various efforts to improve the efficiency, chromatin transfer (CT) and clone-clone aggregation (NTagg) have been reported to produce live cloned animals. To better understand the molecular mechanisms of somatic cell reprogramming during SCNT and assess the various SCNT methods on the molecular level, we performed gene expression analysis on bovine blastocysts produced via standard nuclear transfer (NT), CT, NTagg, in vitro fertilization (IVF), and artificial insemination (AI), as well as on somatic donor cells, using bovine genome arrays. The expression profiles of SCNT (NT, CT, NTagg) embryos were compared with IVF and AI embryos as well as donor cells. NT and CT embryos have indistinguishable gene expression patterns. In comparison to IVF or AI embryos, the number of differentially expressed genes in NTagg embryos is significantly higher than in NT and CT embryos. Genes that were differentially expressed between all the SCNT embryos and IVF or AI embryos are identified. Compared to AI embryos, more than half of the genes found deregulated between SCNT and AI embryos appear to be the result of in vitro culture alone. The results indicate that although SCNT methods have altered differentiated somatic nuclei gene expression to more closely resemble that of embryonic nuclei, combination of insufficient reprogramming and in vitro culture condition compromise the developmental potential of SCNT embryos. This is the first set of comprehensive data for analyzing the molecular impact of various nuclear transfer methods on bovine pre-implantation embryos.  相似文献   

We describe the use of direct injection of circular plasmid DNA and subsequent in vivo electroporation (EP) for efficient gene delivery to the ovarian cells, including follicular cells and oocytes of mice. When Trypan blue (TB) was injected into the central portion of an ovary by a glass micropipette, rapid dispersion of TB to each preantral and antral follicle was observed. Injections of lacZ-expressing plasmid DNA and subsequent in vivo EP resulted in transfection of follicles with efficiencies ranging from 8-60%, together with cells in the thecal portion of the ovary. Of the lacZ-positive follicles, some oocytes were also positive for lacZ activity. These findings suggest that a solution introduced inside the ovary is rapidly dispersed to each follicle. With this technique, we expect great progress in genetic engineering in murine ovary.  相似文献   

The surface epithelium of mid-gestational murine embryos is thought to be an attractive target for gene therapy in vivo, due to its visibility and accessibility from the external surface of the maternal uterus. Almost all studies of in utero gene transfer have adopted viral vectors for infection of fetal epithelium, and depended on intraamniotic introduction and simple incubation of vectors, leading to only infection of the surface layer (periderm) of fetal skin. Here we report a simple and convenient method of gene transfer of plasmid DNA into the deeper portion of surface skin of murine mid-gestational fetus. One to two microlitres of a solution containing a lacZ expression plasmid (0.5-1 microg) and trypan blue (0.05%) were placed onto the surface of a fetus (E 14.5) near the eye by a micropipette attached to a mouthpiece. This fetus was immediately electroporated by placing it between tweezer-type electrodes attached to a square-pulse generator. At 1 and 4 days after gene transfer, fetuses were subjected to histochemical staining for lacZ activity in the presence of X-Gal, a substrate for lacZ. Focal reactions were observed in the skin epidermal layers including periderm and basal layer 1 day after DNA introduction. However, lacZ-positive cells were limited to a skin surface layer, the stratum corneum, in the samples obtained 4 days after gene transfer. Similar observation was also made in the transgenic fetuses (carrying a lacZ gene placed immediately downstream of the loxP-flanked sequence) injected with Cre expression vector. These findings suggest rapid movement of fetal epidermal cells toward the surface during late developmental stages. This local gene transfer approach appears to be effective as a method for skin-targeted gene transfer, enabling study of the role of genes of interest and tracing of cell lineage during fetal skin development.  相似文献   

Efficient gene transfer is a key factor in gene therapy. Reducing the damage caused by gene transfer to muscle by electroporation is very important for its clinical application. Extensive investigation of optimal conditions for gene transfer by electroporation is required. The parameters used for electroporation, including plasmid concentration; injection volume; the plasmid dose of the injection; the concentration of saline media; the size of plasmid DNA; the age of the mice; the lag time between plasmid injection and electroporation; and the effect of repeated gene transfer by electroporation, were systematically investigated in the present study. The efficiencies of gene transfer by electroporation in normal and rodent models of diabetes were also evaluated. We found that electroporation used for non-viral gene transfer could be repeated in the same place in the muscle, but the expression efficiency was closely related to the muscle damage. Increasing pulse times could enhance the efficiency of gene transfer with a lower strength of electric field. It was better to use a higher plasmid concentration than to use a larger dose of plasmid and repeated injection to achieve a high level of transgene expression. Optimal conditions varied in different animal models, being milder for diabetic mice than for normal mice, and it was also shown that the conditions that worked well on these small rodents were not necessarily suitable for larger animals. Our results provide a comprehensive view of the factors that affect the efficiency of gene transfer into skeletal muscle by electroporation.  相似文献   

Summary The pal-rec-low-o is a special repressed state of the pallida-recurrens allele, which normally mutates from the recessive to the dominant condition, giving pigmented Pal spots on corolla lobes. The pal-rec-low-o in the homozygous condition is stably colorless (except for rare mutant spots), but when crossed with the recessive tester strain, pal-tub pal-tub (also stably colorless), the mutation frequency of the particular repressed state of pal-rec (i.e., pal-rec-low-o) increases spectacularly, giving several shifts of varying sizes. The evidence suggests that the activity of the repressed state of the: pal-rec-low-o allele is dependent on the presence of an independently located Pr element, contributed by the pal-tub tester strain. In the absence of such a regulatory element, the repressed allele exhibits stable expression due to the effect of a repressor Rp element residing at or near the locus. It has also been shown that the pal-tub regulatory element, Pr, while coming through a phase of heterozygosity, could be changed either by picking up an element from the stabilized colorless original strain which, being dominant, suppresses the gene action completely; or a change may take place in pal-tub's own regulatory machinery, which otherwise has characteristics of gene regulation. However, the pal-tub regulatory element, when inactive, can be made trans-active by introducing a fresh regulator into the genome, which may segregate at meiosis.  相似文献   

野生二粒小麦抗白粉基因的转移及其RAPD分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
白粉病已成为威胁我国小麦稳产的重要病害之一。寻找并使用新的白粉病抗源成为当今抗白粉病育种的关键。报道野生二粒小麦抗白粉病基因向普通小麦转移,无论是正交还是反交,用普通小麦作轮回亲本,随着回交代数增加,抗性单株选择难度加大,从正,反单交F6中均获得了稳定抗病株系,同时,研究利用RAPD方法对小麦-野生二粒小麦抗白粉病和感白粉病9个衍生系进行了分析研究。研究结果表明,5个随机引物(OPH-07,OPQ-08,OPQ-16,OPQ-19,OPZ-16)能在抗,感9个衍生系中分别扩增出普通小麦所没有的野生二粒小麦特异带型;其中OPH-07340bp和OPQ-19900bp为抗病系的特征带。  相似文献   

We have attempted to transfect testicular spermatozoa with plasmid DNA by direct injection into testes to obtain transgenic animals [this technique was thus termed "testis-mediated gene transfer (TMGT)"]. When injected males were mated with superovulated females 2 and 3 days after injection, (i) high efficiencies (more than 50%) of gene transmission were achieved in the mid-gestational F0 fetuses, (ii) the copy number of plasmid DNA in the fetuses was estimated to be less than 1 copy per diploid cell, and (iii) overt gene expression was not found in these fetuses. These findings suggest the possibility that plasmid DNA introduced into a testis is rapidly transported to the epididymis and then incorporated by epididymal spermatozoa. The purpose of this study was to elucidate the mechanism of TMGT by introducing trypan blue (TB) or Hoechst 33342 directly into testis. We found that TB is transported to the ducts of the caput epididymis via rete testis within 1 min after testis injection, and TB reached the corpus and cauda epididymis within 2-4 days after injection. Staining of spermatozoa isolated from any portion of epididymis was observed 4 days after injection of a solution containing Hoechst 33342. Injection of enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) expression vector/liposome complex into testis resulted in transfection of epithelial cells of epididymal ducts facing the lumen, although the transfection efficiency appeared to be low. In vivo electroporation toward the caput epididymis immediately after injection of EGFP expression vector into a testis greatly improved the uptake of foreign DNA by the epididymal epithelial cells. PCR analysis using spermatozoa isolated from corpus and cauda epididymis 4 days after injection of a DNA/liposome complex into testis revealed exogenous DNA in these spermatozoa even after treatment with DNase I. These findings indicate that exogenous DNA introduced into tesits is rapidly transported to epididymal ducts via the rete testis and efferent ducts, and then incorporated by epithelial cells of epididymis and epididymal spermatozoa.  相似文献   

Syrian hamster DDT-1 cells are derived from smooth muscle of the ductus deferens. DDT-1 cell growth is increased by the addition of testosterone (T). Acidic fibroblast growth factor (aFGF) or basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) also known as heparin binding growth factor I and II (HBGF-I and HBGF-II) can replace T in the stimulation of growth in these cells. This phenomenon is correlated with testosterone's ability to elevate aFGF/HBGF-I mRNA. The increase steady-state levels of aFGF/HBGF-I mRNA were documented by northern blots and by in situ hybridization. Using a 520 bp human aFGF/HBGF-I cDNA probe, a genomic clone with a 38 kb DNA insert was isolated from a cosmid library. By restriction enzyme analysis and southern hybridization, it was determined that there are three coding exons. DNA sequence analysis showed all of the coding region and 3' noncoding sequences were on this clone. A 5' noncoding exon not in the 38 kb insert is indicated, based on the cDNA sequences and genomic sequences of aFGF/HBGF-I's from hamster DDT-1 cells and several other species. The cDNA for hamster aFGF/HBGF-I was isolated from a DDT-1 lambda gt11 library and sequenced. Comparison of the coding region of aFGF/HBGF-I from four species shows a greater than 90% conservation of amino acid sequence.  相似文献   

Isoprenoid biosynthesis in plants occurs by two independent pathways: the cytosolic mevalonate (MVA) pathway and the plastidic methylerythritol phosphate (MEP) pathway. In this study, we investigated the cellular effects of depletion of IspE, a protein involved in the MEP pathway, using virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS). The IspE gene is preferentially expressed in young tissues, and induced by light and methyl jasmonate. The GFP fusion protein of IspE was targeted to chloroplasts. Reduction of IspE expression by VIGS resulted in a severe leaf yellowing phenotype. At the cellular level, depletion of IspE severely affected chloroplast development, dramatically reducing both the number and size of chloroplasts. Interestingly, mitochondrial development was also impaired, suggesting a possibility that the plastidic MEP pathway contributes to mitochondrial isoprenoid biosynthesis in leaves. A deficiency in IspE activity decreased cellular levels of the metabolites produced by the MEP pathway, such as chlorophylls and carotenoids, and stimulated expression of some of the downstream MEP pathway genes, particularly IspF and IspG. Interestingly, the IspE VIGS lines had significantly increased numbers of cells of reduced size in all leaf layers, compared with TRV control and other VIGS lines for the MEP pathway genes. The increased cell division in the IspE VIGS lines was particularly pronounced in the abaxial epidermal layer, in which the over-proliferated cells bulged out of the plane, making the surface uneven. In addition, trichome numbers dramatically increased and the stomata size varied in the affected tissues. Our results show that IspE deficiency causes novel developmental phenotypes distinct from the phenotypes of other MEP pathway mutants, indicating that IspE may have an additional role in plant development besides its role in isoprenoid biosynthesis. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Genbank accession number for IspE: ABO87658.  相似文献   

The study of the control of aldosterone synthesis and secretion by the rat adrenal gland has over the past thirty years involved the application of many different in vivo and in vitro techniques. In this review the relationship between the data that each of these methods has produced is compared. There are striking differences in overall steroid production rates, and in the qualitative nature of the steroid profile which the various methods produce. In particular, aldosterone is secreted at higher rates in vivo, and when whole tissue preparations are used in vitro, than in incubations of isolated glomerulosa cells. In addition, while corticosterone is a major product of glomerulosa tissue in vitro, the available evidence suggests that it is not a major glomerulosa product in vivo.  相似文献   

Makiuchi T  Annoura T  Hashimoto T  Murata E  Aoki T  Nara T 《Protist》2008,159(3):459-470
A unique feature of the genome architecture in the parasitic trypanosomatid protists is large-scale synteny. We addressed the evolutionary trait of synteny in the eukaryotic group, Euglenozoa, which consists of euglenoids (earliest branching), diplonemids, and kinetoplastids (trypanosomatids and bodonids). Synteny of the pyrimidine biosynthetic (pyr) gene cluster, which constitutes part of a large syntenic cluster in trypanosomatids and includes four separate genes (pyr1-pyr4) and one fused gene (pyr6/pyr5 fusion), was conserved in the bodonid, Parabodo caudatus. In the diplonemid, Diplonema papillatum, we identified pyr4 and pyr6 genes. Phylogenetic analyses of pyr4 and pyr6 showed the separate origin of each in kinetoplastids and euglenoids/diplonemids and suggested that kinetoplastids have acquired these genes via lateral gene transfer (LGT). Because replacement of genes by non-orthologs within the syntenic cluster is highly unlikely, we concluded that, after separation of the line leading to diplonemids, the syntenic pyr gene cluster was established in the common ancestor of kinetoplastids, preceded by their acquisition via LGT. Notably, we found that diplonemid pyr6 is a stand-alone gene, inconsistent with both euglenoid pyr5/pyr6 and kinetoplastid pyr6/pyr5 fusions. Our findings provide insights into the evolutionary gaps within Euglenozoa and the evolutionary trait of rearrangement of gene fusion in this lineage.  相似文献   

The transfer of naked DNA is gaining growing acceptance for nonviral gene therapy. Integrity and stability of the DNA used in nonviral gene therapy is known to be decisive for efficacy of gene transfer and transgene expression. Thus, preclinical and clinical studies require the safe storage of DNA preparations to ensure defined quality and conformation. To evaluate the influence of potentially destructive processes on plasmid DNA associated with long-term storage, capillary gel electrophoresis (CGE) analysis of the LacZ-expressing pCMVbeta plasmid over a period of 13 months was performed. The CGE analysis revealed that stable storage conditions at -80 degrees C prevent an increase in open circular (oc) plasmid, preserving the covalently closed circular (ccc) form, which is sought for efficient gene transfer. By contrast, long-term storage of plasmid DNA at 4 degrees C leads to the rapid decline of the ccc form and the increase of oc and linear DNA molecules. The use of naked DNA stored for 1, 2, or 13 months at -80 degrees C showed similar in vivo transfer efficiencies by jet-injection. Therefore, analysis of plasmids by CGE allows the reliable determination of integrity and distribution of the topology of the DNA by quantitative means.  相似文献   

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