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The riparian vegetation of a basin in the NW Spain was studied to establish its spatial variation pattern and to relate floristic and structural differences in the community to environmental factors. Eighty-seven sampling units in 43 sampling stations were used. Samples were classified in 5 groups using Two Way Indicator Species Analysis (TWINSPAN). Three groups represented reaches with riparian wood along their banks: Mediterranean alderwoods and shrubby willow woods. The remaining two corresponded to floodplains with vegetation colonizing moderately eutrophicated deposits of gravel. Structural characteristics of richness and diversity differentiated the alder woods. In these, the shaded environment created by the woody species limited herbaceous vegetation development. This was dominated by Carex acuta subsp. broteriana. Classification and CCA ordination results were compared. The TWINSPAN groups could be recognized in the CCA graph. The ordination was related to a pollution gradient associated with altitude. This pollution gradient involved bank ruderalization, incorporation of nitrophilous species and a decrease in the vegetation quality. The influence of the lithological features on vegetation was also evident.  相似文献   

Nagamatsu  Dai  Miura  Osamu 《Plant Ecology》1997,133(2):191-200
To clarify vegetation-landform relationships, we examined the soil disturbance regime in relation to micro-scale landforms and its effects on vegetation structure in a mixed temperate forest in a hilly area in northeastern Japan. Soil profiles in each micro-landform unit were surveyed to elucidate the effects of soil disturbances on the vegetation structure. The hilly area studied consisted of an upper and a lower hillslope area divided by an erosion front, which differed considerably with respect to vegetation structure. In the upper hillslope area, canopy was closed and dominated by Pinus densiflora and Quercus serrata. In the lower hillslope area, on the other hand, canopy was less closed and shrubs, ferns, and herbaceous species were abundant. The species composition changed gradually from the crest slope to the upper sideslope to the head hollow in the upper hillslope area. However, micro-landforms in the lower hillslope area seemed to have less effect on the vegetation structure. This may be because the lower hillslope area, in contrast to the upper hillslope area, has suffered from soil disturbances, and hence shrubs, ferns, and herbs have developed irrespective of micro-landforms. Thus, vegetation can be quite different depending on whether or not sites have suffered from soil disturbance. In disturbed stands, it is suggested that the frequency and intensity of disturbance are more important for species composition than the type of soil disturbance.  相似文献   

The submerged vegetation of Lake Kariba is described in relation to degree of slope (lake morphometry), depth and light transparency. The direct gradient analysis technique — canonical correspondence analysis and the TWINSPAN classification programs were used to analyse the data set. The western end of the lake with low transparency has a low species diversity (with Vallisneria aethiopica dominating). Species diversity increases with increased transparency in the other parts of the lake. The classification revealed monospecific communities for all species as well as mixed communities with Lagarosiphon as the associate species with the broadest distribution. The ordination revealed a first axis strongly related to depth and transparency gradients and the second axis related to slope. Vallisneria aethiopica has a growth form adapted to grow in shallow areas subjected to wave action. Potamogeton octandrus also growing in shallow areas is restricted to sheltered areas. Lagarosiphon ilicifolius precluded from the shallow exposed areas grows at medium depth but has a growth form adapted to tap light at the surface. Najas pectinata and Ceratophyllum demersum are adapted to grow in deep water.Abbreviations CCA Canonical correspondence analysis  相似文献   

Endocytosis is now considered a basic cellular process common to plant cells. Although both non-specific and receptor-mediated endocytosis appear to take place in plant cells, the physiological role of the latter remains unclear. We have investigated the endocytic process in rice cell suspensions using two biotinylated proteins, peroxidase and bovine serum albumin (bHRP and bBSA), as markers. First, we show that markers are internalized by rice cells and appear in intracellular membranes. The uptake of the two markers is temperature dependent, saturable with time and markers dose and it is competed by free biotin. Thus, it shows the properties of a receptor-mediated process. We also show that uptake of markers is strongly influenced by growth phase as optimal uptake occurs during the lag phase, but the initiation of the exponential growth phase decreases uptake drastically. Arrest of the cell cycle by starvation of either a nutrient (phosphate) or a growth regulator (2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid), both components of the culture medium, does not modify the rate of bBSA uptake. Subsequent readdition of these components results in growth recovery and a dramatic decrease in bBSA uptake. On the other hand, nocodazole treatment, a method to arrest the cell cycle by microtubule depolymerization, inhibited bBSA uptake. The possible causes for this arrest of endocytosis are discussed.  相似文献   

马晓勇  上官铁梁  张峰 《生态学报》2006,26(10):3372-3379
在中国植被分区上,山西恒山是温带草原地带与暖温带落叶阔叶林地带的交错区.采用TWINSPAN分类和DCA排序相结合的方法,对恒山南北坡植被类型进行了比较研究.TWINSPAN分类结果将南北坡的植被分别划分为16个群丛和20个群丛,分别隶属于16个和20个群系.DCA排序较好的印证了其分类结果:DCA排序第一轴反映海拔、温度的变化,南坡植被随海拔的升高,从耐旱的山蒿灌丛向寒温性的针叶林过渡,北坡由旱生的长芒草草原也向寒温性的针叶林过渡; 第二轴反映湿度的变化,排序轴从上到下,南坡由低海拔的山蒿群丛向高海拔的华北落叶松群丛,北坡是由长芒草、碱茅群丛向青杨群丛过渡.DCA排序结果显示,南北坡基带植被的群丛组成迥然不同,南坡基带为山蒿群丛、三裂叶绣线菊-山蒿+赖草群丛、虎榛子-披针叶苔草群丛,是落叶阔叶林破坏后形成的次生植被类型;北坡基带为长芒草群丛、碱茅+千里光群丛、三裂叶绣线菊-硬质早熟禾群丛、山菊+硬质早熟禾群丛,具有典型的草原植被特征,这与它们所处的植被带有较高的吻合度.南北坡随海拔升高,植被类型表现出明显的趋同性.对南北坡群系的比较结果表明:有4个群系为南北坡共有,但群丛数量存在较大的差异,三裂叶绣线菊群系、山蒿群系在南坡的群丛数要比北坡多,披针叶苔草群系在北坡的群丛数要比南坡多,华北落叶松群系分布大致相同.  相似文献   

In metapopulations, individual patch contribution (source or sink) is typically calculated as a patch growth rate (the intrinsic lambda, I) dependent only upon local demographics. We demonstrate that when dispersal is explicitly included in the model, the growth rates for all patches calculated in an analogous manner (the observed lambda, O) equilibrate to the overall metapopulation growth rate and thus no longer serve as a useful reflection of the demographic and dispersive characteristics of a given patch. In these situations we suggest an alternative method of estimating patch contribution (the contribution lambda, C) in which a patch is decremented for losses that occur within it and credited for gains that occur anywhere in the metapopulation because of it. We compare values of I, O, and C for individual patches in discrete-time density-independent metapopulation models of two organisms with very different life histories, mayflies with adult dispersal, and reef fish with larval dispersal. Results confirm that when dispersal is included only C clearly indicates the contribution of a particular patch. IC comparisons indicate that inclusion of dispersal in the mayfly model was only important if connectivity patterns were random or directional. In the reef fish model, however, results were very different when dispersal was included and there were many cases of patches being misidentified (e.g., as a source when it was really a sink) depending upon the metric used (I or C). Our results demonstrate the importance of including dispersal in metapopulation models when considering the contribution of individual patches.  相似文献   

N. Rama Rao 《Plant and Soil》1986,96(1):125-131
Summary Potassium requirements for growth—dry matter (DM) and leaf area (LA) and related processes — relative leaf growth rate (RLGR), relative growth rate (RGR), net assimilation rate (NAR) and crop growth rate (CGR) were determined by plant analysis during the entogeny of wheat. Wheat (Triticum aestivum cv. HD 2329) plants were supplied with different amounts of K from deficient to adequate through nutrient solution. Samples were taken at specific stages for K determinations. The DM and LA were recorded at 45d, 75d and 105d. The growth related processes RGR, NAR and CGR were estimated between 30–45d, 45–75d and 75–105d. In case of RLGR the observations were carried out between 15–30d, 30–45d and 45–75d. These physiological processes and grain yield were correlated with K concentration in whole plant at 30 and 45d and top two leaves at 75 and 105d. The results indicated that k status in plants influences growth mostly through leaf area formation which inturn influences successively RLGR, RGR and CGR and finally grain yield. For vegetative growth the optimum concentration required in plants was always lower than the optimum for grain production.  相似文献   


The floristic composition and spatial structure of a West African riverine forest in north-western Benin were studied in order to identify vegetation zones and their arrangement and composition. Data were collected on five continuous belt transects and were analysed using multivariate methods. A total of 133 tree taxa from 34 plant families were identified, with Rubiaceae and Leguminosae-Papilionoideae as the most frequent families. Fifteen homogeneous transect sections were documented. Near-river sections were dominated by water-demanding species (Syzygium guineense, Garcinia ovalifolia, Berlinia grandiflora, Breonardia salicina) (=gallery forest), whereas uphill sections were characterised by savanna species (Terminalia laxiflora, Hymenocardia acida, Detarium microcarpum, Burkea africana) (= savanna). The shift from gallery forest to savanna was reflected by a floristic turnover and the different physiognomy of the vegetation, although diversity values for gallery forest and savanna were very similar. In the Principal Co-ordinates Analysis (PCoA), gallery forest and savanna sections did not overlap. Parallel sections at both sides of the river could be linked by isolines following the topography parallel to the river, resulting in a continuous gallery forest belt (width between 10 and 30 m) flanked by savanna. Tree species typical for gallery forests have wider areas of distribution than savanna species.  相似文献   

在暖温型和中温型草原对大针茅(Stipa grandis)、羊草(Leymus chinensis)、糙隐子草(Cleisto-genes squorrosa)、达乌里胡枝子(Lespedeza dahurica)和阿尔泰狗哇花(Heteropappus altaicus)5个共有植物种群的构件生长特征进行了比较研究,并应用种群统计的生长分析指标与研究站点的月平均温度、降水量和湿润度进行了灰色关联分析。结果表明,中温型草原各共有种的相对生长速率(DRGR&;DRGRa)和单位叶速率(DULA)均高于暖温型草原,显示出对中温型草原生长季短、热量条件不足的生态适应特征;而暖温型草原则以较长的叶面积及构件持续时间适应该草原区生长季长、热量较为充足的气修条件。暖温型草原各共有种的构件生长指标与湿润度之间的灰色关联度普遍高于中温型草原,即暖温型草原植物的构件生长对生长季内的水热组合更为敏感,显示出不同热量型草原区植物构件生长的响应特征。  相似文献   

Question: Do vascular epiphyte species have a metapopulation structure? What are the qualitative and quantitative long‐term changes of the complete vascular epiphyte vegetation in a particular host tree species? Location: Lowland forest on Barro Colorado Island (9° 10’ N, 79°51’ W), Republic of Panama. Methods: In 1994 and 2002 we conducted a census of all vascular epiphytes growing on more than 1000 Annona glabra trees (= patches). Epiphyte species abundances were recorded at the tree level in each census. Results: The number of epiphyte individuals increased from ca. 15 000 to ca. 23 700 individuals during the census interval while the species composition on Annona glabra as a whole was rather stable. There was a strong positive relationship between occurrence in patches and local abundance of the species, and between species richness and host tree stand size. The dynamics of local populations of a given species were uncorrelated to each other; small and large local populations of most species had the same probability to go extinct. The frequency distribution of species on all host trees was not bimodal, but on a subset of heavily colonized host tree stands it was. Numbers of species and individuals were correlated with tree size which was not due to a correlation of tree size and tree age. Conclusions: As far as the most abundant epiphyte species with metapopulation structures are concerned, these species belong to diverse families, e. g. Orchidaceae, Bromeliaceae and Polypodiaceae. Even ca. 80 years after the initial establishment of the host tree species in the study area epiphytes are still in the stage of initial colonization and have not reached a steady state as indicated by the strong increase in individuals and the ongoing colonization of empty trees.  相似文献   

At fine spatial scales (0.1–10m), chaparral communities have been shown to be strongly influenced by canopy-gap patterns, leading to periodicities in vegetation at 4–5 m spatial scales. Fine-scale variations in fire behavior and post-fire erosion can lead to changes in the patterning of viable seeds and nutrients and may alter the spatial patterning of post-fire chaparral communities. This study deals with the relationship among fire behavior, post-fire nutrient availabilities and vegetation patterns in a 1-yr old, post-fire Adenostoma fasciculatum chaparral community in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, California, USA. Variations in mineral soil exchangeable cations (Ca, Mg) and extractable phosphorus (P04-P) were correlated with ash distribution. Cations and measures of ammonium and nitrate were also correlated with fire intensity, measured by the diameter of the smallest remaining A. fasciculatum twigs following fire. Fire intensity was correlated with the pattern of post-fire vegetation establishment based on first axis DC A scores. However, ash PO4-P was more highly correlated with sample DCA scores, local species richness and total cover (p < 0.01), suggesting that small-scale variations in PO4-P which correlate with ash distributions may be important in structuring this community. Two- and three-term local variance analysis revealed a maximum of pattern intensity in DCA first axis scores at 4–5 m intervals that likely corresponds to pre-fire canopy-gap patterns. However, total cover showed pattern at spatial scales of 8–10 m, and was correlated at this scale with patterns of ash distribution and fire intensity. Microtopographic patterns also occur at similar spatial scales. Microtopographic patterns appear important in determining post-fire plant nutrient and water distributions and, thereby, patterns of plant establishment. Thus, the scale and intensity of post-fire vegetation pattern may differ considerably from pre-fire conditions.  相似文献   

沈阳市城镇扩展时空格局及其驱动力   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
利用多时相TM影像,采用GIS空间分析和景观格局分析相结合的方法,对沈阳市辖区城镇扩展的时空分异特征和城镇景观格局演变进行了分析,并对其驱动力进行了探讨.结果表明:1988—2004年间,沈阳市辖区城镇面积持续增加,扩展强度逐渐增强,2000—2004年间的城镇扩展规模和强度达到最大;城镇扩展具有明显的空间分异特征,市区西南方向是城镇扩展的主方向,近郊及各级经济开发区是扩展的主要区域;城镇景观格局日趋复杂,城镇发展紧凑程度降低;城镇景观格局演变与城镇扩展特征关系密切,表现出时空分异特征;工业化发展与开发区建设、政府政策与城市规划以及交通基础设施建设是沈阳市辖区城镇扩展与城镇景观格局演变的主要驱动力.  相似文献   

Alpine snowbeds are characterized by a long-lasting snow cover and low soil temperature during the growing season. Both these key abiotic factors controlling plant life in snowbeds are sensitive to anthropogenic climate change and will alter the environmental conditions in snowbeds to a considerable extent until the end of this century. In order to name winners and losers of climate change among the plant species inhabiting snowbeds, we analyzed the small-scale species distribution along the snowmelt and soil temperature gradients within alpine snowbeds in the Swiss Alps. The results show that the date of snowmelt and soil temperature were relevant abiotic factors for small-scale vegetation patterns within alpine snowbed communities. Species richness in snowbeds was reduced to about 50% along the environmental gradients towards later snowmelt date or lower daily maximum temperature. Furthermore, the occurrence pattern of the species along the snowmelt gradient allowed the establishment of five species categories with different predictions of their distribution in a warmer world. The dominants increased their relative cover with later snowmelt date and will, therefore, lose abundance due to climate change, but resist complete disappearance from the snowbeds. The indifferents and the transients increased in species number and relative cover with higher temperature and will profit from climate warming. The snowbed specialists will be the most suffering species due to the loss of their habitats as a consequence of earlier snowmelt dates in the future and will be replaced by the avoiders of late-snowmelt sites. These forthcoming profiteers will take advantage from an increasing number of suitable habitats due to an earlier start of the growing season and increased temperature. Therefore, the characteristic snowbed vegetation will change to a vegetation unit dominated by alpine grassland species. The study highlights the vulnerability of the established snowbed vegetation to climate change and requires further studies particularly about the role of biotic interactions in the predicted invasion and replacement process.  相似文献   

Negative extreme anomalies in vegetation growth (NEGs) usually indicate severely impaired ecosystem services. These NEGs can result from diverse natural and anthropogenic causes, especially climate extremes (CEs). However, the relationship between NEGs and many types of CEs remains largely unknown at regional and global scales. Here, with satellite-derived vegetation index data and supporting tree-ring chronologies, we identify periods of NEGs from 1981 to 2015 across the global land surface. We find 70% of these NEGs are attributable to five types of CEs and their combinations, with compound CEs generally more detrimental than individual ones. More importantly, we find that dominant CEs for NEGs vary by biome and region. Specifically, cold and/or wet extremes dominate NEGs in temperate mountains and high latitudes, whereas soil drought and related compound extremes are primarily responsible for NEGs in wet tropical, arid and semi-arid regions. Key characteristics (e.g., the frequency, intensity and duration of CEs, and the vulnerability of vegetation) that determine the dominance of CEs are also region- and biome-dependent. For example, in the wet tropics, dominant individual CEs have both higher intensity and longer duration than non-dominant ones. However, in the dry tropics and some temperate regions, a longer CE duration is more important than higher intensity. Our work provides the first global accounting of the attribution of NEGs to diverse climatic extremes. Our analysis has important implications for developing climate-specific disaster prevention and mitigation plans among different regions of the globe in a changing climate.  相似文献   

以武夷山风景名胜区为研究对象,运用景观分类生态原则和群落生态学原则,将武夷山风景名胜区划分为10类景观类型,并提取各类型斑块的面积、周长、数量等信息。在此基础上,运用正态分布、对数正态分布、Weibull分布、г-分布、Bata-分布及负指数分布等6个常见的概率分布,分别在3种等级划分条件下,对各景观类型斑块大小分布规律进行研究.结果表明,多数斑块大小服从对数正态分布。少数服从r.分布和Weibull分布,而所有类型的斑块大小均不服从正态分布;对于同一景观类型而言,不同划分等级对其斑块大小的分布规律产生一定的影响,即斑块大小分布存在着等级效应,其中以b等级划分相对比较理想;对不同的景观类型而言,斑块大小分布规律依类型的不同而存在差异,而且就整个景区所有斑块大小分布来说,尚未有一种概率分布能理想地加以刻画;由具有相同分布规律的不同景观类型的斑块构成的整体,其斑块大小分布规律基本保持不变,而由不同分布规律的不同景观类型的斑块构成的整体,其斑块大小分布规律发生变化。  相似文献   

缪丽娟  余志巍  何昱  张宇阳 《生态学报》2024,44(6):2479-2494
量化植被物候与城市化进程之间的关系对探索人类活动对城市生态系统的影响至关重要。以中国35个城市及周边区域为研究对象,基于中分辨率成像光谱仪(Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer, MODIS)提供的归一化植被指数(Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, NDVI),采用Savitzky-Golay滤波和动态阈值法提取2000—2020年研究区植被返青期(Start of Growing Season, SOS)和枯黄期(End of Growing Season, EOS)。并分析不同城市规模、不同距离城市的植被物候变化对陆地地表温度(Land Surface Temperature, LST)与不透水面(Impervious Surface Area, ISA)的响应差异。研究发现:(1)2000—2020年,中国城市城区植被SOS和EOS分别以0.17d/a和0.15d/a的速率推迟。根据城市规模的不同,大城市和中等城市物候期呈推迟趋势,而超大城市、特大城市和小城市呈提前趋势。51%的城市...  相似文献   

A comparison of the plant growth retardant activity of the chlamydocin analogues, compound 1, six derivatives from 1 and 2, and two synthetic analogues revealed that there are two types of retardant in chlamydocin analogues. One, for example in compound 1, requires an oxygen atom at C-8 of the 2-aminodecanoic acid moiety to show retardant activity. The other, for example in compound 8, requires no oxygen atom at C-8 but requires a specific alkyl group chain length for activity. To determine the differences in mode of action of both types of retardant, rice seedlings were separately treated with compounds 1 and 8, and after appearance of dwarfism, their endogenous ABA and GA(1) levels were determined and compared to those of the control. Treatment with 1 (10 nmol/plant) increased ABA levels 4 times higher than that of the control and decreased GA(1) levels to 20% of that of the control. Treatment with 8 (30 nmol/plant) did not affect the ABA level but decreased GA(1) content to 5% of that of the control.  相似文献   

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