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Herein is presented the sequence of a catfish full-length p53 cDNA obtained from a cloned B cell line cDNA library. Southern blot analyses determined that a restriction fragment linked polymorphism (RFLP) existed with PstI among outbred catfish. Western blot analyses demonstrated that, when compared to PBLs, the catfish leukocyte lines express higher levels of p53 protein. Additionally, the results of Western blot analyses and in vitro translation experiments suggest that the catfish leukocyte lines may produce truncated forms of p53 due to internal initiation.  相似文献   

A comprehensive understanding of animal growth requires adequate knowledge of protein synthesis (PS), which in fish, has traditionally been determined by the flooding dose method. However, this procedure is limited to short-term assessments and may not accurately describe fish growth over extended periods of time. Since deuterium oxide (2H2O) has been used to non-invasively quantify PS in mammals over short- and long-term periods, we aimed at determining if 2H2O could also be used to measure PS in channel catfish. Fish were stocked in a 40-L aquarium with ~ 4% 2H2O and sampled at 4, 8 and 24 h (n = 6 at each time period) to determine 2H-labeling of body water (plasma), as well as protein-free and protein-bound 2H-labeled alanine. The labeling of body water reflected that of aquarium water and the labeling of protein-free alanine remained constant over 24 h and was ~ 3.8 times greater than that of body water. By measuring 2H-labeled alanine incorporation after 24 h of 2H2O exposure we were able to calculate a rate of PS: 0.04 ± 0.01% h− 1. These results demonstrate that PS in fish can be effectively measured using 2H2O and, because this method yields integrative measures of PS, is relatively inexpensive and accounts for perturbations such as feeding, it is a novel and practical assessment option.  相似文献   

Two ghrelin receptor (GHS-R) genes were isolated from channel catfish tissue and a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library. The two receptors were characterized by determining tissue distribution, ontogeny of receptor mRNA expression, and effects of exogenous homologous ghrelin administration on target tissue mRNA expression. Analysis of sequence similarities indicated two genes putatively encoding GHS-R1 and GHS-R2, respectively, which have been known to be present in zebrafish. Organization and tissue expression of the GHS-R1 gene was similar to that reported for other species, and likewise yielded two detectable mRNA products as a result of alternative splicing. Expression of both full-length, GHS-R1a, and splice variant, GHS-R1b, mRNA was highest in the pituitary. Gene organization of GHS-R2 was similar to GHS-R1, but no splice variant was identified. Expression of GHS-R2a mRNA was highest in the Brockmann bodies. GHS-R1a mRNA was detected in unfertilized eggs and throughout embryogenesis, whereas GHR-R2a mRNA was not expressed in unfertilized eggs or early developing embryos and was the highest at the time of hatching. Catfish intraperitoneally injected with catfish ghrelin-Gly had greater mRNA expression of GHS-R1a in pituitaries at 2 h and Brockmann bodies at 4 h, and of GHS-R2a in Brockmann bodies at 6 h post injection. Amidated catfish ghrelin (ghrelin-amide) had no observable effect on expression of either pituitary receptor; however, GHS-R1a and GHS-R2a mRNA expression levels were increased 4 h post injection of ghrelin-amide in Brockmann bodies. This is the first characterization of GHS-R2a and suggests regulatory and functional differences between the two catfish receptors.  相似文献   

Gentian violet is a triphenylmethane dye that is an antifungal/antiparastic agent. GV is similar to malachite green that has been used in the aquaculture industry for treatment or prevention of external fungal and parasitic infections in fish and fish eggs although it (MG) is not approved for this use. For these reasons, GV’s potential for misuse by the aquaculture industry is high. The uptake and depletion of gentian violet (GV) were determined in channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) after water-borne exposure (100 ng ml−1, 1 h) under simulated aquaculture farming conditions. Leucogentian violet (LGV) was rapidly formed, concentrated in the muscle tissue, and very slowly eliminated from muscle tissue. An isocratic (60% acetonitrile–40% water; 0.05 M ammonium acetate buffer, pH 4.5) HPLC system consisting of a 5 μm LC–CN 250×4.6 mm I.D. column, a 20×2.0 mm I.D. PbO2 oxidative post-column, and a UV–VIS detector set at 588 nm were used to determine uptake and depletion of tissue residues of GV and LGV with time. GV was rapidly depleted and converted to its major metabolite, LGV, which was detected out to 79 days. Therefore, LGV is the appropriate target analyte for monitoring exposure of channel catfish to GV.  相似文献   

Growth hormone (GH) was purified from African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) pituitary extracts in a single step by use of immunoaffinity chromatography. A monoclonal antibody to chicken GH, which labels the catfish hypophyseal somatotropes in immunocytochemistry, was coupled to CNBr-activated Sepharose, and crude alkaline pituitary extracts were run over the immunoadsorbent. Reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography analysis of the eluted material suggested heterogeneity, whereas silver staining upon SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed one single band with an estimated molecular weight between 22,000 and 23,000 Da. Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry analysis of the same preparation revealed the presence of several components with molecular weights ranging from 20,170 to 20,900 Da. The amino terminus of the protein was homogeneous, and the first 50 residues matched the proposed sequence of GH from two other siluran species (Ictalurus punctatus and Pangasius pangasius), except for one substitution at position 3. These data unequivocally confirm the identity of the purified molecule as suggested by immunochemical evidence. The bioactivity of the GH preparation was demonstrated by the short-term effect of GH on T3 plasma levels in juvenile catfish.  相似文献   

Eight primer combinations were used to investigate the application of amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers in catfish for genetic analysis. Intraspecific polymorphism was low among channel catfish or blue catfish strains. Interspecific AFLP polymorphism was high between the channel catfish and blue catfish. Each primer combination generated from 70 to more than 200 bands, of which 38.6–75.7% were polymorphic between channel catfish and blue catfish. On average, more than 20 polymorphic bands per primer combination were produced as quality markers suitable for genetic analysis. All AFLP markers were transmitted into channel catfish × blue catfish F1 hybrids, except rare markers that were heterozygous in the parents and therefore were segregating in F1 hybrids. The two reciprocal channel catfish × blue catfish F1 hybrids (channel catfish female × blue catfish male; blue catfish female × channel catfish male) produced identical AFLP profiles. The AFLP markers were inherited and segregated in expected Mendelian ratios. At two loci, E8-b9 and E8-b2, markers were found at significantly lower frequencies than expected with F2 and backcross hybrids which had been selected for increased growth rates. The reproducibility of AFLP was excellent. These characteristics of the catfish AFLP markers make them highly useful for genetic analysis of catfish, especially for construction of genetic linkage and quantitative trait loci maps, and for marker-assisted selection. Received: 10 September 1997 / Accepted: 10 December 1997  相似文献   

Aim: To develop a method for conducting pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) on Flavobacterium columnare, to use PFGE to characterize F. columnare channel catfish isolates, and to determine whether variation in pathogenic potential exists in F. columnare isolates from channel catfish. Methods and Results: On the basis of PFGE-derived profiles, similarity dendrograms constructed for more than 30 F. columnare isolates showed two major genetic groups with more than 60% similarity. Channel catfish fingerlings challenged with PFGE group A isolates by bath immersion had significantly higher average mortalities (>60%) than fish challenged with PFGE group B isolates (<9%). However, abrasion and skin mucus removal made channel catfish fingerlings susceptible to disease caused by group B isolates following immersion exposure. Conclusion: Our results suggest that two genetic divisions of F. columnare channel catfish isolates exist, and that isolates in PFGE group A isolates tend to be more pathogenic to immunocompetent channel catfish fingerlings than PFGE group B isolates. Significance and Impact of the Study: PFGE is a potentially useful tool for determining whether F. columnare isolates are more likely to be primary or secondary pathogens. Pathogenesis research for columnaris disease in catfish should focus on pathogenic isolates from PFGE group A.  相似文献   

通过研究非洲鲶鱼(Clarias gariepinus)的生长和营养利用来探讨其维生素C的需求量。平均体重为6.02g±0.4g的鲶鱼幼鱼被放置在60cm×45cm×45cm的玻璃缸中,每缸10条鱼,每个处理设3个重复。5组饵料中粗蛋白的含量均为40%,并测定且其基础饲料中维生素C的含量。在第1、2、3、4和5组中,其饵料中维生素C多聚磷酸酯的添加量依次为0(对照)、50、100,150和200mg/kg。每天用这些饵料喂鱼两次,分别在格林尼治时间的9:00和16:00喂食。鲶鱼幼鱼每周称重一次,以便进行统计分析。通过其生长和营养利用效率进行生物学评估。结果表明,特定生长率、食物转换率、蛋白质效率和食物效率在所有组中彼此间都有显著差异。综合所有实验结果看,添加维生素C多聚磷酸酯150mg/kg的第4组,幼鱼的生长和营养利用效率最好。  相似文献   

研究不同水温(18℃和28℃)条件下,单剂量(10mg/kgb·w)强饲氟甲砜霉素,在斑点叉尾鮰(Ictaluruspunc-tatus)体内药代动力学特征.采用高效液相色谱紫外检测法可以同时检测血浆中氟甲砜霉素及其代谢物氟甲砜霉素的浓度.用3p97药代动力学软件处理药时数据.结果表明:在不同水温条件下氟甲砜霉素在斑点叉尾鮰体内的药时数据均符合一室开放式模型.药时规律符合理论方程C血浆=71921(e-0.036t-e-0.18t)和C血浆=91061(e-0.081t-e-0.301t).18℃和28℃的条件下,主要药代动力学参数:吸收半衰期T1/2ka分别为31845h和21301h,消除半衰期T1/2ke分别为191118h和81519h,达峰时间Tpeak分别为111136h和51953h,最大血药浓度Cmax分别为41074μg/mL和41226μg/mL,曲线下面积AUC分别为1741547(μg/mL)/h和811279(μg/mL)/h,平均驻留时间MRT分别为271581h和121290h,相对表观分布容积V/F(c)分别为11580L/kg和115121L/kg.采用氟甲砜霉素防治斑点叉尾鮰细菌性疾病,建议在18℃左右口服10mg/kg体重剂量的氟甲砜霉素,2d给药1次;在28℃左右口服10mg/kg体重剂量的氟甲砜霉素,1d给药1次.试验过程中在斑点叉尾鮰血浆样品中未检测到氟甲砜霉素的主要代谢物氟甲砜霉素胺.    相似文献   

  • 1.1. Responses of channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) swim-up fry to dietary calcium in soft (< 1 mg/1 as CaCO3) and hard (> 100 mg/1 as CaCO3) water were determined by feeding purified egg-white diets containing 0, 0.5, 1.0, or 2.0% calcium from CaCO3 for 8 weeks.
  • 2.2. Catfish fry fed the basal diet (0.03% Ca) in hard and soft water had lower whole-body ash and whole-body calcium concentrations but higher weight gain and survival than those fed calcium-supplemented diets.
  • 3.3. Fry in soft water generally had lower whole-body ash, whole-body calcium, and survival, as well as a higher incidence of spinal deformities than fry in hard water.
  • 4.4. Feeding higher levels of calcium to fry reared in soft water did not increase whole-body calcium levels or decrease spinal deformities to the levels observed for fry reared in hard water and fed supplemental calcium.
  • 5.5. These data indicate that calcium derived solely from dietary or environmental sources was not sufficient for optimum health of channel catfish fry.

The gustatory system of channel catfish is widely studied for its sensitivity to amino acids. As a first step in identifying the molecular components that play a role in taste transduction in catfish, we cloned the full-length cDNA for Kv2-catfish, a novel K(+) channel that is expressed in taste buds. The deduced amino acid sequence is 816 residues, and shares a 56-59% sequence identity with Kv2.1 and Kv2.2, the other members of the vertebrate Kv2 subfamily of voltage-gated K(+) channels. The Kv2-catfish RNA was expressed in taste buds, brain, skeletal muscle, kidney, intestine and gills, and its gene is represented as a single copy in the catfish genome. Recombinant channels expressed in XENOPUS: oocytes were selective for K(+), and were inhibited by tetraethylammonium applied to the extracellular side of the membrane during two-electrode voltage clamp analysis with a 50% inhibitory constant of 6.1 mM. The channels showed voltage-dependent activation, and did not inactivate within 200 ms. Functionally, Kv2-catfish is a voltage-gated, delayed rectifier K(+) channel, and its primary structure is the most divergent sequence identified among the vertebrate members of the Kv2 subfamily of K(+) channels, being related equally well to Kv2.1 and Kv2.2.  相似文献   

This study examined whether the soya phyto-oestrogen genistein would have an effect on spermatozoa quality and in vitro fertilization capacity in mature channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus or walleye Sander vitreus . For both species, motility time and motility rank were significantly different among treatment groups and control, with higher genistein concentrations producing significantly lower motility time and motility rank ( P ≤ 0·01). Walleye and channel catfish ATP content was significantly lower compared to control treatments at several incubation concentrations and was significantly related to fertilization rate. Fertilization rate was significantly dependant on genistein incubation concentrations ( P ≤ 0·01). Additionally, logistic regression showed a significant negative relation between genistein concentration and fertilization in channel catfish ( P ≤ 0·01). These results establish that genistein could play a role in reproductive performance within aquaculture species. In addition, these findings warrant further examination of the impact of phyto-oestrogens in broodstock feeds.  相似文献   

To better understand the effects of reduced feeding frequency on the GH–IGF-I axis, channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus), were either fed (Fed control, commercial diet fed daily), fed every other day (FEOD, commercial diet fed every other day), or not fed (Unfed, no feed). Pituitary GH mRNA increased whereas hepatic growth hormone receptor (GHR), IGF-I mRNA, and plasma IGF-I decreased in the FEOD and Unfed fish (P < 0.05). In another study, fish were either continually fed (Fed) or fasted and then re-fed (Restricted) to examine the physiological regulation of somatostatin-14 (SS-14) and SS-22 mRNA. Fasting increased (P < 0.05) levels of SS-14 mRNA in the hypothalamus and pancreatic islets (Brockmann bodies) at d 30 while re-feeding decreased SS-14 mRNA to control values in all tissues examined by d 45. Fasting had no effect on levels of SS-22 mRNA in the pancreatic islets whereas SS-22 mRNA was not detected in the stomach or hypothalamus. The results demonstrate that feeding every other day has similar negative impacts on components of the GH–IGF-I axis as fasting. The observed increase in SS-14 mRNA in the hypothalamus and pancreatic islets suggests a role for SS-14 in modulating the GH–IGF-I axis in channel catfish.  相似文献   

The channel catfish ( Ictalurus punctatus ) has become the most important aquaculture species in the USA. A genetic linkage map in catfish is needed to improve efficiency of breeding by marker-assisted selection (MAS) and for identification of economically important genes such as disease resistance genes. To identify DNA-based genetic polymorphism, the present authors tested 42 randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) primers for their utility in identifying genetic polymorphism in catfish. Out of these primers, 22 generated 171 highly reproducible RAPD markers, producing almost eight polymorphic bands per primer. The remaining 20 primers produced an additional 20 polymorphic bands. The RAPD markers were highly reproducible, transmitted to F1 hybrids, and segregated in F2 or backcross progeny in ratios that did not differ from Mendelian expectations. Because the interspecific hybrids of channel catfish and blue catfish are fertile, RAPD markers using the interspecific hybrid system will be useful for rapid construction of genetic linkage maps of catfish and for analysis of important quantitative trait loci.  相似文献   

African catfish, Clarias gariepinus (B.), is one of the promising freshwater fish species in African aquaculture but the expansion of its farming needs more production of its larvae. The use of live food organisms at first feeding for larvae is still obligatory. That increases the cost of larvae production. Hence, the incorporating of exogenous enzymes especially protease in artificial microdiets may provide affordable alternatives for enhancing the larvae performance. The present study was carried out to evaluate the growth and survival of larvae or fingerlings of African catfish fed artificial diets incorporated with different protease levels. Four artificial diets were formulated and enriched with protease enzyme at levels of 0.0, 750, 1,000, and 1,250 unit/kg diet; after that diets were made into crumbles (100–200 µm diameter). After absorption of the yolk sac, diets were offered to fish larvae (3.6 ± 0.2 mg) in triplicates as a starter feed up to apparent satiation every two hours for 30 days. In another treatment, fish larvae were fed on newly hatched Artemia nauplii (2,500 Artemia/L) as a starter food. In another experiment, African catfish fingerlings (10.1 ± 1.6 g) were fed on the same diets up to satiation twice a day for 2 months. It was noticed that the dietary protease improved larval growth and survival but not as Artemia nauplii did where fish larvae fed on Artemia nauplii showed highest growth and survival followed by those fed a diet enriched with 1,250 unit/kg diet of protease. The mortality of larvae fed protease‐enriched diets as well as the control diet was occurred mostly at the first week reaching its maximum at the third week. The poor growth was observed with fish larvae fed the control diet. Meanwhile, catfish fingerlings fed protease‐enriched diets showed higher growth over those fed the control diet. The larvae survival (11.0%–41.7%) was enhanced by increasing protease levels and it was lower than that of fingerlings (95.6%–100.0%). Furthermore, protein retention and digestibility were significantly improved with protease supplementation over the control diet especially at a level of 1,000 unit/kg diet. As compared with the previous studies, live food should be used in larvae rearing for the first week after that a starter diet enriched with protease at levels of 1,250 unit/kg diet should be used. In case of fish fingerlings, the dry diets should be enriched with 1,100 unit/kg diet to improve diet digestibility and subsequently enhance their growth.  相似文献   

The circulating antibody which reacted with sonicated spores of Myxobolus artus was detected in some naturally infected carp. However, some other fish had no detectable sign of infection, though they had the antibody. When carp were injected either with intact or sonicated spores, the antibody was not produced, while fish injected either with developing stages (presporogonic and sporoblast stages) of the parasite or sonicated spores with bovine serum albumin elicited the antibody production. The results of the injection experiments suggest that (1) developing stages have antigenicity to carp, and (2) spores have lost the antigenicity; sonicated spores are haptens, with which the antibody can react. In an indirect fluorescent antibody technique, sera positive for the antigen reacted with developing stages of the parasite, but not with the spore.
The mechanism of the host immune response against M. artus is discussed in relation to a previous observation that the parasite sometimes underwent abnormal development, in which host encapsulation was imperfect or even lacking, probably leading to degeneration of pseudocysts before the completion of spore formation. It is plausible that the antibody was produced when pseudocysts which showed abnormal growth ruptured during their developing stages, resulting in exposure of the young parasite to the host immune system.  相似文献   


1. 1.The temperature tolerance, Critical Thermal Maxima (CTM), was significantly reduced when newly hatched muskellunge fry were reared in tanks containing 0.05, 1.0 and 5.0 ppm arsenic as sodium arsenite (NaAsO2).

2. 2.During swim-up (days 8–14 post hatch), CTM decreased from 32.5°C, 30.5°C for fry exposed to 0.05 ppm As. from 32.2°C to 30.°C for fry in 1.0 ppm As and from 31.3°C to 29.3°C for fry in 5.0 ppm. The CTM for the fry exposed to As remained depressed from the onset of swim-up until the experiment was terminated.

3. 3.The control group also displayed a drop in CTM during swim-up from 32.4°C to 30.3°C but the CTM then slowly recovered and increased to 31.8°C on day 15.

4. 4.Swim-up began in all tanks on day 8 and was accompanied by a rapid increase in mortality in those fry exposed to As. 50% mortality was reached 2 days after swim-up began at 5.0 ppm As, 4 days after swim-up began at 1.0 ppm and 5 days after the onset of swim-up for 0.05 ppm. All fish exposed to As died within 7 days after the onset of swim-up.

5. 5.Control fish completed swim-up in 3 days (11 days after hatching), began to feed and appeared normal.

Author Keywords: Thermal tolerance; Critical Thermal Maxima; arsenic; sodium arsenite; swim-up; toxicity; fry; Esox masquinongy  相似文献   

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