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Maternal treatment with cocaine or a D1-dopamine receptor agonist induces c-fos gene expression in the fetal suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN). Other treatments that induce c-fos expression in the fetal SCN include caffeine and nicotine. In the current article, the authors assessed whether these different pharmacological treatments activate c-fos expression by a common neurochemical mechanism. The results indicate the presence of at least two distinct pharmacological pathways to c-fos expression in the fetal rat SCN. Previous studies demonstrate that prenatal activation of dopamine receptors affects the developing circadian system. The present work shows that stimulant drugs influence the fetal brain through multiple transmitter systems and further suggests that there may be multiple pathways leading to entrainment of the fetal biological clock.  相似文献   

Distinct molecular mechanisms of Fas resistance in murine B lymphoma cells   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A panel of murine B lymphoma cell lines, which express different levels of Fas, was extensively studied for sensitivity to Fas-mediated death signals via an anti-Fas mAb and Fas ligand-bearing cell lines. Expression of the Fas receptor on the B lymphoma cell lines did not correlate with their capacity to undergo Fas-mediated apoptosis. Moreover, Fas-associated death domain protein recruitment to the death-inducing signaling complex (DISC) complex occurred in all cell lines expressing Fas, regardless of whether they were sensitive to Fas-mediated death. Interestingly, the protein synthesis inhibitor, cycloheximide, and protein kinase C inhibitors, such as bisindolylmaleimide, rendered one of the resistant cell lines, CH33, sensitive to signals from the Fas receptor, although the levels of Fas were unchanged. This suggests that constitutive PKC activation plays a role in Fas resistance, perhaps by up-regulating NF-kappaB or Bcl-2 family members. Interestingly, CH33 demonstrated caspase 8 activity upon engagement of the Fas receptor in the absence of pharmacological manipulation, suggesting that the block in apoptosis is downstream of the DISC complex. In contrast, the fact that Fas-associated death domain protein was recruited to the DISC complex in other resistant lines, such as WEHI-231, with no caspase 8 activation indicates that these cells may be blocked within the DISC complex. Indeed, Western blot analysis showed that WEHI-231 expressed an isoform of FLICE-like inhibitory protein (cFLIPL), an antiapoptotic protein within the DISC. These studies provide evidence that murine B lymphoma cells utilize different molecular mechanisms along the Fas-signaling cascade to block apoptosis.  相似文献   

The Docile strain of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) induces anemia in a number of inbred strains of mice, including C3HeB/FeJ and CBA/Ht animals. A difference in the kinetics of anemia and in compensatory reticulocytosis suggested that impaired erythropoiesis was the major pathogenic mechanism involved in CBA/Ht mice, but not in C3HeB/FeJ mice. In both mouse strains an antierythrocyte autoantibody production that depended on the presence of functional CD4+ T lymphocytes was observed. Although depletion of T helper lymphocytes prevented anemia in C3HeB/FeJ mice, this treatment largely failed to inhibit the development of the disease in CBA/Ht animals. This observation indicated that the antierythrocyte autoimmune response induced by the infection was at least partly responsible for the anemia of C3HeB/FeJ mice, but not of CBA/Ht mice. Erythrophagocytosis was enhanced in both mouse strains after LCMV infection, but did not appear to be a major cause of anemia. These data clearly indicate that similar disease profiles induced by the same virus in two different host strains can be the result of distinctly different mechanisms.  相似文献   

The author stresses, out of the abundant literature of melanoma, those new pieces of information that have changed the conventional therapeutic approach to melanoma. Elements of melanoma progression leading to a rational transformation of the dogmatic radical surgery are described. In addition, the phenomenon of regression, still requiring further investigations, is also dealt with, as well as the hormonal dependence of melanoma, which has practical importance in the management of some problems, e.g. indication of pregnancy interruption, hormonal contraception, and hormon substitution therapy in postmenopausa. The limited effectiveness of conventional complex tumour killing mechanisms (chemotherapy and radiotherapy) necessitates new therapeutic strategies based on tumour biological knowledge. Finally, the fields of application of vaccination and antiangiogenic and gene manipulation techniques are touched upon.  相似文献   

Polymerization of filamentous (F)‐actin at the neuronal synapse plays an important role in neuronal function. However, the regulatory mechanisms controlling the levels of synaptic actin remain incompletely understood. Here, I used established pharmacological blockers to acutely disrupt the function of actin polymerization machinery, then quantified their effect on synaptic F‐actin levels. Synaptic F‐actin was modestly decreased by inhibition of Arp2/3‐dependent actin branching. Blockade of formin‐dependent actin elongation resulted in an Arp2/3‐dependent increase in synaptic actin that could be mimicked by limited actin depolymerization. Limited actin depolymerization was also sufficient to reverse a decrease in synaptic F‐actin caused by prolonged blockade of synaptic NMDA‐type glutamate receptors. These results suggest that interplay between different actin polymerization pathways may regulate synaptic actin dynamics.  相似文献   

The prevalence of diabetes is growing worldwide with an increasing morbidity and mortality associated with the development of diabetes complications. Free radical production is a normal biological process that is strictly controlled and has been shown to be important in normal cellular homeostasis, and in the bodies response to pathogens. However, there are several mechanisms leading to excessive free radical production that overcome the normal protective quenching mechanisms. Studies have shown that many of the diabetes complications result from excessive free radical generation and oxidative stress, and it has been shown that chronic hyperglycemia is a potent inducer for free radical production, generated through several pathways and triggering multiple molecular mechanisms. An understanding of these processes may help us to improving our preventive or therapeutic strategies. In this review, the major molecular pathways involved in free radical generation induced by hyperglycemia are described.  相似文献   

Analysis of the thermodynamics of the interactions between the D3 T-cell receptor (TCR) and its natural ligand, an HIV peptide bound to a HLA-A0201 (HLA-A2) major histocompatibility complex (MHC) protein, shows both similarities and striking differences when compared with the 2B4 TCR binding to its peptide-MHC ligand. The equilibrium thermodynamic parameters of both reactions are consistent with a conformational adjustment at the binding interface during the formation of specific TCR-peptide-MHC complexes. However, osmolytic reagents that dehydrate protein surfaces have profoundly different effects on the strength of the two reactions, indicating that water molecules make very different contributions-enhancing the binding of D3 TCR but weakening the binding of 2B4 TCR. The use of these different mechanisms by TCRs to recognize ligands might be an important means augmenting their inherent cross-reactivity.  相似文献   

Molecular Biology Reports - Malignant melanoma is an aggressive skin tumor with a rapidly increasing incidence and there is not yet a successful treatment strategy. Vulpinic acid (VA) is derived...  相似文献   

Leucine aminopeptidases (LAPs) are present in animals, plants, and microbes. In plants, there are two classes of LAPs. The neutral LAPs (LAP-N and its orthologs) are constitutively expressed and detected in all plants, whereas the stress-induced acidic LAPs (LAP-A) are expressed only in a subset of the Solanaceae. LAPs have a role in insect defense and act as a regulator of the late branch of wound signaling in Solanum lycopersicum (tomato). Although the mechanism of LAP-A action is unknown, it has been presumed that LAP peptidase activity is essential for regulating wound signaling. Here we show that plant LAPs are bifunctional. Using three assays to monitor protein protection from heat-induced damage, it was shown that the tomato LAP-A and LAP-N and the Arabidopsis thaliana LAP1 and LAP2 are molecular chaperones. Assays using LAP-A catalytic site mutants demonstrated that LAP-A chaperone activity was independent of its peptidase activity. Furthermore, disruption of the LAP-A hexameric structure increased chaperone activity. Together, these data identify a new class of molecular chaperones and a new function for the plant LAPs as well as suggesting new mechanisms for LAP action in the defense of solanaceous plants against stress.  相似文献   

《Life sciences》1997,61(21):PL321-PL326
In the last few years, considerable evidence has appeared concerning the importance of the opioid systems in the action mechanism of some antidepressant drugs. This action mechanism could be mediated through the inhibition of the enzymes reponsible for enkephalin degradation. In this sense, imipramine treatment in vivo increases the enkephalin levels, and this effect is enhanced by inhibitors of enkephalin-degrading enzymes. The present work shows the effects in vitro of imipramine and its active metabolite desipramine on the activities of two membrane-bound enkephalin-degrading aminopeptidases present in rat brain. Imipramine and desipramine in vitro do not affect the aminopeptidase M activity, but they reversibly inhibits the aminoeptidase MII. The enzyme kinetic analysis shows that this enzyme molecule has two different binding sites for each drug, which exert a mixed type enzyme inhibition.  相似文献   

To characterize the properties of presenilin (PS) 1- and PS2-associated gamma-secretases, we established stable transfectants overexpressing amyloid precursor protein and wild-type (wt) or a number of mutant (mt) PS1 or PS2. Quantification of the intracellular amyloid beta-protein (Abeta) levels in mtPS1 and mtPS2 cell lines revealed the presence of two subtypes. One group consists of N141I, M239V, and T122P mutations of the PS2 gene and homologous mutations of PS1, N135D and M233T. These mutations led to an increase in the intracellular Abeta42 levels and a concomitant decrease in the intracellular Abeta40 levels. A cell-free assay for Abeta production using the membranes prepared from these transfectants exhibited predominant cleavage at position Abeta42 with marginal production of Abeta40. The other group consists of M146L, H163R, and G384A mutations of PS1, leading only to an increase in the intracellular Abeta42 levels. While the intracellular Abeta levels in M146L cells were consistent with the results from cell-free Abeta production, H163R and G384A cells showed significant discrepancies between the intracellular Abeta levels and cell-free Abeta production. Thus, all the mtPS1/2 examined here result in increases in the intracellular Abeta42 levels. This suggests that the underlying mechanisms for this shared phenotype may be diverse.  相似文献   

In the beta-cells of pancreatic islets, insulin is stored as the predominant protein within storage granules that undergo regulated exocytosis in response to glucose. By pulse-chase analysis of radiolabeled protein condensation in beta-cells, the formation of insoluble aggregates of regulated secretory protein lags behind the conversion of proinsulin to insulin. Condensation occurs within immature granules (IGs), accounting for passive protein sorting as demonstrated by constitutive-like secretion of newly synthesized C- peptide in stoichiometric excess of insulin (Kuliawat, R., and P. Arvan. J. Cell Biol. 1992. 118:521-529). Experimental manipulation of condensation conditions in vivo reveals a direct relationship between sorting of regulated secretory protein and polymer assembly within IGs. By contrast, entry from the trans-Golgi network into IGs does not appear especially selective for regulated secretory proteins. Specifically, in normal islets, lysosomal enzyme precursors enter the stimulus-dependent secretory pathway with comparable efficiency to that of proinsulin. However, within 2 h after synthesis (the same period during which proinsulin processing occurs), newly synthesized hydrolases are fairly efficiently relocated out of the stimulus- dependent pathway. In tunicamycin-treated islets, while entry of new lysosomal enzymes into the regulated secretory pathway continues unperturbed, exit of nonglycosylated hydrolases from this pathway does not occur. Consequently, the ultimate targeting of nonglycosylated hydrolases in beta-cells is to storage granules rather than lysosomes. These results implicate a post-Golgi mechanism for the active removal of lysosomal hydrolases away from condensed granule contents during the storage process for regulated secretory proteins.  相似文献   

Antifreeze proteins or ice-binding proteins (IBPs) facilitate the survival of certain cellular organisms in freezing environment by inhibiting the growth of ice crystals in solution. Present study identifies orthologs of the IBP of Colwellia sp. SLW05, which were obtained from a wide range of taxa. Phylogenetic analysis on the basis of conserved regions (predicted as the ‘ice-binding domain’ [IBD]) present in all the orthologs, separates the bacterial and archaeal orthologs from that of the eukaryotes’. Correspondence analysis pointed out that the bacterial and archaeal IBDs have relatively higher average hydrophobicity than the eukaryotic members. IBDs belonging to bacterial as well as archaeal AFPs contain comparatively more strands, and therefore are revealed to be under higher evolutionary selection pressure. Molecular docking studies prove that the ice crystals form more stable complex with the bacterial as well as archaeal proteins than the eukaryotic orthologs. Analysis of the docked structures have traced out the ice-binding sites (IBSs) in all the orthologs which continue to facilitate ice-binding activity even after getting mutated with respect to the well-studied IBSs of Typhula ishikariensis and notably, all these mutations performing ice-binding using ‘anchored clathrate mechanism’ have been found to prefer polar and hydrophilic amino acids. Horizontal gene transfer studies point toward a strong selection pressure favoring independent evolution of the IBPs in some polar organisms including prokaryotes as well as eukaryotes because these proteins facilitate the polar organisms to acclimatize to the adversities in their niche, thus safeguarding their existence.  相似文献   

Progression of tumors depends on interactions of cancer cells with the host environment. Expression of the cytoskeleton protein VASP is upregulated in various cancer entities. We analyzed the role of VASP for melanoma growth in murine allograft models. Growth of VASP expressing melanomas was retarded in VASP?/? versus wild-type animals. Over time tumor size was <50% in VASP?/? versus wild-type animals and independent of expression levels of Ena/VASP protein family members. Histological analyses showed smaller cells with impaired nutrition status and less vascularization in melanomas derived from VASP?/? versus counterparts from wild-type mice. Cumulatively, the data reveal a critical role of VASP in non-tumor cells in the tumor environment for melanoma growth in vivo.  相似文献   

Biochemical mechanisms leading to tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase activation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase (TDO) is the first enzyme in the tryptophan oxidation pathway. It is a hemoprotein and its heme prosthetic group is present as a heme-ferric (heme-Fe(3+)) form that is not active. To be able to oxidize tryptophan, the heme-Fe(3+) form of the enzyme must be reduced to a heme-ferrous (heme-Fe(2+)) form and this study describes conditions that promote TDO activation. TDO is progressively activated upon mixing with tryptophan in a neutral buffer, which leads to an impression that tryptophan is responsible for TDO activation. Through extensive analysis of factors resulting in TDO activation during incubation with tryptophan, we conclude that tryptophan indirectly activates TDO through promoting the production of reactive oxygen species. This consideration is supported by the virtual elimination of the initial lag phase when either pre-incubated tryptophan solution was used as the substrate or a low concentration of superoxide or hydrogen peroxide was incorporated into the freshly tryptophan and TDO mixture. However, accumulation of these reactive oxygen species also leads to the inactivation of TDO, so that both TDO activation and inactivation proceed with the specific outcome depending greatly on the concentrations of superoxide and hydrogen peroxide. As a consequence, the rate of TDO catalysis varies depending upon the proportion of the active to inactive forms of the enzyme, which is in a dynamic relationship in the reaction mixture. These data provide some insight towards elucidating the molecular regulation of TDO in vivo.  相似文献   

In a previous series of studies, we had shown that the constitutive Ia expression in an immunoselected Ia-human B cell variant, RJ 2.2.5, could be restored by somatic cell hybridization with mouse B cells. These experiments allowed us to show the existence of a transacting activator factor(s) operating across species barriers and encoded by the aIr-1 locus located on mouse chromosome 16. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether the B cell constitutive Ia expression and the inducible Ia expression, as seen in macrophages treated with IFN-gamma, are controlled by similar intracellular factors. To this purpose, we constructed an interspecies somatic cell hybrid between the human Ia-RJ 2.2.5 B cells and the mouse Ia-P388 D1 macrophage cells. These murine cells transiently express Ia antigens when incubated with IFN-gamma. Our results show that RJ 2.2.5 X P388 D1 cell hybrids do not express either human or mouse class II gene products. Treatment with human recombinant IFN-gamma did not modify the MHC phenotype of either the hybrid cells or the human parental cells. On the other hand, treatment of the hybrid cells with murine recombinant IFN-gamma resulted in de novo expression of mouse Ia mRNA and corresponding cell surface antigens without, however, reinduction of the human class II-positive phenotype. Furthermore, treatment with the mouse lymphokine significantly increased the levels of human HLA class I mRNA and corresponding cell surface antigens in the hybrid cells, further reinforcing the notion of the existence of non-species-specific secondary mediators generated after receptor-ligand interaction in the IFN-gamma system. Together, these results indicate that in macrophages, the intracellular events taking place after binding of IFN-gamma with its own receptor and leading to the expression of a class II-positive phenotype do not operate via an activation of the aIr-1 locus and/or its products. Thus, at least in our experimental system, we can firmly establish a first, relevant distinction between constitutive and inducible class II gene expression. This difference, dictated by the specific differentiation program of each cell type, may be relevant for the understanding of the function of class II gene products.  相似文献   

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