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Aligning wildlife management boundaries with accurate biological units promotes effective conservation and management practices that reflect ecological and evolutionary processes. Neutral genetic markers allow for quantitative delineation of population structure without a priori assumptions or biases. In the United States, bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) are a charismatic component of Wyoming's biodiversity and a species that provides important viewing and hunting opportunities. Bighorn sheep abundances are relatively stable throughout Wyoming, and the species is managed by administrative units identified using expert knowledge, distribution and movement data, and geographic and administrative boundaries. We used a panel of 38 variable microsatellite loci and 512 base pairs of mitochondrial DNA sequence to identify the genetic structure throughout the state and in translocation source herds, quantify the extent of genetic diversity within each genetic cluster, and estimate the degree of gene flow among herds using blood and tissue samples collected 1989–2017. We identified genetic structure of Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep in the major mountain ranges of Wyoming, with strong support for ≥5 genetic clusters using microsatellite loci. These genetic clusters generally aligned with current management units, whereas mitochondrial data showed a more complex mosaic that was not geographically patterned. Genetic variation estimated from both markers was high within each herd and comparable among herds. The assignment of individuals reflected a combination of geographic isolation and translocation, which has been extensive. Our results provide a state-wide assessment of genetic diversity and structure that will enhance management by understanding the outcomes of translocation, identifying the source of unknown individuals, and parameterizing disease ecology models. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

The extent of spatial genetic structure (SGS) within plant populations depends on seed and pollen dispersal distance, breeding type, level of self-fertilization and effective plant density. Self-fertilizing species with gravity-dispersed seeds are expected to have both small effective population sizes and low pollen movement leading to high genetic structure. Higher SGS can be expected in more patchy and peripheral populations because of lower plant density and population sizes, and lower intensity of gene flow. We tested these predictions analyzing SGS in two core and two peripheral populations of predominantly self-fertilizing emmer wheat. Analysis of SGS with 11 nuclear microsatellites revealed (1) a negative linear relationship between kinship coefficients, calculated for pairs of individuals, and the logarithm of geographical distance between members of the pairs, in all studied populations; and (2) a significant autocorrelation for a distance up to 5 m (core populations) or 20 m (peripheral populations). Pollen flow, estimated from comparison of nuclear and chloroplast variation, was spatially limited, as was seed dispersal. Our results support a hypothesized relationship between SGS intensity and breeding system, the mode of seed dispersal and the population range position (core vs. periphery).  相似文献   

The indigenous population of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has a unique demographic and cultural history. Its tradition of endogamy and consanguinity is expected to produce genetic homogeneity and partitioning of gene pools while population movements and intercontinental trade are likely to have contributed to genetic diversity. Emiratis and neighboring populations of the Middle East have been underrepresented in the population genetics literature with few studies covering the broader genetic history of the Arabian Peninsula. Here, we genotyped 1,198 individuals from the seven Emirates using 1.7 million markers and by employing haplotype-based algorithms and admixture analyses, we reveal the fine-scale genetic structure of the Emirati population. Shared ancestry and gene flow with neighboring populations display their unique geographic position while increased intra- versus inter-Emirati kinship and sharing of uniparental haplogroups, reflect the endogamous and consanguineous cultural traditions of the Emirates and their tribes.  相似文献   

Population genetic structure has important consequences in evolutionary processes and conservation genetics in animals. Fine-scale population genetic structure depends on the pattern of landscape, the permanent movement of individuals, and the dispersal of their genes during temporary mating events. The lesser flat-headed bat (Tylonycteris pachypus) is a nonmigratory Asian bat species that roosts in small groups within the internodes of bamboo stems and the habitats are fragmented. Our previous parentage analyses revealed considerable extra-group mating in this species. To assess the spatial limits and sex-biased nature of gene flow in the same population, we used 20 microsatellite loci and mtDNA sequencing of the ND2 gene to quantify genetic structure among 54 groups of adult flat-headed bats, at nine localities in South China. AMOVA and FST estimates revealed significant genetic differentiation among localities. Alternatively, the pairwise FST values among roosting groups appeared to be related to the incidence of associated extra-group breeding, suggesting the impact of mating events on fine-scale genetic structure. Global spatial autocorrelation analyses showed positive genetic correlation for up to 3 km, indicating the role of fragmented habitat and the specialized social organization as a barrier in the movement of individuals among bamboo forests. The male-biased dispersal pattern resulted in weaker spatial genetic structure between localities among males than among females, and fine-scale analyses supported that relatedness levels within internodes were higher among females than among males. Finally, only females were more related to their same sex roost mates than to individuals from neighbouring roosts, suggestive of natal philopatry in females.  相似文献   

The Ryukyu Archipelago is located in the southwest of the Japanese islands and is composed of dozens of islands, grouped into the Miyako Islands, Yaeyama Islands, and Okinawa Islands. Based on the results of principal component analysis on genome-wide single-nucleotide polymorphisms, genetic differentiation was observed among the island groups of the Ryukyu Archipelago. However, a detailed population structure analysis of the Ryukyu Archipelago has not yet been completed. We obtained genomic DNA samples from 1,240 individuals living in the Miyako Islands, and we genotyped 665,326 single-nucleotide polymorphisms to infer population history within the Miyako Islands, including Miyakojima, Irabu, and Ikema islands. The haplotype-based analysis showed that populations in the Miyako Islands were divided into three subpopulations located on Miyakojima northeast, Miyakojima southwest, and Irabu/Ikema. The results of haplotype sharing and the D statistics analyses showed that the Irabu/Ikema subpopulation received gene flows different from those of the Miyakojima subpopulations, which may be related with the historically attested immigration during the Gusuku period (900 − 500 BP). A coalescent-based demographic inference suggests that the Irabu/Ikema population firstly split away from the ancestral Ryukyu population about 41 generations ago, followed by a split of the Miyako southwest population from the ancestral Ryukyu population (about 16 generations ago), and the differentiation of the ancestral Ryukyu population into two populations (Miyako northeast and Okinawajima populations) about seven generations ago. Such genetic information is useful for explaining the population history of modern Miyako people and must be taken into account when performing disease association studies.  相似文献   

An exciting advance in the understanding of metapopulation dynamics has been the investigation of how populations respond to ephemeral patches that go ‘extinct’ during the lifetime of an individual. Previous research has shown that this scenario leads to genetic homogenization across large spatial scales. However, little is known about fine-scale genetic structuring or how this changes over time in ephemeral patches. We predicted that species that specialize on ephemeral habitats will delay dispersal to exploit natal habitat patches while resources are plentiful and thus display fine-scale structure. To investigate this idea, we evaluated the effect of frequent colonization of ephemeral habitats on the fine-scale genetic structure of a fire specialist, the black-backed woodpecker (Picoides arcticus) and found a pattern of fine-scale genetic structure. We then tested for differences in spatial structure between sexes and detected a pattern consistent with male-biased dispersal. We also detected a temporal increase in relatedness among individuals within newly burned forest patches. Our results indicate that specialist species that outlive their ephemeral patches can accrue significant fine-scale spatial structure that does not necessarily affect spatial structure at larger scales. This highlights the importance of both spatial and temporal scale considerations in both sampling and data interpretation of molecular genetic results.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Some of the major features of nucleic acid structureand replication are reviewed in respect to their constancy andvariability. These two qualities of conservation and changeare broadly discussed in terms of the roles that genetic informationalmolecules play in biological evolution.  相似文献   

Understanding how populations respond to habitat loss is central to conserving biodiversity. Population genetic approaches enable the identification of the symptoms of population disruption in advance of population collapse. However, the spatio-temporal scales at which population disruption occurs are still too poorly known to effectively conserve biodiversity in the face of human-induced landscape change. We employed microsatellite analysis to examine genetic structure and diversity over small spatial (mostly 1-50 km) and temporal scales (20-50 years) in the squirrel glider (Petaurus norfolcensis), a gliding mammal that is commonly subjected to a loss of habitat connectivity. We identified genetically differentiated local populations over distances as little as 3 km and within 30 years of landscape change. Genetically isolated local populations experienced the loss of genetic diversity, and significantly increased mean relatedness, which suggests increased inbreeding. Where tree cover remained, genetic differentiation was less evident. This pattern was repeated in two landscapes located 750 km apart. These results lend support to other recent studies that suggest the loss of habitat connectivity can produce fine-scale population genetic change in a range of taxa. This gives rise to the prediction that many other vertebrates will experience similar genetic changes. Our results suggest the future collapse of local populations of this gliding mammal is likely unless habitat connectivity is maintained or restored. Landscape management must occur on a fine-scale to avert the erosion of biodiversity.  相似文献   

Burkholderia pseudomallei soil isolates from northeast Thailand were genotyped using multiple-locus variable-number tandem repeat (VNTR) analysis (MLVA) and multilocus sequence typing (MLST). MLVA identified 19 genotypes within three clades, while MLST revealed two genotypes. These close genetic relationships imply a recent colonization followed by localized expansion, similar to what occurs in an outbreak situation.  相似文献   

Revealing organizational principles of biological networks is an important goal of systems biology. In this study, we sought to analyze the dynamic organizational principles within the protein interaction network by studying the characteristics of individual neighborhoods of proteins within the network based on their gene expression as well as protein-protein interaction patterns. By clustering proteins into distinct groups based on their neighborhood gene expression characteristics, we identify several significant trends in the dynamic organization of the protein interaction network. We show that proteins with distinct neighborhood gene expression characteristics are positioned in specific localities in the protein interaction network thereby playing specific roles in the dynamic network connectivity. Remarkably, our analysis reveals a neighborhood characteristic that corresponds to the most centrally located group of proteins within the network. Further, we show that the connectivity pattern displayed by this group is consistent with the notion of “rich club connectivity” in complex networks. Importantly, our findings are largely reproducible in networks constructed using independent and different datasets.  相似文献   

Thermal pollution from industrial processes can have negative impacts on the spawning and development of cold-water fish. Point sources of thermal effluent may need to be managed to avoid affecting discrete populations. Correspondingly, we examined fine-scale ecological and genetic population structure of two whitefish species (Coregonus clupeaformis and Prosopium cylindraceum) on Lake Huron, Canada, in the immediate vicinity of thermal effluent from nuclear power generation. Niche metrics using δ13C and δ15N stable isotopes showed high levels of overlap (48.6 to 94.5%) in resource use by adult fish captured in areas affected by thermal effluent compared to nearby reference locations. Isotopic niche size, a metric of resource use diversity, was 1.3- to 2.8-fold higher than reference values in some thermally affected areas, indicative of fish mixing. Microsatellite analyses of genetic population structure (Fst, STRUCTURE and DAPC) indicated that fish captured at all locations in the vicinity of the power plant were part of a larger population extending beyond the study area. In concert, ecological and genetic markers do not support the presence of an evolutionarily significant unit in the vicinity of the power plant. Thus, future research should focus on the potential impacts of thermal emissions on development and recruitment.  相似文献   

Recombination is fundamental to meiosis in many species and generates variation on which natural selection can act, yet fine-scale linkage maps are cumbersome to construct. We generated a fine-scale map of recombination rates across two major chromosomes in Drosophila persimilis using 181 SNP markers spanning two of five major chromosome arms. Using this map, we report significant fine-scale heterogeneity of local recombination rates. However, we also observed “recombinational neighborhoods,” where adjacent intervals had similar recombination rates after excluding regions near the centromere and telomere. We further found significant positive associations of fine-scale recombination rate with repetitive element abundance and a 13-bp sequence motif known to associate with human recombination rates. We noted strong crossover interference extending 5–7 Mb from the initial crossover event. Further, we observed that fine-scale recombination rates in D. persimilis are strongly correlated with those obtained from a comparable study of its sister species, D. pseudoobscura. We documented a significant relationship between recombination rates and intron nucleotide sequence diversity within species, but no relationship between recombination rate and intron divergence between species. These results are consistent with selection models (hitchhiking and background selection) rather than mutagenic recombination models for explaining the relationship of recombination with nucleotide diversity within species. Finally, we found significant correlations between recombination rate and GC content, supporting both GC-biased gene conversion (BGC) models and selection-driven codon bias models. Overall, this genome-enabled map of fine-scale recombination rates allowed us to confirm findings of broader-scale studies and identify multiple novel features that merit further investigation.  相似文献   

Amyloid fibrils formed by the 29-residue peptide hormone glucagon at different concentrations have strikingly different morphologies when observed by transmission electron microscopy. Fibrils formed at low concentration (0.25 mg/mL) consist of two or more protofilaments with a regular twist, while fibrils at high concentration (8 mg/mL) consist of two straight protofilaments. Here, we explore the structural differences underlying glucagon polymorphism using proteolytic degradation, linear and circular dichroism, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and X-ray fiber diffraction. Morphological differences are perpetuated at all structural levels, indicating that the two fibril classes differ in terms of protofilament backbone regions, secondary structure, chromophore alignment along the fibril axis, and fibril superstructure. Straight fibrils show a conventional β-sheet-rich far-UV circular dichroism spectrum whereas that of twisted fibrils is dominated by contributions from β-turns. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy confirms this and also indicates a more dense backbone with weaker hydrogen bonding for the twisted morphology. According to linear dichroism, the secondary structural elements and the aromatic side chains in the straight fibrils are more highly ordered with respect to the alignment axis than the twisted fibrils. A series of highly periodical reflections in the diffractogram of the straight fibrils can be fitted to the diffraction pattern expected from a cylinder. Thus, the highly integrated structural organization in the straight fibril leads to a compact and highly uniform fibril with a well-defined edge. Prolonged proteolytic digestion confirmed that the straight fibrils are very compact and stable, while parts of the twisted fibril backbone are much more readily degraded. Differences in the digest patterns of the two morphologies correlate with predictions from two algorithms, suggesting that the polymorphism is inherent in the glucagon sequence. Glucagon provides a striking illustration of how the same short sequence can be folded into two remarkably different fibrillar structures.  相似文献   

中国栗疫病菌群体遗传结构的空间自相关性分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
应用空间自相关分析方法对中国栗疫病菌17个居群RAPD遗传变异的空间结构进行研究,以探讨栗疫病菌居群遗传变异的分布特征及其形成机制。结果表明:中国栗疫病菌居群缺乏空间结构,绝大多数RAPD位点变异为随机分布的空间模式,但部分位点表现出渐变、斑块和双向渐变的非随机分布模式,又显示了一定的空间结构。推测其形成原因可能是长距离的基因流、人类活动、地理隔离以及栗疫病菌本身的繁殖特性综合作用的结果,并依据部分位点呈单向渐变的模式推测西南地区为中国栗疫病菌的起源中心。  相似文献   

Linkage-disequilibrium mapping (LDM) recently has been hailed as a powerful statistical method for fine-scale mapping of disease genes. After reviewing its historical background and methodological development, we present a general, mathematical, and conceptually coherent framework for LDM that incorporates multilocus and multiallelic markers and mutational processes at the marker and disease loci. With this framework, we address several issues relevant to fine-scale mapping and propose some efficient computational methods for LDM. We implement various LDM methods that incorporate population growth, recurrent mutation, and marker mutations, on the basis of a general framework. We demonstrate these methods by applying them to published data on cystic fibrosis, Huntington disease, Friedreich ataxia, and progressive myoclonus epilepsy. Since the genes responsible for these diseases all have been cloned, we can evaluate the performance of our methods and can compare ours with that of other methods. Using the proposed methods, we successfully and accurately predicted the locations of genes responsible for these diseases, on the basis of published data only.  相似文献   

We present the first evidence of fine-scale kin recognition, based on a continuous measure of relatedness, in ungulates. The spatial association between herdmates of a captive population of aoudad ( Ammotragus lervia ), where all the individuals are related, is analysed during resting time. Our goal was to estimate which factors influence individuals' associations. The study population is highly inbred, although it does not show serious deleterious effects caused by consanguinity. It comprises a single captive herd, reproducing freely and in good conditions for more than 10 yr. It emerges that kin, measured as the coefficient of relationship between two given herdmates, is the main factor determining the spatial association (e.g. average distance) of male–male and female–female dyads, as more-related individuals tend to rest closer to each other than less-related ones. As for male–female dyads, individuals of a similar age tend to stay closer. To rule out any familiarity confounding effects, individuals' cohabitation time in the herd was added as a random factor in the analyses. Concerning the type of dyad, mother–calf dyads are characterized by higher proximity than others, particularly during the suckling period, whereas males tend to stay closer to each other than females or male–female dyads, being also more kin-related. Female social rank does not influence spatial association between herdmates. These results are related to group composition of the species in the wild, which are characterized by intense mother–calf bonds and all-male groups that are probably kin-related. It is seen that adult male–female associations are not related to kinship, but to age similarity, which is in accord with the assumption that main family groups in the wild are formed by matrilineal lines, whereas males are the dispersing sex.  相似文献   

Borrelia lusitaniae is an Old World species of the Lyme borreliosis (LB) group of tick-borne spirochetes and prevails mainly in countries around the Mediterranean Basin. Lizards of the family Lacertidae have been identified as reservoir hosts of B. lusitaniae. These reptiles are highly structured geographically, indicating limited migration. In order to examine whether host geographic structure shapes the evolution and epidemiology of B. lusitaniae, we analyzed the phylogeographic population structure of this tick-borne bacterium using a recently developed multilocus sequence typing (MLST) scheme based on chromosomal housekeeping genes. A total of 2,099 questing nymphal and adult Ixodes ricinus ticks were collected in two climatically different regions of Portugal, being ∼130 km apart. All ticks were screened for spirochetes by direct PCR. Attempts to isolate strains yielded 16 cultures of B. lusitaniae in total. Uncontaminated cultures as well as infected ticks were included in this study. The results using MLST show that the regional B. lusitaniae populations constitute genetically distinct populations. In contrast, no clear phylogeographic signals were detected in sequences of the commonly used molecular markers ospA and ospC. The pronounced population structure of B. lusitaniae over a short geographic distance as captured by MLST of the housekeeping genes suggests that the migration rates of B. lusitaniae are rather low, most likely because the distribution of mediterranean lizard populations is highly parapatric. The study underlines the importance of vertebrate hosts in the geographic spread of tick-borne microparasites.  相似文献   

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