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A method for the combined determination of the mycotoxins aflatoxin B1, G1, B2, G2, ochratoxin A and zearalenone in cereals and feed is described. After extraction with acetonitrile/water or methanol/water the cleaning takes place with new combined immunoaffinity clean-up column “AflaOchraZea” by VICAM. When the mycotoxins are determined in different cereals with this new type of clean-up column low detection limits and high recovery rates can be reached similar to those obtained by using separate immunoaffinity clean-up colums for the said mycotoxins.  相似文献   

Tolypocladium inflatum is known primarily for its production of the cyclosporines that are used as an immunosuppressive drug. However, we report here the production of the carcinogenic fumonisins B2 and B4 by this biotechnologically relevant fungal genus. These mycotoxins were detected in 11 strains tested from three species: Tolypocladium inflatum, T. cylindrosporum, and T. geodes. Production of fumonisins by Fusarium spp. and Aspergillus niger is highly medium- and temperature-dependent, so the effect of these parameters on fumonisin production by three T. inflatum strains was studied. Maximum production was achieved on media with high sugar content incubated at 25–30°C. Since these results demonstrate that fumonisin production could be widespread within the genus Tolypocladium, the potential contamination of commercial cyclosporine preparations with fumonisins needs to be investigated.  相似文献   

IN view of the possibility that prostaglandins (PG) regulate local blood flow1, we are investigating this activity in the pancreas. We have already found that PGE2 reduces vascular resistance in the perfused rat pancreas whereas PGF has the opposite effect2. These effects were seen at low doses (0.1 µg/ml.) and with good reproducibility.  相似文献   

Dopamine receptors have been found in certain populations of non-neuronal cells in the brain, viz., discrete areas of ciliated ependyma and the ependymal cells of the choroid plexus. We have studied the presence of both tyrosine-hydroxylase-immunoreactive nerve fibers and dopamine receptors in the subcommissural organ (SCO), an ependymal brain gland that is located in the roof of the third ventricle and that secretes, into the cerebrospinal fluid, glycoproteins that aggregate to form Reissners fiber (RF). Antibodies against D2, D3, D4, and D5 dopamine receptors were used in immunoblots of bovine striatum, fresh SCO, and organ-cultured SCO, and in immunocytochemistry of the bovine, rat, and mouse SCO. Only a few tyrosine-hydroxylase fibers appeared to reach the SCO. However, virtually all the secretory ependymal and hypendymal cells of the SCO immunoreacted with antibodies against D2, D4, and D5 receptors, with the last-mentioned rendering the strongest reaction, especially at the ventricular cell pole of the secretory ependymocytes, suggesting that dopamine might reach the SCO via the cerebrospinal fluid. The antibodies against the four subtypes of receptors revealed corresponding bands in immunoblots of striatum and fresh SCO. Although the cultured SCO displayed dopamine receptors, dopamine had no apparent effect on the expression of the SCO-spondin gene/protein or on the release of RF-glycoproteins (SCO-spondin included) by SCO explants, suggesting that dopamine affects the function(s) of the SCO differently from the secretion of RF-glycoproteins.Financial support was provided by grants PI 030756 and Red CIEN, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spain (to J.M.P.F.), and 1030265 from Fondecyt, Chile (to E.M.R.)  相似文献   

Gong HZ  Ji R  Li YX  Zhang HY  Li B  Zhao Y  Sun L  Yu F  Yang J 《Mycopathologia》2009,167(1):31-36
Fumonisin B1 (FB1) is the most abundant of the fumonisin mycotoxins, mainly produced in maize by F. verticillioides and F. proliferatum. A total of 282 corn samples harvested in 2005 from six provinces, the main corn-producing areas of China, were analyzed for FB1 using high-performance liquid chromatography. All samples except one were (99.6%) positive for FB1 at levels varying from 3 to 71,121 ng/g with mean and median levels for all samples of 6,662 and 1,569 ng/g, respectively. During an analysis of the distribution pattern for FB1, it became apparent that 43.6% of tested samples had FB1 concentrations below 1,000 ng/g, while 25.2% contained in excess of 5,000 ng/g. The average exposure to FB1 (1.1 μg/kg body weight/day) is within the provisional maximum tolerable daily intake of 2 μg/kg body weight/day set by the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives.  相似文献   

Advances in microsystem technology have enabled protein and nucleic acid-based microarrays to be used in various applications, including the study of diseases, drug discovery, genetic screening, and clinical and food diagnostics. Analytical methods for the detection of mycotoxins, however, remain largely based on thin layer chromatography (TLC), high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC), or enzyme-linked Immunosorbent assay (ELISA) . The aim of our work, therefore, was to transfer an immunological assay from microtitrr plates into microarray format, in order to develop a multiparametric, rapid, sensitive and inexpensive method for the detection of mycotoxins for use in food safety applications. Microarray technology enables the fast and parallel analysis of a multitude of biologically relevant parameters. Not only nucleic acid-based tests but also peptide, antigen, and antibody assays, using different formats of microarrays, have evolved within the last decade. Antibody-based microarrays provide a powerful tool that can be used to generate rapid and detailed expression profiles of a defined set of analytes in complex samples and are potentially useful for generating rapid immunological assays of food contaminants. In this paper, we report a feasibility study of the application of antibody microarrays for the simultaneous (or independent) detection of two common mycotoxins, Aflatoxin B1 and Fumonisin B1. We present the development of microarray detection of aflatoxin B1 and fumonisin B1 in standard solutions with detection limits of 3 ng/ml of AFB1 and 43 ng/ml for FB1, and have developed a competitive immunoassay in microarray format for simultaneous analyses. The quality of the microarray data is comparable to data generated by microplate-based immunoassay (ELISA), but further investigations are needed in order to characterise our method more fully. We hope that these preliminary results might suggest that further research is warranted in order to develop hapten microarrays for the immunochemical simultaneous analysis of mycotoxins, as well as for other small molecules (e.g. bacterial toxins or biological warfare agents).  相似文献   

In this study, serum aflatoxin B1 (AFB1)-lysine was determined in order to evaluate the in vivo efficacy of a hydrated sodium calcium aluminosilicate (HSCAS) in pigs fed AFB1. Twenty-four 49-day-old crossbred barrows were maintained in individual cages and allowed ad libitum access to feed and water. A completely randomized design was used with six animals assigned to each of four dietary treatments for 21 days as follows: (A) basal diet (BD), (B) BD supplemented with 0.5 % HSCAS, (C) BD supplemented with 1.1 mg/kg AFB1, and (D) BD supplemented with 0.5 % HSCAS and 1.1 mg/kg AFB1. HSCAS was able to alleviate the toxic effects of AFB1 on pigs and reduce (P < 0.05) the levels of serum AFB1-lysine. Cumulative reductions of adduct yield values, calculated through the equation [(pg AFB1-lysine/mg albumin) / (μg AFB1/kg body weight)], were 53.0, 62.8, and 72.1 after 7, 14, and 21 days of oral exposure, respectively. AFB1-lysine has potential as an AFB1-specific biomarker for diagnostic purposes and for evaluating the efficacy of chemoprotective interventions in pigs.  相似文献   

A survey was conducted between 1998–1999 to evaluate the level of aflatoxin B1 (AfB1) contamination in some selected Indonesian food products, mainly peanuts and peanut products for sale in supermarkets or traditional markets in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Quantitative analysis was carried out on 118 samples using the ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay) technique. The results indicate that (61.1%) samples were contaminated with AfB1 at range 2.0 to 249.0 μg/kg. Approximately 50% of the baby food products analysed were contaminated with AfB1 and the maximum level found was 7.0 μg/kg. In corn products and fermented products, AfB1 was detected in 66.7 and 50.0% of samples, respectively. A level as high as 5.6 μg/kg of AfB1 was found in the corn and 6.0 μg/kg in fermented product. AfB1 was also detected in all rice products, feed products, and other processed products at levels of up to 7.0, 27.0, and 26.0 μg/kg, respectively.  相似文献   

In this paper a survey is described for determination of contamination level of fumonisins (B1, B2, B3) in Indonesian cornbased feed and food samples. The survey was conducted from February to May 2001. Foodstuffs, which are consumed directly such as snacks and other products, were investigated for fumonisin contamination. Of 105 food and feed samples purchased from local retail stores and local poultry shops around Yogyakarta, Java, Indonesia were analyzed using ELISA. Results indicate that 74.3% of samples analyzed were contaminated in a large range of 10.0 – 3307 μg/kg, and the concentration of fumonisins depends on the type of samples. Detection limit of the method used was 9 μg/kg.From eight food samples of maize flour, and corn-based beverages and cereals, none was contaminated (below detection limit). For food samples of industrial products (19 samples), 13 were contaminated in the range of 22.8 – 105 μg/kg and 19 of 20 samples from home made products were contaminated between 12.9 – 234 μg/kg. The food samples contaminated in highest level occurred in corn. Of ten samples, 6 were contaminated from 68.0 – 2471 μg/kg. For feed samples, 17 corn samples were evaluated. Of those samples, 16 contained in a large range of 17.6 – 3306 μg/kg.  相似文献   

Inhibitory and stimulatory adenosine receptors have been identified and characterized in both membranes and intact rat C6 glioma cells. In membranes, saturation experiment performed with [3H]DPCPX, selective A1R antagonist, revealed a single binding site with a K D = 9.4 ± 1.4 nM and B max = 62.7 ± 8.6 fmol/mg protein. Binding of [3H]DPCPX in intact cell revealed a K D = 17.7 ± 1.3 nM and B max = 567.1 ± 26.5 fmol/mg protein. On the other hand, [3H]ZM241385 binding experiments revealed a single binding site population of receptors with K D = 16.5 ± 1.3 nM and B max = 358.9 ± 52.4 fmol/mg protein in intact cells, and K D = 4.7 ± 0.6 nM and B max = 74.3 ± 7.9 fmol/mg protein in plasma membranes, suggesting the presence of A2A receptor in C6 cells. A1, A2A, A2B and A3 adenosine receptors were detected by Western-blotting and immunocytochemistry, and their mRNAs quantified by real time PCR assays. Giα and Gsα proteins were also detected by Western-blotting and RT-PCR assays. Furthermore, selective A1R agonists inhibited forskolin- and GTP-stimulated adenylyl cyclase activity and CGS 21680 and NECA stimulated this enzymatic activity in C6 cells. These results suggest that C6 glioma cells endogenously express A1 and A2 receptors functionally coupled to adenylyl cyclase inhibition and stimulation, respectively, and suggest these cells as a model to study the role of adenosine receptors in tumoral cells.  相似文献   

To date, all studies of aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) transformation in soil or in purified mineral systems have identified aflatoxins B2 (AFB2) and G2 (AFG2) as the primary transformation products. However, identification in these studies was made using thin layer chromatography which has relatively low resolution, and these studies did not identify a viable mechanism by which such transformations would occur. Further, the use of methanol as the solvent delivery vehicle in these studies may have contributed to formation of artifactual transformation products. In this study, we investigated the role of the solvent vehicle in the transformation of AFB1 in soil. To do this, we spiked soils with AFB1 dissolved in water (93:7, water/methanol) or methanol and used HPLC-UV and HPLC-MS to identify the transformation products. Contrasting previous published reports, we did not detect AFB2 or AFG2. In an aqueous-soil environment, we identified aflatoxin B2a (AFB2a) as the single major transformation product. We propose that AFB2a is formed from hydrolysis of AFB1 with the soil acting as an acid catalyst. Alternatively, when methanol was used, we identified methoxy aflatoxin species likely formed via acid-catalyzed addition of methanol to AFB1. These results suggest that where soil moisture is adequate, AFB1 is hydrolyzed to AFB2a and that reactive organic solvents should be avoided when replicating natural conditions to study the fate of AFB1 in soil.  相似文献   

This work shows data on the occurrence of aflatoxins in milk produced in Brazil. A review of the literature on this contamination. Several studies carried out in Brazil show that levels of aflatoxin M1 in milk are higher than the ones established by the legislation, an evidence of the lack of control and inspection of these mycotoxins. Taking into account that milk has been widely consumed as an important source of nutrients, mainly by children, it is fundamental to carry out a thorough study of the occurrence of aflatoxins and take measures to mitigate milk contamination.  相似文献   

The occurrence of aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) in chilies from Pakistan was determined by using HPLC in work undertaken in Pakistan. Whole (n = 22) and powdered (n = 22) chilies were analyzed. Sixteen (73.0%) and 19 (86.4%) samples of whole and ground chilies, respectively, were contaminated. The mean concentration in powdered chilies (32.20 μg/kg) was higher statistically than in whole chilies (24.69 μg/kg). Concentrations ranged from 0.00 to 89.56 μg/kg for powdered chilies, compared with 0.00–96.3 μg/kg for whole chilies. The limits of detection and quantification were 0.05 μg/kg and 0.53 μg/kg, respectively. The concentrations were high in general and greater than the statutory limit set by the European Union. There is considerable scope for improvements in chili production in Pakistan.  相似文献   

Fifty-six Brazilian commercial maize cultivars were examined for FB1 and FB2 accumulation after two non-consecutive growing seasons. During the 94/95 growing season 35 cultivars were planted at three locations in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. All samples (total of 105) were contaminated (0.10 g/g–6.58 g/g FB1 and 0.04 g/g–2.15 g/g FB2). During the 97/98 growing season, 8 of the cultivars used during 94/95 and 21 others were replanted at the same locations. All 87 samples were contaminated (1.15 g/g–43.80 g/g FB1 and 0.08 g/g–11.65 g/g FB2). One cultivar accumulated significantly less fumonisins in all locations during both growing seasons, indicating that some degree of selection may be possible even in climates that favor F. moniliforme (verticillioides) infection of maize. The presence of water surplus in soil from kernel maturity to harvest correlated with concentrations of FB1 in the grain for the 8 cultivars planted during both seasons at three locations. Observed trends indicated that water excesses and deficits from silking to harvest increased fumonisin levels. The difference in the incidence of FB1, FB2, and FB1 + FB2 was significant between growing seasons, planting locations and between cultivars. Neither the level of hybridization, nor the type of endosperm, nor the length of the vegetative cycle showed any effect on the FB1 contamination.This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Sterigmatocystin (STC) and aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) were analyzed in 246 corn samples, 126 soybean meal samples, and 861 formula feed samples from the Japanese market between April 2010 and March 2015. The detection rate, the highest concentration, and the mean concentration of STC were respectively 14%, 6.4 μg/kg, and 1.2 μg/kg for corn; 14%, 1.1 μg/kg, and 0.63 μg/kg for soybean meal; and 43%, 9.1 μg/kg, and 0.97 μg/kg for formula feed. The detection rate, the highest concentration, and the mean concentration of AFB1 were respectively 46%, 24 μg/kg, and 3.9 μg/kg for corn; 30%, 6.7 μg/kg, and 1.1 μg/kg for soybean meal; and 47%, 20 μg/kg, and 1.6 μg/kg for formula feed. A weak negative correlation between the STC and AFB1 concentrations was observed: there was a high concentration of AFB1 in samples that contained a lower concentration of STC and vice versa. Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient showed a weak negative correlation of ? 0.30 (p < 0.001, n = 128) for corn and ? 0.23 (p < 0.001, n = 575) for formula feed. In conclusion, no correlation was observed between the mean concentrations of STC contamination in formula feed (0.97 μg/kg) and in corn (1.2 μg/kg) and the blending rate (approximately 50%). The rate of STC contamination in the formula feed (43%) was higher than that in corn (14%). Therefore, it is likely that ingredients other than corn contribute to the contamination of formula feed with STC. In this study, regarding STC, problematic samples were not found.  相似文献   

Studying the interaction of some atmospheric gases (H2O, HCN, NH3, SO3 and H2S) with 3PT oligomers is important in the development of polymeric sensors for gas detection. In the present study, we studied the relaxed geometries, interaction energies, charge analysis, HOMO–LUMO orbital analysis, and UV–vis spectra of all interacted systems using first-principles density functional theory (DFT). All these analyses indicated the potential of polythiophene as an inexpensive polymeric sensor for the analytes mentioned. Interaction energy values of ?19.90, ?19.66, ?14.01, ?8.70, and ?4.76 kJ mol?1 were achieved for adsorption of SO3, H2O, NH3, HCN, and H2S on 3PT, respectively. Consequently, clarification of their physical parameters became the major focus of this study.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to estimate emissions of greenhouse gases CO2, CH4 and N2O, and the effects of drainage and peat extraction on these processes, in Estonian transitional fens and ombrotrophic bogs. Closed-chamber-based sampling lasted from January to December 2009 in nine peatlands in Estonia, covering areas with different land-use practices: natural (four study sites), drained (six sites), abandoned peat mining (five sites) and active peat mining areas (five sites). Median values of soil CO2 efflux were 1,509, 1,921, 2,845 and 1,741 kg CO2-C ha?1 year?1 from natural, drained, abandoned and active mining areas, respectively. Emission of CH4-C (median values) was 85.2, 23.7, 0.07 and 0.12 kg ha?1 year?1, and N2O-N ?0.05, ?0.01, 0.18 and 0.19 kg ha?1 year?1, respectively. There were significantly higher emissions of CO2 and N2O from abandoned and active peat mining areas, whereas CH4 emissions were significantly higher in natural and drained areas. Significant Spearman rank correlation was found between soil temperature and CO2 flux at all sites, and CH4 flux with high water level at natural and drained areas. Significant increase in CH4 flux was detected for groundwater levels above 30 cm.  相似文献   

In Zambia, groundnut products (milled groundnut powder, groundnut kernels) are mostly sold in under-regulated markets. Coupled with the lack of quality enforcement in such markets, consumers may be at risk to aflatoxin exposure. However, the level of aflatoxin contamination in these products is not known. Compared to groundnut kernels, milled groundnut powder obscures visual indicators of aflatoxin contamination in groundnuts such as moldiness, discoloration, insect damage or kernel damage. A survey was therefore conducted from 2012 to 2014, to estimate and compare aflatoxin levels in these products (n = 202), purchased from markets in important groundnut growing districts and in urban areas. Samples of whole groundnut kernels (n = 163) and milled groundnut powder (n = 39) were analysed for aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) by competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (cELISA). Results showed substantial AFB1 contamination levels in both types of groundnut products with maximum AFB1 levels of 11,100 μg/kg (groundnut kernels) and 3000 μg/kg (milled groundnut powder). However, paired t test analysis showed that AFB1 contamination levels in milled groundnut powder were not always significantly higher (P > 0.05) than those in groundnut kernels. Even for products from the same vendor, AFB1 levels were not consistently higher in milled groundnut powder than in whole groundnut kernels. This suggests that vendors do not systematically sort out whole groundnut kernels of visually poor quality for milling. However, the overall contamination levels of groundnut products with AFB1 were found to be alarmingly high in all years and locations. Therefore, solutions are needed to reduce aflatoxin levels in such under-regulated markets.  相似文献   

An experimental study has been carried out on the stability of adenine (one of the five nucleic acid bases) under hydrothermal conditions. The experiments were performed in sealed autoclaves at 300 degrees C under fugacities of CO(2), N(2) and H(2) supposedly representative of those in marine hydrothermal systems on the early Earth. The composition of the gas phase was obtained from the degradation of oxalic acid, sodium nitrite and ammonium chloride, and the oxidation of metallic iron. The results of the experiments indicate that after 200 h, adenine is still present in detectable concentration in the aqueous phase. In fact, the concentration of adenine does not seem to be decreasing after approximately 24 h, which suggests that an equilibrium state may have been established with the inorganic constituents of the hydrothermal fluid. Such a conclusion is corroborated by independent thermodynamic calculations.  相似文献   

The 1A1 ground and the first 1B2 excited states of the methylenecyclopropene (triafulvene) are described by localized wave functions, based on 20 structures valence bond structures. The results are compared to CASSCF(4,4) calculations for both the energetics and the dipole moment. Additional calculations with partial electronic delocalization are presented, and it is shown that the dipole moment modification does not correspond to a situation where the antiaromatic situation prevails (with 4n electrons in the cycle). Part of the analysis uses a “trust factor” that helps to decide if a wave function is appropriate to describe a given state. The trust factor compares the VB wave function to the CASSCF’s with their overlap. Finally, the valence bond density is used to produce density maps that illustrate the electron transfer upon excitation.
Graphical Abstract A projector-based method compares CASSCF wave functions to local wave functions, including Lewis structures as shown in the picture. A “trust factor” (τ) is obtained. Both the ground state and the first excited state of the methylenecyclopropene are discussed

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