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Trends in interannual variation in maturation and spawning terms of various age cohorts in the Eastern Baltic cod population in 1997-2009 were studied. Specific features in the age structure of the mature population part that were established by the end of the first decade of the 21st century were clarified. The role of cod age cohorts in the current population reproduction was considered taking into account the data on cod recruitment and fecundity.  相似文献   

Many collapsed fish populations have failed to recover after a decade or more with little fishing. This may reflect evolutionary change in response to the highly selective mortality imposed by fisheries. Recent experimental work has demonstrated a rapid genetic change in growth rate in response to size-selective harvesting of laboratory fish populations. Here, we use a 30-year time-series of back-calculated lengths-at-age to test for a genetic response to size-selective mortality in the wild in a heavily exploited population of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua). Controlling for the effects of density- and temperature-dependent growth, the change in mean length of 4-year-old cod between offspring and their parental cohorts was positively correlated with the estimated selection differential experienced by the parental cohorts between this age and spawning. This result supports the hypothesis that there have been genetic changes in growth in this population in response to size-selective fishing. Such changes may account for the continued small size-at-age in this population despite good conditions for growth and little fishing for over a decade. This study highlights the need for management regimes that take into account the evolutionary consequences of fishing.  相似文献   

In the distributional overlap volume of Baltic cod Gadus morhua and its prey, studied in the Bornholm Basin in the southern Baltic Sea, only a fraction of the sprat Sprattus sprattus population vertically overlapped with the Baltic cod population. Sprat occurred in the intermediate water, in the halocline and in the bottom water, while herring Clupea harengus and Baltic cod occurred exclusively in the halocline and in the bottom water. Only parts of the sprat population were hence accessible for Baltic cod, and only a fraction of the sprat had access to the Baltic cod eggs below the halocline. Baltic cod–clupeid overlap volumes appeared to be determined by salinity stratification and oxygenation of the bottom water. Hydrography time series were used to estimate average habitat volumes and overlap from July to September in 1958–1999. In the 1999 survey spawning Baltic cod had greater ratios of empty stomachs and lower average rations than non-spawning Baltic cod. The average ration for Baltic cod caught within 11· 4 m from the bottom (demersal) did not differ from the average ration of Baltic cod caught in shallower waters (pelagic), because spawning and non-spawning Baltic cod in both strata were caught at equal rates. The diet of the Baltic cod caught demersally contained more benthic invertebrates, especially Saduria entomon, but Baltic cod caught pelagically also had fresh benthic food in their stomachs, indicating vertical migration of individual fish.  相似文献   

Over the past 3 decades, North Sea Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) have exhibited variable length‐at‐age along with declines in spawning stock biomass and timing of maturity. Multiple factors affecting growth and development in fish acted on this economically important stock over the same period including warming waters and an intensive fishery. Here, we employ North Sea cod as a model population, exploring how a physiologically relevant temperature metric (the growing degree‐day, GDD; °C day) can be used to compare year‐classes on a physiologically relevant time‐scale, disentangling influences of climate (thermal history) on observed length‐at‐age trends. We conclude that the trends in North Sea cod length‐at‐age observed during the last three decades can be explained by a combination of temperature‐dependent growth increases and a trend toward earlier maturation, the latter likely induced by the intensive fishing pressure, and possibly evidence of fisheries‐induced evolution.  相似文献   

A general expression for the covariance of allele frequencies among cohorts in age-structured populations is derived. The expression is used to extend the so-called temporal method for estimating effective population size from allele frequency shifts among samples from cohorts born any number of years apart. Computer simulations are used to check on the accuracy and precision of the method, and an application to coastal Atlantic cod is presented.  相似文献   

In a release experiment with cod in Norway, the apparent mean growth rates of 3+ cod, calculated by sampling the released cohorts at different ages, were very slow (<0·08 mm day−1). However, when individual growth rates of individual tagged cod of the same size range were measured, the mean growth rates were much faster (0·24 mm day−1). These observations were attributed to size-selective fishing mortality and were illustrated by an individual based simulation model of a cohort of cod with variable individual growth rates. The effects on mean length at age of the surviving cohort of increasing fishing intensity were demonstrated. The model showed that size-selective fishing with the observed individual growth variation, removed the fastest-growing individuals at proportionally higher rates than the slower-growing ones, leading to decreased apparent mean growth rate. The fishing pattern which gave the optimum yield, changed when individual variation was included, and when the apparent growth rate was used in the model the yield per recruit reduced dramatically. This study has shown that individual growth heterogeneity and size-selective mortality are factors which should be considered in future fisheries management models.  相似文献   

The interannual and ontogenetic dynamics of the fecundity of the Baltic cod Gadus morhua callarias and the dependence of the number of the offspring on the reproduction conditions were studied. The absolute individual fecundity and the relative individual fecundity had no pronounced interannual dynamics for the period of 1994?2013. The maximal population fecundity was observed in early 1980, the minimal, in 1990?2000. Nearly every year, the highest contribution to the population fecundity belongs to the 4?5-year old females. The ranking of the survival rates and the year-class strength for the females at the age of 2 years showed that the emergence of the generations of high and average productivity (1980?1986) referred to the unfavorable and moderate survival conditions during the early ontogenesis. During the period of small stock (after 1987), the conditions were mostly favorable and moderate. It is suggested that the significant role in the offspring dynamics belongs to the factors linked to the population density. After 2005, favorable survival conditions promoted the increase of the Baltic cod abundance; this increase was also supported by the decrease of the commercial fishing and by the sporadic large-scale advective processes.  相似文献   

Analysis of variation of biological and morphometric characteristics of cod Gadus morhua from the Gulf of Ura-a water area in the composition of Motovskii Bay of the Barents Sea was performed. The material was collected from 1999 to 2006 during spawning of the Atlantic cod. Parameters such as length, weight, sex composition, maturity stage, age, otolith structure, and variation of plastic characters were analyzed. It was shown that the Gulf of Ura, parallel to individuals of junior age groups, is inhabited by cod in the spawning state aged 5–6 months and older with coastal and Atlantic types of otolith.  相似文献   

Controlled environment experiments were carried out to investigate thermal influences and population differences on growth of wild-caught juvenile Atlantic cod Gadus morhua L. from two regions of differing thermal regime off Scotland; the Clyde Sea on the west coast and St Andrews Bay on the east coast. Cod from the Clyde demonstrated significantly higher growth rates than cod from St Andrews. In both populations the growth rate was greater at 12°C than at 8°C. These population and temperature effects act to reinforce one another and it could therefore be predicted that the growth differences between the two areas in the wild should be even more pronounced. The results are consistent with the suggestion that cod may be locally adapted to their thermal environment.  相似文献   

Multiterm dynamics of biomass, fishing mortality level, average weight of fish of various ages, and the rate of sexual maturation of cod Gadus morhua morhua of the northeastern Arctic population was considered. Hypotheses that explain a regular increase in the rate of cod growth and maturation were discussed. It was concluded that population density affects the rate of growth and the rate of sexual maturation of individuals.  相似文献   

The Gilbert Bay, Labrador, MPA (Marine Protected Area) was created in 2005 to protect a genomically distinct and locally adapted bay resident population of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) from commercial overfishing. Since then research showed that significant numbers of individuals migrate beyond MPA boundaries creating a concern that fishing continues to impact this endemic population. As part of research and MPA monitoring to assess the health of the protected cod population, lethal sampling of Gilbert Bay cod was conducted from 1998 to 2009 to gather length-at-age data from otoliths. Since then only non-lethal sampling methods were used so as to help conserve the protected population. This study was conducted to compare non-lethally (mark-recapture and length-frequency) obtained age and growth data with lethally (otolith-length-at-age) obtained data. The three methods produced similar results for the 1998 to 2009 period, and both of the non-lethal methods considered were consistent over the 20 year study, confirming their preference over lethal methods for this small endemic fish population.  相似文献   

The mechanisms of the adaptation of the Kildin cod to the conditions of a meromictic lake were analyzed based on the study of morphological, biological, and genetic characteristics. Significant differences between the Kildin cod and Atlantic cod have been found in their morphological and genetic characteristics. The results of an X-ray microanalysis of otoliths, which were conducted for the first time, confirm that the distribution range of the Kildin cod in Lake Mogilnoye also extends to brackish waters. It has been shown that the formation of the reproductively isolated lacustrine population of Kildin cod is accompanied by specialization in a number of characteristics (body color, feeding strategy, behavior, etc.) and by a decrease in genetic diversity.  相似文献   

A high growth rate for Arcto-Norwegian cod, Gadus morhua, in the Barents Sea and adjacent areas from the larva period to the 0-group enhances survival and ultimately recruitment to the fishery. However, it appeared that high growth rates for a cohort through the 0-group were not continued as the cohort ages. Based on survey data, there was a significant negative correlation between the average length at the 0-group and its average length at ages 2 through 8. We provided evidence suggesting that this phenomenon was caused by the inter-annual variability in inflow of warm, prey-rich Atlantic water into the Barents Sea from the Norwegian Sea. Enhanced inflow provided favorable conditions for cod growth during the larva and juvenile pelagic intervals. However, this same strong inflow carried a proportion of the cohort farther to the east in the Barents Sea, where the bottom water is colder than in the west. The colder conditions experienced by such cohorts, as compared to cohorts that have a more westerly settlement, led to slower growth prior to age 2. Slow growth during this interval appeared to be the reason for these cohorts' relatively smaller mean length at older ages.  相似文献   

The age composition of catches and growth of the cod Gadus morhua morhua in the Barents Sea were investigated on the materials, collected in 2002–2006 in comparison with the data for the previous fishing periods. Analysis of data on the age composition indicated that the range of age groups had not changed since the beginning of the past century; however, a part of the younger age groups in the catches increased. The likeness of the cod sizes in the present period with those of the individuals of the same age caught in 1949–1980 and the significant decrease of the sizes as compared with those observed in 1981–1993 are observed. It is possible to suppose that the present decrease of indices of cod growth is connected with an increase of its numbers. A selective effect of the trawl fishery withdrawing in the first place the quick-growing individuals can be another factor that determined the decrease of body sizes of the fishes of the same age.  相似文献   

Reduction in sea ice due to climate change is expected to have a negative impact on habitat availability for Arctic marine fishes and induce range expansion of species from southern environments. Such an effect will likely be observed in the abundance of polar cod, Boreogadus saida (Lepechin, 1774), as well as interspecific interactions of this intermediate-level trophic taxon, particularly in more southerly fringing seas in the Arctic. Polar cod and capelin, Mallotus villosus (Müller, 1776), are pelagic, planktivorous forage fishes, which occupy similar dietary niches and are the primary prey of marine predators. Co-occurring polar cod and capelin were collected at seven stations in Darnley Bay, NT, during August 2013. Standard length (SL), used as a proxy for age, suggested that polar cod (mean ± 1 SD: 71.1 ± 10.3 mm) were predominantly age 1+ and capelin (96.2 ± 13.4 mm) were mostly age 2+. Stomach content analyses indicated that both species feed extensively on calanoid copepods (Calanus hyperboreus, C. glacialis, Metridia longa) and amphipods (Themisto libellula). There was high dietary overlap between capelin and polar cod, evidenced by Schoener’s index (0.80). Additionally the quantity of dietary items, biomass and energetic content consumed differed among size classes in both capelin (SL, 70.5–132.0 mm) and polar cod (SL, 42.1–114.4 mm). This study illustrates that the diets of these sympatric forage fishes in an Arctic ecosystem are very similar, indicating a high potential for interspecific competition as the sub-Arctic capelin expands its range into Arctic regions with climate change.  相似文献   

Polar cod (Boreogadus saida) is considered a key species in the Arctic marine ecosystems. Yet detailed or even basic knowledge regarding its biology and adaptations, especially during the polar night, is in many cases poor. Data are presently unavailable in Western literature on the gonad development of polar cod and its reproductive biology in wild specimens. Accordingly, gonad development of wild-caught polar cod from fjords of the Svalbard archipelago was studied across seasons (April, August, September, November and January). Histological analyses of polar cod showed strong indication of a group-synchronous oocyte development with determinate fecundity and iteroparity. Females started gonadal development prior to April and had not yet reached the final stage of maturation in January. Testes matured more rapidly, with males ready to spawn in January. Furthermore, our data show that polar cod were able to reach sexual maturity at age 1+. Based on our data and previous reports, we hypothesise that polar cod is a total spawner.  相似文献   

Baltic cod, like other species, is susceptible to inter‐annual fluctuations in sexual maturation, depending on the length, age, sex, extent of the habitat area, and stock abundance of the cod population. Maturity is one of the biological indicators used to detect changes in a stock that can be caused by fishing. To address these issues specifically for the eastern Baltic cod stock, long‐term data (1990–2006) from Polish research vessels in the southern Baltic were examined. To date, the ICES has used the same maturity ogives over extended periods and assumed invariant sex ratios for the assessment of eastern Baltic cod. The combined maturity ogives calculated in the present study were markedly lower, particularly for age groups 2–4 (5), in all periods, than those used in the ICES assessment. Moreover, the proportion of females increased with length and age, suggesting that annual verification of the sex ratio is needed. The present study also revealed that the total length (L50%) and the age (mean age‐at‐maturity; MAM50%) at which 50% achieved first sexual maturity were higher for females than for males in the study period. The long‐term mean L50% and MAM50% for females were 43.9 cm and 4.3 years, respectively, and for males 34.8 cm and 3.4 years. There was also a spatial difference between calculated maturity ogives, with slightly lower L50% (range: 1.4–8.6 cm) in the Gdańsk Basin than in the Bornholm Basin. The increasing trend in fishing mortality observed in 1993–2004 (ICES data) did not translate into a temporal trend in calculated maturity ogives. However, changes in L50% and MAM50% reflected recruitment variations (ICES data). The significance of these findings is discussed in the context of the environment and recruits abundance.  相似文献   

The population structure of Pacific cod Gadus macrocephalus in the southern part of the range and adjacent regions is studied on the basis of the results of microsatellite analyses. Collected data indicate heterogeneity of this species population within the studied area. According to the obtained FST values, Pacific cod from the waters of the Republic of Korea (Yellow Sea side) and northwestern part of the Sea of Okhotsk significantly differ from all other studied regions (Table 4). Significant differentiation was also revealed between samples from the waters of the Tatar Strait and all other regions except for South Kurils Pacific cod (both Sea of Okhotsk and Pacific Ocean sides). These two latter sample collections were similar to each other as well. A low level of differentiation was also shown for the Peter the Great Bay and the East Sea/Sea of Japan waters of the Republic of Korea.  相似文献   

Cannibalism in 0-group Atlantic cod ( Gadus morhua ) was investigated in a semi-natural marine pond using stomach content analysis. About 6000 individuals were eradicated by rotenone treatment of the pond in November 1991. Total lengths of cod ranged from 7.4–28.8 cm with a median of 10.4 cm. The proportion of cannibalistic cod in the population was estimated at 1.3%. Cannibalism accounted for a daily loss of 1.1% of the population. The frequency of cod with ≥ 2 cod prey per stomach was higher in the population compared with a Poisson model. Predator-prey length ratios ranged between 1.6 and 3.2 when estimated from otolith-length relationships. Chesson's 1983 α-index indicated that cannibalistic cod had a positive selectivity for conspecifics < 9.0 cm in total length.  相似文献   

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