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Musashi1 (Msi1) is an RNA-binding protein that is highly expressed in neural stem cells, and is considered to be a stemness factor. A known function of Msi1 is translational repression of specifically bound mRNAs. Although the basic mechanism and some target RNAs have been reported, further survey of interactors is necessary to understand the integrated function of Msi1. By screening using an mRNA display technique, we found that doublecortin (dcx) mRNA is a specific binding target of Msi1 in vitro. We confirmed that Msil repressed translation of a luciferase reporter gene linked to the selected 3′-untranslated region fragment of dcx in Neuro2A cells.  相似文献   

The exosome, an evolutionarily conserved complex of multiple 3′→5′ exoribonucleases, is responsible for a variety of RNA processing and degradation events in eukaryotes. In this report Arabidopsis thaliana AtRrp4p is shown to be an active 3′→5′ exonuclease that requires a free 3′-hydroxyl and degrades RNA hydrolytically and distributively, releasing nucleoside 5′-monophosphate products. AtRrp4p behaves as an ~500 kDa species during sedimentation through a 10–30% glycerol gradient, co-migrating with AtRrp41p, another exosome subunit, and it interacts in vitro with AtRrp41p, suggesting that it is also present in the plant cell as a subunit of the exosome. We found that, in addition to a previously reported S1-type RNA-binding domain, members of the Rrp4p family of proteins contain a KH-type RNA-binding domain in the C-terminal half and show that either domain alone can bind RNA. However, only the full-length protein is capable of degrading RNA and interacting with AtRrp41p.  相似文献   

The nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) pathway, present in most eukaryotic cells, is a specialized pathway that leads to the recognition and rapid degradation of mRNAs with premature termination codons and, importantly, some wild-type mRNAs. Earlier studies demonstrated that aberrant mRNAs with artificially extended 3′-untranslated regions (3′-UTRs) are degraded by NMD. However, the extent to which wild-type mRNAs with long 3′-UTRs are degraded by NMD is not known. We used a global approach to identify wild-type mRNAs in Saccharomyces cerevisiae that have longer than expected 3′-UTRs, and of these mRNAs tested, 91% were degraded by NMD. We demonstrate for the first time that replacement of the natural, long 3′-UTR from wild-type PGA1 mRNA, which encodes a protein that is important for cell wall biosynthesis, with a short 3′-UTR renders it immune to NMD. The natural PGA1 3′-UTR is sufficient to target a NMD insensitive mRNA for decay by the NMD pathway. Finally, we show that nmd mutants are sensitive to Calcofluor White, which suggests that the regulation of PGA1 and other cell wall biosynthesis proteins by NMD is physiologically significant.  相似文献   

A new procedure has been developed for the synthesis of 3′-amino-3′-deoxyribonucleosides of adenine, cytosine and uracil by condensing the trimethylsilylated bases with peracylated 3-azido-3-deoxyribose derivative. The azido group could subsequently be reduced to amino. The 5′-phosphates of these nucleosides have been prepared and the analogues have been tested for their ability to stimulate the ribosome-catalyzed reaction of 3′(2′)-O-(N-formylmethionyl)adenosine 5′-phosphate with phenylalanyl-tRNA.  相似文献   

Some of the most efficacious antiviral therapeutics are ribonucleos(t)ide analogs. The presence of a 3′-to-5′ proofreading exoribonuclease (ExoN) in coronaviruses diminishes the potency of many ribonucleotide analogs. The ability to interfere with ExoN activity will create new possibilities for control of SARS-CoV-2 infection. ExoN is formed by a 1:1 complex of nsp14 and nsp10 proteins. We have purified and characterized ExoN using a robust, quantitative system that reveals determinants of specificity and efficiency of hydrolysis. Double-stranded RNA is preferred over single-stranded RNA. Nucleotide excision is distributive, with only one or two nucleotides hydrolyzed in a single binding event. The composition of the terminal basepair modulates excision. A stalled SARS-CoV-2 replicase in complex with either correctly or incorrectly terminated products prevents excision, suggesting that a mispaired end is insufficient to displace the replicase. Finally, we have discovered several modifications to the 3′-RNA terminus that interfere with or block ExoN-catalyzed excision. While a 3′-OH facilitates hydrolysis of a nucleotide with a normal ribose configuration, this substituent is not required for a nucleotide with a planar ribose configuration such as that present in the antiviral nucleotide produced by viperin. Design of ExoN-resistant, antiviral ribonucleotides should be feasible.  相似文献   

By virtue of its chaperone activity, the capsid protein of dengue virus strain 2 (DENV2C) promotes nucleic acid structural rearrangements. However, the role of DENV2C during the interaction of RNA elements involved in stabilizing the 5′-3′ panhandle structure of DENV RNA is still unclear. Therefore, we determined how DENV2C affects structural functionality of the capsid-coding region hairpin element (cHP) during annealing and strand displacement of the 9-nt cyclization sequence (5CS) and its complementary 3CS. cHP has two distinct functions: a role in translation start codon selection and a role in RNA synthesis. Our results showed that cHP impedes annealing between 5CS and 3CS. Although DENV2C does not modulate structural functionality of cHP, it accelerates annealing and specifically promotes strand displacement of 3CS during 5′-3′ panhandle formation. Furthermore, DENV2C exerts its chaperone activity by favouring one of the active conformations of cHP. Based on our results, we propose mechanisms for annealing and strand displacement involving cHP. Thus, our results provide mechanistic insights into how DENV2C regulates RNA synthesis by modulating essential RNA elements in the capsid-coding region, that in turn allow for DENV replication.  相似文献   

The Puf family of RNA-binding proteins regulates mRNA translation and decay via interactions with 3' untranslated regions (3' UTRs) of target mRNAs. In yeast, Puf3p binds the 3' UTR of COX17 mRNA and promotes rapid deadenylation and decay. We have investigated the sequences required for Puf3p recruitment to this 3' UTR and have identified two separate binding sites. These sites are specific for Puf3p, as they cannot bind another Puf protein, Puf5p. Both sites use a conserved UGUANAUA sequence, whereas one site contains additional sequences that enhance binding affinity. In vivo, presence of either site partially stimulates COX17 mRNA decay, but full decay regulation requires the presence of both sites. No other sequences outside the 3' UTR are required to mediate this decay regulation. The Puf repeat domain of Puf3p is sufficient not only for in vitro binding to the 3' UTR, but also in vivo stimulation of COX17 mRNA decay. These experiments indicate that the essential residues involved in mRNA decay regulation are wholly contained within this RNA-binding domain.  相似文献   

A functional assay is described that measures the reversal of specific cytolytic T cell (CTL)-target cell binding. Binding of 51Cr-labeled P815 cells was stable in suspension but could be readily reversed by the addition of unlabeled P815 cells. The reversal of CTL-tumor cell and CTL-spleen cell binding was H-2 specific; only cells of the same H-2 type as the bound target cell could induce reversal. In all cases, tumor cells were substantially more efficient than spleen cells in inducing specific reversal.  相似文献   

In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, four factors [cleavage factor I (CF I), CF II, polyadenylation factor I (PF I), and poly(A) polymerase (PAP)] are required for maturation of the 3' end of the mRNA. CF I and CF II are required for cleavage; a complex of PAP and PF I, which includes CF II subunits, participates in polyadenylation, along with CF I. These factors are directed to the appropriate site on the mRNA by two sequences: one A-rich and one UA-rich. CF I contains five proteins, two of which, Rna15 and Hrp1, interact with the mRNA through RNA recognition motif-type RNA binding motifs. Previous work demonstrated that the UV cross-linking of purified Hrp1 to RNA required the UA-rich element, but the contact point of Rna15 was not known. We show here that Rna15 does not recognize a particular sequence in the absence of other proteins. However, in complex with Hrp1 and Rna14, Rna15 specifically interacts with the A-rich element. The Pcf11 and Clp1 subunits of CF I are not needed to position Rna15 at this site. This interaction is essential to the function of CF I. A mutant Rna15 with decreased affinity for RNA is defective for in vitro RNA processing and lethal in vivo, while an RNA with a mutation in the A-rich element is not processed in vitro and can no longer be UV cross-linked to the Rna15 subunit assembled into CF I. Thus, the recognition of the A-rich element depends on the tethering of Rna15 through an Rna14 bridge to Hrp1 bound to the UA-rich motif. These results illustrate that the yeast 3' end is defined and processed by a mechanism surprisingly different from that used by the mammalian system.  相似文献   

Regulation of RNA metabolism plays a major role in controlling gene expression during developmental processes. The Drosophila RNA-binding protein Held out wing (HOW), regulates an array of developmental processes in embryonic and adult growth. We have characterized the primary sequence and secondary structural requirements for the HOW response element (HRE), and show that this site is necessary and sufficient for HOW binding. Based on this analysis, we have identified the Drosophila TGFbeta homolog, dpp, as a novel direct target for HOW negative regulation in the wing imaginal disc. The binding of the repressor isoform HOW(L) to the dpp 3' untranslated region (UTR) leads to a reduction of GFP-dpp3'UTR reporter levels in S-2 cells, in an HRE site-dependent manner. Moreover, co-expression of HOW(L) in the wing imaginal disc with a dpp-GFP fusion construct led to a reduction in DPP-GFP levels in a dpp-3'UTR-dependent manner. Conversely, a reduction of the endogenous levels of HOW by targeted expression of HOW-specific double-stranded RNA led to a corresponding elevation in dpp mRNA level in the wing imaginal disc. Thus, by characterizing the RNA sequences that bind HOW, we demonstrate a novel aspect of regulation, at the mRNA level, of Drosophila DPP.  相似文献   

Untranslated gene regions (UTRs) play an important role in controlling gene expression. 3′-UTRs are primarily targeted by microRNA (miRNA) molecules that form complex gene regulatory networks. Cancer genomes are replete with non-coding mutations, many of which are connected to changes in tumor gene expression that accompany the development of cancer and are associated with resistance to therapy. Therefore, variants that occurred in 3′-UTR under cancer progression should be analysed to predict their phenotypic effect on gene expression, e.g., by evaluating their impact on miRNA target sites. Here, we analyze 3′-UTR variants in DICER1 and DROSHA genes in the context of myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) development. The key features of this analysis include an assessment of both “canonical” and “non-canonical” types of mRNA-miRNA binding and tissue-specific profiling of miRNA interactions with wild-type and mutated genes. As a result, we obtained a list of DICER1 and DROSHA variants likely altering the miRNA sites and, therefore, potentially leading to the observed tissue-specific gene downregulation. All identified variants have low population frequency consistent with their potential association with pathology progression.  相似文献   

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