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There is considerable interest in understanding how ectothermic animals may physiologically and behaviourally buffer the effects of climate warming. Much less consideration is being given to how organisms might adapt to non-climatic heat sources in ways that could confound predictions for responses of species and communities to climate warming. Although adaptation to non-climatic heat sources (solar and geothermal) seems likely in some marine species, climate warming predictions for marine ectotherms are largely based on adaptation to climatically relevant heat sources (air or surface sea water temperature). Here, we show that non-climatic solar heating underlies thermal resistance adaptation in a rocky–eulittoral-fringe snail. Comparisons of the maximum temperatures of the air, the snail''s body and the rock substratum with solar irradiance and physiological performance show that the highest body temperature is primarily controlled by solar heating and re-radiation, and that the snail''s upper lethal temperature exceeds the highest climatically relevant regional air temperature by approximately 22°C. Non-climatic thermal adaptation probably features widely among marine and terrestrial ectotherms and because it could enable species to tolerate climatic rises in air temperature, it deserves more consideration in general and for inclusion into climate warming models.  相似文献   

1. We report data collected from 48 replicated microcosm communities created to mimic plant‐dominated shallow lake and pond environments. Over a 2‐year period, the microcosms were subjected to warming treatments (continuous 3 °C above ambient and 3 °C above ambient during summer only), a nutrient addition treatment and the presence or absence of fish. We tracked macro‐zooplankter dynamics, censusing cladoceran populations at the species level, copepods at the order level and ostracods as a class. 2. Responses to warming were subtle. Cladoceran diversity and overall abundance were not significantly affected by warming, although measures of community evenness increased. Warming effects on patterns of population trajectories tended to be strongly seasonal and most apparent during periods of pronounced increase. Populations of the prevalent cladocerans, Chydorus sphaericus and Simocephalus vetulus, displayed idiosyncratic patterns, with evidence in the case of S. vetulus for a negative relationship between warming and body‐size at maturity. Copepod populations were reduced in size by warming, but those of ostracods increased. 3. The effects of the nutrient addition and fish treatments were strong and consistent, interacting little with warming effects in statistical models. Zooplankter abundance tended to be the highest in the fish‐free microcosms receiving additional nutrient inputs and lowest when fish were present and no nutrients were added. Both treatments reduced cladoceran diversity and community evenness. 4. We suggest that warming, independently, is unlikely to supplant the effects of changing nutrient loading and fish predation as the major driver of zooplankter dynamics in shallow lakes and ponds. Moreover, in the situations where warming was of significant influence in our experiment, the distinction between summer‐only warming and year‐around warming was blurred. This suggests that warming effects were most pervasive during the summer, at the upper end of the temperature spectrum.  相似文献   

气候变化与人类活动双重驱动的冷水湖泊富营养化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吕笑天  吕永龙  宋帅  王铁宇 《生态学报》2017,37(22):7375-7386
富营养化对水生生态系统造成的负面影响已在世界范围内广泛发生,尤其对淡水水源地湖泊的水环境质量影响深远,进而引起当地居民的饮用水安全与健康隐患。在人类活动和气候变化的双重驱动下,富营养化辐射的范围不断扩大,从过去主要集中于温带大型浅水湖泊已经扩展到寒冷地区的冷水湖泊。分析了近年来世界范围内高寒地区冷水湖泊富营养化的趋势特征与研究进展,探讨了气候变化、人类干扰(农业活动、畜牧业生产、管理措施不当等)在不同地区冷水湖泊富营养化进程中的作用。在未来的研究中,应进一步加强对冷水湖泊富营养化机制的探讨,并对已有富营养化症状的湖泊进行生态修复,以确保冷水湖泊生态系统健康并改善饮用水源地的环境质量。  相似文献   

沿岸海域富营养化与赤潮发生的关系   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
徐宁  段舜山  李爱芬  刘振乾 《生态学报》2005,25(7):1782-1787
综述了赤潮的发生与沿岸海域富营养化的关系。近几十年来,人类活动使得天然水体的富营养化进程大大加速。营养负荷的增加与高生物量水华的增多相联系。控制营养输入后,浮游植物生物量或有害藻类水华事件也相应减少。营养的组成与浮游植物的种类组成及水华的形成有密切联系。有机营养对有害藻类水华的促进作用受到关注。营养输入时机影响浮游植物种间竞争的结果,因而对浮游植物的群落演替具有深远影响。由于浮游植物存在生理差异,因而对营养加富的反应因种而异。营养在调控某些有毒藻类的毒素产量方面也发挥着重要作用。此外,营养输入与藻类水华之间存在复杂的间接联系。当然,营养状况并非浮游植物群落演替的唯一决定因素。研究结果提示,控制营养输入、减缓水域富营养化是减少有害藻类水华发生的有效途径,而深入研究典型有害藻类的营养生理对策则为防治并最终消除有害藻类水华提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

de Jonge  Victor N.  Elliott  M.  Orive  E. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,(1):1-19
The impact of the presence of us humans as well as our activities to nature has led to over-exploitation of natural resources and to dramatic changes in land-use including the use of artificial fertilizers contributes to the deterioration of the natural environment. The population density, industrial processes and the use of fertilizers are the main causes for the eutrophication of river systems, estuaries and seas. There are several ways to determine the actual nutrient levels back to the 1950s, back to 1900 or even back to 1800. Available data indicate that the natural background concentrations of nutrients (pristine conditions or the period prior to the widespread use of artificial fertilizers and detergents) were dramatically lower than today. Available time series on chemical and biological data collected from different parts of the world show the (sometimes tremendous) increase in nutrient levels and the related productivity. The same time series, however, also show the decreases in values when measures were taken to reduce the nutrient emissions. Investigations of different systems all over the world show that nearly every system responses differently to eutrophication. Especially physical boundary conditions play an important role in the manifestation of the ultimate effect of local eutrophication. Apart from the physical boundary conditions also the transformation and retention of nutrients in estuarine and coastal systems contribute to system specific responses. Depending on all these different conditions, site specific responses with even site specific problems may occur. The challenge of this millennium is to really reach a balance between nature and mankind including its population size. A beneficial step in this discussion is assessing criteria to reduce eutrophication back to a level acceptable to both humans and nature.  相似文献   

Understanding and predicting the consequences of warming for complex ecosystems and indeed individual species remains a major ecological challenge. Here, we investigated the effect of increased seawater temperatures on the metabolic and consumption rates of five distinct marine species. The experimental species reflected different trophic positions within a typical benthic East Atlantic food web, and included a herbivorous gastropod, a scavenging decapod, a predatory echinoderm, a decapod and a benthic-feeding fish. We examined the metabolism–body mass and consumption–body mass scaling for each species, and assessed changes in their consumption efficiencies. Our results indicate that body mass and temperature effects on metabolism were inconsistent across species and that some species were unable to meet metabolic demand at higher temperatures, thus highlighting the vulnerability of individual species to warming. While body size explains a large proportion of the variation in species'' physiological responses to warming, it is clear that idiosyncratic species responses, irrespective of body size, complicate predictions of population and ecosystem level response to future scenarios of climate change.  相似文献   

1. Shallow lakes and their ectothermic inhabitants are particularly vulnerable to the effects of climatic warming. These impacts are likely to depend on nutrient loading, especially if the combination of warming and eutrophication leads to severe hypoxia. 2. To investigate effects of realistic warming and nutrient loading on a fish species with high tolerance of warming and hypoxia, we observed population changes and timing of reproduction of three‐spined sticklebacks in 24 outdoor shallow freshwater ecosystems with combinations of temperature (ambient and ambient +4 °C) and three nutrient treatments over 16 months. 3. Warming reduced stickleback population biomass by 60% (population size by 76%) and nutrient‐addition reduced biomass by about 80% (population size 95%). Nutrients and warming together resulted in extinction of the stickleback populations. These losses were mainly attributed to the increased likelihood of severe hypoxia in heated and nutrient‐addition mesocosms. 4. Warming of nutrient‐rich waters can thus have dire consequences for freshwater ectotherm populations. The loss even of a hardy fish suggests a precarious future for many less tolerant species in such eutrophic systems under current climate change predictions.  相似文献   

Seaweed responses to eutrophication and their role in coastal eutrophication processes were compared at 8 different sites along the European coasts from the Baltic to the Mediterranean as part of the EU-ENVIRONMENT Project Marine Eutrophication and benthic Macrophytes (EUMAC). Structural and functional changes of marine benthic vegetation typical of eutrophic waters, in particular mass development (blooms) of certain seaweeds, are not merely the result of increased nutrient loading, but must be attributed to complex interactions of primary and secondary effects during the eutrophication process. Due to species-specific physiological properties of the algae (nutrient kinetics, growth potential, light, temperature requirements), the combined effects of abiotic and biotic factors on juvenile or adult developmental stages control the development of algal blooms in different ways. In particular the role of light, temperature, water motion and oxygen depletion, as well as of grazers, on early and adult developmental stages of the algae are considered. The result are discussed in the context of coastal eutrophication control and management. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

There is ample evidence for ecological responses to recent climate change. Most studies to date have concentrated on the effects of climate change on individuals and species, with particular emphasis on the effects on phenology and physiology of organisms as well as changes in the distribution and range shifts of species. However, responses by individual species to climate change are not isolated; they are connected through interactions with others at the same or adjacent trophic levels. Also from this more complex perspective, recent case studies have emphasized evidence on the effects of climate change on biotic interactions and ecosystem services. This review highlights the ‘knowns’ but also ‘unknowns’ resulting from recent climate impact studies and reveals limitations of (linear) extrapolations from recent climate-induced responses of species to expected trends and magnitudes of future climate change. Hence, there is need not only to continue to focus on the impacts of climate change on the actors in ecological networks but also and more intensively to focus on the linkages between them, and to acknowledge that biotic interactions and feedback processes lead to highly complex, nonlinear and sometimes abrupt responses.  相似文献   

Elevated pCO2 and warming may promote algal growth and toxin production, and thereby possibly support the proliferation and toxicity of harmful algal blooms (HABs). Here, we tested whether empirical data support this hypothesis using a meta‐analytic approach and investigated the responses of growth rate and toxin content or toxicity of numerous marine and estuarine HAB species to elevated pCO2 and warming. Most of the available data on HAB responses towards the two tested climate change variables concern dinoflagellates, as many members of this phytoplankton group are known to cause HAB outbreaks. Toxin content and toxicity did not reveal a consistent response towards both tested climate change variables, while growth rate increased consistently with elevated pCO2. Warming also led to higher growth rates, but only for species isolated at higher latitudes. The observed gradient in temperature growth responses shows the potential for enhanced development of HABs at higher latitudes. Increases in growth rates with more CO2 may present an additional competitive advantage for HAB species, particularly as CO2 was not shown to enhance growth rate of other non‐HAB phytoplankton species. However, this may also be related to the difference in representation of dinoflagellate and diatom species in the respective HAB and non‐HAB phytoplankton groups. Since the proliferation of HAB species may strongly depend on their growth rates, our results warn for a greater potential of dinoflagellate HAB development in future coastal waters, particularly in temperate regions.  相似文献   

The increasing air temperatures central to climate change predictions have the potential to alter forest ecosystem function and structure by exceeding temperatures optimal for carbon gain. Such changes are projected to threaten survival of sensitive species, leading to local extinctions, range migrations, and altered forest composition. This study investigated photosynthetic sensitivity to temperature and the potential for acclimation in relation to the climatic provenance of five species of deciduous trees, Liquidambar styraciflua, Quercus rubra, Quercus falcata, Betula alleghaniensis, and Populus grandidentata. Open‐top chambers supplied three levels of warming (+0, +2, and +4 °C above ambient) over 3 years, tracking natural temperature variability. Optimal temperature for CO2 assimilation was strongly correlated with daytime temperature in all treatments, but assimilation rates at those optima were comparable. Adjustment of thermal optima was confirmed in all species, whether temperatures varied with season or treatment, and regardless of climate in the species' range or provenance of the plant material. Temperature optima from 17° to 34° were observed. Across species, acclimation potentials varied from 0.55 °C to 1.07 °C per degree change in daytime temperature. Responses to the temperature manipulation were not different from the seasonal acclimation observed in mature indigenous trees, suggesting that photosynthetic responses should not be modeled using static temperature functions, but should incorporate an adjustment to account for acclimation. The high degree of homeostasis observed indicates that direct impacts of climatic warming on forest productivity, species survival, and range limits may be less than predicted by existing models.  相似文献   

森林凋落物分解及其对全球气候变化的响应   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:17  
杨万勤  邓仁菊  张健 《应用生态学报》2007,18(12):2889-2895
凋落物分解是重要的森林生态系统过程之一,受到气候、凋落物质量、土壤生物群落等生物和非生物因素的综合调控.迄今,有关不同森林生态系统和不同树种地上部分的凋落物动态、凋落物分解过程中的养分释放动态、生物和非生物因素对凋落物分解的影响等研究报道较多,但对地下凋落物的分解研究相对较少.近年来,森林凋落物分解对以大气CO2浓度增加和温度升高为主要特征的全球变化的响应逐步受到重视,但其研究结果仍具有很多不确定性.因此,未来凋落物生态研究的重点应是凋落物分解对土壤有机碳固定的贡献、地上/地下凋落物的物理、化学和生物学过程及其对各种生态因子(例如冻融、干湿交替)及交互作用的响应、凋落物特别是地下凋落物分解对全球气候变化的响应机制等方面.  相似文献   

Cleaning symbioses play an important role in the health of certain coastal marine communities. These interspecific associations often occur at specific sites (cleaning stations) where a cleaner organism (commonly a fish or shrimp) removes ectoparasites/damaged tissue from a ‘client’ (a larger cooperating fish). At present, the potential impact of climate change on the fitness of cleaner organisms remains unknown. This study investigated the physiological and biochemical responses of tropical (Lysmata amboinensis) and temperate (L. seticaudata) cleaner shrimp to global warming. Specifically, thermal limits (CTMax), metabolic rates, thermal sensitivity, heat shock response (HSR), lipid peroxidation [malondialdehyde (MDA) concentration], lactate levels, antioxidant (GST, SOD and catalase) and digestive enzyme activities (trypsin and alkaline phosphatase) at current and warming (+3 °C) temperature conditions. In contrast to the temperate species, CTMax values decreased significantly from current (24–27 °C) to warming temperature conditions (30 °C) for the tropical shrimp, where metabolic thermal sensitivity was affected and the HSR was significantly reduced. MDA levels in tropical shrimp increased dramatically, indicating extreme cellular lipid peroxidation, which was not observed in the temperate shrimp. Lactate levels, GST and SOD activities were significantly enhanced within the muscle tissue of the tropical species. Digestive enzyme activities in the hepatopancreas of both species were significantly decreased by warmer temperatures. Our data suggest that the tropical cleaner shrimp will be more vulnerable to global warming than the temperate Lysmata seticaudata; the latter evolved in a relatively unstable environment with seasonal thermal variations that may have conferred greater adaptive plasticity. Thus, tropical cleaning symbioses may be challenged at a greater degree by warming‐related anthropogenic forcing, with potential cascading effects on the health and structuring of tropical coastal communities (e.g. coral reefs).  相似文献   

  1. Many aquatic ecosystems are experiencing multiple anthropogenic stressors that threaten their ability to support ecologically and economically important fish species. Two of the most ubiquitous stressors are climate change and non-point source nutrient pollution.
  2. Agricultural conservation practices (ACPs, i.e. farming practices that reduce runoff, prevent erosion, and curb excessive nutrient loading) offer a potential means to mitigate the negative effects of non-point source pollution on fish populations. However, our understanding of how ACP implementation amidst a changing climate will affect fish production in large ecosystems that receive substantial upstream sediment and nutrient inputs remains incomplete.
  3. Towards this end, we explored how anticipated climate change and the implementation of realistic ACPs might alter the recruitment dynamics of three fish populations (native walleye Sander vitreus and yellow perch Perca flavescens and invasive white perch Morone americana) in the highly productive, dynamic west basin of Lake Erie. We projected future (2020–2065) recruitment under different combinations of anticipated climate change (n = 2 levels) and ACP implementation (n = 4 levels) in the western Lake Erie catchment using predictive biological models driven by forecasted winter severity, spring warming rate, and Maumee River total phosphorus loads that were generated from linked climate, catchment-hydrology, and agricultural-practice-simulation models.
  4. In general, our models projected reduced walleye and yellow perch recruitment whereas invasive white perch recruitment was projected to remain stable or increase relative to the recent past. Our modelling also suggests the potential for trade-offs, as ACP implementation was projected to reduce yellow perch recruitment with anticipated climate change.
  5. Overall, our study presents a useful modelling framework to forecast fish recruitment in Lake Erie and elsewhere, as well as offering projections and new avenues of research that could help resource management agencies and policy-makers develop adaptive and resilient management strategies in the face of anticipated climate and land-management change.

African rainforests are likely to be vulnerable to changes in temperature and precipitation, yet there has been relatively little research to suggest how the regional climate might respond to global warming. This study presents projections of temperature and precipitation indices of relevance to African rainforests, using global climate model experiments to identify local change as a function of global temperature increase. A multi-model ensemble and two perturbed physics ensembles are used, one with over 100 members. In the east of the Congo Basin, most models (92%) show a wet signal, whereas in west equatorial Africa, the majority (73%) project an increase in dry season water deficits. This drying is amplified as global temperature increases, and in over half of coupled models by greater than 3% per °C of global warming. Analysis of atmospheric dynamics in a subset of models suggests that this could be partly because of a rearrangement of zonal circulation, with enhanced convection in the Indian Ocean and anomalous subsidence over west equatorial Africa, the Atlantic Ocean and, in some seasons, the Amazon Basin. Further research to assess the plausibility of this and other mechanisms is important, given the potential implications of drying in these rainforest regions.  相似文献   

The Hadley Centre coupled climate-carbon cycle model (HadCM3LC) predicts loss of the Amazon rainforest in response to future anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. In this study, the atmospheric component of HadCM3LC is used to assess the role of simulated changes in mid-twenty-first century sea surface temperature (SST) in Amazon Basin climate change. When the full HadCM3LC SST anomalies (SSTAs) are used, the atmosphere model reproduces the Amazon Basin climate change exhibited by HadCM3LC, including much of the reduction in Amazon Basin rainfall. This rainfall change is shown to be the combined effect of SSTAs in both the tropical Atlantic and the Pacific, with roughly equal contributions from each basin. The greatest rainfall reduction occurs from May to October, outside of the mature South American monsoon (SAM) season. This dry season response is the combined effect of a more rapid warming of the tropical North Atlantic relative to the south, and warm SSTAs in the tropical east Pacific. Conversely, a weak enhancement of mature SAM season rainfall in response to Atlantic SST change is suppressed by the atmospheric response to Pacific SST. This net wet season response is sufficient to prevent dry season soil moisture deficits from being recharged through the SAM season, leading to a perennial soil moisture reduction and an associated 30% reduction in annual Amazon Basin net primary productivity (NPP). A further 23% NPP reduction occurs in response to a 3.5 degrees C warmer air temperature associated with a global mean SST warming.  相似文献   

Aquatic ecological responses to climatic warming are complicated by interactions between thermal effects and other environmental stressors such as organic pollution and hypoxia. Laboratory experiments have demonstrated how oxygen limitation can set heat tolerance for some aquatic ectotherms, but only at unrealistic lethal temperatures and without field data to assess whether oxygen shortages might also underlie sublethal warming effects. Here, we test whether oxygen availability affects both lethal and nonlethal impacts of warming on two widespread Eurasian mayflies, Ephemera danica, Müller 1764 and Serratella ignita (Poda 1761). Mayfly nymphs are often a dominant component of the invertebrate assemblage in streams, and play a vital role in aquatic and riparian food webs. In the laboratory, lethal impacts of warming were assessed under three oxygen conditions. In the field, effects of oxygen availability on nonlethal impacts of warming were assessed from mayfly occurrence in 42 293 UK stream samples where water temperature and biochemical oxygen demand were measured. Oxygen limitation affected both lethal and sublethal impacts of warming in each species. Hypoxia lowered lethal limits by 5.5 °C (±2.13) and 8.2 °C (±0.62) for E. danica and S. ignita respectively. Field data confirmed the importance of oxygen limitation in warmer waters; poor oxygenation drastically reduced site occupancy, and reductions were especially pronounced under warm water conditions. Consequently, poor oxygenation lowered optimal stream temperatures for both species. The broad concordance shown here between laboratory results and extensive field data suggests that oxygen limitation not only impairs survival at thermal extremes but also restricts species abundance in the field at temperatures well below upper lethal limits. Stream oxygenation could thus control the vulnerability of aquatic ectotherms to global warming. Improving water oxygenation and reducing pollution can provide key facets of climate change adaptation for running waters.  相似文献   

Global climate change is impacting and will continue to impact marine and estuarine fish and fisheries. Data trends show global climate change effects ranging from increased oxygen consumption rates in fishes, to changes in foraging and migrational patterns in polar seas, to fish community changes in bleached tropical coral reefs. Projections of future conditions portend further impacts on the distribution and abundance of fishes associated with relatively small temperature changes. Changing fish distributions and abundances will undoubtedly affect communities of humans who harvest these stocks. Coastal-based harvesters (subsistence, commercial, recreational) may be impacted (negatively or positively) by changes in fish stocks due to climate change. Furthermore, marine protected area boundaries, low-lying island countries dependent on coastal economies, and disease incidence (in aquatic organisms and humans) are also affected by a relatively small increase in temperature and sea level. Our interpretations of evidence include many uncertainties about the future of affected fish species and their harvesters. Therefore, there is a need to research the physiology and ecology of marine and estuarine fishes, particularly in the tropics where comparatively little research has been conducted. As a broader and deeper information base accumulates, researchers will be able to make more accurate predictions and forge relevant solutions.  相似文献   

蝴蝶对全球气候变化响应的研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
全球气候变化以及生物对其响应已引起人们的广泛关注。在众多生物中,蝴蝶被公认为是对全球气候变化最敏感的指示物种之一。已有大量的研究结果表明,蝴蝶类群已经在地理分布范围、生活史特性以及生物多样性变化等方面对全球气候变化作出了响应。根据全球范围内蝴蝶类群对气候变化响应的研究资料,尤其是欧美一些长期监测的研究成果,综述了蝴蝶类群在物种分布格局、物候、繁殖、形态特征变化、种群动态以及物种多样性变化等方面对气候变化的响应特征,认为温度升高和极端天气是导致蝴蝶物种分布格局和种群动态变化的主要因素。在此基础上,展望了我国开展蝴蝶类群对气候变化响应方面研究的未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

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