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The nuptial prey gift in the spider Pisaura mirabilis has been suggested to function as a male protection against sexual cannibalismduring courtship and mating. This hypothesis together withtwo alternatives—male mating effort and paternal investment hypotheses—were tested in a laboratory experiment withsexually inexperienced males and females. One group of malesoffered no gift to the female while three groups of males offeredsmall, medium, or large sized gifts, respectively. No malewas cannibalized among 82 trials. Aggression was observed onlyin encounters where a gift was presented. Males without a gift courted females, and 40% of these males managed to copulate,compared to 90% of males offering a gift. The copulation durationwas positively correlated with gift size. In general, the femaleterminated the copulation and ran away with the gift. The proportionof eggs fertilized increased with copulation time. Presenceor size of the nuptial gift did not affect female fecundityor spiderling size significantly. The results refute the hypothesesof sexual cannibalism and paternal investment. The nuptialgift represents a male mating effort; it entices the femaleto copulate, facilitates coupling during copulation, and byprolonging copulation it may increase the amount of sperm transferred.I conclude that the nuptial prey gift in Pisaura mirabilisis maintained by sexual selection.  相似文献   

Nuptial gifts and the evolution of male body size   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In many insect systems, males donate nuptial gifts to insure an effective copulation or as a form of paternal investment. However, if gift magnitude is both body size-limited and positively related to fitness, then the opportunity exists for the gift to promote the evolution of large male size. In the striped ground cricket, Allonemobius socius, males transfer a body size-limited, somatic nuptial gift that is comprised primarily of hemolymph. To address the implications of this gift on male size evolution, we quantified the intensity and direction of natural (fecundity) and sexual (mating success) selection over multiple generations. We found that male size was under strong positive sexual selection throughout the breeding season. This pattern of selection was similar in successive generations spanning multiple years. Male size was also under strong natural selection, with the largest males siring the most offspring. However, multivariate selection gradients indicated that gift size, and not male size, was the best predictor of female fecundity. In other words, direct fecundity selection for larger gifts placed indirect positive selection on male body size, supporting the hypothesis that nuptial gifts can influence the evolution of male body size in this system. Although female size was also under strong selection due to a size related fecundity advantage, it did not exceed selection on male size. The implications of these results with regard to the maintenance of the female-biased size dimorphic system are discussed.  相似文献   

Although costs of mating have been widely documented in females,intrinsic costs of copulation have been poorly documented inmales, and there is little evidence that such costs constrainmale mating success under natural conditions. Male sagebrushcrickets, Cyphoderris strepitans, offer females an unusual somaticfood gift at copulation that may constitute a significant costof copulation: females chew on the ends of the males' fleshyhind wings and ingest hemolymph seeping from the wounds theyinflict. Previous studies have shown that once a male has mated,his probability of obtaining an additional copulation is reducedrelative to that of a virgin male seeking to secure his firstmating. If the future mating prospects of nonvirgin males arediminished because of the costs of copulation, this could stemeither from the resources required to manufacture a new spermatophoreor through the energy needed to replenish hemolymph lost throughfemale wing-feeding. To distinguish between these two alternatives,we experimentally depleted virgin males of varying amounts hemolymphin a way that mimicked hemolymph loss of nonvirgin males, withoutthe attendant costs of spermatophore production. After theyhad been treated, males were released in the field and recapturedover the course of the breeding season to monitor their matingsuccess. Control males mated significantly sooner than did malesdepleted of hemolymph. We conclude, therefore, that the depletionof hemolymph that occurs through female wing feeding is sufficientby itself to diminish a nonvirgin male's ability to secure anothermating.  相似文献   

Unexpected male choosiness for mates in a spider   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sexual selection theory traditionally considers choosiness for mates to be negatively related to intra-sexual competition. Males were classically considered to be the competing, but not the choosy, sex. However, evidence of male choosiness is now accumulating. Male choosiness is expected to increase with an individual's competitive ability, and to decrease as intra-sexual competition increases. However, such predictions have never been tested in field conditions. Here, we explore male mate choice in a spider by studying size-assortative pairing in two natural sites that strongly differ in the level of male-male competition. Unexpectedly, our results demonstrate that mate choice shifts from opportunism to high selectivity as competition between males increases. Males experiencing weak competition did not exhibit size-related mating preferences. By contrast, when competition was intense we found strong size-assortative pairing due to male choice: while larger, more competitive males preferentially paired with larger, more fecund females, smaller males chose smaller females. Thus, we show that mating preferences of males vary with their competitive ability. The distinct preferences exhibited by males of different sizes seem to be an adaptive response to the lower reproductive opportunities arising from increased competition between males.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Before copulation, male Panorpa cognata scorpionflies offer females a salivary secretion, which is consumed by the female during copulation. It has previously been demonstrated that this nuptial food gift functions as mating effort by increasing male attractiveness and by increasing ejaculate transfer during copulation.
2. In this study, the effect of saliva consumption on female reproductive output was investigated, and thus the possibility that nuptial food gifts also serve as paternal investment. The experimental design enabled the effect of nuptial gift consumption to be disentangled from other possible effects of multiple mating or increased copula duration.
3. The results showed that saliva consumption increases female egg production by on average 8% (4.5 eggs) per consumed salivary mass, whereas mean egg weight was not influenced.4. These results have important implications for the evolution and maintenance of both male nuptial gifts and female polyandry in this and other species.  相似文献   

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