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We examined demographic consequences of habitat fragmentation in the lion-tailed macaque in the Anamalai Hills in southern Western Ghats. The parameters examined were group size, age/sex composition, and birth rate, in relation to various habitat parameters. Demographic parameters were estimated for 11 groups in 8 rain forest fragments, during January to May 1996. Area, tree density, canopy cover, canopy height, and tree basal area were estimated for these fragments. As fragment area decreased, there was a decline in birth rate and proportion of immatures in the group, and an increase in the number of adult males, and the variability in group size and adult sex ratios. A similar pattern was also observed with decreasing values of other habitat variables. Differences in the founder population size and age structure, demographic randomness, and history of poaching have caused greater variability in group size and adult sex ratios in the small fragments. The lack of dispersal in the small fragments is another reason for the high variability.  相似文献   

We studied time budgeting of lion-tailed macaques in the Anamalai Wildlife Sanctuary, Tamil Nadu, India, with regard to seven activity categories. Groups spent >50% of their time feeding and foraging, 33% of the time resting, and 15% moving. More energetic activities were spread uniformly through the day. Feeding had two annual peaks: one closely following the northeast monsoon and the other corresponding to the southwest monsoon. These also coincided with peaks of food availability and mating. Time saved in feeding was spent mostly on resting. Ranging showed a pattern contrary to that of time spent moving and was related more to weather than to food availability; it increased during cooler periods. The middle and upper stories of the canopy were used >93% of the time. The ground was used rarely. Time budgeting characteristics of the lion-tailed macaque are primarily frugiinsectivorous adaptations to a wet evergreen forest habitat.  相似文献   

Tropical rainforests show seasonal fluctuations in the abundance of fruits resulting in periods of resource scarcity for frugivores. We examined the response of an obligate frugivore, the lion‐tailed macaque (LTM) (Macaca silenus), to a period of fruit scarcity in a rainforest in the Western Ghats, India. We estimated the abundance and distribution of fruit resources from food tree densities obtained from 348 point centered quadrats, and fruit availability from phenological monitoring of 195 trees of 15 reported major food species. Macronutrient content was estimated for fruits of 15 major food species. We estimated time spent feeding on different food items from 1,853 individual scans spanning 120 hr of observation of one habituated study group. There was a distinct period of fruit scarcity during the drier months of February to mid‐March (Period 1) compared with late March and April (Period 2), separated by summer showers. Fruits available in Period 1 had lower soluble carbohydrate and lipid content and overall caloric value compared with Period 2. During the lean period, the LTM fed more on fruits of Drypetes wightii, which had the highest carbohydrate content, than on nectar of Palaquium ellipticum or Ficus spp., which had low carbohydrate content. During this period, the resource availability in a location significantly influenced the occurrence of feeding there. In Period 2, the group fed most on the seeds of Cullenia exarillata, the most abundant tree in the home‐range and with the highest content of soluble carbohydrates. During this period, the abundance of food trees in fruit in a location did not seem to influence the occurrence of feeding. Low abundance, stochastic fruiting and, low quality might make Ficus spp. a poor fallback option for the LTM. Am. J. Primatol. 73:1250–1260, 2011. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Infant development in lion-tailed monkeys was observed during the first eight weeks after birth. A rapid decrease in the time spent in the closest association by the mother and the infant was seen between the first and second weeks. Between the second and fifth week there was a somewhat steady state with only marginal decrease in the time spent by the infant out of lap of the mother. However, during this time, a rapid decline in maternal cradling and restraining behaviour was seen. From the sixth week onwards, there was a rapid increase in the time spent by the infant out of contact with the mother. Independence of the infant during troop progression was seen only towards the eighth week, that too only marginal. Among the troop members the subadult females and the juvenile females showed the maximum interest in the infant. The former spent much more time than the juveniles interacting with the infant. The adult females showed only little interest in the infant while the adult male showed no interest at all. Infant snatching by subadult females and juvenile females was seen on many occasions. The infant remained in the possession of them from less than 1 min to more than 2 hr. This behaviour tended to decrease towards the sixth week.  相似文献   

A direct radioimmunoassay for measuring urinary 20-hydroxyprogesterone cross-reactivity to monitor and assess luteal function and detect pregnancy in the lion-tailed macaque (Macaca silenus) is described. Urine samples were collected daily during ten nonconceptive and five conceptive ovarian cycles of five dult female lion-tailed macaques. Urine was analyzed for concentrations of 20α-hydroxypro-gesterone cross-reactivity, estrone conjugates, and creatinine. The strength of the luteal phase in normal nonconceptive cycles (n = 8) is characterized by a maximum sevenfold increase (day 9) in mean 20α-hydroxyprogesterone cross-reactivity over follicular phase levels; the duration, by a 13-day sustained elevation of mean 20α-hydroxyprogesterone cross-reactivity levels. Pregnancy is detectable from 20α-hydroxyprogesterone cross-reactivity values approximately 20 days after the periovulatory estrone conjugate peak (n = 4). Apparent anovulation (n = 1), extended follicular phase (n = 1), and early abortion (n = 1) also are detectable using 20α-hydroxyprogesterone cross-reactivity measurements.  相似文献   

Urine samples were collected daily during ten nonfertile and four fertile ovarian cycles of four adult female lion-tailed macaques (Macaca silenus). Urine was analyzed for concentrations of total immunoreactive estrogen (Et), estrone conjugates, and bioactive luteinizing hormones (LH). The estrone conjugates of selected samples were separated by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) to evaluate the relative proportions of estrone glucuronide (E1 G) to estrone sulfate (E1 S) contributing to the sum total of the conjugate measured in the samples. The estrone conjugate profile was found to accurately reflect the preovulatory estrogen peak in both nonfertile and fertile cycles as well as the early pregnancy increase which was found to be statistically significant on Day + 14 postovulation (P = 0.003). Estrone conjugate levels rose in the early follicular phase from 126.00 +/- 24.07 (SEM) ng/mg creatinine to a preovulatory peak of 471.90 +/- 62.95 ng/mg creatinine. Fertile cycles exhibited a postovulatory climb to a peak of 515.00 +/- 38.00 ng/mg creatinine on Day + 19, in contrast to the secondary rise observed in nonfertile cycles that peaked at 148.11 +/- 13.80 ng/mg creatinine on Day + 10. Bioactive LH evaluations confirmed ovulation and, in the fertile cycles, reflected the subsequent elevation of chorionic gonadotropin on Day + 18. The estrone conjugate profile of fertile cycles and early pregnancy compared favorably to the Et profile: both showed the same time course and increases in estrogen excretion.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the manipulative propensities of a captive group of lion-tailed macaques (Macaca silenus). Simple natural objects (browse and bamboo poles) were provided regularly in the home cage. Findings indicate richness in the frequency and form of manipulative activities, with juvenile males manipulating the test objects more frequently and exhibiting more goal-directed manipulative activity than adult females. A variety of goal-directed manipulative activities (use of objects to act as ladders, to apply leverage, and to create perches) occurred spontaneously, with some instances involving joint action or social use. These data are consistent with the hypotheses that macaques possess extensive capacities for object exploration and social facilitation, and that an evolutionary history of omnivorous foraging habits correlates positively with the expression of anomalous sensorimotor skills.  相似文献   

We observed the overall population dynamics and number of births and deaths in identified individuals between January 2002 and October 2005, in a large group of lion-tailed macaques in the Anaimalai Hills of the Western Ghats in the south Indian state of Tamilnadu. The group inhabited an isolated rainforest fragment located inside a private tea/coffee garden. The group size increased from 56 in January 2002 to 84 in October 2005. All females reproduced, and the interbirth interval was 23.18 months. Of the 37 infants born between 2002 and 2005, only 1 died providing an infant survivorship rate of about 97.3%. Although births occurred in all months, most of the infants were born between February and March, and this pattern of births was consistent over the years, indicating a major birth peak in this species. The population growth rate in this unusually large group was found to be higher than even in those groups of lion-tailed macaques that inhabit large and relatively undisturbed rainforest complexes. This high growth rate could be attributed to the availability of abundant cultivated fruit plants including commercial crops such as coffee seeds. The observations provide a perspective for the management of other groups of this endangered species inhabiting rainforest fragments.  相似文献   

Natural and anthropogenic disturbances can strongly impact population dynamics of species and are often responsible for zoonotic emerging infectious diseases. However, long-term studies on the demographic consequences of human disturbances are unusual. We used 6 years (1995–2000) of mark-recapture data to investigate how climatic conditions, human disturbance and density affect sex- and age-specific apparent survival probabilities of the pipistrelle bat (Pipistrellus pipistrellus, Schreber 1774) in a maternity colony. Our study demonstrated that density played an important role in population dynamics of pipistrelle bat and that its effect differed with respect to age and sex. Notably, human disturbance caused a strong decline of adult female survival, suggesting that perturbations have important consequences in bat-colony dynamics. Juvenile female survival was negatively influenced by density, being considerably lower in high densities. In contrast, juvenile and adult males were apparently not affected as they had constant survival probabilities. Although climatic factors can markedly affect population dynamics of temperate insectivorous bats, in this study, the weather conditions did not influence the survival rates of pipistrelle bats. We provide the first report that demonstrates the density-dependent effect on bat survival. That is especially relevant to better understanding of the bat-population dynamics and to evaluate the consequences of human disturbance and their potential changes in the maternity colony structure.  相似文献   

Demographic changes were recorded throughout a 12-year period for three social groups ofMacaca fascicularis in a natural population at Ketambe (Sumatra, Indonesia). We examined the prediction that females' lifetime reproductive success depended on dominance rank and group size. Average birth rate was 0.53 (184 infants born during 349 female years). For mature females (aged 8–20 yr) birth rate reflected physical condition, being higher in years with high food availability and lower in the year following the production of a surviving infant. High-ranking females were significantly more likely than low-ranking ones to give birth again when they did have a surviving offspring born the year before (0.50 vs 0.26), especially in years with relatively low food availability (0.37 vs 0.10). Controlled comparisons of groups at different sizes indicate a decline in birth rate with rroup size only once a group has exceeded a certain size. The dominance effect on birth rate tended to be strongest in large groups. Survival of infants was rank-dependent, but the survival of juveniles was not. There was a trend for offspring survival to be lower in large groups than in mid-sized or small groups. However, rank and group size interacted, in that rank effects on offspring survival were strongest in large groups. High-ranking females were less likely to die themselves during their top-reproductive years, and thus on average had longer reproductive careers. We estimated female lifetime reproductive success based on calculated age-specific birth rates and survival rates. The effects of rank and group size (contest and scramble) on birth rate, offspring survival, age of first reproduction for daughters, and length of reproductive career, while not each consistently statistically significant, added up to substantial effects on estimated lifetime reproductive success. The group size effects explain why large groups tend to split permanently. Since females are philopatric in this species, and daughters achieve dominance rank positions similar to their mother, a close correlation is suggested between the lifetime reproductive success of mothers and daughters. For sons, too, maternal dominance affected their reproductive success: high-born males were more likely to become top-dominant (in another group). These data support the idea that natural selection has favored the evolution of a nepotistic rank system in this species, even if the annual benefits of dominance are small.  相似文献   

The lion-tailed macaque is an endangered species, and hence it is necessary that the remaining populations in the rainforests of the Western Ghats, India, be located and their habitats assessed for effective conservation. The Anaimalai Hills in the state of Tamil Nadu harbor 31 groups of lion-tailed macaques. However, the rainforest in these hills is highly fragmented. Since lion-tailed macaques are typically arboreal, the groups have become isolated. Two large rain-forest complexes in these hills harbor 12 and seven groups, respectively, and the remaining 12 groups inhabit small, isolated forest fragments. Group size ranges from six to 53 individuals, with a mean size of 16.3. In the small forest fragments, the standard deviation (SD) of group size was considerably higher than it was in the larger forest complexes. The disturbed fragments also had a higher variability in group size than the relatively undisturbed habitats. It is believed that fragmentation may impede male migration. We suggest that the fragments be managed in such a way that male migration among groups can be facilitated to overcome the potential effects of isolation.  相似文献   

During a 5-yr study of lion-tailed macaques in their natural habitat, we found that: 1) most births occurred from January to April (70%) and from September to December (19%), showing a bimodal pattern with a major and a minor birth peak; 2) the period of peaks remained the same over 5 yr; and 3) a similar pattern of birth peaks occurred both in groups in large forest complexes that had overlapping home ranges with other groups and in single groups that were isolated in forest fragments in the same region but with similar ecological conditions. The results suggest more of a birth seasonality than mere breeding synchronization in the wild lion-tailed macaques. We also analyzed data on births in captivity in European Zoos for 10 yr. We observed no seasonality or peaks in births, and the pattern was the same over the years. Data on rainfall suggest that resource availability in the wild habitat may not be uniform throughout the year; hence, ecological factors may play an important role in determination of birth patterns in the natural habitats of lion-tailed macaques.  相似文献   

Birth records were examined for a group of 56 Stumptail macaques that lived in an half-acre outdoor enclosure from 1971 to 1974. Approximate conception times for 33 offspring were calculated and two graphs, one for births and the other one for fertile matings were constructed. Although births occurred throughout the year, 48.5% or these took place between June and September with a peak in July and August (39.4%). Two secondary peaks, one between February and April (27.3%) and the other in November (12.1%) were noted. Fertile matings also took place throughout the year but 56.6% were concentrated between January and June with a peak in January and February (30.3%). A secondary peak was observed for September (12.1%). The data show that no discrete seasonality in matings and births is present forMacaca arctoides but that an unusual pattern consisting of three peaks throughout the year, for births, may be typical of the species. The data are compared with data on the taxonomically close Japanese macaque and a striking dissimilarity is found. While thefuscata macaque has discrete breeding seasonality, thearctoides macaque breeds and gives birth throughout the year and its pattern is more similar to that of the distantly related Crab-eating macaque. This work was supported by grants from Behavioral Sciences Foundation and by NSF-#GB-42235.  相似文献   

The birth rate and mortality rate of infants with congenital malformations of the limbs were examined in the Awajishima free-ranging group of Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata). Of the 606 infants born between 1978 and 1995, 86 (14.2%) were malformed. The male-female ratio did not differ between malformed and normal infants. Most kin-groups included females who gave birth to malformed infants at least once. The mortality rate within the first year after birth for malformed infants (28.2%) was significantly higher than that for normal infants (10.0%). However, this indicates that more than 70% of malformed infants were able to survive for the first year of life, even though they were unable to cling to their mothers ventrum due to their limb deformities. This finding indicates that maternal care-taking is sufficient to enable malformed infants to survive during the early stages of development and that clinging by the infant is not necessary for the display of maternal care. Am. J. Primatol. 42:225–234, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

An extracellular lipase-producing bacterium was isolated from a fecal sample of lion-tailed macaque (Macaca silenus), an endangered Old World monkey that is endemic to the Western Ghats of South India. Morphological, biochemical and molecular analyses identified the bacterium as Serratia marcescens. Production of lipase was investigated in shake-flask culture. Optimum tributyrin concentration of 1.5 % was found to be the most suitable triglyceride to increase lipase production (13.3 U ml?1). The next best lipid source observed was olive oil (11.94 U ml?1), followed by castor oil, coconut oil and palm oil. Analyzing the effect of different carbon sources on lipase production revealed that 2 % glucose yielded higher lipase production than the other tested carbon sources. Investigations on suitable nitrogen source for lipase production revealed that 2 % meat extract yielded higher lipase production. The most suitable trace element for maximum lipase production was zinc sulfate, followed by magnesium sulfate and copper sulfate. Partial characterization of the crude lipase revealed that pH 7.0 and a temperature of 40 °C gave optimal lipase activity. Enzymatic activity of the crude sample was retained over a wide temperature range (20–75 °C), and 70 % of enzyme activity was retained at 60 °C. Testing the effect of various organic solvents on lipase activity revealed that hexadecane increased lipase activity by 85 % over the control.  相似文献   

Movement away from an area or social group in response to increasing density (density‐dependent dispersal) is known for most species; why it evolves is fundamental to our understanding of ecology and evolution. However, we have yet to fully appreciate how individuals of varying conditions (e.g., age and sex) might differently consider effects of density (quorum) when deciding to disperse or not, and scale dependence in their sense of quorum. We tracked movements of all individuals of a naturalized population of feral horses (Equus ferus caballus; Sable Island National Park Reserve, Nova Scotia, Canada) during a period of rapid population growth (N increased from 375 to 484 horses from 2008 to 2010). Permanent dispersal from breeding groups (bands) was positively density dependent for all age and sex categories with respect to local density (horses/km2, bounded by the 99th percentile of individual movements [8000 m]), but was negatively and positively density dependent for males and females, respectively, in relation to group (band) size. Dispersal was generally female biased, with the exception of foals which moved with their mothers (no sex effect), and for yearlings and subadults when band sizes were smaller than average, in which case males dispersed at higher rates than females. Dispersal distance was positively related to local density. We conclude that dispersal rate can be both positively and negatively density dependent for feral horses, contingent on the state of individuals and the scale at which quorum with respect to choosing to disperse or not is assessed. Scale effects and interactions of density‐dependent and sex‐ and age‐biased dispersal may have both ecological and evolutionary consequences through effects on resource and mate competition.  相似文献   

Thebirth season of Formosan macaqueM. cyclopis during our study started in February and ended in August with a peak in the second half of April and the first half of May. The average birth rate was 82%±21 for 114 females with four years of breeding records. Our study reports that a time span of one year between births can be considered as the norm for the wildM. cyclopis. Of the 288 inter-birth intervals (IBI), 88.5% showed a 1-year interval (mean 364±SD 29 days); 11% showed 2-year interval (727±36 days); and 1% (2 females) had 3-year interval (range 1030–1040 days). The IBI for females that had infant loss within six months of life were the shortest. But there was no significant difference from that of females that had stillbirth (p>0.9) and infant that survived for first six months of life (p>0.06). However, among 255 cases of 1-year IBI, stillbirth or following infant loss within six months of life did significantly shorten IBI for ten days (F 1,253=5.74,p<0.05).  相似文献   

This study reports critical changes in the behaviour patterns of lion-tailed macaques (Macaca silenus) inhabiting a continuously changing and deteriorating rain forest fragment in the Western Ghats, India. The study area, a privately owned rain forest patch in a tea/coffee garden called Puthuthotam, has suffered two massive selective logging episodes. Over the years, the native rain forest trees have been largely replaced by non-native/pioneer species resulting in loss of canopy contiguity and significant changes in other vegetation parameters. The almost wholly arboreal lion-tailed macaque now spends a considerable amount of time on the ground in this area. The species has also experienced a major shift in its diet, ranging patterns and other activities.  相似文献   

The metabolic rate of roach in relation to body size and temperature   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Standard and routine metabolic rates of roach Rutilus rutilus for a wide size and temperature range (3–200 g, 5–23° C) were analysed by automated, computerized intermittent flow respirometry. The mass exponent b ranged from 0·68 to 0·82 for standard metabolism, and from 0·65 to 0·92 for routine metabolism depending on the experimental temperature. For routine metabolism b was lowest at 10° C. At both decreasing and increasing temperatures, b increased significantly. Roach were exponentially temperature-dependent for both metabolic levels. For roach <20 g, however, an asymptotic relationship was observed between temperature and routine metabolic rate. The 'flattening of the curve' in the latter case may be explained by reduced spontaneous activities at the lower threshold of the preferred temperature range.  相似文献   

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