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Physical mapping distal to the DMD locus   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We report a new locus, designated JC-1, which maps between the gene responsible for adrenal hypoplasia (AHC) and the gene that encodes glycerol kinase (GK) in Xp21.2-21.3. The probe identifying this locus was obtained by cloning the distal sequence of a junction fragment from a Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) patient with a large deletion. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis analysis shows that a region of at least 4 Mb separates the 3' end of the dystrophin gene and the closest distal marker to AHC, DXS28. This region of the human genome contains few genes whose deletion results in a clinical phenotype. JC-1 is a useful probe from which to initiate strategies directed at cloning the AHC and GK loci.  相似文献   

Evidence from linkage studies suggests that familial Alzheimer disease (AD) can be caused by a defect in a gene on the proximal long arm of chromosome 21. We have constructed a physical map spanning 10 megabases of this region of the chromosome by means of pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and analysis of somatic cell hybrids. Our data have allowed us to establish the order of chromosome 21 loci--cen-(S16,S48)-S13-S46-S4-(S52,S110)-(S1,S1 1)--and are thus of immediate relevance both to multipoint linkage analysis in families affected by AD and for moving from this linkage to the isolation of the genetic defect. We have also been able to identify several CpG-rich sequences close to the four most centromeric loci, suggesting the location of genes in this region. These probes, which are all within 1.5 megabases of one another, are currently the markers most tightly linked to the AD locus. Genes identified in this region can therefore be considered as candidates for the disease locus.  相似文献   

The Esterase-6 gene locus of Drosophila melanogaster although well-characterized, has not been definitly mapped by in situ hybridization. In this paper, a high resolution in situ hybridization protocol using an avidin/biotinylated-horseradish peroxidase/diaminobenzidine system was adopted to refine the physical map position of the Esterase-6 locus. Clarity of signal, detail of banding pattern and absence of background allowed the assignment of a 1.8 kb cDNA encoding Esterase-6 to three bands within subsections 69 A1–A3 on the left arm of polytene chromosome 3. These data refine earlier deletion mapping and low resolution in situ hybridization results, which assigned Esterase-6 to 69 A1–A5. The potential use of this high resolution in situ hybridization technique in the analysis of the physical organization of the Esterase-6 gene duplication and surrounding region is discussed.  相似文献   

Physical mapping of DXS134 close to the DXS52 locus   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Summary The locus DXS134 (cpX67) has been physically linked to the cluster of polymorphic loci DXS52, DXS15, and DXS33. A comparison of physical and genetic distance indicates a high rate of recombination in this region.  相似文献   

The primary pathology of Hirschsprung's disease (HSCR, colon aganglionosis) is the absence of ganglia in variable lengths of the hindgut, resulting in functional obstruction. HSCR is attributed to a failure of migration of the enteric ganglion precursors along the developing gut. RET is a key regulator of the development of the enteric nervous system (ENS) and the major HSCR-causing gene. Yet the reduced penetrance of RET DNA HSCR-associated variants together with the phenotypic variability suggest the involvement of additional genes in the disease. Through a genome-wide association study, we uncovered a ~350 kb HSCR-associated region encompassing part of the neuregulin-1 gene (NRG1). To identify the causal NRG1 variants contributing to HSCR, we genotyped 243 SNPs variants on 343 ethnic Chinese HSCR patients and 359 controls. Genotype analysis coupled with imputation narrowed down the HSCR-associated region to 21 kb, with four of the most associated SNPs (rs10088313, rs10094655, rs4624987, and rs3884552) mapping to the NRG1 promoter. We investigated whether there was correlation between the genotype at the rs10088313 locus and the amount of NRG1 expressed in human gut tissues (40 patients and 21 controls) and found differences in expression as a function of genotype. We also found significant differences in NRG1 expression levels between diseased and control individuals bearing the same rs10088313 risk genotype. This indicates that the effects of NRG1 common variants are likely to depend on other alleles or epigenetic factors present in the patients and would account for the variability in the genetic predisposition to HSCR.  相似文献   

Bovine antibodies have recently attracted increasing attention, as they have been shown to exhibit prophylactic and therapeutic properties in selected infectious diseases in humans. In the present study, we have isolated bacterial artificial chromosomes and cosmid clones containing the bovine JH, mu, delta, gamma 1, gamma 2, gamma 3, epsilon, and alpha genes, which allowed us to make a contig of the genes within the bovine IGHC locus. The genes are arranged in a 5'-JH-7 kb-mu-5 kb-delta-33 kb-gamma 3-20 kb-gamma 1-34 kb-gamma 2-20 kb-epsilon- 13 kb-alpha-3' order, spanning approximately 150 kb DNA. Examination of the bovine germline JH locus revealed six JH segments, two of which, JH1 and JH2, were shown to be functional although there was a strong preference for expression of the former. Sequence alignment of the bovine 5' E mu enhancer core region with those of other mammals, demonstrated an absence of the mu E3 motif and a shortened spacer between the mu A and mu B sites within the bovine E mu enhancer core region. Furthermore, the essential sequence element for class switching, switch mu, spanning approximately 3-kb repetitive sequence and abundant in the switch region motifs CTGGG (187 repeats) and CTGAG (127 repeats), was identified immediately upstream of the mu gene. A further sequence comparison revealed that the bovine IGHC genes display an extensive polymorphism leading to expression of multiple antibody allotypes.  相似文献   

A physical map of the CXC chemokine locus on chromosome 4 has been constructed by PCR analysis and PFGE mapping of YAC clones. The genes for IL8, GRO1, PPBP, PF4, SCYB5 (ENA-78) and SCYB6 (GCP-2) have been co-localized on a 335-kb genomic fragment. The GRO2 and GRO3 genes did not map within this region and based on analysis of a YAC contig overlapping IL8 we speculate that GRO2 and GRO3 map downstream of this region. We have also assigned the novel CXC chemokine gene, SCYB9B (alias H174/betaR1) to chromosome 4q21, upstream and within 12 kb of INP10. Like INP10 and MIG, INP10 and SCYB9B are arranged in a head to tail manner. The chromosomal arrangement of these genes appears to reflect the evolution of this multigene family and supports the theory that it arose by gene duplication.  相似文献   

The South American opossum Monodelphis domestica has been a model organism for marsupials for many years and has recently been the subject of a large-scale genome sequencing effort that will provide the foundation for comparative studies of gene function and regulation. Genomic imprinting is one mechanism of gene regulation that has received increasing attention due to the impact of imprinting defects on development and disease. We have mapped the imprinted insulin-like growth factor II (IGF2) gene of M. domestica as a first step in understanding the regulatory mechanisms involved in genomic imprinting in this marsupial.  相似文献   

Linkage mapping of the primary disease locus for collie eye anomaly   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Collie eye anomaly (cea) is a hereditary ocular disorder affecting development of the choroid and sclera segregating in several breeds of dog, including rough, smooth, and Border collies and Australian shepherds. The disease is reminiscent of the choroidal hypoplasia phenotype observed in humans in conjunction with craniofacial or renal abnormalities. In dogs, however, the clinical phenotype can vary significantly; many dogs exhibit no obvious clinical consequences and retain apparently normal vision throughout life, while severely affected animals develop secondary retinal detachment, intraocular hemorrhage, and blindness. We report genetic studies establishing that the primary cea phenotype, choroidal hypoplasia, segregates as an autosomal recessive trait with nearly 100% penetrance. We further report linkage mapping of the primary cea locus to a 3.9-cM region of canine chromosome 37 (LOD = 22.17 at theta = 0.076), in a region corresponding to human chromosome 2q35. These results suggest the presence of a developmental regulatory gene important in ocular embryogenesis, with potential implications for other disorders of ocular vascularization.  相似文献   

The causal relationship between genes and diseases has been investigated with the development of DNA sequence. Polymorphisms incorporated in the HapMap Project have enabled fine mapping with linkage disequilibrium (LD) and prior clustering of the haplotypes on the basis of a similarity measure has often been performed in an attempt to capture coalescent events because they can reduce the amount of computation. However an inappropriate choice of similarity measure can lead to wrong conclusions and we propose a new haplotype-based clustering algorithm for fine-scale mapping by using a Bayesian partition model. To handle phase-unknown genotypes, we propose a new algorithm based on a Metropolized Gibbs sampler and it is implemented in C++. Our simulation studies found that the proposed method improves the accuracy of the estimator for the disease susceptibility locus. We illustrated the practical implication of the new analysis method by an application to fine-scale mapping of CYP2D6 in drug metabolism.  相似文献   

Novel forms of contractile regulation observed in skeletal muscle are evident in neuromuscular diseases like rippling muscle disease (RMD). Previous studies of an autoimmune form of RMD (ARMD) identified a very high molecular weight skeletal muscle protein antigen recognized by ARMD patient antisera. This study utilized ARMD and myasthenia gravis (MG) patient antisera, to screen a human skeletal muscle cDNA library that subsequently identified proteins that could play a role in ARMD. Based on nucleotide sequence analysis, three distinct ARMD antigens were identified: titin Isoform N2A, ATP synthase 6, and PPP1R3 (protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 3). The region of titin identified by ARMD antisera is distinct from the main immunogenic region (MIR) recognized by classical MG antibodies. Sera from classical MG patient identifies an expressed sequence corresponding to the titin MIR. Although the mechanism of antibody penetration is not known, previous studies have shown that rippling muscle antibodies affect the contractile machinery of myofibers resulting in mechanical sensitivity. Titin's role as a modulator of muscle contractility makes it a potential target in understanding muscle mechanosensitive regulation.  相似文献   

Characterization of several male-viable deletions and duplications with 20 random DNA probes has enabled us to subdivide the Xq21 region into seven discernible intervals. Almost all of the deletions spanning part of Xq21 are associated with choroideremia and mental retardation, with deafness being another common feature. The gene locus for choroideremia was assigned to interval 3 spanning the loci DXS95, DXS165, and DXS233. Genes for X-linked deafness and mental retardation were tentatively assigned to interval 2. Deletions of intervals 4 through 7 were not associated with any clinical abnormality. We have constructed a preliminary long-range restriction map of intervals 2 and 3 using field-inversion gel electrophoresis. The DXS232, DXS121, and DXS233 loci are located on the same SfiI fragment, whereas the DXS165 and DXS95 loci could not be linked to this cluster using SfiI and SalI.  相似文献   

Comparative mapping of the ovine clpg locus   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We used a comparative mapping approach to identify segments of conserved synteny between human Chromosome 14 (HSA14), bovine Chromosome 21 (BTA21), and the portion of ovine Chromosome 18 (OAR18) that contains the clpg locus. A bovine radiation hybrid map of the region was constructed with available Type II genetic markers and seven candidate genes to establish the comparative interval between BTA21 and HSA14. We developed polymorphic microsatellite and SNP markers associated with five candidate genes and placed them on the ovine and/or bovine genetic maps by multipoint linkage analysis. Three additional genes were mapped by virtue of their physical linkage to genetically mapped makers. Development of integrated linkage and physical maps facilitates the selection of positional candidate genes from the gene rich human map. The physically linked candidate genes PREF-1 and MEG3 map to the interval containing the clpg locus. Comparative biology suggests imprinting of MEG3 and/or the influences of PREF-1 on cellular differentiation, should be examined for their role in the parent-of-origin dependent influence of mutant clpg alleles on sheep muscle characteristics. Received: 3 February 2000 / Accepted: 19 April 2000  相似文献   

Camurati-Engelmann disease (CED [MIM 131300]), or progressive diaphyseal dysplasia, is an autosomal dominant sclerosing bone dysplasia characterized by progressive bone formation along the periosteal and endosteal surfaces at the diaphyseal and metaphyseal regions of long bones and cranial hyperostosis, particularly at the skull base. The gene for CED, or its chromosomal localization, has not yet been identified. We performed a genomewide linkage analysis of two unrelated Japanese families with CED, in which a total of 27 members were available for this study; 16 of them were affected with the disease. Two-point linkage analysis revealed a maximum LOD score of 7.41 (recombination fraction.00; penetrance 1.00) for the D19S918 microsatellite marker locus. Haplotype analysis revealed that all the affected individuals shared a common haplotype observed, in each family, between D19S881 and D19S606, at chromosome 19q13.1-q13.3. These findings, together with a genetic distance among the marker loci, indicate that the CED locus can be assigned to a 15.1-cM segment between D19S881 and D19S606.  相似文献   

S-locus products (S-RNase and F-box proteins) are essential for the gametophytic self-incompatibility (GSI) specific recognition in Prunus. However, accumulated genetic evidence suggests that other S-locus unlinked factors are also required for GSI. For instance, GSI breakdown was associated with a pollen-part mutation unlinked to the S-locus in the apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) cv. 'Canino'. Fine-mapping of this mutated modifier gene (M-locus) and the synteny analysis of the M-locus within the Rosaceae are here reported. A segregation distortion loci mapping strategy, based on a selectively genotyped population, was used to map the M-locus. In addition, a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) contig was constructed for this region using overlapping oligonucleotides probes, and BAC-end sequences (BES) were blasted against Rosaceae genomes to perform micro-synteny analysis. The M-locus was mapped to the distal part of chr.3 flanked by two SSR markers within an interval of 1.8?cM corresponding to ~364?Kb in the peach (Prunus persica L. Batsch) genome. In the integrated genetic-physical map of this region, BES were mapped against the peach scaffold_3 and BACs were anchored to the apricot map. Micro-syntenic blocks were detected in apple (Malus?×?domestica Borkh.) LG17/9 and strawberry (Fragaria vesca L.) FG6 chromosomes. The M-locus fine-scale mapping provides a solid basis for self-compatibility marker-assisted selection and for positional cloning of the underlying gene, a necessary goal to elucidate the pollen rejection mechanism in Prunus. In a wider context, the syntenic regions identified in peach, apple and strawberry might be useful to interpret GSI evolution in Rosaceae.  相似文献   

An important approach to understanding complex diseases is to reduce them into well-characterized subphenotypes that are under monogenic control. One such example is Bordetella pertussis toxin-induced histamine sensitization in mice, a subphenotype of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis and experimental allergic orchitis. This subphenotype is controlled by a single locus, Bphs, previously mapped to a 33 cM region on mouse Chromosome (Chr) 6. We achieved considerable reduction of this candidate region and constructed a YAC contig across the refined interval. Our results demonstrate that Bphs is located between D6Mit151 and a newly developed marker, EC108RR, a region containing a small cluster of genes belonging to the TNF receptor superfamily. Sequence and quantitative analysis of the candidate gene, tumor necrosis factor receptor 1 (Tnfr1, p55), indicates that it is unlikely to be Bphs. However, the location of Bphs, together with physiologic effects it shares with Tnfr1 activation, suggest that Bphs may prove to be another member of the TNF receptor superfamily. Received: 11 February 1999 / Accepted: 26 April 1999  相似文献   

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