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高原鼠兔与达乌尔鼠兔的摄食行为及对栖息地适应性的研究   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:15  
通过对标志高原鼠兔和达乌尔鼠兔直接观察的方法,对它们的摄食行为及栖息地适应性进行了研究。两种鼠兔的摄食行为链存在着明显趋同的行为程序时间系列。在摄食活动中,前者用于防御敌害的时间分配较多。而达乌尔鼠兔则花费更多的时间于采食。对小生境内的高大植株进行刈割,是高原鼠兔保持其防御视野开阔,降低被捕食风险的适应性策略;达乌尔鼠兔则善于利用栖息地内高大植株覆盖物作为它们的临时隐蔽所,以有效地躲避敌害。这表明它们具有反捕食的行为调控能力,也证明捕食风险强化了物种对栖息地的选择。  相似文献   

1. The climate changes drastically above the timberline. Diverse adaptations have been evolved by insects and other terrestrial arthropods to survive the alpine environment. The fitness of each species depends on a combination of different factors in accordance with their special habitats. 2. Morphological adaptations such as reduced body-size, are known from a number of alpine insects, increasing their possibility to find sheltered microhabitats. Selection for reduced body size in Andean Phulia spp. butterflies is probably a result of their rigorous environment. Wing atrophy, which is also known in insects from other extreme environments, is widespread in alpine species. In several terrestrial arthropods the absorption of solar radiation is increased by melanism. Increased pubescence, protecting against the loss of heat, is known in alpine butterflies and bumblebees. 3. Several behavioural adaptations are described. Thermoregulatory behaviour is important in many species to raise their body temperatures. Alpine butterflies orient the dark basis of their wings perpendicular to the rays of the sun. Body temperatures of 30 °C may be required for flight. To increase their activities many alpine terrestrial arthropods seek warmer microhabitats in the vegetation and under rocks. The adaptive advantage of nocturnal activity as observed in several species, may be to maintain the water balance or to avoid predation. 4. Tropical alpine terrestrial arthropods are faced with special problems. The large diel temperature fluctuations require cold-hardiness during the night and tolerance to heat during the day. Many species seek sheltered microhabitats under rocks and in vegetation. 5. Due to low precipitation and high evaporation rates many mountain areas are extremely dry. High resistance to desiccation may be very important to alpine species, and in particular to tropical species. Rates of water loss at low relative humidities are comparable to those of desert arthropods. 6. As an adaptation to the cold alpine summers several species of terrestrial arthropods require more than one year to complete their life-cycles. Special to these species is their adaptation to low temperatures in two or more overwintering stages. In spite of their cold surroundings several species have univoltine life cycles, frequently combined with highly specialized adaptations. Increased metabolic rates as a compensation to low temperatures may be widespread in alpine species, but few data are available. 7. Cold tolerance is of particular importance in temperature alpine species. Winter survival in Collembola and Acari depends on supercooling. Great seasonal variations have been observed in a number of species. Freezing tolerance is also known from alpine insects, e.g. in some species of beetles. At high latitudes alpine species must endure periods of up to eight or nine month at low temperatures during hibernation. Anaerobiosis is known from species that are enclosed in ice, with lactate as the main end product of metabolism.  相似文献   

甘肃鼠兔幼子生长的初步研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
苏建平  刘季科 《兽类学报》2001,21(2):94-100
根据3 窝14只甘肃鼠兔幼子56 天的生长发育资料初步分析了甘肃鼠兔的生长发育规律。依据逻辑斯蒂曲线的拐点,甘肃鼠兔的体重生长可划分为加速增长相(0~0.5日龄)和减速增长相(20.5日龄以后)。按照瞬时生长率曲线的拐点,体重增长过程可分为3个时期,即缓慢生长期(0~6.5 日龄)、快速生长期(6.5~34.5 日龄)和渐进生长期(34.5 日龄以后)。文章对使用逻辑斯蒂方程和其它“S”形曲线描述动物生长过程存在的一些问题进行了讨论,认为:如果只用1条“S”形曲线描述动物的整个生长过程,就有可能会因为成年期动物生长规律的变化而破坏模型参数的生物学意义,同时引起模型拟合精度的降低。为克服这一问题,作者建议:在使用“S”形曲线拟合动物生长模型时,生长过程的资料最好不要覆盖体重波动较大的成年阶段。  相似文献   

The holophilic alga Dunaliella parva produces glycerol as a major product of photosynthetic 14CO2 incorporation and accumulates very large amounts of intracellular glycerol. A method was adopted for the determination of the cell water space based on the distribution of 14C sorbitol and 3H2O between the cells and the medium. Using these measurements the internal concentration of glycerol was found to be isoomotic with that of the medium over a broad range of 0.6 to 2.1 m NaCl. When the extracellular salt concentration of an algal suspension was increased or decreased, the intracellular water content immediately varied so as to keep an osmotic equilibrium between the cells and the medium. During the following 90 min under metabolic conditions, glycerol content changed until a new level was reached. Since no leakage of intracellular glycerol was observed above 0.6 m NaCl, these alterations in glycerol content are interpreted as due to metabolic formation and degradation of intracellular glycerol. Determination of the glycerol sensitivity of enzymic and photosynthetic reactions of cell-free preparations from D. parva showed a broad range of tolerance to high concentrations of glycerol. These results indicate that osmoregulation in Dunaliella depends on the synthesis or degradation of intracellular glycerol in response to the external salt concentration. A proposed scheme of glycerol synthesis in Dunaliella is suggested.  相似文献   

中国洞穴蜘蛛多样性及其对洞穴环境的适应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对中国洞穴蜘蛛的多样性、地理分布信息进行了详细的闸述.初步探讨了洞穴蜘蛛对洞穴环境的适应性特征及其进化机制.我国洞穴蜘蛛目前已知16科27属80种,其巾暗蛛科、弱蛛科、泰莱蛛科和巨蟹蛛科物种最多;在属级阶元上,以弱蛛属Leptoneta14种、泰莱蛛属Telema lO种、龙角蛛属Draamar如和巾遁蛛属Sinopoda各9种,宽隙蛛属Platocoelotes 8种居多.我国洞穴蜘蛛主要集中分布在贵卅、海南、云南、北京、浙江、广西等喀斯特洞穴较为密集地区,在河北、河南、湖北和湖南也有部分报道.在不同地区分布的洞穴蜘蛛类群或优势类群及区系成分等都存在较大差异.洞穴蜘蛛中约有20%~30%的种类凶为长期生活在黑暗无光、食物匮乏以及缺乏温度和光周期的季节调节等特殊环境,出现了一些地表生境蜘蛛类群中所没有的刘洞穴环境的适应性特征,如缺乏体色素、眼退化共至无眼、附肢延长、全身牛有很多具较敏锐触觉和嗅觉功能的感觉毛、繁殖无季节性、耗氧量降低而新陈代谢缓慢、代谢率降低、产牛的后代少、单个卵粒包含更多的营养等.  相似文献   

中国洞穴甲壳动物多样性及其对洞穴环境的适应性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要阐述了洞穴环境的研究现状以及洞穴动物的生态特征,初步探讨了中国洞穴甲壳动物的形成过程、多样性、地理分布以及对洞穴环境的适应性。截止到2008年10月,我国已记录的洞穴甲壳动物(主要指十足目虾类和端足目钩虾类)共有33种,分别隶属6科10属,主要分布在贵州省、广西省等喀斯特洞穴密集地区。洞穴甲壳动物由于长期生活在洞穴的黑暗带,食物匮乏,水温恒定,CO2浓度过高,且O2浓度相对较少的环境中,其在形态结构、消化系统、生理及行为等方面逐渐表现出与地表甲壳动物不同的适应性特征。如:眼缺失、体无色、触角和附肢显著增长、新陈代谢减慢、代谢率小,昼夜节律降低,不能调节体温,生活步调放慢,寿命长,发育周期长等。  相似文献   

The susceptibility of Botrytis cinerea to copper sulphate in liquid media increased when the volume, and therefore the depth, of the medium in culture bottles exceeded certain values; when the volume was 40 ml. the maximum concentration allowing growth was 300 p.p.m.
By growing mycelium in media containing progressively higher concentrations of copper sulphate a strain was produced which grew at a concentration of 750 p.p.m.
In high concentrations of copper sulphate growth always started at the edge of the liquid, and inocula grew only if they were placed in this position.
In germination tests spores from the resistant strain were more resistant to copper sulphate than were spores of the parent strain.
The resistance of mycelium, and to a lesser extent of spores, was retained after growth of the resistant strain for six months in fungicide-free media.
Spore and mycelial inocula grew in much higher concentrations of copper sulphate when nutrient media were solidified with agar.
The strain resistant in liquid media was no more resistant than the parent strain on agar media.
The resistance of the fungus was not increased after growth for long periods on agar containing high concentrations of copper sulphate. The resistance of the strain resistant in liquid media was not lost after growth on agar media for 3 months.
Attempts to produce strains more resistant than the parent to mercuric chloride were unsuccessful.
The results obtained with phenyl-mercuric acetate were essentially similar to those obtained with copper sulphate, but relatively much more resistant strains were produced.  相似文献   

Proline accumulation by eight major species of salt marsh halophytes was examined under growth chamber and field conditions. When the plants were exposed to increasing salinities in the growth chamber, they accumulated proline after a threshold salinity had been reached. Three general patterns were apparent. Limonium carolinianum (Walt.) Britt. and Junius roemerianus Scheele began to accumulate proline at 0.25 m NaCl with accumulations up to 63.6 μmoles per gram fresh weight at higher salinities. The C4 grasses, Spartina alterniflora Loisel., Spartina patens (Aiton) Muhl., and Distichlis spicata (L.) Greene, had threshold salinity levels around 0.5 m NaCl and accumulated proline to 27.4 μmoles per gram fresh weight. The succulents, Salicornia bigelovii Torr., Salicornia virginica L., and Borrichia frutescens (L.) DC, did not accumulate proline until very high salinities (0.7 m) were reached. Water stress imposed by polyethylene glycol instead of NaCl caused similar proline accumulation in the species studied, but to different extents. Field measurements of proline content and soil salinities correlated well with the findings from growth chamber experiments. Rates of proline accumulation and breakdown in L. carolinianum were sufficient for osmotic adjustment by the plant to the changes in interstitial salinity in the marsh. The significance of proline accumulation as an adaptation to the salt marsh environment was species specific. We suggest that proline accumulation is of considerable importance in L. carolinianum and J. roemerianus, important to the C4 grasses at certain times and in certain locations in the marsh, and of little importance in the succulents.  相似文献   

迁飞过程中昆虫的行为:对风温场的适应与选择   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:24  
翟保平  张孝羲 《生态学报》1993,13(4):356-363
本文综述了昆虫在迁飞过程中对大气物理环境的各种行为反应,有边界层气象的理论重新审视迁飞种群的时空分布,提出了“边界层顶现象”的概念。即边界层顶的低空逆温和低空急流为迁飞种群提供了最适宜的风温场,迁飞种群在边界层顶集聚成层,并通过定向理一步修饰其位移方位,表现出对风温场的主动选择能力和对大气结构和运动的高度复杂的适应性反应。进一步深化对“边界层顶现象”的认识,对迁飞性害虫的异地预测具有重要的理论意义  相似文献   

Six lines of the bacterium Escherichia coli were propagated for 2,000 generations in a temporally varying environment. The imposed environmental regime consisted of alternating days at 32°C and 42°C, with rapid transitions between them. These derived lines are competitively superior to their ancestor in this variable temperature regime. We also measured changes in the fitness of these lines, relative to their common ancestor, in both the constant (32°C and 42°C) and transition (from 32°C to 42°C and from 42°C to 32°C) components of this temporally varying environment, to determine whether the bacteria had adapted to the particular constant temperatures or the transitions between them, or both. The experimentally evolved lines had significantly improved fitness in each of the constant environmental components (32°C and 42°C). However, the experimental lines had not improved in making the sudden temperature transitions that were a potentially important aspect of the temporally variable environment. In fact, fitness in making at least one of the transitions (between 32°C and 42°C) unexpectedly decreased. This reduced adaptation to the abrupt transitions between these temperatures is probably a pleiotropic effect of mutations that were responsible for the increased fitness at the component temperatures. Among the six experimental lines, significant heterogeneity occurred in their adaptation to the constant and transition components of the variable environment.  相似文献   

30种新疆沙生植物的结构及其对沙漠环境的适应   总被引:52,自引:5,他引:52       下载免费PDF全文
新疆30种沙生植物营养器官的解剖学研究表明,它们的形态结构为适应沙漠环境发生相应变化。叶片表面积/体积比普遍小于中生植物;表皮细胞外壁具厚的角质膜,并覆盖毛状体,气孔下陷,具有孔下室;按叶肉结构的差别,30种沙生植物的叶片可归为正常型、全栅型、环栅型、不规则型、禾草型、退化型等6类。轴器官中普遍具有发达的机械组织,一些植物形成异常结构;根的周皮发达;茎中基本组织/半径比率较大;部分植物形成同化枝,有的茎、叶中存在粘液细胞或结晶。按其适应沙生环境的形态结构特点,可以分为薄叶植物、多浆植物、肉茎植物以及卷叶植物等4类。沙生植物以不同的旱生结构特征和不同的方式适应沙漠环境。  相似文献   

Electroencephalography is a valuable aid in diagnosis and prognosis of diseases affecting the brain. It has definite limitations.Abnormal electroencephalograms are either paroxysmal or non-paroxysmal. Both of these changes may be generalized or focal.Epilepsy is primarily associated with paroxysmal activity. Electroencephalography aids in the diagnosis and in determining the severity, course and response to treatment.Non-paroxysmal activity, although less specific in pattern, indicates either generalized or focal pathologic change or some alteration of the normal structure of the brain. Non-paroxysmal activity may give supportive evidence referable to conditions, systemic or intracranial, which disturb the state of consciousness.  相似文献   

高山栎叶的形态结构及其与生态环境的关系   总被引:67,自引:0,他引:67       下载免费PDF全文
 对分布在不同生态环境条件下的硬叶常绿阔叶林建群种高山栎组植物叶的形态解剖特征进行了比较研究。结果表明,高山栎组植物叶的形态结构兼有非肉质旱生植物和高山植物的性状,这是它们对生态环境广泛适应的基础。每一个种除气孔器类型及腹面二层表皮细胞性状比较稳定外,其他性状,如气孔的大小和密度、表皮细胞的形状、垂周壁的类型、叶片的厚度、角质膜的厚度均受环境条件修饰,不是稳定性状,不具分类学意义。对同一个种的不同生活型,如乔木、小乔木和灌木,在解剖结构土没有明显的区别特征。地中海的冬青栎(Quercusilex)的表皮特征和高山栎组植物有很大的相似性。  相似文献   

Animal pollinators are thought to shape floral evolution, yet the tempo of this process has seldom been measured. I used the prediction equation of quantitative genetics, R = h2S , to predict the rate at which a change in pollinator abundance may have caused divergence in floral morphology of the alpine skypilot, Polemonium viscosum. A selection experiment determined the rate at which such divergence can actually proceed. Corolla flare in this species increases by 12% from populations pollinated by a wide assemblage of insect visitors to those pollinated only by bumblebees. To simulate the evolutionary process giving rise to this change, I used a pollinator selection experiment. Plants with broad flowers set significantly more seeds than plants with narrow flowers under bumblebee pollination but had equivalent fecundity when visited by other insects or hand-pollinated. Bumblebee-mediated selection for broad corolla flare intensified from 0.07 at seed set to 0.17 at progeny establishment. Maternal parent-offspring regression yielded a confidence interval of 0.22–1.00 for trait heritability. Given these parameter estimates, the prediction equation shows that broadly flared flowers of bumblebee-pollinated P. viscosum could have evolved from narrower ones in a single generation. This prediction is matched by an observed 9% increase in offspring corolla flare after a single bout of bumblebee-mediated selection, relative to offspring of unselected controls. Findings show that plant populations can adapt rapidly to abrupt changes in pollinator assemblages.  相似文献   

周瑞莲  张普金 《生态学报》1996,16(4):402-407
本文研究了高寒草地3种立地条件下垂穗披碱草(Clinelymusnutans)在春季萌动过程中根系碳水化合物和保护酶活性的变化,结果表明:(1)入冬时根系中碳水化合物贮量高、保护酶活性强的牧草春季萌动早、生长快、抗寒性较强。(2)当春季气温波动式回升时,牧草根系中可溶性糖含量、SOD(超氧化物歧化酶)和POD(过氧化物酶)活性随气温上升而下降,随气温下降而上升。其中火烧地牧草根中SOD和POD酶活性一直保持较高水平,并对温度变化反应敏感,而抗寒性也较强。因此春季高寒山区牧草根内的代谢改组(增加可溶性糖)和酶系统的调节(增加SOD、POD活性)是其对生态环境适应的重要生理反应。  相似文献   

Genetic correlations between traits can constrain responses to natural selection. To what extent such correlations limit adaptation depends on patterns of directional selection. I derive the expected rate of adaptation (or evolvability) under randomly changing selection gradients. When directional selection gradients have an arbitrary covariance matrix, the average rate of adaptation depends on genetic correlations between traits, contrary to the isotropic case investigated in previous studies. Adaptation may be faster on average with more genetic correlation between traits, if these traits are selected to change jointly more often than the average pair of traits. However, natural selection maximizes the long‐term fitness of a population, not necessarily its rate of adaptation. I therefore derive the average lag load caused by deviations of the mean phenotype from an optimum, under several forms of environmental changes typically experienced by natural populations, both stochastic and deterministic. Simple formulas are produced for how the G matrix affects long‐term fitness in these contexts, and I discuss how their parameters can be estimated empirically.  相似文献   

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