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Phototaxis was measured in young, middle-aged, and oldDrosophila melanogaster flies of both sexes. The apparatus allowed us to measure the tendency to go toward light, independently of the time needed to do so; under such conditions, phototaxis is dissociated from locomotor activity. The percentage of photopositive flies decreased slightly with age (93.96, 80.17, and 78.97%, respectively, in young, middle-aged, and old flies). Results are discussed in connection with previous data for which the tendency to go toward light and the time to do so were not dissociated.  相似文献   

Size-related sexual selection (SRSS) was examined on four traits (thorax and wing length and head and face width) inDrosophila buzzatii, by scoring male copulatory status in two mass-mating experiments. Using axenic females, experiment 1 was carried out with axenic males, and experiment 2 with yeast-supplemented males. While there was no indication of SRSS in experiment 1, such selection was substantial in yeast-supplemented males, which transmitted yeasts to mating females. Multivariate analyses of selection indicated that face width is the measured trait on which directional SRSS essentially acted in yeast-supplemented males, resulting in indirect selection on body size. Because this selection was affected by yeast diet in males, its possible interaction with the yeast transmission from males to females during the courtship is discussed.  相似文献   

We have shown that D. busckiimales and females, unlike other drosophilids that have been analyzed in this regard, court and copulate as well in relatively dim red light as they do in bright white light. We have also shown that males and females of this species flutter their wings during courtship and that wing fluttering in both sexes is associated with acoustic stimuli. Wingless males perform vigorous courtship but are incapable of mating, suggesting that females must perceive male song to be receptive to copulation. When they are tested with normal males, wingless females stimulate vigorous courtship, but their copulation frequencies are significantly lower than winged females. This observation suggests that perception of the female's song by either or both sexes facilitates mating.  相似文献   

We examined the locomotor activity ofDrosophila melanogaster for the existence of circadian rhythms, using the wild type and two mutants of theperiod (per) gene,per o andper s. This was accomplished using a newly described apparatus for the recording and measurement of larval path lengths over a 96-h test period. None of the larvae examined exhibited appreciable diel rhythms under cycling conditions of light or temperature. Larvae were also not rhythmic under free-running conditions. Our results suggest that theper gene does not influence an observable locomotor behavioral phenotype in the larval stage of development.  相似文献   

Using wild-reared flies, we examined sexual selection on five phenotypic traits (thorax length, wing length, wing width, head width, and face width) inDrosophila buzzatii, by scoring copulatory status in nine mass mating cages. Only male face width was identified as a direct target of sexual selection in an analysis of selection gradient, while indirect selection was present on all other studied traits, as expected from their correlations with face width. In contrast to males, there was no indication of selection in females. Nor was there evidence of assortative mating. The suggested direct selection on face width seems to take place during licking behavior of the courtship and might be related to courtship feeding. This study suggests that courtship success gives rise to indirect selection on body size.  相似文献   

Sexual selection and sexual signaling have been prominent topics in recent behavioral studies, but limited data have led to controversy regarding these topics. For example, the Hawaiian Drosophila are often cited as examples in which female choice has resulted in the evolution of elaborate male courtship signals, but relatively few data exist to test these claims adequately. We studied D. grimshawi, a lek-forming Hawaiian Drosophila, to determine whether there was evidence for female choice without male competition and to elucidate the possible cues females use to discriminate. Male mating success was found to be nonrandom and males that courted females intensely and deposited many pheromone-containing streaks on the substrate were the most successful. Hence, multiple cues seem to be involved in male mating success in this species. Some males performed only one display, however, and may represent an alternate male mating tactic. The protein content of the adult male diet significantly influenced the level of pheromone streak deposition, and thus, foraging environment may affect the outcome of sexual selection.  相似文献   

We investigated the role that courtship and aggressive interactions may have for the maintenance of reproductive isolation betweenDrosophila silvestris andD. heteroneura. We examined the behavioral bases of reproductive isolation between the parental species and we examined the courtship success of each sex of both reciprocal F1 hybrids when paired with the parental species. We found reduced copulation success among heterotypic parental pairs compared to homotypic pairs, which was primarily due to the lack of courtship initiation betweenD. silvestris males andD. heteroneura females. When hybrid males from both reciprocal crosses were paired with parental females their copulation successes were not significantly different from that of parental males. In contrast, hybrid females from both crosses had reduced copulation success withD. silvestris males, which in turn was primarily due to a reduced success of reaching later stages of courtship. The time spent in copulation by hybrid males was intermediate between the two parental males. We studied aggression by observing the interactions of males of heterotypic pairs, both between the parental species and between the hybrids and parental males. A lack of aggressive interactions betweenD. silvestris males andD. heteroneura males in addition to the lack of courtship suggests thatD. silvestris males do not respond toD. heteroneura individuals of either sex. Hybrid males were equally successful in winning fights with bothD. silvestris andD. heteroneura males. These results indicate that the behavioral isolation betweenD. silvestris andD. heteroneura may be largely a consequence of the earliest stages of interactions. The two species may differ either in activity levels or in morphological or chemical traits that are important for species and mate recognition. The relatively high copulation and aggressive success of hybrids indicates that sexual selection against hybrids alone is unlikely to be a sufficient force to reduce gene flow and maintain species distinctions.  相似文献   

First-instar larvae of the rice leaffolder Cnaphalocrocis medinalis (Guene) oriented upwards on a vertically inclined filter paper and downwards on a rice leaf when the light source was from above. The direction of orientation was reversed when the light source was from below. The opposite directions of orientation on these substrates persisted when the substrates were held horizontal with light source from the sides. No difference was observed in the magnitude of reaction on susceptible and resistant rice varieties or when the rice leaf was held with its distal end pointing down. On non-host grasses, however, the directional orientation was lost. Dipping rice leaves in hexane decreased the magnitude of reaction. On dried rice leaf, the reaction was similar to that on filter paper but was of a lower magnitude. Application of rice plant volatile extracts on a filter paper decreased the intensity of upward orientation while 500 ppm of the volatile extracts applied on dried leaf caused a loss of oriented movement. Application of a mixture of seven volatile chemicals, identified from rice, decreased the magnitude of reaction significantly. It is concluded that rice plant volatiles along with some other hitherto unidentified rice plant factor cause a reversal of phototaxis, leading to downward orientation on the rice leaf.Based at the International Rice Research Institute  相似文献   

This study is an in-depth analysis of intersexual, intraspecific, and interspecific variability in larvopupal developmental time, pupation site preference, and larval and pupal survival of a number of isofemale lines of the speciesDrosophila mauritiana, D. melanogaster, D. sechellia, D. simulans, D. teissieri, andD. yakuba. There was no significant sex differences in pupation height, but females eclosed significantly earlier than males in all species. In addition, the suggestion of a strong negative correlation between larval developmental time and pupation height could not be confirmed in this study. The hypothesis that differences in pupation height provide a basis for niche partitioning between closely related species with overlapping distributions was tested by three planned orthogonal contrast analyses of variance. First, the two speciesD. teissieri andD. yakuba, with largely overlapping distribution, were significantly different in pupation height. Second, the two allopatric, nonoverlapping island speciesD. mauritiana andD. sechellia did not significantly differ in pupation height. However, the absence of a significant difference in the final contrast between the two cosmopolitan speciesD. melanogaster andD. simulans, which are often found together, makes us cautious to accept the hypothesis.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare measures of general activity and sexual behavior for various genotypes within a strain of Drosophila melanogaster, which had known differences in mating speed. Three inbred lines of D. melanogaster differed significantly in mating speed when tested in female-choice and in single-pair experiments. Analyses of locomotor activity and sexual activity of females and males revealed no significant differences between the inbred lines. An analysis of the interplay between female and male courtship behaviors enabled the examination of signal-response differences between the inbred lines. The inbred lines with intermediate and slow mean mating speed showed a decreased number of significant transitions between female and male behavioral responses. This decrease was more severe in the slow mating line. Further, the intermediate- and slow-mating females and males displayed courtship responses toward signals of the opposite sex that were different from those of the fastmating line. Models of the relationship between behavioral activity and mating speed in Drosophila are discussed and a different explanation for variation in mating speed among the three inbred lines is considered.  相似文献   

Based on both previously published literature and results reported here, it appears thatDrosophila melanogaster meet the explicit assumptions of the Trivers and Willard offspring sex allocation model. However, contrary to the model's predictions, offspring sex ratio was not significantly affected when we manipulated factors that influence offspring quality. We suggest that contrary to implicit predictions of offspring sex ratio models,Drosophila may lack the genetic plasticity to readily alter sex ratio.  相似文献   

InDrosophila montana andD. littoralis (species of theD. virilis group), females use male courtship song in their mate choice in wild preferring males which produce short and dense sound pulses (Aspi and Hoikkala, 1995). In the present study these song characters were found to be repeatable among overwintered males. Male progenies of wild-caught flies reared in the laboratory, and inD. montana also the males collected in wild before overwintering, exhibited very little variation between males in these characters. Contrary to pulse characters, pulse train characters measured forD. montana song varied significantly between laboratory-reared males. Our findings suggest that inD. montana andD. littoralis song characters playing a part in sexual selection in the wild are more condition dependent than song characters which are not the direct targets of female choice.  相似文献   

Modern environmental destruction through human action has had a big impact on biological diversity. In the Brazilian Cerrado, the second largest South American biome, more than 60% of the native vegetation has been devastated mainly due to anthropic activities. One of the consequences of these activities is the distinct dispersion patterns of endemic and colonizer species in urban environments. In this report we assess the colonizing potential of drosophilids in environments with different grades of urbanization, defined according to the vegetation cover, edifications and demographic density. We performed 12 monthly collections in the city of Brasília, the capital of Brazil, which is located in the core region of the Cerrado. Although we identified 16 species, 90% of the 22,509 captured specimens were Zaprionus indianus, a species recently introduced in Brazil, and the cosmopolitan D. simulans. We captured all the exotic species that occur in the Biome, with the exception of D. kikkawai, but only 8 from the 25 endemic species that occur in natural sites around Brasília. The abundance of four endemic species (D. nebulosa, D. sturtevanti, D. cardini and D. prosaltans) decreased as the grade of urbanization increased. D. immigrans, an exotic species, showed the opposite pattern. We concluded that most endemic species of Drosophilidae are not able to colonize the new environment represented by the city, and that some species of this family may detect not only environmental alteration, by their presence or absence, but also the grade of environmental disturbance, by their relative abundance.  相似文献   

In 35 Hawaiian Drosophilaspecies collected from natural populations, all reproductively mature females were inseminated. Onset of receptivity to insemination broadly correlated with the vitellogenic stage of ovarian development, but species and species groups varied in the exact stage of vitellogenesis at which earliest insemination took place. A striking exception was observed in two picture-winged species of the adiastolasubgroup, which were precociously inseminated in previtellogenesis, close to the time of adult eclosion. For a given species, the range of ovarian stages from earliest receptivity to insemination of all females, termed the insemination period, also varied among species. This variability may be due to physiological variation between females in hormonal levels, low population densities, and lek behavior of males, or it may reflect variation in degree of female discrimination toward male courtship attempts. Consideration of the quantities of sperm observed stored in the female sperm storage organs, relative to the numbers of eggs produced, indicates obligatory multiple insemination for some species, notably the fungus breeders. In other species groups, there is no apparent necessity for remating, although it may occur.This paper is No. IV in the series Studies of Oogenesis in Natural Populations of Drosophilidae.  相似文献   

Previous studies have suggested that all populations of cactophilic Drosophila mojavensis prefer pitaya agria cactus, Stenocereus gummosus, over all other potential hosts for feeding and breeding, including populations that inhabit areas where no agria grows. We sampled five geographically isolated populations of D. mojavensis from nature to assess host choice within and between populations. Host choice tests were performed in a laboratory olfactometer by allowing adult D. mojavensis to choose between plumes of synthetic volatile cocktails of two widespread host cacti. Overall, each population showed significant preference for agria volatiles with one exception: a mainland Sonora population that uses organ pipe cactus in nature exhibited preference for organ pipe volatiles, suggesting a possible shift in host preference. The degree of preference for agria volatiles was greatest in a population from southern California that use California barrel cactus as a host. Since southern Californian populations of D. mojavensis are thought to be derived from those in Baja California, preference for agria volatiles is considered a retained ancestral trait. Three populations from Baja California and mainland Mexico that use agria in the wild expressed lower, but similar preferences for agria volatiles. Because populations of D. mojavensis are ancestral to those in mainland Mexico, Arizona, and California, the shift from agria to alternate hosts has not been accompanied by strong changes in host preference behavior.  相似文献   

Suitability ofDrosophila melanogaster larvae to their endoparasiteLeptopilina boulardi (Nordlander, 1980) shows wide genetic and epigenetic variation. Experiments were done onDrosophila isofemale lines. When reared in optimal laboratory conditions only 50 % of parasitizedDrosophila larvae gave rise to an adult wasp, and significant variation was observed between lines. In crowded conditions, this average value increased up to 90 % and no more significant variability could be detected between lines. Genetic and demographic consequences of these results are discussed. Associé au C.N.R.S. no 243  相似文献   

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