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Leaves and chloroplast suspensions of severely and slightly iron deficient cucumber ( Cucumis sativus L.) plants were characterized by low-temperature fluorescence emission spectroscopy and Deriphat polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The emission spectra of the chloroplast suspensions were resolved into Gaussian components and those changes induced by iron deficiency were related to the variations in the chlorophyll-protein pattern. The symptoms described with these methods were also correlated with the iron content of the leaves. It was concluded that the lack of physiologically active iron caused a relative decrease of photosystem I (PSI) and light harvesting complex I (LHCI), together with the long wavelength fluorescence, especially the 740 nm Gaussian component, and. to a much lesser extent, of the photosystem II (PSII) core complexes (relative increase of 685, 695 nm components). However, the relative decrease in the amount of light harvesting complex II (LHCII) was followed by a relative increase in its fluorescence band at 680 nm, showing that energy transfer from LHCII to core complex II (CCII) was partly disturbed. Thus iron deficiency affected the photosynthetic apparatus in a complex way: it decreased the synthesis of chlorophylls (Chls) and influenced the expression and assembly of Chl-binding proteins.  相似文献   


The allelopathic effect of some benzoic acid (BA) OH- and OCH3-ring substituents was studied on cucumber root transmembrane potential difference (Vm). Most of the methoxy-BAs induced a rapid Vm depolarization, followed by a Vm hyperpolarization, with the only exception for p-anisic acid (pA). On the other hand, salicylic acid (SA) and 3,4-dimethoxybenzoic acid (DHB) strongly depolarized Vm. A positive correlation was found between Vm hyperpolarization and lipophilicity of methoxylated BAs, whereas a positive correlation was found between lipophilicity and Vm depolarization of hydroxylated BAs. The influence of BAs on K+ was studied by means of specific blocking with Cs+ indicating a possible direct interaction of SA, gallic acid (GA), vanillic acid (VA) and 3,4-dimethoxybenzoic acid (DMB). Interference of BAs with the Vm hyperpolarizing effect of root perfusion with the fungal toxin fusicoccin were also observed.  相似文献   

Bohórquez  J.M.  Romera  F.J.  Alcántara  E. 《Plant and Soil》2001,237(1):157-163
The peach rootstock Nemaguard is susceptible to lime-induced iron deficiency chlorosis. Under field conditions, application of ferric chelates to the soil is effective in correcting the Fe-deficiency symptoms. The objectives of this work were to study the induction of the root ferric reducing capacity and the relationship between chlorosis and leaf Fe concentration of plants grown hydroponically under different treatments. Results showed that bicarbonate-treated plants grown with a low Fe concentration increased their reducing capacity if they received additional Fe or Zn for a short period (15 h). However, the addition of Mn had no effect. When these Mn-treated plants were changed to nutrient solution with no bicarbonate and sufficient Fe, regreening was retarded several days in relation to the other treatments. In plants grown without bicarbonate, the reducing capacity was higher in plants grown with a low amount of Fe than in plants grown with either 0 Fe or sufficient Fe. In plants grown with bicarbonate and low Fe, the leaves became chlorotic and had low Fe concentration. When these plants received higher Fe supply, the regreening of the old leaves was not complete, though they had even higher Fe concentrations that the new developing leaves which were completely green. Results are discussed in relation to the Fe or Zn requirements of plants to induce reducing capacity and the incapacity of the cells from chlorotic leaves to absorb Fe and repair metabolic and structural damages.  相似文献   

Five-day-old etiolated cucumber ( Cucumis sativus L.) seedlings cv. Marketmore held at 2°C for 72 h developed chilling injury, resulting in desiccation and collapse of the hypocotyl tissue and eventual plant death. Hypoxia-induced accumulation of ethanol and acetaldehyde led to tolerance of subsequent chilling, as evidenced by continued hypocotyl growth and freedom from injury. Attenuated accumulation of volatiles by applied bisulfite reduced the development of hypoxia-induced chilling tolerance in seedlings. In seedlings held in normoxia cold tolerance was induced by applied ethanol vapors, whereas acetaldehyde had a marginal effect, suggesting that hypoxia-induced cold tolerance may arise from the accumulation and activity of ethanol. Cold tolerance was also induced by exposure of seedlings to volatile anesthetics including n -propanol, n -butanol, chloroform and halothane, suggesting that ethanol activity may result from fluidization of membrane lipids. This view is consistent with results which showed that ethanol activity was not associated with lipid metabolism. However, development of cold tolerance in ethanol-enriched tissues was time dependent, indicating that ethanol activity probably also entails biosynthetic event(s).  相似文献   

辐射花粉授粉和胚培养诱导产生黄瓜单倍体植株   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
以5个基因型的黄瓜(Cucumis sativus L.)为试材,通过γ射线辐射花粉授粉并结合胚培养,从3个基因型中获得了单倍体植株。与正常二倍体植株相比,单倍体植株生长缓慢,花器异常。研究发现辐射剂量、亲本基因型、授粉组合对座果率和单倍体产率有一定影响。  相似文献   

The effect of application of different potassium rates on some parameters of nitrate metabolism and yield in cucumber plants (Cucumis sativus) was studied. All plants were grown under controlled conditions in an experimental greenhouse. The treatments consisted of applications of K+ at three rates in the form of K2SO4 (Kl: 0.075 mg ml?1, K2: 0.15 mg ml?1, and K3: 0.30 mg ml?1). The results showed a positive effect of higher K+ fertilisation (0.30 mg ml?1) on uptake, translocation and reduction of NO3? in leaves compared with the lowest K+ rate. In addition, the higher K+ rates strengthened the translocation of organic nitrogenous compounds (amino acids) towards the fruit, thereby perhaps also enhancing the maximal commercial yield. In conclusion, for improved cucumber cultivation under greenhouse conditions, 0.15 mg ml?1 of K+ gave maximal yield, while the application of 0.30 mg ml?1 increased the metabolism and efficient utilisation of NO3?.  相似文献   

Heavy metals are known to induce Fe chlorosis in different plantspecies. Heavy-metal-induced chlorosis is generally correlatedwith low plant Fe contents, suggesting effects of heavy metalson Fe mobilization and uptake. Under Fe-deficient conditions,dicotyledonous plants enhance root Fe(lll) reductase activity,thus increasing the capacity to reduce Fe(MI) to Fe(ll), theform in which roots absorb Fe. We studied the effect of severalheavy metals (Mn, Pb, Zn, Mo, Ni, Cu, and Cd) on the inductionof enhanced root Fe(lll) reductase by 11-d-old Fe-deficientcucumber [Cucumis sativus L. cv. Ashley). The effect of theseheavy metals on the function of the induced Fe(lll) reductasewas also investigated. Results showed that some heavy metalscan inhibit both the induction and function of root Fe(lll)reductase. Ni, at 20//M, and Cu and Cd, at 5 fiM concentrationor higher, severely inhibited the induction of root Fe(lll)reductase while Mn, Pb, Zn, and Mo had little effect, even atconcentrations higher than 20 //M. Function of the induced rootFe(lll) reductase only was negatively affected by Cu and Ni. Key words: Cucumis sativus, iron deficiency, iron reduction, heavy metals  相似文献   

Based on results from water culture experiments with tomato and cucumber plants where severe leaf chlorosis and depression in flower and fruit formation occurred without silicon (Si) supply, Miyake and Takahashi (1978; 1983) concluded that Si is an essential mineral element for these two plant species. Using the same nutrient solution which is high in phosphorus (P) but low in zinc (Zn) we could confirm these results. Severe chlorosis occurred in cucumber when Si was omitted, and the addition of Si prevented these visual symptoms. Simultaneously the concentrations of P drastically decreased in the leaves and the proportions of water extractable Zn increased. Normal growth and absence of chlorosis were, however, also obtained without the addition of Si when either the external concentration of P was lowered or of Zn was increased. Short-term experiments revealed that Si has no direct effect on uptake or translocation of P to the shoot. According to these results, the experimental evidences so far are insufficient for the classification of Si as an essential mineral element for cucumber. Instead, Si may act as beneficial element under conditions of nutrient imbalances, for example, in P and Zn supply and corresponding P-induced Zn deficiency. The mechanism by which Si increases the physiological availability of Zn in leaf tissue is not yet clear.  相似文献   

以2种基因型的黄瓜(Cucumis sativus)为材料,研究光合菌(PSB)的喷施对植物生物量、净光合速率(Pn)、叶片PSII的最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm)及抗氧化同工酶代谢的影响。结果表明,喷施PSB均能诱导2种基因型黄瓜的生物量显著增加,并伴随Pn的显著提高。但是,2种基因型黄瓜的Fv/Fm并不受PSB喷施的影响:PSB能使总过氧化物歧化酶(soo)和抗坏血酸过氧化酶(APX)活性提高,并使它们的多数同工酶的活性上调,这些同工酶活性的增加在叶绿体中表现更为明显(如Cu/Zn-SOD、Fe-SOD和sAPX)。研究结果表明,PSB能通过增强黄瓜抗氧化酶体系的活性改善植株的抗氧化能力,从而在植株的生长和光合作用方面起到促进作用。  相似文献   

以黄瓜为试验材料研究了肉眼可见的花原基突起之前 ,花原基早期的分化过程。结果显示花原基分化和开花的起始节位是第一真叶节 ;肉眼可见花原基突起前早期的分化是在叶腋亚表皮部位形成一个球形的花原基起始细胞团 ,此细胞团进一步分裂、扩大形成肉眼可见的花原基突起 ;第一真叶节的花原基起始细胞团分化集中发生于 6~ 7d苗龄时期 ;Ca2 + 在花原基起始细胞团细胞中主要分布在细胞壁和细胞间隙 ,而在非起始细胞团的叶腋亚表皮细胞则主要分布在液泡中 ,并对Ca2 + 在花原基起始细胞团分化中的作用进行了讨论。  相似文献   

In nonparthenocarpic cucumber, analysis of the interaction between season and female receptivity demonstrated two different modes of fruit development and seed set. Spring climatic conditions induced significantly longer ovaries at anthesis with an autonomous fruit set as in natural parthenocarpy. Autumn climatic conditions induced smaller ovaries with fruit set influenced by the pollination stage of the female flower. These differences involve, during fruit development, a regulation of the empty seed number especially at both ends of female receptivity period. Indeed, seasons have no effect on ovule receptivity and fertility measured by full seed number. It is supposed that priority is given to seeds with an embryo in the competition for limited maternal resources in spring as well as in autumn. In spring, the use of irradiated pollen during the whole female receptivity period did not modify the seed set profile. Moreover, a cytological study of 6-day-old ovules pollinated by irradiated pollen has revealed a similar precocious embryogenesis compared to the control. In cucumber, pollination with irradiated pollen involves stenospermocarpy rather than induced parthenocarpy. However, we have not been able to determine whether the early abortive embryogenesis induced by irradiated pollen is gynogenetic or abnormal zygotic.  相似文献   

Several experimental approaches were used to study the role of roots and shoots in the regulation of the Fe efficiency responses in the roots of Fe deficient plants of sunflower ( Helianthus annuus L., inbred line RHA 274) and cucumber ( Cucumis sativus L., cv. Burpee pickler). The presence of the shoot apex and the youngest leaves in sunflower and cucumber plants was not indispensable to the development of the responses. In split-root experiments with sunflower plants, with either one or two shoots obtained by grafting, different parts of the root system could receive different Fe additions. Roots growing in a medium without Fe developed Fe efficiency re-sponses even when the other part of the root system was growing with Fe. Also, the part of the root system that was growing in a medium with Fe, developed some Fe efficiency responses, although delayed and at a lower level as compared with the root without external Fe. The results are discussed in relation to the idea that the development of the responses in the roots is controlled not only by the Fe content in the root, but also by some information transmitted between parts of a root system that differ in their Fe nutritional status.  相似文献   

授粉对黄瓜果实发育和品质的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以 津绿 3号 黄瓜为试材 ,研究了授粉对黄瓜果实发育、营养成分变化及采后果形变化的影响 .结果表明 ,授粉可减少化瓜、刺激果实发育、提高果实商品性 ,并提高产量 ,其坐瓜率、商品瓜率、单瓜重及产量分别较单性结实提高 6 3.0 %、6 8.7%、2 2 .6 %和 12 7.6 % .授粉瓜和单性结实瓜均表现为随着果实发育 ,可溶性蛋白质和维生素 C含量呈减少的趋势 ,可溶性糖含量呈逐渐增长的趋势 ,游离氨基酸含量呈波动变化 ,但授粉瓜的 4种营养成分均高于单性结实瓜 .在采后 1~ 5 d,授粉瓜头部易膨大形成大头瓜 ,而单性结实瓜果形变化不大  相似文献   

Anther and ovule genesis preconditions crop fertilization and fruit production; however, coordinative regulation of anther and ovule development and underlying molecular pathways remain largely elusive. Here, we found that SPOROCYTELESS (SPL)/NOZZLE (NZZ) expression was nearly abolished in a Cucumis sativus (cucumber) mutant with severely defective anther and ovule development. CsSPL was expressed specifically in the developing anthers and ovules. Knock‐down of CsSPL reduced male and female fertility with malformed pollen and suppressed ovule development. Importantly, CsSPL directly interacted with CsWUS (WUSCHEL) in the nucellus and YABBY family genes in integuments, and positively regulated CsWUS expression, meanwhile the HD‐ZIP III gene CsPHB (PHABULOSA), expressed specifically in the nucellus, promoted CsSPL expression by binding to the CsSPL promoter. Thus, CsSPL acts as an adaptor to link CsPHB and CsWUS functioning, underpinning a previously unidentified regulatory pathway orchestrating sex organ development in planta. In addition, auxin accumulation was reduced in the reproductive organs of CsSPL knock‐down plants. Biochemical analyses further showed that CsSPL stimulated the expression of AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR 3 (CsARF3), and was positively regulated by CsARF13 during reproductive organ development, indicating sequential interactions of CsSPL with auxin signaling components in orchestrating anther and ovule development.  相似文献   

研究了外源多胺对离体黄瓜(CucumissativusL.)子叶内在多胺含量和花芽构建的影响。在MS培养基中添加5×10-2mmol·L-1亚精胺(Spd)、精胺(Spm)能明显提高子叶内Spd含量和SpdPut值,子叶成花率也明显高于对照组,而添加5×10-2mmol·L-1Put、5mmol·L-1环己胺硫酸盐(CHAS)培养的结果则相反。表明子叶内Spd含量和SpdPut与成花率呈正相关关系。在添加5mmol·L-1D精氨酸(DArg)处理后,子叶内SpdPut高于Spd处理,但子叶成花率低于对照组,表明Put、Spd含量也影响离体子叶花芽的构建。在实验中添加CHAS处理后子叶内Spm含量高出对照组10倍,子叶成花率却为0,其它各处理与对照组的内源Spm变化基本一致,成花率却差别明显,表明子叶内Spm含量与黄瓜子叶花芽构建之间无明显相关性。  相似文献   

Cucurbit phloem is complex, with large sieve tubes on both sides of the xylem (bicollateral phloem), and extrafascicular elements that form an intricate web linking the rest of the vasculature. Little is known of the physical interconnections between these networks or their functional specialization, largely because the extrafascicular phloem strands branch and turn at irregular angles. Here, export in the phloem from specific regions of the lamina of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) was mapped using carboxyfluorescein and 14C as mobile tracers. We also mapped vascular architecture by conventional microscopy and X-ray computed tomography using optimized whole-tissue staining procedures. Differential gene expression in the internal (IP) and external phloem (EP) was analyzed by laser-capture microdissection followed by RNA-sequencing. The vascular bundles of the lamina form a nexus at the petiole junction, emerging in a predictable pattern, each bundle conducting photoassimilate from a specific region of the blade. The vascular bundles of the stem interconnect at the node, facilitating lateral transport around the stem. Elements of the extrafascicular phloem traverse the stem and petiole obliquely, joining the IP and EP of adjacent bundles. Using pairwise comparisons and weighted gene coexpression network analysis, we found differences in gene expression patterns between the petiole and stem and between IP and EP, and we identified hub genes of tissue-specific modules. Genes related to transport were expressed primarily in the EP while those involved in cell differentiation and development as well as amino acid transport and metabolism were expressed mainly in the IP.  相似文献   

The application of culture-dependent studies to quantify Fe-metabolizing microorganisms from the environment is a necessity, as there are so far no universal functional marker genes for application in culture-independent studies. Media composition can vary between studies, therefore, we determined the effects of three different growth media on the quantification (MPNs) and identity (via cloning and sequencing of dominant DGGE bands) of nitrate-reducing Fe(II)-oxidizers and lactate- or acetate-oxidizing Fe(III)-reducers from a lacustrine sediment: low sulphate freshwater medium (FWM), sterile filtered bicarbonate-buffered lake water (BLW) and a mixture of both (MIX). We consistently found fewer cells in the BLW than in the FWM and the MIX. The DGGE banding patterns of the microbial communities enriched in different media types clustered together according to the e? donor and acceptor couples and not according to the medium used. Thus, although the medium composition significantly influenced the quantification and thereby conclusions on the abundance and potential significance of the targeted group within the ecosystem, biodiversity assessments through enrichment cultures were less influenced by the medium, but instead were affected by the type and concentration of the e? donor/acceptor.  相似文献   

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