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针对铁树在自然条件下不易开花结种子,对铁树的生殖器官进行了详细的探究,试图弄清在自然条件下铁树生殖器官的结构和发育对开花不易结种的成因.在此基础上,进行人工授粉,结出了又大又多的种子.  相似文献   

报道了野蚕黑卵蜂成虫雌性内生殖器官的结构及其发育的系统观察结果.雌性成虫内生殖器官包括一对卵巢、两条侧输卵管、中输卵管、受精囊和附腺.成虫期卵巢生长速度随日龄是先增大后减小,但卵子随日龄是增大后并不下降,而且卵子成熟量一直保持较高水平,显示该蜂具有较强的生殖力.成虫期内其它生殖器官一般随日龄的增长而增大,达到一定程度后基本保持稳定.  相似文献   

九龙江口红树林鹧鸪菜藻体自生固氮细菌   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
初步研究了福建九龙江口秋茄(Kandelia candel)红树林红藻鹧鸪菜(Caloglossa leprieurii)藻体异养自生固氮菌数量的季节变化和微生物区系。结果表明:鹧鸪菜上异养自生固氮细菌数量以春季最多(1.033×104cfu.g-1),冬季最少(0.567×104cfu.g-1),固氮菌的季节变化模式表现为春季>秋季>夏季>冬季;鹧鸪菜藻体氮含量也以春季最高(22.08g.kg-1),冬季最低(16.63g.kg-1),二者差异显著(P<0.05),且藻体含氮量的季节变化模式与固氮细菌数量一致;这与鹧鸪菜的生长和物质积累密切相关,鹧鸪菜与其藻体上的自生固氮菌可能存在着互惠互利的关系,这种关系同时也受到环境温度和水分等因子的综合影响;对9株固氮菌的初步鉴定结果显示,它们分属于固氮菌属(Azotobacter)与拜叶林克氏菌属(Beijerinckia)。  相似文献   

泽兰实蝇内生殖器官的结构及其发育状况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【背景】泽兰实蝇属双翅目实蝇科,是杂草紫茎泽兰的重要专性天敌。该蝇幼虫可蛀入紫茎泽兰内部形成虫瘿,有效控制紫茎泽兰的扩散,许多国家都利用泽兰实蝇控制紫茎泽兰的危害。【方法】通过光学显微法观察了泽兰实蝇成虫内生殖器官的结构及其发育动态。【结果】雌性泽兰实蝇的内生殖系统主要由卵巢、输卵管、受精囊、雌性附腺等器官组成,雄性生殖系统由精巢、输精管、雄性附腺、射精管组成。在成虫发育过程中,雌虫卵巢的长度在第4日龄时达最大值,宽度在1日龄时达最大值,与其他日龄相比有显著差异,雌性附腺及受精囊的大小在各日龄间无显著差异;雄虫精巢长度在4日龄时达到最大,宽度在2日龄时达最大,且不同日龄间也有显著差异,而雄性附腺的大小在不同龄期间无显著差异。【结论与意义】本文阐明了泽兰实蝇的内生殖系统结构与发育状况,这有助于为提高泽兰实蝇人工繁殖效率及生物防治效果奠定理论基础。  相似文献   

被子植物生殖器官中的传递细胞   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传递细胞(transfercell)是一类特殊的薄壁细胞,其特征是细胞壁向内突起生长,形成壁内突的结构,质膜紧贴细胞壁生长,从而使质膜的表面积大大增加,扩大了原生质体表面积与体积之比,有利于细胞吸收和分泌某些物质,在细胞物质的短途运输中起重要作用。超微结构研究表明,传递细胞的细胞核较大,细胞质浓,并富含线粒体、高尔基体等细胞器。传递细胞在被子植物生殖器官中普遍存在,对于这些器官完成其功能起到重要作用。下面简单介绍生殖器官各结构中存在的传递细胞及其功能。1 花柱的通道细胞开放型花柱具有花柱道,花柱…  相似文献   

报道了毛缺沟姬蜂Lissonota setosa(Geoffroy)成虫雌性内生殖器官的结构及其发育的系统观察结果.雌性成虫内生殖器官包括一对卵巢、两条侧输卵管、一条中输卵管、一个受精囊和一个附腺.成虫期卵巢生长速度随日龄是先加快后变慢.成虫期内其它生殖器官一般随日龄的增长而增大,达到一定程度后基本保持稳定.  相似文献   

为探讨潮间带红藻鹧鸪菜[Caloglossa leprieurii(Montagne)J.Agardh]在温度和光照胁迫下的繁殖策略,在实验室不同温度和光照下培养鹧鸪菜,对其四分孢子和果孢子的发生、放散及萌发进行研究。结果表明,高温和低光照有利于四分孢子的产生、放散和萌发,低温和强光不利于四分孢子的产生、放散和萌发;20℃和25℃时产生的四分孢子囊最多,15℃次之,而10℃则不产生。在36μmol m–2s–1光照下四分孢子的放散数量最多。温度对于果孢子的放散和萌发没有明显的影响,而低光照有利于果孢子的放散和萌发。高温及强光对鹧鸪菜幼苗的生长发育有明显的抑制作用,且已经萌发的幼苗存活时间较短。因此,鹧鸪菜为应对高温和强光胁迫,通过产生大量的四分孢子和果孢子以选择适宜的生长发育时机。  相似文献   

本文主要介绍雄貉阴茎有一粗大的阴茎骨和较大的龟头球,睪丸和附睾在繁殖期明显增大,增重。精索较长、仅有前列腺。  相似文献   

耳河螺生殖器官和精子的形态学研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
周永灿 《动物学报》1996,42(4):343-348
耳河螺「Rivularia auriculata (Martens)」为雌雄异体。雄性生殖器官由精巢,输精小管,贮精囊,输精管,前列腺和阴茎组成。精巢内有精子,精子有典型精子和非典型精子两种。扫描电镜下,典型精子头部呈螺旋状,尾端只有一根较粗壮;非典型精子头部和中部为棒状,尾部呈扫帚状,由8-15根鞭毛组成。  相似文献   

对银杏(Ginkgo biloba)雌性生殖器官的发育过程进行了连续显微观察.结果表明:功能大孢子经过大约1个月的分裂形成约5000个游离核后开始细胞化.授粉后约45天近珠孔端两侧各产生1个颈卵器母细胞.授粉后约50天.颈卵器母细胞平周分裂形成初生颈细胞和中央细胞.授粉后约55天,初生颈细胞垂周分裂形成2个扁平状次生颈细胞,之后次生颈细胞体积逐渐增大并突入颈卵器腔.授粉后约130天,2个次生颈细胞斜向分裂形成4个颈细胞,中央细胞不均等分裂形成腹沟细胞和卵细胞.套细胞起源于颈卵器母细胞的周围细胞,授粉后70天至受精作用发生前,套细胞内不断积累营养物质,且套细胞与中央细胞间的细胞壁以及套细胞之间角隅处的细胞壁均出现明显增厚现象.在受精及胚胎早期发育过程中,套细胞内营养物质逐渐消失,细胞逐渐解体.授粉后55天,2个颈卵器之间的一些细胞向上突起形成帐篷柱,之后帐篷柱体积逐渐增加,并突入颈卵器腔.自授粉后120天至受精前帐篷柱细胞内开始积累大量营养物质,随后这些营养物质在受精过程中被逐渐消耗.到了原胚游离核后期,帐篷柱的顶端细胞发生变形并解体.  相似文献   

The cell of Caloglossa leprieurli is a polycaryon. The sexual thalli are usually dioecious. Its life cycle involves the alternation of three generations. In the reproductive season, the appearance of tetrasporophyte and female and male gametophyte shows evident difference. The tetrasporophyte is big and flat. The branches are sparse. Many small red spots, i.e. tetrasporogial groups, can be seen with the naked eyes in the upper part of the branch. The terminal part of the female gametophyte is a little twisted with thick branches. The cystocarps are spherical and most of them are located in ventral side of the upper branch points. The male gametophyte is smaller with less branches. Its terminal part is a little twisted with pale colour. The pit connections of the vegetative cells of every thallus are all well developed. The carpogonial branch consists of four cells. Generally, it is formed by the division of the pericentral cell. After fertilization of the carpogonium, an auxiliary cell is formed by the division of supporting cell. Usually five to seven, even more than ten young procarps can be formed at the apical part of the reproductive branch. The procarps often occur on consecutive segments of pericentral ceils. But among most of them only a carpogonium is fertilized and developes into cystocarp. When a carpogonium is fertilized, the other one on this branch usually cease further development. The spermatangia are formed on the lateral wing cells of both sides of the upper part midrib of a reproductive branch and distributed on both dorsal and ventral surfaces. A vegetative cell is divided into three cells in parallel to the surface of the thallus. The cortical cells under the two outer surfaces forms three to four permatangial mother cells. Each spermatangial mother cell divides into two to four spermatangia. After the sperm dispersal of the mature spermatangia, the spermatangial mother cells are still retained on both sides of the middle discoid cells.  相似文献   

The role of salinity as a factor determining the distribution of two red algal taxa, Caloglossa leprieurii (Mont.) J. Ag. var. leprieurii and Caloglossa leprieurii var. angusta Jao, along the course of the Brisbane River, Queensland, Australia, was investigated. In the field, C. leprieurii var. angusta tolerated a narrower salinity range (mean salinity = 0.0–18.9) than C. leprieurii var. leprieurii (mean salinity = 2.0–33.8) and occupied areas of lower salinity (salinity expressed according to the Practical Salinity Scale of 1978). Both taxa coexisted for a distance of 23 km along the middle reaches of the river. Cell measurements of specimens of both taxa collected along the river showed an increase in cell sizes upstream from the mouth. Results of a reciprocal transplant experiment and growth responses in a series of laboratory culture studies of the two taxa in a range of salinities are presented. These could be correlated with the field distribution of the algae, demonstrating their euryhalinity and the presence of distinct salinity ecotypes.  相似文献   

Morphological comparisons, hybridization experiments, and molecular phylogenetic analyses using the RUBISCO spacer region were undertaken on 12 populations of Caloglossa leprieurii (Montagne) J. Agardh in order to clarify their relationships. In addition, data from one population of the morphologically similar but asexual species, C. apomeiotica (West et Zuccarello), were included in the assessment. Three morphological types were recognized on the basis of the number of cell rows at nodes of the main axis opposite to the lateral branch and blade width: single/ broad (with three mating groups), multiple/broad (three mating groups) and multiple/slender (one mating group). In the molecular analyses, C. leprieurii was resolved as two clusters that correspond phenetically to the single and multiple cell row types. Both the morphological and molecular data indicate that the asexual species was derived from sexual plants of the multiple cell row type. The reproductive compatibility correlates with genetic distance rather than geographical distance. Sympatric mating groups are completely incompatible and have 10–21 nucleotide changes in the examined region, whereas mating groups that produce abnormal progeny or pseudocystocarps are allopatrically distributed with 5–7 nucleotide changes. The present data suggest that the two populations, one with single and the other with multiple cell rows, which are sympatrically distributed in southeastern Japan, have probably evolved by allopatric speciation. The single/broad type that is restricted to the western Pacific, may have diverged genetically between eastern and western Australia, with subsequent dispersal from the western population as far as Japan.  相似文献   

Zonation of macroalgae in the intertidal zone has been well documented. However, studies of zonation of macroalgae have predominantly examined the distribution of different species rather than the distribution of variants within a species. This study investigated the spatial variation of plastid haplotypes of the mangrove red alga Caloglossa leprieurii (Montagne) J. Agardh at a site in eastern Australia and tests for physiological differences (growth, photosynthesis) between those haplotypes. RUBISCO spacer plastid haplotypes were scored using single-stranded comformational polymorphism, and the population structure at two sites was examined using a nested sampling design comparing between sites, among transects within sites, and among quadrats within transects. Growth rates at various salinities and light intensities and the photosynthesis–irradiance curves of the three main haplotypes were compared. The two sites showed a high degree of genetic differentiation across a short distance, suggesting limited gene flow. The distribution of haplotypes was patchy and did not reflect a zonation pattern along the intertidal gradient. The three haplotypes were physiologically differentiated with haplotype A, with a lower growth rate and a lower photosynthetic efficiency at higher light intensities. There is some evidence of physiological differentiation between life history phases in C. leprieurii with sporophytes having a higher growth rate than females under most conditions. Our results suggest a correlation between our culture results and our population data. Haplotypes (haplotype A) and life history phases (gametophytes) with lower performance (growth and photosynthetic efficiency) under our culture conditions were correlated with a minor representation in the field. This is the first study to integrate population-level data with physiological parameters toward an understanding of the distribution and relative abundance of red algal genetic variants.  相似文献   

Our previous study revealed that apomixis, recycling of tetrasporophytes, can be generated through outcrossing between genetically divergent entities of Caloglossa monosticha M. Kamiya, though such apomicts have never been found in nature. In the case of C. leprieurii (Mont.) G. Martens, the most widespread species in this genus, many apomictic strains have been isolated worldwide, but it is unknown whether these apomicts evolved through an outcrossing process similar to that in C. monosticha. In this study, heterogeneity of the apomicts and their sexual relatives as well as their evolutionary relationships was examined using the nuclear‐encoded actin gene and plastid‐encoded RUBISCO spacer region. Thirteen out of 18 apomictic strains were heterogeneous and contained divergent actin alleles, whereas only two out of 23 sexual strains were heterogeneous. The five homogeneous apomicts were genetically identical, or quite similar, to the sexual strains isolated from adjacent sites. Furthermore, three of the five homogeneous apomicts frequently produced tetraspores that grew into gametophytes, while all the heterogeneous apomicts never generated gametophytes. Apomictic strains from Florida were allotriploid, and each of the three actin sequences was closely related to those of sexual strains from Florida, Peru, and Mexico/Guatemala. In crossing tests, obligate apomixis was generated through the outcrossing between the male from Madagascar and the female from the northwestern Atlantic. These results suggest that outcrossing between genetically divergent sexual entities is one factor that induces apomixis in C. leprieurii.  相似文献   

东方次睾吸虫电镜研究(吸虫纲:后睾科)V.雌性生殖器官   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东方次睾吸虫雌性生殖器官(卵巢、输卵管、卵黄-输卵管、卵模、梅氏腺和子宫)透射电镜 观察。卵巢内有不同成熟期的生殖细胞,成熟初级卵母细胞有几个靠近核的核仁样小聚体和许多沿 质膜的皮质颗粒。首次发现并描述卵巢和输卵管接合处(卵巢壶腹)的超微结构。输卵管上皮为纤 毛状。梅氏腺仅一种类型膜状小体细胞,经有微管支持的细小管道穿过卵模将膜状小体排入卵模腔 内。在卵黄-输卵管和卵模中有精子,卵模和子宫中有受精卵、虫卵(扫描电镜):大小 26. 05× 11.46-13.55μm,卵盖直径6.26-6. 89μp,卵壳表面布满膜状隆起。文中对卵巢和梅氏腺的超微 结构特点进行了讨论。  相似文献   

荇菜花蜜腺的发育研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
荇菜花蜜腺的发育过程可分为:起源期、生长期、分泌期以及泌蜜停止期等4个时期。荇菜的5枚花蜜腺均起源于子房基部的表皮及表皮内的2-4层细胞。这些细胞经反分化后分别成为蜜腺的原分泌表皮及原泌蜜组织,两部分细胞径不断地分裂分化,最冬成为成熟蜜腺。在蜜腺发育过程中,蜜腺的分泌表皮及蜜腺组织内的内质网、质体、线粒体、液泡等细胞器结构均发生了有规律的变化,内质网在蜜腺分泌期最为发达,且产生大量的分泌小泡。质体  相似文献   

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