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《Biophysical journal》2022,121(23):4505-4516
Insulin forms amyloid fibrils under slightly destabilizing conditions, and B-chain residues are thought to play an important role in insulin fibrillation. Here, pulsed hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectrometry (HDX-MS), far-UV circular dichroism spectroscopy, thioflavin T (ThioT) fluorescence, turbidity, and soluble fraction measurements were used to monitor the kinetics and mechanisms of fibrillation of human insulin B-chain (INSB) in acidic solution (1 mg/mL, pH 4.5) under stressed conditions (40°C, continuous shaking). Initially, INSB rapidly formed β-sheet-rich oligomers that were protected from HD exchange and showed weak ThioT binding. Subsequent fibril growth and maturation was accompanied by even greater protection from HD exchange and stronger ThioT binding. With peptic digestion of deuterated INSB, HDX-MS suggested early involvement of the N-terminal (1–11, 1–15) and central (12–15, 16–25) fragments in fibril-forming interactions, whereas the C-terminal fragment (25–30) showed limited involvement. The results provide mechanistic understanding of the intermolecular interactions and structural changes during INSB fibrillation under stressed conditions and demonstrate the application of pulsed HDX-MS to probe peptide fibrillation.  相似文献   

Viral capsids are dynamic protein assemblies surrounding viral genomes. Despite the high-resolution structures determined by X-ray crystallography and cryo-electron microscopy, their in-solution structure and dynamics can be probed by hydrogen exchange. We report here using hydrogen exchange combined with protein enzymatic fragmentation and mass spectrometry to determine the capsid structure and dynamics of a human rhinovirus, HRV14. Capsid proteins (VP1-4) were labeled with deuterium by incubating intact virus in D(2)O buffer at neutral pH. The labeled proteins were digested by immobilized pepsin to give peptides analyzed by capillary reverse-phase HPLC coupled with nano-electrospray mass spectrometry. Deuterium levels incorporated at amide linkages in peptic fragments were measured for different exchange times from 12 sec to 30 h to assess the amide hydrogen exchange rates along each of the four protein backbones. Exchange results generally agree with the crystal structure of VP1-4,with extended, flexible terminal and surface-loop regions in fast exchange and folded helical and sheet structures in slow exchange. In addition, three alpha-helices, one from each of VP1-3, exhibited very slow exchange, indicating high stability of the protomeric interface. The beta-strands at VP3 N terminus also had very slow exchange, suggesting stable pentamer contacts. It was noted, however, that the interface around the fivefold axis had fast and intermediate exchange, indicating relatively more flexibility. Even faster exchange rates were found in the N terminus of VP1 and most segments of VP4, suggesting high flexibilities, which may correspond to their potential roles in virus uncoating.  相似文献   

Recent advances in protein mass spectrometry (MS) have enabled determinations of hydrogen deuterium exchange (HDX) in large macromolecular complexes. HDX-MS became a valuable tool to follow protein folding, assembly and aggregation. The methodology has a wide range of applications in biotechnology ranging from quality control for over-expressed proteins and their complexes to screening of potential ligands and inhibitors. This review provides an introduction to protein folding and assembly followed by the principles of HDX and MS detection, and concludes with selected examples of applications that might be of interest to the biotechnology community.  相似文献   

Recent x-ray crystallographic studies of the acetylcholine-binding protein (AChBP) suggest that loop C, found at the circumference of the pentameric molecule, shows distinctive conformational changes upon antagonist and agonist occupation. We have employed hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectrometry to examine the influence of bound ligands on solvent exposure of AChBP. Quantitative measurements of deuterium incorporation are possible for approximately 56% of the Lymnaea AChBP sequence, covering primarily the outer surface of AChBP. In the apoprotein, two regions flanking the ligand occupation site at the subunit interface, loop C (residues 175-193) and loop F (residues 164-171), show greater extents of solvent exchange than other regions of the protein including the N- and C-terminal regions. Occupation by nicotinic agonists, epibatidine and lobeline, and nicotinic antagonists, methyllycaconitine, alpha-bungarotoxin, and alpha-cobratoxin, markedly restricts the exchange of loop C amide protons, influencing both the rates and degrees of exchange. Solvent exposure of loop C and its protection by ligand suggest that in the apoprotein, loop C exhibits rapid fluctuations in an open conformation. Bound agonists restrict solvent exposure through loop closure, whereas the larger antagonists restrict solvent exposure largely through occlusion of solvent. Loop F, found on the complementary subunit surface at the interface, also reveals ligand selective changes in amide proton exchange rates. Agonists do not affect solvent accessibility of loop F, whereas certain antagonists cause subtle accessibility changes. These results reveal dynamic states and fluctuating movements in the vicinity of the binding site for unligated AChBP that can be influenced selectively by ligands.  相似文献   

Tryptic hydrolyzates of normal and abnormal human globin chains were analyzed with mass spectrometry, using field desorption ionization technique. All the peptides, including cote peptides, were detected as protonated molecular ions in field desorption mass spectra. Since the technique makes it possible to determine the mass number of each peptide, it is very useful for structural analysis of human hemoglobin variants, even those with electrophoretically and chromatographically silent mutations.  相似文献   

Simmons DA  Dunn SD  Konermann L 《Biochemistry》2003,42(19):5896-5905
This study demonstrates the use of electrospray mass spectrometry in conjunction with rapid online mixing ("time-resolved" ESI-MS) for monitoring protein conformational dynamics under equilibrium conditions. The hydrogen/deuterium exchange (HDX) kinetics of mildly denatured myoglobin (Mb) at pD 9.3, in the presence of 27% acetonitrile, were studied with millisecond time resolution. Analytical ultracentrifugation indicates that the average protein compactness under these solvent conditions is similar to that of native holomyoglobin (hMb). The mass spectrum shows protein ions in a wide array of charge and heme binding states, indicating the presence of multiple coexisting conformations. The experimental approach used allows the HDX kinetics of all of these species to be monitored separately. A combination of EX1 and EX2 behavior was observed for hMb ions in charge states 7+ to 9+, which predominantly represent nativelike hMb in solution. The EX1 kinetics are biphasic, indicating the presence of two protein populations that undergo conformational opening events with different rate constants. The EX2 kinetics observed for nativelike hMb are biphasic as well. All other charge and heme binding states represent non-native protein conformations that are involved in rapid interconversion processes, thus leading to monoexponential EX2 kinetics with a common rate constant. Burst phase labeling for these non-native proteins occurs at 125 sites. In contrast, the nativelike protein conformation shows burst phase labeling only for 88 sites. A kinetic model is developed which is based on the assumption of three distinct (un)folding units in Mb. The model implies that the free energy landscape of the protein exhibits a major barrier. The crossing of this barrier is most likely associated with slow, cooperative opening/closing events of the heme binding pocket. Rapid conformational fluctuations on either side of the barrier give rise to the observed EX2 kinetics. Simulated HDX kinetics based on this model are in excellent agreement with the experimental data.  相似文献   

Hu007, a humanized IgG1 monoclonal antibody, binds and neutralizes human, cynomolgus, and rabbit IL-1beta but only weakly binds to mouse and rat IL-1beta. Biacore experiments demonstrated that Hu007 and the type-I IL-1 receptor competed for binding to IL-1beta. Increasing salt concentrations decrease the association rate with only moderate effects on the dissociation rate, suggesting that long-range electrostatics are critical for formation of the initial complex. To understand the ligand-binding specificity of Hu007, we have mapped the critical residues involved in the recognition of IL-1beta. Selected residues in cynomolgus IL-1beta were mutated to the corresponding residues in mouse IL-1beta, and the effects of the changes on binding were evaluated by surface plasmon resonance measurements using Biacore. Specifically, substitution of F150S decreased binding affinity by 100-fold, suggesting the importance of hydrophobic interactions in stabilizing the antibody/antigen complex. Substitution of three amino acids near the N- and C-terminal regions of cIL-1beta with those found in mouse IL-1beta (V3I/S5Q/F150S) decreased the binding affinity of Hu007 to IL-1beta by about 1000-fold. Conversely, mutating the corresponding residues in mouse IL-1beta to the human sequence resulted in an increase in binding affinity of about 1000-fold. Hydrogen-deuterium exchange/mass spectrometry analysis confirmed that these regions of IL-1beta were protected from exchange because of antibody binding. The results from this study demonstrate that Hu007 binds to a region located in the open end of the beta-barrel structure of IL-1beta and blocks binding of IL-1beta to its receptor.  相似文献   

Crystal structures of the xenobiotic metabolizing cytochrome P450 2B4 have demonstrated markedly different conformations in the presence of imidazole inhibitors or in the absence of ligand. However, knowledge of the plasticity of the enzyme in solution has remained scant. Thus, hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectrometry (DXMS) was utilized to probe the conformations of ligand-free P450 2B4 and the complex with 4-(4-chlorophenyl)imidazole (4-CPI) or 1-biphenyl-4-methyl-1H-imidazole (1-PBI). The results of DXMS indicate that the binding of 4-CPI slowed the hydrogen-deuterium exchange rate over the B'- and C-helices and portions of the F-G-helix cassette compared with P450 2B4 in the absence of ligands. In contrast, there was little difference between the ligand-free and 1-PBI-bound exchange sets. In addition, DXMS suggests that the ligand-free P450 2B4 is predominantly open in solution. Interestingly, a new high resolution structure of ligand-free P450 2B4 was obtained in a closed conformation very similar to the 4-CPI complex. Molecular dynamics simulations performed with the closed ligand-free structure as the starting point were used to probe the energetically accessible conformations of P450 2B4. The simulations were found to equilibrate to a conformation resembling the 1-PBI-bound P450 2B4 crystal structure. The results indicate that conformational changes observed in available crystal structures of the promiscuous xenobiotic metabolizing cytochrome P450 2B4 are consistent with its solution structural behavior.  相似文献   

Reid CW  Brewer D  Clarke AJ 《Biochemistry》2004,43(35):11275-11282
Lytic transglycosylases cleave the beta-(1-->4)-glycosidic bond in the bacterial cell wall heteropolymer, peptidoglycan, between the N-acetylmuramic acid (MurNAc) and N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) residues with the concomitant formation of a 1,6-anhydromuramoyl residue. With 72% amino acid sequence identity between the enzymes, the theoretical structure of the membrane-bound lytic transglycosylase B (MltB) from Psuedomonas aeruginosa was modeled on the known crystal structure of Escherichia coli Slt35, the soluble derivative of its MltB. Of the twelve residues in Slt35 known to make contacts with peptidoglycan derivatives in Slt35, nine exist in the same position in the P. aeruginosa homologue, with two others only slightly displaced. To probe the binding properties of an engineered soluble form of the P. aeruginosa MltB, a SUPREX method involving hydrogen/deuterium exchange coupled with MALDI mass spectrometry detection was developed. Dissociation constants were calculated for a series of peptidoglycan components and compared to those obtained by difference UV absorption spectroscopy. These data indicated that GlcNAc alone does not bind to MltB with any measurable affinity but it does contribute to the binding of GlcNAc-MurNAc-dipeptide. With the MurNAc series of ligands, significant binding contributions are made through both the N-acetyl and C-3 lactyl moieties of the aminosugar with additional contributions to binding provided by associated peptides.  相似文献   

DNA sequence analysis by MALDI mass spectrometry.   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Conventional DNA sequencing is based on gel electrophoretic separation of the sequencing products. Gel casting and electrophoresis are the time limiting steps, and the gel separation is occasionally imperfect due to aberrant mobility of certain fragments, leading to erroneous sequence determination. Furthermore, illegitimately terminated products frequently cannot be distinguished from correctly terminated ones, a phenomenon that also obscures data interpretation. In the present work the use of MALDI mass spectrometry for sequencing of DNA amplified from clinical samples is implemented. The unambiguous and fast identification of deletions and substitutions in DNA amplified from heterozygous carriers realistically suggest MALDI mass spectrometry as a future alternative to conventional sequencing procedures for high throughput screening for mutations. Unique features of the method are demonstrated by sequencing a DNA fragment that could not be sequenced conventionally because of gel electrophoretic band compression and the presence of multiple non-specific termination products. Taking advantage of the accurate mass information provided by MALDI mass spectrometry, the sequence was deduced, and the nature of the non-specific termination could be determined. The method described here increases the fidelity in DNA sequencing, is fast, compatible with standard DNA sequencing procedures, and amenable to automation.  相似文献   

Prions, the causative agents of Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease (CJD) in humans and bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) and scrapie in animals, are principally composed of PrPSc, a conformational isomer of cellular prion protein (PrPC). The propensity of PrPC to adopt alternative folds suggests that there may be an unusually high proportion of alternative conformations in dynamic equilibrium with the native state. However, the rates of hydrogen/deuterium exchange demonstrate that the conformation of human PrPC is not abnormally plastic. The stable core of PrPC has extensive contributions from all three alpha-helices and shows protection factors equal to the equilibrium constant for the major unfolding transition. A residual, hyper-stable region is retained upon unfolding, and exchange analysis identifies this as a small nucleus of approximately 10 residues around the disulfide bond. These results show that the most likely route for the conversion of PrPC to PrPSc is through a highly unfolded state that retains, at most, only this small nucleus of structure, rather than through a highly organized folding intermediate.  相似文献   



Histidine Hydrogen-Deuterium Exchange Mass Spectrometry (His-HDX-MS) determines the HDX rates at the imidazole C2-hydrogen of histidine residues. This method provides not only the HDX rates but also the pK a values of histidine imidazole rings. His-HDX-MS was used to probe the microenvironment of histidine residues of E. coli dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR), an enzyme proposed to undergo multiple conformational changes during catalysis.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Using His-HDX-MS, the pK a values and the half-lives (t 1/2) of HDX reactions of five histidine residues of apo-DHFR, DHFR in complex with methotrexate (DHFR-MTX), DHFR in complex with MTX and NADPH (DHFR-MTX-NADPH), and DHFR in complex with folate and NADP+ (DHFR-folate-NADP+) were determined. The results showed that the two parameters (pK a and t 1/2) are sensitive to the changes of the microenvironment around the histidine residues. Although four of the five histidine residues are located far from the active site, ligand binding affected their pK a, t 1/2 or both. This is consistent with previous observations of ligand binding-induced distal conformational changes on DHFR. Most of the observed pK a and t 1/2 changes could be rationalized using the X-ray structures of apo-DHFR, DHFR-MTX-NADPH, and DHFR-folate-NADP+. The availability of the neutron diffraction structure of DHFR-MTX enabled us to compare the protonation states of histidine imidazole rings.


Our results demonstrate the usefulness of His-HDX-MS in probing the microenvironments of histidine residues within proteins.  相似文献   

MALDI mass spectrometry (MS) of 14- to 42-mer homogeneous oligonucleotides and their mixtures was carried out using a Vision 2000 instrument (Thermo BioAnalysis, Finnigan, United States). Conditions for the determination of oligonucleotide molecular masses were optimized by applying various matrices and operation modes. The most reproducible results with minimal uncontrolled decomposition of the oligonucleotides including their apurinization during the MALDI MS registration were obtained using 2,4,6-trihydroxyacetophenone as a matrix instead of 3-hydroxypicolinic acid usually employed in the mass spectrometry of oligonucleotides. Our approach allows the determination of molecular masses of oligonucleotides obtained by chemical synthesis and the evaluation of their component composition and purity. It was applied to the mass spectrometric analysis of oligonucleotides containing a 3-(methyl-C-phosphonate) group or a modified 1,N 6-ethenodeoxyadenosine unit.__________Translated from Bioorganicheskaya Khimiya, Vol. 31, No. 2, 2005, pp. 151–158.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Streletskii, Kozlova, Esipov, Kayushin, Korosteleva, Esipov.  相似文献   

The solution conformation and dynamics of the 16.9 kDa small heat shock protein from wheat have been studied using a combination of hydrogen/deuterium exchange, proteolytic digestion, and mass spectrometry. At room temperature, HSP16.9 exists as a dodecameric assembly. Regions of HSP16.9 that form extensive and essential intersubunit contacts in the assembly, including residues 1-40 and 131-151, show little or no protection against hydrogen/deuterium exchange after incubation in D(2)O for 5 s. The high levels of hydrogen/deuterium exchange indicate that these regions have experienced large conformational fluctuations in solution, breaking intersubunit contacts and exposing buried amide hydrogens to solvent. When HSP16.9 is pulse labeled for 10 ms, residues 1-40 and 131-151 are substantially more protected than they are after 5 s. Thus, the breaking of intersubunit contacts occurs on a time scale between 10 milliseconds and 5 s. At 42 degrees C, HSP16.9 exists in a suboligomeric form. When the intrinsic temperature dependence of hydrogen/deuterium exchange is taken into account, exchange patterns at 25 and 42 degrees C are identical within experimental error, suggesting that the conformation of individual HSP16.9 subunits is the same in both the dodecameric and subdodecameric forms. Significant protection is seen in regions that form the dimeric interface, suggesting that the stable suboligomeric form is a dimer. Taken together, these results suggest that heat activation of HSP16.9 occurs by shifting the dodecamer <--> dimer equilibrium in favor of free dimers. The conformation of the dimers themselves does not appear to be altered with an increase in temperature.  相似文献   

This study reports the application of electrospray ionization (ESI) mass spectrometry (MS) with on-line rapid mixing for millisecond time-resolved studies of the refolding and assembly of a dimeric protein complex. Acid denaturation of S100A11 disrupts the native homodimeric protein structure. Circular dichroism and HSQC nuclear magnetic resonance measurements reveal that the monomeric subunits unfold to a moderate degree but retain a significant helicity and some tertiary structural elements. Following a rapid change in solution conditions to a slightly basic pH, the native protein reassembles with an effective rate constant of 6 s(-)(1). The ESI charge state distributions measured during the reaction suggest the presence of three kinetic species, namely, a relatively unfolded monomer (M(U)), a more tightly folded monomeric reaction intermediate (M(F)), and dimeric S100A11. These three forms exhibit distinct calcium binding properties, with very low metal loading levels for M(U), up to two calcium ions for M(F), and up to four for the dimer. Surprisingly, on-line pulsed hydrogen-deuterium exchange (HDX) reveals that each of the monomeric forms of the protein comprises two subspecies that can be distinguished on the basis of their isotope exchange levels. As the reaction proceeds, the more extensively labeled species are depleted. The exponential nature of the measured intensity-time profiles implies that the rate-determining step of the overall process is a unimolecular event. The kinetics are consistent with a sequential folding and assembly mechanism involving two increasingly nativelike monomeric intermediates en route to the native S100A11 dimer.  相似文献   

The ionization of internal groups in proteins can trigger conformational change. Despite this being the structural basis of most biological energy transduction, these processes are poorly understood. Small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy experiments at ambient and high hydrostatic pressure were used to examine how the presence and ionization of Lys-66, buried in the hydrophobic core of a stabilized variant of staphylococcal nuclease, affect conformation and dynamics. NMR spectroscopy at atmospheric pressure showed previously that the neutral Lys-66 affects slow conformational fluctuations globally, whereas the effects of the charged form are localized to the region immediately surrounding position 66. Ab initio models from SAXS data suggest that when Lys-66 is charged the protein expands, which is consistent with results from NMR spectroscopy. The application of moderate pressure (<2 kbar) at pH values where Lys-66 is normally neutral at ambient pressure left most of the structure unperturbed but produced significant nonlinear changes in chemical shifts in the helix where Lys-66 is located. Above 2 kbar pressure at these pH values the protein with Lys-66 unfolded cooperatively adopting a relatively compact, albeit random structure according to Kratky analysis of the SAXS data. In contrast, at low pH and high pressure the unfolded state of the variant with Lys-66 is more expanded than that of the reference protein. The combined global and local view of the structural reorganization triggered by ionization of the internal Lys-66 reveals more detectable changes than were previously suggested by NMR spectroscopy at ambient pressure.  相似文献   

Highly sensitive peptide fragmentation and identification in sequence databases is a cornerstone of proteomics. Previously, a two-layered strategy consisting of MALDI peptide mass fingerprinting followed by electrospray tandem mass spectrometry of the unidentified proteins has been successfully employed. Here, we describe a high-sensitivity/high-throughput system based on orthogonal MALDI tandem mass spectrometry (o-MALDI) and the automated recognition of fragments corresponding to the N- and C-terminal amino acid residues. Robotic deposition of samples onto hydrophobic anchor substrates is employed, and peptide spectra are acquired automatically. The pulsing feature of the QSTAR o-MALDI mass spectrometer enhances the low mass region of the spectra by approximately 1 order of magnitude. Software has been developed to automatically recognize characteristic features in the low mass region (such as the y1 ion of tryptic peptides), maintaining high mass accuracy even with very low count events. Typically, the sum of the N-terminal two ions (b2 ion), the third N-terminal ion (b3 ion), and the two C-terminal fragments of the peptide (y1 and y2) can be determined. Given mass accuracy in the low ppm range, peptide end sequencing on one or two tryptic peptides is sufficient to uniquely identify a protein from gel samples in the low silver-stained range.  相似文献   

A high-molecular-mass polysaccharide galactan (M 2000 kDa) was isolated from flax at the stage of cell wall thickening of the bast fiber development. The polymer structure was studied by 1H NMR spectroscopy and MALDI TOF mass spectrometry. It is built up of Gal (59%), Rha (15%), GalA (23%), and Ara (3%) residues. The galactan backbone consists of successively alternating monomer disaccharide units (--> 4GalA1 --> 2Rha1 -->)n and is similar in its structure to the backbone of rhamnogalacturonan-1 (RG-I). Rhamnose residues bear in position 4 beta-(1 --> 4)-galactose side chains of various lengths with a polymerization degree of up to 28 or higher. A part of the side chains have branchings.  相似文献   

A high-molecular-mass polysaccharide galactan (M 2000 kDa) was isolated from flax at the stage of cell wall thickening of the bast fiber development. The polymer structure was studied by 1H NMR spectroscopy and MALDI TOF mass spectrometry. It is built up of Gal (59%), Rha (15%), GalA (23%), and Ara (3%) residues. The galactan backbone consists of successively alternating monomer disaccharide units (→ 4GalA1 → 2Rha1 →)n and is similar in its structure to the backbone of rhamnogalacturonan-1 (RG-I). Rhamnose residues bear in position 4 β-(1 → 4)-galactose side chains of various lengths with a polymerization degree of up to 28 or higher. A part of the side chains have branchings.  相似文献   

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