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The frequency of DNA transposition in transposition systems that employ a strand transfer step may be significantly affected by the occurrence of a disintegration reaction, a reaction that reverses the strand transfer event. We have asked whether disintegration occurs in the Tn10 transposition system. We show that disintegration substrates (substrates constituting one half of the strand transfer product) are assembled into a transpososome that mimics the strand transfer intermediate. This strand transfer transpososome (STT) does appear to support an intermolecular disintegration reaction, but only at a very low level. Strikingly, assembly of the STT is not dependent on IHF, a host protein that is required for de novo assembly of all previously characterized Tn10 transpososomes. We suggest that disintegration substrates are able to form both transposon end and target type contacts with transposase because of their enhanced conformational flexibility. This probably allows the conformation of DNA within the complex that prevents the destructive disintegration reaction, and is responsible for relaxing the DNA sequence requirements for STT formation relative to other Tn10 transpososomes.  相似文献   

Tn10 transposes by a nonreplicative "cut and paste" mechanism. We describe here two protein-DNA complexes that are reaction intermediates in the Tn10 transposition process: a cleaved donor complex whose DNA component consists of transposon sequences cleanly excised from flanking donor DNA, and a strand transfer complex whose DNA component contains transposon termini specifically joined to a target site. The kinetic behavior of the first species suggests that it is an early intermediate in the transposition reaction. These two Tn10 complexes are closely analogous to complexes identified in the pathway for replicative "cointegrate" formation by bacteriophage Mu and thus represent intermediates that may be common to both nonreplicative and replicative transposition. These and other results suggest that the Tn10 and Mu reactions are fundamentally very similar despite their very different biological outcomes. The critical difference between the two reactions is the fate of the DNA strand that is not joined to target DNA.  相似文献   

P Crellin  R Chalmers 《The EMBO journal》2001,20(14):3882-3891
IHF or supercoiling is required early in Tn10 transposition, but at later stages they inhibit the reaction in a classic homeostatic loop. We investigated the mechanism of transpososome assembly and regulation using hydroxyl radical DNA protection and interference. We present a three-dimensional molecular model for the IHF-bent end of Tn10 wrapped around a transposase core. Contacts span some 80 bp at the transposon end, but after assembly of an active complex containing metal ion, most contacts become dispensable. These include transposase contacts beyond the IHF site that chaperone assembly of the complex and are needed for efficient cleavage. Single and double-end breaks do not affect the complex but divalent metal ions promote large conformational changes at bp +1 and the flanking DNA.  相似文献   

The bacterial transposon Tn10 inserts preferentially into specific target sequences. This insertion specificity appears to be linked to the ability of target sites to adopt symmetrically positioned DNA bends after binding the transposition machinery. Target DNA bending is thought to permit the transposase protein to make additional contacts with the target DNA, thereby stabilizing the target complex so that the joining of transposon and target DNA sequences can occur efficiently. In the current work, we have asked whether the introduction of a discontinuity in a target DNA strand, a modification that is expected to make it easier for a DNA molecule to bend, can enhance or rescue target capture under otherwise suboptimal reaction conditions. We show that either a nick or a missing phosphate specifically at the site of reaction chemistry increases the ability of various target DNAs to form the target capture complex. The result suggests that the bends in the target DNA are highly localized and include the scissile phosphates. This raises the possibility that strand transfer is mechanistically linked to target capture. We have also identified specific residues in the target DNA and in transposase that appear to play an important role in target DNA bending.  相似文献   

Transposition of conjugative transposons proceeds by excision and formation of a covalently closed circular Intermediate that includes at its joint the six flanking bases from its previous host (coupling sequences). To elucidate the role of the coupling sequences in this process and to determine the sequence of targets used by Tn916, we studied its insertion into a plasmid following conjugation. The results differ from those previously observed when Tn916 was introduced by transformation. They suggest that only one specific strand of the transposon molecule is transferred during the conjugation event and that complementary strand synthesis produces a double-stranded transposon circle with no mismatches which serves as the reaction intermediate. Tn916 inserts preferentially at specific sites and the same targets are used when Tn916 comes from donors with different coupling sequences. An analysis of the sequences of preferred targets is presented.  相似文献   

Tn10, like several other transposons, exhibits a marked preference for integration into particular target sequences. Such sequences are referred to as integration hotspots and have been used to define a consensus target site in Tn10 transposition. We demonstrate that a Tn10 hotspot called HisG1, which was identified originally in vivo, also functions as an integration hotspot in vitro in a reaction where the HisG1 sequence is present on a short DNA oligomer. We use this in vitro system to define factors which are important for the capture of the HisG1 target site. We demonstrate that although divalent metal ions are not essential for HisG1 target capture, they greatly facilitate capture of a mutated HisG1 site. Analysis of catalytic transposase mutants further demonstrates that the DDE motif plays a critical role in ''divalent metal ion-dependent'' target capture. Analysis of two other classes of transposase mutants, Exc+ Int- (which carry out transposon excision but not integration) and ATS (altered target specificity), demonstrates that while a particular ATS transposase binds HisG1 mutants better than wild-type transposase, Exc+ Int- mutants are defective in HisG1 capture, further defining the properties of these classes of mutants. Possible mechanisms for the above observations are considered.  相似文献   

Initiation of bacteriophage Mu DNA replication by transposition requires the disassembly of the transpososome that catalyses strand exchange and the assembly of a replisome promoted by PriA, PriB, PriC and DnaT proteins, which function in the host to restart stalled replication forks. Once the molecular chaperone ClpX weakens the very tight binding of the transpososome to the Mu ends, host disassembly factors (MRFalpha-DF) promote the dissociation of the transpososome from the DNA template and the assembly of a new nucleoprotein complex. Prereplisome factors (MRFalpha-PR) further alter the complex, allowing PriA binding and loading of major replicative helicase DnaB onto the template promoted by the restart proteins. MRFalpha-PR is essential for DnaB loading by restart proteins even on the deproteinized Mu fork whereas MRFalpha-DF is not required on the deproteinized template. When the transition from transpososome to replisome was reconstituted using MRFalpha-DF and MRFalpha-PR, initiation of Mu DNA replication was strictly dependent upon added PriC and PriA helicase. In contrast, initiation on the deproteinized template was predominantly dependent upon PriB and did not require PriA's helicase activity. The results indicate that transition mechanisms beginning with the transpososome disassembly can determine the pathway of replisome assembly by restart proteins.  相似文献   

DNA transposition reactions typically involve a strand transfer step wherein the transposon ends are covalently joined by the transposase protein to a short target site. There is very little known about the transposase-DNA interactions that direct this process, and thus our overall understanding of the dynamics of DNA transposition reactions is limited. Tn5 presents an attractive system for defining such interactions because it has been possible to solve the structure of at least one Tn5 transposition intermediate: a transpososome formed with pre-cleaved ends. However, insertion specificity in the Tn5 system is low and this has hampered progress in generating target-containing transpososomes that are homogeneous in structure (i.e. where a single target site is engaged) and therefore suitable for biochemical and structural analysis. We have developed a system where the Tn5 transpososome integrates almost exclusively into a single target site within a short DNA fragment. The key to establishing this high degree of insertion specificity was to use a target DNA with tandem repeats of a previously characterized Tn5 insertion hotspot. The target DNA requirements to form this strand transfer complex are evaluated. In addition, we show that target DNAs missing single phosphate groups at specific positions are better substrates for strand transfer complex formation relative to the corresponding unmodified DNA fragments. Moreover, utilization of missing phosphate substrates can increase the degree of target site selection. A method for concentrating and partially purifying the Tn5 strand transfer complex is described.  相似文献   

J Sakai  R M Chalmers    N Kleckner 《The EMBO journal》1995,14(17):4374-4383
The Tn10 transposition reaction has been reconstituted in vitro on short linear substrate fragments encoding transposon ends. This permits the direct detection of protein-DNA complexes formed during transposition by gel retardation analysis. We demonstrate that a stable synaptic complex containing transposase and a pair of transposon ends forms rapidly and efficiently, prior and prerequisite to the double-strand cleavages involved in transposon excision. These observations extend the general analogies between the Tn10 and Mu transposition reactions, and also reveal significant differences between the two cases. The speed and simplicity of synaptic complex formation in the Tn10/IS10 reaction is suitable for a modular insertion sequence. In contrast, the relative slowness and complexity of this process in the Mu is necessary to permit transposition immunity and control of transposition by Mu repressor protein, two features specifically important for a temperate bacteriophage. Further dissection of the reaction leads to a tentative working model for events preceding the first double-strand cleavage.  相似文献   

The higher-order DNA-protein complex that carries out the chemical steps of phage Mu transposition is organized by bridging interactions among three DNA sites, the left (L) and right (R) ends of Mu, and an enhancer element (E), mediated by the transposase protein MuA. A subset of the six subunits of MuA associated with their cognate sub-sites at L and R communicate with the enhancer to trigger the stepwise assembly of the functional transpososome. The DNA follows a well-defined path within the transpososome, trapping five supercoil nodes comprising two E-R crossings, one E-L crossing and two L-R crossings. The enhancer is a critical DNA element in specifying the unique interwrapped topology of the three-site LER synapse. In this study, we used multiple strategies to characterize Mu end-enhancer interactions to extend, modify and refine those inferred from earlier analyses. Directed placement of transposase subunits at their cognate sub-sites at L and R, analysis of the protein composition of transpososomes thus obtained, and their characterization using topological methods define the following interactions. R1-E interaction is essential to promote transpososome assembly, R3-E interaction contributes to the native topology of the transpososome, and L1-E and R2-E interactions are not required for assembly. The data on L2-E and L3-E interactions are not unequivocal. If they do occur, either one is sufficient to support the assembly process. Our results are consistent with two R-E and perhaps one L-E, being responsible for the three DNA crossings between the enhancer and the left and right ends of Mu. A 3D representation of the interwrapped complex (IW) obtained by modeling is consistent with these results. The model reveals straightforward geometric and topological relationships between the IW complex and a more relaxed enhancer-independent V-form of the transpososome assembled under altered reaction conditions.  相似文献   

The Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin gene is on a transposon-like element, Tn5565, integrated in the chromosome in human food poisoning strains. The flanking IS elements, IS1470 A and B, are related to IS30. The IS element found in the transposon, IS1469, is related to IS200 and has been found upstream of cpe in all Type A strains. PCR and sequencing studies from cell extracts and plasmid isolations of C. perfringens indicate that Tn5565 can form a circular form with the tandem repeat (IS1470)2, similar to the transposition intermediates described for a number of IS elements.  相似文献   

Protein aggregation is associated with a number of human pathologies including Alzheimer's and Creutzfeldt-Jakob diseases and the systemic amyloidoses. In this study, we used the acylphosphatase from the hyperthermophilic Archaea Sulfolobus solfataricus (Sso AcP) to investigate the mechanism of aggregation under conditions in which the protein maintains a folded structure. In the presence of 15-25% (v/v) trifluoroethanol, Sso AcP was found to form aggregates able to bind specific dyes such as thioflavine T, Congo red, and 1-anilino-8-naphthalenesulfonic acid. The presence of aggregates was confirmed by circular dichroism and dynamic light scattering. Electron microscopy revealed the presence of small aggregates generally referred to as amyloid protofibrils. The monomeric form adopted by Sso AcP prior to aggregation under these conditions retained enzymatic activity; in addition, folding was remarkably faster than unfolding. These observations indicate that Sso AcP adopts a folded, although possibly distorted, conformation prior to aggregation. Most important, aggregation appeared to be 100-fold faster than unfolding under these conditions. Although aggregation of Sso AcP was faster at higher trifluoroethanol concentrations, in which the protein adopted a partially unfolded conformation, these findings suggest that the early events of amyloid fibril formation may involve an aggregation process consisting of the assembly of protein molecules in their folded state. This conclusion has a biological relevance as globular proteins normally spend most of their lifetime in folded structures.  相似文献   

Summary Mutations in and near the Salmonella typhimurium histidine transport operon were generated by insertion of the translocatable tetracycline-resistance element Tn10. Deletion mutants affecting histidine transport genes were subsequently isolated in several of the Tn10-containing strains. Tn10 insertions in hisJ occurred preferentially at one site, designated site A. This same site was also the preferential endpoint of deletions originating from Tn10 insertions at two neighboring sites. Thus, Tn10 insertion and Tn10-stimulated deletion formation appear to involve a common DNA-recogition step.  相似文献   

The chromosomal YoeB-YefM toxin-antitoxin module common to numerous strains of bacteria is presumed to have a significant role in survival under stringent conditions. Recently we showed that the purified YefM antitoxin is a natively unfolded protein, as we previously reported for the Phd antitoxin in the P1 phage Doc-Phd toxin-antitoxin system. Here we report the purification and structural properties of the YoeB toxin and present physical evidence for the existence of a tight YoeB.YefM polypeptide complex in solution. YoeB and YefM proteins co-eluted as single peaks in sequential Ni-affinity FPLC and Q-Sepharose ion-exchange chromatography implying the formation of a YoeB.YefM complex. The unstable antitoxin was removed from the mixture by natural proteolysis, and the residual YoeB protein was purified using ion exchange chromatography. Fluorescence anisotropy studies of the purified YoeB and YefM proteins showed a 2:1 stoichiometry of the complex, providing direct evidence for a physical complex between the proteins. Near- and far-UV circular dichroism spectroscopy of the purified toxin revealed that, similar to the Doc toxin, YoeB is a well-folded protein. Thermal denaturation experiments confirmed the conformational stability of the YoeB toxin, which underwent reversible thermal unfolding at temperatures up to 56 degrees C. The thermodynamic features of the toxin-antitoxin complex were similar. Taken together, our results support the notion of a correlation between differential physiological and structural stability in toxin-antitoxin modules.  相似文献   

Transmissible cefoxitin (FX) resistance in Bacteroides vulgatus CLA341 was associated with the 12.5-kb, mobilizable transposon, Tn4555, which encoded the beta-lactamase gene cfxA. Transfer occurred by a conjugation-like mechanism, was stimulated by growth of donor cells with tetracycline (TC), and required the presence of a Bacteroides chromosomal Tcr element. Transconjugants resistant to either FX, TC, or both drugs were obtained, but only Fxr Tcr isolates could act as donors of Fxr in subsequent matings. Transfer of Fxr could be restored in Fxr Tcs strains by the introduction of a conjugal Tcr element from Bacteroides fragilis V479-1. A covalently closed circular DNA form of Tn4555 was observed in donor cells by Southern hybridization, and the levels of this circular transposon increased significantly in cells grown with TC. Both the cfxA gene and the Tn4555 mobilization region hybridized to the circular DNA, suggesting that this was a structurally intact transposon unit. Circular transposon DNA purified by CsCl-ethidium bromide density gradient centrifugation was used to transform Tcs B. fragilis 638, and Fxr transformants were obtained. Both the circular form and the integrated Tn4555 were observed in transformants, but the circular form was present at less than one copy per chromosomal equivalent. Examination of genomic DNA from Fxr transformants and transconjugants revealed that Tn4555 could insert at a wide variety of chromosomal sites. Multiple transposon insertions were present in many of the transconjugants, indicating that there was no specific barrier to the introduction of a second transposon copy.  相似文献   

Donald T. Downing 《Proteins》1995,23(2):204-217
Mammalian epidermal keratin molecules adopt rod-shaped conformations that aggregate to form cytoplasmic intermediate filaments. To investigate these keratin conformations and the basis for their patterns of molecular association, graphical methods were developed to relate known amino acid sequences to probable spacial configurations. The results support the predominantly α-helical conformation of keratin chains, interrupted by short non-α-helical linkages. However, it was found that many of the linkages have amino acid sequences typical of β-strand conformations. Space-filling atomic models revealed that the β-strand sequences would permit the formation of 2-chain and 4-chain cylindrical β-helices, fully shielding the hydrophobic amino acid chains that alternate with hydrophilic residues in these sequences. Because of the locations of the β-helical regions in human and mouse stratum corneum keratin chains, only homodimers of the keratins could interact efficiently to form 2-chain and 4-chain β-helices. Tetramers having the directions and degrees of overlap of constituent dimers that have been identified by previous investigators are also predicted from the interactions of β-helical motifs. Heterotetramers formed from dissimilar homodimers could combine, through additional β-helical structures, to form higher oligomers having the dimensions seen in electron microscopic studies. Previous results from chemical crosslinking studies can be interpreted to support the concept of homodimers rather than heterodimers as the basis for keratin filament assembly. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Ethanolamine ammonia-lyase catalyzes the adenosylcobalamin (AdoCbl)-dependent conversion of ethanolamine to acetaldehyde and ammonia. During this reaction, a hydrogen atom migrates from the carbinol carbon of ethanolamine to the methyl carbon of acetaldehyde. Previous studies have shown that this migrating hydrogen equilibrates with the hydrogens on the 5'-(cobalt-linked) carbon of the cofactor. On the basis of those studies, a two-step mechanism for hydrogen transfer has been postulated in which the migrating hydrogen is first transferred from the substrate to the cofactor, then in a subsequent step is returned from the cofactor to the product. We now show that this migrating hydrogen is transferred not only to the cofactor, but also to a second acceptor at the active site. Hydrogens on this acceptor do not exchange with water during the course of the reaction, but are released to water when the enzyme is denatured. The catalytic significance of this second hydrogen acceptor was demonstrated by the findings that the transfer of hydrogen to this acceptor required both AdoCbl and active enzyme and that hydrogen at the second acceptor site could be washed out by unlabeled ethanolamine. On the basis of these results, we propose an expanded hydrogen transfer mechanism in which AdoCbl and the second acceptor site serve as alternative intermediate hydrogen carriers during the course of ethanolamine deamination.  相似文献   

K Mizuuchi  K Adzuma 《Cell》1991,66(1):129-140
Central to transposition of phage Mu are two reactions mediated by the MuA protein. First, MuA introduces single-stranded cuts at the ends of the Mu DNA to generate 3' OH termini. In the subsequent strand-transfer step, the MuA-Mu DNA end complex cuts a target DNA and joins the Mu 3' ends to the 5' ends of the target. DNA containing chiral phosphorothioates was used to demonstrate inversion of the chirality during the course of strand transfer. This result strongly supports a one-step transesterification mechanism in which the 3' OH of the cleaved donor DNA is the attacking nucleophile. Furthermore, this donor 3' OH group was essential for target DNA cleavage. In contrast, during lambda integration the phosphate chirality was retained, as expected for a two-step transesterification involving a covalent protein-DNA intermediate.  相似文献   

ThiI is an enzyme common to the biosynthetic pathways leading to both thiamin and 4-thiouridine in tRNA. Comparison of the ThiI sequence with protein sequences in the data bases revealed that the Escherichia coli enzyme contains a C-terminal extension displaying sequence similarity to the sulfurtransferase rhodanese. Cys-456 of ThiI aligns with the active site cysteine residue of rhodanese that transiently forms a persulfide during catalysis. We investigated the functional importance of this sequence similarity and discovered that, like rhodanese, ThiI catalyzes the transfer of sulfur from thiosulfate to cyanide. Mutation of Cys-456 to alanine impairs this sulfurtransferase activity, and the C456A ThiI is incapable of supporting generation of 4-thiouridine in tRNA both in vitro and in vivo. We therefore conclude that Cys-456 of ThiI is critical for activity and propose that Cys-456 transiently forms a persulfide during catalysis. To accommodate this hypothesis, we propose a general mechanism for sulfur transfer in which the terminal sulfur of the persulfide first acts as a nucleophile and is then transferred as an equivalent of S(2-) rather than S(0).  相似文献   

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