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记述采自内蒙古地区斑翅蝗科昆虫1新种,即红股沼泽蝗Mecostethus rufifemoralis, sp. nov.,模式标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所昆虫标本室及河北大学博物馆.  相似文献   

The size of the gestational sac and embryonic mass as well as the embryonic heartbeat were examined ultrasonographically from Day 16 to 25 of pregnancy in 15 beagle bitches, using a 7.5 MHz transducer. Results were more consistent when gestational age was based on the day of the preovulatory luteinizing hormone (LH) surge than on the day of first breeding. The gestational sac was first detected at 17 to 20 d after the LH surge, when it was 1 to 2 mm in diameter and 1 to 4 mm in length. The diameter and length of the gestational sac increased exponentially. At Day 25, the mean diameter was 8.2 +/- 0.3 mm (7 to 9 mm) and mean length was 20.3 +/- 1.1 mm (14 to 24 mm). Embryonic mass and heartbeat were first detected at 23 to 25 d after the LH surge. The embryonic heartbeat was detected on the day of or the day after detection of the embryonic mass, at which time the embryonic mass was 1 to 4 mm in length and was located at the periphery of the gestational sac.  相似文献   

Development, growth, and egg production of the Marmorkrebs (marbled crayfish), a crayfish with parthenogenetic reproduction, uncertain geographic origin, and taxonomic position, was studied under laboratory conditions. Length and weight increments strongly depended on temperature being highest at 30 degrees C, and lowest at 15 degrees C. At 25 degrees C, cephalothorax length and weight increased by 17.5 mm and 1700 mg, respectively, in the course of 150 d, whereas at 15 degrees C these parameters increased by only 7 mm and 100 mg during the same period of time. Photoperiod slightly affected growth at 25 degrees C. During growth experiments, mortality was lower at 20 degrees C compared to higher (25 degrees , 30 degrees C) or lower temperatures (15 degrees C), and lower under short-day than under long-day conditions. Females matured early (at an age of 141-255 d, a cephalothorax length of 14-21.5 mm, and a weight of 0.63-2 g) compared to other crayfish species. Reproductive females with a cephalothorax length of between 25-35 mm produced large clutches (up to 416 eggs) and brooding periods varied between 22 and 42 d. In order to establish a staging scheme for Marmorkrebs embryos, embryos were photographed, externally visible ontogenetic events charted, and dissected embryos stained with a nuclear dye. These experiments indicate that their development is virtually identical to that of other crayfish. In conclusion, these results and others show that the Marmorkrebs may be taken as a representative valid model organism for future developmental studies on Crustacea.  相似文献   

记述产于香港直翅目昆虫蝗科1新种,香港黄佛蝗Chlorophlaeoba hongkongensis sp.nov.及蚱科1新种黄条悠背蚱Euparatettix galbustriatus sp.nov.。香港黄佛蝗近似于台湾黄佛蝗Chlorophlaeoba taiwanensis Yin et al.,2007,主要区别为:1)复眼纵径为眼下沟长的2倍;2)前胸背板中、侧隆线间仅具1条附加纵隆线;3)中胸腹板侧叶间中隔近方形;4)前翅不具1条白纵纹。黄条悠背蚱近似于尖顶悠背蚱Euparatettix spicuvertex Zheng,1998,主要区别为:1)前胸背板后突极长,其超出后足股节顶端部分长约4mm;2)中足股节下缘平直;3)雌性下生殖板后缘具3齿;4)前胸背板中央具黄色纵条纹;5)后足股节下侧非黑色。  相似文献   

中国鮡属鱼类二新种记述(鲇形目:鮡科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报道在四川西部收集的鮡科鱼类标本中,发现有鮡属(Pareuchiloglanis)的壮体鮡,新种P.robusta sp.nov.和四川鮡,新种P.sichuanensis sp.nov.,对二新种的形态特征作了详细描述,并与相近种的主要性状列表进行比较。  相似文献   

Seasonally anovulatory mares were injected, i.m., twice daily with a GnRH analogue (GnRH-A), and hCG was given when the largest follicle reached 35 mm in diameter. In Exp. 1, treatment was initiated on 23 December when the largest follicle per mare was less than or equal to 17 mm. An ovulatory response (ovulation within 21 days) occurred in 17 of 30 (57%) GnRH-A-treated mares on a mean of 15.8 days. The shortest interval to ovulation in control mares (N = 10) was 57 days. The diameter of the largest follicle first increased significantly 6 days after start of treatment. In Exp. 2, treatment was begun on 15 January and mares were categorized according to the largest follicle at start of treatment. The proportion of mares ovulating within 21 days increased significantly according to initial diameter of largest follicle (less than or equal to 15 mm, 9/25 mares ovulated; 15-19 mm, 13/21; 20-24 mm, 20/24; greater than 25 mm, 3/3). The multiple ovulation rate was greater (P less than 0.01) for treated mares (27/86 mares had multiple ovulations) than for control mares (2/35). Treated mares in which the largest follicle at start of treatment was greater than or equal to 25 mm had a higher (P less than 0.01) multiple ovulation rate (9/14) than did mares in which the largest follicle was less than 25 mm (18/72). The pregnancy rate for single ovulators was not different between control mares (26/30 pregnant mares) and treated mares (43/54).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Several parameters concerning the reproduction of Litomosoides carinii were assessed using quantitatively infected cotton rats (Sigmodon hispidus). The course of embryogenesis from the fertilization of eggs to the delivery of the first microfilariae was observed by daily autopsies during prepatency. The duration of embryogenesis in vivo could thus be determined as 18 +/- 2 days. The contents of embryos in the uteri of female worms had been examined at various intervals. At the onset of patency 7-8 weeks p.i. the females were 71 +/- 6 mm long and on average contained 308 X 10(3) embryos/female, of which 19% were pathologically altered. In the middle of patency 16-20 weeks p.i. the females had grown up to 100 +/- 11 mm in length and now contained 509 X 10(3) embryos/female, 25% of them were pathologically altered, the others were normally developed. A positive correlation between the body length of a female worm and its number of embryos in utero was evident. Additionally the percentage of pathologically altered embryos was increased with respect to the age of the worms. The calculated fecundity of a female L. carinii in vivo of around 20 X 10(3) microfilariae/female per day had been confirmed with worms maintained in vitro. Three combinations of media and serum supplements were used and their influence on embryogenesis evaluated.  相似文献   

The rate of early fetal growth in the human subject   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Data from 354 embryos and fetuses between 20 and 200 mm crown rump length obtained by therapeutic abortion in 3 different countries were evaluated. All Danich and Hungarian and the majority of American specimens were measured immeditely after delivery in the fresh condition. In the mathematical evaluation linear regressions were calculated by the method of least squares for arbitrarily defined ranges to 20-50 mm and 50-200 mm crown rump lenghts. The material was analyzed statistically so that confidence limits could be drawn for the estimation of gestational age from crown rump length measurements. All data in the 20-50 mm range were combined, but beyond that fetal length the statistics for the Hungarian group were calculated separatley. The equation calculated to fit the data in the 20-50 mm rage is A = 46 + 0.71 L where A is gestational age in days and L is crown rump lenght in mm. The 95% confidence limits of regression are 0.57-0.83 days/mm and the correlation between gestational age and crown rump length is 0.65. Estimates of gestational age from sitting height measurements can be made + or - 15 days with 95% confidence. The equation for the combined Danish and American data in the range 50-200 mm is A = 64 + 0.41 L. The 95% confidence limits for the regression are 0.36-0.46 days mm and the correlation between gestational age and crown rump length is 0.70. Estimates of gestational age from crown rump length can be made + or - 26 days with 95% confidence. The data from the Hungarian study in the 50-200 mm sitting height range differ from those of the combined Danish and American material. The regression of days/mm (0.22) was significantly less at p. 01 level supporting the suspected bias in the Hungarian material, but the correlation between gestational age and crown rump length, 0.62, was not significantly less than that of the combined Danish and American data. Thus, if the difference in the slope was due to a bias, the bias was relatively consistent from patient to patient. Comparison of the results with those of Streeter (1920, 1951) indicates that the considerable discrepancy at the embryonic stages diminishes gradually in the fetal period and eventually becomes quite insignificant.  相似文献   

记述中国琵甲属8新种:甘孜琵甲Blaps garzica,sp,nov,叉尾琵甲B.furcala,sp.nov。,太原琵甲B.taiyuanica,Sp,nov.,尖角琵甲B.acutangula,sp.nov., 周氏琵甲B.choui,sp.nov.,多毛琵甲Bpilosa,sp.,nov.,短体琵甲B.brevis,sp.nov和圆形琵甲B.ratalaria,sp,nov。模式标本保存在河北大学博物馆。  相似文献   

In the present study, a shape-independent differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) technique was used to measure the dehydration response during freezing of sperm cells from diploid and tetraploid Pacific oysters, Crassostrea gigas. This represents the first application of the DSC technique to sperm cells from nonmammalian species. Volumetric shrinkage during freezing of oyster sperm cell suspensions was obtained at cooling rates of 5 and 20 degrees C/min in the presence of extracellular ice and 8% (v/v) concentration of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), a commonly used cryoprotective agent (CPA). Using previously published data, sperm cells from diploid oysters were modeled as a two-compartment "ball-on-stick" model with a "ball" 1.66 microm in diameter and a "stick" 41 microm in length and 0.14 microm wide. Similarly, sperm cells of tetraploid oysters were modeled with a "ball" 2.14 microm in diameter and a "stick" 53 microm in length and 0.17 microm wide. Sperm cells of both ploidy levels were assumed to have an osmotically inactive cell volume, Vb, of 0.6 Vo, where Vo is the isotonic (or initial) cell volume. By fitting a model of water transport to the experimentally obtained volumetric shrinkage data, the best-fit membrane permeability parameters (Lpg and ELp) were determined. The combined-best-fit membrane permeability parameters at 5 and 20 degrees C/min for haploid sperm cells (or cells from diploid Pacific oysters) in the absence of CPAs were: Lpg = 0.30 x 10(-15) m(3)/Ns (0.0017 microm/min-atm) and ELp = 41.0 kJ/mole (9.8 kcal/mole). The corresponding parameters in the presence of 8% DMSO were: Lpg[cpa] = 0.27 x 10(-15) m(3)/Ns (0.0015 microm/min-atm) and ELp[cpa] = 38.0 kJ/mole (9.1 kcal/mole). Similarly, the combined-best-fit membrane permeability parameters at 5 and 20 degrees C/min for diploid sperm cells (or cells from tetraploid Pacific oysters) in the absence of CPAs were: Lpg = 0.34 x 10(-15) m(3)/Ns (0.0019 microm/min-atm) and ELp = 29.7 kJ/mole (7.1 kcal/mole). The corresponding parameters in the presence of 8% DMSO were: Lpg[cpa] = 0.34 x 10(-15) m(3)/Ns (0.0019 microm/min-atm) and ELp[cpa] = 37.6 kJ/mole (9.0 kcal/mole). The parameters obtained in this study suggest that optimal rates of cooling for Pacific oyster sperm cells range from 40 to 70 degrees C/min. These theoretical cooling rates are in close conformity with empirically determined optimal rates of cooling sperm cells from Pacific oysters, C. gigas.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional backbone structure of the transmembrane domain of Vpu from HIV-1 was determined by solid-state NMR spectroscopy in two magnetically-aligned phospholipid bilayer environments (bicelles) that differed in their hydrophobic thickness. Isotopically labeled samples of Vpu(2-30+), a 36-residue polypeptide containing residues 2-30 from the N-terminus of Vpu, were incorporated into large (q = 3.2 or 3.0) phospholipid bicelles composed of long-chain ether-linked lipids (14-O-PC or 16-O-PC) and short-chain lipids (6-O-PC). The protein-containing bicelles are aligned in the static magnetic field of the NMR spectrometer. Wheel-like patterns of resonances characteristic of tilted transmembrane helices were observed in two-dimensional (1)H/(15)N PISEMA spectra of uniformly (15)N-labeled Vpu(2-30+) obtained on bicelle samples with their bilayer normals aligned perpendicular or parallel to the direction of the magnetic field. The NMR experiments were performed at a (1)H resonance frequency of 900 MHz, and this resulted in improved data compared to lower-resonance frequencies. Analysis of the polarity-index slant-angle wheels and dipolar waves demonstrates the presence of a transmembrane alpha-helix spanning residues 8-25 in both 14-O-PC and 16-O-PC bicelles, which is consistent with results obtained previously in micelles by solution NMR and mechanically aligned lipid bilayers by solid-state NMR. The three-dimensional backbone structures were obtained by structural fitting to the orientation-dependent (15)N chemical shift and (1)H-(15)N dipolar coupling frequencies. Tilt angles of 30 degrees and 21 degrees are observed in 14-O-PC and 16-O-PC bicelles, respectively, which are consistent with the values previously determined for the same polypeptide in mechanically-aligned DMPC and DOPC bilayers. The difference in tilt angle in C14 and C16 bilayer environments is also consistent with previous results indicating that the transmembrane helix of Vpu responds to hydrophobic mismatch by changing its tilt angle. The kink found in the middle of the helix in the longer-chain C18 bilayers aligned on glass plates was not found in either of these shorter-chain (C14 or C16) bilayers.  相似文献   

记述采自内蒙古贺兰山地区拟埃蝗属Pseudoeocyllina 2新种,即拟短翅拟埃蝗Pseudoeocyllina brevipennisoides Zhang,Zheng et Yang,sp. nov.及贺兰山拟埃蝗Pseudoeocyllina helanshanensis Zheng,Zeng et Zhang,sp. nov.,附有拟埃蝗属分种检索表.模式标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

贵州高原鳅属鱼类二新种(鲤形目:鳅科:条鳅亚科)   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
描述高原鳅属鱼类2新种,即鼻须高原鳅Triplophysa nasobarbatula sp.nov.和贞丰高原鳅Triplophysa zhenfengensis sp.nov.,采自贵州省荔波县和贞丰县(均属西江水系)。前者与云南高原鳅Tripliophysa yunnanensis Yang相似,后者与鼻须高原鳅Triplophysa nasobarbatula sp.nov.相似,正模标本均保存在遵义医学院生物学教研室。  相似文献   

Kim HS  Kim DI 《Steroids》1999,64(12):844-848
(25R)-3beta,26-Dihydroxy-5alpha-cholest-8(14)-en-15-one (1) and (25R)-3beta,26-dihydroxy-5alpha,14beta-cholest-16-en-1 5-one (2) were synthesized from (25R)-3beta,26-dibenzoyloxy-5alpha,14alpha-chole st-16-ene (4). Oxidation of 4 with CrO3-3,5-dimethylpyrazole at -20 degrees C gave (25R)-3beta,26-dibenzoyloxy-5alpha,14alpha-chole st-16-en-15-one (5) along with (25R)-3beta,26-dibenzoyloxy-5alpha-cholest-16alpha+ ++,17alpha-epoxide (6). Oxidation of 5 with selenium dioxide afforded (25R)-3beta,26-dibenzoyloxy-5alpha-cholest-8(14),16-++ +dien-15-one (7) and (25R)-3beta,26-dibenzoyloxy-5alpha,14beta-choles t-16-en-15-one (8). Selective hydrogenation of 7 followed by hydrolysis in alcoholic potassium hydroxide yielded (25R)-3beta,26-dihydroxy-5alpha-cholest-8(14)-en-15-one (1). Hydrolysis of 5 and 8 in alcoholic potassium hydroxide provided (25R)-3beta,26-dihydroxy-5alpha,14beta-cholest-16-en-1 5-one (2).  相似文献   

Optimization of techniques for cryopreservation of mammalian sperm is limited by a lack of knowledge regarding water permeability characteristics during freezing in the presence of extracellular ice and cryoprotective agents (CPAs). Cryomicroscopy cannot be used to measure dehydration during freezing in mammalian sperm because they are highly nonspherical and their small dimensions are at the limits of light microscopic resolution. Using a new shape-independent differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) technique, volumetric shrinkage during freezing of ICR mouse epididymal sperm cell suspensions was obtained at cooling rates of 5 and 20 degrees C/min in the presence of extracellular ice and CPAs. Using previously published data, the mouse sperm cell was modeled as a cylinder (122-microm long, radius 0.46 microm) with an osmotically inactive cell volume (V(b)) of 0.61V(o), where V(o) is the isotonic cell volume. By fitting a model of water transport to the experimentally obtained volumetric shrinkage data, the best-fit membrane permeability parameters (L(pg) and E(Lp)) were determined. The "combined best-fit" membrane permeability parameters at 5 and 20 degrees C/min for mouse sperm cells in solution are as follows: in D-PBS: L(pg) = 1.7 x 10(-15) m(3)/Ns (0.01 microm/min-atm) and E(Lp) = 94.1 kJ/mole (22.5 kcal/mole) (R(2) = 0.94); in "low" CPA media (consisting of 1% glycerol, 6% raffinose, and 15% egg yolk in D-PBS): L(pg)[cpa] = 1.7 x 10(-15) m(3)/Ns (0.01 microm/min-atm) and E(Lp)[cpa] = 122.2 kJ/mole (29.2 kcal/mole) (R(2) = 0.98); and in "high" CPA media (consisting of 4% glycerol, 16% raffinose, and 15% egg yolk in D-PBS): L(pg)[cpa] = 0.68 x 10(-15) m(3)/Ns (0.004 microm/min-atm) and E(Lp)[cpa] = 63.6 kJ/mole (15.2 kcal/mole) (R(2) = 0.99). These parameters are significantly different than previously published parameters for mammalian sperm obtained at suprazero temperatures and at subzero temperatures in the absence of extracellular ice. The parameters obtained in this study also suggest that damaging intracellular ice formation (IIF) could occur in mouse sperm cells at cooling rates as low as 25-45 degrees C/min, depending on the concentrations of the CPAs. This may help to explain the discrepancy between the empirically determined optimal cryopreservation cooling rates, 10-40 degrees C/min, and the numerically predicted optimal cooling rates, greater than 5000 degrees C/min, obtained using suprazero mouse sperm permeability parameters that do not account for the presence of extracellular ice. As an independent test of this prediction, the percentages of viable and motile sperm cells were obtained after freezing at two different cooling rates ("slow" or 5 degrees C/min; "fast," or 20 degrees C/min) in both the low and high CPA media. The greatest sperm motility and viability was found with the low CPA media under fast (20 degrees C/min) cooling conditions.  相似文献   

本文记述采自云南的鲤科鱼类一新种。Sauvage(1878)以上下唇具乳突等特征建立了方口鲃属Cosmochilus,迄今共3个种。新种命名为南腊方口鲃C.nanlaensis sp.nov.以乳突不发达、呈绒毛状;第一鳃弓鳃耙稀疏;上颌须呈退化状,口角须亦不发达;背鳍末根不分枝鳍条较短;侧线鳞数目偏少等特征易与本属其他种类相区别。文末附本属鱼类之检索表。  相似文献   

Polinices pulchellus held in the laboratory produced egg collars all year round. Egg collar production was greatest during July and August and only occurred in females >8-10 mm shell length. The largest individuals (14-16 mm shell length) had the highest fecundity and ceased egg-laying in late September, whilst 8-14 mm individuals laid egg collars until November. Small females (4-6 mm) grew rapidly during the warmer, summer months (April to August), became sexually mature and began laying egg collars in mid-September. Both the range of egg collar wet weights and the maximum wet weight of an individual egg collar increased with female size class. Temperature strongly affected the length of time between the laying of egg collars and the hatching of larvae (9-10 days at 19-20 °C and 14-15 days at 13-14 °C). A close relationship was also found between egg collar wet weight and the number of veliger larvae released.  相似文献   

梁醒财 《动物学研究》1995,16(3):207-212
本文报道中支蝠蛾、叶日蝠蛾、美丽蝠蛾和里塘蝠蛾4个新种,这些新种分别采于云南和四川。  相似文献   

张敏  刘宁 《动物学杂志》2017,52(6):1056-1061
2016年3~9月对云南云县中岭岗村(24°15′42″N,100°02′42″E,平均海拔1 650 m)的黑喉山鹪莺(Prinia atrogularis)繁殖生态进行了研究。研究期间共发现42巢,主要位于杂草丛中(n=37)和灌木丛(茶树)中(n=5),筑巢期一般5~6 d,巢材有蜘蛛丝、苔藓植物、茅草花、茅草叶、铁线莲花、竹根须、枯枝、棕丝、干枯草穗等。巢呈球状,中上部侧方开口,巢重为(8.3±1.7)g,巢长为(13.2±0.9)cm,宽为(8.2±0.5)cm,巢口长(4.9±0.7)cm,巢口宽为(4.0±0.5)cm(n=25)。窝卵数为(3.9±0.4)枚(n=21,3~4枚)。卵的底色为白色、淡绿或者淡粉,遍布褐红色斑点,有的在钝端呈环状。卵重为(1.38±0.09)g,卵长为(17.3±0.7)mm,宽为(12.6±0.3)mm,卵体积为(1.4±0.1)cm3(n=65)。孵卵期(13.9±0.9)d(n=5,13~15 d),育雏期为(13.5±1.3)d(n=4,12~15 d)。利用Logistic曲线拟合雏鸟体重及外部器官增长,雏鸟的体重和嘴峰在5日龄左右增长最快,体长、翼长、跗跖在7日龄增长最快。对繁殖时间和地点较近的28巢进行连续观察,其中有7巢成功、21巢失败。造成繁殖失败的主要原因分别是巢捕食(62%)、亲鸟弃巢(14%)、人为破坏(14%)。  相似文献   

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