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Replacement of perennial grasses with non‐native annual grasses in California's Central Valley grasslands and foothills has increased deep soil water availability. Yellow starthistle (Centaurea solstitialis), a deep‐rooted invasive thistle, can use this water to invade annual grasslands. Native perennial bunchgrasses, such as Purple needlegrass (Nassella pulchra), also use deep soil water, so there is an overlap in resource use between N. pulchra and C. solstitialis. Restoration of N. pulchra to annual grasslands could result in strong competitive interactions between N. pulchra and C. solstitialis, which may reduce survival, growth, and reproduction of the invader. The strength of this competitive interaction can increase as N. pulchra plants mature, increase in size, and develop more extensive root systems. We studied how the size of N. pulchra affected the success of C. solstitialis invasion over 2 years. We allowed C. solstitialis seed to fall naturally into plots containing N. pulchra plants. For each plot, we measured the number of C. solstitialis seedlings and mature plants, as well as C. solstitialis biomass and seedhead production. In both years of the study, C. solstitialis number, biomass, and seedhead production declined significantly as N. pulchra size increased. However, even C. solstitialis grown with the largest N. pulchra plants produced some seed, especially during the higher rainfall year. We conclude that restoration plantings with larger, established N. pulchra plants will be more resistant to invasion by C. solstitialis than young N. pulchra plantings, but site management must continue as long as a C. solstitialis seed source is present.  相似文献   

A dominant plant of the California grasslands, purple needlegrass [Nassella pulchra (Hitchc.) Barkworth] is an important revegetation species in its native range. The amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) method was used to elucidate mode of reproduction and nucleotide variation among 11 natural populations and three selected natural germplasm releases of N. pulchra. A total of 12 co-dominant AFLPs, informative within eight populations, failed to reveal any heterozygous individuals, indicating very high selfing rates (S(H)=1). Estimates of nucleotide diversity within populations ranged from 0 to 0.00069 (0.00035 average), whereas the total nucleotide divergence among populations ranged from 0.00107 to 0.00382 (0.00247 average). Measures of population differentiation (GS) in terms of Shannon-Weaver diversity values and estimated nucleotide substitutions were 0.90 and 0.86, respectively. Although some of the sample populations contained a mixture of true breeding genotypes, most populations could be distinguished unambiguously. Moreover, geographical distance between the natural source populations was significantly correlated with genetic distance (r = 0.60) among the corresponding sample populations. Results indicate that inbreeding, combined with founder effects and/or selection, has contributed to the differentiation of N. pulchra populations. Foundation seed populations of the selected natural germplasm releases were genetically well defined and most similar to natural seed collected near the corresponding source populations. Thus, these commercial germplasm sources will be made practically available and useful for conservation plantings within the intended areas of utilization.  相似文献   

Abstract Annual grasslands in California are often managed with seasonal grazing and prescribed burning on the assumption that such practices have long‐term benefits for native species. Mature native perennial bunchgrasses, particularly Nassella pulchra (purple needlegrass), are often the focal species, although very little is known about responses at different life history stages. Thus, important questions remain about long‐term population dynamics of both mature plants and seedling recruitment. In plots receiving repeated grazing and burning events over 7 years, mortality of mature plants was threefold higher on mounds than on intermounds and likely reflected increased competition intensity associated with increased resource availability in deeper soil. Burning and grazing treatments had strong positive effects on basal area of mature N. pulchra. However, plants in grazed plots that were not burned contained considerable standing dead biomass. Topographic location strongly influenced growth as intermound plants grew relatively more than mound plants, but the effects on growth of burning and grazing did not vary with topographic location. In mapped plots N. pulchra recruitment was very low, and overall density dropped an average of 31%. However, a significant time‐by‐burning effect indicated that survival was significantly higher in burned plots. After 7 years of repeated treatments, effects of burning and grazing management on mature N. pulchra were positive but not for all phenological stages. Understanding long‐term influence of management on bunchgrass populations may not be easy to determine because short‐term results may not reflect long‐term responses and some life cycle dynamics may be observed only over very long periods.  相似文献   

Restoration of California native perennial grassland is often initiated with cultivation to reduce the density and cover of non‐native annual grasses before seeding with native perennials. Tillage is known to adversely impact agriculturally cultivated land; thus changes in soil biological functions, as indicated by carbon (C) turnover and C retention, may also be negatively affected by these restoration techniques. We investigated a restored perennial grassland in the fourth year after planting Nassella pulchra, Elymus glaucus, and Hordeum brachyantherum ssp. californicum for total soil C and nitrogen (N), microbial biomass C, microbial respiration, CO2 concentrations in the soil atmosphere, surface efflux of CO2, and root distribution (0‐ to 15‐, 15‐ to 30‐, 30‐ to 60‐, and 60‐ to 80‐cm depths). A comparison was made between untreated annual grassland and plots without plant cover still maintained by tillage and herbicide. In the uppermost layer (0‐ to 15‐cm depth), total C, microbial biomass C, and respiration were lower in the tilled, bare soil than in the grassland soils, as was CO2 efflux from the soil surface. Root length near perennial bunchgrasses was lower at the surface and greater at lower depths than in the annual grass–dominated areas; a similar but less pronounced trend was observed for root biomass. Few differences in soil biological or chemical properties occurred below 15‐cm depth, except that at lower depths, the CO2 concentration in the soil atmosphere was lower in the plots without vegetation, possibly from reduced production of CO2 due to the lack of root respiration. Similar microbiological properties in soil layers below 15‐cm depth suggest that deeper microbiota rely on more recalcitrant C sources and are less affected by plant removal than in the surface layer, even after 6 years. Without primary production, restoration procedures with extended periods of tillage and herbicide applications led to net losses of C during the plant‐free periods. However, at 4 years after planting native grasses, soil microbial biomass and activity were nearly the same as the former conditions represented by annual grassland, suggesting high resilience to the temporary disturbance caused by tillage.  相似文献   

Concerns about the use of genetically appropriate material in restoration often focus on questions of local adaptation. Many reciprocal transplant studies have demonstrated local adaptation in native plant species, but very few have examined how interspecific competition affects the expression of adaptive variation. Our study examined regional scales of adaptation between foothill and coastal populations of two California native bunchgrasses (Elymus glaucus and Nassella pulchra). By combining competitive manipulations with reciprocal transplants, we examined the importance of the vegetation at a site as a selective factor in the process of local adaptation. By monitoring survival and reproduction of reciprocally transplanted populations over the course of 3 years, we also studied the effect of life history stage on the expression of local adaptation. For most of the fitness components we measured, local adaptation was detected and interspecific competition consistently amplified its expression. Expression of local adaptation was especially apparent in the more inbreeding species E. glaucus and suggests that with weaker gene flow, selection may be more effective in creating ecotypes within this species. Local adaptation was detected at all life history stages but was most strongly expressed in traits associated with adult reproduction and the viability of seeds produced by the transplants. Taken together, our results indicate that the importance of local adaptation will become more apparent in the later stages of a restoration project as the plants at a site begin to reproduce and as they experience greater interspecific competition from the maturing vegetation at the site.  相似文献   

The use of local seed sources for revegetation is accepted practice to reduce the potential that propagules will be poorly adapted to site conditions. However, data are often lacking to determine the distance within which seed sources represent local genotypes. Short‐term reciprocal transplant studies represent a class of tools to detect local adaptation of target species. We conducted a reciprocal transplant of Nassella pulchra between two central California locations to test for adaptation to local environmental conditions over a 3‐year period. Experimental plots at one location were split between grazed and ungrazed sites to evaluate the potential influence of livestock grazing on the detection or magnitude of local adaptation. During each year of the study, evidence of a home‐site advantage depended on the location, traits studied, and population. At the end of the 3‐year study period, however, we detected consistent evidence of a home‐site advantage for seedling biomass among grazed sites at one location and ungrazed plots at the other location. In effect, local adaptation was only apparent in the final year of the study. Short‐term reciprocal transplant studies are an effective tool to guide the selection of seed sources most likely to germinate and to become established at a restoration site, but such studies cannot rule out local adaptation, which may not be immediately detectable.  相似文献   

Prairies in the Pacific Northwest have been actively restored for over a decade. Competition from non‐native woody and herbaceous species has been presumed to be a major cause for the failure of restoration projects. In this research, plugs of the native prairie bunchgrass, Festuca idahoensis Elmer var. roemeri (Pavlick), were grown from seed in a nursery and transplanted into a grassland site dominated by non‐native pasture grasses. The growth of the plants was followed for three years, and biomass of all volunteer plants was measured. Before planting, five treatments were applied to the plots: removal of vegetation by burning, removal of vegetation by an herbicide‐and‐till procedure, soil impoverishment by removal of organic matter, fertilizer application, and compost mulch application. Initial growth of Idaho fescue plugs was greatest with fertilizer and compost mulch. Plants grown in mulched plots were also able to photosynthesize later into the dry summer season. After the first year, plots initially fertilized or composted had the lowest survival rate of Idaho fescue. Impoverished and herbicide‐and‐till plots had the greatest 3‐year survival. Mulched plots supported the greatest weed growth after three years. Stressful environments give a competitive advantage to Idaho fescue in prairie restoration projects. As weedy species increase, growth and survival of Idaho fescue decreases.  相似文献   

A delegation of five scientists participated in a U.S. National Research Council program to review the status of research on the health and environmental impacts of nuclear testing at the Semipalatinsk Test Site (STS) in the eastern region of the Republic of Kazakhstan. From 11 August through 25 August 2000, we visited several research institutes in Kazakhstan and consulted with numerous Kazakh researchers from academic disciplines ranging from radioecology to public health and medicine. We focused on reviewing data on the health and environmental impacts resulting from the testing. The health effects caused by the testing at STS have received a fair amount of study, and research using modern techniques such as fluorescence in situ hybridization and nuclear magnetic resonance will likely increase the reliability of dose reconstruction. However, the extent to which the STS is contaminated has not been adequately characterized, and the potential exposure to nomadic peoples and ecological receptors at the uncontrolled test site is not known. Additional research in these areas, and development of administrative controls for the site, appears warranted.  相似文献   

Abstract The effects of seasonal drought, belowground competition, and low soil fertility on the survival and growth over 2 years of four native tree species planted on a degraded hillside grassland in Hong Kong were studied in a field transplant experiment using three‐way analysis of variance. The tree species were Schima superba (Theaceae), Castanopsis fissa (Fagaceae), Schefflera heptaphylla (Araliaceae), and Sapium discolor (Euphorbiaceae), and the treatments were dry season irrigation, herbicide, and fertilizer. Each species responded differently to the treatments. Sapium had a very low survival rate as a result of wind damage at the exposed study site. All three treatments significantly reduced the survival rate of Castanopsis seedlings, whereas herbicide reduced it for Sapium but increased it for Schefflera. The significant effects on seedling growth were all positive, except for a strong negative effect of herbicide on Castanopsis growth. Overall, the results suggest that all three factors—seasonal drought, belowground competition, and low soil nutrients—can significantly impair seedling growth on a degraded hillside site in Hong Kong but that their relative importance differs among species. The growth benefits of the three treatments were largest and most consistent for Schima, which as a mature forest dominant would be expected to be particularly sensitive to the environmental conditions on degraded open sites. This study highlights the fact that more systematic planting trials are needed to identify suitable native tree species for cost‐effective reforestation on degraded hillsides in Hong Kong and South China.  相似文献   

Species adapted to prevailing soil and climatic conditions and native to the same geographic context are increasingly recommended for ecological restoration at high altitude. Better knowledge is required on the level of variation within these species for morpho‐physiological traits and seed yield. Adequate and affordable seed production is a prerequisite for native species to be widely adopted for restoration interventions. This study evaluated the variation of yarrow (Achillea millefolium L.) germplasm collected in the Rhaetian Alps, Italy. The worth of yarrow for restoration at high altitude has been repeatedly noted. The main goal of the study was to identify promising materials for selection purposes. The explored mountain section harbored valuable variation for traits of interest. Altitude, climate, and soil should frame an ecological correspondence between the collection site and the target restoration site, to secure the value of the native germplasm outside the boundaries of its collection area. The work also assessed any interaction between the germplasm and the ex situ growing environments, represented by a mountain and a lowland site, and verified the feasibility of the latter for seed multiplication. The growing site remarkably affected several morpho‐physiological characters. The lack of difference in mean seed yield between the two altitude‐contrasting sites suggested that seed multiplication of yarrow could also be conveniently carried out in lowland environments, with advantages in terms of production costs. Nonetheless, different yield responses in the two sites were observed, emphasizing the need of choosing the material to multiply based on the environment adopted for seed production.  相似文献   

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