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The relationship between time of feeding and aggression in a one-male unit of captive hamadryas baboons was studied to determine if feeding once a day, at a designated time and in measured amounts leads to a high level of aggressive behavior. The performance of maintenance behaviors did not differ between pre-feeding and post-feeding periods, however, aggressive behavior significantly decreased after feeding.  相似文献   

春小麦竞争能力与产量的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
董珑丽  魏茶花  马晓娟  张荣 《生态学报》2007,27(10):4203-4208
采用deWit替代系列实验确定了4个春小麦品种混播时的竞争能力与单播产量之间的关系。4个春小麦品种竞争能力由强到弱的排序依次为定西-24、和尚头、陇春-8139和高原-602。各品种单播时产量由高到低的排序依次为现代品种定西-24、陇春-8139、高原-602与地方品种和尚头。该结果表明,以优化个体适合度为目标的自然选择,导致个体竞争能力提高、繁殖分配下降,因而产生‘生长冗余’及群体表现下降。现代小麦育种通过降低竞争能力,剔除生长冗余,可以提高小麦单位面积产量(如地方品种和尚头与现代品种高原-602和陇春-8139的比较)。然而,如果现代小麦育种可以同时提高收获指数和地上生物量(如现代品种定西-24与陇春-8139和高原-602的比较),那么具有相对较高竞争能力的品种仍然可望获得较高产量,其前提是具有较高竞争能力的育成品种有着较高的收获指数。因此,春小麦品种的个体竞争能力并不必然地与产量相关,当选育的品种可以使竞争能力与收获指数同步提高,或者伴随着竞争能力的提高,收获指数具有更大幅度的提高,仍然可以获得高产。半干旱地区作物育种应集中于收获指数和地上生物量的同时提高。  相似文献   

Digestion, especially of plant material, is a time-dependent process. In herbivores, an increase in food intake is usually correlated to an acceleration of ingesta passage through the gut, and could hence depress digestive efficiency. Therefore, the nature of the relationship between food intake and ingesta passage (i.e. whether the increase in ingesta passage due to the increase in food intake is mild or drastic) should determine the flexibility of the feeding strategy of herbivore and omnivore species. Using two megaherbivore groups, the elephants and the hippopotamuses, as examples from opposing ends of the range of potential adaptations to this problem, we demonstrate that the species-specific relationship of food intake and ingesta passage can precisely predict feeding ecology and activity budgets. In hippos, the distinct acceleration in ingesta passage due to increased intake limits the additional energy gained from eating more forage, and explains the comparatively low food intake and short feeding times generally observed in these animals. In elephants, increased food intake only leads to a very moderate increase of ingesta passage, thus theoretically allowing to optimize energy gain by eating more, which is in accord with the high food intake and long feeding times observed in these animals. We suggest that the characterization of the intake-passage relationship in herbi- and omnivorous species is of much higher ecological relevance than the determination of a supposedly species-specific "passage time/mean retention time".  相似文献   

The intensity and patterning of interference competition for food within mountain gorilla (Pan gorilla beringei) social groups is influenced in several ways by group size and composition and varies within and across age/sex classes. Data on 251 spatial displacemtnts associated with feeding, collected during a 17-month study of mountain gorilla feeding ecology, show that overall displacement rates and displacement rates for individuals were positively correlated with social group size. Silverback males were responsible for a disproportionately high number of displacements. Adult females also were involved in competitive interactions over food more often than expected from their representation in groups, and had feeding bouts interrupted disproportionately often, principally by other females and by silverbacks. Competitive relationships between females varied in association with female dominance rank and age, but were not clearly associated with relatedness between females. The results support the argument that social foraging entails a cost which is proportional to group size and which falls particularly on adult females. The comparatively low rates of competitive interactions, however, suggest that this cost is relatively low, and that female mountain gorillas sacrifice little in terms of feeding efficiency by living in social groups.  相似文献   

A rank reversal between two groups of free-ranging rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) was observed.The group which became dominant through the reversal had been transplanted from another free-ranging colony eight months before. The actions of peripheral adult males of this group were important in effecting the reversal. Support of the peripheral males by the rest of the group was crucial in effecting the reversal.The development of the reversal indicates that social tradition and individual relationships between monkeys are important in maintaining and establishing intergroup rank.  相似文献   

Overseeding non‐endophytic turfgrass lawns with endophytic turfgrass is considered promising for the development of integrated pest management programs in urban landscapes. In this context, a better understanding of the variability in the preference–performance response of insect herbivores exposed to endophytic grasses could be useful to develop efficient practices. Specifically, while endophytic varieties that are strongly toxic and avoided could provide good control of mobile pests, varieties that are toxic but not avoided could be more suitable for the control of sedentary pests. In this laboratory study, we investigated how the infection of 10 grass varieties by Neotyphodium endophytes affected the feeding performance and preference of newly hatched nymphs of the hairy chinch bug, Blissus leucopterus hirtus Montandon (Heteroptera: Lygaeidae), a common turfgrass pest in north‐eastern USA. We found that endophytes generally induced a strong relationship between feeding performance and preference in this herbivore. However, two endophytic varieties did not conform to this relationship, with one variety being highly toxic but not avoided and the other less toxic but highly avoided. These results provide a solid basis to further explore the impacts of endophytic grasses on the dispersal and survival of insect pests in mixed stands of endophytic and non‐endophytic plants.  相似文献   

The relationship between morphology and performance is complex, but important for understanding the adaptive nature of morphological variation. Recent studies have sought to better understand this system by illuminating the interconnectedness of different functional systems; however, the role of genetics is often overlooked. In this study, we attempt to gain insights into this relationship by examining the effect of genotypic variation at putative craniofacial loci on the relationship between morphology and feeding performance in cichlids. We studied two morphologically disparate species, as well as a morphologically intermediate hybrid population. We assessed feeding performance, jaw protrusion, and general facial morphology for each fish. We also genotyped hybrid animals at six previously identified craniofacial loci. Cichlid species were found to differ in facial geometry, kinematic morphology, and performance. Significant correlations were also noted between these variables; however, the explanatory power of facial geometry in predicting performance was relatively poor. Notably, when hybrids were grouped by genotype, the relationship between shape and performance improved. This relationship was especially robust in animals with the specialist allele at sox9b, a well‐characterized regulator of craniofacial development. These data suggest a novel role for genotype in influencing complex relationships between form and function.  相似文献   

Objective: Anti‐fat prejudice is a common attitude in our society, and it has implications for those who hold and are targets of this prejudice. Little is known, however, about how parents’ anti‐fat attitudes impact the ways they feed their young children. We hypothesized that parents’ attitudes about weight would predict parents’ restrictive feeding practices above and beyond the effects of the child's actual weight and the parents’ concern about child overweight. Research Methods and Procedures: A total of 126 mothers and 102 fathers returned surveys about anti‐fat attitudes, feeding practices (restriction for weight and restriction for health), and concern about child overweight. Results: Parental concern about child overweight was related to higher restrictive feeding practices for both mothers and fathers. Parents’ anti‐fat attitudes also predicted restrictive feeding above and beyond the effects of parent and child BMI and parental concern about overweight. Discussion: These findings suggest that parents’ anti‐fat attitudes impact the way they feed their children.  相似文献   

The historical focus on offspring size has been to explain variation among populations, but there have been few attempts to determine whether variation is greatest at population scale. Offspring size variation is typically viewed as an adaptive response to changes in the relationship between offspring size and performance, yet direct tests remain elusive. We partitioned natural variation in offspring size for a marine invertebrate, Watersipora subtorquata, at a range of spatial and temporal scales across southeastern Australia, and we estimated the relationship between offspring size and performance at each population and time. There was significant variation in offspring size among populations, but regional differences explained only approximately 25% of the observed variation, suggesting that there should be a greater focus on small-scale variation in offspring size. We used our data to parameterize an optimality model to generate predictions of offspring size among different populations and times. Differences in the relationship between offspring size and postmetamorphic performance (and therefore changes in size of offspring that were predicted to maximize maternal fitness) among populations and times were associated with differences in offspring sizes among those populations and times. We suggest that interpopulation variation in offspring size can be an adaptive response to local conditions, but the optimal offspring size is surprisingly dynamic.  相似文献   

We investigated how food preferences and social bonds interact to determine the choice of grazing location in sheep. Ewes of INRA 401 breed were grazed in plots in which taller areas, i.e. preferred feeding sites, were left to grow at 15 or 50 m from a socially attractive site, i.e. familiar ewes placed in a public pen at one end of the plot. Eight experimental ewes were tested either alone or in groups with one, three or six accompanying animals chosen amongst 20 other familiar ewes. We used a Latin square design, in which the eight treatments (two distancesxfour group sizes) were balanced in 8 measurement days. We recorded, in 20-min tests, the behaviour of the experimental ewes by focal sampling, and the location of each animal in the groups by scan sampling. Foraging location, dietary choices and vigilance behaviour of ewes were affected by both the distance between the group of public peers and the preferred feeding site, and the size of their own group. Our results suggest that a sheep will move whether alone or with a few peers to a preferred feeding site located close to the core of its social group. In a small sub-group, its frequency of vigilance behaviour increases, probably to maintain social contact with the rest of the group. Conversely, a sheep will not leave its group to reach a preferred feeding site located further away unless it is followed by several other peers.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine if there were differences in competitive ability and yield stability on the growth of an old landrace of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum), Pinglang 40 (PL40), and a modern cultivar, Changwu135, (CW135), which differed in time of cultivar release, height, shoot and root biomass. A second aim was to investigate whether there is a relationship between competitive ability and yield stability. One pot and two field experiments were conducted to monitor changes in the competitive ability and yield stability of an old and a modern winter wheat cultivar grown in monoculture and mixtures using a de Wit replacement series. The pot study was conducted at two soil moisture levels: (a) well watered (WW), soil maintained at 85% field capacity, and (b) moderate drought (MD), soil maintained at 55% field capacity. The field experiments were conducted in 2 years that were drier than the average. In the second field experiment 40 mm of irrigation was applied to half of the plots at jointing, booting and anthesis. The results were similar in the pot and field experiments. In the mixture, the old cultivar PL40 had a greater relative yield with a larger number of spikes per plant when compared with those of the modern cultivar CW135. The dry matter per stem of CW135 tended to decrease with the increasing proportion of PL40, indicating a lower competitive ability of the modern cultivar than that of the old cultivar. The superior competition of PL40 was primarily due to the higher plant height, larger leaf area index, greater tillering capacity and larger root system. Our results showed that the modern cultivar CW135 produced a higher grain yield, yield components (except spike number), water use efficiency (WUEg) and harvest index under both water regimes in monoculture. However, the reduction in grain yield of CW135 when subjected to water-limited conditions was less than that of PL40 in the pot and field experiments. The greater grain yield of the CW135 was associated with a higher harvest index, thousand-kernel-weight and a lower root:shoot ratio. Water consumption over the entire growing period was significantly lower in CW135 under all soil moisture conditions, and the main difference in water consumption between the two cultivars was observed before anthesis. Post-anthesis accumulation of dry matter was greater in CW135 under water-limited conditions, but there was no difference between cultivars when water was adequate. The dry matter remobilization and contribution to grain yield of CW135 was lower than that of PL40. The results of the present study demonstrated that the higher competitive ability in the old landrace led to an increased sensitivity to environmentally-induced stress. As a result, there was a greater loss in grain yield by the old cultivar when the water supply was unfavorable. In addition, the differences in the life history strategy between the old and modern cultivars imply that reducing competitive ability in the modern cultivar has led to increased yield of the crop population and greater yield stability.  相似文献   

Experiments were carried out to determine the influence of food distribution (clumped vs dispersed) on processes of competition among seven captive male hamadryas-like baboons. Spatial cohesion, cohesive behaviours that males performed and received from their females, and aggressive and feeding behaviours of the males were collected during 35 min after food supply. Median values and variability of these variables were compared in both the feeding situations. Food distribution influenced both asymmetries in access and the form of competition. When food was clumped, those with less access fed by means of compensatory or alternative strategies (away from the main source and/or by feeding supplants), and they were more aggressive towards other males. When food was dispersed, all individuals could feed simultaneously, males that were more aggressive were those with less cohesive OMUs, despite the fact that cohesive behaviours remained constant. Females appeared to contribute to variation in the OMU's cohesion through their responses to both food distribution and males' competitive ability.  相似文献   

The relationship between jaw and skull morphology and feeding type (grazer, mixed feeder, browser, frugivorous, omnivorous) was analysed in 94 species of extant ungulates. A total of 21 morphological traits of the jaw and skull (17 and 4, respectively) were analysed using analysis of covariance, with body mass as covariate. To take into account the phylogenetic effect, simulations were generated under the Brownian motion model of character evolution. Analysis of covariance was applied to these simulations and the simulated F-ratios were used to assess the signification of the F-ratios for the real values of the traits. The feeding types had a weak effect on ungulate cranial and jaw morphology in comparison with the phylogenetic effect, since, before phylogeny correction, the analysis of covariance showed statistically significant differences associated with feeding type in 15 out of the 21 traits analysed. After controlling for phylogeny, only 2 significant traits remained, the length of the coronoid process and the occipital height. Omnivorous species had shorter coronoid processes than grazers or mixed feeders, and the occipital height was greater in the omnivorous species than in the grazers, mixed feeders or browsers. The coronoid process is involved in the generation of bite force, being the effective moment arm of the temporalis muscle, and occipital height is positively related to the force exerted by the temporalis muscle. This result matches the hypothesis that species with a toughness diet should show higher bite force (“toughness” describes the resistance of a material to being mechanically broken down). When the omnivorous species were excluded from the analysis, no differences in jaw and skull morphology were detected between the rest of the feeding types. Received: 1 September 1998 / Accepted: 2 November 1998  相似文献   

悬铃木方翅网蝽与红带网纹蓟马的竞争关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
【背景】悬铃木方翅网蝽是仅危害悬铃木的外来入侵物种,而红带网纹蓟马寄主广泛,可吸食悬铃木叶片汁液,2个物种客观上发生了竞争关系。【方法】以悬铃木方翅网蝽与红带网纹蓟马共同发生的悬铃木种植街区为研究地点,每10d调查15根悬铃木枝条,记录各枝条各叶片上2个物种的数量,进而评价悬铃木方翅网蝽入侵对红带网纹蓟马的竞争排斥能力。【结果】悬铃木方翅网蝽在整个调查期间的种群数量明显高于红带网纹蓟马;悬铃木方翅网蝽在悬铃木上的时间生态位宽度和重叠指数均大于红带网纹蓟马,两者的时间生态位竞争系数达0.7022,明显高于对悬铃木枝条和叶片的竞争强度;悬铃木方翅网蝽和红带网纹蓟马对悬铃木枝条和叶片的竞争强度较低,且具有阶段性,空间竞争主要发生在6月中旬至7月下旬的2个种群发生高峰期;悬铃木方翅网蝽与红带网纹蓟马在悬铃木上的繁殖生态位出现了明显的时间分化,红带网纹蓟马仅秋季世代产卵于悬铃木叶片上,而悬铃木方翅网蝽所有世代均产卵于悬铃木叶上,但2个物种在悬铃木上共同繁殖期间,红带网纹蓟马选择产卵的枝条和叶片均有悬铃木方翅网蝽产卵,表明2个物种对产卵枝条和叶片具有相似的空间需求。【结论与意义】悬铃木方翅网蝽与红带网纹蓟马在悬铃木上整体的时空生态位竞争强度较弱,且2个物种的营养生态位差异较大;悬铃木方翅网蝽的入侵对红带网纹蓟马的生存和种群发展无明显影响。  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to answer the question, “Does Stronger Mean Faster?”. After a screening for elbow strength and speed, four groups of 8 subjects were selected for further investigation that fell into the extreme quartiles of the strength and speed continuums. The main investigation employed an apparatus that could freely rotate in the sagittal plane. Three isometric trials were performed at 60°, 90° and 120° of elbow extension. Dynamic trials were performed with relative resistances (0, 20, 40, 60 and 80%), determined from the lowest maximum isometric torque produced from the three joint angles mentioned above, and absolute resistances of 1.1 kg and 2.2 kg. A 1:1 relationship between strength and speed was not established (r = 0.498). Normalized peak power proved to be the best kinetic variable for predicting peak velocity (r ranging between 0.793 and 0.918). Individuals with similar peak torques were compared and the patterns of torque development, whether torques peaked early or late during the movement, physiologically agreed with known theoretically established mechanical responses. Similar velocities were also achieved with different peak torques demonstrating a timing issue. Estimated fibre-typing could not account for the performance differences.  相似文献   

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