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Thermal unfolding experiments on bacteriorhodopsin in mixed phospholipid/detergent micelles were performed. Bacteriorhodopsin was extracted from the purple membrane in a denatured state and then renatured in the micellar system. The purpose of this study was to compare the changes, if any, in the structure and stability of a membrane protein that has folded in a nonnative environment with results obtained on the native system, i.e., the purple membrane. The purple membrane crystalline lattice is an added factor that may influence the structural stability of bacteriorhodopsin. Micelles containing bacteriorhodopsin are uniformly sized disks 105 +/- 13 A in diameter (by electron microscopy) and have an estimated molecular mass of 210 kDa (by gel filtration HPLC). The near-UV CD spectra (which is indicative of tertiary structure) for micellar bacteriorhodopsin and the purple membrane are very similar. In the visible CD region of retinal absorption, the double band seen in the spectrum of the purple membrane is replaced with a broad positive band for micellar bacteriorhodopsin, indicating that in micelles, bacteriorhodopsin is monomeric. The plot of denaturational temperature vs. pH for micellar bacteriorhodopsin is displaced downward on the temperature axis, illustrating the lower thermal stability of micellar bacteriorhodopsin when compared to the purple membrane at the same pH. Even though micellar bacteriorhodopsin is less stable, similar changes in response to pH and temperature are seen in the visible absorption spectra of micellar bacteriorhodopsin and the purple membrane. This demonstrates that changes in the protonation state or temperature have a similar affect on the local environment of the chromophore and the protein conformation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Composition of octyl glucoside-phosphatidylcholine mixed micelles   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The composition of mixed micelles of egg phosphatidylcholine (PC) and octyl glucoside was studied by a novel technique based on measuring resonance energy-transfer efficiency between two fluorescent lipid probes present in trace amounts. Equations were derived for calculating the stoichiometry of the composition of mixed micelles from the energy-transfer measurements. These were applied to determining the average number of lipid molecules in the octyl glucoside-egg PC mixed micelle as a function of detergent concentration. The average number of detergent molecules in these mixed micelles was independent of lipid concentration in the range studied (0-500 microM). The dependence of mixed micelle stoichiometry on the concentration of aqueous (monomeric) octyl glucoside is consistent with the assumptions of ideal mixing of the two amphiphiles in the mixed micelles and that mixed micelles can be treated as a distinct phase.  相似文献   

J W Nichols 《Biochemistry》1988,27(11):3925-3931
The transfer of fluorescent-labeled N-(7-nitro-2,1,3-benzoxadiazol-4-yl)phosphatidylethanolamine (N-NBD-PE) between phosphatidylcholine-taurocholate mixed micelles was measured by monitoring the increase in fluorescence as N-NBD-PE, initially contained in mixed micelles at self-quenching concentrations, was diluted into unlabeled mixed micelles. The half-times for transfer of a homologous series of N-NBD-PEs differing in saturated acyl chain length from 11 to 16 carbons increased with acyl chain length from 4 to 35 s. The half-times for transfer of the same N-NBD-PEs between phosphatidylcholine vesicles without taurocholate were 200-6000 times slower than those between the mixed micelles. A kinetic analysis of initial transfer rate data was used to determine the mechanistic model that best described the data. According to this analysis, the increased rate of intermicellar phospholipid transfer relative to that of intervesicular transfer is a result of (1) exchange between micelles during transient micelle collisions which is not observed between vesicles and (2) an increased rate of monomer diffusion due to a faster rate of phospholipid dissociation from mixed micelles into the water phase than from vesicles. The relative significance of dissociation from mixed micelles into the water phase than from vesicles. The relative significance of collision-dependent versus monomer diffusion transfer increases with acyl chain length and hydrophobicity.  相似文献   

The process of formation of lipid vesicles using the technique of detergent removal from mixed-micelles is examined. Recent studies on the solubilization and reconstitution of liposomes participated to our knowledge of the structure and properties of mixed lipid-detergent systems. The mechanisms involved in both the lipid self assembly and the micelle-vesicle transition are first reviewed. The simplistic three step minimum scheme is described and criticized in relation with isothermal as well as a function of the [det]/[lip] ratio, phase diagram explorations. The techniques of detergent elimination are reviewed and criticized for advantages and disadvantages. New methods inducing micelle-vesicle transition using enzymatic reaction and T-jump are also described and compared to more classical ones. Future developments of these techniques and improvements resulting of their combinations are also considered. Proper reconstitution of membrane constituents such as proteins and drugs into liposomes are examined in the light of our actual understanding of the micelle-vesicle transition.  相似文献   

Krishnamani V  Lanyi JK 《Biochemistry》2012,51(6):1061-1069
We report molecular dynamics simulations of the trends in the changes in secondary structure of the seven individual helices of bacteriorhodopsin when inserted into sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) micelles, and their dependence on the amino acid sequence. The results indicate that the partitioning of the helices in the micelles and their stability are dependent on the hydrophobicity of the transmembrane segments. Helices A, B, and E are stable and retain their initial secondary structure throughout the 100 ns simulation time. In contrast, helices C, D, F, and G show structural perturbations within the first 10 ns. The instabilities are localized near charged residues within the transmembrane segments. The overall structural instability of the helix is correlated with its partitioning to the surface of the micelle and its interaction with polar groups there. The in silico experiments were performed to complement the in vitro experiments that examined the partial denaturation of bacteriorhodopsin in SDS described in the preceding article (DOI 10.1021/bi201769z ). The simulations are consistent with the trends revealed by the experimental results but strongly underestimate the extent of helix to extended coil transformation. The reason may be either that the sampling time was not sufficiently long or, more interestingly, that interhelix residue interactions play a role in the unfolding of the helices.  相似文献   

A light scattering study of the effect of mixing in aqueous solution two gangliosides, GM2 and GT1b, having different hydrophilic headgroups and similar lipid moieties is presented. Mixed micelle formation with spatial segregation of one ganglioside with respect to the other was observed. It is also shown that segregation is a spontaneous phenomenon which is explainable only in terms of simple geometrical arguments, that is by the fact that the large headgroup of GT1b provides the lipidic core of the aggregate with a better shielding from water in the highly curved regions than the smaller headgroup of GM2 can do. This finding may be of help in understanding the behaviour of gangliosides in artificial and natural membranes.  相似文献   

1H NMR signals of the retinal moiety in detergent-solubilizedbacteriorhodopsin are assigned, enabling the interpretation of NOEs within thechromophore. To achieve this, a number of differently labelled samples wereprepared to test the applicability of the various assignment and distancemeasurement strategies. In measurements with and without light,1H and 13C chemical shifts of the retinal in thenative protein were partially assigned for both the dark- and thelight-adapted states. Additionally, samples with residue-specific1H amino acids and/or retinal in an otherwise deuterated proteinwere prepared to measure the distances between either two kinds of amino acidsor between individual amino acids and the retinal moiety. With the observationof NOE within the bound retinal and between retinal and its neighbouring aminoacids, an important step towards the elucidation of distance constraints inthe binding pocket of the proton pump is made.  相似文献   

The rate of regeneration of rhodopsin, from 11-cis-retinal and opsin, and bacteriorhodopsin from all-trans-retinal and bacterio-opsin, in the presence or absence of compounds whose structures partially resemble retinal were measured. Some of these compounds severely slowed down the regeneration process, but did not influence the extent of regeneration. In the case of compounds with a carbonyl functional group they were not joined to the active site of the apo-protein via a Schiff's base linkage since after treatment with NaBH4 an active apo-protein remained. The most effective inhibitors of rhodopsin regeneration were molecules whose structure could be superimposed on 9-cis or 11-cis retinal up to carbon atom 11. These C13 and C15 molecules were not distinguished between aldehyde, ketone or alcohol functional groups. The regeneration of bacteriorhodopsin was not inhibited by retinal analogues with short side chains. The most effective inhibitors were the all-trans C17-aldehyde (beta-ionylideneacetaldehyde) or C18-ketone (beta-ionylidenepent-3-ene-2-one) which, compared to retinal, lack two or three carbon atoms from the end of the poylene chain. The inhibition was very dependent upon the presence of the all-trans isomer and required aldehyde or ketone as functional group nitriles and alcohols were less effective. However, similarly to retinol, the all-trans C17 and C18 alcohols underwent a bathochromic shift and showed fine-structured spectra when mixed with bacterio-opsin.  相似文献   

Quantitative studies of membrane protein folding and unfolding can be difficult because of difficulties with efficient refolding as well as a pronounced propensity to aggregate. However, mixed micelles, consisting of the anionic detergent sodium dodecyl sulfate and the nonionic detergent dodecyl maltoside facilitate reversible and quantitative unfolding and refolding. The 4-transmembrane helix protein DsbB from the inner membrane of Escherichia coli unfolds in mixed micelles according to a three-state mechanism involving an unfolding intermediate I. The temperature dependence of the kinetics of this reaction between 15 degrees and 45 degrees C supports that unfolding from I to the denatured state D is accompanied by a significant decrease in heat capacity. For water-soluble proteins, the heat capacity increases upon unfolding, and this is generally interpreted as the increased binding of water to the protein as it unfolds, exposing more surface area. The decrease in DsbB's heat capacity upon unfolding is confirmed by independent thermal scans. The decrease in heat capacity is not an artifact of the use of mixed micelles, since the water soluble protein S6 shows conventional heat-capacity changes in detergent. We speculate that it reflects the binding of SDS to parts of DsbB that are solvent-exposed in the native DM-bound state. This implies that the periplasmic loops of DsbB are relatively unstructured. This anomalous thermodynamic behavior has not been observed for beta-barrel membrane proteins, probably because they do not bind SDS so extensively. Thus the thermodynamic behavior of membrane proteins appears to be intimately connected to their detergent-binding properties.  相似文献   

Concentration-dependent self-quenching of the fluorescent phospholipid N-(7-nitro-2,1,3-benzoxadiazol-4-yl)phosphatidylethanolamine (N-NBD-PE) was used to measure the rate of N-NBD-PE transfer between phosphatidylcholine-bile salt mixed micelles. In a previous study using the same technique, the rate of N-NBD-PE transfer between phosphatidylcholine-taurocholate mixed micelles was found to be several orders of magnitude faster than its transfer between phosphatidylcholine vesicles as a result of an increased rate of transfer through the water at low micelle concentrations and an increased rate of transfer during transient micelle collisions at higher micelle concentrations [Nichols, J. W. (1988) Biochemistry 27, 3925-3931]. In this study we have determined the influence of bile salt structure, incorporation of cholesterol, and temperature on the rate and mechanism of phospholipid transfer between mixed micelles. We found that both transfer pathways were a common property of mixed micelles prepared from a series of different bile salts and that the rates of transfer by both pathways increased as a function of the degree of bile salt hydrophobicity. Cholesterol incorporation into phosphatidylcholine-taurocholate mixed micelles displaced taurocholate from the micelles and resulted in an increased rate of transfer through the water and a decreased rate of transfer during micelle collisions. The temperature dependence of the transfer rates was used to calculate the activation free energy, enthalpy, and entropy for both mechanisms. The activation enthalpy was the major barrier to transfer by both mechanisms.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A Raman spectroscopy study of sodium cholate/monoglyceride mixed micelles is reported, using perdeuterated 1-monostearin. The C-D stretching vibration region of this micellar solution has been compared with different states of the perdeuterated monostearin with known structures: crystals, an aqueous gel phase, aqueous liquid crystalline phases of lamellar and cubic type, the liquid state and an ethanol solution. Also other spectral regions sensitive for conformation of lipid molecules were examined. The results are consistent with the lamellar type of structure proposed by Mazer, Benedek and Carey for lecithin/bile salt mixed micelles.  相似文献   

Marrink SJ  Mark AE 《Biochemistry》2002,41(17):5375-5382
Extensive molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of binary systems of phospholipids and bile salts, a model for human bile, have been performed. Recent progress in hardware and software development allows simulation of the spontaneous aggregation of the constituents into small mixed micelles, in agreement with experimental observations. The MD simulations reveal the structure of these micelles at atomic detail. The phospholipids are packed radially with their headgroups at the surface and the hydrophobic tails pointing toward the micellar center. The bile salts act as wedges between the phospholipid headgroups, with their hydrophilic sides exposed to the aqueous environment. The structure of the micelles strongly resembles the previously proposed radial shell model. Simulations including small fractions of cholesterol reveal how cholesterol is solubilized inside these mixed micelles without changing their overall structure.  相似文献   

The temperature dependence of regeneration of bacteriorhodopsin (bR) from its apoprotein, bacterio-opsin (bO), and all-trans retinal was investigated using two different procedures to probe the structural properties of bO at high temperatures. Regeneration experiments performed at 25 degrees C after incubation of bO within the temperature range of 35-75 degrees C indicate that irreversible thermal unfolding begins at 50 degrees C. When bO is incubated for one hour and mixed with retinal at the same elevated temperatures, however, a greater extent of regeneration to bR occurs, even at temperatures ranging from 50 to 65 degrees C. These experimental results indicate that regeneration of bR occurs from thermally unfolded bO and suggest dynamic structural fluctuation of bO in the unfolded state.  相似文献   

The catalytic activities of lysozyme, horseradish peroxidase (HP), catalase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) were studied in aqueous solutions and after isolation of the enzymes from mixed reversed micelles of Aerosol OT and Triton X-45 by organic solvents (acetone, ethanol, isopropanol), by acetone-water mixtures, as well as by aqueous solutions containing urea, glycerol, polyethylene glycol 6000 and ammonium sulphate. The isolation conditions were found for catalase with retaining all the activity and for HP and lysozyme with retaining 72 and 84% of the catalytic activity, respectively. The G6PDH isolation from micelles by aqueous solutions of urea (6%) and glycerol (10%) resulted in retaining only 43% of the enzyme activity and led to almost complete inactivation of LDH. Stability of the enzymes after their entrapment in micelles and isolation from those is compared with thermostability of the same enzymes in aqueous solutions.  相似文献   

The biophysical characterization of purified membrane proteins typically requires detergent mediated extraction from native lipid membrane environments. In the case of human G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), this process has been complicated by their conformational heterogeneity and the general lack of understanding the composition and interactions within the diverse human cellular membrane environment. Several successful GPCR structure determination efforts have shown that the addition of cholesterol analogs is often critical for maintaining protein stability. We have identified sterols that substantially increase the stability of the NOP receptor (ORL-1), a member of the opioid GPCR family, in a mixed micelle environment. Using dynamic light scattering and small-angle X-ray scattering, we have determined that the most thermal stabilizing sterol, cholesteryl hemisuccinate, induces the formation of a bicelle-like micelle architecture when mixed with dodecyl maltoside detergent. Together with mutagenesis studies and recent GPCR structures, our results provide indications that stabilization is attained through a combination of specific sterol binding to GPCRs and modulation of micelle morphology.  相似文献   

In order to study the lipid composition of human white matter, we have developed a 31P NMR spectroscopy method, which allows the determination and quantitation of the main phospholipids found in biological membranes. The technique is based upon the use of a non-ionic detergent (Triton X-100) which induces, in aqueous media, the formation of mixed micelles that are magnetically isotropic. The linewidths and chemical shifts depend on both the molar ratio detergent/phospholipid and the pH of the suspension. After determination of the optimum values for these two parameters, 31P NMR spectra were recorded, in which all phospholipid resonances were resolved. After determining precise chemical shifts for each phospholipid, concentrations were measured by comparing the peak areas with that of an internal standard. Analysis of the complex phospholipid composition of human white matter using this method gave values very close to that found in the literature for such tissue. Moreover this nondestructive method proved to be very sensitive since less than 1 mg of a mixture of phospholipids was needed.  相似文献   

Das D  Das D  Das PK 《Biochimie》2008,90(5):820-829
This work reports the significant enhancement in performance of interfacially active enzymes, Chromobacterium viscosum (CV) lipase and horseradish peroxidase (HRP) in mixed reverse micelles of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) and imidazolium-based amphiphiles having varying tail lengths. Lipase activity in these mixed systems was always higher than that in the individual cationic reverse micelles of CTAB or any imidazolium surfactant, highest being observed in the mixed system of CTAB (50 mM) and 6 (1-tetradecyl-3-methyl imidazolium bromide, 40 mM)/water/isooctane/n-hexanol (0.24 M), second-order rate constant, k2=1301+/-5 cm3 g(-1)s(-1), approximately 200% higher compared to that in CTAB and approximately 65% more than the most popular AOT-microemulsion. Activity increased with concentration of imidazolium surfactant and also with its alkyl tail length. To have a more profound view on the structure-activity relationship, CTAB was replaced by cetyltriethylammonium bromide (CTEAB) and cetyltripropylammonium bromide (CTPAB) with subsequent increase in the headgroup size. The generalized influence of these mixed cationic systems on surface-active enzyme was also verified using HRP, where the activity improved approximately 100%. This enhancement in enzyme activity is presumably due to the activating effect of the imidazolium cation in the enzymatic reactions by improving the nucleophilicity of interfacial water in vicinity of enzyme through hydrogen bonding.  相似文献   

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