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The effect of anchor‐ice dams on the physical habitat and behavioural responses of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar parr in a small, steep stream was investigated. Anchor‐ice dams formed periodically, leading to a dynamic winter environment as the study reach alternated between riffle and walk dominated habitat. Parr demonstrated large individual variation in habitat use, utilizing most of the wetted stream width, and were generally unaffected by diel changes in the mesohabitat composition. Furthermore, parr displayed high site fidelity in areas with low embedded substrata, and demonstrated few large movements between the three mesohabitat classes present: shallow riffle, walk and pool. Findings from this study question the importance of hydraulic variables such as water depth, flow velocity and dynamic ice formation as single habitat features for juvenile stream salmonids during winter and emphasize the importance of access to substratum cover.  相似文献   

Brown trout Salmo trutta in a flume used cover more often and were more aggregated at low water temperatures in winter compared with summer. Cover combinations providing the most cover (overhead, visual and velocity cover) were preferred in winter whereas velocity refuges were preferred in late summer; and brown trout rarely used any of these cover structures in early summer. Flow affected cover use especially in winter, when most of the trout moved to shelters during the first high flow period. Movements by brown trout were most frequent in early summer. The much higher aggression rate in summer compared with winter decreased during the first period of high flow in both summer experiments. The results indicate seasonal changes in cover habitat and cover type preferences suggesting that habitat complexity is important, and availability of cover is particularly important during different seasons and fluctuating flow.  相似文献   

Activity and choice of areas offering different cover (substratum or surface ice) for juvenile Atlantic salmon Salmo salar were studied in experimental stream channels during winter. Channels were completely ice covered between December and March. During this period, the ice thickness increased from 50 to 300 mm after which 50% of the ice was experimentally removed and followed by c. 2·5-fold increase in discharge to simulate the effects of spring flood. Large substrata provided preferred habitats but areas with small substratum sizes were also used when full surface ice provided above-stream cover and the stream discharge was relatively low. The fish remained nocturnal throughout the study but the level of day activity significantly increased as the surface ice became thicker. Maximum movement distance during a 24 h period and homing-at-dawn behaviour remained at a constant level throughout the main winter, but significantly changed during the simulated spring flood (mean ± s . e . maximum extent of movements within 24 h increased from 1·1 ± 0·1 to 3·0 ± 0·5 m; homing behaviour decreased from the highest level of 89·3 to 34·6% during spring flood). Overwinter survival was high (92·9%). Relative mass increase during the study ranged from –8·3 to 28·5%, and 84% of the juvenile Atlantic salmon gained mass. The highest rates of mass increase were associated with frequent movements between areas of different substratum size. The results indicate that during winter: (1) Atlantic salmon parr preferred large substratum cover compared with surface ice cover at the fish densities studied here, (2) juvenile Atlantic salmon were predominantly nocturnal but diurnal activity increased as surface ice became thicker and (3) increase in water discharge during spring altered the behaviour of juvenile Atlantic salmon and may have caused additional habitat shifts.  相似文献   

Snow cover is a key environmental component for tundra wildlife that will be affected by climate change. Change to the snow cover may affect the population dynamics of high‐latitude small mammals, which are active throughout the winter and reproduce under the snow. We experimentally tested the hypotheses that a deeper snow cover would enhance the densities and winter reproductive rates of small mammals, but that predation by mustelids could be higher in areas of increased small mammal density. We enhanced snow cover by setting out snow fences at three sites in the Canadian Arctic (Bylot Island, Nunavut, and Herschel Island and Komakuk Beach, Yukon) over periods ranging from one to four years. Densities of winter nests were higher where snow depth was increased but spring lemming densities did not increase on the experimental areas. Lemmings probably moved from areas of deep snow, their preferred winter habitat, to summer habitat during snow melt once the advantages associated with deep snow were gone. Our treatment had no effect on signs of reproduction in winter nests, proportion of lactating females in spring, or the proportion of juveniles caught in spring, which suggests that deep snow did not enhance reproduction. Results on predation were inconsistent across sites as predation by weasels was higher on the experimental area at one site but lower at two others and was not higher in areas of winter nest aggregations. Although this experiment provided us with several new insights about the impact of snow cover on the population dynamics of tundra small mammals, it also illustrates the challenges and difficulties associated with large‐scale experiments aimed at manipulating a critical climatic factor.  相似文献   

An animal's pattern of habitat use can reveal how different parts of its environment vary in quality based on the costs (such as predation risk) and benefits (such as food intake) of using each habitat. We studied klipspringer habitat use in Augrabies Falls National Park, South Africa using giving‐up densities (GUDs; the amount of food remaining in a resource patch following exploitation) in experimental food patches. We tested hypotheses related to how salient habitat variables might influence klipspringers' perceptions of foraging costs. At small spatial scales (3–4 m), klipspringer GUDs did not vary with cover and open microhabitats, or with the four cardinal aspects (shading) around shrubs. Adding water adjacent to food patches did not influence GUDs, showing that water is not a limiting complementary resource to food. Generally, klipspringers do not appear to be physiologically constrained. There was no difference in GUDs between four daily time periods, or between summer and winter; however, a significant interaction effect of time‐of‐day with season resulted from GUDs during the midday time period in winter being significantly higher (perceived value lower) than during the same time period in summer. At moderate spatial scales (10–60 m), klipspringer GUDs increased with distance from rocks because of increased predation risk. Based on GUDs collected at the largest scale (two 4.41‐ha grids), klipspringers preferred foraging at greater distances from drainage lines and on pebble and cobble substrates. Overall, this study has shown the efficacy of measuring GUDs to determine klipspringers' habitat utilization while foraging.  相似文献   

Climate instability strongly affects overwintering conditions in organisms living in a strongly seasonal environment and consequently their survival and population dynamics. Food, predation and density effects are also strong during winter, but the effect of fragmentation of ground vegetation on ground-dwelling small mammals is unknown. Here, we report the results of a winter experiment on the effects of habitat fragmentation and food on experimental overwintering populations of bank voles Myodes glareolus. The study was conducted in large outdoor enclosures containing one large, two medium-sized or four small habitat patches or the total enclosure area covered with protective tall-grass habitat. During the stable snow cover of midwinter, only food affected the overwintering success, body condition, trappability and earlier onset of breeding in bank voles. However, after the snow thaw in spring, habitat fragmentation gained importance again, and breeding activities increased the movements of voles in the most fragmented habitat. The use of an open, risky matrix area increased along the habitat fragmentation. Our experiment showed that long-lasting stable snow cover protects overwintering individuals in otherwise exposed and risky ground habitats. We conclude that a stable winter climate and snow cover should even out habitat fragmentation effects on small mammals. However, along prolonged snow-free early winter and in an earlier spring thaw, this means loss of protection by snow cover both in terms of thermoregulation and predation. Thus, habitat cover is important for the survival of small ground-dwelling boreal mammals also during the non-breeding season.  相似文献   

We used underwater observation to determine diel habitat partitioning between bull charr, Salvelinus confluentus, and cutthroat trout, Oncorhynchus clarki, during fall and winter (0.1–8.3°C) in two Rocky Mountain streams that differed in habitat availability. The majority (>70%) of both species emerged from concealment cover at night, though bull charr exhibited a greater tendency for nocturnal behavior than cutthroat trout. Differences in day and night counts were most pronounced at temperatures <3°C, when very few fish of either species were observed in the water column during the day, but both species were common at night. Both species used concealment cover of large woody debris and boulder substrate crevices in deep pools during the day. At night, fish emerged from cover and habitat use shifted to shallow water with low cover. Microhabitat partitioning among species and size classes occurred at night, cutthroat trout moving into shallower, faster water that was farther from cover compared to bull charr. Smaller fish of both species occupied focal positions in slower, shallower water closer to the substrate than larger fish. Large, mixed-species aggregations also were common in beaver ponds both day and night. High variation in diel and site-specific winter habitat use suggests the need for caution in developing habitat suitability criteria for salmonids based solely on daytime observations or on observations from a few sites. Our results support the need to incorporate nocturnal habitat use and partitioning in studies of salmonid ecology.  相似文献   

Brown trout Salmo trutta redds in the Credit River, Ontario, were enumerated and assessed for physical, location and cover feature characteristics during the 2002 spawning season. Hydraulic habitats were classified on the basis of channel morphology and availability recorded. Combined use and availability data were used to assess habitat selection preferences and test for significant differences. Significant preferences for upstream pool and riffle habitat were found, but all available habitat types were used to some degree. Non‐preferred habitat redds were significantly larger than those located in preferred habitats and more likely to be found in association with woody debris cover. Larger redds were interpreted as indicative of larger fish. The use of non‐preferred downstream habitats by larger fish was further interpreted in the context of overwinter habitat requirements to reflect possible trade‐offs between reproductive and adult over‐winter survival requirements resulting in the selection of habitat for multiple life‐history functions. Results suggest that redd density alone should not be used to infer critical autumn habitat requirements for brown trout.  相似文献   

1. Seasonal variation in microhabitat use and activity of 14 giant kokopu Galaxias argenteus, a drift‐feeding galaxiid fish, was compared using radiotelemetry. 2. During winter giant kokopu predominantly used low velocities and intermediate depths by night and day. Activity recorded during 24 and 72 h periods indicated that fish were consistently active at night and inactive during the day. Activity data corresponded with point‐in‐time habitat use data, both of which indicated that fish were concealed amongst cover during the day and used open water habitats at night. 3. During summer, giant kokopu used higher water velocities, shallower depths and coarser substrata, particularly at night but also occasionally during the day relative to winter. Giant kokopu were active by both day and night in summer, although periods of activity were less defined and less predictable than during winter. 4. Adults used predictable home reaches at base‐flow, with most individuals repeatedly using of one or two cover locations within their ‘home’ reach. Reaches used by fish were relatively short (rarely exceeding 26 m) irrespective of season and always included a single pool‐riffle sequence. 5. Diel and seasonal behaviour of giant kokopu was generally comparable with that exhibited by other drift feeding fish species in small temperate streams. However, the nocturnal activity of giant kokopu contrasts with activity patterns in various salmonids, indicating that the impact of predation by different drift feeding fish may vary considerably.  相似文献   

The potential trophic impact of introduced brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis on native brown trout Salmo trutta in a mountain stream (south-west France) was investigated using stable isotope analysis (SIA). The isotopic signatures (δ13C and δ15N) of S. fontinalis were similar regardless of the absence or presence of S. trutta , and SIA mixing models revealed that S. fontinalis diet consisted mainly of terrestrial invertebrates. Conversely, a significant shift in S. trutta isotopic signatures (depletion of 1·6‰δ13C and enrichment of 0·6‰δ15N) was observed in sympatry with S. fontinalis ; this may be due to a dietary shift towards terrestrial invertebrates. Contrary to an expected dietary divergence in sympatry, an elevated level of dietary overlap was observed between the non-native and native salmonids when in co-occurrence. This dietary convergence is more likely to be due to behavioural interactions than to variations in food availability or fish displacements.  相似文献   

Individual animal fitness can be strongly influenced by the ability to recognize habitat features which may be beneficial. Many studies focus on the effects of habitat on annual reproductive rate, even though adult survival is typically a greater influence on fitness and population growth in vertebrate species with intermediate to long lifespans. Understanding the effects of preferred habitat on individuals over the annual cycle is therefore necessary to predict its influences on individual fitness. This is particularly true in species that are resident and territorial year‐round in the temperate zone, which may face potential trade‐offs between habitat that maximizes reproduction and that which maximizes non‐breeding season (‘over‐winter’) survival. We used a 37‐year study of Song Sparrows Melospiza melodia residing territorially year‐round on a small island to examine what habitat features influenced adult over‐winter survival, how site‐specific variation in adult survival vs. annual reproductive rate influenced long‐term habitat preference, and if preferred sites on average conferred higher individual fitness. Habitat features such as area of shrub cover and exposure to intertidal coastline predicted adult over‐winter survival independent of individual age or sex, population size, or winter weather. Long‐term habitat preference (measured as occupation rate) was better predicted by site‐specific annual reproductive rate than by expected over‐winter survival, but preferred sites maximized fitness on average over the entire annual cycle,. Although adult over‐winter survival had a greater influence on population growth (λ) than did reproductive rate, the influence of reproductive rate on λ increased in preferred sites because site‐specific variation in reproductive rate was higher than variation in expected over‐winter survival. Because preferred habitats tended to have higher mean site‐specific reproductive and adult survival rates, territorial birds in this population do not appear to experience seasonal trade‐offs in preferred habitat but are predicted to incur substantial fitness costs of settling in less‐preferred sites.  相似文献   

Prevalence and intensity of Gyrodactylus colemanensis and G. salmonis (Monogenea) parasitizing juvenile/adult brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis, rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss, brown trout Salmo trutta, and Atlantic salmon Salmo salar at 3 localities over an 8 km stretch in the South River, Nova Scotia, Canada, were calculated 4 times over a 9 mo period (October 2009, December 2009, March 2010, June 2010). G. colemanensis was on all 4 salmonids (endemic and non-endemic), while G. salmonis parasitized mostly S. fontinalis (endemic) and occasionally S. trutta (non-endemic). At an upstream locality, beyond a waterfall barrier, in a small tributary of the main river, G. colemanensis was more common than G. salmonis. In the main river, 7 km downstream, prevalence of G. colemanensis on S. fontinalis was comparable, or higher, than that of G. salmonis, while intensity of G. salmonis was higher than that of G. colemanensis. Downstream a further 1 km, in a tributary of the main river, both prevalence and intensity of G. salmonis on brook trout were higher than those of G. colemanensis. Stocks at a local trout hatchery had only G. colemanensis. The present study reports on a method by which exit water from such farms can be monitored for gyrodactylid parasites through a simple settling procedure. We estimated that up to 230,000 dislodged, live G. colemanensis exit the hatchery daily in discharge water entering the river. It is suggested that such systems are ideal for studying the impact of such parasite export on the nature of local parasite populations.  相似文献   

Abstract: Tree squirrels are one of the most familiar mammals found in urban areas and are considered both desirable around homes and, conversely, a pest. We examined fox squirrel (Sciurus niger) habitat use in inner city and suburban areas using radiotelemetry. We estimated habitat selection ratios at differing scales by season and fox squirrel activity. Telemetry data suggests that during periods of inactivity radiocollared fox squirrels (n = 82) selected 1) areas with greater tree canopy, 2) live oaks (Quercus fusiromis and Q. virginiana), and 3) trees with larger diameters and canopies. When inactive during the winter and spring, fox squirrels also preferred, within their core areas, to use the inside of buildings, and during periods of activity in the autumn and spring, fox squirrels preferred grassy areas. During periods of activity, fox squirrels avoided using pavement but did not exclude it from their core-area movements. Fox squirrels' ability to use buildings and to tolerate pavement in core-area movements make vast areas of the urban environment available to fox squirrels. In evaluating habitat variables that increased fox squirrel activity in urban areas, we found the number of large and medium trees, amount of pavement and grassy areas, canopy cover, number of oaks, and the area covered by buildings were all important factors in predicting fox squirrel activity in an urban environment. Our data suggests urban planners, animal damage control officials, wildlife managers, and landscapers who want to control urban fox squirrel populations through habitat manipulation should consider the reduction of oaks trees, a reduction of the canopy cover, and restricting the access of fox squirrels to buildings. Alternatively, home owners and squirrel enthusiasts hoping to bolster fox squirrel populations in urban areas should consider increasing the number of large mast—bearing trees and canopy cover and providing nest boxes.  相似文献   

Between species and across season variation in growth was examined by tagging and recapturing individual brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis and brown trout Salmo trutta across seasons in a small stream (West Brook, Massachusetts, U.S.A.). Detailed information on body size and growth are presented to (1) test whether the two species differed in growth within seasons and (2) characterize the seasonal growth patterns for two age classes of each species. Growth differed between species in nearly half of the season- and age-specific comparisons. When growth differed, non-native brown trout grew faster than native brook trout in all but one comparison. Moreover, species differences were most pronounced when overall growth was high during the spring and early summer. These growth differences resulted in size asymmetries that were sustained over the duration of the study. A literature survey also indicated that non-native salmonids typically grow faster than native salmonids when the two occur in sympatry. Taken together, these results suggest that differences in growth are not uncommon for coexisting native and non-native salmonids.  相似文献   

四川老君山自然保护区红翅噪鹛冬季栖息地特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
摘要:2010年1月和2011年1月,在四川老君山国家级自然保护区对红翅噪鹛(Garrulax formosus)的冬季栖息地特征进行了初步研究。在研究区内,红翅噪鹛冬季多集小群活动,主要选择次生林,而回避原生林和人工林。2个冬季在野外共遇见红翅噪鹛21群78只。通过比较分析,发现红翅噪鹛喜欢在海拔较低、坡位较高、坡向...  相似文献   

Duchesne D  Gauthier G  Berteaux D 《Oecologia》2011,167(4):967-980
Snow cover has dramatic effects on the structure and functioning of Arctic ecosystems in winter. In the tundra, the subnivean space is the primary habitat of wintering small mammals and may be critical for their survival and reproduction. We have investigated the effects of snow cover and habitat features on the distributions of collared lemming (Dicrostonyx groenlandicus) and brown lemming (Lemmus trimucronatus) winter nests, as well as on their probabilities of reproduction and predation by stoats (Mustela erminea) and arctic foxes (Vulpes lagopus). We sampled 193 lemming winter nests and measured habitat features at all of these nests and at random sites at two spatial scales. We also monitored overwinter ground temperature at a subsample of nest and random sites. Our results demonstrate that nests were primarily located in areas with high micro-topography heterogeneity, steep slopes, deep snow cover providing thermal protection (reduced daily temperature fluctuations) and a high abundance of mosses. The probability of reproduction increased in collared lemming nests at low elevation and in brown lemming nests with high availability of some graminoid species. The probability of predation by stoats was density dependent and was higher in nests used by collared lemmings. Snow cover did not affect the probability of predation of lemming nests by stoats, but deep snow cover limited predation attempts by arctic foxes. We conclude that snow cover plays a key role in the spatial structure of wintering lemming populations and potentially in their population dynamics in the Arctic.  相似文献   

(1) Habitat influences on trout distribution and diet at a reach scale were analysed over a single winter in a conifer-afforested catchment in Ireland, in an area subject to very low levels of atmospheric pollution. (2) A total of 234 salmonids were sampled from which 1194 individual prey items were recovered. Salmonids were sampled at eleven sites over a 2 km stretch of the river Douglas, a third order stream of the river Araglin in the Munster Blackwater, Co. Cork, Ireland. (3) In this winter study, water depth and flow primarily influenced trout distribution. (4) Stepwise multiple regression was used to identify the most influential environmental factors on trout metrics. Trout biomass was positively correlated to maximum depth and the percentage of pool area within sites, but density and condition were not significantly influenced by habitat variation at the reach scale. (5) The results from diet analysis suggest that trout are heterogeneous generalist feeders in winter, preying mainly on Trichoptera and Ephemeroptera species. Prey diversity in the diet of individuals throughout the study was positively correlated to the percentage of deciduous vegetation, undercut banks and coniferous vegetation, whilst the prey sub-population diversity at site scale was not related to any of the habitat variables measured.  相似文献   

Abstract This study investigates the effect of cover reduction on the mulgara, Dasycercus cristicauda, a small marsupial classified as vulnerable to extinction, which occurs in areas of central Australia dominated by hummock grasslands. Loss or degradation of spinifex has been implicated in population declines of this species previously, but the importance of cover in maintaining quality habitat remains speculative. To determine the effect on D. cristicauda of cover reduction, caused by the harvesting of spinifex, we monitored population changes and changes in prey resources (rodents and invertebrates) before and after spinifex harvesting took place at a site near the Ayers Rock Resort, Northern Territory, Australia. Ten plots, each of 8.75 ha, were established and sampled from May 1994 to October 1995. Harvesting took place on five plots in August 1994, which reduced spinifex cover from 46 to 21% and the amount of spinifex >0.25 m high from 42 to 2%. Harvesting did not significantly affect the number of D. cristicauda known to be alive or captured despite other studies indicating that cover is an important habitat attribute. There was also no evidence that cover reduction impacted on the biomass of the invertebrate food resources. However, there was a significant reduction in the number of rodents captured. The lack of a response to cover reduction by D. cristicauda is possibly because the cover of Triodia remained high enough (above 15%) to sustain animals, and harvested areas were relatively small. This study therefore suggests that D. cristicauda can tolerate a moderate local reduction in cover of its preferred habitat. However, it remains possible that other land use practices that cause severe reduction of cover (including clearing for mining or fire prevention, grazing which may result in spinifex reduction through trampling, and fire management) will have more dramatic effects on D. cristicauda. Evaluation of such effects should be a priority for future research.  相似文献   

Synopsis Juvenile stocks of allopatric (upstream of barrier falls) cutthroat troutSalmo clarki and those sympatric (downstream of barrier falls) with coho salmonOncorhynchus kisutch and sculpinsCottus spp., were sampled during the late summer period of low flows in six small coastal streams in British Columbia. The objective was to obtain and compare information on pattern of habitat use and fish size distribution of these two trout types. In most instances, density (n m–2; g m–2) of cutthroat trout was considerably greater in pools and glides in the allopatric than in the sympatric stocks. The sympatric salmonids were dominated by juvenile coho salmon in pools and cutthroat trout in riffles. Sympatric cutthroat trout constituted from 7 to 45 % of the salmonids present in pools and from 50 to 90% in riffles. Glides were areas of intermediate densities for both salmonids, although coho salmon was the more abundant species in most instances. The density of sculpins was high in all three habitat types, and frequently it exceeded that of coho salmon and cutthroat trout combined. Sympatric cutthroat trout consisted primarily of underyearling fish, whereas allopatric cutthroat trout consisted primarily of two or more age classes with a large proportion of them living in pools. When tested in a laboratory stream both types of cutthroat trout had similar habitat preferences and agonistic behaviours, with the exception that allopatric trout made greater use of cover and defended pools more intensely than sympatric trout when the flow was increased. The results of this study provide insight of potential impact of coho salmon juvenile transplants into stream segments supporting allopatric cutthroat trout.  相似文献   

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