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Many regions of the adult central nervous system contain cycling cells. Such cells comprise a relatively small fraction of the total population of the CNS. Work over decades has attempted to determine the normal fates of these cells and their fates under pathological conditions. The recent interest in "stem" cells and "progenitors" in the adult CNS has sparked a much revived exploration into the nature of these cells and in the signals by which they may be induced to differentiate into mature neurons or glia. This population has not yet been fully characterized, although it has become clear that this is a heterogeneous group of cells, differing in morphology, antigen expression, migratory capacity, and potential fates.  相似文献   

As more and more complete bacterial and archaeal genome sequences become available, the role of lateral gene transfer (LGT) in shaping them becomes more and more clear. Over the long term, it may be the dominant force, affecting most genes in most prokaryotes. We review the history of LGT, suggesting reasons why its prevalence and impact were so long dismissed. We discuss various methods purporting to measure the extent of LGT, and evidence for and against the notion that there is a core of never-exchanged genes shared by all genomes, from which we can deduce the "true" organismal tree. We also consider evidence for, and implications of, LGT between prokaryotes and phagocytic eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium leprae has the capacity to invade the peripheral nervous system and cause neuropathy. The molecular mechanisms responsible have remained unknown until recently. Identification of the endoneurial laminin-2 isoform and its receptor alpha-dystroglycan as neural targets of M. leprae has not only opened up a new area of scientific inquiry into the pathogenesis of neurological damage in leprosy, but has also revealed unexpected biological properties of these important host molecules.  相似文献   

Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has appeared as a new tool that is very powerful for cognitive neuroscience, offering the potential to look at the dynamics of cerebral processes underlying cognition, non-invasively and on an individual basis. Work remains to be done to optimize the technique and to better understand its basic mechanisms, but one may expect to build in a foreseeable future a functional list of the main brain cortical networks implicated in sensory-motor or cognitive processes. Still, the real understanding of brain function requires direct access to the functional unit consisting of the neuron, so that one may look at the transient temporal relationships that exist between largely distributed groups of hundreds or thousands of neurons. Furthermore, communication pathways between networks, which are carried by brain white matter, must be identified to establish connectivity maps at the individual scale, taking into account individual variability resulting from genetic factors and cerebral plasticity. In this respect, MRI of molecular diffusion is very sensitive to water molecular motion and, thus, to tissue dynamic microstructure, such as cell size and geometry. Preliminary data suggest that diffusion MRI visualizes dynamic tissue changes associated with large neuronal activation and space orientation of large bundles of myelinated axons in the white matter.  相似文献   

Both house dust and house dust mitesDermatophagoides pteronyssinus contained a wider range of fungi than laboratory mite cultures. In total, nine species of fungi were isolated fromD. pteronyssinus in house dust, and these included three xerophilic species (Eurotium amstelodami, Aspergillus penicillioides andWallemia sebi) commonly found in laboratory cultures ofD. pteronyssinus. It is concluded that mites do interact with a similar range of fungi in natural dust and in laboratory culture, but that the diversity of fungal species in the laboratory is reduced and the density of individual fungal species in culture exceeds that of house dust. In a second experiment, dust samples were incubated at room temperature with 75% relative humidity. The diversity of fungi invariably declined from up to 13 genera to the few species recorded in laboratory culture. This suggests that the dominance of xerophilic fungi in laboratory mite rearings is mediated primarily by low relative humidity, and the exclusion of air-borne spores.  相似文献   

Docosahexaenoic acid is a long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid that is found in large quantity in the brain and which has repeatedly been observed to be related in positive ways to both cognitive function and cardiovascular health. The mechanisms through which docosahexaenoic acid affects cognition are not well understood, but in this article, we propose a hypothesis that integrates the positive effects of docosahexaenoic acid in the cognitive and cardiovascular realms through the autonomic nervous system. The autonomic nervous system is known to regulate vital functions such as heart rate and respiration, and has also been linked to basic cognitive components related to arousal and attention. We review the literature from this perspective, and delineate the predictions generated by the hypothesis. In addition, we provide new data showing a link between docosahexaenoic acid and fetal heart rate that is consistent with the hypothesis.  相似文献   

Acanthamoeba granulomatous encephalitis generally develops as a result of haematogenous spread, but it is unclear how circulating amoebae enter the central nervous system (CNS) and cause inflammation. At present, the mechanisms which Acanthamoeba use to invade this incredibly well-protected area of the CNS and produce infection are not well understood. In this paper, we propose two key virulence factors: mannose-binding protein and extracellular serine proteases as key players in Acanthamoeba traversal of the blood-brain barrier leading to neuronal injury. Both molecules should provide excellent opportunities as potential targets in the rational development of therapeutic interventions against Acanthamoeba encephalitis.  相似文献   

In animal facilities, noises, often poorly controlled, occur over a wide range of frequencies and intensities. Evidence demonstrates that audible noise and ultrasound have deleterious effects on rodent physiology, but it is not known how they affect the autonomic nervous system (ANS). This study exposed 3 unrestrained, male, Sprague-Dawley rats daily to a 15-min white noise regime (90 dB), a quiet regime, or a 15-min ultrasound regime (90 dB at 4 frequencies in the range 20 to 40 kHz)-each for several weeks—and used radiotelemetry to monitor their cardiovascular responses. Exposure to audible noise increased heart rate and mean arterial pressure. Spectral analysis of HR variability showed diminished stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system, shifting the sympathovagal balance. However, ultrasound, at the frequencies used, did not reproducibly affect cardiovascular parameters. The preliminary data obtained from this study indicate that audible noise, but not ultrasound (delivered using the same protocol), affects the ANS. Because the cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, and gastrointestinal systems are under autonomic control, such noise could have wide-ranging effects on animal physiology.  相似文献   

Our aim was to evaluate whether age-related changes in the phase of the output of the circadian timing system (CTS) can explain age differences in habitual bedtime/wake time and in sleep consolidation parameters. Analyses focused on a group of healthy elderly people (older than 70 years) with no sleep problems and with similar subjective sleep quality as a young control group. The 2-week sleep diary data and 24h laboratory temperature recordings were examined for 70 subjects (22 young men [YM], 19 old men [OM], 29 old women [OW]). Polysomnographic (PSG) sleep data recorded during temperature data acquisition were also available for 62 subjects. These analyses made use of our recently developed technique to demask temperature rhythm data. As expected, compared to the young subjects, older subjects showed earlier habitual bedtime and wake time, more disturbed sleep, and a tendency for an earlier minimum of the circadian temperature rhythm. Despite sleep consolidation differences, the groups showed very similar habitual phase-angle differences (interval between the time occurrence of the fitted temperature minimum and habitual wake time). Both elderly and young subjects woke up on average 3h after the temperature minimum. After controlling for the effects of age group, habitual bedtime and wake time were related to clock time phase of the circadian temperature rhythm, with an earlier phase associated with earlier habitual bedtime and wake time. None of the sleep consolidation parameters were linked to the temperature phase angle. In conclusion, sleep consolidation changes associated with healthy aging do not appear to be related to changes in the phase-angle difference between the output signal from the CTS and sleep.  相似文献   

The terms "autonomous" or "vegetative" are currently used to identify one part of the nervous system composed of sympathetic, parasympathetic, and gastrointestinal divisions. However, the concepts that are under the literal meaning of these words can lead to misconceptions about the actual nervous organization. Some clear-cut examples indicate that no element shows "autonomy" in an integrated body. Nor are they solely "passive" or generated "without mental elaboration." In addition, to be "not consciously controlled" is not a unique attribute of these components. Another term that could be proposed is "homeostatic nervous system" for providing conditions to the execution of behaviors and maintenance of the internal milieu within normal ranges. But, not all homeostatic conditions are under the direct influence of these groups of neurons, and some situations clearly impose different ranges for some variables that are adaptative (or hazardous) in the tentative of successfully coping with challenging situations. Finally, the name "nervous system for visceral control" emerges as another possibility. Unfortunately, it is not only "viscera" that represent end targets for this specific innervation. Therefore, it is commented that no quite adequate term for the sympathetic, parasympathetic, and gastrointestinal divisions has already been coined. The basic condition for a new term is that it should clearly imply the whole integrated and collaborative functions that the components have in an indivisible organism, including the neuroendocrine, immunological, and respiratory systems. Until that, we can call these parts simply by their own names and avoid terms that are more "convenient" than appropriate.  相似文献   

Cell morphology is controlled by a complex and redundant array of intracellular signaling pathways devoted to the regulation of the actin cytoskeleton and of its relationship with the cell membrane and the extracellular matrix. Sex steroids are effective regulators of cell morphology and tissue organization, and recent evidence indicates that this is obtained through the regulation of the cytoskeleton. Intriguingly, many of these regulatory actions related to cell morphology are achieved through rapid, non-classical signaling of sex steroid receptors to kinase cascades, independently from nuclear alteration of gene expression or protein synthesis. The identification of the mechanistic basis for these rapid actions on cell cytoskeleton has special relevance for the characterization of the effects of sex steroids in physiological conditions, such as their role in the control of brain cell remodeling. Brain cell morphology is controlled by estrogens that regulate the development of neuron/neuron interconnections and dendritic spine density. This is thought to be critical for gender-specific differences in brain function and dysfunction. The recent advancements in the characterization of the molecular basis of the extra-nuclear signaling of estrogen helps to understand the role of estrogen in the brain, and may in the future turn out to be of relevance for clinical purposes. This review highlights the regulatory effects on the cytoskeleton and cell morphology of estrogens as well as the recent advances in the characterization of these mechanisms, providing insights and working hypotheses on possible clinical applications for the modulation of these pathways in the central nervous system.  相似文献   

A seita is a carrier frame for backpacking used in Nishiki-cho, Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan. In this mountainous district, people make their living by agriculture and forestry and carry everything on their backs with seita. In this study, we investigated the relationships between the sizes of a body and the dimensions of a seita. This survey was conducted on 30 subjects (mean +/- SD; 68.1 +/- 9.0 years old) at three mountain villages. We measured some anthropometric sizes and seita dimensions and found that the correlation between height and sum of shoulder-lumbar-nuki distance (back length of a seita) and shoulder strap length is significant. In additional surveys, we took photographs with some markers on iliocristale, trochanterion, and so on, when the subjects carried seita in two load conditions. The photographs indicate that the load-supporting points in 16 of 23 subjects were between the iliocristale and trochanterion (i.e., on the sacrum). It is important to note that nobody showed that point above the iliocristale (i.e., on the lumbar vertebra). These data lead to the conclusion that when people in Nishik-icho carry loads with seita, they support loads not on the lumbar vertebrae but on the sacrum, and that they adjust the perimeter consisting of the back part and shoulder strap of the seita.  相似文献   

The peripheral nervous system derives mainly from the neural crest both in the head and trunk. Using markers such as fibronectin (FN), neural cell-adhesion molecule (NCAM), the nucleolar marker for quail cells in chimaeric embryos, and NC-1, a monoclonal antibody specific to crest cells and their neural derivatives, we have attempted to reconstruct the processes that lead to the formation of peripheral ganglia. Our observations allow us to propose a model of the formation of ganglia based on morphogenetic movements and on variations of crest cell adhesiveness. In most cases, crest cells migrate in morphologically defined and transient pathways that lead them to their final site of arrest; these pathways are always associated with FN, which appears necessary for crest cell attachment and movement in vitro. The directionality of crest cell migration is probably dictated by the cells' motile properties and population pressure in restricted areas suitable for cell movement. The disappearance of the pathways and of the substrate necessary for migration while the population is rapidly dividing may be responsible for the aggregation of crest cells in the case of the sensory ganglia. To the contrary, the aggregation of crest cells into autonomic ganglia (sympathetic, enteric, and ciliary ganglia) does not seem to obey the same rules, no disappearance of the substratum or of the pathways being obvious; rather, their formation seems correlated with the de novo synthesis of adhesive molecules such as NCAM.  相似文献   

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