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Numerous applications of conventional and biogenic magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs), such as in diagnostics, immunomagnetic separations, and magnetic cell labeling, require the immobilization of antibodies. This is usually accomplished by chemical conjugation, which, however, has several disadvantages, such as poor efficiency and the need for coupling chemistry. Here, we describe a novel strategy to display a functional camelid antibody fragment (nanobody) from an alpaca (Lama pacos) on the surface of bacterial biogenic magnetic nanoparticles (magnetosomes). Magnetosome-specific expression of a red fluorescent protein (RFP)-binding nanobody (RBP) in vivo was accomplished by genetic fusion of RBP to the magnetosome protein MamC in the magnetite-synthesizing bacterium Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense. We demonstrate that isolated magnetosomes expressing MamC-RBP efficiently recognize and bind their antigen in vitro and can be used for immunoprecipitation of RFP-tagged proteins and their interaction partners from cell extracts. In addition, we show that coexpression of monomeric RFP (mRFP or its variant mCherry) and MamC-RBP results in intracellular recognition and magnetosome recruitment of RFP within living bacteria. The intracellular expression of a functional nanobody targeted to a specific bacterial compartment opens new possibilities for in vivo synthesis of MNP-immobilized nanobodies. Moreover, intracellular nanotraps can be generated to manipulate bacterial structures in live cells.  相似文献   

Bacterial magnetic particles (BacMPs) produced by the magnetotactic bacterium Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1 are used for a variety of biomedical applications. In particular, the lipid bilayer surrounding BacMPs has been reported to be amenable to the insertion of recombinant transmembrane proteins; however, the display of transmembrane proteins in BacMP membranes remains a technical challenge due to the cytotoxic effects of the proteins when they are overexpressed in bacterial cells. In this study, a tetracycline-inducible expression system was developed to display transmembrane proteins on BacMPs. The expression and localization of the target proteins were confirmed using luciferase and green fluorescent protein as reporter proteins. Gene expression was suppressed in the absence of anhydrotetracycline, and the level of protein expression could be controlled by modulating the concentration of the inducer molecule. This system was implemented to obtain the expression of the tetraspanin CD81. The truncated form of CD81 including the ligand binding site was successfully displayed at the surface of BacMPs by using Mms13 as an anchor protein and was shown to bind the hepatitis C virus envelope protein E2. These results suggest that the tetracycline-inducible expression system described here will be a useful tool for the expression and display of transmembrane proteins in the membranes of BacMPs.Transmembrane proteins play critical roles in cellular metabolism, participating in processes such as ion transport, nutrient uptake, signal transduction, and intercellular communication. As evidence of the essential functions of these proteins, more than half of all drug targets have been shown to be transmembrane proteins, and the analysis of the interactions of transmembrane proteins and their ligands is one of the most promising avenues for the discovery of new drug candidates. As a means of producing sufficient amounts of transmembrane proteins for binding analyses, heterologous protein expression systems have been developed using Escherichia coli (10), yeast (16), insect, and mammalian (4) cells as hosts. Transmembrane proteins generally are expressed at low levels and are extremely hydrophobic, rendering the analysis of interactions with ligands very difficult. In all cases, the analysis of membrane proteins requires a lipid or similar synthetic environment to maintain the native structure and function of the proteins. The purification of transmembrane proteins from cells frequently is time-consuming and typically results in the loss of the proteins’ native conformation.Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1 synthesizes intracellular nanosized bacterial magnetic particles (BacMPs; 50 to 100 nm); these are surrounded by a lipid bilayer membrane and exhibit strong ferrimagnetism. Functional soluble proteins have been expressed on BacMP surfaces through gene fusion techniques (11, 21, 24, 27) using BacMP membrane proteins (MagA, Mms16, and Mms13) as anchor proteins; this approach permits heterologous proteins to be localized efficiently and oriented appropriately on BacMPs. In a previous report, we demonstrated the successful display of the D1 dopamine receptor, a G protein-coupled receptor possessing seven transmembrane domains, on BacMPs. Mms16-D1, an dopamine receptor fusion protein, was expressed under the mms16 promoter, and a ligand-binding assay was performed (28). The assembly of transmembrane proteins on magnetic particles provides significant advantages for binding assays, including the easing of the purification of target proteins from bacterial cells without the loss of native conformation and the availability of a fully automated bioassay using robotic magnetic separation. Despite these advantages, there are not enough studies for the overexpression of transmembrane proteins other than the D1 dopamine receptor in M. magneticum AMB-1 because of its difficulty. In other host cells, a system for controlling gene expression has been employed to overcome its difficulty, and some successful efforts had achieved this for crystal structure analysis (5, 15, 18). The lack of these systems for M. magneticum has hampered the extension of this application to other transmembrane proteins.In this study, the tetracycline-inducible expression system was adapted for displaying transmembrane proteins on BacMPs in M. magneticum AMB-1. Expression vectors carrying the tetracycline repressor gene (tetR) and the target gene under the control of a strong promoter and the tetracycline operator (tetO) sequence were constructed, and the function of the system was evaluated using reporter genes. Finally, this system was applied to the overexpression of the transmembrane protein, tetraspanin CD81. This is the first report of an inducible expression system in M. magneticum, and it the demonstrates efficient display of a transmembrane protein at the surface of BacMPs.  相似文献   

The RecA protein in its functional state is in complex with single-stranded DNA, i.e., in the form of a RecA filament. In SOS induction, the RecA filament functions as a coprotease, enabling the autodigestion of the LexA repressor. The RecA filament can be formed by different mechanisms, but all of them require three enzymatic activities essential for the processing of DNA double-stranded ends. These are helicase, 5′–3′ exonuclease, and RecA loading onto single-stranded DNA (ssDNA). In some mutants, the SOS response can be expressed constitutively during the process of normal DNA metabolism. The RecA730 mutant protein is able to form the RecA filament without the help of RecBCD and RecFOR mediators since it better competes with the single-strand binding (SSB) protein for ssDNA. As a consequence, the recA730 mutants show high constitutive SOS expression. In the study described in this paper, we studied the genetic requirements for constitutive SOS expression in recA730 mutants. Using a β-galactosidase assay, we showed that the constitutive SOS response in recA730 mutants exhibits different requirements in different backgrounds. In a wild-type background, the constitutive SOS response is partially dependent on RecBCD function. In a recB1080 background (the recB1080 mutation retains only helicase), constitutive SOS expression is partially dependent on RecBCD helicase function and is strongly dependent on RecJ nuclease. Finally, in a recB-null background, the constitutive SOS expression of the recA730 mutant is dependent on the RecJ nuclease. Our results emphasize the importance of the 5′–3′ exonuclease for high constitutive SOS expression in recA730 mutants and show that RecBCD function can further enhance the excellent intrinsic abilities of the RecA730 protein in vivo.  相似文献   



Rett Syndrome (RTT) is an Autism Spectrum Disorder and the leading cause of mental retardation in females. RTT is caused by mutations in the Methyl CpG-Binding Protein-2 (MECP2) gene and has no treatment. Our objective is to develop viral vectors for MECP2 gene transfer into Neural Stem Cells (NSC) and neurons suitable for gene therapy of Rett Syndrome.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We generated self-inactivating (SIN) retroviral vectors with the ubiquitous EF1α promoter avoiding known silencer elements to escape stem-cell-specific viral silencing. High efficiency NSC infection resulted in long-term EGFP expression in transduced NSC and after differentiation into neurons. Infection with Myc-tagged MECP2-isoform-specific (E1 and E2) vectors directed MeCP2 to heterochromatin of transduced NSC and neurons. In contrast, vectors with an internal mouse Mecp2 promoter (MeP) directed restricted expression only in neurons and glia and not NSC, recapitulating the endogenous expression pattern required to avoid detrimental consequences of MECP2 ectopic expression. In differentiated NSC from adult heterozygous Mecp2tm1.1Bird+/− female mice, 48% of neurons expressed endogenous MeCP2 due to random inactivation of the X-linked Mecp2 gene. Retroviral MECP2 transduction with EF1α and MeP vectors rescued expression in 95–100% of neurons resulting in increased dendrite branching function in vitro. Insulated MECP2 isoform-specific lentiviral vectors show long-term expression in NSC and their differentiated neuronal progeny, and directly infect dissociated murine cortical neurons with high efficiency.


MeP vectors recapitulate the endogenous expression pattern of MeCP2 in neurons and glia. They have utility to study MeCP2 isoform-specific functions in vitro, and are effective gene therapy vectors for rescuing dendritic maturation of neurons in an ex vivo model of RTT.  相似文献   

Production of recombinant proteins in plants is of increasing importance for practical applications. However, the production of stable transformed transgenic plants is a lengthy procedure. Transient expression, on the other hand, can deliver recombinant proteins within a week, and many viral vectors have been constructed for that purpose. Each of them is reported to be highly efficient, robust and cost-effective. Here, a variety of expression vectors which were designed for transient and stable plant transformation, including pPZP3425, pPZP5025, pPZPTRBO, pJLTRBO, pEAQ-HT and pBY030-2R, was compared for the expression of green fluorescent protein and β-glucuronidase in Nicotiana benthamiana by Agrobacterium-mediated transient expression. Our results show that pPZPTRBO, pJLTRBO and pEAQ-HT had comparable expression levels without co-infiltration of a RNA-silencing inhibitor. The other vectors, including the non-viral vectors pPZP5025 and pPZP3425, needed co-infiltration of the RNA-silencing inhibitor P19 to give good expression levels.  相似文献   

E. coli is a model platform for engineering microbes, so genetic circuit design and analysis will be greatly facilitated by simple and effective approaches to introduce genetic constructs into the E. coli chromosome at well-characterised loci. We combined the Red recombinase system of bacteriophage λ and Isothermal Gibson Assembly for rapid integration of novel DNA constructs into the E. coli chromosome. We identified the flagellar region as a promising region for integration and expression of genetic circuits. We characterised integration and expression at four candidate loci, fliD, fliS, fliT, and fliY, of the E. coli flagellar region 3a. The integration efficiency and expression from the four integrations varied considerably. Integration into fliD and fliS significantly decreased motility, while integration into fliT and fliY had only a minor effect on the motility. None of the integrations had negative effects on the growth of the bacteria. Overall, we found that fliT was the most suitable integration site.  相似文献   

The central complex of Drosophila melanogaster plays important functions in various behaviors, such as visual and olfactory memory, visual orientation, sleep, and movement control. However little is known about the genes regulating the development of the central complex. Here we report that a mutant gene affecting central complex morphology, cbd (central brain defect), was mapped to ten-a, a type II trans-membrane protein coding gene. Down-regulation of ten-a in pan-neural cells contributed to abnormal morphology of central complex. Over-expression of ten-a by C767-Gal4 was able to partially restore the abnormal central complex morphology in the cbd mutant. Tracking the development of FB primordia revealed that C767-Gal4 labeled interhemispheric junction that separated fan-shaped body precursors at larval stage withdrew to allow the fusion of the precursors. While the C767-Gal4 labeled structure did not withdraw properly and detached from FB primordia, the two fan-shaped body precursors failed to fuse in the cbd mutant. We propose that the withdrawal of C767-Gal4 labeled structure is related to the formation of the fan-shaped body. Our result revealed the function of ten-a in central brain development, and possible cellular mechanism underlying Drosophila fan-shaped body formation.  相似文献   



Despite their functional and biotechnological importance, the study of membrane proteins remains difficult due to their hydrophobicity and their low natural abundance in cells. Furthermore, into established heterologous systems, these proteins are frequently only produced at very low levels, toxic and mis- or unfolded. Lactococcus lactis, a Gram-positive lactic bacterium, has been traditionally used in food fermentations. This expression system is also widely used in biotechnology for large-scale production of heterologous proteins. Various expression vectors, based either on constitutive or inducible promoters, are available for this system. While previously used to produce bacterial and eukaryotic membrane proteins, the ability of this system to produce plant membrane proteins was until now not tested.

Methodology/Principal Findings

The aim of this work was to test the expression, in Lactococcus lactis, of either peripheral or intrinsic Arabidopsis membrane proteins that could not be produced, or in too low amount, using more classical heterologous expression systems. In an effort to easily transfer genes from Gateway-based Arabidopsis cDNA libraries to the L. lactis expression vector pNZ8148, we first established a cloning strategy compatible with Gateway entry vectors. Interestingly, the six tested Arabidopsis membrane proteins could be produced, in Lactococcus lactis, at levels compatible with further biochemical analyses. We then successfully developed solubilization and purification processes for three of these proteins. Finally, we questioned the functionality of a peripheral and an intrinsic membrane protein, and demonstrated that both proteins were active when produced in this system.


Altogether, these data suggest that Lactococcus lactis might be an attractive system for the efficient and functional production of difficult plant membrane proteins.  相似文献   

Tobacco plants can be used to express recombinant proteins that cannot be produced in a soluble and active form using traditional platforms such as Escherichia coli. We therefore expressed the human glycoprotein interleukin 6 (IL6) in two commercial tobacco cultivars (Nicotiana tabacum cv. Virginia and cv. Geudertheimer) as well as the model host N. benthamiana to compare different transformation strategies (stable vs. transient expression) and subcellular targeting (apoplast, endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and vacuole). In T0 transgenic plants, the highest expression levels were achieved by ER targeting but the overall yields of IL6 were still low in the leaves (0.005% TSP in the ER, 0.0008% in the vacuole and 0.0005% in the apoplast). The apoplast variant accumulated to similar levels in leaves and seeds, whereas the ER-targeted variant was 1.2-fold more abundant in seeds and the vacuolar variant was 6-fold more abundant in seeds. The yields improved in subsequent generations, with the best-performing T2 plants producing the ER-targeted IL6 at 0.14% TSP in both leaves and seeds. Transient expression of ER-targeted IL6 in leaves using the MagnICON system resulted in yields of up to 7% TSP in N. benthamiana, but only 1% in N. tabacum cv. Virginia and 0.5% in cv. Geudertheimer. Although the commercial tobacco cultivars produced up to threefold more biomass than N. benthamiana, this was not enough to compensate for the lower overall yields. The recombinant IL6 produced by transient and stable expression in plants was biologically active and presented as two alternative bands matching the corresponding native protein.  相似文献   



Tularemia is a zoonosis caused by the Francisella tularensis, a highly infectious Gram-negative coccobacillus. Due to easy dissemination, multiple routes of infection, high environmental contamination and morbidity and mortality rates, Francisella is considered a potential bioterrorism threat and classified as a category A select agent by the CDC. Tick bites are among the most prevalent modes of transmission, and ticks have been indicated as a possible reservoir, although their reservoir competence has yet to be defined. Tick-borne transmission of F. tularensis was recognized in 1923, and transstadial transmission has been demonstrated in several tick species. Studies on transovarial transmission, however, have reported conflicting results.


The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of ticks as reservoirs for Francisella, assessing the transovarial transmission of F. tularensis subsp. holarctica in ticks, using experimentally-infected females of Dermacentor reticulatus and Ixodes ricinus.


Transmission electron microscopy and fluorescence in situ hybridization showed F. tularensis within oocytes. However, cultures and bioassays of eggs and larvae were negative; in addition, microscopy techniques revealed bacterial degeneration/death in the oocytes.


These results suggest that bacterial death might occur in oocytes, preventing the transovarial transmission of Francisella. We can speculate that Francisella does not have a defined reservoir, but that rather various biological niches (e.g. ticks, rodents), that allow the bacterium to persist in the environment. Our results, suggesting that ticks are not competent for the bacterium vertical transmission, are congruent with this view.  相似文献   

Background Mycobacterium ulcerans is the fundamental agent of the third most common Mycobacterial disease known as Buruli Ulcer (BU). It is an infection of the skin and soft tissue affecting the human population worldwide. Presently, the vaccine is not available against BU.ObjectiveThis study aimed to investigate the vaccine potential of virulence proteins of M. ulcerans computationally.MethodsChromosome encoded virulence proteins of Mycobacterium ulcerans strain Agy99 were selected, which were available at the VFDB database. These proteins were analyzed for their subcellular localization, antigenicity, and human non-homology analysis. Ten virulence factors were finally chosen and analyzed for further study. Three-dimensional structures for selected proteins were predicted using Phyre2. B cell and T cell epitope analysis was done using methods available at Immune Epitope Database and Analysis Resource. Antigenicity, allergenicity, and toxicity analysis were also done to predict epitopes. Molecular docking analysis was done for T cell epitopes, those showing overlap with B cell epitopes.ResultsSelected virulence proteins were predicted with B cell and T cell epitopes. Some of the selected proteins were found to be already reported as antigenic in other mycobacteria. Some of the predicted epitopes also had similarities with experimentally identified epitopes of M. ulcerans and M. tuberculosis which further supported our predictions.ConclusionIn-silico approach used for the vaccine candidate identification predicted some virulence proteins that could be proved important in future vaccination strategies against this chronic disease. Predicted epitopes require further experimental validation for their potential use as peptide vaccines.  相似文献   

Three light-regulated genes, chlorophyll a/b-binding protein (CAB), ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase small subunit, and chalcone synthase (CHS), are demonstrated to be up-regulated in the high-pigment-1 (hp-1) mutant of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) compared with wild type (WT). However, the pattern of up-regulation of the three genes depends on the light conditions, stage of development, and tissue studied. Compared with WT, the hp-1 mutant showed higher CAB gene expression in the dark after a single red-light pulse and in the pericarp of immature fruits. However, in vegetative tissues of light-grown seedlings and adult plants, CAB mRNA accumulation did not differ between WT and the hp-1 mutant. The ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase small subunit mRNA accumulated to a higher level in the hp-1 mutant than WT under all light conditions and tissues studied, whereas CHS gene expression was up-regulated in de-etiolated vegetative hp-1-mutant tissues only. The CAB and CHS genes were shown to be phytochrome regulated and both phytochrome A and B1 play a role in CAB gene expression. These observations support the hypothesis that the HP-1 protein plays a general repressive role in phytochrome signal transduction.  相似文献   

To develop a stable and marker-free Lactobacillus strain useful for the expression of vaccines, we developed a temperature-sensitive suicide plasmid with expression cassettes containing an HCE promoter, a PgsA anchor, the alpha-toxin gene, and an rrnB T1T2 terminator (PPαT) that uses a 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) counterselectable marker for Lactobacillus casei. Three strains containing the correct PPαT expression cassettes were produced via the selective pressure of 5-FU screening. We confirmed that the upp gene was deleted and that the PPαT expression cassettes were inserted into the upp site of L. casei ATCC 393 by genomic PCR amplification and sequencing. 5-FU resistance in recombinant bacteria could be stably inherited for as long as 40 generations following insertion. However, bacteria containing the integrated DNA grew more slowly than wild-type L. casei. An indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) analysis demonstrated that the alpha-toxin gene was expressed. Also, we visualized expression of the protein on the surface of L. casei cells using laser confocal microscopy. These results taken together demonstrate that these recombinant bacteria should provide a safe tool for effective vaccine production.  相似文献   

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