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Single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) viruses are economically important pathogens of plants and animals, and are widespread in oceans; yet, the diversity and evolutionary relationships among marine ssDNA viruses remain largely unknown. Here we present the results from a metagenomic study of composite samples from temperate (Saanich Inlet, 11 samples; Strait of Georgia, 85 samples) and subtropical (46 samples, Gulf of Mexico) seawater. Most sequences (84%) had no evident similarity to sequenced viruses. In total, 608 putative complete genomes of ssDNA viruses were assembled, almost doubling the number of ssDNA viral genomes in databases. These comprised 129 genetically distinct groups, each represented by at least one complete genome that had no recognizable similarity to each other or to other virus sequences. Given that the seven recognized families of ssDNA viruses have considerable sequence homology within them, this suggests that many of these genetic groups may represent new viral families. Moreover, nearly 70% of the sequences were similar to one of these genomes, indicating that most of the sequences could be assigned to a genetically distinct group. Most sequences fell within 11 well-defined gene groups, each sharing a common gene. Some of these encoded putative replication and coat proteins that had similarity to sequences from viruses infecting eukaryotes, suggesting that these were likely from viruses infecting eukaryotic phytoplankton and zooplankton.  相似文献   

Viruses influence oceanic ecosystems by causing mortality of microorganisms, altering nutrient and organic matter flux via lysis and auxiliary metabolic gene expression and changing the trajectory of microbial evolution through horizontal gene transfer. Limited host range and differing genetic potential of individual virus types mean that investigations into the types of viruses that exist in the ocean and their spatial distribution throughout the world''s oceans are critical to understanding the global impacts of marine viruses. Here we evaluate viral morphological characteristics (morphotype, capsid diameter and tail length) using a quantitative transmission electron microscopy (qTEM) method across six of the world''s oceans and seas sampled through the Tara Oceans Expedition. Extensive experimental validation of the qTEM method shows that neither sample preservation nor preparation significantly alters natural viral morphological characteristics. The global sampling analysis demonstrated that morphological characteristics did not vary consistently with depth (surface versus deep chlorophyll maximum waters) or oceanic region. Instead, temperature, salinity and oxygen concentration, but not chlorophyll a concentration, were more explanatory in evaluating differences in viral assemblage morphological characteristics. Surprisingly, given that the majority of cultivated bacterial viruses are tailed, non-tailed viruses appear to numerically dominate the upper oceans as they comprised 51–92% of the viral particles observed. Together, these results document global marine viral morphological characteristics, show that their minimal variability is more explained by environmental conditions than geography and suggest that non-tailed viruses might represent the most ecologically important targets for future research.  相似文献   

Viruses are abundant in the ocean and a major driving force in plankton ecology and evolution. It has been assumed that most of the viruses in seawater contain DNA and infect bacteria, but RNA-containing viruses in the ocean, which almost exclusively infect eukaryotes, have never been quantified. We compared the total mass of RNA and DNA in the viral fraction harvested from seawater and using data on the mass of nucleic acid per RNA- or DNA-containing virion, estimated the abundances of each. Our data suggest that the abundance of RNA viruses rivaled or exceeded that of DNA viruses in samples of coastal seawater. The dominant RNA viruses in the samples were marine picorna-like viruses, which have small genomes and are at or below the detection limit of common fluorescence-based counting methods. If our results are typical, this means that counts of viruses and the rate measurements that depend on them, such as viral production, are significantly underestimated by current practices. As these RNA viruses infect eukaryotes, our data imply that protists contribute more to marine viral dynamics than one might expect based on their relatively low abundance. This conclusion is a departure from the prevailing view of viruses in the ocean, but is consistent with earlier theoretical predictions.  相似文献   

云南甘薯病毒的检测及主要病毒的多样性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[目的]明确云南甘薯病毒的种类,并对主要病毒进行遗传多样性分析.[方法]利用PCR/RT-PCR技术,对采自云南16个县、市的279个甘薯样品进行扩增、测序,对所得序列应用分子生物学软件MEGA 5进行系统发育分析.[结果]除普洱和祥云的样品中未检测到任何病毒外,其余14个县、市的123个甘薯样品中共检测到甘薯褪绿斑病毒(SPCFV)、甘薯羽状斑驳病毒(SPFMV)、甘薯卷叶病毒(SPLCV)、甘薯C病毒(SPVC)、甘薯G病毒(SPVG)和甘薯病毒2号(SPV2)等6种病毒.其中SPVG的检出率最高,达39.1%,为云南甘薯病毒的优势种,SPFMV和SPVC的检出率分别为26.9%和24.7%,而SPLCV检出率最低,仅为0.4%.在所检测的样品中未发现甘薯褪绿矮化病毒(SPCSV)和甘薯轻斑驳病毒(SPMMV).云南甘薯病毒多数为2-5种病毒复合侵染,占总样品数的31.9%,其中2-3种病毒复合侵染现象最为常见,单一病毒侵染占总样品数的12.2%.检出率比较低的SPCFV、SPLCV和SPV2未发现单独侵染现象.[结论]云南甘薯上发生的SPFMV分离物存在EA株系和O株系,未发现RC株系,另有两个分离物同EA、O、RC之间的亲缘关系均较远,有可能是一个新的株系;SPVC和SPVG分离物均可分为3个不同的组,大部分SPVG云南分离物属于Ⅰ组.  相似文献   

RNAs are functionally diverse macromolecules whose proper functions rely strictly upon their correct tertiary structures. However, because of their high structural flexibility, correct folding of RNAs is challenging and slow. Therefore, cells and viruses encode a variety of RNA remodeling proteins, including helicases and RNA chaperones. In RNA viruses, these proteins are believed to play pivotal roles in all the processes involving viral RNAs during the life cycle. RNA helicases have been studied extensively for decades, whereas RNA chaperones, particularly virus-encoded RNA chaperones, are often overlooked. This review describes the activities of RNA chaperones encoded by RNA viruses, particularly the ones identified and characterized in recent years, and the functions of these proteins in different steps of viral life cycles, and presents an overview of this unique group of proteins.  相似文献   

The great majority of plant viruses encapsidate messenger-sense ssRNA and have no natural DNA phase in their life cycle. Despite their RNA nature, essentially any desired change can be introduced into such genomes by using recombinant DNA techniques with suitably constructed, expressible viral cDNA clones. For some viruses such as brome mosaic virus, these methods have been used to define the sequences controlling RNA-directed genomic RNA replication and the expression of internal genes via subgenomic mRNAs. The results suggest a surprising degree of genetic flexibility, which appears to be reflected in the varied gene complements and genetic organizations of presumably related plant and animal RNA viruses sharing conserved replication genes. Foreign genes inserted in such RNA virus genomes can be amplified and expressed to a high level in transfected plant cells. In addition to the potential use of such viruses as episomal expression vectors, it should be possible to couple the viral pathways of RNA-dependent RNA synthesis to amplify and to further regulate the expression of genes transformed into plant chromosomes.  相似文献   

Giant viruses contain large genomes, encode many proteins atypical for viruses, replicate in large viral factories, and tend to infect protists. The giant virus replication factories can in turn be infected by so called virophages, which are smaller viruses that negatively impact giant virus replication. An example is Mimiviruses that infect the protist Acanthamoeba and that are themselves infected by the virophage Sputnik. This study examines the evolutionary dynamics of this system, using mathematical models. While the models suggest that the virophage population will evolve to increasing degrees of giant virus inhibition, it further suggests that this renders the virophage population prone to extinction due to dynamic instabilities over wide parameter ranges. Implications and conditions required to avoid extinction are discussed. Another interesting result is that virophage presence can fundamentally alter the evolutionary course of the giant virus. While the giant virus is predicted to evolve toward increasing its basic reproductive ratio in the absence of the virophage, the opposite is true in its presence. Therefore, virophages can not only benefit the host population directly by inhibiting the giant viruses but also indirectly by causing giant viruses to evolve toward weaker phenotypes. Experimental tests for this model are suggested.  相似文献   

White plague (WP)-like diseases of tropical corals are implicated in reef decline worldwide, although their etiological cause is generally unknown. Studies thus far have focused on bacterial or eukaryotic pathogens as the source of these diseases; no studies have examined the role of viruses. Using a combination of transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and 454 pyrosequencing, we compared 24 viral metagenomes generated from Montastraea annularis corals showing signs of WP-like disease and/or bleaching, control conspecific corals, and adjacent seawater. TEM was used for visual inspection of diseased coral tissue. No bacteria were visually identified within diseased coral tissues, but viral particles and sequence similarities to eukaryotic circular Rep-encoding single-stranded DNA viruses and their associated satellites (SCSDVs) were abundant in WP diseased tissues. In contrast, sequence similarities to SCSDVs were not found in any healthy coral tissues, suggesting SCSDVs might have a role in WP disease. Furthermore, Herpesviridae gene signatures dominated healthy tissues, corroborating reports that herpes-like viruses infect all corals. Nucleocytoplasmic large DNA virus (NCLDV) sequences, similar to those recently identified in cultures of Symbiodinium (the algal symbionts of corals), were most common in bleached corals. This finding further implicates that these NCLDV viruses may have a role in bleaching, as suggested in previous studies. This study determined that a specific group of viruses is associated with diseased Caribbean corals and highlights the potential for viral disease in regional coral reef decline.  相似文献   

HaRNAV, a novel virus that infects the toxic bloom‐forming alga Heterosigma akashiwo (Hada) Hada ex Hada et Chihara, was characterized based on morphology, pathology, nucleic acid type, structural proteins, and the range of host strains that it infects. HaRNAV is a 25‐nm single‐stranded RNA (ssRNA) virus with a genome size of approximately 9100 nucleotides. This is the first report of an ssRNA virus that causes lysis of a phytoplankton species. The virus particle is sensitive to chloroform and contains at least five structural proteins ranging in apparent size from 24 to 34 kDa. HaRNAV infection causes swelling of the endoplasmic reticulum and progeny virus particles assemble in the cytoplasm of the host, frequently in crystalline arrays. The infectivity of HaRNAV was tested against 15 strains of H. akashiwo isolated from Japanese waters, the Northeast Pacific, and the Northwest Atlantic. HaRNAV caused lysis of three strains from the Northeast Pacific and two strains from Japan but none from the Northwest Atlantic. The characterization of HaRNAV demonstrates that HaRNAV is a novel type of phytoplankton virus but has some similarities with plant viruses belonging to the Sequiviridae and to other known ssRNA viruses. Further genomic analysis, however, is necessary to determine any phylogenetic relationships. The discovery of HaRNAV emphasizes the diversity of H. akashiwo viral pathogens and, more importantly, algal–virus pathogens and the complexity of virus–host interactions in the environment.  相似文献   

Polyacrylamide gel analysis of the structural proteins of three types of iridescent viruses (2, 6, and 9) demonstrated that the purified virions had one major and more than 20 minor polypeptides. Surface labeling procedures performed on pure intact virions, using 125I in the presence of lactoperoxidase and chloramine T (at low iodine concentrations), demonstrated that the major and two or three minor polypeptides were located on the outside. The major structural polypeptide was isolated from each virus type by preparative polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Amino acid analysis indicated that this protein was very similar in the three iridescent viruses. The three polypeptides had an identical N terminal (proline). While the major polypeptide of each virus has a slightly different molecular weight as determined by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, the similarities in iodine labeling, N terminals, and amino acids suggests a common function for this protein.  相似文献   

The systematic evaluation of the molecular diversity encompassed in Aconitum kongboense L. inbreds or parental lines offers an efficient means of exploiting the heterosis in A. kongboense as well as for management of biodiversity. An excellent and novel DNA-based molecular, amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs) markers, was firstly used to analysis the genetic diversity in A. kongboense genotypes. Out of 256 primers screened, a total of ten combinations successfully produced scorable, clear, reproducible and relatively high polymorphism bands, 64.12% of which were polymorphic. The values of number of polymorphic loci (NPL), percentage of polymorphic loci (PPB), observed number of alleles (Na) and effective number of alleles (Ne) were highest in population 3 (NPL = 77, PPB = 68.75%, Na = 1.688 ± 0.466, Ne = 1.412 ± 0.397) and lowest in population 2 (NPL = 57, PPB = 50.89%, Na = 1.509 ± 0.502, Ne = 1.273 ± 0.340). In addition, Jaccard's similarity coefficients among different populations varied from 0.45 to 1.00 with an average of 0.55. The data collected will contribute to identification, rational exploitation and conservation of germplasms of A. kongboense, and potentially useful to aid its breeding.  相似文献   

Extreme climatic activities, such as typhoons, are widely known to disrupt our natural environment. In particular, studies have revealed that typhoon-induced perturbations can result in several long-term effects on various ecosystems. In this study, we have conducted a 2-year metagenomic survey to investigate the microbial and viral community dynamics associated with environmental changes and seasonal variations in an enclosed freshwater reservoir subject to episodic typhoons. We found that the microbial community structure and the associated metagenomes continuously changed, where microbial richness increased after typhoon events and decreased during winter. Among the environmental factors that influenced changes in the microbial community, precipitation was considered to be the most significant. Similarly, the viral community regularly showed higher relative abundances and diversity during summer in comparison to winter, with major variations happening in several viral families including Siphoviridae, Myoviridae, Podoviridae and Microviridae. Interestingly, we also found that the precipitation level was associated with the terrestrial viral abundance in the reservoir. In contrast to the dynamic microbial community (L-divergence 0.73±0.25), we found that microbial metabolic profiles were relatively less divergent (L-divergence 0.24±0.04) at the finest metabolic resolution. This study provides for the first time a glimpse at the microbial and viral community dynamics of a subtropical freshwater ecosystem, adding a comprehensive set of new knowledge to aquatic environments.  相似文献   

海南鲌(Culter recurviceps)是我国华南地区重要经济鱼类, 由于受到近些年水利开发、过度捕捞、环境污染等诸多因素的影响, 其资源量快速下降, 亟需得到更多的关注和保护。为保护和合理开发海南鲌种质资源, 本研究采集了华南地区23个地理群体207尾海南鲌样本, 测定了2个线粒体基因(CytbND2)并从Barcode of Life Data System数据库获得相对应线粒体COI基因, 结合多种分析方法(系统发育分析、分化时间估算、单倍型网状图、群体遗传分析和Mantel检验)对海南鲌的遗传结构和遗传多样性展开研究。系统发育分析和单倍型网状图表明华南地区海南鲌群体被分成3个谱系(I、II和III), 其中谱系I和III由珠江的群体组成, 谱系II由海南岛的群体组成。分化时间估算发现3个谱系之间的分化时间介于0.028-0.251 Ma之间, 表明华南地区更新世气候变化可能是造成海南鲌谱系分化的重要原因。群体遗传分析发现海南鲌群体之间存在极显著的遗传分化(FST = 0.511, P < 0.001), 并且符合距离隔离模式(R = 0.348, P = 0.0010)。群体动态历史分析表明, 海南鲌群体可能在0.010-0.025 Ma经历了群体扩张, 表明更新世的气候波动也影响了海南鲌的群体大小和分布。综上所述, 海南鲌群体由3个谱系组成, 更新世气候变化是导致3个谱系分化和影响海南鲌群体动态历史的重要因素。此外, 海南鲌群体之间的遗传分化也可能受到了空间距离的影响。  相似文献   

Aeromonas hydrophila strains recovered from clinical samples and ambient sources were phenotypically and genetically identified. In addition, the distribution of putative virulence factors was assayed. To determine the genetic diversity of these strains, random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus (ERIC)-PCR markers were used. The discriminatory ability of the techniques, using Simpson's index, was 0.96 for both methods. The most consistent dendrogram was obtained when RAPD and ERIC data were combined. The genetic diversity revealed a high intra-specific genetic diversity (h=0.364+/-0.024 and I=0.538+/-0.030). The strains showed a tendency to cluster according to their origin of isolation (best-cut test 0.80 and bootstrap values >50%). The present study demonstrates and quantifies the high intra-specific diversity within this species and reveals a clear differentiation of strains according to their ecological origin. The distribution of virulence-related genes confirm that A. hydrophila is a genetically heterogeneous species that harbour ecotypes which have different pathogenic potential to human and other animals.  相似文献   

Viruses are the most abundant members of the human oral microbiome, yet relatively little is known about their biodiversity in humans. To improve our understanding of the DNA viruses that inhabit the human oral cavity, we examined saliva from a cohort of eight unrelated subjects over a 60-day period. Each subject was examined at 11 time points to characterize longitudinal differences in human oral viruses. Our primary goals were to determine whether oral viruses were specific to individuals and whether viral genotypes persisted over time. We found a subset of homologous viral genotypes across all subjects and time points studied, suggesting that certain genotypes may be ubiquitous among healthy human subjects. We also found significant associations between viral genotypes and individual subjects, indicating that viruses are a highly personalized feature of the healthy human oral microbiome. Many of these oral viruses were not transient members of the oral ecosystem, as demonstrated by the persistence of certain viruses throughout the entire 60-day study period. As has previously been demonstrated for bacteria and fungi, membership in the oral viral community was significantly associated with the sex of each subject. Similar characteristics of personalized, sex-specific microflora could not be identified for oral bacterial communities based on 16S rRNA. Our findings that many viruses are stable and individual-specific members of the oral ecosystem suggest that viruses have an important role in the human oral ecosystem.  相似文献   

Myc-related proteins were precipitated from MC29 virus-transformed cells (PR-2) and from OK10 virus-transformed cells (9C) by anti-gag and anti-myc sera. Immunoprecipitates were cleaved with the avian retroviral protease p15 and the cleavage products analyzed in SDS-PAGE. Cleavage fragments of p110gag-myc (product of MC29 virus) and p58myc (product of OK10 virus) showed the presence of a p15 cleavage site within the myc-specific region. The site is missing in deletion mutants of MC29 virus.  相似文献   

阔苞菊(Pluchea indica)是一种红树林伴生植物,以其在原产地的药用特性和部分引入地的入侵性而闻名。本研究旨在评估阔苞菊在其分布范围内遗传变异的地理分布,确定影响其遗传结构的因素,并利用这些信息对阔苞菊在原产地和引入地的保护和管理策略提出建议。 我们以来自阔苞菊原产地(亚洲)和引入地(美国)的31个种群共348个个体的15个核微卫星位点数据对阔苞菊的遗传多样性和种群结构进行了评估。在大尺度范围以及局部区域两种空间尺度上对阔苞菊遗传变异的空间格局进行了探讨,并验证了以下假说:地理距离和自然地理屏障将影响种群结构并在空间尺度上产生不同程度的分化。研究结果表明,与所研究区域内的其它红树林物种的遗传多样性参数相比, 我们发现阔苞菊在种群水平上具有相对较高的遗传多样性以及在物种水平上具有明显的遗传分化。大多数阔苞菊种群显示杂合子缺失, 这主要是由于近交和有限的基因流所导致。在较大空间尺度上进行的种群结构分析显示,该物种自然分布范围内存在两个主要遗传谱系,中国的种群与印度尼西亚、马来西亚、新加坡、泰国、柬埔寨和菲律宾的种群分别属于不同的谱系,而美国的种群可能来自于中国的谱系。 此外,在局部区域范围内也同样检测到种群之间的遗传分化。大部分阔苞菊种群所表现出的遗传瓶颈效应强调了其具有本地灭绝的风险。基于上述研究结果,我们建议采用原位保护策略对阔苞菊进行管理,并开展对优先保护种群的保护行动以维持遗传多样性。  相似文献   

In order to evaluate whether the two wild species, Panax vietnamensis (from Vietnam) and Panax stipuleanatus (from primeval forest, Yunan Province) could markedly increase the genetic diversity of cultivated Panax notoginseng (Wenshan, Yunnan Province), both start codon targeted (SCoT) markers and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) DNA barcode were firstly employed in this genus. A total of 173 amplification bands were generated by 16 selected SCoT primers, in which 153 (89.5%) were polymorphic. Nei's gene-diversity indicated that the genetic diversity of three species (h = 0.16 and I = 0.27) was obviously higher than that of P. notoginseng (h = 0.09). Similarly, 38 different ITS sites out of 639 (5.9%) were detected among three species, but only one was different within 22 samples of P. notoginseng. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed a greater proportion of genetic diversity existed within (61.3%) rather than among (38.7%) groups at genus level. In addition, P. vietnamensis had a closer relationship with P. notoginseng than P. stipuleanatus. These results would be significant for increasing the genetic diversity of P. notoginseng population by hybridization with P. vietnamensis and P. stipuleanatus, thus obtaining more varieties for future cultivar breeding and germplasm resources management.  相似文献   

A biosynthetic gene cluster of siderophore consisting of five open reading frames (ORFs) was cloned by functional screening of a metagenomic library constructed from tidal-flat sediment. Expression of the cloned biosynthetic genes in Escherichia coli led to the production of vibrioferrin, a siderophore originally reported for the marine bacterium Vibrio parahaemolyticus. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first example of heterologous production of a siderophore by biosynthetic genes cloned from a metagenomic library. The cloned cluster was one of the largest of the clusters obtained by functional screening. In this study, we demonstrated and extended the possibility of function-based metagenomic research.  相似文献   

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