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A major goal in evolutionary biology is to understand how and why populations differentiate, both genetically and phenotypically, as they invade a novel habitat. A classical example of adaptation is the pale colour of beach mice, relative to their dark mainland ancestors, which colonized the isolated sandy dunes and barrier islands on Florida''s Gulf Coast. However, much less is known about differentiation among the Gulf Coast beach mice, which comprise five subspecies linearly arrayed on Florida''s shoreline. Here, we test the role of selection in maintaining variation among these beach mouse subspecies at multiple levels—phenotype, genotype and the environments they inhabit. While all beach subspecies have light pelage, they differ significantly in colour pattern. These subspecies are also genetically distinct: pair-wise Fst-values range from 0.23 to 0.63 and levels of gene flow are low. However, we did not find a correlation between phenotypic and genetic distance. Instead, we find a significant association between the average ‘lightness’ of each subspecies and the brightness of the substrate it inhabits: the two most genetically divergent subspecies occupy the most similar habitats and have converged on phenotype, whereas the most genetically similar subspecies occupy the most different environments and have divergent phenotypes. Moreover, allelic variation at the pigmentation gene, Mc1r, is statistically correlated with these colour differences but not with variation at other genetic loci. Together, these results suggest that natural selection for camouflage—via changes in Mc1r allele frequency—contributes to pigment differentiation among beach mouse subspecies.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Experimental crosses between the diploid woodland strawberry (Fragaria vesca L.) and the octoploid garden strawberry (F. × ananassa Duch.) can lead to the formation of viable hybrids. However, the extent of such hybrid formation under natural conditions is unknown, but is of fundamental interest and importance in the light of the potential future cultivation of transgenic strawberries. A hybrid survey was therefore conducted in the surroundings of ten farms in Switzerland and southern Germany, where strawberries have been cultivated for at least 10 years and where wild strawberries occur in the close vicinity.


In 2007 and 2008, 370 wild F. vesca plants were sampled at natural populations around farms and analysed with microsatellite markers. In 2010, natural populations were revisited and morphological traits of 3050 F. vesca plants were inspected. DNA contents of cell nuclei of morphologically deviating plants were estimated by flow cytometry to identify hybrids. As controls, 50 hybrid plants from interspecific hand-crosses were analysed using microsatellite analysis and DNA contents of cell nuclei were estimated by flow cytometry.

Key Results

None of the wild samples collected in 2007 and 2008 contained F. × ananassa microsatellite markers, while all hybrids from hand-crosses clearly contained markers of both parent species. Morphological inspection of wild populations carried out in 2010 and subsequent flow cytometry of ten morphologically deviating plants revealed no hybrids.


Hybrid formation or hybrid establishment in natural populations in the survey area is at best a rare event.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Gene flow is important in counteracting the divergence of populations but also in spreading genes among populations. However, contemporary gene flow is not well understood across alpine landscapes. The aim of this study was to estimate contemporary gene flow through pollen and to examine the realized mating system in the alpine perennial plant, Arabis alpina (Brassicaceae).


An entire sub-alpine to alpine landscape of 2 km2 was exhaustively sampled in the Swiss Alps. Eighteen nuclear microsatellite loci were used to genotype 595 individuals and 499 offspring from 49 maternal plants. Contemporary gene flow by pollen was estimated from paternity analysis, matching the genotypes of maternal plants and offspring to the pool of likely father plants. Realized mating patterns and genetic structure were also estimated.

Key Results

Paternity analysis revealed several long-distance gene flow events (≤1 km). However, most outcrossing pollen was dispersed close to the mother plants, and 84 % of all offspring were selfed. Individuals that were spatially close were more related than by chance and were also more likely to be connected by pollen dispersal.


In the alpine landscape studied, genetic structure occurred on small spatial scales as expected for alpine plants. However, gene flow also covered large distances. This makes it plausible for alpine plants to spread beneficial alleles at least via pollen across landscapes at a short time scale. Thus, gene flow potentially facilitates rapid adaptation in A. alpina likely to be required under ongoing climate change.  相似文献   

The risks of gene flow between interfertile native and introduced plant populations are greatest when there is no spatial isolation of pollen clouds and phenological patterns overlap completely. Moreover, invasion probabilities are further increased if introduced populations are capable of producing seeds by selfing. Here we investigated the mating system and patterns of pollen-mediated gene flow among populations of native ash (Fraxinus excelsior) and mixed plantations of non-native ash (F. angustifolia and F. excelsior) as well as hybrid ash (F. excelsior × F. angustifolia) in Ireland. We analysed the flowering phenology of the mother trees and genotyped with six microsatellite loci in progeny arrays from 132 native and plantation trees (1493 seeds) and 444 potential parents. Paternity analyses suggested that plantation and native trees were pollinated by both native and introduced trees. No signs of significant selfing in the introduced trees were observed and no evidence of higher male reproductive success was found for introduced trees compared with native ones either. A small but significant genetic structure was found (φft=0.05) and did not correspond to an isolation-by-distance pattern. However, we observed a significant temporal genetic structure related to the different phenological groups, especially with early and late flowering native trees; each phenological group was pollinated with distinctive pollen sources. Implications of these results are discussed in relation to the conservation and invasiveness of ash and the spread of resistance genes against pathogens such as the fungus Chalara fraxinea that is destroying common ash forests in Europe.  相似文献   

RIG-I (retinoic acid-inducible gene I) is an essential cytosolic pathogen recognition receptor that binds to a variety of viral RNA or DNA to induce type I interferons. In the present study, insert–deletion polymorphisms in promoter and introns of CiRIG-I (Ctenopharyngodon idella RIG-I) were explored, their associations with resistance/susceptibility to grass carp reovirus (GCRV) were analyzed. To this end, genomic sequence of CiRIG-I gene was obtained, and twenty pairs of primers were prepared for the detection of insert–deletion polymorphisms. Five insert–deletion mutations were found, a 2-bp mutation and an 8-bp mutation existed in the promoter and other three sizes in 74 bp, 146 bp and 53 bp were sited in the intron 8. After a challenge experiment, only the genotype and allele of − 740 insert–deletion mutation in the promoter and allele of 6804 insert–deletion mutation were significantly associated with resistance/susceptibility to GCRV among the five mutations (P < 0.05). To further identify this correlation, another independent challenge test was carried out. The result revealed that the cumulative mortality in ins/ins genotype individuals (43.75%) at − 740 insert–deletion mutation was significantly lower than that in ins/del (72.09%) and del/del (74.19%) genotypes (P < 0.05). Linkage disequilibrium and haplotype analysis showed 6610 insert–deletion mutation and 6804 insert–deletion mutation were linkage disequilibrium. The haplotype ins–ins (6610ins–6804ins) was significantly susceptible to GCRV, and ins–del (6610ins–6804del) was significantly resistant to GCRV (P < 0.05). Those could be potential gene markers for the future molecular selection of strains that are resistant to GCRV.  相似文献   

Laboratory of genetics and physiology 2 (LGP2) is an actual detector and regulator during RNA viral infection in innate immunity. In this study, 5′-flanking region and all introns of LGP2 in grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) were excavated. The genomic CiLGP2 (C. idella LGP2) was 8062 bp in length, with a 364 bp 5′-flanking region, twelve exons and eleven introns. Besides, the promoter activity of the upstream region before initiator codon was identified. By sequencing, six single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and one 20-bp insertion/deletion polymorphism were detected in CiLGP2. With a challenge experiment, the genotype and allele distributions of these seven polymorphisms were examined. Analytic result revealed only the − 1392 C/G, 494 A/T and 4403 C/T loci were significantly associated with the resistance/susceptibility to grass carp reovirus (GCRV) (P < 0.05). To further identify these correlations, another independent challenge test was performed. The analytic result based on the cumulative mortality demonstrated that the stock in − 1392 GG genotype was more susceptible to GCRV than that in CC genotype, while the stocks in 494 TT genotype and 4403 TT genotype were more resistant to GCRV than that in AA and CC genotype stocks, respectively (P < 0.05). Those significant SNPs might be potential gene markers for the future molecular selection of C. idella strains that are resistant to GCRV.  相似文献   

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