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Henneman's size principle relates the input and output properties of motoneurons and their muscle fibers to size and is the basis for size-ordered activation or recruitment of motor units during movement. After nerve injury and surgical repair, the relationship between motoneuron size and the number and size of the muscle fibers that the motoneuron reinnervates is initially lost but returns with time, irrespective of whether the muscles are self- or cross-reinnervated by the regenerated axons. Although the return of the size relationships was initially attributed to the recovery of the cross-sectional area of the reinnervated muscle fibers and their force per fiber, direct enumeration of the innervation ratio and the number of muscle fibers per motoneuron demonstrated that a size-dependent branching of axons accounts for the size relationships in normal muscle, as suggested by Henneman and his colleagues. This same size-dependent branching accounts for the rematching of motoneuron size and muscle unit size in reinnervated muscles. Experiments were carried out to determine whether the daily amount of neuromuscular activation of motor units accounts for the size-dependent organization and reorganization of motor unit properties. The normal size-dependent matching of motoneurons and their muscle units with respect to the numbers of muscle fibers per motoneuron was unaltered by synchronous activation of all of the motor units with the same daily activity. Hence, the restored size relationships and rematching of motoneuron and muscle unit properties after nerve injuries and muscle reinnervation sustain the normal gradation of muscle force during movement by size-ordered recruitment of motor units and the process of rate coding of action potentials. Dynamic modulation of size of muscle fibers and their contractile speed and endurance by neuromuscular activity allows for neuromuscular adaptation in the context of the sustained organization of the neuromuscular system according to the size principle.  相似文献   

Fast, intermediate and slow germinating Bacillus spp., isolated from raw milk supplies, were subjected to activation treatments of 80C/10 min, 9C/10 min, 100C/1 min and 100C/10 min. Significant differences were observed between the three spore types at all activation treatments with 80C/10 min giving the highest overall germination rate. The 80C/10 min activation treatment, which is the most commonly used, also favoured germination of the fast germinating spores to a greater extent than the other spore types. The detection of such spores is important because they have the greatest spoilage potential.  相似文献   



The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of detraining on motor unit potential area (SMUP), muscular function and physical performance, according to CNTF gene polymorphism.


For this study, GG (normal homozygote, n = 8) group and GA + AA (mutation heterozygote and homozygote, n = 10) group were divided by CNTF gene polymorphism and both groups were performed detraining for 4 weeks. The data was analyzed by two-way repeated measures ANOVA for verifying the differences between two groups and interaction using SPSS (ver. 20.0) statistical program.


The results were as follows. First, changes in body composition were measured but there was no significant interaction effect between time and group. Seconds, changes in SMUP were measured by SEMG. Interaction effect between time and group was found lateral vastus during isokinetic exercise of 180°/sec (p < .05). Third, changes in isokinetic muscle strength of 60°/sec and 180°/sec were measured but there was no significant interaction effect. Fourth, significant statistical differences were not showed changes of sports performance after detraining.


In conclusion, there were no significantly differences between GG and GA + AA group after detraining, therefore, further study will be considered a matter in various its interventions such as serum levels of CNTF and changes in receptors and muscle fiber types.  相似文献   

Summary The use of trap crops such as cowpea could reduce the effects of the root parasitic weed, Striga hermonthica and its subsequent constraints on the growth of cereals. Certain bacteria could augment the trap crop stimulatory effect. We studied the effect of three bacteria introduced to the rhizosphere of three cowpea varieties at planting. Number of days to cowpea flowering was noted and at harvest, data were collected on pod characteristics and biomass. Means of data subjected to ANOVA were compared using Tukey’s Studentized Range Test. We analysed bacterial headspace volatiles for ethylene by gas chromatography and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. Bacterial type significantly influenced the cowpea varieties with better performance over the non-inoculated control. Average pod weight (g) with bacterial treatment was 37.97 for Enterobacter sakazakii 8MR5, 34.38 for Pseudomonas 44MS8 and 27.46 for Pseudomonas 10M3. Non-inoculated control had an average weight of 20.98 g. Bacteria promoted a significant increase in pod weight (≥30.89%), fresh biomass (≥24.22%), and improved pod number (≥20.54%) and pod wall thickness (≥7.33%) with no deleterious effect on plant health. Ethylene released by the bacteria ranged from trace concentrations in Pseudomonas sp. to 210 nmoles/108 c. f. u./ml in Ent. sakazakii 8MR5.  相似文献   

Summary The K conductance (g K) kinetics were studied in voltage-clamped frog nodes (Rana ridibunda) in double-pulse experiments. The Cole-Moore translation forg Kt curves associated with different initial potentials (E) was only observed with a small percentage of fibers. The absence of the translation was found to be caused by the involvement of an additional, slow,g K component. This component cannot be attributed to a multiple-state performance of the K channel. It can only be accounted for by a separate, slow K channel, the fast channel being the same as then 4 K channel inR. pipiens.The slow K channel is characterized by weaker sensitivity to TEA, smaller density, weaker potential (E) dependence, and somewhat more negativeE range of activation than the fast K channel. According to characteristics of the slow K system, three types of fibers were found. In Type I fibers (most numerous) the slow K channel behaves as ann 4 HH channel. In Type II fibers (the second largest group found) the slow K channel obeys the HH kinetics within a certainE range only; beyond this range the exponential decline of the slowg K component is preceded by anE-dependent delay, its kinetics after the delay being the same as those in Type I fibers. In Type III fibers (rare) the slow K channel is lacking, and it is only in these fibers that the Cole-Moore translation of the measuredg Kt curves can be observed directly.The physiological role of the fast and slow K channel in amphibian nerves is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

 Movement-related potentials (MRPs) recorded from the brain may be affected by several factors. These include the how well the subject knows the task and the load against which he performs it. The objective of this study is to determine how dominant these two factors are in influencing the shape and power of MRPs. MRPs were recorded during performance of a simple motor task that required learning of a force. A stochastic algorithm was used in order to partition a set of MRPs that are embedded in the surrounding electroencephalographic (EEG) activity into distinct classes according to the power of the underlying MRPs. Our results show that the most influential factor in the partition was the load against which the subject performed the task. Furthermore, it was found that learning has a smaller, though not insignificant, influence on the power of the MRPs. Received: 27 December 2000 / Accepted in revised form: 26 April 2001  相似文献   

This study was designed to reveal any differences in effects of fast created versus total inbreeding on reproduction and body weights in mice. A line selected for large litter size for 124 generations (H) and a control line (K) maintained without selection for the same number of generations were crossed (HK) and used as a basis for the experiment. Within the HK cross, full sib, cousin or random mating were practised for two generations in order to create new inbreeding (IBF) at a fast rate. In the first generation of systematic mating, old inbreeding was regenerated in addition to creation of new inbreeding from the mating design giving total inbreeding (IBT). The number of pups born alive (NBA) and body weights of the animals were then analysed by a model including both IBT and IBF. The IBT of the dam was in the present study found to reduce the mean NBA with -0.48 (± 0.22) (p < 0.05) pups per 10% increase in the inbreeding coefficient, while the additional effect of IBF was -0.42 (± 0.27). For the trait NBA per female mated, the effect of IBT was estimated to be -0.45 (± 0.29) per 10% increase in the inbreeding coefficient and the effect of IBF was -0.90 (± 0.37) (p < 0.05) pups. In the present study, only small or non-significant effects of IBF of the dam could be found on sex-ratio and body weights at three and six weeks of age in a population already adjusted for IBT.  相似文献   

The adults of many coral reef fish species are site-attached, and their habitat is selected at the time of settlement by their larvae. The length of the planktonic larval period varies both intra- and interspecifically, and it is unknown how the age and size of larvae may affect their selection of habitat. To investigate the influence of age and size on habitat selection, I collected newly settled Hawaiian domino damselfish, Dascyllus albisella, daily from grids containing three coral species at four locations in Kaneohe Bay, Oahu, Hawaii. I recorded the coral species each fish was collected on, and measured and aged (by otoliths) the collected fish. The results indicate that the coral Pocillopora meandrina was selected by settling fish significantly more than the other two coral species. Younger and smaller larvae selected this coral species more frequently than older/larger larvae. In addition, younger/smaller individuals were found more commonly inside the bay than older/larger settling larvae. Differences in the choice of coral species and location of settlement may be partly due to ontogenetic differences in the sensory capacities of larvae to detect corals, conspecifics, and predators, or to a larval competency period. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

ACTH 1-39 (0.2 U IP daily for up to 18 days) has a beneficial effect on the functional reorganization of regenerating motor units of the extensor digitorum longus (EDL) in the adrenalectomized adult rat following crushing of the peroneal nerve. Motor unit activity (maximum twitch tension amplitude/mean increment in twitch tension as voltage is increased by 0.1 V gradations) and nerve-muscle efficiency (tetanic tension from indirect stimulation/tetanic tension from direct stimulation of EDL) were enhanced by ACTH 1-39. Other electrophysiological and contractile parameters were unaffected by the peptide. Spontaneous motor activity in cold stressed 13 day old rats was prolonged by Org 2766, a substituted analogue of ACTH/MSH 4-9, (0.1 microgram/kg daily) but unaffected by the same dosage of ACTH/MSH 4-10. The responsiveness of developing and regenerating motor systems to neuropeptides indicates a plasticity of neuronal connections, which depends on peptide sequence, dosage and the physiological state of the animal (normal, depressed, regenerating or developing, at rest or stressed).  相似文献   

  1. The intensity dependence and spectral variations during thefast transient of chlorophyll a (Chl a) fluorescence have beenanalyzed in the blue-green alga Anacystis nidulans. (Unlikethe case of eukaryotic unicellular green or red algae, the fastfluorescence induction characteristics of the prokaryotic blue-greenalgae had not been documented before.)
  2. Dark adapted cellsof Anacystis exhibit two types of fluctuationsin the fluorescenceyield when excited with bright orange light(absorbed mainlyin phycocyanin). The first kinetic patterncalled the fast (sec)fluorescence transient exhibits a characteristicoriginal levelO, intermediary hump I, a pronounced dip D, peakP and a transitorysmall decline to a quasi steady state S.After attaining S,fluorescence yield slowly rises to a maximumlevel M. From M,the decline in fluorescence yield to a terminalT level is extremelyslow as shown earlier by Papageorgiou andGovindjee (8). Ascompared with green and red algae, blue-greenalgae seem tohave a small PS decline and a very characteristicslow SM rise,with a M level much higher than the peak P.
  3. A prolonged darkadaptation and relatively high intensity ofexciting illuminationare required to evoke DPS type yield fluctuationsin Anacystis.At low to moderate intensities of exciting light,the time forthe development of P depends on light doses, butfor M, thisremains constant at these intensities.
  4. Fluorescence emissionwas heterogeneous during the inductionperiod in Anacystis;the P and the M levels were relativelyenriched in short-wavelengthsystem II Chi a emission as comparedto D and S levels.
  5. Thefast DPS transient was found to be affected by electrontransportcofactor (methyl viologen), and inhibitors (e.g.,DCMU, NH2OH)in a manner suggesting that these changes are mostlyrelatedto the oxido-reduction level of intermediates betweenthe twophotosystems. On the other hand, the slow SM changesin fluorescenceyield, as reported earlier (5, 15), paralleloxygen evolution.These changes were found to be resistant toa variety of electrontransport inhibitors (O-phenanthroline,HOQNO, salicylaldoxime,DCMU, NH2OH and Antimycin a). It issuggested that, in Anacystis,even in the presence of so-calledinhibitors of cyclic electronflow, a "high energy state" isstill produced.
  6. Measurementsof Chlorophyll a fluorescence and delayed lightemission inthe presence of both DCMU and NH2OH indicate thatthe slow SMchanges are not due to the recovery of the reactioncenter IIin darkness preceeding illumination.
  7. Our results, thus, suggestthat in Anacystis a net electrontransport supported oxidation-reductionstate of the quencherQ regulates only partially the developmentof the DPS transient,but the development of the slow fluorescenceyield changes seemsnot to be regulated by these reactions.It appears, from datapresented elsewhere, that the slow risein the yield resultsdue to a structural modification of thethylakoid membrane.
1We are grateful to the National Science Foundation for financialsupport. (Received November 21, 1972; )  相似文献   

Directional selection on size is common but often fails to result in microevolution in the wild. Similarly, macroevolutionary rates in size are low relative to the observed strength of selection in nature. We show that many estimates of selection on size have been measured on juveniles, not adults. Further, parents influence juvenile size by adjusting investment per offspring. In light of these observations, we help resolve this paradox by suggesting that the observed upward selection on size is balanced by selection against investment per offspring, resulting in little or no net selection gradient on size. We find that trade‐offs between fecundity and juvenile size are common, consistent with the notion of selection against investment per offspring. We also find that median directional selection on size is positive for juveniles but no net directional selection exists for adult size. This is expected because parent–offspring conflict exists over size, and juvenile size is more strongly affected by investment per offspring than adult size. These findings provide qualitative support for the hypothesis that upward selection on size is balanced by selection against investment per offspring, where parent–offspring conflict over size is embodied in the opposing signs of the two selection gradients.  相似文献   

The light-induced/dark-reversible changes in the chlorophyll (Chl) a fluorescence of photosynthetic cells and membranes in the μs-to-several min time window (fluorescence induction, FI; or Kautsky transient) reflect quantum yield changes (quenching/de-quenching) as well as changes in the number of Chls a in photosystem II (PS II; state transitions). Both relate to excitation trapping in PS II and the ensuing photosynthetic electron transport (PSET), and to secondary PSET effects, such as ion translocation across thylakoid membranes and filling or depletion of post-PS II and post-PS I pools of metabolites. In addition, high actinic light doses may depress Chl a fluorescence irreversibly (photoinhibitory lowering; q(I)). FI has been studied quite extensively in plants an algae (less so in cyanobacteria) as it affords a low resolution panoramic view of the photosynthesis process. Total FI comprises two transients, a fast initial (OPS; for Origin, Peak, Steady state) and a second slower transient (SMT; for Steady state, Maximum, Terminal state), whose details are characteristically different in eukaryotic (plants and algae) and prokaryotic (cyanobacteria) oxygenic photosynthetic organisms. In the former, maximal fluorescence output occurs at peak P, with peak M lying much lower or being absent, in which case the PSMT phases are replaced by a monotonous PT fluorescence decay. In contrast, in phycobilisome (PBS)-containing cyanobacteria maximal fluorescence occurs at M which lies much higher than peak P. It will be argued that this difference is caused by a fluorescence lowering trend (state 1 → 2 transition) that dominates the FI pattern of plants and algae, and correspondingly by a fluorescence increasing trend (state 2 → 1 transition) that dominates the FI of PBS-containing cyanobacteria. Characteristically, however, the FI pattern of the PBS-minus cyanobacterium Acaryochloris marina resembles the FI patterns of algae and plants and not of the PBS-containing cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

The most detailed information about the structural and functional characteristics of the muscle can be gained from the single motor unit (MU) action potential. In addition, information about the activity of a single MU is essential for the diagnosis of neuromuscular disorders. Due to the low spatial resolution of conventional bipolar surface electromyography (EMG), the resulting signal is a superposition of a large number of simultaneous active MUs. The difficulty is in separating the activity of a single MU from simultaneous active adjacent MUs. In contrast to other non-invasive EMG procedures, the high-spatial-resolution-EMG (HSR-EMG), which is based on the use of a multi-electrode array in combination with a spatial filter procedure, allows the detection of single MU activity in a non-invasive way. It opens access to the excitation spread and enables the determination of the conduction velocity in single MUs, and the localization of the endplate region. In addition, HSR-EMG detects changes in the electrical activities of the MUs which are typical in neuromuscular disorders. Using HSR-EMG it was possible to identify 97% of all investigated volunteers and patients with muscular or neuronal disorders. Therefore, HSR-EMG is suitable as a tool for the non-invasive diagnosis of neuromuscular disorders.  相似文献   


Aim: The aim of this study was to compare the effects of cervical exercise, motor imagery (MI) and action observation (AO) of cervical exercise actions on conditioned pain modulation and pressure pain thresholds. The second objective was to assess the effects of these interventions on cervical motor activity (ranges of motion and muscle endurance), attention, and the ability to generate motor images.

Study design: Single-blinded randomized controlled trial.

Materials and methods: Fifty-four healthy subjects were randomly assigned to each group. Response conditioned pain modulation, pressure pain threshold, were the main variables. The secondary outcome measures included, cervical range of motion, Neck flexor endurance test, mental movement representation associated and psychosocial variables.

Results: All groups showed significant differences in time factor for all evaluated variables (p?<?.01) except pressure pain threshold over the tibial region. The post hoc analysis revealed significant within-group differences in the AE and AO groups in conditioned pain modulation (p?<?.05), with medium effect size in time [AE (d –0.61); AO (d –0.74)].

Conclusion: The results showed that within-group changes in conditioned pain modulation, cervical muscle endurance, and attention where founded only in the AE and AO groups. Variations in pain thresholds at pressure in the trapezium area were also obtained in the three groups. Changes in the ranges of flexion-extension and rotation movement were presented exclusively in the exercise group, and in the capacity to generate motor images only in the AO group. However, there was no difference in the pressure pain threshold over the tibial region.  相似文献   

The mechanisms of motor neuron (MN) degeneration in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) are unknown, but glutamate-mediated excitotoxicity may be involved. To examine directly this idea in vivo, we have used microdialysis in the rat lumbar spinal cord and showed that four- to fivefold increases in the concentration of endogenous extracellular glutamate during at least 1 h, by perfusion with the glutamate transport inhibitor L-2,4-trans-pyrrolidine-dicarboxylate, elicited no motor alterations or MN damage. Stimulation of glutamate release with 4-aminopyridine induced transitory ipsilateral hindlimb muscular twitches but no MN damage. In contrast, perfusion of alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionate (AMPA) did not modify glutamate levels but produced intense muscular spasms, followed by ipsilateral permanent hindlimb paralysis and a remarkable loss of MNs. These effects of AMPA were prevented by co-perfusion with the AMPA receptor antagonist 2,3-dihydroxy-6-nitro-7-sulfamoyl-benzo(F)quinoxaline. Perfusion with NMDA or kainate produced no motor effects or MN damage. Thus, the elevation of endogenous extracellular glutamate in vivo due to blockade of its transport is innocuous for spinal MNs. Because this resistance is observed under the same experimental conditions in which MNs are highly vulnerable to AMPA, these results indicate that excitotoxicity due to this mechanism might not be an important factor in the pathogenesis of ALS.  相似文献   

Changes in the growth and protein turnover of the anterior tibialis and soleus muscles were studied in response to acute and chronic dietary restriction (50% of ad libitum intake) between 3 and 149 weeks post partum. The effect of long-term dietary restriction from weaning to senescence was to retard the growth and normal developmental of the two types of skeletal muscle. This was evident from measurements of various parameters of growth, i.e. total protein, RNA and DNA and protein/DNA-P, which were reduced by approximately 50% when compared with age-matched controls. These decreases, however, were not accompanied by a decline in the fractional rate of synthesis (%/day) or ribosomal activity (mg protein/day per mg RNAP). The slowing down of the age-related decline in muscle growth has been attributed to a reduction in RNA capacity (RNA/protein), with similar responses in the fast- and slow-twitch skeletal muscles. The initial effects of piecemeal feeding of this restricted diet on the two types of muscle were also monitored. Short term starvation effects, i.e. 24 hr after feeding a reduced ration, were measured on the protein content and RNA/protein of both the anterior tibialis and soleus muscles; both parameters were unchanged within 24 hr. In contrast, a rapid and significant decline in the ribosomal synthetic activity (mg/d per mg RNAP), and a corresponding fall in the fractional rate of synthesis, occurred within 24 hr of feeding.  相似文献   

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