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Characterization by partial 16S rRNA gene sequencing, ribotyping, and green fluorescent protein-based nisin bioassay revealed that 6 of 20 human milk samples contained nisin-producing Lactococcus lactis bacteria. This suggests that the history of humans consuming nisin is older than the tradition of consuming fermented milk products.  相似文献   

Serratia marcescens strains from three hospitals in the city of New York were tested for antibiotic susceptibility patterns and the presence of transmissible antibiotic resistance factors. There appears to be a pattern characteristic for each hospital with regard to the sensitivity to nalidixic acid, tetracycline, chloramphenicol, and sulfonamides, whereas the resistance to ampicillin, cephalothin, and streptomycin is similar in the strains isolated from all three hospitals. In one hospital, a single type of R factor was found which transfers resistance to streptomycin, kanamycin, ampicillin, and sulfonamides, whereas strains isolated from a second hospital transfer only ampicillin resistance. No R factors could be detected in multiply resistant Serratia strains isolated in a third hospital. The presence of a single type of R factor probably reflects the relative ecological isolation of S. marcescens and could be useful for epidemiological studies of hospital infections with Serratia.  相似文献   

应用RH技术定位人胎肝的7个新基因   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
辐射杂交细胞系(RH)技术是一种体细胞遗传学技术,是继荧光原位杂交技术(FISH)后新建立的染色体定位方法。本文应用该技术将发现于22周孕龄人胎肝的7个新基因进行了染色体定位:肝细胞生成素(hepatopoietin,HPO)定位于Chr.16q22.1~22.3,HQ0508定位于Chr.22q13.31~13.32,HQ0750定位于Chr.11q24.3,HQ0915定位于Chr.16p13.3,HQ1880定位于Chr.11q13.2~13.4,HQ2180定位于Chr.19q13.2~13.3,HQ3091定位于Chr.12q21.33。 Abstract:Seven novel genes, which were isolated from human fetal liver (22weeks) cDNA library, were successfully mapped to their appropriate chromosomal positions by using radiation hybrid (RH) panel. The novel gene HPO was mapped to Chr.16q22.1~22.3, HQ0508 to Chr.22q13.31~13.32, HQ0750 to Chr.11q24.3, HQ0915 to Chr.16p13.3, HQ1880 to Chr.11q13.2~13.4, HQ2180 to Chr.19q13.2~13.3, and HQ3091 to Chr.12q21.33, respectively.  相似文献   

温度是影响节旋藻大规模培养中生物质产率的重要因素。筛选高产和耐受温度胁迫的优良藻株对提高节旋藻产量具有重要意义。从生产规模跑道池中分离到形态特征差异显著而亲缘关系很近的两株节旋藻Arthrospira sp.DICP-D(D)和Arthrospira sp.DICP-F(F),对其生物质积累性能和对低温、高温胁迫的耐受能力进行了评估。结果显示,尽管藻株D和藻株F在正常条件下拥有相似的生物质组成,在N胁迫和低温胁迫下拥有相同的碳水化合物积累能力,然而藻株D的生物质产率比相同条件下的藻株F高33%~230%。藻株D对高温胁迫的耐受能力是藻株F的2.1倍。藻株D在41℃和15℃下的生物质产率分别维持在正常温度下的73%和61%,显示其对温度胁迫的良好耐受能力。藻株D比藻株F拥有更有效的光保护机制,使其能够更好地适应胁迫环境。藻株D在生物质产率和胁迫耐受能力上的优良性状使其在户外大规模培养中具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

Fifteen sulfonamide-resistant cultures isolated from urinary tract infections in eastern Nebraska were screened for transferable drug resistance by three methods. Seven of the 15 resistant cultures could transfer resistance of varying levels to two or more chemotherapeutic agents. Transfer of drug resistance occurred without accompanying transfer of chromosomal traits and required cell to cell contact. In mixed culture, the number of drug-resistant recipients increased exponentially, reaching a plateau 2 hr after mixing. Spontaneous or artificial elimination of resistance was found to be a rare event. In addition, several drug-sensitive isolates from urinary tract infections were shown to be competent recipients of drug resistance determinants. From these data, it appears that the transferable drug resistance observed was mediated by R factors.  相似文献   

Twenty strains of Pseudomonas isolated from human clinical specimens on routine laboratory media, without hydrocarbon enrichment and unselected for their growth on hydrocarbons, were tested for their ability to utilize a series of eight n-alkanes and two 1-alkenes as a sole carbon and energy source for growth. Hydrocarbon assimilation does occur with such isolates relative to the chain length and the degree of saturation of the hydrocarbon. The data presented show that all 16 stains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa studied grew readily on dodecane through hexadecane and on 1-hexadecene. In addition, most strains of this species grew on undecane and 1-dodecene after prolonged incubation. There was a long lag period, usually a minimum of 4 days, before onset of growth on any hydrocarbon. In no case did hexane or decane support growth. Two strains each of P. maltophilia and P. stutzeri were unable to grow on any of the hydrocarbons tested. Hexane in concentrations above 1% (vol/vol) is bactericidal toward the Pseudomonas inoculum. It is toxic even to cells utilizing different hydrocarbon for growth. The addition of 1% hexane to 1% (vol/vol) hexadecane markedly prolonged the lag phase of P. aeruginosa utilizing the hexadecane for growth.  相似文献   

Strains of Escherichia coli recently isolated from human feces were examined for the frequency with which they accept an R factor (R1) from a derepressed fi+ strain of E. coli K-12 and transfer it to fecal and laboratory strains. Colicins produced by some of the isolates rapidly killed the other half of the mating pair; therefore, conjugation was conducted by a membrane filtration procedure whereby this effect was minimized. The majority of fecal E. coli isolates accepted the R factor at lower frequencies than K-12 F, varying from 10−2 per donor cell to undetectable levels. The frequencies with which certain fecal recipients received the R-plasmid were increased when its R+ transconjugant was either cured of the R1-plasmid and remated with the fi+ strain or backcrossed into the parental strain. The former suggests the loss of an incompatibility plasmid, and the latter suggests the modification of the R1-plasmid deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). In general, the fecal R+E. coli transconjugants were less effective donors for K-12 F and heterologous fecal strains than was the fi+ K-12 strain, whereas the single strain of Citrobacter freundii examined was generally more competent. Passage of the R1-plasmid to strains of salmonellae reached mating frequencies of 10−1 per donor cell when the recipient was a Salmonella typhi previously cured of its resident R-plasmid. However, two recently isolated strains of Salmonella accepted the R1-plasmid from E. coli K-12 R+ or the R+E. coli transconjugants at frequencies of 5 × 10−7 or less.  相似文献   

Newborn, germfree piglets were susceptible to Escherichia coli associated with human, nonenteric infections and should provide a useful model in the study of generalized E. coli infections.  相似文献   

Acetylene reduction activity was demonstrated in pure cultures of two actinomycete strains isolated from nodules of Casuarina equisetifolia. This activity was comparable to that of free-living Rhizobium strains, but appeared to be less sensitive to pO2 and more sensitive to the presence of combined nitrogen.  相似文献   

代谢产生的自由基会对机体产生损害,因此寻找安全有效的天然抗氧化剂十分必要.本研究评价从人母乳中分离的6株葡萄球菌(Staphylococcus,S)和链球菌(Streptococcus,St)的抗氧化能力,这6株菌包括S.epidermidis R42、S.lugdunensis F270、S.lugdunensis B51、St.salivarius B39、St.salivarius F286和St.para-sanguinis F278.在体外,通过测试母乳中分离的葡萄球菌和链球菌的发酵上清液和热致死菌体清除DPPH·自由基、羟自由基和超氧自由基的能力及铁还原力,评价这6株菌的抗氧化能力.结果表明,S.epidermidisR42、St.parasanguinis F278和St.Salivarius F286的发酵上清液具有清除DPPH·自由基和羟自由基的能力;S.lugdunen-sis F270发酵上清液显示了清除DPPH·自由基的能力和铁还原的能力;St.salivarius F286、S.epidermidis R42和St.salivarius B39的菌体细胞具有清除羟基自由基的能力,St.salivarius F286的菌体细胞还显示了铁还原能力.因此,来源于母乳的S.epidermidisR42和St.salivarius F286的菌体细胞和发酵上清液、St.parasanguinis F278和S.lugdunensis F270的发酵上清液以及St.salivarius B39的菌体细胞,均具有抗氧化能力.本研究表明母乳中具有抗氧化能力的葡萄球菌和链球菌菌株可能对代谢活跃的哺乳期乳腺和新生儿肠道具有潜在的有益作用,值得进一步深入研究.  相似文献   

Using phenotypic approaches, we have detected that 17% of human intestinal Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium strains could be exopolysaccharide (EPS) producers. However, PCR techniques showed that only 7% harbored genes related to the synthesis of heteropolysaccharides. This is the first work to screen the human intestinal ecosystem for the detection of EPS-producing strains.  相似文献   

Bacterial strains CVO and FWKO B were isolated from produced brine at the Coleville oil field in Saskatchewan, Canada. Both strains are obligate chemolithotrophs, with hydrogen, formate, and sulfide serving as the only known energy sources for FWKO B, whereas sulfide and elemental sulfur are the only known electron donors for CVO. Neither strain uses thiosulfate as an energy source. Both strains are microaerophiles (1% O2). In addition, CVO grows by denitrification of nitrate or nitrite whereas FWKO B reduces nitrate only to nitrite. Elemental sulfur is the sole product of sulfide oxidation by FWKO B, while CVO produces either elemental sulfur or sulfate, depending on the initial concentration of sulfide. Both strains are capable of growth under strictly autotrophic conditions, but CVO uses acetate as well as CO2 as its sole carbon source. Neither strain reduces sulfate; however, FWKO B reduces sulfur and displays chemolithoautotrophic growth in the presence of elemental sulfur, hydrogen, and CO2. Both strains grow at temperatures between 5 and 40°C. CVO is capable of growth at NaCl concentrations as high as 7%. The present 16s rRNA analysis suggests that both strains are members of the epsilon subdivision of the division Proteobacteria, with CVO most closely related to Thiomicrospira denitrifcans and FWKO B most closely related to members of the genus Arcobacter. The isolation of these two novel chemolithotrophic sulfur bacteria from oil field brine suggests the presence of a subterranean sulfur cycle driven entirely by hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and nitrate.  相似文献   

Two new diterpenoid alkaloids were isolated from the roots of Aconitum brevicalcaratum Diels. They were acobretine D ( Ⅰ )and acobretine E ( Ⅱ ), and the structures of which were identified on the basis of spectroscopic evidences (IR, MS, 1 H and 13C-NMR) and confirmed by chemical transformations. The 1 H and 13C chemical shifts of the hydrochloride of Ⅰ were assigned in relation to of 1 H-1 H COSY and 13C-1 H COSY.  相似文献   

Liu B  Wu S  Song Q  Zhang X  Xie L 《Current microbiology》2006,53(2):163-166
Bacteriophages of thermophiles are of great interest due to their important roles in many biogeochemical and ecological processes. However, no virion has been isolated from deep-sea thermophilic bacteria to date. In this investigation, two lytic bacteriophages (termed Bacillus virus W1 and Geobacillus virus E1) of thermophilic bacteria were purified from deep-sea hydrothermal fields in the Pacific for the first time. Bacillus virus W1 (BVW1) obtained from Bacillus sp. w13, had a long tail (300nm in length and 15 nm in width) and a hexagonal head (70 nm in diameter). Another virus, Geobacillus virus E1 (GVE1) from Geobacillus sp. E26323, was a typical Siphoviridae phage with a hexagonal head (130 nm in diameter) and a tail (180 nm in length and 30 nm in width). The two phages contained double-stranded genomic DNAs. The genomic DNA sizes of BVW1 and GVE1 were estimated to be about 18 and 41 kb, respectively. Based on SDS-PAGE of purified virions, six major proteins were revealed for each of the two phages. The findings in our study will be very helpful to realize the effect of virus on thermophiles as well as the communities in deep-sea hydrothermal fields.  相似文献   

两种菌株来源的glyA基因的克隆、表达及酶活性检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用PCR方法,分别从大肠杆菌和嗜热链球菌基因组DNA中扩增获得glyA基因,分别克隆入载体pET-28 a(+)中并进行表达,分离和纯化得到两种不同来源的SHMT,分别检测两种SHMT的逆向酶活。比较来源于大肠杆菌K12与嗜热链球菌AS1.2471中的glyA基因表达的丝氨酸羟甲基转移酶(SHMT)的活性,以获得高活性的SHMT。结果成功获得两种菌中的glyA基因,并表达出具有较高活性的SHMT,其中嗜热链球菌中glyA基因表达出的SHMT的酶活性大约为大肠杆菌的两倍。从嗜热链球菌中克隆表达的SHMT具有更高的催化活性及良好的工业应用前景。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine sequence types of 34 S. haemolyticus strains isolated from a variety of infections between 2013 and 2016 in India by MLST. The MEGA5.2 software was used to align and compare the nucleotide sequences. The advanced cluster analysis was performed to define the clonal complexes. MLST analysis showed 24 new sequence types (ST) among S. haemolyticus isolates, irrespective of sources and place of isolation. The finding of this study allowed to set up an MLST database on the PubMLST.org website using BIGSdb software and made available at http://pubmlst.org/shaemolyticus/. The data of this study thus suggest that MLST can be used to study population structure and diversity among S. haemolyticus isolates.  相似文献   

为从全基因组水平研究乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)的核苷酸结构及复制和抗原表达特性,分别从2例HBsAg和HBeAg阳性、HBV DNA滴度为10^14和10^13拷贝/ml的慢性乙型肝炎患者(编号为56和2-18)血清中扩增、克隆了HBV全基因组,并测定了核苷酸序列。两株病毒基因组转染HepG2细胞的培养上清中HBsAg水平基本相同,但#56毒株表达的HBeAg约为#2-18株的3倍,Southerm印  相似文献   

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