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Eight temperate phages were characterized after mitomycin C induction of six Clostridium difficile isolates corresponding to six distinct PCR ribotypes. The hypervirulent C. difficile strain responsible for a multi-institutional outbreak (NAP1/027 or QCD-32g58) was among these prophage-containing strains. Observation of the crude lysates by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) revealed the presence of three phages with isometric capsids and long contractile tails (Myoviridae family), as well as five phages with long noncontractile tails (Siphoviridae family). TEM analyses also revealed the presence of a significant number of phage tail-like particles in all the lysates. Southern hybridization experiments with restricted prophage DNA showed that C. difficile phages belonging to the family Myoviridae are highly similar and most likely related to previously described prophages C2, C5, and CD119. On the other hand, members of the Siphoviridae phage family are more genetically divergent, suggesting that they originated from distantly related ancestors. Our data thus suggest that there are at least three genetically distinct groups of temperate phages in C. difficile; one group is composed of highly related myophages, and the other two groups are composed of more genetically heterogeneous siphophages. Finally, no gene homologous to genes encoding C. difficile toxins or toxin regulators could be identified in the genomes of these phages using DNA hybridization. Interestingly, each unique phage restriction profile correlated with a specific C. difficile PCR ribotype.  相似文献   

The lack of information on bacteriophages of Clostridium difficile prompted this study. Three of 56 clinical C. difficile isolates yielded double-stranded DNA phages C2, C5, C6, and C8 upon induction. Superinfection and DNA analyses revealed relatedness between the phages, while partial sequencing of C2 showed nucleotide homology to the sequenced C. difficile strain CD630.  相似文献   

Clostridium difficile is a spore-forming, gram-positive, anaerobic bacillus that can cause C. difficile infection (CDI). However, only a few studies on the prevalence and antibiotic resistance of C. difficile in healthy individuals in China have been reported. We employed a spore enrichment culture to screen for C. difficile in the stool samples of 3699 healthy Chinese individuals who were divided into 4 groups: infants younger than 2 years of age and living at home with their parents; children aged 1 to 8 years of age and attending three different kindergarten schools; community-dwelling healthy adult aged 23–60 years old; and healthcare workers aged 28–80 years old. The C. difficile isolates were analyzed for the presence of toxin genes and typed by PCR ribotyping and multilocus sequence typing (MLST). The minimum inhibitory concentration of 8 antimicrobial agents was determined for all of the isolates using the agar dilution method. The intestinal carriage rate in the healthy children was 13.6% and ranged from 0% to 21% depending on age. The carriage rates in the 1654 community-dwelling healthy adults and 348 healthcare workers were 5.5% and 6.3%, respectively. Among the isolates, 226 were toxigenic (225 tcdA+/tcdB+ and 1 tcdA+/tcdB+ ctdA+/ctdB+). Twenty-four ribotypes were found, with the dominant type accounting for 29.7% of the isolates. The toxigenic isolates were typed into 27 MLST genotypes. All of the strains were susceptible to vancomycin, metronidazole, fidaxomicin, and rifaximin. High resistance to levofloxacin and ciprofloxacin at rates of 39.8% and 98.3%, respectively, were observed. ST37 isolates were more resistant to levofloxacin than the other STs. The PCR ribotypes and sequence types from the healthy populations were similar to those from the adult patients.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to induce and characterize verotoxin-encoding phages from a collection of 91 verotoxin-producing Escherichia coli (VTEC) O103:H2 strains of human and bovine origins. All the strains carried the vt1 gene, and two carried the vt2 gene as well. The phages were induced by UV irradiation and characterized by DNA restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP), genome size, morphology, and Q and P genes, characteristic of lambdoid phages. A total of 32 vt-positive phages were induced and isolated from 31 VTEC O103:H2 strains. Thirty phages were vt1 positive, and two were vt2 positive. Ten of the 30 vt1-positive phages (33.3%) were from cattle strains, and 20 (66.6%) were from human strains. The two vt2-positive phages were from human strains. Phages belonged to 21 RFLP profiles, of which 17 were single-phage profiles and 4 were multiple-phage profiles. The estimated genome size of the phages ranged from 34 to 84 kb. Two phages that were examined by electron microscopy possessed hexagonal heads with long tails, and one had an elongated head with a long tail. The Q and P genes were amplified in all 32 phages, and the Q-stxA1 gene region yielded an amplicon in 19 phages (59.3%). It is concluded that the VTEC O103:H2 strains of human origin were more readily inducible than those of bovine origin and that the genotypic profiles of verotoxin-encoding phages were highly diverse, as revealed by their RFLP profiles.  相似文献   

Comparative studies were carried out on the mode of action of the defective temperate phage 208 against the homologous lysogenic strain S-208 and a nonlysogenic strain S-161 of Lactobacillus salivarius. Treatment of both strains with phage 208 led to a specific inhibition of protein synthesis, cell killing without any reversion of protein synthesis, and of viable counts by treatment with trypsin. Killing action of phage 208 followed a single hit kinetics for nonlysogenic S-161 and S-208 No. 006, which is a cured strain of S-208, whereas, two to five hit kinetics was obtained for lysogenic S-208. Phage particles exposed to ultraviolet light (5.7 kergs/cm2) also killed S-161 with a single hit kinetics and S-208 with a 3-hit kinetics. However, the kinetics of killing approached a single hit when the protein synthesis of S-208 was inhibited by chloramphenicol prior to the phage addition. Based upon these results, the possible mechanisms of immunity breakdown and of subsequent cell killing were discussed.  相似文献   

Twenty-three temperate phages of Lactobacillus salivarius isolated from human feces were studied as to their morphological, biological, and serological properties. (1) Among 30 strains of L. salivarius tested, 23 strains were lysed by induction with mitomycin C (MC). In all these lysates, phage particles were detected by electron microscopic examination. (2) These phages were morphologically divided into three groups: particles with a regular hexagonal head and a long flexible tail; particles having a regular hexagonal head with or without a short tail-like structure; particles with an elongated head and a long noncontractile tail. (3) Only two, phage 223 having an elongated head and phage 227 with a regular hexagonal head and a long noncontractile tail, produced tiny and very turbid plaques on several host bacteria. Six phages could produce only inhibition zones, ranging from complete inhibition through partial inhibition to normal growth by a serial dilution spot test. (4) All these killer particles could also inhibit the growth of their producer cells. (5) A serological relationship was observed between temperate phages and killer particles, and this was somewhat consistent with the morphological groupings.  相似文献   

Little is known about the genetic relationship of pathogenic strains of Clostridium difficile from various parts of the world. We used Hind III restriction digestion of whole DNA to type isolates of C. difficile form hospitals in Argentina and Chile. The restriction pattern type of these South American isolates was classified according to the existing REA library of over 400 distinct REA types in over 90 groups, based on typing of more than 6000 clinical isolates. A total of 22 isolates of C. difficile was obtained and typed. The majority of isolates were matched to groups previously seen in North American and Europe. Three toxigenic groups, R, F, and Y, predominated in the isolates. Five isolates were found to be non-toxigenic and three belonged to group M, the most common non-toxigenic group found in North America. Several identical types were recovered from different hospitals, and types of the same group were found in both Buenos Aires and Santiago.  相似文献   

Despite high clinical efficacy, a small number of patients with Clostridium difficile -associated disease (CDAD) do not respond to treatment with metronidazole. We looked for evidence of metronidazole resistance in human C. difficile isolates from 632 patients with CDAD treated with metronidazole, 14(2%) of whom failed treatment. C. difficile isolates were available from 10 of the metronidazole-failure cases and were matched with isolates from 20 contemporary control CDAD patients who responded to treatment with metronidazole. The mean (±SD) MIC of metronidazole-failure-associated C. difficile isolates was similar to the mean (±SD) MIC of isolates from metronidazole-success cases (E-test; 0.23±0.21 vs 0.29±0.19μg/mL, P=0.4). Restriction endonuclease analysis typing revealed that no particular C. difficile strain was associated with metronidazole treatment failure. Clinical CDAD treatment failures with metronidazole could not be attributed to decreased susceptibility of the causativeC. difficle isolate to metronidazole.  相似文献   

A set of phages has been isolated from strains of Staphylococcus aureus , non-typable with the International (human) phage set, recovered from processed poultry. This set of phages could distinguish three main groups of strains, and biochemical tests confirmed these divisions, members of each group exhibiting characteristics of both 'human'and 'animal'strains. A high proportion of strains from all three phage groups was enterotoxigenic.  相似文献   

Strains of the Lactobacillus casei group have been extensively studied because some are used as probiotics in foods. Conversely, their phages have received much less attention. We analyzed the complete genome sequences of five L. paracasei temperate phages: CL1, CL2, iLp84, iLp1308, and iA2. Only phage iA2 could not replicate in an indicator strain. The genome lengths ranged from 34,155 bp (iA2) to 39,474 bp (CL1). Phages iA2 and iLp1308 (34,176 bp) possess the smallest genomes reported, thus far, for phages of the L. casei group. The GC contents of the five phage genomes ranged from 44.8 to 45.6%. As observed with many other phages, their genomes were organized as follows: genes coding for DNA packaging, morphogenesis, lysis, lysogeny, and replication. Phages CL1, CL2, and iLp1308 are highly related to each other. Phage iLp84 was also related to these three phages, but the similarities were limited to gene products involved in DNA packaging and structural proteins. Genomic fragments of phages CL1, CL2, iLp1308, and iLp84 were found in several genomes of L. casei strains. Prophage iA2 is unrelated to these four phages, but almost all of its genome was found in at least four L. casei strains. Overall, these phages are distinct from previously characterized Lactobacillus phages. Our results highlight the diversity of L. casei phages and indicate frequent DNA exchanges between phages and their hosts.  相似文献   

Clostridium difficile, a major cause of antibiotic-associated diarrhea, produces highly resistant spores that contaminate hospital environments and facilitate efficient disease transmission. We purified C. difficile spores using a novel method and show that they exhibit significant resistance to harsh physical or chemical treatments and are also highly infectious, with <7 environmental spores per cm2 reproducibly establishing a persistent infection in exposed mice. Mass spectrometric analysis identified ∼336 spore-associated polypeptides, with a significant proportion linked to translation, sporulation/germination, and protein stabilization/degradation. In addition, proteins from several distinct metabolic pathways associated with energy production were identified. Comparison of the C. difficile spore proteome to those of other clostridial species defined 88 proteins as the clostridial spore “core” and 29 proteins as C. difficile spore specific, including proteins that could contribute to spore-host interactions. Thus, our results provide the first molecular definition of C. difficile spores, opening up new opportunities for the development of diagnostic and therapeutic approaches.Clostridium difficile is a gram-positive, spore-forming, anaerobic bacterium that can asymptomatically colonize the intestinal tracts of humans and other mammals (3, 30, 39). Antibiotic treatment can result in C. difficile overgrowth and can lead to clinical disease, ranging from diarrhea to life-threatening pseudomembranous colitis, particularly in immunocompromised hosts (2, 4, 7). In recent years, C. difficile has emerged as the major cause of nosocomial antibiotic-induced diarrhea, and it is frequently associated with outbreaks (21, 22). A contributing factor is that C. difficile can be highly infectious and difficult to contain, especially when susceptible patients are present in the same hospital setting (13).Person-to-person transmission of C. difficile is associated with the excretion of highly resistant spores in the feces of infected patients, creating an environmental reservoir that can confound many infection control measures (29, 44). Bacterial spores, which are metabolically dormant cells that are formed following asymmetric cell division, normally have thick concentric external layers, the spore coat and cortex, that protect the internal cytoplasm (15, 42). Upon germination, spores lose their protective external layers and resume vegetative growth (24, 27, 36). Bacillus spores and the spores of most Clostridium species germinate in response to amino acids, carbohydrates, or potassium ions (24, 36). In contrast, C. difficile spores show an increased level of germination in response to cholate derivatives found in bile (40, 41). Thus, spores are well adapted for survival and dispersal under a wide range of environmental conditions but will germinate in the presence of specific molecular signals (24, 36).While the spores of a number of Bacillus species, such as Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus anthracis, and those of other Clostridium species, such as Clostridium perfringens (15, 20), have been well characterized, research on C. difficile spores has been relatively limited. A greater understanding of C. difficile spore biology could be exploited to rationalize disinfection regimes, molecular diagnostics, and the development of targeted treatments such as vaccines. Here we describe a novel method to isolate highly purified C. difficile spores that maintain their resistance and infectious characteristics, thus providing a unique opportunity to study C. difficile spores in the absence of vegetative cells. A thorough proteomic and genomic analysis of the spore provides novel insight into the unique composition and predictive biological properties of C. difficile spores that should underpin future research into this high-profile but poorly understood pathogen.  相似文献   

Although plant cell walls may be degraded by microbial free enzymes, many bacteria degrade cellulose via enzyme complexes called cellulosomes. The study of the structures and mechanisms of these large macromolecular complexes is an active and ongoing research topic, with the goal of developing methods to improve lignocellulosic biomass conversion using cellulosomes. The aim of the present work was to evaluate and characterize the holocellulolytic activities produced by two new isolates (ISO1 and ISO2) of the spore-forming thermophilic anaerobic bacterium Clostridium thermocellum, during growth on crystalline cellulose and sugarcane bagasse, in comparison with activities obtained from the C. thermocellum strain CthJW. The pH and temperature values for optimal growth of the isolates were pH 7 and 60 °C, respectively. The isolates produced cellulolytic, xylanolytic, and pectinolytic activities when cultured on crystalline cellulose or sugarcane bagasse, which have never been used previously as the sole carbon source for these bacteria. The profiles of secreted proteins for these isolates, ISO1 and ISO2, were quite different from those obtained for the standard strain CthJW and from each other, as shown by 2D gel electrophoresis maps, and these profiles also depend on the carbon source used. Different protein isoforms were also detected in the maps for all growth conditions and bacterial strains. MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry was used to identify the differentially expressed proteins for ISO1 and ISO2 under growth in the presence of cellulose as carbon source. Twenty-five differentially expressed spots were identified and grouped into 8 functional categories: metabolism (20 %), motor function (20 %), protein synthesis (12 %), oxidative stress (16 %), secretory pathway (12 %), cellulose hydrolysis (4 %), protein folding (4 %), and defense (12 %). Spots 200 and 197, identified as a glycosyl hydrolase family member 9 and as a chaperone GroEL, respectively, were detected for all isolates and are potentially related to cellulosome architecture.  相似文献   

We previously reported the isolation of a temperate phage (named KT) and several bacteriocins (named clostocins) from strains of nonpathogenic Clostridium species. Later, the induction and some properties of the phage and four clostocins (A, B, C and D) were examined.

The phage was induced by UV light and mitomycin C. The phage had a polygonal head (about 85mμ in diameter) and a tail with contractile sheath (about 100mμ in length). Some other properties of the phage were also studied; plaque morphology, stability in salt solution, inactivation by UV light, pH stability, thermal inactivation, host-range and lysis of infected culture.

Clostocins A and D were partially induced by UV light and mitomycin C, whereas that of B and C were not. All clostocins failed to pass through a dialysis membrane, and were insensitive to UV light and to ribo- and deoxyribonuclease. They were destroyed by some proteolytic enzymes, but differences in degree of their susceptibility were observed among them. Clostocins A and D were very thermo-stable, whereas B and C were relatively thermo-labile. Clostocins A and D acted on some strains in the genus Clostridium, whereas B and C did on many strains in the family Bacillaceae.

There was no demonstrable serological relationship between phage KT and clostocin A, although they seemed to adsorb on the same bacterial receptor.  相似文献   

Clostridium difficile is now established as a major nosocomial pathogen. C. difficile infection is seen almost exclusively as a complication of antibiotic therapy, and is particularly associated with clindamycin and third-generation cephalosporins. Depletion of the indigenous gut microflora by antibiotic therapy has long been established as a major factor in the disease. However, the direct influence of antimicrobials upon virulence mechanisms such as toxin production and adhesion in the bowel, and the exact mechanisms by which the organism causes disease remain to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Severe mosaic, chlorotic ringspots and flower deformation were observed during the winter of November 2006–February 2007 on chrysanthemums ( Chrysanthemum morifolium ) at three locations in India: Lucknow (UP), Dhanbad (MP) and Kolkata (WB). Tomato aspermy virus (TAV) was detected in affected plants by ELISA and by RT-PCR using TAV specific primers. These TAV isolates were mechanically transmitted to test plant species and also by aphids ( Aphis gossypii ) to Lycopersicon esculentum . The complete RNA 3 of each TAV isolate was cloned and sequenced and determined to be 2386 nucleotides (nt) long, and to encode two open reading frames (ORFs): the movement protein (MP) of 741 nt and the coat protein (CP) of 657 nt translating in to 246 and 218 amino acid (aa), respectively. When RNA 3 sequences of the Indian isolates were multiple aligned with seven other strains of TAV occurring worldwide, Indian isolates shared 98–99% identities among themselves and with the KC, V, P, B, I and C strains of TAV. In phylogenetic analysis, the Lucknow and Kolkata isolates of TAV clustered together and showed a close relationship with the KC-TAV strain from South Korea, whereas the Dhanbad isolate formed an independent cluster and showed closeness with the V-TAV strains from Spain and Australia. Recombination events were also observed in the CP region of the Dhanbad isolate, supporting its diverse behaviour. This is the first report of the complete RNA 3 sequence of these three Indian TAV isolates.  相似文献   

Temperate phages were induced from Streptococcus cremoris R1, BK5, and 134. DNA from the three induced phages was shown to be homologous with prophage DNA in the bacterial chromosomes of their lysogenic hosts by the Southern blot hybridization technique. 32P-labeled DNA from 11 lytic phages which had been isolated on cheese starters was similarly hybridized with DNA from 36 strains of lactic streptococci. No significant homology was detected between the phage and bacterial DNA. Phages and lactic streptococci used included phages isolated in a recently opened cheese plant and all the starter strains used in the plant since it commenced operation. The three temperate phages were compared by DNA-DNA hybridizations with 25 lytic phages isolated on cheese starters. Little or no homology was found between DNA from the temperate and lytic phages. In contrast, temperate phages showed a partial relationship with one another. Temperate phage DNA also showed partial homology with DNA from a number of strains of lactic streptococci, many of which have been shown to be lysogenic. This suggests that many temperate phages in lactic streptococci may be related to one another and therefore may be homoimmune with one another. These findings indicate that the release of temperate phages from starter cells currently in use is unlikely to be the predominant source of lytic phages in cheese plants.  相似文献   

《Cell host & microbe》2019,25(5):746-755.e5
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