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Monitoring changes in coral cover and composition through space and time can provide insights to reef health and assist the focus of management and conservation efforts. We used a meta-analytical approach to assess coral cover data across latitudes 10–35°S along the west Australian coast, including 25 years of data from the Ningaloo region. Current estimates of coral cover ranged between 3 and 44% in coral habitats. Coral communities in the northern regions were dominated by corals from the families Acroporidae and Poritidae, which became less common at higher latitudes. At Ningaloo Reef coral cover has remained relatively stable through time (∼28%), although north-eastern and southern areas have experienced significant declines in overall cover. These declines are likely related to periodic disturbances such as cyclones and thermal anomalies, which were particularly noticeable around 1998/1999 and 2010/2011. Linear mixed effects models (LME) suggest latitude explains 10% of the deviance in coral cover through time at Ningaloo. Acroporidae has decreased in abundance relative to other common families at Ningaloo in the south, which might be related to persistence of more thermally and mechanically tolerant families. We identify regions where quantitative time-series data on coral cover and composition are lacking, particularly in north-western Australia. Standardising routine monitoring methods used by management and research agencies at these, and other locations, would allow a more robust assessment of coral condition and a better basis for conservation of coral reefs.  相似文献   

Mortality and injuries caused by ship strikes in U.S. waters are a cause of concern for the endangered population of blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus) occupying the eastern North Pacific. We sought to determine which areas along the U.S. West Coast are most important to blue whales and whether those areas change inter-annually. Argos-monitored satellite tags were attached to 171 blue whales off California during summer/early fall from 1993 to 2008. We analyzed portions of the tracks that occurred within U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone waters and defined the ‘home range’ (HR) and ‘core areas’ (CAU) as the 90% and 50% fixed kernel density distributions, respectively, for each whale. We used the number of overlapping individual HRs and CAUs to identify areas of highest use. Individual HR and CAU sizes varied dramatically, but without significant inter-annual variation despite covering years with El Niño and La Niña conditions. Observed within-year differences in HR size may represent different foraging strategies for individuals. The main areas of HR and CAU overlap among whales were near highly productive, strong upwelling centers that were crossed by commercial shipping lanes. Tagged whales generally departed U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone waters from mid-October to mid-November, with high variability among individuals. One 504-d track allowed HR and CAU comparisons for the same individual across two years, showing similar seasonal timing, and strong site fidelity. Our analysis showed how satellite-tagged blue whales seasonally used waters off the U.S. West Coast, including high-risk areas. We suggest possible modifications to existing shipping lanes to reduce the likelihood of collisions with vessels.  相似文献   

Biological limit reference points (LRPs) for fisheries catch represent upper bounds that avoid undesirable population states. LRPs can support consistent management evaluation among species and regions, and can advance ecosystem-based fisheries management. For transboundary species, LRPs prorated by local abundance can inform local management decisions when international coordination is lacking. We estimated LRPs for western Pacific leatherbacks in the U.S. West Coast Exclusive Economic Zone (WCEEZ) using three approaches with different types of information on local abundance. For the current application, the best-informed LRP used a local abundance estimate derived from nest counts, vital rate information, satellite tag data, and fishery observer data, and was calculated with a Potential Biological Removal estimator. Management strategy evaluation was used to set tuning parameters of the LRP estimators to satisfy risk tolerances for falling below population thresholds, and to evaluate sensitivity of population outcomes to bias in key inputs. We estimated local LRPs consistent with three hypothetical management objectives: allowing the population to rebuild to its maximum net productivity level (4.7 turtles per five years), limiting delay of population rebuilding (0.8 turtles per five years), or only preventing further decline (7.7 turtles per five years). These LRPs pertain to all human-caused removals and represent the WCEEZ contribution to meeting population management objectives within a broader international cooperative framework. We present multi-year estimates, because at low LRP values, annual assessments are prone to substantial error that can lead to volatile and costly management without providing further conservation benefit. The novel approach and the performance criteria used here are not a direct expression of the “jeopardy” standard of the U.S. Endangered Species Act, but they provide useful assessment information and could help guide international management frameworks. Given the range of abundance data scenarios addressed, LRPs should be estimable for many other areas, populations, and taxa.  相似文献   

In sediments and animals collected during warm weather months between Key West, Fla., and Brownsville, Tex., Clostridium botulinum, predominantly type E, was demonstrable. Incidence was somewhat higher in the eastern Gulf animals, but the organism was present to the southernmost limits of both Texas and Florida. Types A and F were never detected in warm weather. No bottom type or any single species seemed exclusively vulnerable. In samples collected during colder weather, the east-west incidence differential was minimized in animals but not in sediments, overall incidence was lowered, all known types were present, and type E no longer predominated. Detection by fluorescent-antibody techniques was found to be inadequate.  相似文献   

The U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) is responsible for enforcing federal fisheries laws at sea. The USCG routinely reports high compliance rates and uses them as evidence that its program is successful at deterring fisheries violations. Research presented in this article indicates that high USCG-reported compliance rates vastly overestimate the actual rates and enforcement success because USCG at-sea inspections fail to detect many actual violations. Using high USCG-observed compliance rates as an indicator of successful enforcement is misleading, adversely influencing voluntary compliance with fishing regulations, and prevents fishery managers from recognizing illegal fishing as a significant problem and creating strategies for addressing it.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal decorrelation scales in phytoplankton bloom magnitudes are reviewed with the goal of informing the design of efficient and informative observing networks for monitoring of potentially harmful algal blooms (HABs) along the U.S. West Coast. Our analysis of historic MODIS Fluorescent Line Height data shows that, unlike several previous studies, seasonal timing of phytoplankton blooms off the U.S. West Coast propagates from South to North. In situ data show that temporal decorrelation scales are shortest off Northern California (∼4 days) and longest in the Southern California Bight (∼17 days). In a cross-shore direction, we find that variability in the near-shore biomass is decoupled from biomass further offshore (∼2–4 km).Our review of the cloud cover gap statistics suggests that satellite data provide reasonably inexpensive information about bloom events, particularly at seasonal to inter-annual scales, but is insufficient to capture many event-scale blooms. Absent adequate satellite data, in situ monitoring becomes essential. Existing networks of automated monitoring sites from piers and moorings off the California coast is insufficient to describe regional variability in blooms, but is likely informative of bloom magnitudes in the immediate proximity of observation stations. We suggest that a more effective network will have a combination of shore-based stations and a few (5–10) offshore moorings. Shore-based stations should be located in proximity to sensitive HAB targets. This would provide monitoring of existing conditions and guide decision-making about beach closures and aquaculture management practices. Offshore stations can serve as proxy for regional conditions and can be used to issue early warnings of potential HAB conditions developing in a specific region.  相似文献   

Densities of Vibrio vulnificus in the intestinal contents of various finfish, oysters, and crabs and in sediment and waters of the U.S. Gulf Coast were determined by the most probable number procedure. Species were identified by enzyme immunoassay. During the winter, densities of V. vulnificus were low, and the organism was isolated more frequently from sheepshead fish than from sediment and seawater. From April to October, V. vulnificus densities were considerably higher (2 to 5 logs) in estuarine fish than in surrounding water, sediment, or nearby oysters and crustacea. Highest densities were found in the intestinal contents of certain bottom-feeding fish (10(8)/100 g), particularly those that consume mollusks and crustaceans. Densities of V. vulnificus in fish that feed primarily on plankton and other finfish were similar to those in oysters, sediment, and crabs (10(5)/100 g). V. vulnificus was found infrequently in offshore fish. The presence of high densities of V. vulnificus in the intestines of common estuarine fish may have both ecological (growth and transport) and public health (food and wound infections) implications.  相似文献   

Pine sawyer beetle species of the genus Monochamus are vectors of the nematode pest Bursaphelenchus xylophilus. The introduction of these species into new habitats is a constant threat for those regions where the forestry industry depends on conifers, and especially on species of Pinus. To obtain information about the potential risk of establishment of these insects in Chile, we performed climate-based niche modeling using data for five North American and four Eurasian Monochamus species using a Maxent approach. The most important variables that account for current distribution of these species are total annual precipitation and annual and seasonal average temperatures, with some differences between North American and Eurasian species. Projections of potential geographic distribution in Chile show that all species could occupy at least 37% of the area between 30° and 53°S, where industrial plantations of P. radiata are concentrated. Our results indicated that Chile seems more suitable for Eurasian than for North American species.  相似文献   

Determining the prey composition and foraging habitats of U.S. Pacific Coast groundfishes are specified management directives that have not received much scientific attention. To address this knowledge gap, we conducted a meta-analysis of the feeding ecology of 18 commercially important species and their life stages during a recent review of Pacific Coast groundfish essential fish habitat. A Major Prey Index was developed to evaluate relative importance among 47 prey taxa. Based on this metric, unidentified teleosts, euphausiids, and brachyuran crabs were the most important prey groups. When 14 generalized prey categories were used, fishes represented the dominant taxon (mean % weight or volume = 32.3) followed by shrimps (11.5), crabs (10.0), and euphausiids (9.5). PERMANOVA results indicated that species-specific differences were the primary source of dietary variability among tested variables (life stage, functional group, taxonomic group). Pacific Coast groundfishes mainly were characterized as mesopredators with estimated trophic levels ranging from 3.4 to 4.2. Foraging habitats differed significantly among functional (benthic, demersal, pelagic) and taxonomic (elasmobranch, roundfish, rockfish, flatfish) groups. Using hierarchical agglomerative cluster analysis, we identified a significantly distinct trophic guild that consumes mainly polychaetes and hard-shelled molluscs (juvenile, juvenile–adult Dover Sole; juvenile–adult English Sole) and another that specializes on euphausiids (juvenile Pacific Hake; juvenile–adult Darkblotched Rockfish). Our findings filled substantial data gaps in the trophic ecology and habitat-based management of commercially important species and can be used to inform future reviews of Pacific Coast groundfish essential fish habitat.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Emerging methods in habitat and wildlife population modeling promise new horizons in conservation but only if these methods provide robust population-habitat linkages. We used Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) data to verify and validate newly developed habitat suitability index (HSI) models for 40 priority landbird species in the Central Hardwoods and West Gulf Coastal Plain/Ouachitas Bird Conservation Regions. We considered a species’ HSI model verified if there was a significant rank correlation between mean predicted HSI score and mean observed BBS abundance across the 88 ecological subsections within these Bird Conservation Regions. When we included all subsections, correlations verified 37 models. Models for 3 species were unverified. Rank correlations for an additional 5 species were not significant when analyses included only subsections with BBS abundance >0. To validate models, we developed generalized linear models with mean observed BBS abundance as the response variable and mean HSI score and Bird Conservation Region as predictor variables. We considered verified models validated if the overall model was an improvement over an intercept-only null model and the coefficient on the HSI variable in the model was >0. Validation provided a more rigorous assessment of model performance than verification, and models for 12 species that we verified failed validation. Species whose models failed validation were either poorly sampled by BBS protocols or associated with woodland and shrubland habitats embedded within predominantly open landscapes. We validated models for 25 species. Habitat specialists and species reaching their highest densities in predominantly forested landscapes were more likely to have validated models. In their current form, validated models are useful for conservation planning of priority landbirds and offer both insight into limiting factors at ecoregional scales and a framework for monitoring priority landbird populations from readily available national data sets.  相似文献   

Recent studies have countered the paradigm of seamount isolation, confounding conservation efforts at a critical time. Efforts to study deep-sea corals, one of the dominant taxa on seamounts, to understand seamount connectivity, are hampered by a lack of taxonomic keys. A prerequisite for connectivity is species overlap. Attempts to better understand species overlap using DNA barcoding methods suggest coral species are widely distributed on seamounts and nearby features. However, no baseline has been established for variation in these genetic markers relative to morphological species designations for deep-sea octocoral families. Here we assess levels of genetic variation in potential octocoral mitochondrial barcode markers relative to thoroughly examined morphological species in the genus Narella. The combination of six markers used here, approximately 3350 bp of the mitochondrial genome, resolved 83% of the morphological species. Our results show that two of the markers, ND2 and NCR1, are not sufficient to resolve genera within Primnoidae, let alone species. Re-evaluation of previous studies of seamount octocorals based on these results suggest that those studies were looking at distributions at a level higher than species, possibly even genus or subfamily. Results for Narella show that using more markers provides haplotypes with relatively narrow depth ranges on the seamounts studied. Given the lack of 100% resolution of species with such a large portion of the mitochondrial genome, we argue that previous genetic studies have not resolved the degree of species overlap on seamounts and that we may not have the power to even test the hypothesis of seamount isolation using mitochondrial markers, let alone refute it. Thus a precautionary approach is advocated in seamount conservation and management, and the potential for depth structuring should be considered.  相似文献   

Above-ground productivity of dominant freshwater, brackish, and salt-marsh species from the U.S. Gulf Coast was evaluated using both gas exchange techniques and harvest methods. Both techniques showed significant differences in productivity among the study species which represent major components of their respective communities. Estimates of net aerial primary productivity using the harvest method yielded 3683 g dw (dry weight) m?2yr?1 for Spartina alterniflora (tall), 2008 g dw m?2yr?1 for S. alterniflora (short), 3677 g dw m?yr?1 for S. patens and 1641 g dwm?yr?1 for Panicum hemitomon. Carbon balance estimated from gas exchange calculation yielded values approximately equivalent to a biomass accumulation of 6024 g dw m?2yr?1 for S. alterniflora (tall), 3047 g dw m?yr?1 for S. alterniflora (short), 5702 g dw m?yr?1 for S. patens, and 2912 g dm?yr?1 for P. hemitomon. The net aerial primary production was estimated to be approximately 61% of total productivity in S. alterniflora (tall-form) and 66%o of total productivity in short-form, 64% in S. patens and 56%) in P. hemitomon. The assimilation data also indicated that Spartina alterniflora and S. patens continue carbon fixation throughout the year while assimilation in Panicum hemitomon is absent due to lack of live leaves during the winter. Various aspects of harvest and gas exchange techniques are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract: The marbled murrelet (Brachyramphus marmoratus) is a small Pacific seabird with a breeding range that extends from the Aleutian Islands to central California. Throughout most of its breeding range, it uses mature and old-growth coniferous forests as nesting habitat. Although most murrelets seem to nest within 60 km of the coast, occupied nesting habitat has been identified as far as 84 km from the ocean in Washington state. Due to the extensive inland distances within which birds are known to breed, the area requiring surveys to identify breeding sites can be enormous. Therefore, the standard 2-year survey protocol can be expensive and time-consuming for forest management agencies and companies to administer. We developed a logistic regression model to determine whether a suite of forest structural characteristics could be used to reliably predict occupancy of a forest patch by marbled murrelets. We tested the performance of the final model using cross-validation procedures and a sample of independent sites. We used 50 sites surveyed for marbled murrelets to estimate the model, and 48 independent sites were available to test model performance. All 50 sites were on private forestland owned by Rayonier located in the western lowlands of Olympic Peninsula within the Sitka spruce and western hemlock transition zones. We sampled forest habitat at each site, and we collected information on 15 explanatory variables. The best-fitting logistic regression model contained variables that measured number of canopy layers (P<0.001, approx. F test) and mistletoe (Arceuthobium sp.) abundance (P = 0.031, approx. F test). The model misclassified 2 of 33 (94% correct) unoccupied sites as occupied using a classification cut-off (c) of c=0.25. In the other direction, under cross-validation the final model misclassified 2 of 17 (88% correct) occupied sites as unoccupied. On a test of the model against an independent sample, using a classification cut-off value of c = 0.25, the final model correctly classified 36 of 48 sites (75% correct). The final model misclassified 3 of 31 occupied sites as unoccupied (90% correct). Use of predictive models could greatly reduce the amount of forest that requires surveys by screening out those sites with little probability of use and by focusing remaining effort on higher probability sites, resulting in a higher likelihood of identifying occupied sites and thereby more efficiently conserving marbled murrelet nesting habitat.  相似文献   

Grassland bird species have experienced substantial declines in North America. These declines have been largely attributed to habitat loss and degradation, especially from agricultural practices and intensification (the habitat-availability hypothesis). A recent analysis of North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) “grassland breeding” bird trends reported the surprising conclusion that insecticide acute toxicity was a better correlate of grassland bird declines in North America from 1980–2003 (the insecticide-acute-toxicity hypothesis) than was habitat loss through agricultural intensification. In this paper we reached the opposite conclusion. We used an alternative statistical approach with additional habitat covariates to analyze the same grassland bird trends over the same time frame. Grassland bird trends were positively associated with increases in area of Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) lands and cropland used as pasture, whereas the effect of insecticide acute toxicity on bird trends was uncertain. Our models suggested that acute insecticide risk potentially has a detrimental effect on grassland bird trends, but models representing the habitat-availability hypothesis were 1.3–21.0 times better supported than models representing the insecticide-acute-toxicity hypothesis. Based on point estimates of effect sizes, CRP area and agricultural intensification had approximately 3.6 and 1.6 times more effect on grassland bird trends than lethal insecticide risk, respectively. Our findings suggest that preserving remaining grasslands is crucial to conserving grassland bird populations. The amount of grassland that has been lost in North America since 1980 is well documented, continuing, and staggering whereas insecticide use greatly declined prior to the 1990s. Grassland birds will likely benefit from the de-intensification of agricultural practices and the interspersion of pastures, Conservation Reserve Program lands, rangelands and other grassland habitats into existing agricultural landscapes.  相似文献   

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