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Summary A stochastic genetic model for biological aging is introduced bridging the gap between the bit-string Penna model and the Pletcher-Neuhauser approach. The phenomenon of exponentially increasing mortality function at intermediate ages and its deceleration at advanced ages is reproduced for both the evolutionary steady-state population and the genetically homogeneous individuals. 相似文献
The decline in stocks of commercial fish species has been documented in several regions of the world. This decline is due partially to the effect of evolutionary pressure caused by the management of fishing activity, which reduces the size of fish after a few generations. In this paper, the population dynamics of the Pintado Pseudoplatystoma corruscans, one of the main commercial species of freshwater fish in Brazil, were simulated considering different scenarios of fishing mortality and different minimum and maximum lengths of capture. The results show that selective fishing based on the different proposed selectivity curves can result in an evolution-mediated increase in the growth rate of the fish, the biomass and the catch. This suggests that appropriate changes in Brazilian legislation can contribute to the sustainability of fisheries and to conservation of the fish stocks exploited by man. 相似文献
M. Magdoń-Maksymowicz A. Z. Maksymowicz K. Kułakowski 《Theorie in den Biowissenschaften》2000,119(2):139-144
Summary Within the Penna model, we assume a modification with a reproduction rate B that depends on the health state of the individual defined by the number of bad mutations. The idea is that biologically weaker individuals has got less chance to produce offsprings. The results obtained from simulations and for typical set of model parameters show that then the mortality rate q(a) is increasing faster with age a. The maximum age is also limited from about 50 percent of the biological maximum life-span for the standard Penna model, to about 40 percent. We also conclude that bad mutation distribution r(a) is altered so that younger individuals may accommodate significantly more bad mutations, up to 25 percent, as compared with the standard model (5 percent). In summary, it makes sense to force less productivity for older and weaker individuals. 相似文献
A class of mathematical models involving a convection-reaction partial differential equation (PDE) is introduced with reference to recovering human granulopoiesis after high dose chemotherapy with stem cell support. The stability properties of the model are addressed by means of numerical investigations and analysis. A simplified model with proliferation rate and mobilization rate independent of maturity shows that the model is stable as the maturation rate grows without bounds, but may go through stable and non-stable regimens as the maturation rate varies. It is also shown that the system is stable when parameters are chosen to approximate a real physiological situation. System characteristics do not change profoundly by introduction of a maturity-dependent proliferation and mobilization rate, as is necessary to make the model operate more in accordance with hematological observations. However, by changing the system mitotic responsiveness with respect to changes in cytokine level, the system is still stable but may show persistent oscillations much resembling clinical observations of cyclic neutropenia. Furthermore, in these cases, changes in the model feedback signal caused by, for instance, an impaired effective cytokine elimination by cell receptors may enforce these oscillations markedly. 相似文献
Approximated solution of model for three-phase fluidized bed biofilm reactor in wastewater treatment
Jeong-Woo Choi Junhong Min Won-Hong Lee Sang Baek Lee 《Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering》2000,5(1):65-70
An approximated analytical solution of mathematical model for the three phase fluidized bed bioreactor (TFBBR) was proposed using the linearization technique to describe oxygen utilization rate in wastewater treatment. The validation of the model was done in comparison with the experimental results. Satisfactory agreement was obtained in the comparison of approximated analytical solution and numerical solution in the oxygen concentration profile of a TFBBR. The approximated solutions for three modes of the liquid phase flow were compared. The proposed model was able to predict the biomass concentration, dissolved oxygen concentration the height of efficient column, and the removal efficiency. 相似文献
通过对具有哈密顿结构的修正Camassa-Holm方程的三个守恒量进行先验估计,算子谱分析,讨论了尖峰孤波解的稳定性取决于d″(c)的符号,并且给出d″(c)的具体表达式.借此给出修正Camassa-Holm方程的尖峰孤波解的稳定性与速度c有关,即c〉0,孤波解稳定,c〈0,孤波解不稳定;推广了[2]中相应的结论. 相似文献
Gallegos A Plummer T Uminsky D Vega C Wickman C Zawoiski M 《Journal of mathematical biology》2008,57(5):737-754
The crocodilia have multiple interesting characteristics that affect their population dynamics. They are among several reptile species which exhibit temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD) in which the temperature of egg incubation determines the sex of the hatchlings. Their life parameters, specifically birth and death rates, exhibit strong age-dependence. We develop delay-differential equation (DDE) models describing the evolution of a crocodilian population. In using the delay formulation, we are able to account for both the TSD and the age-dependence of the life parameters while maintaining some analytical tractability. In our single-delay model we also find an equilibrium point and prove its local asymptotic stability. We numerically solve the different models and investigate the effects of multiple delays on the age structure of the population as well as the sex ratio of the population. For all models we obtain very strong agreement with the age structure of crocodilian population data as reported in Smith and Webb (Aust. Wild. Res. 12, 541-554, 1985). We also obtain reasonable values for the sex ratio of the simulated population. 相似文献
Eiji Yanagida 《Journal of mathematical biology》1982,15(1):37-50
We consider a spatial population growth process which is described by a reaction-diffusion equation c(x)u
= (a
+f(u), c(x) >0, a(x) > 0, defined on an interval [0, 1] of the spatial variable x. First we study the stability of nonconstant stationary solutions of this equation under Neumann boundary conditions. It is shown that any nonconstant stationary solution (if it exists) is unstable if a
xx0 for all x[0, 1], and conversely ifa
xx>0 for some x[0, 1], there exists a stable nonconstant stationary solution. Next we study the stability of stationary solutions under Dirichlet boundary conditions. We consider two types of stationary solutions, i.e., a solution u
0(x) which satisfies u
x0 for all x[0, 1] (type I) and a solution u
0(x) which satisfies u
= 0 at two or more points in [0, 1] (type II). It is shown that any stationary solution of type I [type II] is stable [unstable] if a
0 [a
0] for all x[0, 1]. Conversely, there exists an unstable [a stable] stationary solution of type I [type II] if a
<0 [a
>0] for some x[0, 1]. 相似文献
We give an exact solution to the Kolmogorov equation describing genetic drift for an arbitrary number of alleles at a given locus. This is achieved by finding a change of variable which makes the equation separable, and therefore reduces the problem with an arbitrary number of alleles to the solution of a set of equations that are essentially no more complicated than that found in the two-allele case. The same change of variable also renders the Kolmogorov equation with the effect of mutations added separable, as long as the mutation matrix has equal entries in each row. Thus, this case can also be solved exactly for an arbitrary number of alleles. The general solution, which is in the form of a probability distribution, is in agreement with the previously known results. Results are also given for a wide range of other quantities of interest, such as the probabilities of extinction of various numbers of alleles, mean times to these extinctions, and the means and variances of the allele frequencies. To aid dissemination, these results are presented in two stages: first of all they are given without derivations and too much mathematical detail, and then subsequently derivations and a more technical discussion are provided. 相似文献
In the past years, soft-tissue modelling research has seen substantial developments, a significant part of which can be ascribed to the refinement of numerical techniques, such as Finite Element analysis. A large class of physico-mechanical properties can be effectively simulated and predictions can be made for a variety of phenomena. However, there is still much that can be conceptually explored by means of fundamental theoretical analysis. In the past few years, driven by our interest in articular cartilage mechanics, we have developed theoretical microstructural models for linear elasticity and permeability that accounted for the presence and arrangement of collagen fibres in cartilage. In this paper, we investigate analytically the non-linear elasticity of soft tissues with collagen fibres arranged according to a given distribution of orientation, a problem that, aside from the case of fibres aligned in a finite number of distinct directions, has been treated exclusively numerically in the literature. We show that, for the case of a tissue with complex fibre arrangement, such as articular cartilage, the theoretical framework commonly used leads to an integral expression of the elastic strain energy potential. The present model is a first attempt in the development of a unified analytical microstructural model for non-linear elasticity and permeability of hydrated, fibre-reinforced soft tissues. 相似文献
人口动力学中非线性发展方程解的爆破现象 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
讨论描述人口发展规律的一类非线性发展方程具有第三类非线性边界条件的混合问题.在已知函数满足某些假设条件下,证明了其解在有限时间内爆破. 相似文献
Many biomedical experiments require the qualitative and quantitative localization of trace elements with high sensitivity
and good spatial resolution. The feasibility of measuring the chemical form of the elements, the time course of trace element
metabolism, and conducting experiments in living biological systems are also important requirements for biological trace element
research. Nuclear analytical techniques that employ ion or photon beams have grown in importance in the past decade and have
led to several new experimental approaches. Some of the important features of these methods are reviewed here along with their
role in trace element research. Examples of their use are given to illustrate potential for new research directions. It is
emphasized that the effective application of these methods necessitates a closely integrated multidisciplinary scientific
team. 相似文献
We undertake a detailed study of the one-locus two-allele partial selfing selection model. We show that a polymorphic equilibrium can exist only in the cases of overdominance and underdominance and only for a certain range of selfing rates. Furthermore, when it exists, we show that the polymorphic equilibrium is unique. The local stability of the polymorphic equilibrium is investigated and exact analytical conditions are presented. We also carry out an analysis of local stability of the fixation states and then conclude that only overdominance can maintain polymorphism in the population. When the linear local analysis is inconclusive, a quadratic analysis is performed. For some sets of selective values, we demonstrate global convergence. Finally, we compare and discuss results under the partial selfing model and the random mating model. 相似文献
Stability and Hopf bifurcation for a prey-predator model with prey-stage structure and diffusion 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Wang M 《Mathematical biosciences》2008,212(2):149-160
In this paper, we first propose a prey-predator model with prey-stage structure and diffusion. Then we discuss the following three problems: (1) stability of non-negative constant steady states for the reduced ODE system and the corresponding reaction diffusion system with homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions; (2) Hopf bifurcation for the ODE system; (3) Hopf bifurcation created by diffusion. 相似文献
本文利用Logistic模型和稳定性理论,建立了一类生物系统竞争和排斥的数学模型,并且讨论了模型平衡点稳定的条件。 相似文献
We describe a new procedure whereby the magnitude of the dielectric dispersion of a solution of globular protein molecules can be calculated. The protein molecule is considered to have spherical symmetry and the charged residues are thought to be situated in a medium whose dielectric constant increases continuously as a function of the distance from the centre of mass. The dipole moment of the protein in the solution is made up of two parts: the intrinsic dipole moment due to the charge distribution of the protein and the dipole moment due to polarization of the medium and the ionic cloud. When the model is applied to solutions of cytochrome c it is found that polarization of the medium results in a decrease in the dielectric dispersion amplitude. The mean square dipole moment calculated with the help of this method indicates that the fluctuation of the configurations cannot be responsible for the large dispersion in the megahertz region. 相似文献
一类具有饱和发生率的SEIS模型的全局稳定性 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
建立并分析了一类具有饱和发生率、在潜伏期具有传染性的SEIS模型.得到了模型的基本再生数R_0和无病平衡点与地方病平衡点全局渐近稳定的充分条件. 相似文献