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【目的】探讨卷枝毛霉中苹果酸酶同工酶V的性质。【方法】克隆卷枝毛霉中编码苹果酸酶同工酶V的mel基因并在大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)中表达,利用His标签纯化获得了高纯度的重组酶BLME1,并进行酶学性质分析。【结果】该重组酶最适pH为8.0,最适温度为33℃,在此条件下酶活达到92.8 U/mg,对底物L-苹果酸和NADP~+的米氏常数K_m值为0.74960±0.06129 mmol/L和0.22070±0.01810 mmol/L,最大反应速度V_(max)分别为72.820±1.077 U/mg和86.110±1.665 U/mg。金属离子Mg~(2+)、Mn~(2+)、Co~(2+)、Ni~(2+)可以激活BLME1的活性,而Ca~(2+)、Cu~(2+)对BLME1活性则有抑制作用,中间代谢产物草酰乙酸和α-酮戊二酸也会抑制BLME1的活性,但琥珀酸却对BLME1有激活作用。【结论】本实验调查了卷枝毛霉苹果酸酶同工酶V的最适反应温度和pH、动力学参数,以及各种金属离子和中间代谢产物对酶活力的影响,这为以后深入研究该苹果酸酶的功能提供了理论依据和参考。  相似文献   

Summary Transformation of a Mucor circinelloides Leu strain with the plasmid pAD45, harbouring the wild-type allele (leuA+) and a chymosin gene, led to the identification of mitotically stable transformants after one to three vegetative growth cycles on non-selective medium. Southern analysis of the stable transformed strains demonstrated that the vector is integrated, as an intact molecule, into the resident Mucor leuA locus. Retransformation of Escherichia coli with genomic DNA restricted with enzymes having no or only a single recognition site within the inserted sequence did not permit isolation of plasmids or fragments carrying the leuA or chymosin gene.  相似文献   

Malic enzyme was purified 43-fold from Mucor circinelloides. The enzyme was dependent on Mg2+ or Mn2+ for activity, was not active with Dmalate and had a pH optimum at 7.8. The apparent Km values for malate and NADP+ were 488 ΜM and 41 Μm respectively. The Mr of the native enzyme was 160 kDa. Five metabolic analogues of malate: oxaloacetate, tartronic acid, 1-methylenecyclopropane trans-2,3-dicarboxyIic acid, malonic acid and glutaric acid, were found to inhibit malic enzyme activity at 10 mM. Four oleaginous fungi, Mucor circinelloides, Mortierella alpina, Mortierella elongata and Pythium ultimum, were also examined, all possessed a soluble malic enzyme, two also possessed a microsomal malic enzyme.  相似文献   

Protein kinase A from the fungus Mucor circinelloides shows high affinity interaction between regulatory (R) and catalytic (C) subunits. Its R subunit shows a differential presence of several acidic residues in linker I region, in the amino terminus. Mutants R1, lacking the N-terminal region, and R2, lacking the acidic cluster, were used to analyze its effect on the interaction with the C subunit, assessed through inhibition of catalytic activity and cAMP activation of reconstituted holoenzyme. A similar decrease in the interaction was obtained when using R1 and R2 with the homologous C subunit; however when using heterologous bovine C, only R1 had a decreased interaction. The results show the general importance of linker I region in the R-C interaction in protein kinases A and point to the importance of the acidic cluster present in the N-terminus of M. circinelloides R subunit in the high affinity interaction between R and C in this holoenzyme.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic studies of malate oxidoreductases routinely assess variation in two enzymes, malate dehydrogenase (EC and malic enzyme (NADP+) (EC By modification of the standard isozyme staining conditions for these enzymes, we have resolved a new NAD+-preferring, MgCl2-requiring malic enzyme which is indicated to be EC The enzyme was detected in 10 salmonid fish species of the generaSalmo, Salvelinus, andOnchoryhncus. Phenotypic variation indicates that the novel enzyme is tetrameric and coded by a single locus. Inheritance inS. salar follows a single-locus model and the phenotypes are unlinked to polymorphisms fors MDH-3,4* andm MEP-2*, two malate oxidoreductase loci previously shown to be variable in this species.This work was supported by a contract to E. V. from Fisheries and Oceans Canada, St. John's, Newfoundland, and a postgraduate award to W. C. J. from the Department of Education for Northern Ireland.  相似文献   

The effect of different initial acetic acid concentrations on the growth of and lipid and gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) production byMucor circinelloides CBS 203.28 was determined in a 14 litre stirred tank reactor operated in a fedbatch, pH-stat mode with acetic acid as carbon source and pH titrant. Increased acetic acid concentrations in the culture resulted in a significant increase in the crude oil content of the biomass. By contrast, all the other parameters such as the biomass concentration, GLA and oil yield on acetic acid, the GLA content of the biomass and oil, the growth rate and volumetric rate of GLA production decreased with an increase in acetic acid concentration. The best results were obtained with acetic acid at 2 g/1, which gave 39.8 mg GLA/g biomass and 15.6% GLA in the neutral lipid fraction, amounting to 340 mg GLA/1 culture. A decrease in the glyco- and phospho-lipid fractions during the cultivation coincided with an increase in the neutral lipid fraction. The GLA content of the biomass remained within rather narrow limits of 3.5% to 4% of the biomass, irrespective of the oil content of the biomass. The fatty acid profile was not greatly affected by the acetic acid concentration. The hyphae of the fungus were characterized by the accumulation of large intracellular oil droplets and some septa delimited the hyphae.  相似文献   

Malic enzyme (ME=L-malate: NADP oxidoreductase; E.C. was extracted by Triton X-100-induced resolubilization of enzyme proteins which denaturize spontaneously upon homogenization of grape berry material. The purification procedure included fractionating with (NH4)2SO4, preparative IEF, and Sephadex G-100 chromatography. ME was identified by TLC of the radioactive product after supplementing the assay mixture with [14C]malate. Cofactor dependence, pH-optimum and affinities for substrates and cosubstrates were determined. Enzymic pI was found to be 5.8, the Hill coefficients range from 1 to 3. In malate decarboxylating direction at pH 7.4, grape ME displayed positive cooperativity toward the substrate, the curve approaching normal Michaelis-Menten-kinetics at pH 7.0. Substituting Mn2+ for Mg2+ not only increased maximal turnover rates, but also enzymic affinity for malate. These features were considered indicative of the regulatory properties of the enzyme. Their relevance for grape malate metabolism and fruit ripening is discussed.Abbreviations EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid - IFF isoelectric focusing - MDH malate dehydrogenase - ME malic enzyme - OAA oxaloacetic acid - PAG polyacrylamide gel - TCA trichloroacetic acid - TLC thin layer chromatography  相似文献   

Malic enzyme 1 plays a fundamental role in lipid metabolism because it yields a significant amount of the NADPH necessary for fatty acid biosynthesis. In ruminants, however, its contribution to this biochemical process seems to be less relevant than in other livestock species. In this study, we have partially sequenced the goat ME1 gene with the aim of identifying polymorphic sites. Structural analysis of the goat ME1 amino acid partial sequence evidenced the existence of two dinucleotide-binding motifs, located at positions 158 to 163 (GLGDLG) and 301 to 306 (GAGEAA), and three amino acid residues (E245, D246 and D269) involved in the binding of Mn2+ and strongly conserved among mammalian species. Moreover, multiple sequence alignment allowed us to identify four single nucleotide polymorphisms at exons 5 (c.483C > T), 6 (c.667G > A), 9 (c.927C > T) and 11 (c.1200G > A). The effects of ME1 genotype on milk production and composition traits were investigated in a Murciano-Granadina goat population. None of the associations found reached statistical significance after applying Benjamini-Hochberg correction. At most, associations with uncorrected P-values below 0.01 were observed for C16:0, C18:1n-9t and total conjugated linoleic acids. These negative results reinforce the notion that ME1 plays an ancillary role in ruminant lipogenesis.  相似文献   

The physiological role of malic enzyme in grape ripening   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The high specificity of malic enzyme (ME; EC from grape berries (Vitis vinifera L.) for the naturally occurring l-enantiomer of malic acid, its very selective C4-decarboxylation, and certain allosteric properties, reported previously, favour the conjecture of a regulatory function of ME in fruit malic acid degradation. On the other hand, high ME activity was detected even during the acid-accumulating phase of berry development. Also, the in vitro reversibility of the reaction supports the possibility of malate formation under conditions facilitating carboxylation of pyruvate, notably high CO2/HCO 3 - and NADPH/NADP ratios. However, a very limited incorporation of 14C into malate and the uniform labeling pattern of the dicarboxylic acid after administration of [U-14C] alanine to grape berries before and after the onset of ripening, indicate that the reverse reaction does not contribute essentially to grape malate synthesis. A regulatory mechanism mediating malic acid remetabolization on the basis of cosubstrate availability, comparable to the control of the hexose monophosphate shunt, is discussed.Abbreviation ME Malic enzyme (l-malate: NADP oxidoreductase)  相似文献   

Two forms of NADP-dependent malic enzyme in expanding maize leaves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Paolo Pupillo  Patrizia Bossi 《Planta》1979,144(3):283-289
Etiolated maize leaves (Zea mays L.) contain a major isozyme of NADP-dependent malic enzyme (L-malate dehydrogenase, decarboxylating, EC having an isoelectric point of 5.28±0.03, a Km (L-malate) 0.3–0.6 mM at pH 7.45; a broad pH optimum around pH 6.9 under the conditions of assay; a molecular weight of 280,000 (sometimes accompanied by a minor component of 150,000); and an NAD-dependent activity about 1/50 the NADP-dependent activity. This isozyme, resembling the NADP-malic enzyme of vertebrates, is labeled type 1. The dominant isozyme of young green leaves (type 2) has, however, a pI 4.90±0.03, a Km (L-malate) 0.10–0.15 mM, a pH optimum of 8, and a molecular weight of 280,000. It is also more stable and exhibits an appreciable NAD-dependent activity (1/5–1/7 the NADP activity). Both isozymes show linear kinetics, dependence on Mn or Mg ions, similar Km (NADP+), and the typical increase of Km for L-malate with increasing pH values. Type 1 isozyme of maize is assumed to be cytosolic. Type 2 corresponds in each property to the chloroplast enzyme of bundle-sheath cells. It is present at a low level in etiolated leaves and develops to a high specific activity (up to 100 nmol min-1 mg protein-1 by 150 h illumination) during photosynthetic differentiation, replacing the type 1 form.Abbreviation MES 2 (N-morpholino)ethane sulfonic acid Work supported by grants from the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche for years 1975 and 1976  相似文献   

A study was made of some late reactions in the trisporic acid biosynthetic pathway in Mucor mucedo. Trisporic acids induce sexual reproduction in several Mucorales.Two enzymes involved in these reactions, a NADP-dependent dehydrogenase and an esterase, appeared to be highly specific for the minus mating type.The synthesis of these enzymes is stimulated by trisporic acids, indicating a positive control of these hormones upon their own synthesis.The dehydrogenase was histochemically shown to be concentrated in the zygophores of Mucor mucedominus. In the homothallic Zygorhynchus moelleri the copulating main branch (which is known to have a minus character) appeared to be the major site of dehydrogenase activity.  相似文献   

Despite interest in malic enzyme(ME)s in insulin cells, mitochondrial malic enzyme (ME2) has only been studied with estimates of mRNA or with mRNA knockdown. Because an mRNA’s level does not necessarily reflect the level of its cognate enzyme, we designed a simple spectrophotometric enzyme assay to measure ME2 activity of insulin cells by utilizing the distinct kinetic properties of ME2. Mitochondrial ME2 uses either NAD or NADP as a cofactor, has a high Km for malate and is allosterically activated by fumarate and inhibited by ATP. Cytosolic ME (ME1) and the other mitochondrial ME (ME3) use only NADP as a cofactor and have lower Kms for malate. The assay easily showed for the first time that substantial ME2 activity is present in pancreatic islets of humans, rats and mice and INS-1 832/13 cells. ME2’s presence was confirmed with immunoblotting. There was no evidence that ME3 is present in these tissues.  相似文献   

AIMS: To understand the modification of C4-metabolism under anaerobic glycolysis condition by overexpressing anaplerotic enzymes, which mediating carboxylation of C3 into C4 metabolites, in Escherichia coli. METHODS AND RESULTS: Anaplerotic NADP-dependent malic enzyme (MaeB), as well as the other anaplerotic enzymes, including phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (Ppc), phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (Pck) and NAD-dependent malic enzyme (MaeA), were artificially expressed and their C4 metabolism was compared in E. coli. Increasing MaeB expression enhanced the production of C4 metabolites by 2.4 times compared to the wild-type strain in anaerobic glucose medium with bicarbonate supplementation. In MaeB expression, C4 metabolism by supplementing 10 g l(-1) of NaHCO(3) was three times than that by no supplementation, which showed the greatest response to increased CO(2) availability among the tested anaplerotic enzyme expressions. CONCLUSIONS: The higher C4 metabolism was achieved in E. coli expressing increased levels of the NADPH-dependent MaeB. The greatest increase in the C4 metabolite ratio compared to the other tested enzymes were also found in E. coli with enhanced MaeB expression as CO(2) availability increased. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The higher C4 metabolites and related biomolecule productions can be accomplished by MaeB overexpression in metabolically engineered E. coli.  相似文献   

Thymidine phosphorylase (TP) catalyzes the cleavage of thymidine into thymine and 2-deoxy-α-d-ribose-1-phosphate. Elevated activity of TP prevents apoptosis, and induces angiogenesis which ultimately leads to tumor growth and metastasis. Critical role of TP in cancer progression makes it a valid target in anti-cancer research. Discovery of small molecules as TP inhibitors is vigorously pursued in cancer therapy. In the present study, we functionalized thymidine as benzoyl ester to synthesize compounds 316. In vitro evaluation of thymidine esters for their thymidine phosphorylase inhibition activity was subsequently carried out. Compounds 4, 10, 14, and 15 showed good activities with lower IC50 values than the standard, 7-deazaxanthine (IC50 = 41.0 ± 1.63 μM). Among them, compound 14 showed five folds higher activity (IC50 = 7.5 ± 0.8 μM), while 4 (IC50 = 18.5 ± 1.0 μM) and 10 (IC50 = 18.8 ± 1.2 μM) showed two folds higher activity than the standard. Compound 15 showed slightly better activity (IC50 = 33.3 ± 1.5 μM) to the standard. Potent compounds were further subjected to kinetic and molecular docking studies to identify their mode of inhibition, and to study their interactions with the protein at atomic level, respectively. All active compounds were non-cytotoxic to mouse fibroblast 3T3 cell line. These results identify thymidine esters as substrate analogue (substrate-like) inhibitors of angiogenic enzyme thymidine phosphorylase for further studies.  相似文献   

Yeast (Y) and hyphal (H) cells of Mucor rouxii and Candida albicans were cultivated in liquid media containing different carbon nutrient sources (glucose, fructose, ribose), and their free acyclic polyol and trehalose contents determined using capillary gas liquid chromatography (TMS- and OAc-derivatization). Irrespective of growth form and C-source, the fraction of the water-soluble neutral components of the cellular mass of the cultures — highly homogeneous with regard to the respective cell form produced — contained glycerol, ribitol and arabitol, in addition to trehalose. The polyols contributed 0.5–2% to the biomass of M. rouxii and 1.5–6% to that of C. albicans; the values for trehalose ranged from 0.2–11% in the former and 1–3.5% in the latter species. Mucor contained higher amounts of ribitol and arabitol in H cells and larger quantities of trehalose and glycerol in Y cells. In Candida, too, hyphae always exhibited higher ribitol contents, whereas arabitol attained higher levels in yeasts under almost any conditions — regardless of the type of medium (synthetic vs. complex), stage of culture (early vs. late log-phase) and strain used. Glycerol concentration was not correlated with the growth form; trehalose contents tended to be higher in Y cells. Taking into account the facts that C. albicans and certain Mucor species are agents of opportunistic infections and are invasive mainly in the filamentous form, and that the prospective hosts do not accumulate either of these carbohydrates, the possibility is considered of using trehalose- and polyol-metabolizing enzymes as targets for designing antifungal drugs.  相似文献   

Structural analogues of the NADP+ were studied as potential coenzymes and inhibitors for NADP+ dependent malic enzyme from Zea mays L. leaves. Results showed that 1, N6-etheno-nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate ( NADP+), 3-acetylpyridine-adenine dinucleotide phosphate (APADP+), nicotinamide-hypoxanthine dinucleotide phosphate (NHDP+) and -nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide 2: 3-cyclic monophosphate (23NADPc+) act as alternate coenzymes for the enzyme and that there is little variation in the values of the Michaelis constants and only a threefold variation in Vmax for the five nucleotides. On the other hand, thionicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide phosphate (SNADP+), 3-aminopyridine-adenine dinucleotide phosphate (AADP+), adenosine 2-monophosphate (2AMP) and adenosine 2: 3-cyclic monophosphate (23AMPc) were competitive inhibitors with respect to NADP+, while -nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide 3-phosphate (3NADP+), NAD+, adenosine 3-monophosphate (3AMP), adenosine 2: 5-cyclic monophosphate (25AMPc), 5AMP, 5ADP, 5ATP and adenosine act as non-competitive inhibitors. These results, together with results of semiempirical self-consistent field-molecular orbitals calculations, suggest that the 2-phosphate group is crucial for the nucleotide binding to the enzyme, whereas the charge density on the C4 atom of the pyridine ring is the major factor that governs the coenzyme activity.Abbreviations NADP+ 1, N6-etheno-nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate - NHDP+ nicotinamide-hypoxanthine dinucleotide phosphate - APADP+ 3-acetylpyridine-adenine dinucleotide phosphate - SNADP+ thionicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide phosphate - AADP+ 3-aminopyridine-adenine dinucleotide phosphate - 23NADPc+ -nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide 2: 3-cyclic monophosphate - 3NADP+ -nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide 3-phosphate - 2AMP adenosine 2-monophosphate - 3AMP adenosine 3-monophosphate - 23AMPc adenosine 2: 3 monophosphate cyclic - A adenosine - RuBP ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate - SCF-MO Self-Consistent Field-Molecular Orbitals (method)  相似文献   

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