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Spinach leaf mitochondrial F0F1 ATPase has been purified and is shown to consist of twelve polypeptides. Five of the polypeptides constitute the F1 part of the enzyme. The remaining polypeptides, with molecular masses of 28 kDa, 23 kDa, 18.5 kDa, 15 kDa, 10.5 kDa, 9.5 kDa and 8.5 kDa, belong to the F0 part of the enzyme. This is the first report concerning identification of the subunits of the plant mitochondrial F0. The identification of the components is achieved on the basis of the N-terminal amino acid sequence analysis and Western blot technique using monospecific antibodies against proteins characterized in other sources. The 28-kDa protein crossreacts with antibodies against the subunit of bovine heart ATPase with N-terminal Pro-Val-Pro- which corresponds to subunit F0b of Escherichia coli F0F1. Sequence analysis of the N-terminal 32 amino acids of the 23-kDa protein reveals that this protein is similar to mammalian oligomycin-sensitivity-conferring protein and corresponds to the F1 delta subunit of the chloroplast and E. coli ATPases. The 18.5-kDa protein crossreacts with antibodies against subunit 6 of the beef heart F0 and its N-terminal sequence of 14 amino acids shows a high degree of sequence similarity to the conserved regions at N-terminus of the ATPase subunits 6 from different sources. ATPase subunit 6 corresponds to subunit F0a of the E. coli enzyme. The 15-kDa protein and the 10.5-kDa protein crossreact with antibodies against F6 and the endogenous ATPase inhibitor protein of beef heart F0F1-ATPase, respectively. The 9.5-kDa protein is an N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide-binding protein corresponding to subunit F0c of the E. coli enzyme. The 8.5-kDa protein is of unknown identity. The isolated spinach mitochondrial F0F1 ATPase catalyzes oligomycin-sensitive ATPase activity of 3.5 mumol.mg-1.min-1. The enzyme catalyzes also hydrolysis of GTP (7.5 mumol.mg-1.min-1) and ITP (4.4 mumol.mg-1.min-1). Hydrolysis of ATP was stimulated fivefold in the presence of amphiphilic detergents, however the hydrolysis of other nucleotides could not be stimulated by these agents. These results show that the plant mitochondrial F0F1 ATPase complex differs in composition from the other mitochondrial, chloroplast and bacterial ATPases. The enzyme is, however, more closely related to the yeast mitochondrial ATPase and to the animal mitochondrial ATPase than to the chloroplast enzyme. The plant mitochondrial enzyme, however, exhibits catalytic properties which are characteristic for the chloroplast enzyme.  相似文献   

The topography of the subunits of the membrane sector F0 of the ATP synthase complex in the bovine mitochondrial inner membrane was studied with the help of subunit-specific antibodies raised to the F0 subunits b, d, 6, F6, A6L, OSCP (oligomycin-sensitivity-conferring protein), and N,N' -dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD)-binding proteolipid and to the ATPase inhibitor protein (IF1) as an internal control. Exposure of F0 subunits in inverted and right-side-out inner membranes was investigated by direct antibody binding as well as by susceptibility of these subunits to degradation by various proteases as monitored by gel electrophoresis of the membrane digests and immunoblotting with the subunit-specific antibodies. Results show that subunits b, d, F6, A6L (including its C-terminal end) and OSCP were exposed on the matrix side. Sufficient masses of these subunits to recognize antibodies or undergo proteolysis were not exposed on the cytosolic side. This was also the case for subunit 6 and the DCCD-binding proteolipid on either side of the inner membrane. Quantitative immunoblotting in which bound radio-activity from [125I]protein A was employed to estimate the concentration of an antigen in a sample allowed the determination of the stoichiometry of several F0 subunits and IF1 relative to F1-ATPase. Results showed that per mol of F1 there are in bovine heart mitochondria 1 mol each of d, OSCP, and IF1, and 2 mol each of b and F6. Subunit 6 and the DCCD-binding proteolipid could not be quantitated, because the former transferred poorly to nitrocellulose and the latter's antibody did not bind [125I]protein A.  相似文献   

In order to identify the subunits constituting the rat liver F0F1-ATP synthase, the complex prepared by selective extraction from the mitochondrial membranes with a detergent followed by purification on a sucrose gradient has been compared to that obtained by immunoprecipitation with an anti-F1 serum. The subunits present in both preparations that are assumed to be authentic components of the complex have been identified. The results show that the total rat liver F0F1-ATP synthase contains at least 13 different proteins, seven of which can be attributed to F0. The following F0 subunits have been identified: the subunit b (migrating as a 24 kDa band in SDS-PAGE), the oligomycin-sensitivity-conferring protein (20 kDa), and F6 (9 kDa) that have N-terminal sequences homologous to the beef-heart ones; the mtDNA encoded subunits 6 (20 kDa) and 8 (less than 7 kDa) that can be synthesized in isolated mitochondria; an additional 20 kDa protein that could be equivalent to the beef heart subunit d.  相似文献   

Over the past few years, several reports have described the presence of F0F1 ATP synthase subunits at the surface of hepatocytes, where the hydrolytic activity of F1 sector faces outside and triggers HDL endocytosis. An intriguing question is whether the ectopic enzyme has same subunit composition and molecular mass as that of the mitochondrial ATP synthase. Also due to the polar nature of hepatocytes, the enzyme may be localized to a particular cell boundary. Using different methods to prepare rat liver plasma membranes, which have been subjected to digitonin extraction, hr CN PAGE, immunoblotting, and mass spectrometry analysis, we demonstrate the presence of ecto-F0F1 complexes which have a similar molecular weight to the monomeric form of the mitochondrial complexes, containing both nuclear and mitochondrially-encoded subunits. This finding makes it unlikely that the enzyme assembles on the plasma membranes, but suggest it to be transported whole after being assembled in mitochondria by still unknown pathways. Moreover, the plasma membrane preparation enriched in basolateral proteins contains much higher amounts of complete and active F0F1 complexes, consistent with their specific function to modulate the HDL uptake on hepatocyte surface.  相似文献   

Submitochondrial particles prepared by treatment of mitochondria with ammonia and silicotungstic acid were found to be deficient in coupling factor 6 according to sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and Western blotting and had reduced ATP-Pi exchange activity. Requirement of coupling factor 6 for passive proton conductance through mitochondrial F0 was investigated by assaying the ability of depleted particles to sustain NADH-induced proton fluxes as measured by the quenching of 9-amino-6-chloro-2-methoxyacridine fluorescence. The depleted particles themselves showed negligible quenching, but the quenching increased markedly after treating the particles with oligomycin. The data show for the first time that coupling factor 6-depleted complexes have an active proton channel that can be blocked by oligomycin. Therefore, coupling factor 6 is not essential for inhibitor-sensitive proton conductance through mitochondrial F0.  相似文献   

In this review we discuss recent work from our laboratory concerning the structure and/or function of the F(0) subunits of the proton-translocating ATP synthase of Escherichia coli. For the topology of subunit a a brief discussion gives (i) a detailed picture of the C-terminal two-thirds of the protein with four transmembrane helices and the C terminus exposed to the cytoplasm and (ii) an evaluation of the controversial results obtained for the localization of the N-terminal region of subunit a including its consequences on the number of transmembrane helices. The structure of membrane-bound subunit b has been determined by circular dichroism spectroscopy to be at least 75% alpha-helical. For this purpose a method was developed, which allows the determination of the structure composition of membrane proteins in proteoliposomes. Subunit b was purified to homogeneity by preparative SDS gel electrophoresis, precipitated with acetone, and redissolved in cholate-containing buffer, thereby retaining its native conformation as shown by functional coreconstitution with an ac subcomplex. Monoclonal antibodies, which have their epitopes located within the hydrophilic loop region of subunit c, and the F(1) part are bound simultaneously to the F(0) complex without an effect on the function of F(0), indicating that not all c subunits are involved in F(1) interaction. Consequences on the coupling mechanism between ATP synthesis/hydrolysis and proton translocation are discussed.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli, a parallel homodimer of identical b subunits constitutes the peripheral stalk of F(1)F(0) ATP synthase. Although the two b subunits have long been viewed as a single functional unit, the asymmetric nature of the enzyme complex suggested that the functional roles of each b subunit should not necessarily be considered equivalent. Previous mutagenesis studies of the peripheral stalk suffered from the fact that mutations in the uncF(b) gene affected both of the b subunits. We developed a system to express and study F(1)F(0) ATP synthase complexes containing two different b subunits. Two mutations already known to inactivate the F(1)F(0) ATP synthase complex have been studied using this experimental system. An evolutionarily conserved arginine, b(Arg-36), was known to be crucial for F(1)F(0) ATP synthase function, and the last four C-terminal amino acids had been shown to be important for enzyme assembly. Experiments expressing one of the mutants with a wild type b subunit demonstrated the presence of heterodimers in F(1)F(0) ATP synthase complexes. Activity assays suggested that the heterodimeric F(1)F(0) complexes were functional. When the two defective b subunits were expressed together and in the absence of any wild type b subunit, an active F(1)F(0) ATP synthase complex was assembled. This mutual complementation between fully defective b subunits indicated that each of the two b subunits makes a unique contribution to the functions of the peripheral stalk, such that one mutant b subunit is making up for what the other is lacking.  相似文献   

Proteolytic digestion of F1-depleted submitochondrial particles (USMP), reconstitution with isolated subunits and titration with inhibitors show that the nuclear-encoded PVP protein, previously identified as an intrinsic component of bovine heart F0 (F01) (Zanotti, F. et al. (1988) FEBS Lett. 237, 9-14), is critically involved in maintaining the proper H+ translocating configuration of this sector and its correct binding to the F1 catalytic moiety. Trypsin digestion of USMP, under conditions leading to cleavage of the carboxyl region of the PVP protein and partial inhibition of transmembrane H+ translocation, results in general loss of sensitivity of this process to F0 inhibitors. This is restored by addition of the isolated PVP protein. Trypsin digestion of USMP causes also loss of oligomycin sensitivity of the catalytic activity of membrane reconstituted soluble F1, which can be restored by the combined addition of PVP and OSCP, or PVP and F6. Amino acid sequence analysis shows that, in USMP, modification by [14C] N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide of subunit c of F0 induces the formation of a dimer of this protein, which retains the 14C-labelled group. Chemical modification of cysteine-64 of subunit c results in inhibition of H+ conduction by F0. The results indicate that proton conduction in mitochondrial F0 depends on interaction of subunit c with the PVP protein.  相似文献   

Here we report a fast, simple purification for thermophilic F1F0 ATP synthase (TF1F0) that utilizes a cocktail of stabilizing reagents and the detergent n-dodecyl beta-D-maltoside to yield enzyme with an ATPase activity of 41 micromol/min/mg, 2.5-fold higher than that previously reported. ATPase activity was 80% inhibited by the F0-reactive reagent dicyclohexylcarbodiimide, indicating that F1-F0 interactions were largely intact. To measure ATP-driven proton pumping activity, purified TF1F0 was incorporated into liposomes, and the ATP-induced change in internal pH was measured using the fluorescent probe pyranine. In the presence of valinomycin, a maximum ATP-driven deltapH of 0.8 units was obtained. To measure ATP synthesis activity, TF1F0 was incorporated into liposomes with the light-dependent proton pump bacteriorhodopsin. Proteoliposomes were illuminated to generate an electrochemical gradient, after which ADP and inorganic phosphate were added to initiate ATP synthesis. A steady state ATP synthesis activity of 490 nmol/min/mg was achieved after an initial approximately 30-min lag phase.  相似文献   

Factor B and the mitochondrial ATP synthase complex.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Factor B is a subunit of the mammalian ATP synthase complex, whose existence has been controversial. This paper describes the molecular and functional properties of a recombinant human factor B, which when added to bovine submitochondrial particles depleted of their factor B restores the energy coupling activity of the ATP synthase complexes. The mature human factor B has 175 amino acids and a molecular mass of 20,341 Da. The preparation is water-soluble, monomeric, and is inactivated by monothiol- and especially dithiol-modifying reagents, probably reacting at its cysteine residues Cys-92 and Cys-94. A likely factor B gene composed of 5 exons has been identified on chromosome 14q21.3, and the functional role of factor B in the mammalian ATP synthase complex has been discussed.  相似文献   

Using the technique of blue native gel electrophoresis, the oligomeric state of the yeast mitochondrial F1F0-ATP synthase was analysed. Solubilization of mitochondrial membranes with low detergent to protein ratios led to the identification of the dimeric state of the ATP synthase. Analysis of the subunit composition of the dimer, in comparison with the monomer, revealed the presence of three additional small proteins. These dimer-specific subunits of the ATP synthase were identified as the recently described subunit e/Tim11 (Su e/Tim11), the putative subunit g homolog (Su g) and a new component termed subunit k (Su k). Although, as shown here, these three proteins are not required for the formation of enzymatically active ATP synthase, Su e/Tim11 and Su g are essential for the formation of the dimeric state. Su e/Tim11 appears to play a central role in this dimerization process. The dimer-specific subunits are associated with the membrane bound F0-sector. The F0-sector may thereby be involved in the dimerization of two monomeric F1F0-ATP synthase complexes. We speculate that the F1F0-ATP synthase of yeast, like the other complexes of oxidative phosphorylation, form supracomplexes to optimize transduction of energy and to enhance the stability of the complex in the membrane.  相似文献   

A previously isolated mutant of Salmonella typhimurium lacking hydrogen sulfide production from both thiosulfate and sulfite was shown to have a single mutation which also caused the loss of fermentative gas production and the ability to grow on nonfermentable substrates and which mapped in the vicinity of the atp chromosomal locus. The implication that F0F1 ATP synthase might be essential for H2S and fermentative gas production was explored. The phs plasmid conferring H2S production on wild-type Escherichia coli failed to confer this ability on seven of eight E. coli atp point mutants representing, collectively, the eight genes encoding the subunits of F0F1 ATP synthase. However, it did confer some thiosulfate reductase activity on all except the mutant with a lesion in the ATP synthase catalytic subunit. Localized mutagenesis of the Salmonella atp chromosomal region yielded 500 point mutants unable to reduce thiosulfate to H2S or to produce gas from glucose, but differing in the extents of their ability to grow on succinate, to perform proton translocation as measured in a fluorescence quenching assay, and to reduce sulfite to H2S. Biochemical assays showed that all mutants were completely devoid of both methyl viologen and formate-linked thiosulfate reductase and that N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide blocked thiosulfate reductase activity by the wild type, suggesting that thiosulfate reductase activity has an absolute requirement for F0F1 ATP synthase. Hydrogenase-linked formate dehydrogenase was also affected, but not as severely as thiosulfate reductase. These results imply that in addition to linking oxidation with phosphorylation, F0F1 ATP synthase plays a key role in the proton movement accompanying certain anaerobic reductions and oxidations.  相似文献   

Oligomycin sensitivity-conferring protein (OSCP) is a water-soluble subunit of bovine heart mitochondrial H(+)-ATPase (F1-F0). In order to investigate the requirement of OSCP for passive proton conductance through mitochondrial F0, OSCP-depleted membrane preparations were obtained by extracting purified F1-F0 complexes with 4.0 M urea. The residual complexes, referred to as UF0, were found to be deficient with respect to OSCP, as well as alpha, beta, and gamma subunits of F1-ATPase, but had a full complement of coupling factor 6 as judged by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and Western blotting techniques. These UF0 complexes had no intrinsic ATPase activity and were able to bind nearly the same amount of F1-ATPase in the presence of either OSCP or NH4+ ions alone, or a combination of the two. However, the preparations exhibited an absolute dependency on OSCP for conferral of oligomycin sensitivity to membrane-bound ATPase. The passive proton conductance in UF0 proteoliposomes was measured by time-resolved quenching of 9-amino-6-chloro-2-methoxyacridine or 9-aminoacridine fluorescence following a valinomycin-induced K(+)-diffusion potential. The data clearly establish that OSCP is not a necessary component of the F0 proton channel nor is its presence required for conductance blockage by the inhibitors oligomycin or dicyclohexylcarbodiimide. Furthermore, OSCP does not prevent or block passive H+ leakage. Comparisons of OSCP with the F1-F0 subunits from Escherichia coli and chloroplast lead us to suggest that mitochondrial OSCP is, both structurally and functionally, a hybrid between the beta and delta subunits of the prokaryotic systems.  相似文献   

ATP synthase is an enzyme involved in oxidative phosphorylation from prokaryotic to eukaryotic cells. In mammals it comprises at least 16 subunits from which the mitochondrial encoded ATP6 and ATP8 are essential. Mitochondrial genes variations have been suggested to allow rapid human and animal adaptation to new climates and dietary conditions (Mishmar et al. 2003). Camelidae taxa are uniquely adapted to extremely hot and dry climates of African-Asian territories and to cold and hypoxic environments of the South American Andean region. We sequenced and analyzed ATP6 and ATP8 genes in all camelid species. Based on the available structural data and evolutionary conservation of the deduced proteins we identified features proper of the group. In Old World camels the ATP8, important in the assembly of the F0 complex, showed a number of positively charged residues higher than in the other aligned species. In ATP6 we found the camelid specific substitutions Q47H and I106V that occur in sites highly conserved in other species. We speculate that these changes may have functional importance.  相似文献   

We have studied the functional effect of limited proteolysis by trypsin of the constituent subunits in the native and reconstituted F1F0 complex and isolated F1 of the bovine heart mitochondrial ATP synthase (EC Chemical cross-linking of oligomycin-sensitivity conferring protein (OSCP) with other subunits of the ATP synthase and the consequent functional effects were also investigated. The results obtained show that the alpha subunit N-terminus is essential for the correct, functional connection of F1 to F0. The alpha-subunit N-terminus contacts OSCP which, in turn, contacts the F0I-PVP(b) and the F0-d subunits. The N-terminus of subunit alpha, OSCP, a segment of subunit d and the C-terminal and central region of F0I-PVP(b) subunits are peripherally located with respect to subunits gamma and delta which are completely shielded in the F1F0 complex against trypsin digestion. This qualifies the N-terminus of subunit alpha, OSCP, subunit d and F0I-PVP(b) as components of the lateral element of the stalk. These subunits, rather than being confined at one side of the complex which would leave most of the central part of the gamma subunit uncovered, surround the gamma and the delta subunits located in the central stalk.  相似文献   

Loss of the mitochondrial protease HtrA2 (Omi) in mice leads to mitochondrial dysfunction, neurodegeneration and premature death, but the mechanism underlying this pathology remains unclear. Using primary cultures from wild-type and HtrA2-knockout mice, we find that HtrA2 deficiency significantly reduces mitochondrial membrane potential in a range of cell types. This depolarisation was found to result from mitochondrial uncoupling, as mitochondrial respiration was increased in HtrA2-deficient cells and respiratory control ratio was dramatically reduced. HtrA2-knockout cells exhibit increased proton translocation through the ATP synthase, in combination with decreased ATP production and truncation of the F1 α-subunit, suggesting the ATP synthase as the source of the proton leak. Uncoupling in the HtrA2-deficient mice is accompanied by altered breathing pattern and, on a cellular level, ATP depletion and vulnerability to chemical ischaemia. We propose that this vulnerability may ultimately cause the neurodegeneration observed in these mice.  相似文献   

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