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Another juvenile specimen of the small carnivoranMiacis?kessleri Springhorn 1982 from the lower Middle Eocene oilshales (MP 11) of Messel near Darmstadt (South Hesse, Germany) is described. The nearly complete skeleton displays characteristics in dentition, skull, and limbs showing additional anatomical details and suggesting a taxonomic revision. Especially the assumption that there exist two molars only in the lower and upper jaw, as well as the trenchant talonid of the lower carnassial contradict the allocation to the genusMiacis. The species consequently is assigned to a new genusMesselogale. The higher taxonomic status of miacids in relation to the system of Carnivora is discussed.Messelogale kessleri shows basicranial characters, which indicate a classification within the Caniformia. On the other hand the loss of M3 suggests a relationship to the Feliformia. The species has an almost completely reduced (cf. holotype) or moderately well-developed dP3-Parastyl (this specimen), but it is not as enlarged as in primitive Feliformia, nor as reduced as in some Caniformia. Moreover, a calcaneal fibular facet cannot be excluded. Both attributes are representing the primitive morphology of the species. That does not ally the species with the Feliformia, but makes it, according toFlynn &; Galiano (1982), a very primitive Caniformia.  相似文献   

The cricetids are one of the dominating groups of the rodent fauna of Maramena. Among the three described cricetids:Kowalskia browni n. sp.,Allocricetus cf.ehiki andHypsocricetus strimonis n. g. n. sp. two are new.K. browni represents a stage of evolution betweenK. skofleki andK. magna. This gives support to the supposed stratigraphie position (Late Turolian, MN 13) of the Maramena fauna.  相似文献   

A fauna composed mostly of small mammals was recently recovered from the Late Pleistocene archaeological excavation site at Kettig in the Neuwied Basin. Nine genera with 13 species could be identified, including Soricidae, Talpidae, Vespertilionidae, Mustelidae, Arvicolinae, Murinae, and Cricetinae. The ecological preferences of the species range from dry cool to humid cool to warm conditions. Most abundant are species indicative of a warm climate. In the Neuwied Basin the Kettig site yielded the most completely documented small mammal fauna for the Alleröd age. Based on the fossil content of Kettig, an overview of the mammalian fauna of central and southern Germany immediately predating the deposition of the Laacher See tephra is given.  相似文献   

From the Upper Paleocene/Lowermost Eocene Fur Formation (Moler) of NW Jutland, Denmark, a dipteran larva (fourth instar) is described. On grounds of its morphology and dimensions the specimen can be assigned to the family Chironomidae (non-biting midges). Owing to the mode of development of this family in aquatic habitats, a transport of the larva by wind or active flight to its place of burial can be excluded. Instead, the larva could have been a leftover of a fish meal or transported by currents. The specimen is the first representative of chironomids in the Fur Formation and, additionally, the first wingless stage described from these deposits.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Zusammenfassend läßt sich die Epiphytenvegetation der Mooswälder im Vergleich mit der anderer südwestdeutscher Waldgebiete durch folgende Züge charakterisieren: Es fehlen dem Gebiet die typisch montanen Unionen Parmelietum furfuraceaeHil. und Nephrometum laevigati (Hil.)Barkm.; keine einzige der nebeldbedürftigenUsnea- oderAlectoria-Arten ließ sich auffinden; auch Bandflechten sind kaum entwickelt. Positiv kennzeichnend sind dagegen die besonders reiche Entfaltung des Opegraphetum herpeticae, das Vorkommen eines wenigstens fragmentarischen Arthopyrenietum gemmatae, Häufigkeit des Phlyctido-Sulcatetum in derParmelia caperata-Form im Kronenraum und der Mittelwald-Synusien Arthonietum impolitae und Opegraphetum fuscellae.
Summary There is given a synopsis of the epiphytic communities of woodland on moist ground in the subatlantic-submediterranean climate of the Upper Rhine Valley. On oldQuercus robur one finds a complex of Anomodonto-Isothecietum at the base, Arthonietum impolitae, Opegraphetum fuscellae and Antitrichietum curtipendulae on the lower and middle trunk and on the upper parts the Phlyctido-Sulcatetum.Carpinus betulus is covered with the Pyrenuletum nitidae. OnFraxinus excelsior one can find the Opegraphetum viridis and Opegraphetum herpeticae as pioneer synusiae, on rough bark they are succeeded by a fragmentary Arthopyrenietum gemmatae, later on Phlyctido-Sulcatetum and Antitrichietum. The factors, which are determinating the distribution of the communities are discussed.

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