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While there is agreement that both habitat quality and habitat network characteristics (such as patch size and isolation) contribute to the occupancy of patches by any given species, the relative importance of these factors is under debate. This issue is of fundamental ecological importance, and moreover of special concern for conservation biologists aiming at preserving endangered species. Against this background we investigated patch occupancy in the violet copper Lycaena helle, one of the rarest butterfly species in Central Europe, in the Westerwald area (Rhineland-Palatinate, Western Germany). Occupied (n = 102) differed from vacant (n = 128) patches in altitude, size, connectivity, availability of wind shelter, in the abundance of the larval host-plant, in the abundance of a grass species indicating favorable habitat conditions and in the abundance of nitrophilous plants. Overall, patch occupancy was primarily determined by patch size, connectivity and the abundance of the larval host plant, while all other parameters of habitat quality were of subordinate importance. Therefore, our findings suggest that even for extremely sedentary species such as L. helle habitat networks are decisive and—next to the preservation of habitat quality—need to be an integral part of any conservation management for this species.  相似文献   

Age structure, educational level and economic situation of farmers living in Shennongjia National Nature Reserve, Central China, were analyzed. Results showed that the population will increase steadily in the future and that the educational level is very low on the whole. Among people above the school entrance age (seven years old), only 36% had the opportunity to receive highschool education and those who received college education occupied just about 1%. The income of the local farmers was far below the national average number, which was only 1044.4 RMB (RMB: Chinese Currency, 8.3 RMB=1 US$) per capita in 2001, which is only 44.1% of farmers’ or 15.1% of citizens’ nationwide. Some measures, such as developing featured economies and popularizing effective energy utilization methods, have been proved as successful ways for income growth and environment protection. To cope with the conflicts between community economy development and biodiversity conservation, effective mechanisms, such as Public Compensation, and Community Co-management should be introduced. Sharing favorable policies and reasonably taking advantage of natural resources, the goal of sustainable development of local community economy can be achieved along with the biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

Using gillnets and trap nets, we examined the spatial distribution, diel movements, and environmental tolerances of pygmy whitefish, Prosopium coulterii, in a small boreal lake in north-central British Columbia. Most gillnets were set below the thermocline but we also fished a shore net in the littoral zone. During the ice-free season (May to November) there was a strong diel onshore–offshore movement: during the day pygmy whitefish were offshore and below the thermocline (water temperatures of 4–6°C) but at night they were inshore and above the thermocline (water temperatures of 12–18°C). This onshore–offshore movement occurred close to the bottom and, regardless of where they were caught, most fish were <4 m off the bottom. Oxygen concentrations in most of the hypolimnion dropped to <5.0 mg l−1 in June and by late August to <1.0 mg l−1; indicating pygmy whitefish can tolerate low oxygen conditions. The catch of pygmy whitefish in gillnets set below the thermocline was highly skewed: 53% of the nets were empty, 37% caught 18 or less fish, and 10% caught 70% of the total catch (742 fish). Trap nets produced similarly skewed results: most trap net sets caught no pygmy whitefish but one set caught over 2,000 individuals. Our catch data suggest that in Dina Lake #1 some pygmy whitefish aggregate.  相似文献   

This paper presents a method for the design of a habitat network in a fragmented landscape. It employs metapopulation dynamics and connectivity to develop spatial rules which, together with the requirements of a target species, can be used to guide the creation of a network to improve population persistence. Using these guidelines, two conservation strategies of patch enlargement and corridor creation are developed. The spatial models used to produce the habitat network are described. The resulting maps show the network consisting of the source patches that could be occupied by stable populations and a number of patches, which could support viable local populations, situated in the proximity of the sources or linked to them. The approach could be used to inform decision-making in nature conservation and landscape planning.  相似文献   

1. Spatial scale may influence the interpretation of environmental gradients that underlie classification and ordination analyses of lotic macroinvertebrate communities. This could have important consequences for the spatial scale over which predictive models derived from these multivariate analyses can be applied. 2. Macroinvertebrate community data (identified to genus or species) from edge and main-channel habitats were obtained for sites on rivers from 25 of the 29 drainage basins in Victoria. Trends in community similarity were analysed by carrying out separate multivariate analyses on data from the edge habitats (199 sites) and the main-channel habitats (163 sites). 3. Hierarchical classification (UPGMA) showed that the edge data could be placed into 11 site groups and the main-channel data into 12 site groups. 4. Ordination analysis (hybrid multidimensional scaling) showed no sharp disjunctions between site groups in either habitat; overlap was frequent. Correlation of the ordination patterns with environmental variables showed that edge communities varied longitudinally within a drainage basin and from the east to the west of Victoria. These two trends were superimposed on one another to form a single gradient on the ordination. The taxon richness of edge communities was also related to the species richness of macrophytes at a site. Main-channel communities also displayed a longitudinal and a geographic gradient, but these two gradients were uncorrelated on the ordination. 5. Community similarity only weakly reflected geographic proximity in either habitat. A preliminary subdivision of Victoria into a series of biogeographic regions did not match the pattern of distribution of site groups for the edge habitat, illustrating the difficulties of applying to lotic communities a priori regionalizations based on terrestrial features of the landscape. 6. The longitudinal gradients in the two data sets were commonly observed in data gathered at smaller spatial scales in Victoria. The other gradients (geographic, macrophyte), however, were either not consistently repeated or not evident at smaller spatial scales. At small spatial scales (i.e. within a single drainage basin) gradients were related to variables that varied over restricted ranges, e.g. mean particle size of the substratum. 7. Species richness was very variable when plotted against river slope or distance of site from source; both of these are measures of position on the longitudinal gradients. In contrast to suggestions in the literature, species richness did not show a unimodal trend on these gradients, or any other trend. 8. Environmental gradients (apart from longitudinal gradients) that underlie predictive models of macroinvertebrate distribution are reflections of the spatial scale on which the model has been constructed and cannot be extrapolated to different scales. Models must be suited to the spatial scale over which predictions are required.  相似文献   

The distribution of tropical plant and animal diversity is still poorly documented, especially at spatial resolutions of practical use for conservation. In the present study, we evaluated the level to which geographical incomplete data availability of species occurrence affects the perception of biodiversity patterns (species richness and endemism) among pteridophytes in Bolivia. We used a data base of Bolivian pteridophytes (27,501 records), divided it into three time periods (1900–70, up to 1990 and up to 2006), and created grid-files at 15'-resolution for species richness and endemism. For each of these biodiversity properties we estimated the species richness (Chao 2) and the index of sampling completeness (C index) per grid, and then all these variables at both species richness and endemism were correlated. Patterns of richness were fairly consistent along all periods; the richest areas were placed along the humid-montane forest, even though they were strongly influenced by collecting intensity. Endemism had a lower degree of correlation with collecting intensity, but varied much more strongly through time than species richness. According to the C index, which gives the ratio between estimated (by Chao 2) and recorded values of species richness and endemism, both biodiversity properties tended to be undersampled in the richest grid cells. Inter-temporal correlations showed sharper differences of correlations for endemism than species richness. Consequently, already in 1970, botanists had a correct idea of the spatial distribution of pteridophyte richness in Bolivia (even though the magnitude was grossly underestimated). In contrast, patterns of endemism, which are of high conservation importance, may not even today be reliably known.  相似文献   

The Parvidrilidae Erséus, 1999 constitute the most recently described family of oligochaete microdriles. Prior to this study, Parvidrilus strayeri Erséus, 1999, and Parvidrilus spelaeus Martínez‐Ansemil, Sambugar & Giani, 2002, found in groundwaters of the USA (Alabama) and Europe (Slovenia and Italy), respectively, were the only two species in this family. In this paper, six new species – Parvidrilus camachoi , Parvidrilus gianii , Parvidrilus jugeti , Parvidrilus meyssonnieri , Parvidrilus stochi , and Parvidrilus tomasini – and Parvidrilus gineti (Juget, 1959) comb. nov. are added to the family. With all species being stygobiont, the Parvidrilidae is unique in being the only family of oligochaetes worldwide comprising taxa that are restricted to groundwater habitats. Parvidrilids are exceedingly small worms whose principal morphological characteristics are the presence of hair setae in ventral bundles, the markedly posterior position of setae within the segments, the presence of mid‐dorsal glandular pouches in mesosomial segments, the lateral development of the clitellum, the presence of a single male pore in segment XII, and the presence (or absence) of a single spermatheca. The phylogenetic relationships of the Parvidrilidae within the Clitellata were investigated using the nuclear 18S rRNA gene, and the most representative and taxonomically balanced data set of clitellate families available to date. The data were analysed by parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian inference. Irrespective of the method used, Parvidrilidae were placed far from Capilloventridae, one family once suggested to be closely related to parvidrilids. Although closer to Enchytraeidae than Phreodrilidae, two other suggested putative sister families, the exact position of Parvidrilidae within Clitellata still remained uncertain in the absence of branch support. The examination of reproductive structures, together with the similarity of other important anatomical traits of the new species herein described, reinforced the idea that phreodrilids were the best candidate to be the sister group to parvidrilids on morphological grounds. A fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I gene, used as a barcode, also genetically characterized a few Parvidrilus species. The observation that two species diverge from each other by high genetic distances, even though their type localities are more or less only 100 km apart, is interpreted in the context of low dispersal abilities of inhabitants of the subterranean aquatic ecosystem, and habitat heterogeneity. The Parvidrilidae appear to be a diversified, Holarctic, and probably widely distributed family in groundwater, but very often overlooked because of the small size and external similarity with the polychaete family Aeolosomatidae of its members. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 166 , 530–558.  相似文献   

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