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An immunological survey of C3, C4 and C3-C4-intermediate Flaveria species showed that subunit III (PsaF) of the photosystem I reaction center (PSI-RC) is present in all these species. This was confirmed by the isolation of the gene encoding the PSI-RC subunit III (PsaF) from Flaveria trinervia, the first psaF gene to be isolated from a C4 plant. The deduced amino acid sequence showed a high degree of similarity to the corresponding protein of spinach which is a C3 species. A region of 17 hydrophobic amino acids in the C-terminal part of the F. trinervia protein was found to be especially conserved in all PsaF proteins studied so far (cyanobacteria and Chlamydomonas).Abbreviations PSI-RC Photosystem I reaction center - cTPs chloroplast-targeted-proteins - chl chlorophyll - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate  相似文献   

维生素C和酸应激对中华鳖幼鳖血清补体C3和C4含量的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
为研究维生素C对中华鳖(Pelodiscus sinensis)血清补体C3和C4的影响及其在酸应激条件下的变化,我们设置了6个实验组,饵料中维生素C的添加量依次为0、250、500、2500、5000和10000mg/kg,喂食4周后取其血清,用透射比浊法测定酸应激前后中华鳖血清补体C3和C4的含量。结果表明,维生素C添加量为250mg/kg时,血清补体C3的含量与对照组间没有明显不同;维生素C添加量为500、2500、5000和10000mg/kg的4组,血清补体C3的含量明显高于对照组和维生素C添加量为250mg/kg组;维生素C添加量为500mg/kg的一组,血清补体CA含量明显高于其它5组;维生素C添加量为250mg/kg组明显高于10000mg/kg组。酸应激后,补体C3的含量没有明显下降,将维生素C添加量为0、250和500mg/kg的三组并为一组处理,则应激后有明显下降。维生素C添加量为0、250和500mg/kg的3组,血清补体CA的含量在酸应激后明显下降,而维生素C添加量为2500、5000和10000mg/kg的3组,应激后血清补体C4没有明显变化。维生素C和酸应激对中华鳖血清补体C3和CA含量的影响没有交互作用。这说明,维生素C在一定剂量范围内,能提高中华鳖血清补体C3和CA的水平,酸应激能导致其含量降低,而高剂量的维生素C对其下降有颉颃作用[动物学报49(6):769~774,2003]。  相似文献   

Summary We previously demonstrated that regulated antisense RNA technology enables us to validate and identify the mode of action for some antibiotics. In this study, we have expanded the application of the regulated antisense approach to track the mode of action for a novel inhibitor of polypeptide deformylase (Pdf), which is an attractive target for the development of novel classes of antibacterial agents. We created a pdf antisense isogenic strain in Staphylococcus aureus using a TetR-regulated expression system. We demonstrated that the partial inhibition of pdf expression significantly increased the susceptibility of S. aureus to Pdf-specific inhibitor. This result provides further evidence that the TetR-regulated antisense technology is a robust tool for tracking the mode of action of novel antibacterial agents.  相似文献   

黄芪和酸应激对中华鳖幼鳖血清补体C3和C4含量的影响   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
首次探讨了黄芪和酸应激对中华鳖(Pelodiscus sinensis)幼鳖血清补体C3和C4含量的影响。实验设对照组和实验组,实验组在饵料中按5%添加黄芪原料粉。持续饲喂中华鳖幼鳖4周后取一半样,其余作酸处理24h后再取样,测定补体C3和C4的含量。结果表明,黄芪对补体C3和C4的合成有明显的促进作用;酸应激可导致血清补体C3和C4的含量下降,而黄芪能抵抗酸应激所致的下降。提示黄芪具有抗酸应激的作用。  相似文献   

为探讨维生素E(VE)对中华鳖(Pelodiscus sinensis)幼鳖血清补体C3和C4的影响及补体在酸应激下的变化,在6组(对照组,实验Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ和Ⅴ组)幼鳖的饵料中依次添加0、50、250、500、1000和5000mg/kg的VE,喂食4周,每组取半数幼鳖经酸应激处理24h。取幼鳖血清,用透射比浊法测定血清补体C3和C4的含量。经和未经酸应激的实验Ⅱ、Ⅲ和Ⅳ组幼鳖血清补体C3的含量均明显高于对照组,实验Ⅰ和Ⅱ组C4含量也明显高于对照组;经酸应激的幼鳖与未经酸应激的比较,对照组和实验Ⅰ组C3和C4的含量显著下降,其余4组没有变化。分析说明,VE在一定剂量范围内能促进血清补体C3和C4的合成,酸应激能导致其下降;而高剂量的VE对酸应激导致的不利影响有拮抗作用。  相似文献   

Introduction of a constitutive antisense full-length chalcone synthase (CHS) cDNA gene in petunia can result in an inhibition of flower pigmentation. We have evaluated some of the factors which may be important for the effectiveness of an antisense CHS gene.Antisense CHS genes encoding half-length or quarter-length RNA complementary to the 3 half of CHS mRNA are able to affect flower pigmentation, while a gene encoding RNA complementary to the 5 half of CHS mRNA did not show phenotypic effects in transgenic petunia plants. We demonstrate that the RNA encoded by the latter gene has a much lower average steady-state level in leaf tissue than the RNAs encoded by the other antisense gene constructs. We have compared the CaMV 35S and endogenous CHS promoter strengths and intrinsic stabilities of sense and antisense CHS RNAs. From the data we conclude that the constitutive antisense CHS genes are not likely to provide an excess of antisense RNA compared to the CHS mRNA derived from the endogenous genes.Effective inhibition of flower pigmentation is also observed when the antisense CHS gene is under control of the homologous CHS promoter. The results indicate that the mechanism of antisense inhibition cannot solely operate via RNA duplex formation between sense and antisense RNA.  相似文献   

A zero erucic acid (C22:1) line of Brassica juncea (VH486), adapted to the agronomic conditions of Northern India, has been modified for its fatty acid composition in the seed oil with antisense constructs using the sequence of fad2 gene of B. rapa. The full-length B. rapa fad2 cDNA sequence was determined by 5 and 3 RACE of a partial sequence available in the EST database. Construct pASfad2.1 contained 315 to 1251 bp and construct pASfad2.2 contained 1 to 1251 bp fragment of the fad2 gene, both in antisense orientation, driven by a truncated napin promoter. Analysis of the levels of linoleic acid (C18:2) in the BC1 seeds of single-copy transgenics showed that the construct pASfad2.2 gave better suppression of the fad2 gene as compared to the construct pASfad2.1. The BC1 transgenic seeds containing the pASfad2.2 construct segregated into two distinct classes of C18:2>20% (putative null homozygotes) and C18:2<20% (putative heterozygotes) in a 1:1 ratio, while the T1 seeds segregated into three classes, C18:2>20%, C18:2 between 12% and 20%) and C18:2<12% (putative homozygotes) in a 1:2:1 ratio. Putative homozygous T1 seeds (C18:2<12% analyzed by the half-seed method) of four of the transgenic lines were grown to establish T2 homozygous lines. These had ca. 73% C18:1 and 8 to 9% each of C18:2 and C18:3 (-linolenic acid) fractions in comparison to ca. 53% C18:1, 24% C18:2 and 16% C18:3 in the parental line VH486.  相似文献   

Group A streptococcus (GAS) is the most common pathogen causing bacterial pharyngitis. We isolated streptococcal strains from tonsils removed from patients with tonsillar disease (n=202) and studied their ability to bind the complement regulators factor H (FH) and C4b binding protein (C4BP) using 125 I-labeled proteins. Blood isolates of GAS (n=10) were obtained from patients with bacteraemia. Streptococci were isolated from 21% of the tonsillitis patients. The emm and T types of the GAS strains were determined. Of the 26 GAS strains studied, only six could bind FH and/or C4BP above the threshold levels. The fraction of the offered radioactive protein bound ranged between 6-12% for FH and 19-56% for C4BP. The clinical course of the tonsillar disease was not related to the binding of FH or C4BP by GAS. The binding strains were mostly of the T4M4 or T28M28 type. From the invasive strains (n=10), three bound FH (binding level: 8-11%) and two C4BP (36-39%). The binding correlated only partially to M-protein (emm) type suggesting that the binding was not exclusively due to M-protein. The results indicate that complement regulator binding by GAS is only partially related to pathogenicity and not a universal property of all group A streptococci.  相似文献   

Assessment of complement 4 (C4) levels in experimental animals is used as a marker for activation of the classical complement pathway. The objective of this study was to develop a method for measuring C4 concentrations in the rat brain. An ELISA (sensitivity = 0.5 ng C4/ml) was used to measure C4 in regional brain homogenates from Fischer rats cardiac-perfused with phosphate buffered saline to remove cerebrovascular contents, and from sham-perfused rats. Ventral midbrain C4 levels were increased (p < 0.001) versus frontal cortex and striatum in sham-perfused rats, whereas after perfusion there were no differences between brain regions. Removal of cerebrovascular contents decreased C4 by 43% in striatum, 52% in frontal cortex, and 69% in ventral midbrain (all p < 0.01 versus sham-perfused means). These results indicate that C4 in the rat brain can be measured quantitatively by ELISA provided that cerebrovascular proteins are removed by perfusion.  相似文献   

To clarify the evolutionary origin of the linkage of the MHC class III complement genes with the MHC class I and II genes, we isolated C4 cDNA from the banded hound shark (Triakis scyllium). Upon phylogenetic tree analysis, shark C4 formed a well-supported cluster with C4 of higher vertebrates, indicating that the C3/C4 gene duplication predated the divergence of cartilaginous fish from the main line of vertebrate evolution. The deduced amino acid sequence predicted the typical C4 three-subunits chain structure, but without the histidine residue catalytic for the thioester bond, suggesting the human C4A-like specificity. The linkage analysis of the complement genes, one C4 and two factor B (Bf) genes, to the shark MHC was performed using 56 siblings from two typing panels of T. scyllium and Ginglymostoma cirratum. The C4 and one of two Bf genes showed a perfect cosegregation with the class I and II genes, whereas two recombinants were identified for the other Bf gene. These results indicate that the linkage between the complement C4 and Bf genes, as well as the linkage between these complement genes and the MHC class I and II genes were established before the emergence of cartilaginous fish >460 million years ago.  相似文献   

Summary A two-component sensor-regulator system has been identified in the purple photosynthetic bacterium Rhodobacter capsulatus, which controls the expression of high-affinity C4-dicarboxylate transport activity in these cells. Nucleotide sequencing has revealed the existence of two genes, dctS and dctR, which together form an operon linked to, but divergently transcribed from, the previously identified dctP gene, which encodes the periplasmic binding protein of the transport system. The DctS protein is predicted to be a membrane-bound sensor-kinase with two potential membrane-spanning sequences in the N-terminal region. DctR was found to have sequence similarity throughout its entire length with proteins in the FixJ subfamily of response-regulators, especially to FixJ itself (42% identical residues). Insertional inactivation of the dctS and dctR genes resulted in the inability of the resulting mutants to grow on or transport malate, succinate or fumarate under aerobic conditions in the dark, and such mutants did not express the DctP protein. The mutants were complemented in trans by plasmids containing intact copies of the dctS and dctR genes.  相似文献   

Complement inhibition is to a large extent achieved by proteolytic degradation of activated complement factors C3b and C4b by factor I (FI). This reaction requires a cofactor protein that binds C3b/C4b. We found that the cofactor activity of C4b-binding protein towards C4b/C3b and factor H towards C3b increase at micromolar concentrations of Zn(2+) and are abolished at 2 mM Zn(2+) and above. 65Zn(2+) bound to C3b and C4b molecules but not the cofactors or FI when they were immobilized in a native form on a nitrocellulose membrane. Zn(2+) binding constants for C3met (0.2 microM) and C4met (0.1 microM) were determined using fluorescent chelator. It appears that higher cofactor activity at low zinc concentrations is due to an increase of affinity between C4b/C3b and cofactor proteins as assessed by surface plasmon resonance. Inhibition of the reaction seen at higher concentrations is due to aggregation of C4b/C3b.  相似文献   

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